7 minute read
Introducing BarleyLife Xtra
Right from the start, rest assured that cherry-apple flavoured BarleyLife Xtra remains a full-time member of the AIM product lineup. But for a limited time only, you can also enjoy this perennially popular, whole-food powder with a tasty tropical flavour as AIM introduces BarleyLife Xtra Pineapple.
Regular users of BarleyLife Xtra will know that pineapple has always been one of its “fruitful” ingredients. Stepping out of the mix and into the forefront, pineapple provides a flavourful burst. For the record, this limited-edition product tastes amazing!
It can be a refreshing change to shake things up a bit, and shaking up a new taste of BarleyLife Xtra into a cold beverage fits the bill of a refreshing change you’ll enjoy. What’s more, the nutritional value hasn’t changed a bit. The 270g canister provides 60 servings. Each 4.5-gram serving contains the same amount of BarleyLife. To optimize the delivery of all of its nutrients and phytonutrients, brown rice oligodextrin acts as a protective buffer between the enzymes and other molecules of nutrition unique to the juice powder of young barley leaves.
AIM’s cold process for harvesting and drying barley grass ensures the preservation of chlorophyll from leaf to powder. That means one serving of BarleyLife Xtra Pineapple still delivers over 22 mg of chlorophyll.
And you still get a total of 18 fruits and vegetables that provide a diverse number of plant-based antioxidants, guarding against free radical damage.
All of Xtra’s goodness is gluten-free and non-GMO, and, of course, the pineapple flavour maintains BarleyLife Xtra’s status of being vegan.

Available for a limited time only. Order yours today!

If you drink the tropically pineapple taste of BarleyLife Xtra in a hot and humid climate, remember that you can store the canister in a dehumidifying freezer to avoid clumping of the powder.
By the way, there’s no added sugar in BarleyLife Xtra Pineapple, and its 1 gram of sugar is plant-based. This natural sweetness has made BarleyLife Xtra a very popular, healthy drink among children. The same sweet thing can be said for people of all ages who don’t appreciate a taste of barley grass.

Adding the flavour of pineapple to the mix creates a new taste sensation to this wholefood nutrition, so this limited-time offer will appeal even to those who have never tried BarleyLife Xtra.
AIM recommends that all Members and Customers enjoy the taste of BarleyLife Xtra Pineapple for as long as it is available.

Pineapple Bits of History
One of the first explorers to discover pineapples and introduce them to European cuisine was none other than Christopher Columbus. It was in November of 1493 that Columbus first came upon this succulent fruit, growing on a group of islands in the Southern Caribbean Sea.
The exotic taste and texture of pineapples were a big hit when Columbus brought them back to Spain. That popularity would only grow over the centuries. However, the difficulties involved in transporting pineapples across the sea to arrive in a fresh, edible state made them a rarity available mostly to the wealthy. In fact, pineapples would sell for up to $8,000 in today’s currency.
Four hundred and seven years after Columbus’s pineapple encounter, the first commercial pineapple plantation was started in Hawaii by James Dole.
In August 2022, AIM introduced the delectable flavour of pineapple as a limited “extra” in BarleyLife Xtra. Make sure you order this temporary taste of nutrition before it is history.
Thrive with

By Deirdré van Staden - AIM Director
Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) are essential to the correct functioning of our body. They are not produced by the body and therefore need to be included in our diet, which is why they are termed ‘essential’. I have been supplementing with AIMega since I started using the AIM products. I simply cannot be without it!
EFA’s are important in energy production as without energy we cannot function. I am a dancer and dance approximately 12 or more hours a week. I have plenty of energy. I mix and enjoy BarleyLife, Just Carrots and RediBeets in water first thing in the morning. With that I have AIMega capsules. I love to chew the capsules and taste the oil, I find them delicious!
I experienced first hand how vital essential fatty acids are for the proper functioning of the Endocrine System (controls hormone production). In 2019, I went through some emotional trauma which resulted in an underactive thyroid, which I then needed to bring back into balance. I increased my Garden Trio (BarleyLife, Just Carrots, RediBeets) and AIMega dosage, taking the products several times a day. I do believe that some people are more sensitive when it comes to hormones and I am one of those individuals that require more essential fatty acids than the average person.
With the imbalance in the thyroid, my skin was rather dry, especially during the Gauteng winter months. AIMega, which has the correct balance of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids is just what I needed and what assisted to make my skin more supple and softer. My sleep pattern was also completely disrupted. Composure helped immensely! Since the sleep cycle is regulated by the endocrine system, taking enough essential fatty acids, which also helps to keep the thyroid function in check, resulted in a better night’s sleep.
The Endocrine System also controls mental clarity. I can honestly say that I struggled to remember my dance routines and so much more. As I continued taking my AIM products which included Composure, Peak Endurance and RediBeets mixed together - my “go to” delicious drink; my thyroid started to regain balance.
Optimal food digestion is another area of endocrine function. I had food cravings and an increased appetite and I felt that AIMega helped curb both of these symptoms.
Omega-3 fatty acids are also needed for prostaglandin production. Prostaglandins are lipid compounds which are vital to the functioning of the immune system. This is very important to me as a dancer as I could not afford to take too much time off due to illness. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) creates an anti-inflammatory effect on the body which helps to manage joint pain and body aches.
AIMega and Peak Endurance ensure that I am comfortable and don’t suffer from lactic acid build up.
There is a common misconception that one has to consume fish or fish oil supplements in order to receive daily Omega-3 requirements. I have found AIMega (plant based product) to be perfect for me, so no fish oil is necessary. Thank you AIM!
Omega-6 helps the body to promote inflammation and blood clotting in balance – both important in wound healing. Any scrapes and bruises I pick up along the way are dealt with by my body, in no time at all.
Along with the flax oil found in AIMega, I also consume chia seeds and walnuts which also supply Omega -3s. Eating a good variety of these will greatly assist with obtaining sufficient EFA’s.
Achieving a 1:1 ratio of Omega 6:3 fatty acids would be ideal. However, with the typical western diet high in meat and dairy, many people are contributing to inflammation and chronic disease (e.g. heart disease, arthritis, and cancer, to name a few) by consuming an inadequate amount of omega 3 fatty acids and too many omega 6 fatty acids. In some cases, the ratios are to 30:1!! Knowing this, I focus on whole and plant-based foods that provide all the nutrition (including my AIM products).
Depressive thoughts and negative emotions are something that I also suffered from and I feel taking AIMega helped me to cope with those feelings. As a Natural Health Consultant, I encourage women with “hot flashes” due to menopausal symptoms, to take AIMega at increased dosages and they have seen a remarkable improvement after using this product.
In my capacity as a La Leche League Leader (breastfeeding league) for many years, I know just how vital Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is for brain development and function in childhood. I have also recommended adults to take AIMega to help maintain and optimize brain function. I encourage my clients that struggle with health issues to start with Herbal Fiberblend, AIMega and BarleyLife as I have found that these products have a very positive effect on overall health.
The oils in AIMega are kept in a dark carob capsule which protects the oil from light and heat. The nitrogen flushed capsule also ensures that oxygen is unavailable to cause rancidity.
The oils in AIMega are an internal cosmetic for great skin – as Udo Erasmus (author of Fats that Heal and Fats that Kill), stated: “the skin receives EFA’s last and loses it first.” He also stated that we need more EFA’s in winter than in summer as every cell requires energy. If you give it more energy, it functions better. Let’s help our