Living Well – March 2025

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Fields of Opportunity

As we close out the first quarter of 2025, we reflect on the incredible journey we’ve shared. In this issue, we celebrate the memories, achievements and friendships formed through our past Incentive Trips. These experiences remind us that AIM is more than just a business—it’s a family, a movement and a place where fields of opportunity are always in season.

But the best part? The journey isn’t over. This year is filled with new opportunities, new growth and new possibilities. Maybe this is the year you expand your AIM business, share life-changing products with more people or step up as a leader in our incredible community. No matter what your goals are, know this: you are not alone. You are part of a network of people who inspire, encourage and uplift one another every step of the way. At AIM, we believe in rewarding those who push forward with passion and purpose. Know that there is something exciting on the horizon—a chance to challenge yourself, achieve new milestones and be recognized for your dedication. And there’s even more to look forward to—a potential new product launch could be just around the corner, opening doors for new growth and fresh conversations with your customers.

Success at AIM has never been about luck—it’s about showing up, sharing your story and believing in the impact of what you do. As the late Jim Rohn said: “Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change."

This year, let’s sow big dreams, cultivate success and harvest something amazing! 2025 is yours for the taking. Let’s make it a year to remember.

Nicolas van Rensburg, AIM Chief Operating Officer

Energy From Peak Endurance

Just like money makes the world go round, ATP is the energy currency that powers every move you make from the cellular level to the physical use of your body. PEAK ATP® is the primary ingredient in Peak Endurance that boosts your energy levels with the very same ATP molecules your body produces.

An abbreviation of adenosine triphosphate, ATP is a relatively simple and small molecule. To molecularly compare ATP energy and the cellular fuel it requires to produce, it takes only 1 molecule of glucose to generate about 32 ATP molecules.1

Twenty-four hours a day, the production of ATP is continuously happening in the mitochondria of your cells, where it can be used or stored as energy. Even at night during the four stages of sleep, ATP is being generated. You may be resting, but your body is actively increasing ATP levels while you are sleeping.2 It’s that important.

Time is not on your side when it comes to ATP. Every decade of life has been shown to reduce ATP levels by about 8 percent.3 Not having enough energy to do what you did in your younger days has a molecular factor: fewer molecules of ATP being produced by your body.

Taking Peak Endurance to increase your levels of the exact ATP molecule that your body requires is a tried-and-true way to boost both your energy and all the benefits that come from its much-needed presence.4 You can use Peak Endurance as a go-to dietary supplement for physical activity of all types or to balance an ATP deficiency from the effects of time. Increasing your ATP levels boosts your body with energizing molecules required for many essential processes, including intracellular signaling, DNA and RNA synthesis and muscle contraction.1

For improving circulation, the release of ATP activates the receptors on the layer of single cells lining your blood vessels to release nitric oxide, enhancing blood flow and the circulation of nutrients and oxygen that peak your physical endurance.4 (See page 12 for another nitric-oxide boost from RediBeets.)

Get more ATP energy and its health benefits by taking Peak Endurance.

of cellular components muscle movement synthesis of genetic materials, macro molecules electrical energy molecule transportation




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The Impact of Nutrition

What people consume regularly has an enormous impact on their state of health. At the cellular level of human existence is a cycle of “nutrition in, body energy produced” that continues endlessly throughout a lifetime.

Body cells produce energy from the nutritional sources ingested. This cellular fuel powers all body functions, including the building and repairing of cells. The turnover of cells is a process that literally rebuilds the body over time. The question is “What kind of nutrition built that body?”

The Global Impact of Poor Nutrition

The impact of fast foods and ultraprocessed foods has had a negative effect on people’s health around the globe. Worldwide increases in health issues have been associated with the popularity of these unhealthy sources of nutrition.¹

March is national

Make the impact of nutrition a positive in your life.

Fast and ultra-processed foods are far removed from the sources of nutrition provided by nature. They contain too much fat, salt or sugar and are made addictively appealing with unnatural flavors, flavor enhancers, colors, emulsifiers, emulsifying salts, sweeteners or thickeners. Furthermore, to make these products alluring visually and texturally, enhancing agents are used, including those for anti-foaming, bulking, carbonating, foaming, gelling and glazing effects. Simply put, a regular diet of unnaturally altered nutrition negatively impacts people’s health.

It’s all about choices. In the end, no beneficial health outcomes result from having a steady diet of fast or ultraprocessed foods. In contrast, research on the consumption of wholesome, predominantly plant-based foods and minimally processed foods continues to show a positive impact on body health.

References: ¹

Nutrition That Works

For over four decades, AIM has been delivering sources of supplemental nutrition that works at increasing people’s intake of nutrients, phytonutrients and other beneficial compounds that contribute to the improvement and maintenance of their health.

The word “supplemental” is vital for never underestimating the importance of having a dietary intake of whole foods. AIM products supplement healthy food intake. And for anyone who isn’t regularly on the path of wholesome nutrition, AIM products can help to balance nutritional deficiencies.

AIM Whole-Food Powders

The fact that AIM has over forty years of history as a nutritional supplement company is the direct result of an ingenious idea to turn the unique nutritional richness in the leaves of young barley plants into a juice powder back in 1982. Although not your typical side of greens, barley leaves contain an abundant source of nutrients and phytonutrients that nourish and cleanse your body while providing protection with antioxidant and inflammation-fighting properties. The BarleyLife family of products offers personal choices for delivering this nutrition that works.

As the popularity of BarleyLife grew, AIM went on to introduce additional whole-food powders: Just Carrots in 1991, RediBeets in 1993. The grouping of all three in a money-saving combo pack resulted in what is appropriately called the Garden Trio. (See page 10 for a fresh focus on these whole-food powders.)

With BarleyLife being a tried-andtrue source of supplemental greens, CoCoa LeafGreens powder was introduced in 2013. It added a chocolaty twist to a potent powder combination of cocoas and leafy greens that include barley leaves, offering another healthy choice to AIM’s whole-food powders.

AIM Dietary Supplements

In addition to powders for wholebody health, over the years, the AIM lineup of products grew with a wide range of dietary supplements that target body systems, including the cardio, digestive, immune, musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Each selection, including AIMega, Frame Essentials and Proancynol 2000, provides specific nutrients, phytonutrients or other bioactive compounds that support the health of your heart, bones, joints, gut, mind…as well as muscles, particularly from ProPeas, AIM’s standalone protein supplement. The AIM concept of supplementation helps build and repair healthy cells.

AIM Skincare That Works

The launch of inner skincare in 2022 with BioVivify and topical skincare in 2024 with the REPLY trio, the AIM lineup provides potent products that deliver skincare that works. Pro-aging from the inside out and the outside in, these products nourish, protect and strengthen the skin. (See page 8 for a skin-deep look at BioVivify.)

Mauritius and Moofy Memories

The 2024 AIM Incentive Trips created long-lasting memories for contest winners. Here are just a few shared impressions . . .

From the moment we arrived at the Mauritius airport until we landed back in South Africa, it was the most unbelievable treatment. We were treated like royals. This trip totally changed the dynamics of my business.

I am still reeling from the incredible experience in Mauritius! The gifts, rewards and surprises throughout the trip left me speechless and humbled. What struck me most was the sense of community and camaraderie among the AIM Family. It's clear that AIM values its leaders and wants to recognize and reward our hard work.

It was a privilege to spend time with amazing leaders, to build relationships, learn and be inspired by them. Every conversation was priceless and special, and every opportunity was embraced. Nick is a true leader who knows how to create timeless memories that will generate momentum for the coming year and help me take my business to the next level.

As a new AIM Director, winning this amazing trip was truly a dream come true. The stunning island destination was perfect for fostering connections and mentorship among AIM leaders in a relaxed setting. Each interaction was filled with valuable advice and encouragement.

Our trip to Moofy's Farmhouse in Maryland was truly an experience of a lifetime! The surroundings were incredible and we all greatly enjoyed the activities available to us.

Some of the highlights included kayaking and fishing for the adventurous, and pickleball and a sunset cruise on a skipjack for all of us.

With time planned in for relaxation, we had a great time getting to know each other better and pooling ideas on how to take our AIM businesses to the next level.

We would like to extend a heartfelt "Thank you!" to AIM for making this possible. We realize it takes much time and effort to sponsor something like this, and really do appreciate all the work involved.

If AIM offers another Incentive Trip similar to this one, we would like to encourage you to think, "What if… ?"

"What if… I spoke to my sister about her daughter's health?"

"What if… I gave a package of information to my cousin who is struggling?"

"What if… they were glad I shared, started using the products, and soon felt better?"

"What if… they told others?"

"What if… it were actually possible that I could go on a trip like that?"

You'll never know unless you try!

AIMega Seed Oils

When you open a bottle of AIMega and take the recommended number of capsules, you are getting plantbased sources of essential fats that your body cannot synthesize yet cannot do without to create healthy cell membranes and optimize their functions. But it doesn’t end there. AIMega’s omega-3 and -6 contribute to many inner actions, including energy production, hormonal balance

The organic seed oils of flax, sunflower and sesame create a balanced blend of essential fatty acids in a 2:1 ratio that ensures you’re getting double the amount of omega-3 over -6 in each serving. That’s because most people tend to get more of 6 than of 3 from their nutritional intake, and not always from healthy sources. That’s where much of the misleading information about seed oils originates of late.

Concerns about consuming seed oils have recently gained attention due to various health and nutrition debates, mainly on social media. Seed oils from soybeans, sunflowers, corn and canola are widely used in cooking and processed foods.

The main concerns stem from the following factors:

 Seed oils are rich in omega-6 fats, which may promote inflammation when consumed in excess compared to omega-3.

 Seed oils are often highly processed, which can lead to the formation of harmful compounds, such as trans fats and aldehydes that can damage cells and promote inflammation.

 Seed oils can oxidize when exposed to heat and can negatively affect health by forming toxic compounds, particularly from high-temperature cooking.

 Some people are opting for seed-oil alternatives such as olive oil, avocado oil or butter, depending on which is considered superior by a social media influencer.

Unlike inaccurate opinions of internet influencers, research actually shows that seed oils are healthy, polyunsaturated fats that improve cardiovascular health, support brain function, immune health and skin health. It isn’t the seed oils that are unhealthy, it’s the highly processed foods cooked in seed oils at high temperatures. Even if olive oil, avocado oil and butter are used to cook these unhealthy sources of nutrition, ultra-processed foods would still be unhealthy.

AIMega’s organic blend of flax seed, sesame seed and sunflower seed oils along with olive oil are cold-pressed, virgin oils, meaning they are never exposed to high temperatures and retain many of the phytonutrients found naturally in the plants. Again, AIMega is also high in omega-3 at 1,140 mg compared to the 570 mg of omega-6 per three capsules.

Supplementing your intake of omega-3 and -6 essential fatty acids with AIMega’s seed oils is a healthy cellular move for your entire body.

AIMega 4033E, $30.00 M, $32.00 C (CAN 4036E, $32.00 M, $34.50 C)

BioVivify's Astaxanthin

The benefits of dietary antioxidants are many when it comes to skin health. Antioxidants may protect skin damage from a low-protein diet, the consumption of excessive sugar, exposure to pollution, overexposure to the sun and smoking. When it comes to potent antioxidants that support skin health, BioVivify’s astaxanthin stands out among them all.

First of all, astaxanthin happens to be the most potent antioxidant available for consumption. As a dietary antioxidant innovatively obtained from microalgae, getting astaxanthin’s potency in BioVivify is similar to being able to access the nutrition in barley leaves through AIM innovation.

The natural astaxanthin in BioVivify comes from AstaReal Inc., a company that pioneered the large-scale cultivation of microalgae back in 1988. Since then, many studies have been done on AstaReal® Astaxanthin, including those aimed at skin health.

Astaxanthin’s ability to reach all layers helps provide extensive support for skin, helping to promote and maintain:

• cell health

• elasticity

• hydration

• smoothness

• texture

• skin condition through seasonal changes

Many of these proven benefits have been realized through a variety of studies that show AstaReal® Astaxanthin:

• reduces the size of wrinkles and improves skin microtexture 1, 2, 3, 4

• protects the skin’s collagen layer 1, 2 ,3, 4

• supports skin hydration1, 2

• promotes smooth skin 1, 2, 4

• reduces age spots 1, 2

• reduces fine lines 1, 2 ,3, 4

• enhances skin elasticity 1, 2, 3, 4

• protects skin condition from seasonal stress [low humidity] 5

ASTAREAL® Astaxanthin* Studies:

1. Yamashita, E. et al. Food Style 21. 2002. 6(6):112-17. 2 mg/day*

2. Tominaga K. et al. Food Style 21. 2009;13(10):25-9. 6 mg/day*

3. Tominaga K. et al. Acta Biochim Pol. 2012;59(1):43-7. 6 mg/day*

4. Yamashita E. et al. Carotenoid Science. 2006;10:91-5. 4 mg/day*

5. Tominaga K. et al. J. Clin. Biochem. Nutr. 2017. 61(1):33-39. 6 and 12 mg/day*

AIM always sources the finest ingredients to create nutrition and skincare that works. Using the purest source of astaxanthin for its very first nutricosmetic, BioVivify is simply the finest.

Selling Points of the AIM Brand

As an AIM business builder, you are regularly informing people about a variety of AIM products and why they are the right choice for health improvement and maintenance. Sharing the AIM brand means you have a number of unique selling points for a line of exceptional products and for the overall AIM experience. Experience counts.


You likely have your own testimonial about using AIM products. Tap into your individual experience and share it along with other people’s testimonials. Word of mouth as a personal touch is a powerful selling point.

Research and Development

Years of research and development, including third-party testing, are an enormous part of the behind-the-scenes evolvement before introducing AIM products.

Manufacturing Quality

AIM guarantees product quality and certifies that all products manufactured by AIM meet the highest quality assurance standards of the health product industry.

Business Opportunity

People always have the option of building a business by being AIM independent distributors and sharing the AIM brand. And Customers can always cross over to being businessbuilding Members simply by paying a membership fee of only $20.


In the competitive world of health products, the fact that AIM has been in business for 43 years is a convincing selling point. You represent a product brand with staying power.

The Finest Sources

Every ingredient that ends up in an AIM product is carefully chosen to find the finest quality available, which also takes into account ethical and sustainable sources.


Whether using the most absorbable form of calcium for bone health, plantbased essential fatty acids for healthy cells, or barley seed extract for radiant skin, AIM provides nutrition and skincare that works through the consistent use of safe and effective ingredients.

30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee

Of course, if a person is not satisfied with the purchase of a product, it can be returned to AIM within 30 days for an exchange or refund by requesting a return label that comes with pre-paid postage. That’s the AIM guarantee.

fresh focus

Garden Trio

5565E, $122.50 M, $132.50 C (CAN 5565E, $127.75 M, $138.25 C)

BarleyLife, Just Carrots and RediBeets . . . a Garden Trio like no other threesome of supplemental food.

Spring ushers in the New Year’s garden growth. For Members and Customers who increase their plant-based food intake with the Garden Trio, it’s always spring and harvest time for the juice powders of barley leaves, carrots and beets.

With an abundance of antioxidants, chlorophyll, enzymes, minerals, phytonutrients and vitamins, the Garden Trio provides potent concentrated powders that promote whole-body health, from cellular cores to healthy smiles in the knowledge of nutrition that works.

People munch on carrots and fork cooked beets but never graze on leaves of barley grass, even though it is likely the most nutritious plant on the planet. The Garden Trio takes carrots, beets and barley grass to a whole new edible level with easily digested juice powders containing each food’s rich source of plant nourishment.

AIM Recommendations:

Eat carrots and beets for whole-food nutrition, don’t graze on barley grass, and supplement with the Garden Trio. You’d have to eat sizeable servings of carrots and beets and be able to graze on healthy handfuls of barley grass to gain the nutritional value in a serving of Just Carrots, RediBeets and BarleyLife — convenient plant-based food on a daily basis.

Why AIM: Business Builders

If you have ever wondered why a small company like AIM has been able to thrive since 1982, the pivotal reason is the business builders who have been delivering the products as AIM independent distributors for 43 years.

From the very beginning, AIM has provided an opportunity to own a viable business for people with a passion to help people improve and maintain their health. For over four decades, Members who have wholeheartedly embraced this form of free enterprise continue to be at the forefront of distributing the entire AIM lineup of natural health products.

AIM products are not sold as retail items. It is the Members who share the AIM brand through their home-based businesses. Some Members have product display areas or separate shops to promote nutrition and skincare that works, but most operate from the comfort of their own homes.

Whenever a business builder signs up Members or Customers who make purchases, AIM will pack and ship their orders directly.

This means independent distributors do not have to keep an inventory of products for sale.

As a Member, you can keep a homebased inventory, but, the point is, you don’t have to. That’s because the AIM network of facilitation does it for you. It’s an example of the convenience and simplicity of the relationship between The AIM Companies™ and Members. After all, business builders are the foundation of AIM’s success.

If you are thinking about becoming a Member and building your own home-based business, let AIM’s support system build the bridge between your passion and success.

Ready For RediBeets

Made from nutrient-rich beetroot, RediBeets delivers the health benefits of this root vegetable in a juice powder that makes tasty drinks. This is just one of the conveniences of this whole-food powder, especially for anyone who isn’t fond of the actual taste of cooked beets.

It’s interesting that one of the leastfavorite vegetables provides one of the most favorable benefits for blood. Beets are very rich in dietary nitrate, a natural compound in both fruits and vegetables. The body converts nitrate first to nitrite and then to nitric oxide. That’s when the blood benefits circulate.

Nitric Oxide

molecular size allows it to enter the membranes and walls of cells to perform various signaling functions throughout the body.

Acting as a messenger molecule in the cardiovascular, immune and nervous systems, nitric oxide is a beneficial free radical. Composed of one nitrogen atom

RediBeets 1953E, $36.00 M, $39.00 C (CAN 1209E, $39.00 M, $42.50 C)

For the cardiovascular system, nitric oxide relaxes the walls of blood vessels, enhancing the circulation of nutrients and oxygen in the bloodstream. Promoting optimal blood flow greatly contributes to overall body health.

When it comes to physical activity, the increased presence of nitric oxide that boosts circulation decreases the body’s demand for oxygen. This effect increases physical endurance, which is Peak Endurance along , an energy-and-endurance increasing pea protein that builds and

As a whole-food powder that delivers a rich source of vegetable nitrate and nutritional compounds unique to beets, RediBeets provides supplemental nutrition that works on its own or in combination with other AIM products to improve and maintain whole-body health. (See page 10 for the RediBeets presence in the Garden Trio.)


All Events are FREE – Donations Accepted

22nd Ohio AIM Member Conference

An International AIM Member Event sponsored by AIM Members

FWhen: May 15-16, 2025

Location: The INN at The Amish Door 1210 Winesburg Street, Wilmot, Ohio 44689


Thursday, May 15

5:00 p.m. – Registration

Orchard Room on 3rd floor

5:30 - 6:30 p.m. –

AIM Member Welcome (Finger foods and fellowship)

6:45 - 9:00 p.m. – General Session

Orchard Room on 3rd floor

Friday, May 16

8:45 a.m. – Welcome

9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. – General Session

Orchard Room on 3rd floor

(Lunch at Amish Door – 11:30 a.m. - 12:45)


Joan van Rensburg, South Africa

Brent Peterson, North Dakota

Lodging at The Amish Door: Phone: 330-359-7996

request Group Room block # AIM25 (reserve by April 30 th)

Standard Room rate 139.50 + tax, Wed-Thurs night (Breakfast included)

For more information contact: Joy Thompson 614-209-6324

Malinda Miller 234-249-8075

Leah Miller 330-231-2197

Emma Miller 330-359-0243

Char Thompson 330-852-2967

Women's Health Indiana Meeting

When: Thursday, March 13, 2025

Where: 3805 W. 1100 N., Ligonier, IN 46767

Hosted by Floyd and Dorene Miller

Registration at 8:00 a.m.

Meeting begins at 8:30 a.m.

Featured Speakers: Karen Miller, Chairman’s Club Director

Marilyn Lehman, Blue Diamond Director

For more information, contact: Jacob & Rosella Schwartz 260-499-4980

Sam and Ida Miller 574-825-4165

There is also an AIM Director’s Supper: When: Wednesday, March 12 at 5:30 p.m.

Where: 2720 S. 900 W., Topeka, IN 46571

Hosted by Ray and Ada Yoder

For more information, contact: Loranna Yoder at 260-593-1912


A fun puzzle for you to complete using the articles in this month's Living Well Magazine. Across

3. ATP is the energy _____ that powers every move you make from the cellular level to the physical use of your body.

5. ____ your intake of omega-3 and -6 essential fatty acids with AIMega’s seed oils is a healthy cellular move for your entire body.

6. T he impact of fast foods and ultra-_____ foods has had a negative effect on people’s health around the globe.

7. T he AIM product lineup of has a wide range of dietary supplements that target body

1. T he pivotal reason AIM has been able to thrive since 1982 is _____ builders.

2 AIM always sources the finest _____ to create nutrition and skincare that works.


4. T he 2024 AIM Incentive Trips created long-lasting memories for contest _____.



For March, the cutoff date for placing month-end commission qualifying orders received via phone, fax or mail is 4:00 p.m. MT on Monday, March 31

Online orders count until 11:59 p.m. MT on Monday, March 31


AIM USA 3923 E. Flamingo Ave. Nampa, ID 83687-3100 Phone 208-463-2142 Toll-Free 800-456-2462 Fax 208-463-2189

AIM Canada

Address correspondence to: Editor, Living Well for AIM Members, 3923 E. Flamingo Avenue, Nampa, ID 83687-3100 e-mail: •

The purpose of AIM Living Well is to communicate vital information to our Members and Customers and to build strong relationships with them through education, motivation and recognition. If you submit your testimony and photo, we deem this your permission to publish or share with others via social media and print.

AIM products cannot be sold and advertised as cures and treatments for any disease. Our products are intended to improve the nutritional profile of the individuals who use them. Federal regulations in many countries prohibit making any claims that products are used in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment and prevention of disease.

Articles are for information only. Consult a health care practitioner for advice. AIM Living Well is written in compliance with U.S. requirements, which may not be suitable for marketing AIM products outside of the United States. We ask that you be aware of and respect the requirements of your country in marketing AIM products.

©2025 AIM International Inc. Printed in the USA. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

AIM Members are granted permission to reproduce any article that appears in Living Well, provided it is reprinted in its entirety and bears the following notice: “Reprinted with permission of AIM International Inc.”




Toll-free (USA & Canada): 800-456-2462 | 800-456-2682 | 800-456-4246

Hours: Weekdays, 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. MT (open until 4:00 p.m. MT on month-end dates)


Toll-free ... 1-800-456-2462 | 1-800-456-2682 | 1-800-456-4246

Orders, Applications, Support ..................... Option 1

AIM Information Express™ Option 2

Automated account access, pre-recorded product information and more (available anytime)

158 - 5255 McCall Way NE Calgary, AB T2E 7J5 Orders 800-456-2462 Office 888-343-9977 Fax 403-250-6544

AIM South Africa

P.O. Box 1087

Florida 1710

Phone 27-11-675-0477 Fax 27-11-675-0427

AIM United Kingdom

Within the UK: Phone (020) 7089 2640 Fax (020) 7089 2641 From outside the UK: Phone +44 20 7089 2640 Fax +44 20 7089 2641

AIM Australia

P.O. Box 3081

Nunawading Victoria 3131 Phone 1300-880-908 Fax 1300-880-918

From Outside Australia: Phone 61-3-9874-8311 Fax 61-3-9874-7402

AIM New Zealand

Within Auckland: Phone 64-9-537-5809 Fax 64-9-537-5904 From Outside Auckland: Phone 0800-480-333 Fax 0800-480-555

• No principal investment required

• No experience needed

• Exclusive access to high-quality supplements that can improve and maintain your health and the well-being of others

• Full support and training provided

• The more your team grows, the greater the rewards • A platform with limitless possibilities ® Start Your Own Business

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