6 minute read



Wally Krause


She has been involved in astrology for over 35 years and has concentrated on difficult charts, medical issues, complicated behaviour problems, mundane astrology and character identification for new born. She has lived in Germany, Italy, South Africa and USA. Her 480 page hardcover book entitled “Understanding the Power of Astrology” “An inside into the Motivation of the Mind” was written in 2008 and published in 2013 by GYAN PUBLISHING HOUSE in India. www.gyanbooks.com. It is available on Amazon in several countries or directly from the publisher.

The Ephemeris provides daily aspects of the Moon’s Nodes that are read with natal aspects. The Moon’s Nodes (also known as Rahu or Dragon’s Head and Ketu or Dragon's Tail) determine behaviour pattern that could be distractive for progress.

Herein listed are the negative influences of the nodes on the behaviour pattern of a person. (Of course if the position is very good at birth, positive influences will help further success in life)

When applying the aforementioned principles please consider the house position and sign that the planets and nodes are occupying at birth. This principle provides for an easy method to make the client understand the impediment and delays he/she is experiencing in order to find a solution and advance in life.

It will affect the emotions, prestige, reputation and standing in life. The native’s own actions and circumstances through other people bring enmity and resentment. If a high position is inherited or obtained in life there is danger of a fall affecting the social position as well as income ability of the native. Unwise and impulsive actions and failure to see the implication of circumstances bring unwanted reactions. It can hinder developments of hopes and wishes

Sun to Dragon’s Head and Tail (Nodes)

Moon to Dragon’s Head and Tail (Nodes)

Again, loss of position, prestige through own unwise actions or faulty judgment could affect the well being in life. Actions as a result of impulse, impatience and annoyance will adversely affect upon position and create loss and setbacks. The emotions are not under control and allow for unwise speech antagonizing others and hinder progress in life. Popularity may be lost and advancement will be hindered. If the natal Moon and its Nodes are in a bad position, like square or opposition, the effect is enhanced and caution is necessary in life. The emotions are affected by setbacks, hurt and disappointment. Personal pride may stand in the way of acknowledging mistakes made. Unwise friendships and associations may create a boomerang effect that may linger long afterwards. If this aspect is also very bad with other planets at transit the result on the personal prestige maybe disastrous and create massive losses.

It will be very difficult and frustrating to obtain recognition in life. It may become difficult to apply study and learned experiences. Rewards gained from education will be minor compare to the efforts extended. A wrong line of thought, errors of judgment and unwillingness to address mistakes made create a tendency to always blame others and to ignore the actual mistakes made by the native. The ego is out of control and tries to escape from personal responsibility and consequences of actions. Carelessness is covered up and evasion is practiced.

Mercury to Dragon’s Head and Tail (Nodes)

Venus to Dragon’s Head and Tail (Nodes)

It provides for difficulties with love and marriage and also by actions that are ill advised, thus, affecting money, prestige and reputation. This may be the native’s own doing or through other peoples actions that will affect the native’s behaviour to his/her

detriment. It may never be a good idea to rely on the promises of others or behave in an impulsive way and cause disappointment and distraction by not taking the time to consider all angles of the issue. It produces mistrust. It also produces sometimes silly actions either by the native or his partner that creates mistrust and doubt. This interferes with harmony and feelings preventing a progress in the relationship. It provides for difficulties in obtaining money and credit. any gain. Incidents bring unexpected actions of others that disturb affairs and create feelings of tension and strain. Social and public affairs are subject to sudden changes. If in bad aspect with other natal or transiting planets it could lead to bankruptcy or other unfavorable conditions that are not easily overcome.

Mars to Dragon’s Head and Tail (Nodes)

Unwise, impulsive and hasty speech or decisions are said and done that affect and injure the personal prestige and reputation. Hastiness, lack of caution and the inability to notice when offence is being given to others will damage relationships. Personal opinions and decisions are made prior to considering all the facts and the attitude to always be ‘right’ brings disasters, losses and breaking conditions into the life, that are not desired. It creates doubt that will not easily be overcome. The taking of risks must be controlled against the possible outcome before hand or things to awry and lead to losses and injuries.

A longing to be always ‘right’ to satisfy the emotions gives a pomposity that, at times, may be nauseating. Faulty judgments affect the native and cause unanticipated losses. Rejecting good advice may be repented later on when trouble has developed. Possibly problems with credit and other monetary matters will come along. Sometimes there is blindness towards practical matters as grandiose ideas are preferred to a simple solution. Relying on luck may not create the outcome desired. Care and prudent consideration is necessary when getting involved in lawsuits. Long distance travel or immigration may create unwanted difficulties.

Jupiter to Dragon’s Head and Tail (Nodes)

Saturn to Dragon’s Head and Tail (Nodes)

This requires struggle against adversity, prejudice, domination or stronger personalities. Enmity will be incurred through wrong personal actions. A frustrating aspect as it hinders recognition in life. It also applies to delays and hindrance in desired progress. Dealing with bosses or home affairs provide for worrying conditions.

Uranus to Dragon’s Head and Tail (Nodes)

Sudden unexpected and unpleasant events or even outright disaster in the form of physical, monetary, mental or business matter may affect the native. Things develop well when sudden reversals destroy

Neptune to Dragon’s Head and Tail (Nodes)

A loss of honor and prestige is indicated. The native or his friends may take personal unfair advantage or get involved in trickery and schemes of deception. Gossip and trickery may affect the path in life. Beware of sharing your thoughts too freely with others and keep your intentions private as there is a tendency to breach of confidentiality that affects the affairs through selfish advantages of others. Avoid going after easy money as it can create underworld conditions and involvement in crime.

Don’t be associated with interests that are not straightforward as it may lead to loss of money and freedom. Be realistic and don’t allow the mind to escape via alcohol and drugs in order to avoid reality.

Pluto to Dragon’s Head and Tail (Nodes)

The beginning of life is associated with bad conditions either in the family or surroundings. Only by leaving those conditions as soon as possible will progress be obtained. If no changes are made, it furthers a bad character and struggle against society. Society per se will bring hazards and temptation to unwise actions. The prospect of destruction and struggle in life is enhanced.

Doubt and feelings of uncertainty influence the emotions. Upsets in regard to affection, as in marriage or other relationships, will destroy any harmony. The emotions are always on the edge. Power games and use of force are applied to get ahead creating a distracting circle that undermines relationships which pass out never to be resumed again.

By just applying the Moon’s Nodes at birth, and by advanced age in progression, the client can be made aware of and prevent a lot of unpleasant experiences in life. We are all creatures of habits. So, bad habits must be replaced with good ones in order to advance.

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