Living Well – May 2023

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® MAY 2023 LIVING WELL May 14 A Mother’s Day 4

… of Living Well magazine, we celebrate mothers with a fond look back at testimonials from a mom’s perspective about the benefits of AIM nutrition in “A Mother’s Day Retrospective.” Benefits are really what it’s all about; otherwise The AIM Companies™ would not

when selecting supplementation from nutrition that works. Another important side of AIM is the business opportunity it provides for Members. Those who are just beginning this endeavor can find some useful guidance in “Getting Your AIM Business Off to a Good Start

Of course, not everyone that takes AIM products wants to build a business by promoting them, so this issue includes the benefits and features of “AIM Family Members and Customers ” to help individuals make the choice that is right for

AIM ingredients to improve people’s inner and outer health is examined in the article, “ BioVivify's Astaxanthin.” This unique carotenoid is the prime ingredient in BioVivify and it continues to be researched for a diversity of human health benefits. And

May Living Well magazine puts a Member Spotlight

back in 1982 continues to improve the lives

is a crossword puzzle that offers a bit of a memory challenge on this month’s articles. Healthy reading ahead!

The truth is that AIM has always been focused on living well, and Well-Being ” is a given

BioVivify’s Astaxanthin

Introducing BioVivify to the product lineup back in July 2022 put the first nutricosmetic on the AIM map that designates a path to good health. As an inner cosmetic, BioVivify is a dietary supplement that can improve the health of your skin, hair and nails.

The primary ingredient is microalgaesourced, AstaReal® astaxanthin, a carotenoid with extraordinary antioxidant properties. Astax anthin cannot be synthesized by your body, so you have to get it from dietary intake.

Seafood sources of astax anthin include lobster, salmon and shrimp. But you would have to regularly eat seafood to come even close to the 180mg of astaxanthin in just one canister of BioVivify. For example, a daily 2-capsule serving of BioVivify gives you 6 mg of astaxanthin compared to the 3.6 mg in a daily 165-gram serving of wild salmon.1

It makes sense to supplement your intake of astaxanthin to take advantage of not only its visible benefits but the inner health support that research continues to reveal, including its antioxidant, immunomodulator and neuroprotective activity.2

One fascinating area of astaxanthin studies is its positive effect on the brain. In fact, AstaReal® astaxanthin received the NutraIngredients-Asia Award

for cognitive function ingredient of the year in 2022.3

Astaxanthin’s unique molecular structure allows it to cross the blood-brain barrier, providing an incredibly protective antioxidant for brain health. In comparative studies, astaxanthin has been shown to be 6,000 times more potent than vitamin C in neutralizing free radicals that cause oxidative stress (see note). And unlike many other carotenoids, astaxanthin neutralizes without becoming a pro-oxidant that accelerates the oxidation of other substances.4

Taking BioVivify can improve the health of your skin, hair and nails, and research continues to reveal that you may be getting a whole lot more from its astaxanthin.

Note: Even though astaxanthin is such an incredibly potent antioxidant, vitamin C remains an essential nutrient and antioxidant for your body as well as an integral BioVivify ingredient for optimizing collagen production.






3 AIM Ingredients

A Mother’s Day Retrospective

Many testimonials received from moms have been about the health benefits of the AIM products for their families as well as the advantages of having an AIM business. It’s worth taking a look back at some of the healthy thoughts of mothers who share nutrition that works.

“ Our family has been enjoying the AIM products since November 2007. I have enjoyed the opportunity to share the products with friends and family and see them improve their health as well. Our AIM income is helping to pay for our own products. ”

“ I’m so grateful that I was introduced to AIM nutrition . . . truly, it has been so life-changing, and not only for my daughter’s health issues. My whole family has experienced health benefits. When friends and other family members reached out for help, AIM nutrition worked for them as well. It was amazing. I’m just so confident in the AIM products and the power of plants. ”

“ I just love the AIM business opportunity that gives me the freedom of working from home. What a joy and blessing it is to be with my family, taking care of them and building my business by helping others to have better quality of life. I am so thankful for The AIM Companies for doing everything in their power to give us the best service and working tirelessly to support us with everything we need to grow our business and be successful. ”

“ As the mother of four children, AIM as a business works perfectly for me. I can be with my children in the afternoon to help with school work and still help my hubby with his business if needed. I organize my own hours. Running an AIM business gives you a lot of flexibility. ”

“ I’m a mother of 2 girls . . . 3 kids in total if I count my husband. We have been using AIM products since September 2017, and everyone in our family benefits from these AIMazing products. I have been an AIM Group Builder since March 2018, and I’m very passionate about promoting healthy living. People are looking for the best, natural alternatives for better health. We have them all . . . not to mention the support of AIM Members and AIM employees. ”

Health Feature

Good health is the payoff for moms who share AIM nutrition with their families. My five adult children were almost never sick when they were kids. I credit this to my family taking BarleyLife nearly every day. Little kids get sick all the time, but ours just weren't. We hardly have anyone sick in our family. ”

“ Being so pleased with the beneficial, healthy results my family experienced from taking a variety of AIM products, I couldn’t help myself from telling other people about them. We were a living testimonial to the benefits of this supplemental nutrition, which led to a pleasantly unexpected curveball: a home-based business. I’m so proud to be a mom representing a company with high-quality products you can trust to deliver nutrition that works. ”

Testimonials should not be construed as representing results that everyone can achieve.


Living Life to the Fullest

The Member Spotlight first shone on AIM Directors Kees and Darlene Vandermey in the December 2021 issue of Living Well magazine. They continue to be an inspiration by raising money through sponsored cycling and by setting an example for staying fit and healthy at any age.

“A mission that God has placed in my heart is Presbyterian World Service & Development (PWS&D),” Darlene stated. “Last year, our church group of nine Gale riders raised $3,530 for what used to be Ride for Refuge now called Journey for Hope.”1

The Vandermey’s cycling endeavors are also an ongoing effort to stay fit. “We set a riding goal of 2,022 kilometers in 2022 and actually made it to 2,025km,” Darlene affirmed. “Mondays we ride with a cycling club. Wednesdays and Fridays Kees and I ride on our own.”

Their prime biking months are April to October because of Canadian winters. The only real discomfort Darlene experienced while riding on chilly days was cold hands, so Kees bought her a pair of rechargeable, heated gloves. Problem solved!

On winter days when they cannot get out at all, Kees and Darlene exercise in their home gym, equipped with a treadmill, weights, and trainers for stationery cycling on their road bikes. “We’re still very physically active during the winter,” Darlene emphasized.

The Vandermeys take a wide variety of AIM products as an integral part of their nutritional intake. “On cycling days, I increase my RediBeets from 2 to 4 teaspoons in the Garden Trio for increased nitric oxide,” Darlene said. “And we both up our amounts of Peak Endurance in our water bottles for riding energy and stamina.”

AIM nutrition will help power their goal to cycle 2,023 km this year, including a special trip in September. “We’re planning a four-day tour of the NiagaraWelland area, cycling between 30 and 38 kilometers a day and staying in different hotels along the way,” Darlene exclaimed in a youthful voice that belies her age.

The example of health projected by the Vandermeys doesn’t go unnoticed. When Kees and Darlene were at a recent eye examination, their new optometrist said she could not believe they were both in their 70s and not on any medications. “We told her that we try to eat well and exercise,” Darlene explained. “We work at this because it just doesn't happen naturally.” And that’s the truth for us all.

should not be construed as representing results that everyone can achieve. Contributors who submit a published testimonial in Living Well magazine receive a nutritional gift valued at $9.25 US.

Getting Your AIM Business Off to a Good Start

For Members who are new to AIM, getting your home-based business up and running could not be simpler in regard to red tape. As soon as you sign up as a Member, you’re officially in business as an independent distributor of the AIM products. You’ve chosen well. And just like starting any business, there’s a lot of work to be done to achieve success.

First of all, it’s important to note what you don’t have to do. Unlike starting a retail operation or restaurant, you don’t need a business license, inventory or location outside of your home. So, you don’t have to pay for all of the expensive expenses usually associated with opening up a business. And the free MyAIMStore gives you a worldwide, online presence.

Keep in mind that compared to the nonstop demands of opening and running a restaurant serving nutritious food, your business already has all the ingredients for success with supplemental nutrition that has worked for over 40 years.

The largest investment will be your time and patience. A large chunk of this will be fully familiarizing yourself with the AIM products and their benefits. Learn

about the entire list of products so that you are comfortable talking about each one. This way you’ll be knowledgably convincing that your business is the place to shop.

You never know who will become a new Member or Customer, but expect to meet people who will not be interested. That’s a guarantee in every business venture. With this in mind, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by those who show interest in trying AIM nutrition. Meeting people who also express an interest in having AIM businesses of their own and becoming part of your team is the backbone of network marketing.

Network marketing is a group effort. Your success contributes to group success, so get help from your sponsor and connect with other Members of the AIM Family to learn from their experience.

Again, growing your business will involve a lot of work, but you decide your level of daily commitment. With a passion for helping people and being familiar with the type of AIM nutrition that will serve them best, you’ll be off to a good start.

7 Member Business

Well-Being Boost

Healthy ways of making yourself feel better are plentiful.

Time spent in nature, walking on a forest path as the afternoon sun beams slanting rays of light through the trees. Such moments can nurture your body and mind as a traditional reminder of the human connection to natural surroundings amid a world of modernity and technology.

Exercising in a manner you truly enjoy gives your well-being a boost, whether it’s swimming, cycling or simply going for walks. The choice of physical activity is yours, but choose a regular routine to continuously enhance your well-being. It works wonders for long-term good health.

Spending time with family and friends you get along with is a well-being essential. Reading books or watching movies that inspire or transfix you are stationary ways to boost your well-being.

Eating wholesome, savory food nurtures your body, delivering a nutritional boost in every mouthful. Whatever your upbringing, taking healthy control of what you ingest is one of the most important ways of maintaining your well-being. Your body responds in kind to this healthy fuel. The same can be said about supplemental AIM nutrition.

Adding the nutritional benefits of the Garden Trio and Herbal Fiberblend to your dietary intake is a prime example of one AIM way to boost your wellbeing. All four products are available in a Body Booster Pack. Three forms of nutrient-rich, plant-based powders and a cleansing, detoxifying, fiber-herb combination augment healthy food intake, giving your body even more to work with for a well-being boost.

Health Feature
Body Booster Pack
1 5566E, $149.00 M, $160.00 C
5568E, $152.00 M, 163.00 C)

BarleyLife for all Ages

I have reached the ripe old age of 97 this month, and I am still in very good health thanks to BarleyLife. I have been with The AIM Companies since 1986, so it has been quite a bit of time. I do not drive, but I still go to exercise class. Everyone who meets me marvels at the way I can keep up with the class. I am told that when my age is revealed, folks are so surprised, believing me to be much younger. (So nice.)

I’m 61 years old, and back in December 2021, I was having trouble with my eyes. I remember I had taken BarleyLife in the past and decided to get back on it. This stuff works! It’s the only thing that helped my eyes! BarleyLife also gives me lots of energy to keep active.

We have three beautiful children. Our second child, Montie, had an extreme health journey with a condition that attacked his skin along with a combo of other issues. When he ate something that didn’t agree with him, he would throw up within a few minutes and continue to vomit. I knew that BarleyLife contained digestive enzymes, so I mixed him a green barley drink the next time he had an episode. He stopped throwing up. We were so impressed, so we have kept BarleyLife close by ever since. He is a brand-new boy today, praise God! And he loves his green drinks. If food makes him feel a little weird, he will ask for his BarleyLife.

Testimonials 9
Silas enjoying BarleyLife in Sackville, New Brunswick one-year-old grandson of Deanna Fenwick, AIM Preferred Member BarleyLife 5809E, $51.00 M, $54.50 C
Testimonials should not be construed as representing results that everyone can achieve. Contributors who submit a published testimonial in Living Well magazine receive a nutritional gift valued at $9.25 US.

AIM Family Members and Customers

It seems fitting for AIM’s 40 th anniversary last year that not only was a new dietary supplement introduced, a new category for product users was also announced. It made sense to step into the 5th decade of nutrition that works with AIM’s first nutricosmetic, BioVivify, and the first Customer program for purchasing from the AIM product lineup.

The choice of being an AIM Customer provides an option for people who want to take AIM products without an intent to share them through a home-based business. Welcoming Customers to the AIM Family created a new set of benefits and features alongside of those for business-building Members as shown in the accompanying comparison table on the following page.

There remains an important distinction between Members and Customers who add AIM products to their nutritional intakes. Given AIM’s business model of network marketing, Members are literally a sales team of independent distributors who share the health benefits of AIM nutrition and the business opportunity it provides, creating a “retail chain” of individuals who are passionate about helping others. It’s a business model that has worked for over forty years! And the welcoming of Customers to the AIM Family has expanded the future for nutrition that works.

® AIM Options

AIM Member and AIM Customer Benefits and Features Comparison

AIM offers both Member and Customer options for purchasing direct:

For those intent on growing a business, AIM Member is the option to choose. Members enjoy the very best pricing, volume and shipping discounts, a complimentary MyAIMStore e-commerce store for easy ordering and sharing, and commission earnings on their own product purchases and those in their downline.

For those solely interested in AIM product use, AIM Customer offers loyalty rewards for product purchases and free standard shipping on orders of $50 or more. It’s AIM simplified with perks! And any time the urge arises to become an AIM Member, it’s an easy transition.

The following handy table illustrates Member and Customer benefits and features to help you choose your best option for being part of the AIM Family

11 AIM USA and AIM Canada benefits and features shown. * Applies to new and reinstating Members ** See the AIM Member Income Plan booklet for full details *** See the Customer Welcome Flyer in the Download Center for full details Benefits & Features AIM Member AIM Customer Membership Fees* $20 No fees Product Pricing Member wholesale price Customer price (slightly higher than Member wholesale price) 6-pack/Combo/Starter Pack Savings   Order Discount (products only) $200 or more – 5% $600 or more – 10% Automatic Monthly Orders (AMR)  Shipping  New Members –1st order of $100 or more – FREE  Current/Reinstating Members –50% off standard shipping; pay the difference on shipping upgrades  FREE standard shipping on product orders of $50 or more  Pay full shipping
on shipping upgrades Commission Earnings**  Loyalty Rewards***  Free MyAIMStore E-commerce Website  Dashboard Access at  

r esh focus

GlucoChrom provides natural support from a combination of minerals and herbs that have been shown to help promote healthy blood glucose levels.

Sugar circulates throughout the human body as blood glucose. This sweet component of dietary intake is not supposed to remain in this circulatory system of nutrient transport. Blood glucose must be continuously channeled into cells, where it can be used and stored as energy


5736E, $22.00 M, $23.50 C CAN 5738E, $23.75 M, $25.50 C

The GlucoChrom

1 ) Chromium (trace mineral)

2 ) Vanadium Citrate (trace mineral)

3 ) GymnemaSylvestre

4 ) Bitter Melon Fruit (herb)

Latest Research

Chromium studies show that supplementing with this trace mineral can contribute to healthy blood glucose management.

Pharmacological Research (Nov. 2020)

Gymnema sylvestre research indicates its effectiveness in maintaining optimal blood sugar levels and reducing lipid levels.

Phytotherapy Research (Dec. 2021)

Vanadium research reveals it activates an insulin receptor by inhibiting an inactivating protein, thereby increasing the transport of glucose into cells.

Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology (Sept. 2020)

Bitter Melon contains unique peptides that may help to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

Food & Nutrition Research (Jan. 2022)

Combined with a healthy diet and exercise, taking GlucoChrom promotes the reduction of body fat and increase of lean muscle mass.



A fun puzzle for you to complete using the articles in this month's Living Well Magazine.

Crossword answers will be provided in the next issue of the Living Well magazine


5. AIM Director Darlene Vandermey increases her ______ from 2 to 4 teaspoons for increased nitric oxide on cycling days.

6. According to Lori Gribben, AIM Wholesale Member Nampa, Idaho, "This stuff______ !"

7 Growing your business will involve a lot of work, but you decide your level of daily ______.

8. Adding the nutritional benefits of AIM Body ______ packs to your dietary intake is a prime example of one AIM way to boost your well-being.


1. Making changes regularly to your______ is a great way to keep people interested in returning to your online store.

2. GlucoChrom provides natural support from a combination of minerals and herbs that have been shown to help promote healthy blood ______ levels.

Down (continued)

3. As a Mother's Day retrospective, good health is a payoff for mom's who share AIM ______ with their families.

4. The choice of being an AIM ______ provides an option for people who want to take AIM products without an intent to share them through a home-based business.



MyAIMStore NEW Tutorial Videos

When you become an AIM Member, you are able to claim your FREE access to, a ready-made website to advertise your business and sell the AIM products online. All your site needs is some personal touches. To help you along, we have created tutorial videos, which can be found on your MyAIMStore dashboard or on the website at:

Two new tutorial videos are now available. The first tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to edit the slider content, hide a block and change the default video on the home page. Don’t worry, the video will help you understand sliders and blocks, and demonstrate how to customize them on your MyAIMStore.

Another tutorial video new to MyAIMStore is How to Add a Short Testimony and Create a Blog. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how easy it is to share your personal testimony or someone else’s testimony on your site.

Even if you already have a MyAIMStore set up, there are many resources to help you use all of the available features. Making changes regularly is a great way to keep people interested in returning to your online store.

Remember to Place Your Commission Qualifying Orders

For May, the cutoff date for placing month-end commission qualifying orders received via phone, fax or mail is 4:00 p.m. MT (Mountain Time) on Wednesday, May 31.

Online orders count until 11:59 p.m. MT on Wednesday, May 31.

Holiday Closures

AIM Canada will be closed on Monday, May 22 in observation of Victoria Day. AIM USA will be closed on Monday, May 29 in observation of Memorial Day.

14 Business Online / Reminders 14

Address correspondence to: Editor, Living Well for AIM Members, 3923 E. Flamingo Ave., Nampa, ID 83687-3100

e-mail: •

The purpose of AIM Living Well is to communicate vital information to our Members and to build a strong relationship with them through education, motivation and recognition. If you submit your testimony and photo, we deem this your permission to publish or share with others via social media and print.

AIM products cannot be sold and advertised as cures and treatments for any disease. Our products are intended to improve the nutritional profile of the individuals who use them. Federal regulations in many countries prohibit making any claims that products are used in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment and prevention of disease.

AIM Living Well is written in compliance with U.S. requirements, which may not be suitable for marketing AIM products outside of the United States. We ask that you be aware of and respect the requirements of your country in marketing AIM products.

Articles are for information only. Consult a health care practitioner for advice.

©2023 AIM International Inc. Printed in the USA. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

AIM Members are hereby granted permission to reproduce any article that appears in Living Well, provided the article is reprinted in its entirety and the reprint bears the following notice: “Reprinted with permission of AIM International Inc., Nampa, Idaho.”




Toll-free (USA & Canada): 1-800-456-2462

Weekday hours: 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. MT

1 (open

Opt. 2 (automated account access, prerecorded product information and more – available anytime)

AIM USA 3923 E. Flamingo Ave.

Nampa, ID 83687-3100

Phone 208-463-2142

Toll-Free 800-456-2462

Fax 208-463-2189

AIM Canada Office

390 - 2025 42 Ave W

Vancouver, BC V6M 2B5

Phone 604-263-8497

Toll-Free 888-343-9977

Fax 604-263-8455

Distribution Centre

158 - 5255 McCall Way NE

Calgary, AB T2E 7J5

AIM South Africa

P.O. Box 1087

Florida 1710

Phone 27-11-675-0477

Fax 27-11-675-0427

AIM United Kingdom

Within the UK:

Phone (020) 7089 2640

Fax (020) 7089 2641

From outside the UK:

Phone +44 20 7089 2640

Fax +44 20 7089 2641

AIM Australia

P.O. Box 3081

Nunawading Victoria 3131

Phone 1300-880-908

Fax 1300-880-918

From Outside Australia: Phone 61-3-9874-8311

Fax 61-3-9874-7402

AIM New Zealand

Within Auckland:

Phone 64-9-537-5809

Fax 64-9-537-5904

From Outside Auckland: Phone 0800-480-333

Fax 0800-480-555

Information Express™
en Español (Spanish)
1-800-926-2464 Services en Français (French CAN) ............ 1-800-933-4246 (Chinese) 1-800-955-4246
Support 208-463-2142 Administrative Offices 208-465-5116 USA FAX NUMBERS Orders and Applications (Fax) ................. 1-800-766-5133 Servicios en Español (Fax) ..................... 1-800-766-5133 Services en Français (Fax) ..................... 1-866-263-1360 (Fax) 1-800-766-5133 International Support (Fax) 208-463-2689
Orders, Applications, Support 1-800-456-2462, Opt.
weekdays, 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Mountain Time) AIM Information Express™ .............
Dial Direct ............

• Increases overall energy

• Helps alkalize the body naturally

• Contains the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD)

• Delivers lutonarin and saponarin, two powerful antioxidants

• Each 9.52 oz/270 g canister contains 60 nutritious servings

• Each serving provides 22.4 mg of chlorophyll

• One tablespoon amounts to 6.24 cups of barley leaves

AIM NowMembers: available to add to your AMR! BarleyLife Xtra Pineapple 6700E, $44.00 M, $47.00 C (CAN 6704E, $45.75 M, $49.00 C) A delicious, tropical twist on BarleyLife - with 18 fruits and vegetables! The AIM Companies ® 3923 E. Flamingo Ave. Nampa, ID 83687-3100

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