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A fun puzzle for you to complete using the articles in this month's Living Well Magazine.
Crossword answers will be provided in the next issue of the Living Well magazine
5. AIM Director Darlene Vandermey increases her ______ from 2 to 4 teaspoons for increased nitric oxide on cycling days.
6. According to Lori Gribben, AIM Wholesale Member Nampa, Idaho, "This stuff______ !"
7 Growing your business will involve a lot of work, but you decide your level of daily ______.
8. Adding the nutritional benefits of AIM Body ______ packs to your dietary intake is a prime example of one AIM way to boost your well-being.
1. Making changes regularly to your______ is a great way to keep people interested in returning to your online store.
2. GlucoChrom provides natural support from a combination of minerals and herbs that have been shown to help promote healthy blood ______ levels.
Down (continued)
3. As a Mother's Day retrospective, good health is a payoff for mom's who share AIM ______ with their families.
4. The choice of being an AIM ______ provides an option for people who want to take AIM products without an intent to share them through a home-based business.
April Crossword Solution