15 minute read
Fresh Focus - Mag-Nificence CWR

Mag-nificence CWR
• Helps with the absorption of magnesium • May help alleviate muscle soreness • Helps maintain healthy bones • Supports over 300 essential metabolic reactions
Soothing Bath Additive
One of the most efficient ways to supplement your intake of magnesium is by absorption through your skin. Each time you pour 2 oz (60 ml) of Mag-nificence CWR into your bathwater, you add 4,800 mg of elemental magnesium to soak in.
No Time for Baths?
The beauty of Mag-nificence CWR is that it can be applied directly to your skin, so you don’t have to be in a bath to benefit. Gently rub some on your skin anytime you need it: after a shower, before bed, following exercise, etc. For convenience, pour CWR in a spray bottle – a handy way to apply it, whether you’re at home, at work or traveling.

Swimming in the sea makes a body feel good. The absorption of magnesium chloride plays a likely role in that good feeling. Soaking in bathwater containing CWR’s magnesium chloride provides a similar positive effect.

If It’s Good Enough for the Ocean . . .
Of all the water on planet Earth, 97 percent is ocean. A minimum of one million tons of magnesium is found within one cubic kilometer of sea water, making it one of the greatest sources of this essential mineral.1 The most common form of magnesium found in the ocean is magnesium chloride, the AIM choice for Mag-nificence CWR: a bit of the ocean in a bottle. 1 bit.ly/MagChloSea
I no longer wear a “mask” - This is the REAL me
By Amanda West - AIM Director
For years, and way before the pandemic entered our world, I have been wearing a “mask”. Amanda’s “mask” of fabulously fantastic bubbly fun. However, deep inside I was desperately crying out to God to save me from myself.
Here’s the thing, I struggle with my weight and the truth is, I may never be the socially acceptable, slim and trim, as depicted by women’s magazines and social media. And that’s ok. After all, my personality makes up for that, doesn’t it? In truth, I was in turmoil and agony! I was unhealthy, bloated and at dis-ease with myself. I was riddled with pain and literally sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. Together with my wonderful and supportive husband, I raised four teenagers whom I home-schooled whilst also working as a nail technician. My life was and often still is, an undeniably crazy, full-time juggling act.
And then, at the very depth of my despair, I received an invitation to an event that would literally change my life! At the age of 40, in May 2021, I stepped into a room full of angels. Each and every person I met, was filled with grace, inner beauty, knowledge and wisdom. That day marked a divine moment, which radically altered my life. This amazing event created, not only an opportunity to heal my body, but, after listening to all the testimonials of those wonderful people, I realised that there was also an incredible business opportunity. My salon is a beehive of activity and chatter where I daily get to have intimate conversations with my clients-turned-friends. It was the perfect platform to share my newfound knowledge and wisdom.
God had presented me with a choice to take responsibility for me and my family’s health. The least I could do was to share it with everyone in my path. This also motivated me to dive right in and use the products religiously so that I could be an example of someone who walks the talk!
Using the AIM products not only helped me and my family feel better and healthier, it also saved me from myself and all the default bad habits

If you know me, you will probably agree that I always smile and always laugh. And yes, I am louder and larger than life! My personality and body can fill and light a space instantaneously. I am that girl in the song: “Amanda, you light up my life!” Is this me? Yes and no!
and unhealthy daily choices I have been making all my life. My greatest desire is to leave a legacy of health and wellness for my children and their children and their children’s children. I want to be the one who breaks the cycle in our family, the one that was willing to take the road less travelled. Change is the currency of growth and I decided to radically break free from the generational comfort zone our family had been stuck in for so many years.
It was not only my physical health that improved with the AIM products but also my financial health. The pandemic created havoc with my business and mental wellbeing. Many clients became sick or did not want to be exposed to Covid and cancelled their regular appointments. To top that, my husband and children also caught the dreaded virus and I had to care for them. Every new day dawned without a ray of hope.
However, when one finds yourself in a place of darkness, God sends His angels to show you the way, even if it is only enough to take the next step. The invitation was like a headlight that showed me the next step: start using the AIM products and share it with others. I did not even have enough money to purchase all the products I so desperately needed. Yet again, my friend helped by sponsoring me to get started.
Fast-forward a few months and suddenly an alert on my phone informs me of a deposit into my bank account. My AIM rebate payment came through at just the perfect time. I had enough money to provide for a week and even had some change to spare!
Month after month my rebate grew and this motivated me to work even harder and set new goals, not just for us as a family, but also for my business. Through AIM, with my amazingly supportive upline and my new downline, I was able to take us on a first-ever family holiday to a resort at the coast. I was able to enjoy a stressfree holiday with my family knowing that there was enough to provide for the holiday and beyond. The cherry on my AIM smoothie was that, I had a downline on fire! How can one girl get to be so lucky?

Women and the Calcium Balance
Bones are continuously turning over in a cycle of building, growing, excavating and rebuilding. Calcium is the primary building block in this cycle. This essential mineral cannot be manufactured by your body, so it must come from dietary intake every day.
Only one percent of all the calcium stored in your body is found outside of your bones and teeth. This tiny percentage is used for many vital functions, including the widening and narrowing of blood vessels, the moving of muscles and the secreting of hormones.
Adequate amounts of dietary calcium maintain balance, supporting necessary body functions and keeping bone material dense and strong. Women tend to be more susceptible to issues with bone density, which can be impacted by pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause. As an example, for the healthy development of a growing child during pregnancy and breastfeeding, calcium is in high demand. If a mother’s calcium intake is insufficient, then this mineral will be taken from her bones (resorption).1 This is why it is important for moms to increase their intake of calcium-rich nutrition. But before supplementing with CalciAIM, a mom should consult with her health care practitioner.

The CalciAIM Difference
Many women supplement their calcium intake to ensure they get a sufficient amount. Those who choose CalciAIM know the difference between its 98 percent absorbable calcium powder and only 20 percent absorbability from capsules and 30 percent from tablets.
Calcium is simply a difficult mineral to absorb supplementally unless it is delivered in a free-ionic form, which happens as soon as you add CalciAIM powder to water.
Additionally, nutrients that support calcium absorption and bone health are also fundamental ingredients in the formulation: vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, L-lysine HCL, vitamin C, vitamin A and copper.
The Right Amount
For women over the age of 19, the recommended daily amount for calcium is 1,000 – 1,200 mg. Women require the higher amount when they reach the age of 51, around the start of menopause. For adults 19 to 50, the recommended upper limit is 2,500 mg of calcium a day. If you are 51 or older, the upper limit of daily calcium is 2,000 mg.2 CalciAIM helps to meet your daily requirement, and it is best taken with food. For efficacy and safety, each serving delivers an amount of calcium that your body can take at one time: around 400 mg. If you have two or three servings daily, take them at separate meals.
References: 1 bit.ly/ResorptionPregnancy 2 bit.ly/CalciumIntake
The CalciAIM Difference
1. Supports health bones 2. Maintaining a healthy body weight 3. May reduce PMS symptoms 4. Keeps teeth strong 5. Aids gum health 6. Great for maintaining alkalinity

® Product

Whole Body Health
An organic seed oil blend that delivers an important source of healthful and essential omega-3 and -6 fatty acids, plus omega-9. EFA’s are the main structural component of every cell membrane and are necessary for cell growth and activity.
An all-natural, green barley leaf juice powder concentrate helps provide the daily nutrition you need to develop a strong foundation for good health and is abundant in enzymes, essential amino acids, and rich in antioxidant ability, inflammation fighting activity and immune system support. Available in powder and vegan capsules. Helps maintain correct pH levels.
BarleyLife Xtra
A delightful, cherry-apple flavoured green barley juice powder with 18 different fruits and vegetables. With only one gram of sugar per serving, BarleyLife Xtra provides a healthy, nourishing alternative to the plethora of sugar-filled drinks available today. Children and adults alike enjoy this smooth, pleasant drink.
Just Carrots
A carrot juice powder concentrate that contains important nutrients such as alpha-and beta carotene, calcium, iron, B vitamins, potassium and lutein.
A concentrated beet juice powder with only the fiber removed, contains essential enzymes along with the natural form of betaine, which aids in cleansing the liver and reducing homocysteine levels. CoCoa LeafGreens

Leaves are among the most abundant sources of vital nutrients on the planet, and cocoa has long been touted for its delectable taste and antioxidant ability. It delivers the nutrition of barley, spinach, kale, arugula, Swiss chard and broccoli sprouts powder in a delicious cocoa beverage. CoCoa LeafGreens is the only product on the market to utilize this singular blend of leaf juices and sprouts with the flavour profile of cocoa for optimal health benefits and a great taste.
Digestive Health
A powerful combination of three friendly bacteria: Lactobacillus gasseri, Bifidobacteria bifidum, and Bifidobacteria longum – helps maintain digestive and intestinal health.
A combination of digestive enzymes, helps our bodies break down foods so we get more nutrients per meal. Specially made for high-sugar, high-fat diets commonly found in “industrialized” countries.
Herbal Fiberblend
A combination of soluble and insoluble psyllium fibre and cleansing herbs, helps maintain bowel regularity, provides dietary fibre and aids in detoxification. Helps maintain healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Available in vegan capsules, raspberry flavour, and unflavoured. Para 90
A unique combination of herbs that helps cleanse parasites Neuro Health
A combination of relaxing herbs, helps to maintain neuro health, especially in regard to dealing efficiently with stress. Has a calming effect. GinkgoSense Combines ginkgo biloba with the curcumin, ashwagandha, black pepper extract and the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin to provide overall support for your neuro health. Specifically targets mental acuity, vision, and circulation.
Cardiovascular Health
CellSparc 360
Combines coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) with tocotrienols and fish oil to provide total cardiovascular support. The CoQ10 provides potent antioxidant capabilities, and the tocotrienols and fish oil help maintain healthy cholesterol, triglyceride levels and healthy gums.
GarlicAIM GarlicAIM is a dietary supplement that targets cardiovascular health with a unique combination of three types of garlic.
General Health
Cranberry juice concentrate helps maintain a healthy urinary tract. It also helps maintain healthy gums and teeth, and provides powerful antioxidants. May be helpful for those with Candida.
GlucoChrom Combines vanadium, gymnema sylvestre, bitter melon, and a unique, yeast-sourced chromium to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
Herbal Release
A combination of herbs that assists with the relief of constipation and assists with support and maintenance of the gastrointestinal tract.
Proancynol 2000
A combination of green tea, grape seed extract, alpha-lipoic acid, and other powerful antioxidants, helps fight free radicals and maintain a healthy immune system.
Offers topical magnesium, CWR bath additive - to provide effective ways of increasing cellular absorption of this essential mineral. Magnesium may be one of the most essential elements to living organisms.
Men’s Health
ReAssure SP
A unique and synergistic combination of saw palmetto berry oil extract, pumpkin seed oil, tomato lycopene, and zinc citrate for the maintenance of prostate health.
Active Health
Fit ’n Fiber
Is a prebiotic fibre supplement with heart-healthy soluble and insoluble fibre. Soluble fibre has been linked to reduced appetite. Prebiotic fibres feed good bacteria in our gut to improve digestion and immune function.
Peak Endurance
A combination of PEAK ATP®, electrolytes, B vitamins, vitamin C, and only a single gram of sugar. ATP is the primary source of energy for every function in the cells in the body, electrolytes need replacing due to exercise, and B vitamins are important for metabolism. A serving delivers 200 mg of PEAK ATP®
A vegetable protein powder made from peas. Provides 12 grams of protein per serving. Ideal tool for weight management due to protein’s ability to increase satiety, improve lean muscle and increase metabolism. Bone Health
Frame Essentials
Combines a glucosamine complex with MSM and boswellia extract, helps maintain healthy joints. Maintains healthy joint function and mobility.
A natural citrus drink mix that provides several nutrients crucial to proper skeletal function and overall wellness. Contains three types of calcium plus a number of other nutrients that include vitamin D.
Women’s Health
Renewed Balance
Body cream contains natural plant-derived ingredients that work synergistically. Both women and men may derive health benefits from this product.
The Nutrition Zone

It’s human nature to want to make choices that are beneficial and safe. At the same time, that isn’t always how the circumstances play out in the end.
You can choose products that are promoted to be useful, but the only good thing about them turns out to be the packaging. On top of shallow appearances, the glut of available information these days on any given subject and related product makes it difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Providing high-quality, whole-food powders and dietary supplements that people can trust has always been and will always be an AIM objective. The AIM Companies™ has achieved this level of excellence for nearly four decades by creating a safe and effective nutrition zone. an abundantly diverse concentration of beneficial nutrients.
On top of AIM’s selections for wholebody balance, the nutrition zone includes dietary supplements for: • Digestive Health—Herbal
Fiberblend, FloraFood and
PrepZymes • Cardio Health—AIMega,
CellSparc 360 and GarlicAIM • Weight Management—
ProPeas, Fit ’n Fiber and
GlucoChrom. • Targeted Nutrition—CalciAIM
for bone health and Frame
Essentials for joint health • Topical Magnesium—Mag-
Whether leafing through the pages of Living Well magazines and other literature or navigating the pages of the website, people can trust the AIM lineup of nutrition that works. nificence CWR magnesium bath additive
Choose the leaf juice in BarleyLife, phytonutrient-rich CoCoa LeafGreens or any other of AIM’s whole-food powders and you’re in the nutrition zone, where high-quality ingredients deliver Each AIM dietary supplement contains high-quality ingredients that are safe and effective for targeting specific health concerns.
You make the right choices when you AIM for the nutrition zone.
The Good Kind of Strain
They might be a bit hard to pronounce, but the three strains of bacteria in FloraFood are good ones. Choosing this trio of probiotics to repopulate your microbiota does your body good by maintaining digestive and overall health.
Lactobacillus gasseri happens to be one of the main species of good bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract. This means ingesting more of this specific strain eases the strain that these good bacteria are under to keep you healthy. One of this strain’s abilities is creating an unhealthy environment for bad bacteria that would otherwise cause intestinal issues.
Bifidobacterium bifidum works especially well with your immune system to enhance the all-important immune response. Studies of this strain of good bacteria reveal that it plays a role in lowering inflammation.
Bifidobacterium longum has also been shown to enhance the immune response and reduce the damaging effects of inflammation. It helps to produce vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and both strains of Bifidobacteria are involved in the synthesis of B vitamins.
A healthy, dominant population of good bacteria is integral to having good health. What's more, the activity and composition of microorganisms that make up the gut microbiota can negatively or positively affect your health.
Taking FloraFood contributes greatly to the number and diversity of beneficial microorganisms: three billion good bacteria per capsule. And FloraFood’s glass bottle keeps these three probiotic strains effectively active without the need for refrigeration.
References: bit.ly/B_Anti-inflammatory bit.ly/GoodStrain bit.ly/B_Benefits