Texas County Agricultural Agents Association State Conference to be held at South Padre Island on July 24-27
The Texas County Agricultural Agents Association (TCAAA) is set to host their Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference at South Padre Island on July 24-27, 2022. TCAAA is a professional improvement organization which provides its members with an opportunity to gain knowledge of agriculture in Texas as each year the conference is hosted by one of 12 districts across the state on a rotational basis. This year, South District 12 Agents have been busy preparing for this annual event which will headquarter out of the South Padre Island Convention Center. Some of the highlights of the conference will include a Friends and Family Night on Sunday Evening at the Cameron County Events Center and Amphitheater. The general session on Monday morning will kickoff with an inspirational speaker which will be recently retired Agriculture Science Teacher, Mr. Jim Harris from Tilden. Members will also learn about agriculture in South Texas from our District Administrator, Dr. Ruben Saldaña and various commodity representatives. At noon, an awards luncheon is planned to recognize the outstanding achievements of our agents throughout the state. District 12 Agents will also be recognizing Dr. Josh McGinty, Extension Agronomist from Corpus Christi as their Specialist of the Year Award Recipient. That afternoon, members will have an opportunity to visit with leaders from the various Texas Major Livestock Shows and receive updates for the upcoming show season. Monday evening will be at Clayton’s where
a silent and live auction will be held to raise money to support youth and members pursuing a college degree. Tuesday will feature professional improvement tours focused on beef cattle and row crop production, horticulture and various other agricultural interests in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. A border security seminar will also be held at the convention center that morning for those interested in learning about the issues facing producers along the Rio Grande River. Tuesday evening will begin to wind down the conference with our Man/Woman of the Year Banquet which will recognize seven individuals from across the state for their contributions to agriculture and support of Extension programs. This year, District 12 will be recognizing long-time rancher, Mr. Carlos Guerra from Linn, Texas for his commitment to the beef cattle industry and our youth involved in agriculture. The conference will return to a general business session on Wednesday morning, which will include a report from Mr. Brian Beer, Southern Region Director for the National Association of County Agricultural Agents. Brian is an Area Livestock and Forage Agent from Lancaster, South Carolina. Officer installations will also be conducted, and the conference will adjourn at noon that day.