6 minute read
BarleyLife Friend of the Furry and the Feathered
Friend of the Furry and the Feathered
By Adélle van der Merwe - AIM Member
However, after several x-rays and series of antibiotics we discovered that she in fact, had an enlarged heart. I was given the shattering news that there is not much we can do. Sammy’s sand in her hourglass was running out. It broke my heart. I shared my sorrow with my friend and sponsor and she advised that I try giving Sammy some BarleyLife every day. After all, what did I have to lose?
Nine months later, she has a healthy wet nose, is full of energy and has even lost some excess weight. Sammy’s time on earth may be limited due to her age but against all odds, her health and overall wellbeing changed dramatically and I can only attribute it to the daily tablespoon of BarleyLife that she gets with her food. Thank you AIM for allowing my companion and friend to be with me for a little longer. Longer than anticipated! I am humbled and grateful.
In December 2021, while Sammy and I were peacefully sitting in our living room, a newly hatched little dove fluttered in. She was frail and could not fly properly. I searched for the nest and her mother, but to no avail. So, what do I give this little feathered creature to eat and drink? I could not just leave her outside to fend for herself. Once again, I shared it with my friend and sponsor who said: “Adélle, you know what to do. Back to basics, back to Barley!”
A year ago, my dog and only companion, Sammy, developed a serious cough in the mornings. The vet diagnosed her with what they call kennel cough.

And so this broken and beautiful little dove started her diet of daily Barley in her water together with some seeds. For days she just walked and flapped around in my room. I religiously oversaw her diet and just over a week, she started happily flying around.
With a sad heart, Sammy and I let her loose. I miss her but know that with the help of The AIM Products and some tender loving care, she is “flying” her life, as God created her to do.
AIM Pop-Up Kit for Members
If you are wanting to plan an in-person event to promote the health benefits of AIM products, consider renting the Pop-Up Kit that was put together specifically for Member use.
Members who have organized meetings or shows know just how time-consuming it can be. The AIM Pop-Up Kit can save you a lot of time with ready-to-use presentations, promotional literature and display materials. Simply call AIM to rent and arrange for a courier to collect it from the office.
For R800 Rental Fee and R800 Refundable Deposit you get the following:
Pop-Up Kit Contents - To be Returned
3 Professional Banners 2 Great Presentations
1 Your Journey Starts Here 2 Digestive Health 3 Whole-Body Health 1 Digestive Health 2 Whole-Body Health
[Flash Drive PowerPoint]
2.5 Meter Table Cloth

FREE AIM Literature:
20 x Price lists 20 x Living Well Magazines 20 x Fresh Focus Booklets 20 x Product Brochure 1 x Welcome Pack Containing: • 1 x Welcome Letter • 1 x Application and Order Form • 1 x Living Well Magazine • 1 x Health is Wealth Booklet • 1 x Fresh Focus Booklet • 1 x Price List
(Courier fees to transport to and from the office is for the Member’s account)
Celebrating for years to come Ahead!
The countdown is on for the AIM event of the year. On May 18, Members from all over the world will be tuning in to the online broadcast of AIM LIVE.
This Corporate Virtual Event will be hosted by Carolyn Holly, a news anchor with years of on-camera experience. Members who have seen promotional advertisements for AIM LIVE on social media platforms will recognize Carolyn as the emcee for this virtually live experience.
Carolyn Holly’s journalistic know-how and charming personality will take this 40th anniversary event to an even higher level of expertise as she seamlessly weaves together each informative presentation.
Take a trip down memory lane with AIM President Dennis Itami and Kay Itami as they look back at the timeline of The AIM Companies™ right up to present-day goals that will transport the AIM Family into a future worth celebrating.
Part of that bright future will be introduced during AIM LIVE by Quality Assurance Manager Phillip Jermann, who oversees product development.
A financial boost of what lies ahead for AIM business builders will be shared by Member Support Call Center Manager Andrew Smith during his presentation of the enhanced compensation plan.
Streaming from South Africa to viewers of AIM LIVE, Future Development Consultant Nicolas van Rensburg will take Members to 2023 through a sneak preview of future enhancements to the compensation plan.
For MyAIMStore webmasters, Technology Analyst Delia Jimenez will delve into new features and enhancements of this free website, which Members can personalize to their individual preferences and styles.
AIM LIVE will also be a time to honor the recent accomplishments of Members, all of whom are the essence of AIM’s past, present and future.
It all begins on the evening of May 18 at 19:00 South African Time, when AIM LIVE will be streamed simultaneously on Facebook and YouTube. Be there as it happens to take advantage of an exclusive offer.

Sudoku - Draw a picture in each line, make sure that there is one of each picture in each row, without repetitions.
AIM Live
AIM USA 3923 E. Flamingo Ave Nampa, ID 83687-3100 Phone 208-465-5116 Fax 208-463-2189 aimonline@aimintl.com
AIM CANADA OFFICE #390-2025 W. 42nd Ave Vancouver, BC V6M2B5 Phone 604-263-8497 Toll-free 888-343-9977 Fax 604-263-8455 aimcanada@aimintl.com
Contact Information
AIM Africa Inc.
Lower Ground Floor, Island House, Constantia Office Park, Weltevreden Park Cnr Hendrik Potgieter & 14th Ave, Roodepoort Phone: (011) 675 0477 Fax: (011) 675 0427 aimordersza@aimintl.com www.theaimcompanies.com

Cut off times for placing your order.
• Orders to be placed and paid for by 13:00 to ensure that it is sent out the next day. • Web orders to be placed and paid for by 12:00 to ensure that it is sent out the next day.
Weekday hours: 8h30 to 16h30 Contact Email Gill Hamilton gillh@aimintl.com Leanda Mostert lmostert@aimintl.com Lecia Barclay lvanvuuren@aimintl.com Graham Denoon gdenoon@aimintl.com Juanita de Beer jdebeer@aimintl.com Marisa Bam mbam@aimintl.com
® International Offices
AIM UNITED KINGDOM Within the UK Phone (020) 7089 2640 Fax (020) 2089 2641 aimordersuk@aimintl.com From outside the UK Phone +44 20 7089 2640 Fax +44 20 7089 2641
AIM AUSTRALIA P.O. Box 3081 Nunawading Victoria 3131 Phone 1300-880-908 Fax 1300-880-918 From outside Australia Phone 61-3-9874-8311 Fax 61-3-9874-7402 aimaustralia@aimintl.com
AIM NEW ZEALAND Within Auckland: Phone 64-9-537-5809 Fax 64-9537-5904 From outside Auckland: Phone 0800-480-333 Fax 0800-480-555