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Prof. Dr. N. S. Murthy


Prof. N. S. Murthy with doctorates in Vaasthu, Medical Astrology and Alternative Medicine, has received innumerable awards such as Vaasthu Brahmarishi, Jyotisha Jyanacharya, Jyotisha Maha Mohapadhyaya, Man of the Year 2009, Vaasthu Diggaja, Great Astrologer of Asia 2008, Jyotisha Vidya Vachaspathi, Man of the Year 2007, Jyotisha Shastra Bruhaspathi, Vaasthu Jnana Vishwakarma, Jyotisha Padmashree, Vaasthu Gnana Brahma, Jyotisha Visharada, Vaasthu Shilpa Praveena, Jyotisha Guru, Vaasthu Nidhi, Jyotisha Kalamani, Vaasthu Alankara, Jyotisha Samrat. He is the Secretary of Astro Science & Heritage Research Council, South Zone, Karnataka.

The 12th house of any horoscope is called Vyayasthana

It is the house of loss, decline, isolation, liberation, Moksha (final emancipation) & life after death. It is also the house of detachment. 12th house follows the house of Labha (11th Bhava). Ketu is popularly known as the karaka for 12th house as this is the house of Moksha

In another school of thought, Shani is also considered the karaka for 12th house.

12th House indicates

• Expenditure, Journeys

• Life in foreign land on duty, government appointments

• Sound sleep

• Real happiness including conjugal

• Gifts, shipping

• Imprisonment, assault by thieves, secret enemies

• Sorrow, misfortunes, misery

• House of self-undoing, true occultism

• Divine Knowledge

Sun in 12th House

• Develops eye trouble, strange sickness, flatulence at the age of 36

• Victor in war and success in everything the native lays hands on, success in obscure or unpopular occupation

• Has self-control

• Free from physical pain, physically deformed

• Trouble from uncle who may meet danger in journey

• Unexpected loss of wealth on the way

• Mercurial temperament

• Scared of the king and thieves, anti-social and irreligious

• A wanderer, foolish, sexy, debauch, bird killer, cruel, weak and ugly

• Barren spouse

• Hostile towards father

• Early life is unfortunate and obscure but latter life is full of success through own efforts

Sun Combinations in 12th House

If this Sun conjoins a malefic then wasteful expenditure leads to poverty, life in places far from birth.

Strong lord of the 12th house gives occult / psychic powers & pleasure from spouse. If the lord of the 6th joins then the native suffers from leprosy. But if Sun is well aspected or conjoins benefic then the native escapes from it but is depraved & suffers from various physical ailments.

If Sun is afflicted then it indicates imprisonment, is eccentric with uncommon tastes and inclinations.

If Sun is afflicted by Mars or Saturn then life will be full of sorrow and suffering.

If Sun is well aspected by Jupiter or Saturn then the native will be capable of self- sacrifice and endurance.

If Sun is in Aries, Leo or Sagittarius then it makes the native miserly, unscrupulous, proud, unfortunate, trouble through persons in authority & death of loved ones.

If Sun is in Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn then the native gives value to ends, has endurance, reputation, independent, money minded & rational. It also indicates occult & psychic tendencies, gain through secret enemies but misfortune in marriage and love affairs.

If Sun is in Gemini, Libra or Aquarius then the native is extravagant, reputed in own society, misfortunes through relatives & from travel, separation & ill-health.

Sun in Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces makes the native carefree, political confinement, philanthropic, warrior, spiritualism, love for occult readings, long journey & a tragic end.

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