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Prof. Dr. Rudra Prasanna Mohapatra


Dr Rudra Prasanna Mohapatra is an astrological consultant practicing for last 5 years. He is a Ph. D. (Vidya Vachaspati) Scholar in Astrology (Medical Astrology) at Shree Maharshi College of Vedic Astrology, Udaipur, Rajasthan, and an honorary Professor, Ph.D. and D.Litt. from Prixton University, Florida, USA. He is also a registered member to All India Federation of Astrologers, Societies (AIFAS) and International Society For Astrological Research (ISAR). His interest is in the study of Rudraksh and that’s why he works under the title of “Rudraksh Jyotish.” In July 2020, he was conferred with honorary title of “GURU” by Prixton Church and University, Germany

Ekavakram Tu Rudraksham Paratattvasvaroopakam I Taddhahranaatpare Tattve Leeyate Vijitendriyaha II

The One-faced Rudraksha represents the Supreme Reality. Wearing it, one can completely control the sense and eventually merges in the Supreme Reality.

The Rudraksha Jabal Upanisad

AUM NAMO BHAGAVATE RUDRAAYA. One-faced Rudraksha is the least seen and worn Rudraksha. The biggest myth associated with it is that it is round shaped bead and extremely rare. Hence, to get a round shaped one-faced Rudraksha it may take a lot of years. The fact is no round shaped one-faced Rudraksha is found till date. Those round-shaped onefaced Rudraksha are the manipulated beads or artificial beads. A five faced Rudraksha can be turned into a round shaped one-faced Rudraksha after closing all its furrows of faces. However, an overt view of this Rudraksha shall exactly be pentagonal, not round. The Kaju Dana (Cashew Nut) or Ardha Chandrakaar (HalfMoon Shaped) Rudraksha, found in Haridwar and Rameswaram of India, are also said to be one-faced Rudraksha (Elaeocarpus tuberculatus Roxb). They are not even Rudraksha as they are not from the tree of Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb. They are said to be Bhadraaksh (no natural hole) with no properties of Rudraksha. These beads, however, have some medicinal properties; but lack any frequency which can affect the Chakra of the wearer. The most common one-faced Rudraksha found in the world are the Indonesian varieties. They are half-elliptical, oval, and small. Spiritual masters imply it with the shape of Shiva Netra. In Indonesia, it is also known as “Jinetra”. The same variety of Nepal are rarely found. The Nepal varieties are a little bit larger than the Indonesian varieties. It is a rumour that the Indonesian varieties shall not work like the Nepal varieties. In fact, Indonesian varieties have the same frequencies like those of Nepal varieties and the wearer of both the varieties have got the same results. The only difference is Nepal varieties works quicker than the Indonesian varieties. Both in astrology and spirituality, when anybody wears a Nepal variety it shall take maximum one week to act upon the wearer while the Indonesian varieties may take two weeks (double the time). If a higher faced Nepal Rudraksha like sixteen faced Rudraksha would take 2-3 days to have any impact, the same Rudraksha of Indonesian variety shall take one week (double the time) to have its impact on the wearer. Besides, the cost of the Indonesian variety is much lesser than the Nepal variety. Anybody can also wear these varieties in a mixed form to get the best benefits with affordable costs. Normally, one-faced Rudraksha is found in the older Rudraksha trees which are capable of delivering many rare and higher faced Rudraksha. In case of Nepal’s one-faced Rudraksha, as it is a little bigger, few textures are found. Often these textures are compared with Shiv ling, Serpent, Trident (Trisula). Even if these textures, appear like this, these textures have no additional impact on the wearer. In his coffeetable book “Rudraksha: The Mystic Seed” (2010), K.T. Subhakaran has given many Rudrakshas with such textures of various Gods and Goddesses of Hindu mythology. It is also advised by many to worship onefaced Rudraksha by keeping it in puja place. Eventually, no Rudraksha can deliver its results if not worn. Only by wearing the Rudraksha, it shall add its frequency to the body. It can be thought in the way that Rudraksha as a fruit and seed needs a body to grow. Hence, the Rudraksha shall grow in the human body after wearing it.

One-faced Rudraksha is said to be the Shiva himself. It is compared with the third eye of Shiva (Shivanetra). Persons who want to get the drop of spirituality, shall only wear this Rudraksha. In astrological term this is associated with planet Sun. In the book “The Power of Rudraksha” by Kamal Narayan Seetha it is also mentioned so. Interestingly, there is no scriptural reference showing that one-faced Rudraksha is associated with Sun. Only twelve-faced Rudraksha is used for Sun. Few recent researchers on Rudraksha

also associate one-faced Rudraksha with Uranus. All the explanations about the Rudraksha are found in the Purana like the Shiva Purana, the Katyayani Purana, Nirnya Sindhu etc. In these scriptures, Rudraksha are associated with various Gods and Goddesses. Based on these Gods and Goddesses, the planetary assignment for these Rudrakshas are decided. For example, a six-faced Rudraksha is associated with lord Karthikeya. Kartikeya was a warrior and commander. Hence, the ruling planet for Six-faced Rudraksha is Mars. Similarly, an eight-faced Rudraksha is associated with lord Ganapati. Hence, the ruling planet is Ketu. But for many astrologers it represents Rahu with no scriptural basis into it. Primarily, in astrology, one-faced to nine-faced Rudraksha are assigned to the nine planets in cardinal order without any scriptural basis. One-faced Rudraksha as the Shiva himself, can be worn for any planetary combinations as Shiva is the ruler of all nine planets. However, the planet that is deeply associated with lord Shiva is Moon. Hence, all Rudrakshas more or less shall impact Moon. In practice, wearing Rudraksha brings emotional stability indicating its control over Moon. Similarly, the astrological use of one-faced Rudraksha can be thought of for more than one planetary combination. It can be worn for Navagraha Shanti. According to Shiv Purana the Bija mantra is “Aum Hreem Namah”.

As explained earlier, the ruling planet is supposed to be Sun. Twelve-faced Rudraksha which is blessed by twelve Sun (Dwadasha Aditya Roopam) is the best for remedies of Sun. In reality, one-faced Rudraksha has more spiritual attributes to it than astrological attributes. One-faced Rudraksha makes the wearer unidirectional. Astrologically, if any house is occupied by more than two planets, the native will be confused regarding the signification of that house. For example, if the 10th house is occupied by Mars, Mercury and Sun, the native may think of getting into private job and government job as well. He shall be aggressive in his effort as Mars is occupying the house. Hence, this sort of native needs to wear one-faced Rudraksha to work in one sector with peace in mind. Uniformly, Mars and Sun in 6th house makes the person extremely aggressive in competition. To reduce the aggressiveness, a one-faced Rudraksha may be worn. Political leaders in India are found to wear one-faced Rudraksha. The then prime minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi was found to wear a complete Kantha Mala of onefaced Rudraksha. One-faced Rudraksha is the only Rudraksha which is capable by itself to deliver all results. No other additional Rudraksha is necessary with this Rudraksha. It is explained in the Vidyesvara Samhita “Yatra Sampujita Statra Laxmirdurtara Nahi”. This means wherever the one-faced Rudraksha is worshiped Goddess Lakshmi (goddess of wealth) is not too far. As far as the health benefits are concerned, Dr. Subas Ray of Banaras Hindu University, has proved the electromagnetic and paramagnetic properties of one-faced Rudraksha (including other Rudraksha) which proves the balanced functioning of neurotransmitters, dopamine and serotonin leading to calm functioning of brain. Hence, one-faced Rudraksha controls mental anxiety and improves eye power. In astrology, Sun is the significator of eyesight and neurons. This is possibly why it is used for Sun in astrology.

Indonesian One-faced Rudraksha

Shiva Netra Shaped

Indian One-faced Rudraksha (Bhadraaksh)

Ardha Chandra Shaped

Duplicate/Manipulated One-faced Rudraksha

Round Shaped

The spiritual use is that the wearer always feels meditative and likes to remain alone. Hence, persons below the age of fifty are not advised to wear this Rudraksha which may have some negative impact on the familial life. According to Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, founder of Isha Yoga Center, no family man should wear one-faced Rudraksha as it shall drag the wearer to Sannyasa. However, any person in its spiritual path must wear a one-faced Rudraksha to get the bliss of lord Shiva. One-faced Rudraksha governs Sahasrara Chakra. Imbalance of Sahasrara Chakra leads to depression, obsessive thinking, confusion and dizziness. One-faced Rudraksha balances this Chakra by which the wearer gets the clarity of mind and connection to Gods and spirit. One-faced Rudraksha symbolizes the link between earth and heaven. It links the human consciousness to the ultimate consciousness. One-faced Rudraksha is blessed with the energy of Parama Shiva. Hence it gives liberation from the cycle of birth and death. It is explained in the Vidyesvara Samhita, “Even a glimpse of one-faced Rudraksha washes away the sins of Brahmana Hatya (killing of Brahmins, worst sins in Hinduism). Dr. Nibodhi Haas in his book “Rudraksha: The Seeds of Compassion” also explains that one-faced Rudraksha gives the power for Dharana to the wearer. Dharana is the power of concentration on a single subject. The wearer of one-faced Rudraksha starts to feel renunciation from worldly affairs and becomes naturally inclined towards self-realization. As one-faced Rudraksha is very powerful as well as small, it must be worn in a metal cap. Only one one-faced Rudraksha is enough to show its results and multiple one-faced Rudraksha should not be worn. It enhances knowledge about the Supreme (Brahma Gyan) and the wearer in known to win over the senses. In Padma Purana (Chapter 57, verses 38-39) it is explained “The rudraksha of one face (Ekavaktram) is virtually Shiva. It removes all kinds of sins. Therefore, one should wear it for the destruction all sins. He would go to Shiva’s haven and rejoice with Shiva”.

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