December 2020

Page 18

During this period, several religious works of art, that are still known today, were created, as well as art displaying stories of tradition relevant to each written by Vanathi Kanth group of people. Such pieces of art show a time where people, for the first time, were able to be influenced by societal ideals. With the end of the advanced edited by Uday Lingampalli, civilizations came the Middle Ages, Kavya Gurunath, & Manushri which brought art with negative Bapat connotations-- often with distorted figures and harsh scenery. The darkness and pain seen in the art can describe a view of a life that was layout by Inchara J. difficult, almost torturous. This can be explained by the Black Death and economic as well as cultural decline of the time. Also, there was an increase in religious works of art, art by Sahithi Lingampalli indicating that religion grew to have enough importance that it became Regardless of the time period, art something to turn to as inspiration. has always been a creative outlook for However, such art was most common people, providing a way to express any only in Europe. In Eastern and emotion about the positives and Southern Asia, for instance, it was negatives of life. Since art is an architecture that correlated with expressive field, when looking at art religion. one must consider the life of the artist After the Middle Ages came which can considerably impact the arguably one of the most important opinions and feelings the artist faces periods for art: the Renaissance. and, as a result, the art created. Throughout the Renaissance, art was Throughout the progression of history known to pay attention to detail and and the changes of perspective, art realism. Emphasis on detail was new to has depicted different ways of life. art at the time, indicating clear The first notable works of art that development in views of life. Most the way of life has impacted was seen prevalent was the rise of individualism in the time of advanced civilizations, and humanism, social philosophies of from the time of Mesopotamia to the the time. fall of the Roman Empire.


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