“The headteacher has provided clarity of purpose and direction and is deeply committed to securing quality in every aspect of the school's work.” Ofsted
welcome I would like to extend to you a warm welcome to Humphry Davy School – A Community Music College, whether a prospective parent, student, governor or member of staff. The School is an 11-16 establishment that aspires to provide the highest quality education for every child, enabling achievement of the highest standards within a disciplined and caring learning environment.
The choice of secondary education is a vitally
take the place of a visit and personal contact
important one both for parents and students
– details how to arrange a visit, contact myself
to make. I am proud to be the Headteacher
and how to access further information can
of a school with such a rich heritage and
be found on page 15.
long-standing well deserved reputation for its caring approach and an ethos which encourages, supports and develops students of all abilities. It is my responsibility to ensure that the standard of care never falls whilst the standard of achievement continually rises. A challenge that all schools face and I welcome. I assure you that we have the highest expectations for ourselves and aim for excellence in everything we do.
We believe we are an open and welcoming School, where parents feel involved and very much part of our School community. Students succeed when there exists effective teamwork between student, school and home support and I hope that reading this prospectus is the start of a fulfilling partnership. I commend our school to you and look forward to meeting you soon.
I hope your association with us will be a happy one. This prospectus is designed to introduce you to and provide a flavour of our School. We anticipate it presents answers to some of the questions you may have as you prepare to join us, but no handbook or prospectus can
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Mr W Marshall B.Sc. (hons) CPhys MInstP Headteacher
“Learn. Aspire. Be. Achieve your aspirations” Joe Smith, Year 7
Humphry Davy School An inspiring and vibrant place for learning which enriches, and is a valued part of the Penzance community.
A place where we: • celebrate individuality • nurture a true sense of belonging • aim for excellence in everything we do • seek to maximise the life chances of all our young people.
Overall Parental Satisfaction Score: ‘Outstanding’ *Parental Survey, March 2011
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an inspiring and vibrant place We believe that quality learning takes place through inspirational fun experiences, adapted to ensure they are inclusive, rewarding and relevant and prepares all our students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. Students who want to learn are more likely to excel, so we continually develop and refine a ‘personalised’ curriculum that engages and develops the skills necessary for success in the 21st century.
Given our specialist ethos, ‘creativity’ is central
national level and lead development of
to our work, and we are proud of our status
the Association for Science Education
as a Creative Partnerships Change School.
Primary Science Quality Mark - the only
We encourage our students in every way to
hub in Cornwall.
explore their creative powers whether it is through a mathematics challenge, a scientific experiment, a technological design or the aesthetic subjects such as music, art and drama. Through humanities, literature and language, important skills are acquired and attitudes shaped. We want our students to have enquiring minds, an enjoyment of learning and to do their very best. So rather
We are proud of our pioneering work in terms of offering a challenging and innovative curriculum that has been showcased at national and international conferences as an example of good practice. Offering a truly global curriculum, the school is proud to work with local primary schools, national and international partners through the British Council and Youth Sport Trust.
than read about 'The Battle of Hastings', we reenact it!
A full programme of extracurricular music opportunities including a transition band,
At Humphry Davy School, learning is something that is done by young people, not something that is done to them and the effective use of Music has caused a real increase in engagement irrespective of the curriculum area. As a Specialist Music College we believe that Music is a major tool for learning and driving up standards. Music engages everyone, as it is something about which we all have an opinion. Mathematics and Science are our additional specialist areas with the Mathematics faculty offering an ICT rich curriculum that has been described by the local consultant as “hugely influential” in local authority wide improvement work and recognized by Ofsted as leaders in initiatives such as `Assessment of Pupil Progress’. Science staff develop and pilot new courses, showcase at a
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male voice choir, a jazz band, chamber music groups for string and wind players as well as a plethora of rock bands for musicians of all abilities enhances the musical experience. There is even a specialist dance music zone for composers wishing to get us moving to the latest beats. All of this is supported through an extensive range of performance opportunities both in and outside school and professionally equipped recording studio and media rich technologies. Learners throughout the school can also take further lessons on a range of instruments or voice. Working in partnership with a local provider, the school offers individual or group lessons with a full quality assurance programme to ensure that progress is maximized.
The happiness of our child – rated ‘Outstanding’ *Parental Survey, March 2011 Caring teachers – rated ‘Outstanding’ *Parental Survey, March 2011
“The specialism in music is a particular strength that pervades many areas of students’ achievement and personal development” Ofsted
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“The school has gained regional and national recognition for its work in this subject, and it enhances greatly the links with the local community.” – Ofsted
enriching the community Music, drama, art, sport and dance - the creative gifts and talents of the students and staff of Humphry Davy School regularly enhance the rich experiences to be found within the dynamic and inspiring Penwith Community. Whether it be Mazey Day, Montol, Music on the Mount, St. John's Hall, local churches and fetes or Penlee Park, our performers are never far away and we are always looking for new collaborations to showcase the huge range of talents.
Our school is central to the musical
One very special development is our
children's authors. This partnership working
community of Penzance, offering and receiving
partnership with The Cornish Pirates and
has the added benefit of creating opportunities
great support from local, national and
Penzance and Newlyn Rugby Club to provide
for primary pupils and introducing them to our
international musicians. The Penwith Music
a range of educational and community
staff, student and resources which aids their
Centre is based at the school, and offers
programmes under the heading of ‘Humphry
transfer to secondary school.
rehearsal, recording and other support facilities
Davy School: Cornwall Pirates Learning Zone’.
for in excess of 350 musicians each week. In addition, our students make a massive contribution with an extensive programme of public performances each year, given by a range of soloists, small ensemble and school
Students have the opportunity to meet the
students are confident in the use of modern
players and staff, use the facilities and learn
technology and you will see our 'roving
in the unique environment that is the
reporters' covering events such as Montol,
Mennaye Stadium. These opportunities are
Golowan and Mazey Day with their TV
also available to partner primary pupils.
music groups and a Scholars recital of the highest professional standard.
We believe there is much to be gained from working closely with our primary colleagues
At the heart of the sporting as well as the musical community, Humphry Davy School works closely in partnership with a wide range of sporting partners to broaden student opportunities and support local clubs.
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Provided with professional training, our
and together we hold joint training sessions, facilitate intergenerational projects in local care homes, video conference across the world and enjoy Literary Festivals with popular
cameras, recorders and podcasting equipment. As the local hub for Penwith Radio, students undertake professional media qualifications and the high quality podcasts, produced by staff and students alike can be accessed from the Penwith Radio and school websites.
The school offers a huge range of clubs and activities in addition to our Summer E5 Activities Week and numerous music, sporting and media
It takes a whole community to raise a child
• Drama club: National Youth Theatre, pantomime, year group and
African proverb
• Raising Aspiration “Aim Higher” Taster Visits to Peninsula Medical
opportunities. Examples include: • International Visits: WW1 Battlefields, International Prefect visits to our overseas partner schools, Ski Trip, Disneyland Paris, visits to France.
small group performances and 'Humphry Davy's Got Talent Show!' • Residential learning opportunities: Year 7 Adventure Camp, London Theatre Experience, Tall Ships training week, Operation Raleigh, Duke of Edinburgh, Twickenham, Wimbledon and media projects on location.
School, Marjons, Plymouth University, Falmouth Tremough Campus and our local colleges - Duchy, Camborne and Truro-Penwith • Languages clubs: Currently include French, German, Polish and Russian. • Educational Visits: Royal Cornwall Show, Eden Project, Geevor Tin Mine, Plymouth Pavilions, Minack Theatre, Tregenna Castle, Penwith Leisure Centre, Harbour/Coastal surveys, National Maritime Museum, Penlee House Gallery & Museum
Encouraging local community activity – rated ‘Outstanding’
Extracurricular activities – rated ‘Outstanding’
*Parental Survey, March 2011
*Parental Survey, March 2011
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“The highly inclusive ethos of the school ensures that vulnerable students are well catered for” – Ofsted
celebrate individuality We want our students to have enquiring minds, an enjoyment of learning and to do their very best to fulfil their academic, creative, physical and personal potential and we have recruited the highest calibre of staff including Advanced Skills Teachers, Local Authority Consultants, Local and National Lead Practitioners.
It is our responsibility to ensure students
educational needs, from autism to gifted
are provided with appropriate pathways and
and talented. As such Humphry Davy School
a broad and balanced range of subjects to
adopts a ‘whole school approach’ to special
progress successfully through our school
educational needs which involves all the
and beyond. We believe that we encourage
staff adhering to a model of good practice.
our young people to be creative, innovative and confident, to keep their options open, ready to take their place in the wider world.
to identifying and providing for the needs of all children in an inclusive environment
Our ‘Gifted and Talented’ programme
and in line with the outcomes of the ‘Every
of events, combined with differentiated
Child Matters’ agenda. Inclusion is regarded
teaching to stretch and challenge has
as crucial to our policy, in line with that of
produced significant improvements in
the Local Authority.
results for the whole ability range, with able students attaining the highest grades and well prepared for A Levels, Baccalaureates and College courses.
Children who have identified learning difficulties receive additional support appropriate to their needs. Our students benefit from full access to the curriculum
Masterclasses with authors, scientists and
but those with learning difficulties may
creative practitioners from around the globe
be withdrawn for part of the week for
raise awareness of wider opportunities,
specialist support and students with
encourage students to pursue their dreams
physical or emotional problems are catered
and promote a 'can do' attitude. Working
for as appropriate with an adjusted timetable
closely with global partners also promotes
and additional support. The special needs
understanding of other cultures, respect
of the majority of our children are provided
for others and tolerance. Opportunities
for within the framework of the normal
to explore new countries and work with
curriculum with the emphasis on the quality
students overseas are integral to our
of learning and the desire for all students
future development.
to make significant progress.
All the teachers at Humphry Davy School are teachers of children with special
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The staff of the school are committed
“Education is the most powerful weapon with which you can change the world”
The School’s policy on Special Educational
Humphry Davy School follows the Cornwall
Needs complies fully with Government
Council Equal Opportunities Policy and
legislation and the Code of Practice; it is
guidelines and has a Disability Access Policy
monitored and reviewed regularly by both
in place. The entire school is fully committed
staff and governors. Any parent who is
to the promotion of equality of opportunity
concerned about how the special needs
in all areas of school life. Children with any
of a child will be met should contact
disability are admitted to the school whenever
the school’s Special Educational Needs
this is appropriate for them and are offered full
and Disability Coordinator for an
access to all aspects of the school’s provision.
individual discussion.
Nelson Mandela
Schools promotion of equal opportunities and tackling discrimination – rated ‘Outstanding’
Encouraging and listening to pupils views – rated ‘Outstanding’ *Parental Survey, March 2011
*Parental Survey, March 2011
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“The good quality of care, guidance and support results in positive outcomes in all aspects of students' personal development and well-being.” Ofsted
a true sense of belonging At Humphry Davy School we care about the individual child. At the centre of our Pastoral Structure is the Mentor, a ‘personal tutor’ who is responsible for a small group of students and therefore able to build stronger relationships with each individual based on detailed and personal understanding. The Mentor is the first ‘port of call’ for parents.
Our House System encourages loyalty,
participation, team spirit and competition and
We take great joy from acknowledging the many
every student is linked to one of four Houses -
successes and achievements of our students. ‘G’
Godolphin, Trelawny, Grenville and Trevithick.
Codes, Merits and Head Teacher Awards are all
Assemblies are held in House Groups and aim
awarded for particularly good work, self
to engender a sense of community and shared
improvement or effort, and certificates are
values. In line with statutory requirements,
presented for specific academic or sporting
they are ‘while not distinctive of any particular
achievement as well as good attendance. Head
denomination, wholly or mainly of Christian
of House reward trips and activities are a termly
character’. Led by the Head of House there is
incentive for many students.
regular input from students, guest speakers and
Each term we hold a Celebration Assembly
staff to broaden student’s spiritual, moral, social
where individual students mark their successes
and cultural experiences. Any parent who wishes
and a ‘Graduation Ceremony’ provides
to withdraw their child from specific collective
opportunity to reflect on the many personal
worship assembly experiences should contact
development experiences accumulated
the Headteacher to discuss alternative provision.
throughout Key Stage 3.
Providing a ‘Climate for Learning’
Good behaviour plays an essential part in
We believe the most effective learning
establishing a well-ordered and happy
environment is achieved through fostering and
community, so we encourage self-discipline,
maintaining good relations between students,
consideration and respect for each other and
parents and staff. However, we would ask for
the environment of the school. Numerous
your support when necessary to apply sanctions
visitors to the school, coach drivers and venue
to maintain good discipline within the school.
hosts complement our students for their
We always endeavour to keep parents informed
considerate and positive attitudes towards each
of rewards and sanctions and seek the help and
other and members of the local community.
support of parents when a student’s behaviour or lack of progress causes concern.
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We understand the stress and anxiety suffered by parents and students alike during the transfer from primary to secondary school and do all we can to support you during the process. Acknowledged for the quality of our transition work by the Paul Hamlyn Trust, through our national pilot ‘Musical Bridges’ programme, Humphry Davy School has established excellent links with our fourteen partner primary schools. In addition to applications from parents of students in our partner schools, we also admit students from other schools at parental request. Apart from regular meetings and visits by senior staff, each primary school is regularly visited by other staff in order to keep abreast of the latest curriculum developments. Opportunities for primary school pupils and staff to be involved in events at Humphry Davy School are regularly sought and there is feedback to the primary schools on how well their past pupils have settled in. Our school is dedicated to the smooth transfer of pupils from primary school and although we are always looking for ways to improve our work, feedback suggests we have developed a detailed and very successful induction process. This enables all new pupils and parents to feel safe and familiar with the school before the first day in September. As part of the transition process Year 6 students can expect:
“Life is made up, not of great sacrifices or duties, but of little things, in which smiles, and kindnesses, and small obligations, given habitually, are what win and preserve the heart and secure comfort” Sir Humphry Davy
Our primary partner schools • Alverton Community Primary School • Germoe Community Primary School • Gulval Community Primary School • Heamoor Community Primary School • Ludgvan Community Primary School • Marazion School • Mousehole Community Primary School • Newlyn School • Pensans Community Primary School • St Hilary School • St Maddern’s CE School • St Mary’s Catholic School • St Mary’s CE Primary School • Trythall Community Primary School
September: Taster activities and experiences are available to all Year 6 students to develop familiarity with the school. October: Pupils have the opportunity to spend a whole day at Humphry Davy School, taking part in lessons and experiencing extra-curricular activities. Parents and pupils are invited to meet the Headteacher and visit all departments of the school during our Open Evening. May: The Assistant Headteacher responsible for Primary Transition visits the primary schools, along with our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, to talk to the new intake and to exchange information with the Year 6 tutors to enable effective progression and continuity of learning. July: New pupils spend the whole day in school taking a variety of lessons. A new intake evening provides an opportunity for pupils and parents to visit the school, meet Heads of House and key members of our support and senior staff. August: A series of arts, cultural, sport and craft activities are run at the school over a specified week. New pupils have opportunity to make new friends and acquaint themselves with the layout of the school whilst participating in fun learning experiences. September: New pupils begin secondary education at Humphry Davy School. Parents are welcome to visit the school at any time by appointment.
Students from other primary schools regularly apply to join us each year when space is available. For entry at the beginning of Year 7, either a Common Application Form (CAF) should be completed online or a paper copy submitted to your Primary School Headteacher who will forward applications on your behalf. Full details are available from the Cornwall Council website under ‘Secondary School Admissions’ or the ‘School Information’ page of the Humphry Davy School website www.humphry-davy.cornwall.sch.uk All other enquiries should be directed to the Headteacher in the first instance. page | eleven
“The school has introduced a rigorous system for tracking and monitoring students’ academic progress.” – Ofsted
aiming for excellence At Humphry Davy School we want the whole community to fulfil their potential and 'be the best that you can be!' – staff, students, parents and carers. Hence our commitment to continuous professional development; a comprehensive pastoral and academic support network; a personalised curriculum with a huge number of extra-curricular opportunities and our popular 'Family Learning'.
The effectiveness of our comprehensive
and a School Planner to help them
monitoring system is demonstrated through
organise their workload, prioritise and
some of the most rapidly improved results in
keep to deadlines.
the country. Challenging targets and extensive records of effort and attainment focus upon each and every area of the curriculum for each and every child.
'FROG', our virtual learning environment, enables students to access staff, work and with available Internet access, thus enabling students to develop their learning beyond
enables access to a wide range of interventions
the classroom.
personal tuition in English and Mathematics to get students back on track and fulfil their potential.
(The Schools Network, 2011)
resources at any time and from any place
Swift identification of any under performance for all subjects including additional 1 to 1
Recognition by The Schools Network “The most improved specialist Music College in the country”
We view homework as a natural extension of class work and as such a very important and integral part of education. Parents are
“Top 3% of consistently improved schools in the country” (Nick Gibb, Minister of State for Education)
encouraged to support their children in the
Students are encouraged to be creative, to
amount of time which should be spent on
speculate, investigate and have original
this work, to sign the School Planner to
thoughts and our inclusive ethos, built upon
acknowledge what has been completed and
respect for each and every member of our
to support their son or daughter if there are
community, ensures students feel safe in
any complications or difficulties. We offer a
The use of assessment to support learning – rated ‘Outstanding’
the knowledge that their ideas will not be
supervised session after school for all students
*Parental Survey, March 2011
ridiculed and any misconceptions will be
where Homework, coursework, revision and
addressed in a supportive manner.
independent study can be undertaken using
We want our students to develop the capacity for self motivation and students are provided with an online account, work email address
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our study and ICT facilities. Help is always available from qualified staff including Teaching Assistants and Teachers.
Sporting Excellence
“I have learned more from my mistakes than from my successes.” Sir Humphry Davy
Our reputation for musical and creative
progress to represent the school at County,
excellence is clear for all to see, but the
Regional, National and International level.
school has also been a centre for sporting excellence for many years. Investment in first class facilities such as the All Weather Synthetic Training Pitch with Sprint Track and the Fitness Suite to
Humphry Davy is one of the smaller 31 Secondary Schools in Cornwall, yet recent notable successes include: Rugby District Champions: Under 12
complement our superb sports hall, will only
Netball County Champions: Under 14
serve to enhance our provision and raise
Tennis County Champions: Under 13 Boys,
standards further in our aim for excellence.
Under 15 Girls and Under 16 Boys
Committed to the Olympic and Paralympic values, we encourage and support the
Badminton District Champions: KS3 Boys and KS4 Girls
sporting talent in our students and through
Cricket (Penwith Champions): Under 12
this develop more rounded individuals,
Teams have also achieved a significant
encouraging friendship, determination,
number of ‘Runners-up’ and ‘Semi-Final’
respect, inspiration, courage and equality.
places at County level across a range
Producing not one, but two 2012 London
of sports.
Olympic hopefuls, individual students
Family learning In the same way that students have talents and areas of the curriculum that they find more challenging, so do adults, including parents and carers. Lead by one of the The Schools Network Lead Practitioners, our Family Learning in Maths has proved so successful in engaging adults, we have expanded the offer to include English. Mums, dads and children of all ages develop their numeracy and literacy skills together, identifying with each other the barriers to learning and overcoming the obstacles that have held them back. A hugely rewarding experience for all those involved and another example of our belief in effective partnership working with parents.
Explaining to parents how to help their child – rated ‘Outstanding’
Encouraging and listening to parents views – rated ‘Outstanding’
Encouraging pupils to do their best and make good progress – rated ‘Outstanding’
*Parental Survey, March 2011
*Parental Survey, March 2011
*Parental Survey, March 2011
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maximising life chances “Schemes such as lead learners and the music scholarships have highlighted quality and also provided role models for students throughout the school.” – Ofsted
The students of today are the leaders of tomorrow. Just as we want our students to settle in well at Humphry Davy School, it is equally important to us that they leave us as confident young people, able to take decisions about their future, lead happy and successful lives and make a positive contribution to global society.
The leadership qualities within us all are developed through the wide range of learning experiences on offer. From Head Boy and Girl to Student Council representative, International Prefect to Sports Leader - students of all ages take a leading role in the development of the school here at Humphry Davy, influencing everything from the environment to staffing appointments and the quality of teaching. Lead Learners have worked for several years in Music, Maths and ICT; leading clubs and activities, developing other students and working with primary colleagues. Such has been their success, we now offer leadership opportunities across all areas of the curriculum. It is said that 'imitation is the sincerest form of flattery', and we are proud that our Lead Learner scheme, along with our Scholarship Programme, has now been adopted by schools locally and nationally. To ensure our students are well informed about higher education courses and future career choices, our programme of careers support, with input from independent external advisors offers up to date and relevant advice. Our work related curriculum develops business enterprise
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and entrepreneurial skills and the opportunity for work experience. Fundamental to raising student aspirations, our strong links with Peninsula Medical School, Marjons, Plymouth University, Falmouth Tremough and local colleges Truro-Penwith and Cornwall Duchy, provide students with regular visits to higher education establishments to encourage further education and provide excellent role models. Our ever increasing links with international partners is designed to broaden student awareness of the wealth of opportunities available and encourage exploration whilst reminding us of the importance of Cornwall's heritage and impact on the wider world. Of course, the most significant partnership and key to maximising the life chances of the young people in our care is with our parents and carers. As a school we are proud of the diverse and many achievements of our students and with ongoing effective communication, we believe that working together, we can both be proud of the education we can provide your child.
policy list A summary of key policies can be found in the loose page inserts contained within the back cover of this prospectus. These include: Attendance Assessment Behaviour for Learning Collective worship Curriculum Equality scheme (including race, gender and disability discrimination) Gifted and Talented provision Learning and Teaching Looked After Children Special Educational Needs Uniform Please contact the school if any information is missing. Full details of all these and other policies can be accessed via the school website.
*Parental Survey, March 2011 Undertaken by Kirkland Rowell who survey over 1 million parents nationally and analyse over 2000 schools.
“Students are helped to develop into positive, well-rounded individuals. Their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is good. They have a good understanding of the importance of a healthy lifestyle, feel safe and enjoy school.�
If you would like to know more about Humphry Davy School and the wealth of opportunities and experiences offered, please access the school website at www.humphry-davy.cornwall.sch.uk or contact reception on 01736 363559 and arrange a visit or meeting with the Headteacher today.
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Designed and produced by The Agency For Education www.theagencyforeducation.co.uk
COOMBE ROAD, PENZANCE, CORNWALL TR18 2TG t: 01736 363 559 f: 01736 331 042 e: enquiries@humphry-davy.cornwall.sch.uk www.humphry-davy.cornwall.sch.uk