Holy week, Easter plans. 20
Fuel spill. 5
Grassy reopens. 24
Happy Easter
VOLUME 25, NO. 23
APRIL 12, 2017 FREE
The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992 AsTheWorldTerns go big for Easter. 6 Bradenton Beach pushes forward with fitness trail. 2 Native plants take root in demo garden. 3 Anna Maria’s VRO: 1 year later, debate continues. 4
The Islander editorial, reader letters. 6
From the archives. 7
On the government calendar. 8 BB mulls moratorium extension. 8
Community announcements, activities. 12-13 Make plans, save a date. 14-15 FISH fights Aqua By The Bay. 16 Center holds out hope to close budget gap. 18
Obituaries. 20 Streetlife. 22 Stormy outlook. 25 Center youth soccer kicks off. 26 Fishing action. 27
ISL BIZ Truckin’ Coquina, business news. 29-30 Classifieds. 31
Neal wins decision on Harbor Sound
By Kathy prucnell islander reporter the 5th district court of appeal upheld a state wetlands permit for an enclave of homes on perico island for developer pat neal of neal communities. the march 21 decision takes the developer a step closer to constructing Harbor Sound on 3.46 acres fronting on anna maria Sound, including the destruction of 1.05 acres of Neal mangroves. Three appellate judges affirmed a Southwest florida Water management district august 2015 permit decision in the appeal initially brought by former manatee county commissioner Joe mcclash and four nonprofits, ManaSota-88 Inc., Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage, Sierra club and Suncoast Waterkeeper inc. another order by the 5th dca in march turned down requests from both sides to assess their attorneys’ fees to the other. Harbor Sound is planned as four 8,400 square-foot homes on 23,700-28,200 squarefoot lots on anna maria Sound for neal family members. “that’s still the plan,” neal told the islander april 5. Harbor Sound is adjacent to Harbour isles, a partially-built 650-plus unit development approved in 2010 by the city of Bradenton. in the march appellate arguments, attorneys for neal and Swiftmud asked the panel to allow the state permit to stand, while mcclash’s cape coral attorney ralf Brookes said a prior administrative law judge’s decision ought to prevail. Brookes wrote in an april 4 email, “We presented all of our arguments very well,” adding the 5th dca issued no written opinion. “We, of course, are disappointed that the district court did not uphold the administrative law judge’s decision.” the aLJ decision compared neal’s project to the dredge-and-fill projects in Florida in the 1960s and 1970s — before environmental controls — and recommended denial, which was overturned by the Swiftmud governing board, then headed by developer pLeaSe See Neal page 3
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Wild dolphin show
A dolphin racing toward the shore jumped from the shallow water at Bayfront Park in Anna Maria and Carl Conn of Wellsboro, Pennsylvania, had his Nikon Coolpix with a zoom lens ready. “I was surprised to see it come into 2-3 feet of water,” he said. Conn has spent winters on Anna Maria Island for six years. He said, “The dolphin went back and forth in front of all the swimmers a good distance away. Then, all of a sudden, the dolphin swam very fast and close…. It seemed to be chasing something.”
BB restaurant owner jailed for noise-making
By Kathy prucnell islander reporter “excessive and petty” is how freckled fin owner Scott Lubore described his arrest for a noise ordinance violation at his Bradenton Beach bar-restaurant at 101 Bridge St. Lubore, 48, was arrested april 5 — and taken to the manatee county jail — after BBPD Officer Steven masi heard loud music at 8:40 p.m. while on Fourth Lubore Street South coming from Bridge Street. “the music seemed louder than the normal range,” masi reported. “i could hear that the music was coming from the freckled fin and not the island time, because they had no live music at this time playing.” Lubore described a “rocking” springbreak scene at the corner of Bridge Street and gulf drive with freckled fin’s bar “getting crushed” and people dancing on balconies along Bridge Street. “i’m not saying we weren’t over the limit, we were,” Lubore said about the noise level. Still the freckled fin owner complains he’s been unfairly targeted. “the mayor wants to make a point,” he said, adding mayor Bill Shearon holds a
Crafted Cocktails
grudge about Lubore refusing to pick up the mayor’s dog poop. Lubore views his night in the manatee county jail “a waste of taxpayer’s money,” for the use of BBpd and jail resources. “for what?” he said, adding he was responsible for the same fine. “noise is noise,” Shearon said, adding Lubore had been warned. as far as the dog poop, the mayor said it was something he didn’t see, because he is sight-impaired, but once made aware, he curbed the mess. masi measured the april 5 noise from the Freckled Fin at 81-86 decibels across the street at 200 gulf drive and then at the Freckled Fin property line, where 93-98 decibels registered. the city noise limit for the 7-10 p.m. time frame is 75 decibels. Between 2016 and the end of march, nine complaints took police to the freckled Fin and the bar-restaurant was ticketed five times. noise blamed on the freckled fin march 26, however, was from island time Bar and grill, an incident for which island time managers were warned, according to BBpd detective Sgt. Lenard diaz. the freckled fin owner wants to know how many times other Bradenton Beach bars pLeaSe See NOiSe page 2
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2 n ApRIL 12, 2017 n THE ISLANDER
Bradenton Beach moves forward with fitness trail By chrisann Silver esformes islander reporter Bradenton Beach has initiated a plan to install fitness equipment along the coquina Beach trail. the trail exists, but the Scenic Waves committee proposed the improvements — exercise equipment at 20 stations in shaded areas along the trail. it would cost an estimated $10,000. previously, city commissioners agreed to approach manatee county for the equipment funding since coquina Beach is regulated and maintained by the county as a public beach in Bradenton Beach. However, commissioners disagreed on how to proceed. according to a county resolution, Bradenton Beach must get a letter of support jointly executed and signed by the island mayors — on approval from their respective cities — in order to receive matching funds for projects from the county’s surplus beach concessionaire revenue. during a february meeting, city attorney ricinda perry said along with the letter, a joint resolution between the three cities would be the best way to move the project forward. a motion for perry to draft the resolution passed unanimously. following correspondence with the county, it was determined a joint resolution was not required, but the commissioners voted 4-1 in march to approve the resolution, with mayor Bill Shearon casting the dissenting vote. at an april 6 commission meeting, Vice mayor John chappie said he submitted a “reworked” version of the original resolution to be voted on by the commission. in the new version, the resolution comes only from Bradenton Beach. He said the history of Bradenton Beach shows resolutions have consistently been used when the city is making a commitment. “We do the resolution, the cities sign the letter,”
Walkers, runners and bikers traverse the Coquina Beach Trail in Bradenton Beach.
chappie said. “this is our project, not the three cities.” Shearon said this is not really a Bradenton Beach project, since the park is managed by the county. He said he is concerned if the city has to do a formal resolution, it will slow down the process. around the dais, commissioner Jake Spooner asked Shearon why he disagrees with a resolution from the city. Shearon said he “really doesn’t think it makes a difference in this case,” and said he approves as long as the joint letter signed by the mayors is used as an exhibit. a motion was made to amend the resolution to come only from Bradenton Beach and direct the clerk to forward the document and exhibits to the other cities. upon receipt of the signed documents, the clerk will forward the completed proposal to the county for consideration. the motion passed unanimously.
the next city commission meeting will be at noon thursday, april 20, at Bradenton Beach city Hall, 107 gulf drive n. NOiSe continued from page 1
and restaurants, including the drift in, Sports Lounge, island time Bar and grill and Bridgetender have been cited with noise complaints, adding he’s requested the data from the city — and received no response. Shearon said Lubore should check with city clerk terri Sanclementi on his record request. Lubore and his wife met with diaz march 23 and, according to an email from diaz, they were advised the BBpd would arrest the person in charge if the establishment violated the noise ordinance. diaz said island time Bar and grill owner Bill Herlihy was given the same warning. about Lubore’s arrest, police chief Sam Speciale said, “they’d been warned not to exceed the level or someone would be arrested. He did and so he was.”
Iconic Landscape Photographer
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THE ISLANDER n April 12, 2017 n 3
Native plants take root, bloom at HB beach access
By Jennifer Sheppard Islander Reporter Within weeks of planting the seeds, at least one flower bloomed and Holmes Beach Commissioner Marvin Grossman was having fun. Grossman, who serves as commission liaison to the city’s parks and beautification committee, wanted to bring native flowers to the beach. For the first demonstration project at the 72nd Street beach end, Grossman selected seven sun- and salt-tolerant plant species and provided a temporary
drip system. He then arranged to tap into the well at the Nautilus Condominiums, 7100 Gulf Drive. “I had fun doing this,” Grossman said. “I’m trying in a couple of other areas.” Overnight, a timer activates the temporary drip system and mini-sprinklers connected by a hose to
Neal continued from page 1
Carlos Beruff. Considered by the panel were McClash’s standing as a recreational boater and fisher, as well as a Swiftmud decision to require Hillsborough County mitigation. Neal weighed in on the appellate decision, saying he doubted the 5th DCA would have affirmed without an opinion “on the narrow issue of standing.” Neal said he believes the judges were persuaded by the 1977 precedent of Save Anna Maria v. Department of Transportation, a case that stands for the right of local regulatory bodies to choose mitigation. The same week in March as the oral arguments, McClash and Harbor Sound neighbor Debbie Wilcox sent the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers a Clean Water Act complaint after workers were seen trampling through coastal vegetation at the site. According to Corps public information officer Nakeir Nobles April 6, that complaint was resolved. “It was found there was no impacts to jurisdictional waters of the U.S.,” she said. Next for the subdivision, Neal expects his son Michael Neal, owner and contractor, will finish improvements under the state permit. Asked about his plans for the adjacent 36 acres he owns on Perico Island, Neal said, “That’s too many questions.”
water the plants. “I can move the system, too, in 6 months or something like that,” he said. The project costs about $300 “for the plants and everything, so it’s really not expensive.” Under the guidance of the city parks and beautification committee, Grossman selected morning glories, blanket flowers and railroad vines and others, from a list of native beach and dune plants prepared by the Florida Department of Environmental Projection. “Later on, if I want to come back (with more plants), I can fill it all up,” Grossman said. “I think when they start blooming and they get big, this will be sufficient.” Grossman, who holds a doctorate in art education, said he enjoyed the chance to be creative with the project. “It gives me a chance to do something that people will enjoy,” he said. “So far, I haven’t found anybody who didn’t like this.” Grossman said he hopes more people will offer water access to establish native plant gardens at other beach ends. “I’ll do a couple more and I figure people would chip in after that,” he said. Holmes Beach Commissioner Marvin Grossman points April 5 to a blanket flower, a moderately salt-tolerant plant, selected for a beach improvement project at the 72nd Street beach access.
Holmes Beach Commissioner Marvin Grossman shows off the bloom of a morning glory April 5. The commissioner started a demonstration project, including plantings at the beach access on 72nd Street. Islander Photos: Jennifer Sheppard
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4 n April 12, 2017 n THE ISLANDER
Anna Maria’s VRO: 1 year later, debate continues By Bianca Benedí Islander Reporter One year later and the controversial Anna Maria vacation rental ordinance could still be in flux. Anna Maria’s VRO went into effect April 1, 2016, after months of debate and controversy. The ordinance came with a registration and license requirement, regular inspections, an eight-person occupancy limit and minimum requirements for the size of a bedroom. By the deadline in 2016, 450 units were registered. Today, the city has 527 registered rental properties. The city also is addressing 112 Bert Harris claims as a result of the VRO and the related legal issues have been on city commission agendas for most of the past year. Now the city also is facing a challenge to the VRO from Tallahassee, where Sen. Greg Steube, R-Sarasota, has filed Senate Bill 188 to roll back the vacationrental specific regulations to June 1, 2011. A companion bill, House Bill 425, was filed by Rep. Mike La Rosa, R-Osceala. Both measures are in committees and have not gone to a floor vote. The city hired lobbyist Chip Case to fight the bills and commissioners have encouraged residents to wage a grassroots campaign to defend the VRO at the Capitol. Even as the city works to protect the ordinance, some people in Anna Maria think it could be improved. At the April 6 commission meeting, Jean and Bill Bystrom, Holmes Beach residents and owners of the Stillshores apartments at 604 N. Shore Drive in Anna Maria, addressed the commission. The Bystroms say they had only recently learned the VRO applies to their property, which has four units and which they’ve operated since 2001. As a result of the eight-person limit, they told the commission, they can only use three of the four units in their complex, which has functioned as a short-term rental since it was constructed in the 1950s. The couple asked the commission to consider changing the ordinance to accommodate a handful of three- to nine-unit complexes in Anna Maria. However, Jean Bystrom emphasized, the request does not mean they oppose the VRO. “I’m sure having rental restrictions and guidelines is going to help the cities have more control over shortterm rentals,” she said. “I agree with home rule and letting local governments put some restrictions,” Jean Bystrom said. “I’m sure they didn’t realize when they passed this ordinance that there were people like me it was going to
Construction takes place on a duplex at 771 N. Shore Drive in Anna Maria. Islander Photo: Bianca Benedí
affect.” Other residents, including Debbie and Bill Kilichowski, think the VRO violates the spirit of Anna Maria. Debbie Kilichowski owns property on the island that has been in her family since before there were bridges to the island and her grandparents traveled to Anna Maria by ferry. She uses it as a family vacation home. “The island was discovered by people seeking vacation,” she said. “Pretty much everyone talking about this VRO right now came at some point on vacation. The pushback comes from people who chose to make it a permanent home.” Kilichowski acknowledges some vacationers can be noisy and disruptive, but the island is a vacation destination and residents should expect some noise around holidays and on weekends. In addition, remaining a vacation destination and allowing people to rent out their homes helps the population and traffic, Kilichowski said. Many of the houses on the island remain empty for portions of the year, she said, and full-time residents occupying all the houses could make traffic on Anna Maria Island worse. Kilichowski said owners of these vacation properties, which are not homesteaded, pay a greater share of taxes. “Their intentions are good,” she said about the city commission, but the VRO and discouraging short-term rentals has negative long-term consequences for the island. Others have spoken up in support of the ordinance. Dr. Alex Wagenaar, a full-time resident of Anna Maria, said the VRO is necessary and he dislikes attempts in Tallahassee to limit local government regulation.
Resident walled off from Waterline resort
By Jennifer Sheppard Islander Reporter There’s a 204.4-foot-long wall now between resident Lance Spotts’ property and the Waterline Marina Resort & Beach Club in Holmes Beach. “It’s what was agreed upon to be built, so I don’t really have any problems with it,” Spotts said April 5 of the wall adjacent to his home in the 5300 block of Sunrise Lane. Spotts was one of two residents on a private road who threatened to sue the city if it allowed the developer access to the lane that is deeded to the residential property owners. He has lived there since 1998. The original development project that became Waterline called for six buildings. “I was the only one objecting, being that it abuts right up against my property,” he said. “I got it down to three (buildings). They cut down two of the biggest, ugliest and the worst positioned ones.” The 6-foot high wall was required by the settlement reached in 2014 between the developers and Spotts. The wall is intended to keep guests from wandering to Spotts’ house and to block sound from the resort. “When somebody hits their button to lock their car, with the wall there, that sound won’t wake me
up,” Spotts said. However, he said he is considering putting his property up for sale. The resort is “turning into a decent-looking, massive, ugly thing that it is. At least they’re trying. We knew it was coming,” he said.
A 6-foot wide, 204.4-foot-long buffer wall stands between the Waterline Marina Resort & Beach Club and the Holmes Beach residence of Lance Spotts. Islander Photo: Jennifer Sheppard
“I’ve been here for a couple of decades and I’ve watched the changes. I think the citizens here are just trying to quietly preserve this very special place,” he said. “I think the VRO has been a very reasonable first step. It doesn’t seem draconian.” Wagenaar said the VRO protects residential neighborhoods from becoming commercial zones. “Our city commission, I don’t agree with everything they do, but I think they’ve really worked hard within the limitations and abilities they have,” he said. “They’ve worked day and night to try and do this in a careful way. I think it’s been a pretty good move.” Wagenaar said he moved to Anna Maria from Holmes Beach in 2003 after feeling his former city had become too commercial. “I just thought I wanted to live in a residential neighborhood,” he said. “I like being within walking distance of Pine Avenue, I’m not opposed to that. But I want residential streets to be residential. I felt like the city had plans to maintain that.” Three Anna Maria residents — Ruth Uecker and Amy and Alan Tripp — made their way to Tallahassee in recent weeks in an attempt to lobby against the House and Senate bills that threaten the VRO. “We don’t want to stifle (tourism), but we do want to retain the tools we have to solve local problems. And one of those tools is our ordinance,” Uecker told senators March 27.
Commission agrees to 9 Bert Harris settlement offers
The Anna Maria city commission voted April 6 to approve nine more Bert Harris settlement offers. The offers — if accepted — would grant owners occupancy of between eight and 14 people with the stipulation that all bedrooms are at least 100 square feet. An exception was made for property at 501 S. Bay Blvd. owned by Rick and Kristina Kellar. In their letter to the city accompanying the Bert Harris claim, the Kellars said they purchased their property with the intention of building a home where Kristina Kellar could install an elevator for her wheelchair. However, the living-area ordinance restricted their building capabilities. The commission voted to allow the Kellars to construct their house according to their initial plans, with the stipulation that they not use it as a vacation rental for five years. Commissioner Doug Woodland recused himself from voting on property at 104 Tuna St. for personal involvement in the property’s construction and Commissioner Brian Seymour recused himself from voting on property at 237 Willow Ave. for the same reason. Of 112 claims filed against Anna Maria, 49 have been settled. The Bert Harris Jr. Private Property Protection Act of 1995 allows property owners to seek relief if they can prove a government action lowered the value of their property. Claimants must provide appraisals to establish value and settlements, in lieu of a cash payment, can either fully or partly restore the rights that existed before the prohibitions. The city initially has 150 days to respond to Bert Harris allegations. — Bianca Benedí
THE ISLANDER n ApRIL 12, 2017 n 5
Key Royale neighbors miffed over derelict boat, fuel spill
By Sandy ambrogi islander reporter on an island surrounded by water, it seems someone would be responsible for regulating and removing derelict or problem boats from the waterways. But in a case of “shooting across the bow,” it’s really not so easy, as Key royale residents discovered after attempts to get a decaying vessel removed from a privately owned slip between Baronet and concord lanes. Sometime between april 4 and april 6, the nuisance became an environmental issue, as the vessel sank and diesel fuel began spilling into the canal. neighbors started noticing the smell of fuel the morning of april 6 and West manatee fire rescue and the Holmes Beach police department responded to their calls. eric garza, an environmental specialist from the u.S. coast guard, and domenic LetoBarone, an emergency response specialist at the florida department of environmental protection, were summoned by Wmfr and HBpd. LetoBarone said a “light sheen” was first reported to the state watch office April 1 and then to his office april 5. garza called in Hull’s environmental Services inc. of tampa to control the spill and empty the boat’s tanks of fuel, oil and waste. Key royale drive homeowners Jane and tom gauld say the boat was in horrible condition more than two years ago when they purchased their home on Key royale drive by the dock. “We called the city of Holmes Beach, the police, HB code enforcement, the florida fish and Wildlife conservation (commission) and the coast guard,” tom gauld said. “no one knew who the boat belonged to and authorities took no action. now we have this.” Holmes Beach police chief Bill tokajer said his office has no jurisdiction when it comes to floating boats that are not blocking a waterway.
Environmental cleanup contractors, hired by the U.S. Coast Guard to contain the leak from a derelict boat, work April 6 to drain the onboard tanks. They also placed booms around the boat to contain the fuel that spilled in the in Holmes Beach-Key Royale waterway. Islander Photo: ChrisAnn Esformes “there is really no violation with a vessel as long as it is floating and not polluting. There’s no violation for not keeping up a boat,” tokajer said. the partially sunken boat in question had no decal or identifying numbers. to further complicate the matter, each slip at the canal’s end dock is owned separately, with no master list of owners or contacts. Hull’s workers encircled the boat with floating containment booms and set about under garza’s supervision to empty the tanks. “i personally popped open all the tanks and doubled check them. We drained everything we could from that boat,” garza said, though some fuel remained in the submerged cabin. “it’s going to sheen around the boat until the residual oil goes away. time and nature will take care of that fairly quickly,” garza said. Holmes Beach code enforcement officer Jt thomas said he planned to work with the county to locate the owner of the boat and do property searches to identify the owners of the boat slips.
“We need a comprehensive plan for changing how we deal with boats.” thomas conceded. in the meantime, Hull’s environmental pumped approximately 330 gallons of fuel, water and oil mix and waste from the boat, according to garza. and the cost? “about $7,000 for the cleanup. the coast guard has the federal fund for oil Spill Liability trust to pay for removal of oil. payment will come from the trust,” said garza. the trust is funded by the oil industry. that’s little consolation to the Key royale neighbors dealing with the eyesore of a half-sunken boat in disrepair. “there doesn’t seem to be any authority to make the boat be removed,” tom gauld said. “the city of Holmes Beach may not have a legal responsibility for removing it but, at least, it would be ethically responsible to take care of it.” the booms were removed in the late afternoon april 6 and the boat continued to list on the canal bottom.
6 n ApRIL 12, 2017 n THE ISLANDER
Rejoice in paradise
those who join in the weekly drum circle at manatee public Beach know the positive energy that comes from people gathering together on the beach, the feeling of the slowly building rhythm with the waves washing over the sand and the sun setting on the horizon. Warm and happy, we unite on each beat. We might not say it aloud but our smiles reveal: this is paradise. if we could turn the positive energy from those drum circles into fuel, we could rocket spaceships to the moon or beyond. and imagine what could come of harnessing the positive energy from a couple of thousand people gathered on the beach, united in song, rejoicing in a new day, celebrating with the sunrise. as many as 2,000 people come together on easter Sunday at the manatee public Beach for the sunrise service organized by the Kiwanis of anna maria island. this year is the 53rd annual service, which means the tradition goes back to days when people referred to the cortez and anna maria island bridges as “new.” it goes back to a simpler time and many fewer people and homes on the island. Some of our old-timers — the men and women who built the homes, paved the streets, taught the kids, policed the neighborhoods, raised the community center, established the governments and opened the churches — might say those were the days when it felt like this little island was big enough for anyone and everyone to see and experience our earthly paradise. We feel that way now, and the spirit in which the sunrise service is organized radiates a warm welcome to all, encouragement to worship at the beach, spread a blanket or open a lawn chair. they will be worshipping on the most important of christian holidays. the service involves all the island churches — roser memorial community, gloria dei Lutheran, crosspointe fellowship, annunciation, St. Bernard and Harvey memorial — and brings many from their congregations. But the sunrise service is not for these worshippers alone. those who are not church-going folk or of another faith also will find reason to rejoice that morning with words of inspiration, music with spirit and the salutation to the sun. it’s an inspiring morning by all accounts. come together, join us. — Lisa Neff
APRIL 12, 2017 • Vol. 25, No. 24 ▼ ▼
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Publisher and Editor Bonner Joy, news@islander.org Editorial Lisa Neff, copy editor Sandy Ambrogi, sandy@islander.org Bianca Benedí, bianca@islander.org Joe Bird, editorial cartoonist Kevin Cassidy, kevin@islander.org Jack Elka, jack@jackelka.com ChrisAnn Silver Esformes, chrisann@islander.org Susan Huppert Kathy Prucnell, kathyp@islander.org Ed Scott, edscott@islander.org Jennifer Sheppard, jennifer.s@islander.org Contributors Jesse Brisson Karen Riley-Love Capt. Danny Stasny, fish@islander.org Advertising Director Toni Lyon, toni@islander.org Office Staff Lisa Williams, manager Janice Dingman accounting@islander.org classifieds@islander.org subscriptions@islander.org Distribution Urbane Bouchet Judy Loden Wasco Ross Roberts (All others: news@islander.org)
Single copies free. Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each. ©1992-2017 • Editorial, sales and production offices: 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217 WEBSITE: www.islander.org PHONE 941-778-7978 toll-free fax 1-866-362-9821
Circling the issue
Just read the story about the three roundabouts planned for manatee avenue at east Bay drive and gulf drive and at gulf and marina drive. Yikes. the city engineer said the roundabouts will provide a “safe landing” for bicyclists and pedestrians to cross traffic. Sure, but only if there are traffic lights to stop the otherwise perpetual flow of vehicular traffic in the roundabouts so the pedestrians have a shot at reaching that “safe landing.” one of the basic concepts of a roundabout is to move traffic — not pedestrians, people with strollers or bicyclists. i was stunned to read there was no public comment offered. Wake up, folks! Roundabouts move traffic. Period. And the learning curve is bigly. did we learn nothing from the clearwater debacle? Lola Scrudato, Bradenton
Have your say
the islander accepts original letters of up to 250 words and reserves the right to edit for grammar and length. Letters must include name, address and a contact phone number (for verification). anonymous letters will not be printed. Email: news@islander.org. readers also may comment online. Also, The Islander has an active — 8,000+ likes — facebook community. to join the conversation, “like” the islander on facebook.
Time for tortoises
i read the islander e-edition. Lisa neff’s Sandscript column about gopher tortoises was very interesting (the islander, april 5). coincidentally, i saw one twice last week on anna Maria Island. The first time was along the shoreline sidewalk between palm and Willow avenues. the second time, i was sitting in a lawn chair reading under the australian pines along gulf Boulevard between magnolia and palm avenues. “turtey” was truckin’ toward me heading south. I figured it had gone to the Sandbar restaurant for a snack and now was heading home. the tortoise came right up to me — i think it wanted a handout. it went right under my chair and disappeared into the beach grasses south of palm. John Tris, Rolling Meadows, Illinois
FYI: In the capitols
anna maria island is represented in the florida Legislature by state Sen. Bill galvano and state rep. Jim Boyd. Here’s how to contact them: • Sen. Bill Galvano, 941-741-3401 and 850-4875021. • Rep. Jim Boyd, 850-717-5071 and 941-7084968. anna maria island is represented in the u.S. House by rep. Vern Buchanan and in the u.S. Senate by Sens. Bill nelson and marco rubio. Here’s how to contact them: • Sen. Bill Nelson, 202-224-5274 and 888-6714091. • Sen. Marco Rubio, 407-254-2573 and 866-6307106. • Rep. Vern Buchanan, 202-225-5015 and 941747-9081.
THE ISLANDER n ApRIL 12, 2017 n 7
Easter arrival
Conquistadors land at De Soto National Memorial in northwest Bradenton April 15, 1979, which was Easter Sunday. The national memorial continues to host a series of historical events and reenactments throughout the year. Islander Photo: Courtesy Manatee County Public Library
Good deeds
County seeks 3 for health care board
manatee county is seeking three volunteers to serve on its health care advisory board. the board evaluates, monitors and discusses the health care system in the county, including issues related to physical health, behavioral health and substance abuse. the board also addresses emerging state and federal legislation and policies. the board makes recommendations to county commissioners. for more information about eligibility and the application process, call the county at 941-748-4501 or go online to mymanatee.org.
Volunteer needs?
Send notices to the islander. please include a contact name and phone number. email news@islander.org.
Ringling museum seeks docents
the John and mable ringling museum of art is training volunteers to serve as docents at the ca’ d’Zan, the ringlings’ opulent 1920s mansion. people can learn more about the volunteer opportunities at an orientation meeting at 10 a.m. tuesday, april 13. the class is scheduled to begin in September and continues through January 2018. the museum is at 5401 Bay Shore road, Sarasota. for more information, call the museum at 941359-5700.
Archived online
all editions of the newspaper — since 1992 — can be found online in the university of florida Digital Newspaper Collection at ufdc.ufl.edu.
We’d love to mail you the news!
10&20 years ago In the headlines: April 9, 1997
• Holmes Beach commissioners were considering a special exception to build a cell tower in the 5400 block of marina drive beside the Bamboo raw Bar. plans showed an equipment room above the entrance to the restaurant. • The Bradenton Beach Civic Association and the police department were at odds and the commission was caught in the crossfire. The dispute was over the BBca’s request for a “blue ribbon committee” to look at safety issues in the city. • Holmes Beach Police Chief Jay Romine asked the mayor to calculate the city’s cost of policing the Kingfish Boat Ramp, located in the city at the foot of the anna maria island Bridge. the city was policing the ramp, although it was maintained by the county.
In the headlines: April 11, 2007
• Gang violence erupted on Coquina Beach on easter Sunday, sending three people to the hospital with gunshot wounds and two men to jail on multiple charges. • Authorities arrested one man in connection with the shooting of an off-duty Holmes Beach police officer near his home in east Manatee. The officer suffered a fragment gunshot wound as he pursued suspects he saw attempting to burglarize a neighbor’s home. • David Viens, who had lived in Holmes Beach and owned the Beach city market & grille in Bradenton Beach, was sentenced to 366 days in federal prison for marijuana trafficking. Viens later moved to california, where he was sentenced to 15 years in prison after killing his wife and then cooking and eating her corpse.
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8 n April 12, 2017 n THE ISLANDER
Anna Maria mayor costs out $35M 10-year city plan
By Bianca Benedí Islander Reporter Anna Maria has a lengthy to-do list with a hefty price tag. Anna Maria Mayor Dan Murphy, during the April 6 commission meeting, presented cost estimates for the short-, mid- and long-term projects the city plans to undertake in the next 10 years. Eighteen projects would cost the city $35,862,636, Murphy informed commissioners, who suggested adding a long-term project and changing the timeline for another. Commissioner Doug Copeland asked Murphy to add to the list a more pedestrian-friendly redesign of Pine Avenue.
Commissioner Brian Seymour suggested making the construction of a water taxi landing at the pier a short-term project. The to-do list includes 11 ongoing projects: street work, property acquisition, maintenance and improveMurphy ments in City Pier Park, dredging of canals and also improvements to Gulffront Park. Short-term projects include the rehabilitation of the Anna Maria City Pier and remodeling the City Pier Restaurant. One mid-term project would be to place a kayak launch and improvements behind Belle Haven Cottage on Lake LaVista at the Anna Maria Island Historical
Society museum complex on Pine Avenue. Long-term projects, which will take an estimated 10 years, include remodeling city hall to include all departments in one building, installing traffic signals along Gulf Drive at the intersections with Pine Avenue and Magnolia Avenue, and aerating canal ends, which improves water flow and water quality. Seymour commented at the meeting that alternatives to traffic signals should be considered for Anna Maria. The commission unanimously approved adoption of the 10-year plan with the modifications suggested. “Congratulations. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first long-term plan the city has ever had,” Murphy told commissioners.
BB commish proposes extending building moratorium
By ChrisAnn Silver Esformes Islander Reporter The idea is smaller houses, less people. Bradenton Beach commissioners and the mayor unanimously voted April 6 to extend a six-month building moratorium for three months. The moratorium, voted in by a supermajority Nov. 8, 2016, stopped the acceptance, review and issuance of building permit applications for all housing units that contain more than four bedrooms in the R-1 and R-2 districts of the city. The halt on building was presented several times to the commission and rejected each time before the citizens voted. The moratorium immediately went into effect following the election. It is due to expire May 8. The city’s plan was to use the six-month moratorium to amend its suspended quality of life ordinance, which is similar to vacation-rental ordinances in Anna Maria and Holmes Beach. The commission agreed to suspend the QOL ordinance and directed the planning and zoning board to provide amendment recommendations. Instead, board members started from scratch and drafted the temporary public lodging establishment ordinance, with similar regulations. Additionally, the P&Z board has been at work
Bradenton Beach Commissioner Jake Spooner, left, listens April 6 to Mayor Bill Shearon during a commission meeting at city hall, 107 Gulf Drive N. Islander Photo: ChrisAnn Silver Esformes
on amendments to the land development code and comprehensive plan for new construction. If approved these changes would force smaller homes with wider setbacks and more parking. However, these changes could lead to legal struggles regarding property rights. Anna Maria and Holmes Beach have enacted VROs, and now face millions in demands for compensation or relaxed regulations. The P&Z board finalized its recommendations to the city commission in March. Both boards will meet New member joins Anna Maria in a joint workshop at 1 p.m. Wednesday, April 25, at planning and zoning board city hall, to discuss the proposed amendments. At the April 6 meeting, Vice Mayor John Chappie Anna Maria commissioners voted April 6 to appoint a new member to the city’s planning and zoning board after they reviewed an application from Bob Carter. Bob Carter is Commissioner Anna Maria City Carol Carter’s husband. • April 13, 6 p.m., city commission. CANHe submitted an application CELED March 28 to fill a spot on the P&Z, • April 27, 6 p.m., city commission. stating a desire to serve his com• May 9, 4 p.m., planning and zoning. munity and referring to his political • May 11, 6 p.m., city commission. experience. Carter • May 25, 6 p.m., city commission. Carter did not attend the April Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, 9416 meeting, but was expected to attend the next P&Z 708-6130, cityofannamaria.com. meeting April 11, held after The Islander went to press. Bradenton Beach He chaired the Anna Maria committee that selected • April 13, 1 p.m., department head. the city’s 2016 person of the year. • April 17, 9:30 a.m., special master hearing. He also chaired or has been a member of the board • April 19, 1 p.m., planning and zoning. for the Association of Fundraising Professionals, the • April 20, noon, city commission. National Aquarium, the Indiana University Lilly • April 25, 1 p.m., city commission. Family School of Philanthropy, Mote Marine Labora• April 26, 1 p.m., planning and zoning. tory and the Boys’ Latin School of Maryland. Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., Currently, he leads the self-named company Carter, 941-778-1005, cityofbradentonbeach.org. an institution that helps companies with philanthropic aid. Holmes Beach Anna Maria Mayor Dan Murphy said he also • April 13, 6 p.m., city commission. received another application for the P&Z board and • April 25, 6 p.m., city commission. expects soon to receive two more. He said he presents • April 27, 11:30 a.m., police retirement nominations on a first-come basis and the board had board. one opening. • April 27, 6 p.m., city commission. The current board includes Monica Beard, Jona• May 3, 10 a.m., parks and beautification comthan Crane, Margaret Jenkins, Carl Pearman, David mittee. Youngs and Jim Conoly. Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, The next P&Z meeting will be 4 p.m. Tuesday, 941-708-5800, holmesbeachfl.org. April 11, at city hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. — Bianca Benedí
proposed extending the moratorium by three or six months, before it expires in May. “We want to make sure everyone has plenty of time so we can get this right,” Chappie said. Commissioner Jake Spooner said extending the timeline might not produce further results and could lead to Bert Harris complaints. He said the reason for suspending the QOL ordinance and having the P&Z board dissect it was to get something new in place, but the board threw out the old ordinance and constructed a new one that is almost identical. And, this took nearly six months. Mayor Bill Shearon disagreed with Spooner and said the P&Z board has been “working through the process for six months” and should be given an opportunity to be heard. Commissioner Marilyn Maro said she is concerned bills being debated in Tallahassee could remove ordinances regulating vacation-rentals that were not in place by 2011. She said the residents she has spoken with want the moratorium extended. However, Maro suggested the commission establish a timeline for the P&Z to present its recommendations to the commission. “We could give them an ultimatum,” Maro said. “We need to make decisions, not drag our feet.” Vice Mayor John Chappie agreed, saying the commission needs time to review the P&Z board’s recommendations. The first public hearing for the moratorium extension will be at noon Thursday, April 20, at city hall, 107 Gulf Drive N.
West Manatee Fire Rescue • April 20, 6 p.m., commission. WMFR administration building, 6417 Third Ave. W., Bradenton, wmfr.org. Manatee County • April 17, 9 a.m., Manatee County Tourist Development Council, Holmes Beach City Hall. • April 25, 9 a.m., county board. • May 4, 9 a.m., county board (land use). • May 9, 9 a.m., county board. • May 23, 9 a.m., county board. • May 30, 1:30 p.m., county board (budget presentation). Administration building, 1112 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton, 941-748-4501, mymanatee.org. Of interest • April 14, Good Friday, many government offices will be closed. • April 19, Coalition of Barrier Island Elected Officials, Holmes Beach City Hall. •April 24, 9:30 a.m., Sarasota/Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organization, Holiday Inn Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport, 8009 15th St. E., Sarasota. • May 17, 2 p.m., Coalition of Barrier Island Elected Officials, Longboat Key Town Hall. • May 29, Memorial Day, most government offices will be closed. Send notices to calendar@islander.org and news@islander.org.
THE ISLANDER n ApRIL 12, 2017 n 9
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10 n ApRIL 12, 2017 n THE ISLANDER
Bradenton Beach CRA approves district plan … By chrisann Silver esformes islander reporter the Bradenton Beach community redevelopment agency has approved its amended plan for the historic district. CRAs around the state are under fire for funding accountability and may face tighter reporting restrictions. the revised cra plan, approved by the agency during its april 5 meeting, outlines the history of the district, progress made since the cra was established in 1992 and goals for the future, including a 30-year extension of the cra. pending commission approval, the plan will be presented to manatee county to demonstrate the agency is using funds to benefit the district. deemed blighted in 1992, the cra district is bordered by cortez road, Sarasota Bay, fifth Street South and the gulf of mexico. the blighted status allows grants and incremental tax revenue distributed by the county to promote restoration and growth in the district, including tourism. the cra previously discussed expanding the district boundaries to include the body of water beyond the Historic Bridge Street pier to eighth Street South, where a number of anchored boats have contributed to blight, but instead opted to focus on extending the
Bradenton Beach Community Redevelopment Agency members Marilyn Maro and John Horne review the CRA plan April 5 during a meeting at city hall, 107 Gulf Drive N. Islander Photo: ChrisAnn Silver Esformes time limit for project completion. the amended plan would extend the timeline for project completion to 30 years after the plan is approved and adopted. city attorney ricinda perry said she drafted the plan with cost estimates for each project as a “rough idea” before the agency implements projects. “We wanted to paint this with a broad brush before
we start pulling individual projects out of the list,” perry said. Proposed projects include a mooring field in the anchorage west of the pier, parking solutions, unified design elements including signage and an outdoor entertainment venue on coquina Beach. perry said members of the agency had voiced concerns regarding the cra’s commitment requirements for the proposed projects. She said the plan does not commit the cra to completing all the projects, rather it is a “dream list” of everything the cra might choose to pursue in the next 30 years. perry also said she worked with city engineer Lynn Burnett to ensure cra projects do not overlap with capital improvement projects in the city, which are funded separately. a motion to approve the plan and present it to city commission passed by a unanimous vote. additionally, cra chair ralph cole presented the agency with a draft letter to the county, explaining the cra’s intent to submit an amended plan. cole and perry will be liaisons to the county. commissioners approved the letter and authorized perry and cole to communicate with the county. the next meeting is at 9 a.m. Wednesday, may 3, at Bradenton Beach city Hall, 107 gulf drive n.
… and police funding to patrol anchorage
By chrisann Silver esformes islander reporter plans for policing the anchorage area at the east end of Bridge Street are taking shape. at its april 5 meeting, the Bradenton Beach community redevelopment agency approved funding for a marine patrol officer to police the anchorage for 10 hours a week, not to exceed 40 hours per month. previously, the cra discussed expanding the boundaries of the historic district to include the anchorage waters so policing could be funded by cra revenue. However, the agency determined it did not need to expand the boundaries to police the area because, even though the anchorage is not within cra boundaries, the cra is affected by activity there. city attorney ricinda perry said the marine patrol can be funded by the cra as long as the BBpd can prove the action benefits the district. the agency directed chief Sam Speciale to provide monthly progress reports. additionally, the city commission adopted a marine anchorage and mooring field ordinance in march, strengthening regulations in the anchorage area. “now we have the tools and the funding,” Speciale said april 4. “this is an example of what we need to clean up Bridge Street.” at the april 5 meeting, Speciale presented a request for a grant from the West coast inland navigational district for a lift for the police boat on the Historic Bridge Street pier.
would be required, only administrative approval. a motion to apply for the Wcind grant was approved unanimously. a second motion, to allow recommendations from the BBpd regarding patrolling and cra funding also passed unanimously. additionally, the board unanimously approved a motion to apply for $20,000 in funding from Wcind to remove derelict vessels from the anchorage east of Bridge Street. the next cra meeting will be at 9 a.m. Wednesday, may 3, at Bradenton Beach city Hall, 107 gulf drive n.
Bradenton Beach Police Chief Sam Speciale speaks April 5 during a community redevelopment agency meeting at city hall, 107 Gulf Drive N. Islander Photos: ChrisAnn Silver Esformes Speciale said cra Vice chair John chappie had discussed plans for the grant with Wcind executive director Justin mcBride, and the application deadline is approaching. the Wcind is a multi-county taxing district that assists local governments in planning and maintaining projects that promote safe navigation in the intracoastal Waterway. Speciale said the lift could be installed on the northwest side of the pier, where a service dock used to be located. He said if the lift matched the footprint of the previous dock, no new environmental permitting
Day dock construction to begin
the check is in the mail. at its april 5 meeting, the Bradenton Beach community redevelopment agency approved payment of an invoice from contractor technomarine, a deposit on a new day dock on the south side of the Historic Bridge Street pier. once the $29,995 deposit is paid, construction will commence. the dock will be manufactured, then transported to Bradenton Beach for installation. the new day dock, funded with city and manatee county money, will replace a dock severely damaged over years of wave action due to storm events.
… and pier expansion proposal considered By chrisann Silver esformes islander reporter Bradenton Beach is working to enhance its waterfront and relieve parking woes in the historic district. commissioner ralph cole, chair of the historic district’s community redevelopment agency, may have a recommendation to help resolve both issues. at the april 5 cra meeting, cole suggested installing first-come, first-served finger docks along the boardwalk on the south side of the parking area east of the Historic Bridge Street pier. the docks would extend perpendicular to the boardwalk, leaving open a “fish preserve” area, which could be lighted underwater and posted with signage about local marine life. cole said april 7 the area is not proposed to be for fishing, rather it would be a place for people to observe fish and learn about the species in the Sarasota Bay. “fishing would only be on the pier,” cole said. at both ends of the row of docks would be an area that could be used for water-taxi access, to free up
space for boaters on the pier. Cole said the finger docks would be temporary short-term boat parking for people dining or stopping at the pier and hopefully alleviate some of the auto congestion and parking problems near the pier. at the cra meeting, cole said he would like to talk with Scheda ecological associates — the contractor previously hired by the cra to survey the state owned land under the pier — to determine viability. the board reached a consensus to allow cole and city staff to approach Scheda about the project, then bring it forward as an agenda item at a future meeting. the next cra meeting will be at 9 a.m. Wednesday, may 3, at Bradenton Beach city Hall, 107 gulf drive n. A proposed fish preserve — no fishing area — and finger docks are being proposed for improvements to the Bradenton Beach city pier by Commissioner Ralph Cole. Islander Courtesy Graphic
THE ISLANDER n ApRIL 12, 2017 n 11
12 n ApRIL 12, 2017 n THE ISLANDER
Island happenings
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The Magic of Manatee Sweet Adelines’ Classy Cats. The local chorus, which includes several islanders, recently won the Bravo Award in a Sweet Adelines Regional Chorus Competition in Daytona Beach. Those interested in joining in four-part harmony can visit the website at magicofmanatee.com or call 941545-0669.
Democratic club to meet
the anna maria island democratic club will meet at 11:30 a.m. Monday, April 17, for lunch and a program. the club will meet at img academy golf club, 4350 el conquistador parkway, Bradenton. The buffet service will start at 11:30 a.m., followed by a program with Bradenton times editor dennis maley talking about donald trump and the gop majority in congress. the lunch cost is $15-$17. for more information, call Bill mcgrath at 941-761-4017.
Sweet Adelines’ sweet awards
The Magic of Manatee Sweet Adelines Alley Cats. The Magic of Manatee chorus of Bradenton won the Bravo Award in the Open Division Show Performance category in a Sweet Adelines regional chorus competition in Daytona Beach in late March. Islander Courtesy Photos
Sunset cruise beneďŹ ts Friends of De Soto
A sunset cruise set for 6:30 p.m. Saturday, May 13, will raise money for the friends of de Soto national memorial in Bradenton. the 90-minute paradise Boat tours cruise will depart from the Historic Bridge Street pier in Bradenton Beach and travel on Sarasota Bay. the cost of the cruise will be $35 for non-members and $30 for members. reservations are required. for more information, call Jan riggs at 202-4454237.
Mosaics workshop offered
the anna maria island art League is offering a mosaics workshop with instructor Lori Heintz. Heintz, who majored in art in college, has worked as an art instructor for Schoolcraft community Schools. the workshop will be 1-5 p.m. Saturday, april 22, at the league studio. the cost is $55 for members and $65 for non-members and includes supplies. For more, call AMIAL at 941-778-2099 or visit amiaL at 5312 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach.
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A fitting celebration will take place on Earth Day. Friends of Anna Maria resident Mary Seine will celebrate her 90th birthday 2-4 p.m. Saturday, April 22, at Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave. Anna Maria. Seine often can be seen riding her bike and wearing a yellow safety vest with the phrase “One Less Car on the Road.� The party — with potluck dishes and ice cream dessert — is open to all. For more information, call 941-778-6082. Island File Photo
Visit www.islander.org for the best news on AMI.
AGAMI recognizes student artist
Delany Peterson is the student artist-of-the-month at the Artists’ Guild Gallery, 5414 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Delaney, 17, is graduating this spring from Braden River High School, where she studies in William Ferrell’s art class. She plans to attend State College of Florida in Bradenton. Her work at the Guild Gallery is a digital painting titled “Peachy.� Islander Courtesy Photo
Island happenings Season’s final Art Walk set
the Holmes Beach art community invites the public to step out for one more friday night art Walk this season. the series of winter-spring art celebrations concludes with an art Walk 5:30-7:30 p.m. Friday, April 14. participating galleries and retail boutiques include anna maria island art League, artists’ guild of anna maria island, island gallery West, Steamdesigns, restless natives, Vintage Beach and Saltair. the venues will feature art exhibits and offer free refreshments, music and fun. On the Art Walk path April 14: the anna maria island art League, 5312 Holmes Blvd., will present a new exhibit of local artists’ work. the artists’ guild gallery, 5414 marina drive, will feature the work of pastel artist nancy goff and painter Karen deLeon Stuart. A banner at SteamIsland Gallery West, 5368 Gulf Drive, will feature the work of Tampa-based Designs Giclee Studio, photographer richard Stewart in an exhibit titled “Sea & Shore.” 5343 Gulf Drive, Steamdesigns digital arts studio, Suite 600, 5343 gulf drive, will feaannounces Artwalk. ture large format works by photographer nick donatelli. Steamdesigns coArtwalk is held 5:30owner frank Williams furnishes donatelli with all his canvas and reproduction 7:30 p.m. on the second needs. Friday of the month restless natives, 5416 marina drive, will feature ceramic and glass demthrough April. Islander onstrations, local art work, including by painter robert Johnson, as well as Photos: Sandy Ambrogi jewelry from Hammered by Wendy. Vintage Beach, 5500 marina drive, will feature repurposed furniture and driftwood sculptures by owner/artist Joseph Hutchinson. Saltair, 5508 Marina Drive, will display work by local artist Kim Darnell, whose pieces capture the essence of sea life on anna maria island. for more, call any of the participating venues.
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ArtsHOP April 14 5:30-8:30
Join the Island Gallery West family of artists in a celebration of the island arts. Reception for Featured Artist Richard Stewart.
Paintings, Mixed Media, Jewelry Photography, Pottery, Stained Glass, Greeting Cards, Artsy Gifts
Volunteers sought for Earth Day cleanup
Keep manatee Beautiful is organizing the 2017 great american cleanup countywide on earth day, which is Saturday, april 22. Volunteers are needed 9 a.m.-noon. the cleanup is part of the nationwide Keep america Beautiful community improvement program, the largest event of its kind in the united States. this year’s great american cleanup theme is “clean Your Block party.” the objective of “clean Your Block party” is to encourage local volunteers to build a sense of community pride with their family, friends and neighbors, while making a lasting, positive impact — block by block.
Participating affiliates and partnering organizations will provide activity ideas and resources to help anyone conduct a great american cleanup event in their own neighborhood. adopt-a-Highway, road and Shore groups will be doing cleanups at their adopted sites. more volunteers are needed to clean, beautify and improve roadsides, shores, parks and neighborhoods throughout manatee county. How can you get involved? go online to www. manateebeautiful.com for the cleanup check-in centers, or contact Keep manatee Beautiful at keep@ manateebeautiful.com or 941-795-8272 to do a Clean Your Block party in your neighborhood.
Sandbar sets date for annual Easter egg celebrations
Young beachgoers will fill their baskets and buck- hunt. ets with eggs instead of shells Saturday, april 15, when the hunt — for children 10 and under — will the Sandbar restaurant hosts its 31st annual easter egg begin at 9 a.m. at the restaurant, 100 Spring ave., anna Maria. The restaurant will serve refreshments at 8:30 a.m. following the egg hunt, there will be a parade with the easter Bunny to pine avenue, where there will be an easter egg roll and easter bonnet contest, as well as games, coloring and face-painting from 9:30 a.m.noon. Shooting Star photography will take photos of people with the easter Bunny and John rinell will provide the musical entertainment. the Sandbar will provide food and refreshments at the celebration co-sponsored by pine avenue restoration. The prize for the first-place adult bonnet is a twonight stay at anna maria guest Houses. first-place prize for the best kid’s bonnet is a Sandbar lunch for the winner and three of their Bffs complete with hot fudge sundaes. A past egg hunt at the Sandbar Restaurant, 100 For more information, call Tina Chiles at 941-778Spring Ave., Anna Maria. Islander File Photo: Jack 8710. Elka
need a good laugh? visit the emerson quillin signature store. humor, art, gifts 317 Pine Ave., Anna Maria • www.emersonshumor.com
Under New Ownership! Ali Severson Hair.Skin.Nails.Massage Open 6 days a week www.acquaaveda.com 941.778.5400 5311 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach Submit your social news to news@islander.org. Please, include the time, date and location for events, as well as a contact name and phone number for publication.
14 n ApRIL 12, 2017 n THE ISLANDER
The Islander Calendar
Compiled by Lisa Neff
Friday, April 14 • Through April 28, “The History, Use and Art of Waterfowl 5:30-7:30 p.m. — Art Walk, select venues along Marina and Decoys” exhibit, Florida Maritime Museum, 4415 119th St. W., Gulf drives, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6648. Cortez. Information: 941-708-6120. • Through April 21, annual Member Shows, ArtCenter Manatee, ONGOING ON AMI 209 Ninth St. W., Bradenton. Information: 941-746-2862. • Most second Wednesdays, Think+Drink (Science), 7-9 p.m., • Throughout April, Island Gallery West features the work of South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. photographer Richard Stewart in “Sea & Shore,” 5368 Gulf Drive, Information: 941-746-4131. Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6648. • Thursdays, 5-8 p.m., Art After 5, John and Mable Ringling • Throughout April, Artists’ Guild Gallery features the work of Museum of Art, 5401 Bay Shore Road, Sarasota. Fee applies. Inforpastel artist Nancy Goff and oil painter Karen deLeon Stuart, 5414 mation: 941-359-5700. Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6694. • First Fridays, 6-9:30 p.m. Village of the Arts Art Walk, 12th • Throughout April, #LoveAMI exhibit, Artspace Anna Maria, Street West and 12th Avenue West, Bradenton. Also 11 a.m.-4 p.m. 101 S. Bay Blvd., Anna Maria. Information: 941-243-3835. the following Saturday. LOOKING AHEAD April 23, Ring Sarasota Handbell Ensemble concert, Anna Maria. May, Marlane Wurzbach exhibit, “Island Dreams, Holmes Beach. May 4-14, Island Players “Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike,” Anna Maria.
Saturday, April 15 9 a.m. — Easter egg hunt, Sandbar Restaurant, 100 Spring Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-8710. 9:30 a.m. — Sandbar Restaurant/Pine Avenue Restoration Easter celebration, Pine Avenue, Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-8710. Tuesday, April 18 10 a.m. — Preschool storytime, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. 3:30 p.m. — Afterschool program celebrating Earth Day, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-7786341. ONGOING ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND • First Tuesdays, 6:15 p.m., Jesus And Youth/JAY Walkers, Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-0414.
LOOKING AHEAD May 5, Main Street Live!, Bradenton.
ONGOING OFF ANNA MARIA ISLAND • Fourth Wednesdays, 7 p.m., Stelliferous Live star exploration, South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-746-4131. • Most first Saturdays, Family Night at the South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-746-4131. • “Teeth Beneath: the Wild World of Gators, Crocs and Caimans” exhibit, Mote Marine Aquarium, 1600 Ken Thompson Parkway, Sarasota. Fee applies. Information: 941-388-4441.
OFF ANNA MARIA ISLAND Friday, April 14 6-8 p.m. — Music and Paws in the Park with Renesito, Riverwalk Mosaic Amphitheater, 606 Third Ave. W., Bradenton. Information: 941-621-6471. Saturday, April 15 5-11 p.m. — Main Street Live celebration, downtown Bradenton. Information: 941-621-6471. Wednesday, April 12 3 p.m. — “Shanties and Songs of the Sea” lecture by Charlie Caniff, Florida Maritime Museum, 4415 119th St. W., Cortez. Information: 941-708-6120.
GET LISTED: Send listings to calendar@islander.org. Submissions must include a contact name and telephone number for publication, as well as the pertinent details Easter arrives April 16 to the delight of young kids of the event: What, when, where and how much. on Anna Maria Island.
April 29, De Soto Heritage Festival Grand Parade, Bradenton. May 6, Pickin’ Picnic, Bradenton. July 22, Snooty’s Birthday Bash, Bradenton.
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THE ISLANDER n ApRIL 12, 2017 n 15
CLUBS & COMMUNITY ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND Friday, April 14 2 p.m. — Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group meets, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-7786341. Saturday, April 15 8:30 a.m. — Kiwanis Club of Anna Maria breakfast and program, Anna Maria Island Beach Cafe at Manatee Public Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. The program will feature Lauri Harris talking about cyber security. Information: 941-778-1383. Sunday, April 16 6:30 a.m. — Kiwanis of Anna Maria Island’s Easter Sunrise Service, Manatee Public Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-1383. Tuesday, April 18 Noon — Anna Maria Island Rotary Club gathers for lunch and a program, Bridge Street Bistro, 111 Gulf Drive S., Bradenton Beach. Fee applies. Information: 941-462-4016. Wednesday, April 19 Noon — Anna Maria Garden Club fashion show and luncheon, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Fee applies. Information: 941-7786758. 2 p.m. — Computer class, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341.
Together meets, Bridge Street Bistro, 111 Gulf Drive S., Bradenton Beach. Fee applies. Information: 941-345-5135. • Most Fridays, 10 a.m., Senior Adventures gather for a program or to depart on an adventure. Information: 941-447-5076. • Tuesdays, 1 p.m., Irish Ceili and set dancing, Sandpiper Resort, 2601 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 941779-1416. • Tuesdays, 4 p.m. Inquiring Minds religious study, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 6608 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-4579. • Tuesdays, 5:30 p.m. Terrific Tuesdays meal, Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Fee applies. Information: 941-778-0414. LOOKING AHEAD April 22, Keep Manatee Beautiful Great American Cleanup, islandwide. OFF ANNA MARIA ISLAND
GAMES, SPORTS & OUTDOORS ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND Wednesday, April 12 4 p.m. — Chess club, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. ONGOING ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND • Wednesdays and Saturdays, 9 a.m., horseshoes pitched, Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Information: 941-708-6130. • Tuesdays, noon, duplicate bridge, Episcopal Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941779-0881. OFF ANNA MARIA ISLAND Wednesday, April 12 7:30 p.m. — Sunset, Starlight Paddle, Robinson Preserve, 1704 99th St. NW, Bradenton. Information: 941-742-5757.
Sunday, April 16 6 a.m. — De Soto Easter Sunrise Service, Rossi Waterfront ONGOING OFF ANNA MARIA ISLAND Park Amphitheater, 452 Third Ave. W., Bradenton. Information: 941• Through Sept. 3, Bradenton Marauders Minor League Base621-6471. ball games, LECOM Park, 1611 Ninth St. W., Bradenton. Fee Monday, April 17 11:30 a.m. — Anna Maria Island Democratic Club luncheon and applies. Information: 877-893-2827. ONGOING ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND • Second and fourth Wednesdays, Roser Memorial Community program, IMG Academy Golf Club, 4350 El Conquistador Parkway, Church Golfing for God, IMG Academy Golf Club, 4350 El Con• Wednesdays, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Anna Maria Island Historical Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-761-4017. quistador Parkway, Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-778Society sells Settlers’ Bread, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. 941-7780414. 0492. ONGOING OFF ANNA MARIA ISLAND • Third Thursdays, Manatee County Audubon Society meeting, • Wednesdays through Easter Holy Week, 6 p.m., Lenten Soup • Saturdays, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Bradenton Farmers Market, Old Hope Lutheran Church, 4635 26th St. W., Bradenton. Information: Suppers, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 6608 Marina Drive, Holmes Main Street downtown, Bradenton. Information: 941-621-6471.. 941-729-2222. Beach. Information: 941-778-1813. • Most Saturdays, 8 a.m., Felts Audubon Preserve open house, • Wednesdays through Easter Holy Week, 6 p.m., Lenten Soup 4600 24th Ave. E., Palmetto. Information: 941-729-2222. Suppers, the Episcopal Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-1638. LOOKING AHEAD • Second and fourth Wednesdays, 11 a.m. Just Older Youth/ JOY Brown Bag Lunch Series, Roser Memorial Community Church, May 19, Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce Golf TourGET LISTED 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-0414. nament, Bradenton. Send listings to calendar@islander.org. Submissions must • Thursdays, 7 p.m., Overeaters Anonymous meets, the Episcopal Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. include a contact name and telephone number for publication, as well as the pertinent details of the event: What, when, where and Information: 813-494-6518. • Third Thursdays, 11:45 a.m., Successful Women Aligning how much.
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TONI LYON, 941-928-8735, OR toni@islander.org
16 n ApRIL 12, 2017 n THE ISLANDER
FISH puts out ‘call to action’ for Aqua By The Bay opposition
By Kathy prucnell islander reporter the florida institute for Saltwater Heritage board of directors voted april 3 to speak out against aqua By the Bay at manatee county public hearings. fiSH directors chose vice president and former county board member Jane von Hahmann to articulate the nonprofit’s concerns about a 529-acre mixed-use development proposed by Long Bar pointe LLLp and cargor partners Viii and their principals, Larry Lieberman and carlos Beruff. the developers are seeking approval for a 191acre rezone and mixed-use development, including 78,000 square feet of commercial and retail space, 2,894 homes, recreational amenities and boat docks. manatee county planners issued a staff report april 7 recommending the developer plan for stipulations, including a requirement that future site plan submittals contain an “overall layout of the entire project.” Stu Smith asked for fiSH’s support during a board meeting in cortez. Smith represents two environmentally concerned nonprofits, the Manatee-Sarasota Group of the Sierra club and Suncoast Waterkeepers inc. FISH is dedicated to preserving the commercial fishing culture of cortez and seeks to protect its surrounding environment from encroaching development. Smith said the real estate developers intend to construct at least two high-rises — one 13-story and another five-story building — dredge a 2.5 mile lagoon, build seawalls along the shore and profit from an 18-credit mitigation bank, including some $700,000 for signs to warn boaters of seagrass. more than a third of the development site, which lies east and south of cortez, are submerged lands proposed to be part of a mitigation bank. developers need state and federal wetlands permits to operate what will be the smallest bank in the state, Smith said. Smith said 12 seagrass signs are proposed in the mitigation bank, which may attract boaters rather than protect the seagrass.
fiSH directors Herman Krugele and Linda molto asked about the 40-56 docks — one for every 100 feet on Sarasota Bay — the developers say they’ll build if they are denied aqua By the Bay. Smith responded, “there are problems with that,” adding state and federal regulatory agencies require a certain water level and depth that doesn’t exist in the low-lying tidal areas. The Beruff/Lieberman partnership made similar threats in 2013. “it’s a scare tactic,” von Hahmann said. in august 2013, when the county turned down a marina-hotel complex, the developers talked about their rights to build docks. they also called for 300,000 square feet of commercial space, von Hahmann recalled. Beruff-Lieberman sued the county after it refused to change comprehensive plan policies to suit their development needs, but, in february, they lost a twoyear court challenge seeking to declare the county coastal rules unconstitutional. other issues Smith highlighted included the developers’ proposed mangrove trimming to 12 feet. While opposed to the mangrove trimming, which he called
Petitioners oppose Aqua By The Bay
a petition initiated april 3 by former manatee county commissioner Joe mcclash opposes a proposed large-scale mixed-use subdivision. “it comes up for a vote may 4 for the manatee county commission. By signing this petition, you will be urging the commissioners to deny the general development plan for aqua By the Bay,” the petition states. as of 3 p.m. april 7, 936 people had signed the i-petition. the manatee-Sarasota group of the Sierra club and Suncoast Waterkeeper inc. support the petition, which can be found at www.ipetitions.com/petition/ Save-Longbar-pointe-on-Sarasota-Bay.
the development plan proposes more than 2 miles of lagoon and seawall, 2,900 homes and “at least one building 145 feet tall – four times the legal limit,” dozens of docks, mangrove trimming and a state conservation easement, which would override manatee county’s coastline authority. the petition calls out the proposed development for ignoring wetland protection laws and the accompanying ecological repercussions, including devastation to shorebird and marine life habitats and fishing grounds. “With your support, the manatee county commission can save the last great place on Sarasota Bay,” the petition reads. — Kathy Prucnell
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1. Saltair 5508 Marina Drive 2. Vintage Beach 5500 Marina Drive 3. Restless Natives 5416 Marina Drive 4. Artists’ Guild of Anna Maria Island 5414 Marina Drive 5. Anna Maria Island Art League 5312 Holmes Boulevard 6. Island Gallery West 5638 Gulf Drive 7. SteamDesigns Giclée Studio 5343 Gulf Drive
“unprecedented” for a mitigation bank, Smith said it’s not the worst part of the proposal. “Honestly, i think the problem to focus on is the lagoon,” Smith said, “this is something the commissioners will pick up and go on, multiple Ldc and comp plan violations in the lagoon.” Von Hahmann said county commissioners may not hear the full story from Beruff and asked for a board direction to send out materials and a “call for action” to the fiSH membership. plum taylor made the motion, mark coarsey seconded and the directors unanimously approved the campaign. Smith suggested fiSH members send letters to manatee county Board chair Betsy Benac. Von Hahmann recommended letters include a note to distribute to the planning commissioners as well. manatee county planning commissioners will hear public comment on the proposal at 9 a.m. thursday, april 13, in the manatee county commission chambers, 1112 manatee ave., Bradenton. the planners will send their recommendation to the county board for its thursday, may 4, land-use meeting.
*Sorry, discount does not apply to regular routine maintenance.
THE ISLANDER n ApRIL 12, 2017 n 17
Cortez community rallies for preservation at picnic Attendees of the annual Cortez Community Picnic enjoy fried mullet and tea April 8 at the Albert Few-Miller Public Dock, 4531 123 St. W., Cortez. Islander Photos: Bianca BenedĂ
Manatee County Commissioner Steve Jonsson speaks with Mary Fulford Green, a longtime resident and founder of the Cortez Village Historical Society that hosts the Cortez Community Picnic.
Manatee County Commissioner Steve Jonsson and former Manatee County Commissioner Jane von Hahmann address the Cortez Community Picnic attendees April 8 about the Florida Department of Transportation’s plans for a new Cortez Bridge.
Manatee School of the Arts seventh-grader Griffin Koutny and 10th-grader Queenie Zheng pose during the community picnic in front of a statue constructed from beach scraps. The artwork was purchased by the Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage.
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18 n ApRIL 12, 2017 n THE ISLANDER
Center holds out hope to close budget gap
By Bianca Benedí islander reporter the center of anna maria island board of directors is looking for events and donations to close the gaping hole in its budget. the center ended february $700 in the red, coming close to breaking even for the month, board treasurer Jim froeschle told the board at its april 3 meeting. He reported $89,200 in income and $89,900 in expenses in February. The center now is $155,800 in the red for fiscal year 2017. Another concern: As the winter-spring tourist season winds down, income is expected to taper off for the center, froeschle said. So the budget losses will likely continue. this fiscal year, the city of Bradenton Beach donated $5,000, the first year in recent years the southernmost city on the island has funded the center. However, the cities of anna maria and Holmes Beach have not made contributions for their octoberSeptember fiscal years. Holmes Beach and Anna Maria are expected to address the center funding at future commission meetings. March financials for the nonprofit, including funds raised from the tour of homes and “rat pack” dinner and concert, will be reviewed at 6 p.m. monday, april 26, at the center, 407 magnolia ave., anna maria. center events coordinator Lindsay Sauls reported the dinner raised about $3,500 and the tour of homes raised $27,000. the center had expected the events to bring in $5,000 and $30,000, respectively. Last year, the tour of homes raised $34,000. dwindling ad sales and sponsorships, along with the tour committee’s initial decision not to raise ticket prices resulted in lower-than-expected event income, accord-
ing to executive director Kristen Lessig. ticket prices were raised for the day of the event. Lessig said the center expects to raise its ticket prices for the 2018 tour. Board member ed chiles spoke in support of Lessig’s leadership at the meeting, stating she donates 15 percent of her salary to the center. “i was shocked that she would make that kind of commitment, on top of the commitment she’s made … working a whole lot more than 40 hours a week,” he said. the center is applying for grants from the morey foundation and the manatee community foundation for undetermined amounts. the next fundraising event for the center will be a
crawfish boil at 5 p.m. Saturday, May 6. Tickets will be $40 for adults and $10 for children, and the center will offer a dinner featuring boiled crawfish, jambalaya and red beans and rice, along with a cash bar.
Center hires new staff
the center of anna maria island recently hired two people to work in its afterschool program and a new sports director. after the departure earlier this year of multiple staff members connected to the center’s Beyond the classroom program, the center was in need of a youth director and youth leadership coordinator. at a board meeting april 3, executive director pLeaSe See CeNteR, neXt page Fitness instructor Beckie Hovda poses with new Beyond the Classroom employees, youth director Stephanie Rycerz and youth leadership coordinator Katheryne Muth and a group of kids at the Center of Anna Maria Island. Islander Photo: Bianca Benedí
Tiki & Kitty’s Adventures in Shopping … Antiques, Art-Tiques and Chic Boutiques!
Hello Spring! Who doesn’t love to go Spring shopping? Kingberry estate Finds in palmetto is a home furnishings and decor store that emphasizes quality, comfort and style at affordable prices. the estate inventory changes frequently, so you never know what you’ll find for inside and outside your home. As an added bonus, you’ll find Annie Sloan Chalk paint exclusively in manatee county at Kingberry. tide & Moon jewelry boutique has new pendants designed by owner/jeweler Laura Shely. With
anna maria island a popular wedding destination, Laura has a perfect memento for the happy occasion, a new “married on anna maria island” pendant. Visit her at the pier, 200 Bridge St., Bradenton Beach. Retro Rosie’s is in the swing for spring. Bright colors and perky pastels are popping up like blooms in the shop. The Rosies have been refining and redecorating, showcasing the best vintage décor you’ll find in town. Lilly pulitzer is being restocked also, and new reproduction vintage clothing is being added daily. Stop in to see what’s new! Community thrift Shop on manatee avenue has new merchandise daily, so come peruse all of the good-
ies, including furnishings and decor. don’t miss this “must do” in west Bradenton. Shabby Chic, beachy/coastal, heirloom home furnishings and goods are in vogue and plentiful at the must-not-miss monthly vintage market, Vintiquity lane. Located at 1540 n. Lime ave., Sarasota, the venue is being restocked for may 20-21. tiki and Kitty love supporting homeless pets by shopping the treasures of moonracer rescue at Vintiquity. Please, tell our friends in the shops, “The Islander sent me.”
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THE ISLANDER n ApRIL 12, 2017 n 19
CeNteR CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18 Kristen Lessig announced the hiring of Stephanie rycerz as youth director and Katheryne muth as youth leadership coordinator. Both women began working march 27. muth is an anna maria resident with a degree in exercise and sports science from university of alabama. rycer is a Bradenton Beach resident and former world history teacher at manatee School for the arts. Lessig also hired Sean mccarthy as the center’s sports director. He is a former new York city detective who plays in the center’s adult soccer league. He volunteered to aid the Beyond the classroom program after it lost three employees. although the new hires resolved the center’s staff issues, not all the problems Lessig discussed during a february board meeting have been resolved. Lessig said the center would return its bus to the florida department of transportation. in february, she informed the board the dot determined it incorrectly gave the center grants for a bus and a van for senior programs. the center retained the van, but continued negotiating with the dot over use of the bus. Lessig said due to changes to the grant, which would take more than a year to resolve, the center returned the vehicle to the state department. an application for a grant for two 15-passenger vehicles from the morey foundation was to be submit-
New center sports coordinator Sean McCarthy wrestles with kids in the Beyond the Classroom program on the field at the center, 407 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria. Islander Photo: Courtesy CofAMI
ted april 7, she said. also during the april 3 meeting, a unanimous vote added margie Shard to the board. Shard, who moved here from michigan, has a background as a financial adviser and with her husband co-founded the food Bank of eastern michigan Backpack to feed Hungry Kids. Her son and husband are both involved with the center. also, board member Sam pakbaz said he intends
AMI chamber offering college scholarships
the anna maria island chamber of commerce is accepting applications for four $1,000 scholarships to be awarded in may to manatee county graduating high school seniors. applicants must be seeking a four-year college degree. the deadline for applications is friday, April 28, and winners will be notified by midmay. the scholarship applications can be downloaded from the chamber website at www.amichamber.org. forms can also be obtained at the chamber office, 5313 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. the awards will be presented at the monthly mixer at 5 p.m. Wednesday, may 24, at the Waterline marina resort & Beach club, 5325 marina drive, Holmes Beach. For more information, call 941-778-1541.
AME calendar
• Friday, April 14, Good Friday, no school. • 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 18, 5 p.m. dinner and 6:30 p.m. first-grade play performance. • 9 a.m. Friday, April 21, adopt-a-grandparent breakfast. • 6 p.m. Thursday, April 27, Princess Ball. • Thursday, May 11, fifth-grade field trip to Walt disney World in orlando. anna maria elementary is at 4700 gulf drive, Holmes Beach. For more information, call 941-7085525.
to nominate to the board frank agnelli, who owns angelli pools and construction in Holmes Beach. in an email, pakbaz said he was nominating agnelli, a second-generation islander, because of his commitment to the center and longtime attendance and involvement in programs. the next board meeting will be 6 p.m. monday, april 24, at the center, 407 magnolia ave., anna maria.
Volunteers treated to breakfast at AME
By Sandy Ambrogi, sandy@islander.org
First-grade teacher Toni Lashway, right, visits with Mira Foster, her son Leo, left, and Glenda Beck April 5 during the Anna Maria Elementary volunteer appreciation breakfast in the school cafeteria. Islander Photos: Karen RileyLove
Roger Domme, left, Claudette Welch, Bob LaMastro and Pat Mitchell enjoy the morning at the Anna Maria Elementary volunteer appreciation breakfast held April 5 in the cafeteria. Guests were treated to a buffetstyle breakfast and recognized for their service to the school.
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20 n ApRIL 12, 2017 n THE ISLANDER
By Susan Huppert
Holy Week, Easter arrive
easter will be celebrated with the sunrise. the 53rd anna maria island Kiwanis’ club easter Sunrise Service will begin at 6:30 a.m. Sunday, April 16, at manatee public Beach, 4000 gulf drive, Holmes Beach. all the island churches participate in the celebration that draws more than 1,000 people to the beach. the rev. ed moss of crosspointe fellowship in Holmes Beach will deliver the sermon. the rev. matthew grunfeld of the episcopal church of the annunciation will deliver the opening prayer. the rev. dr. Bob o’Keef of roser memorial community church and the rev. Stephen King of Harvey memorial church will deliver Scriptures. the rev. rosemary Backer of gloria dei Lutheran church will deliver the offertory. the rev. michael mullen of St. Bernard catholic church will deliver the benediction. the easter offering collected by the anna maria island Kiwanis club volunteers will be equally divided among the island churches. Kiwanis members encourage people on the island to take the island trolley, which will make its first run starting in anna maria at the city pier and in Bradenton Beach at coquina Beach at 6 a.m. and before the service, the coffee will be brewing at the anna maria island Beach cafe at the public beach. Worshippers are advised to bring a chair or blanket seating. additional worship services will take place later on easter Sunday at island churches.
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The Rev. Dr. Bob O’Keef stands by an Easter cross created of flowers, a symbol of resurrection at Roser Holy Week observances roser memorial community church will offer Memorial Community Church in Anna Maria. maundy thursday worship at 7 p.m. april 13. the Islander Courtesy Photo
Pastor Rosemary W. Backer
brunch and egg hunt. gloria dei Lutheran church is at 6608 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. St. Bernard catholic church will observe maundy thursday with the mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7 p.m. april 13. the passion of our Lord will be at 3 p.m. good friday. the Blessing of the easter Baskets will be at 11 a.m. april 15. also, there will be an easter Vigil Mass at 8 p.m. April 15. On Easter Sunday, Mass will be at 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. The church is at 248 S. Harbor Drive, Holmes Beach. Christ Church of Longboat Key worships at 7:30 p.m. april 13 with maundy thursday service. at 1 p.m. april 14, good friday service will take place. April 16, Easter will be celebrated at 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. christ church will hold easter sunrise service at 7:30 a.m. in the Friendship Garden, and a 10 a.m. easter worship will take place in the chapel, at 6200 gulf of mexico drive, Longboat Key.
We TWeeT TOO @ami_islander
david r. Hepburn Jr. ph.d., 75, died march 21. He was born feb. 14, 1942, in memphis, tennessee, to david r. Sr. and Lillie Williams. He attended memphis State university, working his way through by delivering newspapers, and earned degrees in mathematics and chemistry. He then went to ole miss university in oxford on a scholarship and earned his doctorate in chemistry. He enjoyed a career as a research chemist until retiring in 2007. He then moved to Bradenton with wife nina Salley Hepburn (Siler) and joined a group of men dedicated to saving and restoring wooden boats. He volunteered at the boat shop in cortez and his dedication to public service extended to an active membership in the uScg auxiliary. interment will be in the memorial garden of christ episcopal church in Bradenton. donations may be made to mothers against drunk driving. condolences may be made to www.griffithcline.com. He is survived by wife nina; sons david r. iii and pLeaSe See OBitUaRieS, neXt page
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EASTER EGG HUNT following the 10:00 AM Service _______________
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service includes anointing with oil for physical, emotional or spiritual healing. a good friday service will be at noon april 14. Easter Sunday services are at 8:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. and include hand-bells and trumpets. children are invited to an easter egg hunt following the 10 a.m. service at 512 pine ave., anna maria. the episcopal church of the annunciation offers maundy thursday service at 7 p.m. april 13. good Friday services will be at noon and 7 p.m. At 8 p.m. Saturday, april 15, the congregation will host the members of gloria dei Lutheran church for a shared service of the great Vigil. annunciation also will offer services on easter at 7:30 a.m., Family Eucharist at 9 a.m. and Festival Eucharist at 11 a.m. The church is at 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. gloria dei will offer maundy thursday service at 7 p.m. april 13. good friday services will be at noon and 7 p.m. At 9:30 a.m. Easter Sunday, the Festival Worship with trumpets and choir will be followed by an easter
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THE ISLANDER n ApRIL 12, 2017 n 21
OBitUaRieS from page 20
Damon J. Presswood
dr. r. m. Salley and wife Linda; daughters rachelle Damon Jolley Presswood, 48, of Bradenton, died carla and angela faye Stephens and husband Larry; unexpectedly at home april 5. sister gloria; brother James and wife ann; eight grandHe was born Dec. 27, 1968, in children; five great-grandchildren; and many nieces duQuoin, illinois, and moved to anna and nephews. maria island in 1975 with his mother and sister. Frank W. Hutchison He was devoted to his daughter and he was a dedicated chef and food The Rev. Frank W. Hutchison, 86, of Bradenton, expert. He started his cooking career Presswood died april 1. at age 13 on Longboat Key at Harry’s He was born in cleveland, ohio, and moved to Bracontinental Kitchens, followed by ivo’s fine dining denton in 1978 from Bridgewater, North Carolina. a veteran of the u.S. army, he received his mas- and the café L’europe on St. armands circle, where ter’s degree in business from the Wharton School, his he mentored under chef august mrozowski. in 13 master’s degree in divinity from mccormick Seminary years at the cafe, he had risen to sous chef. He was assistant chef at the Bradenton country of chicago and he was a presbyterian minister. club before purchasing chez andré restaurant in He was active in his community, active in the civil rights and peace movements and he was former pastor Holmes Beach in 1999. He was chef and co-owner and renamed the restaurant Ooh La La! Bistro. In 2008, the of roser memorial community church. He is survived by wife Sylvia of Bradenton; daugh- restaurant closed and he expanded his food interests ters Barbara of arlington, Virginia, Jane and husband as a restaurant/food service consultant and executive drew mcneely of cape elizabeth, maine, Lee anne chef at Sysco corp. in palmetto. most recently, he worked at the anna maria oyster and husband grant neal of manhattan, new York, and Jean and husband Bart Knox of Hendersonville, north Bar on the pier in Bradenton Beach. He was a longtime member of Ski-a-rees, a carolina; and two grandchildren. a memorial service was april 17 at roser memo- water-ski show team based on city island in Sarasota, rial community church in anna maria. Brown & Sons where he performed, drove his boat for show skiers funeral Homes & crematory 43rd Street chapel was and trained young skiers. He inherited his paternal grandfather’s green in charge of arrangements. memorial donations may be made to the alzheimer’s foundation. condolences thumb and had a penchant for growing herbs, vegetables and gardenias. He also loved animals and rescued may be made to www.brownandsonsfuneral.com. and adopted many dogs over the years. He trained his Jack M. Neumayer companion, Ziggy, a deaf dog, in sign language. Jack M. Neumayer, 80, of Holmes Beach, died Some 200 restaurant, food industry, ski and family april 6. friends attended a celebration of life april 9 at fisherServices will be at a later date. Brown & Sons men’s Hall in cortez. the family thanks all those who funeral Homes & crematory 43rd Street chapel is in donated food and refreshments, particularly the anna charge of arrangements. condolences may be made to maria oyster Bar and Beach Bistro. www.brownandsonsfuneral.com. a gofundme account has been established to help Joselin get on her feet on her own and in her future At your service endeavors. obituaries are provided as a community service in the islander newspaper to residents and family of residents, both past and present, as well as to those people with ties to anna maria island. information may be submitted to news@islander.org. paid obituaries are available by calling sales rep Toni Lyon at 941-778-7978.
mr. presswood is survived by his daughter, Joselin “Josey” Bonnie of Bradenton; mother Bonner Joy, islander publisher, of flamingo cay; father ronald and wife Sylvia of ponoma, illinois; sister Kendra and spouse toni Lyon of palmetto; half-brother Sevren of michigan; uncle Kevin of duQuoin, illinois; uncle William eller of Bradenton; many nieces, nephews and cousins; and Ziggy.
Donald B. Sudnik
donald B. Sudnik, of Holmes Beach and originally from Orchard Lake, Michigan, died Feb. 28. He was born nov. 25, 1926. He was known in the advertising business as an award-winning photographer specializing in car photography throughout the automotive industry He was a partner in the Sudnik & overhardt photo studio. in his early days, mr. Sudnik served in the army air force as a photographer mapping the philippine islands in 1944, just before the bombing in Japan. He also worked at the detroit news as a sports photographer capturing the fall of the “flying Wallendas” at the fair grounds in 1962. Sudnik He ws an avid fan of the detroit Red Wings and also enjoyed fishing, listening to jazz and mingling with musicians at local clubs. for those who knew and loved him, he was always positive and upbeat. When asked how he was, the answer was always, “Sensational.” He was married to marilyn demgen. He is survived by children Steven, John and Lisa Sudnik marklow; Joseph, Sarah marklow moore and mary marklow clinton; great-grandchildren miles moore and easton clinton.
Episcopal Church of the Annunciation
We wish you a blessed Easter and welcome you to our services… 7 p.m. April 13, Maundy Thursday Noon and 7 p.m., April 14, Good Friday 8 p.m. April 15, The Great Vigil
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22 n ApRIL 12, 2017 n THE ISLANDER
Cops & Court By Kathy Prucnell, Islander Reporter
Holmes Beach woman arrested for driving, drugs
Kelly Jo Keiter, 49, of Holmes Beach, was arrested march 27 in Holmes Beach for violating a courtordered probation, driving on a suspended license and carrying 23 pills without a prescription. Holmes Beach police stopped Keiter at 11:52 p.m. in a westbound nissan in the 700 block of manatee avenue. She was traveling 54 mph in Keiter a 35-mph zone, according to a police report. HBPD Officer Alan Bores reported Keiter told him her driver’s license was suspended and he determined she was violating an 11 p.m. probation curfew. a police report indicates officers searched the vehicle and found a bottle with 10 oxycodone and four alprazolam pills under the passenger seat, four oxycodone pills next to the driver’s seat and an oxycodone in Keiter’s purse. Keiter was transported to manatee county jail, where she is being held without bond on the probation violation. a $34,000 bond was assigned for the drug charges and a $500 bond for the dWSL. Keiter has a record of theft convictions in 2009, 2014 and 2015. She was sentenced to two years probation which, according to a december 2016 court order, was extended until 2018, for shoplifting. in october 2016, Keiter was arrested for shoplifting and possessing drugs in Bradenton — two open cases, in addition to the recent Holmes Beach arrest. Her arraignment in the Holmes Beach case is set for 9 a.m. April 18 at the Manatee County Judicial center, 1051 manatee ave. W., Bradenton.
Bradenton man arrested in HB for DUI, drugs
a weaving pickup truck accelerated to 50 mph in a 35-mph zone on manatee avenue and led to the march 24 arrest of Bradenton man. Holmes Beach police arrested timothy gossage, 22, for driving under the influence, refusing to submit to a balance test and possessing less than 20 grams of marijuana and one cyclobenzaprine pill without a prescription. Officer Alan Bores reported he stopped Gossage, who told the offiGossage cer he was coming from Bean point, at 1:36 a.m. in the 700 block of Manatee Avenue. gossage also allegedly told Bores he had consumed a beer and a half and had two medical conditions. Midway through field-sobriety tests, Bores reported Gossage became argumentative and the officer asked if he wanted to continue. Gossage put his hands behind his back, stating: “I’m going to jail either way,” according to the report. during a search of gossage, Bores allegedly found 2 grams of marijuana and a yellow pill later identified as cyclobenzaprine. Police also reported finding two empty cans of an alcoholic beverage in the vehicle. gossage was transported to the manatee county jail, where he refused to provide a breath sample, according to the police report. gossage was released on $1,500 bond, pending an 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 25, arraignment at the Manatee county Judicial center, 1051 manatee ave. W., Bradenton.
Island police blotter
anna Maria march 23, 100 block of Willow avenue, theft. thirteen straps belonging to the city were removed from trees. they were valued at $190. Eyes on the road march 25, anna maria city pier, 100 S. Bay Blvd., the florida department of transportation has found property. a black leather purse containing two cellphones and cash was turned into the manatee issued no alerts for anna maria island. for the latest road watch information, go online to county Sheriff’s office. the purse also contained a utility bill. deputies attempted to track the owner www.fl511.com or dial 511.
Island burglary linked by DNA
dna on a cigarette butt appears key to solving a 2015 car burglary in Holmes Beach. matthew alan Johnson, 41, of anna maria, was arrested march 24 for the august 2015 burglary. according to a Holmes Beach police report, a briefcase, purse, wallet and credit cards were stolen from a vehicle parked at 33rd Street Johnson and the beach access. the credit cards were used at an autoZone shop and a Walmart store in Bradenton. “neither of the victims smoked and they noticed that their vehicle smelled like cigarette smoke when they discovered the burglary,” the police report stated. the victims turned over the butt, witnesses stepped up and evidence grew. According to reports filed by HBPD Detective Sgt. Brian Hall, a Bradenton woman told police she saw a man throw a bag with paperwork into a trash receptacle in the 5500 block of 24th Street in Bradenton. the man matched Johnson’s description — age in the mid to lower 40s with salt and pepper hair. also, a video showed Johnson using the victim’s credit card for a $286.19 purchase at the Walmart on cortez road. the victim’s card also was used to buy $260.36 worth of BmW auto parts at autoZone, according to a report. in an october 2015 interview, Hall observed Johnson at his residence with a BmW in his driveway. Hall said april 5 he showed Johnson the Walmart video and Johnson said, “that’s not me.” “finally, last month, we got a match from the dna and we issued an arrest warrant,” Hall said. police obtained Johnson’s dna and a lab matched his dna with that on the cigarette butt. Hall reported the match was rarer than 1 in 700 billion. after the arrest, Johnson was transported to manatee county jail, where he posted a $5,000 bond and was released, pending a 9 a.m. Friday, April 28, arraignment. using the address on the bill but were unsuccessful. the items were secured in an mcSo locker. march 29, near drowning. a 2-year old was found underwater in a Jacuzzi. the child was reported as breathing, alert and conscious. emS responded and pLeaSe See StReetliFe, neXt page
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THE ISLANDER n April 12, 2017 n 23
StreetLife from page 22 transported the child to a medical center. Anna Maria is policed by the MCSO. Bradenton Beach March 29, 1900 block of Gulf Drive South, Marchman Act. Dispatched to a suspicious person call, a Bradenton Beach police officer found a woman passed out next to a pool. As an officer tried to wake her, she mumbled and kept passing out. EMS was called and cleared. The woman told an officer she didn’t know where she lived, used heroin and thought about hurting herself. The officer transported her to a mental health facility. March 30, Sports Lounge, 118 Bridge St., criminal mischief. Two tires were slashed on a trailer parked in front of the bar. The estimated damage was $200. April 1, Cortez Road and Gulf Drive North, resisting arrest. Police responded to a report of a female jumping out into traffic. When officers arrived, they encountered a woman and man at the crest of the Cortez Bridge. The woman told police she was attempting to get a ride home. Police determined the man had an outstanding warrant from Illinois. When the man heard the radio report about the warrant, he attempted to jump from the bridge to the water. The officers pulled him back and a fight ensued. The man was arrested and taken to Manatee County jail. April 2, Bridge Tender Inn & Dockside Bar, 135 Bridge St., overdose. People on the street flagged down a Bradenton Beach police officer after a 27-year-old Bradenton man collapsed at the restaurant’s outdoor bar. Good Samaritans helped open the man’s air passage. EMS responded, determined it was an overdose and administered Narcan, reviving the man. EMS transported him to a medical center. Cortez March 27, 10200 block of 46th Avenue, fraud. A former Manatee County School District employee reported a fraudulent tax return was filed using his personal information. The school district reported a data breach involving numerous employees. March 28, 4500 block of 124th Street, burglary.
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Three fishing rods and reels were stolen from a back porch. Cortez is policed by the MCSO. Holmes Beach March 29, 300 block of 63rd Street, domestic battery. A couple’s argument turned physical when a man pushed food into a woman’s face. The woman said the chili oil from the food burned her eyes. The man allegedly pushed her into a shower and poured shampoo over her head. Holmes Beach police arrived and found a broken lamp, cuts on the man’s face and marks on the woman’s forehead. The man was arrested and transported to the Manatee County jail. He was released on $1,000 bond. March 30, Manatee Public Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, aggravated assault. An Indiana man was arrested after another man reported an argument. The two argued over a bike. During the altercation, the victim reported the man pulled up his shirt and brandished a black gun. HBPD recovered an air pistol. March 30, 5300 block of Marina Drive, theft. A handsaw, laser and battery charger were reported missing from a construction site. March 31, 4900 block of Gulf Drive, animal bite. A woman reported a dog bit her while on a walk. She showed the officer four puncture wounds. The dog owner was alerted. Police observed a long tether and dog feces in the owner’s yard and confirmed the dog had been vaccinated for rabies in 2016. The officer referred the case to Manatee County Animal Services. April 1, Anna Maria Island Beach Cafe, 4000 Gulf Drive, theft. A manager from the cafe reported a theft of $3,250 from the register in March. April 2, 4400 block of Gulf Drive, trespassing/ criminal mischief. Officers responded to a burglary in progress. A resident reported waking up due to noise on the roof and saw legs hanging outside a window. The resident called 911 and reported a man in his 20s climbing from the house into a tree. Police found screens were cut and a lock opened and looked for a second suspect. When police arrived, they arrested a
Anna Maria approves dredge work, looks ahead
Anna Maria commissioners approved April 7 a contract for dredging the Lake LaVista canal. The total project cost is estimated at $150,610. According to city engineer Lynn Burnett, the canal has not been dredged for at least two years. Under the agreement, West Coast Inland Navigation District will dredge the canal by “piggybacking” off a 2013 bid for work in Fort Lauderdale. Florida laws allows companies that bid successfully for one municipality to bypass the process in another municipality. The work will be done at the end of June. In other business, Mayor Dan Murphy said he is seeking project estimates from Wantman Group Inc., the winning bidder for and engineering study on the city pier. Murphy said he still needs a timeline for the project and an estimated cost. Murphy said he will meet with WGI representatives April 13. — Bianca Benedí 20-year-old found hiding nearby in bushes, but could not find a second suspect. April 2, CVS, 611 Manatee Ave., trespass. A man was trespassed after a manager reported him harassing customers. Streetlife is based on incident reports and narratives from the BBPD, HBPD and MCSO. Island watch: In an emergency, call 911. To report information on island crime, call the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office Anna Maria substation, 941-7088899; Bradenton Beach police, 941-778-6311; or Holmes Beach police, 941-708-5804.
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24 n ApRIL 12, 2017 n THE ISLANDER
Grassy Point Preserve’s path to bayfront opens April 19
By Jennifer Sheppard islander reporter It’s official: The reopening of Grassy Point Preserve in Holmes Beach is set. Commissioners approved at their March 28 meeting a private opening of grassy point from 11 a.m.12:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 19. The opening for the public will follow at 12:30 p.m. The early opening provides city officials an opportunity to thank special people who participated in “years of hard work to get grassy point back in shape,” said mary Buonagura, the city human resources analyst who has helped coordinate the preserve improvements for the past four years. the april date was selected so anna maria elementary School students could participate in the event, which will include a ribbon-cutting and welcome by
mayor Bob Johnson and a tour of the preserve, east of the 3200 block of east Bay drive and fronting anna maria Sound. “We want to celebrate that we’ve been able to move through it,” Johnson said. “it is a thanking celebration of those in the community directly and indirectly involved.” island mayors and commissioners are expected to attend, along with Manatee County officials and special guests from Holmes Beach public works, the Sarasota Bay estuary program and ame, among others. “i’m excited about this very much,” commissioner carol Soustek said. the preserve was acquired in 2001 by the city of Holmes Beach with a $359,945.51 grant from florida communities trust, the granting agency monitored by the department of environmental projection. the city
Jack Elka sends his drone camera high over Anna Maria Sound for a bird’s eye view of Grassy Point looking west toward the Gulf of Mexico. The eastern end of a boardwalk that takes visitors through the mangrove hammocks is visible on the bayfront.
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also received grants from the u.S. fish and Wildlife Service and Southwest florida Water management district, both managed by the Sarasota Bay estuary program, to remove exotic and invasive species of plants and trees. new features of the 34-acre preserve, the largest undeveloped parcel in the city besides the beach, include a boardwalk that extends the shell trail through natural wetlands and mangrove hammocks where bats, foxes, vultures and other critters roam. in february, commissioners voted 3-2 to approve a $330,000 purchase of two adjacent lots for a potential parking lot for the preserve. At their March 28 meeting, commissioners unanimously adopted an ordinance acknowledging the relocation of unrestricted cash reserve funds to acquire the two lots from clyde dickey. according to city treasurer Lori Hill, the contract is in place, and the land acquisition ordinance moves the funds after the fact. at press time, the two parcels, 3019 and 3021 avenue c, are still owned by dickey, according to the manatee county property appraiser website, but excavation is underway. it may soon provide ample parking. the preserve entrance is at the northern terminus of avenue c.
Green day
In October 2012, a ribbon-cutting celebration took place at Grassy Point Preserve in Holmes Beach. Celebrants included Sandy Haas-Martens, left, a commissioner at the time, along with Billie Martini, a former commissioner and leading advocate for the preserve, and then-Mayor Rich Bohnenberger.
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AMI RADIO OPEN MIC CHARLIE IMES Easter BODIE Brunch VALDEZ DOUG BIDWELL 03/13 5-8 PM 03/14 5-8 PM 03/15 5-8 PM Sunday, April 16th, 2017 03/16 12:30 & 3:00pm Seatings 5-8 PM $34.95 ++ per person 03/17 HAPPY 5-8 PM WEEKEND 5-8 PM 12-4 PM 03/18 TONY Easter Brunch Buffet will include Made to Order Omlets, BOEING Waffles, Fresh Fruit, Station, PM Ham, Salad Bar, Seafood5-8 PM 12-4Desserts and more. 03/19
4350 El Conquistador Pkwy Bradenton, FL 34210
02/20 03/27
9;: @A1 C10 @4A 2>5 ?-@ ?A:
9;: @A1 C10 @4A 2>5 ?-@ ?A:
AMI RADIO OPEN MIC CHRIS WARNER 04/12 5-8 HATLEY DUO 04/13 DOUG BIDWELL 5-8 04/14 5-8 TIM CONNOLLY 5-8 12-4 04/10 5-8 PM 04/11 5-8 PM
THE ISLANDER n ApRIL 12, 2017 n 25
As the forecasters say in their report, “We need to prepare the same for every season, regardless of how much activity is predicted.” The Atlantic hurricane season officially begins June 1 and continues through nov. 31. The storm names for 2017 are: Arlene, Bret, Cindy, don, emily, franklin, gert, Harvey, irma, Jose, Katia, Lee, maria, nate, ophelia, philippe, rina, Sean, tammy, Vince and Whitney.
By Lisa Neff
11 in the forecast
arlene may grab a headline. Bret, cindy and don may blow. But the experts who provide forecasts to those of us in the atlantic hurricane watch area say we can expect less action than normal in the coming Junenovember 2017 season. the forecast from colorado State university’s department of atmospheric Science is for a “slightly below average” season, with 11 named storms. the scientists predict six hurNeff ricanes — two of them major hurricanes of a category 3 level or more, with sustained wind speeds of 111 mph. the medians for 1981 to 2010 were 6.5 hurricanes and two major hurricanes. What’s factoring in this outlook? You probably guessed: El Niño is likely to be in play this season. the report reads, “there is the potential for shearenhancing El Niño conditions to develop over the next several months. the tropical atlantic has cooled over the past month and the far north atlantic is currently colder than normal. these cold anomalies tend to force atmospheric conditions that are less conducive for Atlantic hurricane formation and intensification.” In 28 out of 35 years for the Colorado State department, the prediction of an above- or below-average season has been correct. However, the forecast team underestimated activity for the 2016 season and plans to refine its forecasts June 1, July 3 and Aug. 2. “our predictions are our best estimate, but there is with all forecasts an uncertainty as to how well they will verify,” the report states. the researchers see a lower-than-normal chance of a major hurricane making landfall in the united
Charley barrels into the Gulf Coast in 2004. States. A look at the odds: • The probability of a major Atlantic hurricane making landfall on the u.S. coastline is 42 percent — the average over the past century is 52 percent. • The probability of a major hurricane making landfall on the east coast, including the florida peninsula, is 24 percent. • The probability of a major hurricane making landfall on the gulf coast, from the florida panhandle west to Brownsville, texas, is 24 percent. Keep in mind, that it only takes one hurricane making landfall to make it an active season for the coastal residents of the area hit. And even a tropical storm can cause catastrophic damage. So consider these probabilities: • The likelihood of a named storm making landfall on the U.S. coastline is 92 percent. • The likelihood of a named storm making landfall on the Gulf Coast is 74 percent. • The likelihood of a storm on the East Coast is 71 percent. • There’s a 90 percent chance a storm will make landfall in the Caribbean.
From Mote to press
A new book “Florida Manatees: Biology, Behavior and Conservation” is by Dr. John Reynolds of Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota. Reynolds is a senior scientist at Mote and manager of its manatee research program. The book includes photographs by Wayne Lynch. For more information, call Mote at 941-388-4441. Islander Courtesy Photo: Mote/ Wayne Lynch
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26 n April 12, 2017 n THE ISLANDER
Youth soccer kicks off, KRC women celebrate ‘Doe Day’
By Kevin P. Cassidy Islander Reporter Spring soccer kicked off April 7 with one of four free clinics at the Center of Anna Maria Island that include an appearance by former U.S. National Team and current L.A. Galaxy goalkeeper Kevin Hartman. Three more clinics will start at 6 p.m. April 28, May 12 and May 19 The clinics are being led by coaches Tony Shard and Rick Hurst. The season kicked off April 8 with three games, starting with an 11-14 division matchup between Sign-ACassidy Rama and Salty Printing. Sign-ARama doubled up on Salty Printing with a 6-3 victory behind three goals from Jackie Schlossberg. Tyler Brewer chipped in two goals and Tuna McCracken finished with one. Connor Ludwig made four saves to help preserve the victory. Javier Rivera led Salty Printing with two goals, while David Daigle and Ava Zink each added a goal in the loss. Slim’s Place rolled to a 10-0 victory over Wash Family Construction to open the 8-10 division action behind five goals from Gregory Jordan. Connor Samblis added three goals and two assists, while Aiden Templeton finished with two goals and two assists for the win. Slim’s margin of victory might have been more had it not been for the stellar play of Wash goalie Dalton Fox, who made 12 saves for his team in the loss. The last match of the day saw Truly Nolen roll to a 5-1 victory over Progressive Cabinetry behind a hat trick from Jack Mattick. Nick Yatros and Victor Albrecht added a goal each in the win. Jackson Pakbaz notched the lone goal for Progressive Cabinetry, which also received five saves from Jack McCarthy in the loss.
10-under-par 22 by a cardoff over Joyce Lathrop and Sally York, who had to settle for third. Fourth place went to Terry Westby and Tootie Wagner, fifth to the team of Anne Klein and Donna Marycki, and Laura Purcell and Cate Foy. Deb Wohlers won the longest-drive contest, while Purcell won closest to the pin. Jud Ward won the raffle prize — a party basket. The Key Royale men played a nine-hole nodified Stableford-system match April 3. Gary Silke won individual honors with a plus-6 to outlast second-place finisher Jack Lowry, who finished with a plus-4. Silke’s individual score helped his team of Al Carr, Tom McDonnell and Joe Tynan to the team title. The men were back on the course April 6 for a nine-hole, team scramble. The team of Rush Haines, Jill Pritchard, Ron Pritchard and Paul Smith matched the 4-under-par 28 carded by the team of John Cassese, Jack Isherwood, Diane Miller and Silke for a two-way tie for first place.
Jane Perkins and Marty Clark show off their royal costumes for Spring Doe Day. They then showed off their golf skills, combining on a 12-under-par 20 to take first place in the Ryder Cup-like format. Islander Photo: Courtesy KRC
Royals.” Costumes and clubhouse decorations reflected the royal touch. The golf action mirrored the Ryder Cup with twosomes competing over three holes of best ball, three holes of best shot and three holes of alternate-shot play. Co-chairs Pam Alvord and Susan VanOrsdel along with their committee of Sally York, Linda Ress, Marilyn Niewijk, Kathy Miller and Joyce Lathrop created a fun-filled day for the participants. Key Royale golf news Jane Perkins and Marty Clark were the big winners The women of the Key Royale Club held their of the day with a net score of 12-under-par 20. Stephaannual Spring Doe Day April 5 with a theme of “the nie Morris and Jana Samuels took second place with a
Center spending night with Rowdies
The Center of Anna Maria Island is kicking the good times to St. Petersburg in April. The center is organizing Night with The Rowdies for Saturday, April 29. The Tampa Bay Rowdies, a professional soccer team, will play the Richmond Kickers in the game at Al Lang Stadium in St. Pete. The Rowdies, founded in 2008, compete in the United Soccer League. The center plans to provide round-trip transportation, interaction opportunities with Rowdies staff and/or players and tickets to the game. The cost to attend is $50 for adults and $25 for children, and space is limited For more information, call the Tony Shard at 810-577-5291. Established 2008
Capt. Warren Girle
INSHORE RE Redfish Snook
April 12 April 13 April 14 April 15 April 16 April 17 April 18 April 19
1:40a 2:18a 3:00a 3:50a 4:53a 6:24a 4:26p 9:21a
1.6 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.3 2.0 1.4
12:53p 1:15p 1:41p 2:12p 2:48p 3:31p — 5:42p
2.2 6:45a 0.7 2.2 7:06a 0.8 2.3 7:27a 0.9 2.3 7:50a 1.0 2.2 8:14a 1.1 2.1 8:41a 1.2 — — — 1.9 12:55a 0.0
7:47p 8:24p 9:05p 9:52p 10:46p 11:48p — 11:46a
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Anna Maria Island Tides
Horseshoe news Four teams advanced from pool play to the knockout stage during April 5 horseshoe action at the Anna Maria City Hall horseshoe pits. In the first semifinal, Norm Good and Steve Doyle edged out Tim Sofran and Norm Langeland 21-18, while Gene Bobeldyk and Jim Lothschutz rolled to a 21-4 victory over Bob Lee and Roger Nigg in the other semifinal. Bobeldyk-Lothschutz outlasted Good-Doyle 24-17 to earn the day’s bragging rights. Jay Disbrow walked his way to the winner’s circle in the April 8 action after posting the only 3-0 pool play record. Play gets under way at 9 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at the Anna Maria City Hall pits. Warmups begin at 8:45 a.m. followed by random team selection. There is no charge to play and everyone is welcome.
Fishing Charters
Clancy’s Boat Detailing Specializing in boats under 34’ ClancyBD@yahoo.com
Adult flag football continues The standings in the adult flag football league at the center tightened up after April 6. The excitement came when Moss Builders ended Beach House Real Estate’s bid for an undefeated season. Moss handed them a 13-7 loss. The loss drops Beach House to 6-1, but still atop the standings. Moss Builders improved to 4-3 in a tie for third place with Beach to Bay Construction, which defeated Smoothie King 29-25 to fall to 2-5 and sixth place in the standings. Tyler’s Ice Cream improved to 5-2 and a game out of first place after rolling to a 36-18 victory over Mason Martin Construction. The loss dropped Mason Martin into fifth with a 3-4 record. Progressive Cabinetry was off and remains in seventh place in the standings. With only one week remaining in the regular season, playoff matchups are nearly complete. The playoffs get started April 20 with the semifinals and championship game April 27.
Southernaire Fishing Charters
THE ISLANDER n ApRIL 12, 2017 n 27
Winds, slight temp drop can’t stop steady fishing action
By capt. danny Stasny islander reporter With the winds blowing up to 25 mph for what seems like an eternity, fishing around anna maria island is maintaining a steady bite for the determined angler or those who just don’t know better. Spotted seatrout are being found in respectable numbers throughout the flats of anna maria Sound and Sarasota Bay. free-lining live shiners or adding a popping cork to the rig is resulting in many fish 15-18 inches as well as a few over 20 inches. Stasny Snook fishing is producing good action. on my Southernaire charters, we are finding plenty of snook to keep everyone busy. i’m also noticing more slot fish being caught than normal. Most catches are 20-26 inches, although fish up to 32 inches are in the mix. Lastly, while targeting snook on shallow flats, I’m finding quite a few redfish — most ranging 16-20 inches. Larger “bull” reds are being caught around residential docks. capt. david White of anna maria charters is working the flats for “gator” trout. These large trout — most exceed 20 inches — can be found lurking on deeper grass flats and in deep canals. By chumming the waters with live shiners and then casting a shiner under a popping cork, White is putting anglers onto these trout. Snook fishing is providing good action for White’s clients. Many fish 20-26 inches are being caught on free-lined live shiners. Slot fish falling between 28-33 inches also are more frequent, according to White. Jim malfese at the rod & reel pier is seeing sheepshead being reeled up to the deck, although the bite is not as aggressive as in past weeks. With the waters in tampa Bay warming, the sheepies are dispersing. Pier fishers using live shrimp to target these convict fish also are hooking into over-slot redfish, flounder and an occasional snook. casting small jigs or silver spoons around the pier is resulting in bites from Spanish mackerel and jack crevalle. Large schools of glass minnows are gathering around the pier, which are a favorite food of the mackerel. try to use small jigs or spoons to mimic this small slender baitfish. Capt. Aaron Lowman is fishing the flats of Anna maria Sound for spotted seatrout. Keeper-size trout are being found on the edges of flats adjacent to channels or sandy potholes. for the over-slot trout, Lowman is fishing very shallow flats against mangrove shorelines. Live shiners under a cork are working for both scenarios. Snook fishing is quite good for Lowman, as rallies of schooley-sized fish — 20-24 inches — are keeping
jmsnookykyayakcharters.com 23’ Custom Hanson Bay & Kayak Charters
Ike Lovelass of Syracuse, New York, shows off his smoker kingfish, caught March 22 while fishing using sardines for bait in about 40 feet of water offshore of Anna Maria Island. His party fished with Capt. Larry McGuire and also found grouper and snapper to be abundant in the Gulf of Mexico. his clients’ rods bent. mixed in with the snook are an occasional redfish. Capt. Warren Girle is flats fishing in Sarasota Bay. Spotted seatrout, bluefish and jack crevalle are abundant on the flats where the depths run 3-5 feet. Live shiners under a popping cork are producing. also, lead head jigs combined with a soft plastic will do the trick.
Fishing shallow flats in water of 3 feet or less is resulting in snook and redfish for Girle’s anglers. He’s finding numerous schools of snook along mangrove shorelines in areas sheltered from the wind. and the same areas are holding redfish, although most redfish catches are running over the slot of 27 inches and must be released. capt. Jason Stock is working offshore when the winds are light and seas reasonably calm. permit up to 40 pounds are being caught and released around wrecks and reefs out 7-15 miles. Live pass crabs are Stock’s bait of choice, although jigs are working, too. Moving inshore to avoid the wind, Stock is flats fishing for snook, redfish and spotted seatrout. According to Stock, the snook and trout are the dominant bite with an occasional redfish in the mix. Send high-resolution photos and fishing reports to fish@islander.org.
Red tide in low concentrations
a bloom of the red tide organism, Karenia brevis, remains in Southwest florida, according to surveys reported april 6. Karenia brevis was observed in background to low concentrations in manatee county. for more information about red tide in florida, go to myfwc.com/redtidestatus. Ashley Meimzer shows off a 21-inch trout she caught between snook bites while on a fishing trip April 4 with Capt. Danny Stasny of Southernaire Fishing Charters.
Submit your fishing and sports news to news@islander.org.
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28 n April 12, 2017 n THE ISLANDER
Bottle boats do battle on Palma Sola Bay
Manatee County’s De Soto Festival announcers cheer on the teams at the April 8 Bottle Boat Regatta — a tradition of more than 30 years.
Real estate transactions
By Jesse Brisson Special to The Islander 2517 Avenue C, Bradenton Beach, a 1,682 sfla / 2,893 sfur 4bed/4bath duplex built in 1979 on a 50x100 lot was sold 03/16/17, Leggins to Strohl for $482,500. 6250 Holmes Blvd., #54, North Beach Village, Holmes Beach, a 1,536 sfla / 2,604 sfur 3bed/2½bath/2car condo with shared pool built in 1992 was sold 03/10/17, Nevin to Cullin for $475,000; list $489,900. Brisson 5608 Gulf Drive, Unit 110, Sun Plaza West, Holmes Beach, a 1,092 sfla / 1,236 sfur 2bed/2bath condo with shared pool built in 1981 was sold 03/01/17, Drouven Investments Inc. to Biamonte for $445,000; list $449,000. 211 66 th Street, Holmes Beach, a 1,682 sfla 2bed/2bath duplex built in 1973 on a 11,340 sq ft lot was sold 03/09/17, Baker to Nigro for $425,000. 3803 East Bay Drive, Unit 3A, Sunbow Bay,
With supporters watching on shore, McNeal’s Gel-lie Bel-lie paddles against the Shooting Stars April 8 in a race to the finish line in Palma Sola Bay. The contest is part of Manatee County’s De Soto Heritage Festival. Islander Photos: Kathy Prucnell
Holmes Beach, a 2,354 sfla / 2,398 sfur 5bed/3bath condo with shared pool built in 1977 was sold 03/10/17, Barcewicz to Walsh for $420,000; list $463,500. 6200 Flotilla Drive, Unit 301, Westbay Point & Moorings, Holmes Beach, a 1,114sfla / 1,426 sfur 2bed/2bath condo with shared pool built in 1978 was sold 03/10/17, Schuetz to Lawson for $380,000. 111 10th Street S., Unit 122, Bay Tides, Bradenton Beach, a 828 sfla / 948 sfur 2bed/2bath bayfront condo built in 1985 was sold 03/03/17, Kiley to Tweenwaters Condo LLC for $372,000; list $389,900. 502 Bayview Drive, Holmes Beach, a 1,214 sfla / 1,660 sfur 2bed/2bath canalfront home built in 1958 on a 8,999 sq ft lot was sold 03/14/17, Allan to Katz for $371,300. 6200 Flotilla Drive, Unit 305, Westbay Point & Moorings, Holmes Beach, a 1,200 sfla / 1,377 sfur 2bed/2bath condo with shared pool built in 1979 was sold 03/09/17, Homer to Schmidt for $332,500; list $355,000. 6200 Flotilla Drive, Unit 296, Westbay Point
& Moorings, Holmes Beach, a 985 sfla / 1,377 sfur 2bed/2bath condo with shared pool built in 1979 was sold 03/10/17, Klein to Leep for $330,000; list $344,900. 6915 Holmes Blvd., Holmes Beach, a 944 sfla / 1,872 sfur 2bed/2bath half duplex built in 1982 was sold 03/09/17, Hostetler to Kennedy for $325,000. 4001 Gulf Drive, Unit 107, Beach Townhouses, Holmes Beach, a 1,106 sfla / 1,319 sfur 2bed/2½bath condo with shared pool built in 1984 was sold 03/10/17, Mayer to Bliss for $275,000; list $295,000. Jesse Brisson, broker/associate at Gulf-Bay Realty of Anna Maria, can be reached at 941-778-7244.
Community notices, events
The Islander welcomes notices of your events and projects on Anna Maria Island and encourages you to submit both news and photographs on a regular basis. Submit press releases and photos with detailed captions to news@islander.org and include complete contact information.
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THE ISLANDER n ApRIL 12, 2017 n 29
isl Chamber rocks the beach
More than a dozen food trucks from the bay area line up at Coquina Beach April Renegade entertains the lunch crowd April 8 at the AMI chamber Beach N Food 8 for the second annual Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce Beach N Truck and Music Festival at Coquina Beach in Bradenton Beach. Emcee Mike Food Truck and Music Festival. Crowds were large and food and drink sales Sales kept the crowd entertained until the 10 p.m. festival closing. were brisk throughout the day and evening. Islander Photos: Sandy Ambrogi
Picture perfect day draws crowd to chamber festival
Samantha Sizemore, left, and mom Andrea Sizemore of Bradenton wait April 8 for food from the “Little Bit of Philly” truck at the AMI chamber’s Beach N Food Truck and Music Festival.
Last year’s early afternoon washout — thanks to a deluge, thunder and lightning — the anna maria island chamber of commerce Beach n food truck and Music Festival was a distant memory April 8. Huge crowds packed the venue this year at Bradenton Beach’s coquina Beach and, by lunchtime, lines were long at the food truck windows and vendors were seeing some brisk shopping. many took up residence in folding chairs in the shade from the tall australian pine trees or closer to the stage, where a succession of bands entertained the crowds from morning until night. Visitors perused dozens of classic and muscle cars, peering under the hoods at engines, or admiring the interiors in models that reminded them of distant teenage years. and, of course, the kids delighted in the large bounce houses at the end of the truck line in a special kid’s zone. After last year’s disappointing early finish around l p.m., forced by the weather, the chamber staff was all smiles this year as carloads of people continued to pour into the event. “it’s great!” chamber president deb Wing declared as she hurried by. chamber administrator cathy pizzo agreed. “Here
come more volunteers,” she said, heading toward an arriving group. “i’m really glad it didn’t rain,” pizzo quipped. earlier in the week, she had jokingly said she’d lost track of her poncho, so rain was off the schedule. a portion of the proceeds from the Beach n food truck and music festival will go to support the chamber’s scholarship fund for manatee county graduating high school seniors.
Shoppers browse April 8 at the Beach N Food Truck and Musical Festival held at Coquina Beach in Bradenton Beach.
“Old Florida with a New Twist” ÜÜÜ°> > >À > Ã > `Ài> ÌÞ°V ÊUÊ {£°xÈÇ°xÓÎ{ xÇäÓÊ >À >Ê À Ûi]Ê iÃÊ i>V
212 77th St., Holmes Beach 5 Bedrooms / 3 Baths Sqft. 3,172 $1,495,000
5605 Carissa St., Holmes Beach 3 Bedrooms / 2 Baths Sqft. 1,420 $949,000
120 Neptune Lane, Holmes Beach 5 Bedrooms / 5.5 Baths Sqft. 2,627 $1,995,000
217 Magnolia Ave., Anna Maria 5 Bedrooms / 4 Baths Sqft. 2,300 $1,549,000
313 Hardin Ave., Anna Maria 3 Bedrooms / 3 Baths Sqft. 2,039 $1,245,000
523 68th St., Holmes Beach 4 Bedrooms / 3 Baths Sqft. 2,656 $1,595,000
2407 Ave. A, Bradenton Beach 4 Bedrooms / 5.5 Baths Sqft. 2,316 $1,795,000
752 N. Shore Drive, Anna Maria 5 Bedrooms / 4.5 Baths Sqft. 2,589 $1,975,000
30 n ApRIL 12, 2017 n THE ISLANDER
Jeff Parsons of IMG Academy Golf Club, 4350 El Conquistador Parkway, Bradenton, addresses the crowd during the monthly Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce lunch. Next up is the sunrise breakfast Wednesday, April 12, at Cortez Cafe in Cortez. Islander Courtesy Photo: Cathy Pizzo
Longtime event planner says farewell to AMI
after 23 years at the Sandbar restaurant in anna Maria, event planner Patti McKee is filing her last Beo and wiping the sand from her toes. mcKee, event manager for the trio of ed chiles’ busiest restaurants for wedding, is retiring and returning home to illinois to spend time with her family. “mom just turned 97 and my whole family is up there,” mcKee said. “i still have healthy, happy years ahead.” mcKee started as a server on the outdoor deck in September 1994, several years before chiles purchased the property. She moved from waiting tables to bartender to bar manager, eventually landing as event manager, where she has spent the past 16 years — planning weddings, birthday parties, rehearsal dinners, family reunions and business events. the Sandbar hosts 200 or more events a year. chiles said, “it has been a real privilege to work with patti mcKee for the last 23 years. She has an incredible heart for service. Words cannot express how much she has done for our company and for all the Patti McKee, Sandbar Restaurant event manager, will retire April 19 after 23 years. Islander Photo: Sandy Ambrogi
couples and families and organizations in our community that she has served on the water’s edge.” Luis ortiz, mcKee’s current assistant, will assume the event manager duties until a permanent replacement is named. “i’ve always loved my job,” mcKee said. “i have been blessed to have met people from around the world. i’ve made some amazing connections.” mcKee’s last day at the Sandbar beach will be april 19. “We will miss patti a lot,” chiles said. “But we take great pleasure in knowing she will now have time to spend with her children and grandchildren.
SWAT sets April meeting
Successful Women aligning together will hold its April networking meeting at 11:45 a.m. Thursday, april 20, at the Bridge Street Bistro, 111 gulf drive S., Bradenton Beach. the anna maria island chapter of professional women meets on the third thursday of each month. for more information about the island chapter contact Sherri proctor, chapter director, at 941-345-5135 or email swatami@gmail.com.
OPEN HOUSE - 4/14 - 4-7 PM 812 N Shore Dr, Anna Maria Shellie Young
fore! get into the swing of spring with events planned by the anna maria island chamber of commerce. the monthly chamber sunrise breakfast will be at 7:45 a.m. Wednesday, April 12, at the Cortez Cafe, 12108 Cortez Road W., Cortez. The cost is $8 for members and $16 for non-members. the anna maria island Historical Society will award its 2017 scholarships while hosting the chamber mixer at 5 p.m. Wednesday, april 26. the historical society is at 402 pine ave., anna maria. the cost is $5 for members and $10 for non-members. don’t forget to mark calendars for the annual chamber golf tournament friday, may 19, at the img academy golf club, 4350 el conquistador parkway, Bradenton. Sponsors and raffle prizes are being sought. Proceeds from the tournament benefit the annual high school scholarship fund. for more information, contact the chamber at 941pLeaSe See CHaMBeR, neXt page
$2,880,000 6700 Gulf Dr, 8, Holmes Beach 941.713.5458 Mike Seamon
$999,000 119 52nd St, Holmes Beach 941.713.5458 Shellie Young
4215 Gulf of Mexico Dr, 204, Longboat Key $759,000 12204 45th Ave Dr W, Bradenton Mike Seamon 941.589.1802 Holly Switow
$1.225.000 207 70th St, Anna Maria 941.589.1802 Holly Switow
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Chamber swings into spring with golf, events
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THE ISLANDER n ApRIL 12, 2017 n 31
ROUND TABLE, 42-INCHES, four chairs, white, $30. 941-778-0256.
ANTIQUE PARTNER DESK: All wood, $1,000. See at The Islander ofďŹ ce, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach.
WE AT ISLAND Beach Monkeys LLC, now doing business as Monkey Bus, are proud to offer free rides anywhere on Anna Maria Island, Cortez, and Perico Island. Pickups: noon ‘til 3 a.m. For events/pickups outside of our regular hours please, call 24 hours in advance. Call 941-5656542.
FREE! FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC stove and dishwasher, four oak dining room chairs. Pick up by April 16. 508-455-7191. COMPUTER: DELL DUAL core, refurbished, $60. 941-756-6728.
Find weekly editions of The Islander online — 1992 to present — online in the University of Florida Digital Library at ufdc.ufl.edu.
CHaMBeR from page 30 778-1541 or visit the website at annamariaislandchamber.org. the anna maria island chamber of commerce is at 5313 gulf drive, Holmes Beach.
FOUR OAK OFFICE chairs: Antiques, perfect for eclectic dining set. The Islander newspaper, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach.
FREEBIE ITEMS FOR SALE Individuals may place one free ad with up to three items, each priced $100 or less, 15 words or less. FREE, one week, must be submitted online. Email classiďŹ eds@islander.org, fax toll-free 1-866-3629821. (limited time offer)
ANNOUNCEMENTS YOGA AND SPIRITUAL retreat on AMI. Led by Erin Geraghty, Yoga therapist and personal coach. Retreat includes yoga and meditation twice a day, a private chef and all meals, spiritual lecture, healing energy work, personal coaching and Frannie Hoffman. For more information, 570497-7801 or info@thriveyogaďŹ t.com.
TURN THE PAGE for more classiďŹ ed ads ‌
Place classiďŹ ed ads online at www.islander.org
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On Longboat Key
the Longboat Key chamber of commerce will hold its monthly business-after mixer at 5 p.m. thursday, april 27, upstairs at the terrace at the coastal Surf Shack Kitchen, 326 John ringling Blvd., Longboat Key. cost is $5 for members and $10 for nonmembers. complimentary appetizers and a cash bar are included. For more information, call 941-387-9000, or visit the website at longboatkeychamber.com or the office at 5390 gulf of mexico drive, Suite 102, Longboat Key.
OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS MEETING: 7 p.m. Thursday nights at Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Bradenton Beach. Contact number: 813-494-6518.
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32 n ApRIL 12, 2017 n THE ISLANDER
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WANTED: WORKOUT DVDs and retired but working XBox, Wii units with games for Ministry of Presence for kids and teens in Haiti. Deliver to The Islander, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach.
KIDS FOR HIRE ads are FREE for up to three weeks for Island youths under 16 looking for work. Ads must be placed in person at The Islander ofďŹ ce, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach.
WANTED: YOUR OLD cell phone for recycling. Deliver to The Islander, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. AERIAL PHOTOS of Anna Maria Island. View and purchase online: www.jackelka.com. FREE GUN LOCK courtesy of Project Childsafe, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and Holmes Beach Police Department. Pick up at The Islander ofďŹ ce, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. Don’t be sorry, be safe.
GARAGE SALES ROSER THRIFT SHOP and Annex: Open 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday. Donations preferred on Wednesdays, 9-11 a.m. 511 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. 941-779-2733.
PETS PET PAL PET sitting: Short and long term, in your house or mine. 18-year Island resident. 941-7045937. e.davies5937@gmail.com.
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PLEASE FOSTER A pet! Moonracer Animal Rescue, 941-896-6701. www.moonraceranimalrescue.com.
TRANSPORTATION 2008 SATURN AURA: Four-door, great condition, $2,800. 248-765-2702. WIN THIS CAR! 1985 Mercedes Benz 280 SL. Rafe to beneďŹ t Moonracer No Kill Animal Rescue in April. $100 donation. www.moonraceranimalrescue.com for photo and details.
BIMINI BAY SAILING: Small sailboat rentals and instruction. Day. Week. Month. SunďŹ sh, Laser, Windrider 17 and Precision 15. Call Brian at 941685-1400.
abby is a 7-year-old mixed-breed dog. She enjoys walks and belly rubs. She’s a sweet and friendly couch potato. She gets along nicely with large dogs, but not a fan of small dogs or cats. She has a tail that never stops, earning her nickname “Wags!â€? to meet her, please, email moonraceranimalrescue@gmail.com or call 941-896-6701. Check out our website at www.moonraceranimalrescue. com or visit The Islander ofďŹ ce next to Walgreens in Holmes Beach for more ‌ SPONSORED BY
PONTOON BOAT RENTAL Create life long memories. Call 941-778-2121 or see boatorida.net. 1978 23-FOOT Mako. Center console with 200-hp Johnson. $3,500 obo. Bradenton. 256998-1049. DOCK WANTED FOR 35-foot classic Chris-Craft for May 1. 727-851-8123. 2004 SAILFISH 2100 bay boat: Anna Maria. Engine hours, 150, ProFish package, two 160quart ďŹ sh boxes, raw water wash down, remote ďŹ ll (four-stroke) dual battery switch, Bimini top. Maintained, clean. $24,000. John, 941-8095889.
INSURANCE AGENCY: HOLMES Beach hiring full-time 2-20 or 4-40 licensed insurance customer service representative. Must have at least three years experience with a multi-line, independent insurance agency. Please inquire for more information to brent.moss@greatorida.com or 941-567-6266.
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY I’M RETIRING AND have a small successful restaurant business on Anna Maria Island for sale for the right candidate. Contact via email. Chefvinny713@yahoo.com.
SERVICES I DON’T CUT corners, I clean corners. Professional, friendly cleaning service since 1999. 941779-6638. Leave message. ISLAND COMPUTER GUY, 37 years experience. On-site PC repairs, upgrades, buying assistance and training. Call Bill, 941-778-2535.
CLEANING: RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL and resort. Love what we do, love to work. 941756-4570. PRESSURE WASHING AND windows: Commercial, residential and resorts. Roofs, buildings, houses driveways, paver sealing, etc. 941-2515948. AUTHORITY ONE SERVICES: Cleaning, vacation rentals, resorts, real estate, commercial/residential cleaning. Ask about our other services. Call 941-565-3931.
U FLY I drive your car anywhere in the USA. Airport runs, anywhere. OfďŹ ce, 941-447-6389. 941-545-6688. NEED A RIDE to the airports? Tampa $65, St. Pete, $55, Sarasota, $30. Call Gary, 863-4095875. Email: gvoness@aol.com. WILDLIFE REMOVAL AND relocation: Problem solving for all animals, big and small. Call Joe, Westcoast Nuisance Wildlife Service. 941-7204152. FEMALE CAREGIVER SEEKING employment. Light housekeeping, making meals, running errands. CertiďŹ ed, references. Call Michelle, 801833-8146. BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS JD’s Window Cleaning looking for storefront jobs in Holmes Beach. I make dirty windows sparkling clean. 941-9203840. LOOKING FOR A GOOD DEAL? You can read Wednesday’s classiďŹ eds on Tuesday at www. islander.org. And it’s FREE!
Place classiďŹ ed ads online at www.islander.org REAL ESTATE PHOTOGRAPHY
TWO SIDES OF Nature: Anna Maria Island’s largest little beach shop is now hiring part-time associates. Must be able to work nights and weekends. Experience preferred. Great pay. Apply today at 101 S. Bay Blvd., unit A-1, Anna Maria. REPORTER NEEDED FULL- to-part-time. Print media, newspaper experience or journalism degree required. Apply via email with letter of interest to news@islander.org.
OK<I@FI a "EK<I@FI IFE< a <I@8C a ,KF:B )FJK 8I;J a IF:?LI<J /" ( a ; <J@>E
THE ISLANDER n ApRIL 12, 2017 n 33
SERVICES Continued
BEACH SERVICE air conditioning, heat, refrigeration. Commercial and residential service, repair and/or replacement. Serving Manatee County and the Island since 1987. For dependable, honest and personalized service, call William Eller, 941-795-7411. CAC184228.
I CAN FIX that! No job too small. 20 years experience. Remodel, new construction. Call Brent, 941-524-6965.
RELAXING MASSAGE IN the convenience of your home or hotel. Massage by Nadia, more than 19 years on Anna Maria Island. Call today for an appointment, 941-518-8301. MA#0017550. MA#0017550.
LAWN & GARDEN CONNIEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and commercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, landscaping, cleanups, hauling and more! Insured. 941-778-5294. TREES BY BREEZE: Tree trimming, landscapes, maintenance, insured. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s said is good as done.â&#x20AC;? 941-778-2837.
SOUTHWEST HOME IMPROVEMENT: Michigan builder, quality work guaranteed. Affordable, timely, within budget. Call Mike, 1-616204-8822. ISLAND GATER RESTORATIONS: Interior/exterior, painting, pressure cleaning, drywall repair, textures, stucco. Danny, 941-720-8116. islandgater@gmail.com.
CUSTOM REMODELING EXPERT. All phases of carpentry, repairs and painting. Insured. Meticulous, clean, sober and prompt. Paul Beauregard, 941-730-7479.
TILE -TILE -TILE. All variations of ceramic tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt, reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, 941-726-3077. GRIFFINâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S HOME IMPROVEMENTS Inc. Handyman, ďŹ ne woodwork, countertops, cabinets and wood ďŹ&#x201A;ooring. Insured and licensed. 941-722-8792. JERRYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry, handyman, light hauling, pressure washing. Jack of all trades. Call 941-778-6170 or 941-447-2198. ISLE TILE: QUALITY installation ďŹ&#x201A;oors, counters, backsplashes, showers. Licensed, insured. Call Chris at 941-302-8759.
ANNA MARIA HOME Accents: 20 years experience in building and remodeling. Local, licensed and insured. No job too small. We accept all major credit cards. 786-318-8585. PROFESSIONAL PAINTING SERVICES: Prompt and reliable, meticulous, thorough, quality workmanship. Interior/exterior, wallpaper removal. Also minor repairs and carpentry. Free written estimates. Bill Witaszek, 941-3079315.
Gone All Summer? Home Unoccupied?
SHELL DELIVERED AND spread. $55/yard. Hauling all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free estimates. Call Larry at 941-795-7775, â&#x20AC;&#x153;shell phoneâ&#x20AC;? 941-720-0770.
VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, interior/exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island references. Bill, 941-795-5100. www.vangopainting.net.
TOO BIG or TOO SMALL. Free Estimates. Call Dan, 941-713-3108
No Job
SEASONAL RENTAL available: 2BR/2BA all amenities. Ground ďŹ&#x201A;oor, pool, no pets/smoking. 941363-1227.
WEEKLY, MONTHLY, SEASONAL rentals. Brand new luxury condos. Spectacular views from living, kitchen, master. 3BR/3BA. New, quiet community located on Anna Maria Sound. 727-482-4766.
Windows & Doors
ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER Service: Repairs, installs. Your local sprinkler company since 1997. Call Jeff, 941-778-2581.
STRAIGHT SHOT LANDSCAPE: Shell, lime rock, palms, river rock, construction demolition, fencing, pressure washing, hauling debris and transport. Shark Mark, 941-301-6067.
DANâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S RESCREEN INC.
WEEKLY/MONTHLY/ANNUAL rentals: wide variety, changes daily. SunCoast Real Estate, 941-779-0202, or 1-800-732-6434. www.suncoastinc.com.
SEASONAL RENTAL: 3BR/2BA, one-car garage. Retro 1960s, pet-friendly, fenced yard, RV/boat parking available. $700/week, $2,500/month. 941-795-7775 or 941-720-0770.
NATUREâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S DESIGN LANDSCAPING. Design and installation. Tropical landscape specialist. Residential and commercial. 35 years experience. 941-448-6336.
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ANYONE CAN TAKE a picture. A professional creates a portrait. I want to be at your wedding! www.jackelka.com. 941-778-2711.
Family Owned and Operated since 1975
Residential & Commercial #CFC1426596
GARAGE FOR RENT: Holmes Beach. $300 for April 25-Oct. 25. 941-779-0807. 2BR/2BA CONDO: ENTER to a breathtaking view of the bay, added enjoyment from the deck. Westbay Point and Moorings, AMI, pool, tennis, ďŹ shing, Wi-Fi, cable, No pets or smoking. November-February. 407-488-2122. HOLMES BEACH: FURNISHED 2BR/1BA rental open for 2017-2018 season, October-May. One block to beach, washer, dryer, dishwasher, patio. Ground-level duplex. Call to see now, 941-7782891. HOLMES BEACH: FIVE minutes to Gulf. Large beautifully furnished 2BR/2BA. Washer, dryer, lanai. Available weekly or monthly, May 1-Nov. 1. Text or call, 513-582-6452. ANNUAL: LUXURIOUS, TROPICAL Key Royale canalfront house. 2BR/2BA with den, two-car garage. Great pool. 10,000-lb. boatlift. Low maintenance yard. $2,800/month. Available June 1. 941-730-1086. HOLMES BEACH: 2BR/2BA off-season condo, beautifully furnished, new, open renovation. No pets/smoking. $1,950/month. 941-778-2824 or 847-530-8833.
941-730-5045 WEATHERSIDE LLC
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REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE: BUY, sell, invest. Enjoy. Billi Gartman, Realtor, An Island Place Realty. 941-5458877. www.AnnaMariaLife.com. STARTING FROM THE upper $200,000s. Only minutes from the beach, this new, active adult community is perfectly located just south of Manatee Avenue off Village Green Parkway. Perfectly designed, open 2BR or 3BR/2BA plus den and two-car garage ďŹ&#x201A;oor plans. Luxurious amenities, pool, spa, gym, pickleball and fenced-in dog park. HOA only $190/month. Models open daily. Contact us, 941-254-3330. www.MirabellaFlorida.com.
Place classiďŹ ed ads online at www.islander.org
f acebook.com/ Islandernewspaper
34 n ApRIL 12, 2017 n THE ISLANDER
PALMA SOLA TRACE Desirable location to live in West Bradenton. Very spacious 1,627 sq. ft., three-bedroom townhouse design with garage and screened lanai. Complex offers large pool, fitness center and immaculately kept grounds. Located just a short drive to the beaches of Anna Maria Island. $174,900.
BEACH FRONT CONDO Beautiful vistas overlooking the Gulf of Mexico from this 2BR/2BA condo. This updated unit is 1,169 sf, offers a secured entrance, elevator, large heated pool, 1-car garage, private storage, tennis court and spectacular sunsets! $699,000
OWNER MUST SELL: Family illness, Harbour Isles development, adjoining Anna Maria Island. Eleven-room coach home, beautiful water and park views. Built 2014, 2,960 sf. Lots of amenities, minutes to beach. Owner ďŹ nancing available, furnishing separate agreement. Reduced $104,000 to $795,000. Tremendous value. 941383-5244.
All real estate advertising herein is subject to the Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination Familial status includes children under age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777 or for the hearing impaired, call 0-800-543-8294.
PERICO BAY CLUB, gated community. Custom upgraded 2BR/2BA villa with new deck overlooking water views. Newly renovated kitchen with custom maple cabinetry, Corian countertops, tile ďŹ&#x201A;oor, stainless-steel appliances. Renovated baths new sinks, tile and cabinetry. Separate laundry room with new washer and dryer. Wood floors throughout. New water heater and air conditioning. Garage with custom cabinets and workbench. $279,900. Buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s agents welcome at three percent contract. Jim Hazelett, 941-2544415. OPEN HOUSE: 708 67th St. W., Village Green. 2-4 p.m. Wednesday, April 12 and Friday, April 14. 2BR/2BA two-car garage villa. Priced below appraisal at $215,900. Engel & Voelkers Realty, Carolyn Spencer, 941-730-0496.
CANALFRONT LOTS Build your dream, waterfront home on a canalfront lot with beautiful views of the Bay and the Intracoastal Waterway. Each buildable lot is 50 by100 feet. Lot 29: $399,000. Lot 30: $525,000.
John van Zandt 6101 MARINA DR., HOLMES BEACH, FL 34217
ONLINE SERVICE: Did you know you can place classified ads and subscribe online with our secure server? Check it out at www.islander. org.
GET YOUR $2 stickers @ The Islander, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach
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Brock Real Estate Inc. Greg Brock REAL ESTATE BROKER
POOL HOME WEST OF GULF DRIVE Exceptional 3BR/3BA pool home located just one block to the beach. Open floor plan and cathedral ceiling. Large, open deck and additional covered patio. Beautiful, tropically landscaped, fenced yard. Two-car garage with a separate workshop/ storage room. $760,000.
TWO COTTAGES ON CANAL in ANNA MARIA with 80-foot water frontage. Private mangrove setting, 60â&#x20AC;&#x2122; dock with room for 2-3 boats. Two cottages with 4 apartments total and room for a pool. Unique â&#x20AC;&#x153;Old Floridaâ&#x20AC;? property! $1,595,000.
Serving Anna Maria Island, Bradenton and Manatee County brockrealestatein.com
43 Years of Professional Service to Anna Maria Island
Heronâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Watch 10 minutes to beaches. 4 BR + Den. Excellently maintained, tastefully decorated. MLS A4142821. $373,900. 101-103 26th St. W. BUILD NEW with river view, keep historical cottage. $419,000. VACATION/SEASONAL RENTALS GULFFRONT PROPERTIES BOOKING NOW 941-778-0807
tdolly1@yahoo.com â&#x20AC;˘ www.tdollyyoungrealestate.com
Direct Gulffront four-plex with prime Holmes Beach location, fabulous views and walking distance to shopping, restaurants and trolley. All units are spacious 1br-1bath apartments with tropical setting and strong seasonal rental opportunity. Property is in great condition with new metal roof 2015. Offered at $1,999,500 with owner financing for qualified buyer.
1301&35: ."/"(&.&/5 t 3&"- &45"5& 4"-&4 t 7"$"5*0/ 3&/5"-4
For details, call Dave Moynihan, broker-associate, 941-720-0089.
Gulf-Bay Realty of Anna Maria Inc. Jesse Brisson - Broker Associate, GRI 941-713-4755 800-771-6043 EXCEPTIONAL GULF & BEACH VIEWS This spectacular 3BR/3BA home offers an open floor plan, gourmet kitchen with stainless appliances, granite counters and dumb-waiter. Beautiful views from two spacious, beach-side porches, twocar garage and a heated pool. $1,550,000.
Mike Norman Realty INC
800-367-1617 941-778-6696 31O1 GULF DR HOLMES BEACH www.mikenormanrealty.com sales@mikenormanrealty.com
BEAUTY ON THE CANAL: This 3bed/2bath on a corner lot is surrounded with water. The home features an open plan with, spacious lanai, 2-car garage, pool, tiki hut, boat dock, boat lift, all on a lush tropical large corner lot on sailboat water. $749,900 SWEEPING GULF VIEWS: This 2bed/2bath condo at Anna Maria Island Club has breathtaking Gulf views from the living room and the master bedroom. A rare opportunity to own at one of the most soughtafter condo complexes on the Island. $725,000
Call Jesse Brisson â&#x20AC;˘ 941-713-4755
RELEASE DATE: 4/9/2017
New York Times Sunday Magazine Crossword
THE ISLANDER n ApRIL 12, n 35 No.2017 0402
40 Obligation 1 Ascribes, with “up” DOWN 41 Drop a line, say 65 Objectivist Rand 7 Title film 1 Musical Mama 42 Raise character played by 66 Fat-substitute brand 2 Cut 47 Banned insecticide Tyler Perry 67 Pride-parade letters 3 Something delivered 48 Desdemona’s 12 Hails by a diva husband, in opera 69 Self-referential 19 Showy gymnastics 4 Droopy 50 Candidate’s goal 71 Fifth-century maneuver 5 Capital of Uganda 52 Bobby of the Black pope dubbed 20 Togalike Roman 6 Nearly out? Panthers “the Great” cloak 7 Gullet 53 Stephenie who 73 An evergreen 22 In an attentive 8 Second first lady wrote the 74 Martinique, manner “Twilight” series 9 Foolish oldsters par exemple 23 SWAN 54 Periodic table figs. 10 K thru 12 75 Exist 26 Crunchy green 56 Actor Holm 11 King who spoke at 76 Musical instruments vegetable Kennedy’s inaugural 57 Where cultures that lie flat 27 Profitable ball thrive? 28 Sportscaster Johnson 78 TRIO 12 Lugs 58 Horse bit 84 Jose ____ (tequila 29 Show up 13 Samuel Adams, e.g. 59 Wonder Woman brand) 14 Rich supply 31 Wet blanket? is one 15 Natl. Guard 33 They contain libidos 85 ____ the Explorer 60 City, but not county, 86 Chapel Hill sch. counterpart leader? 34 MARS 16 Small, as Beanie 87 It’s a long story 61 Yale of Yale 43 Largest city of Babies University 91 Squealed Yemen 17 1961 title role for 62 La ____ (notre 93 Really bothers 44 French region Charlton Heston planète) now part of the 96 Drew useful material 18 A comic called Grand Est 68 Neuter from Wanda 45 Ally (with) 69 Med. scan 97 OKAY 21 Burglar frightener 46 Hershey product 70 Poetic time 101 Fiery end? 24 ____ Nui similar to 71 Stop: Abbr. (Easter Island) 103 ____ es Salaam a Heath bar 72 That life evolves, to 104 Of a heart chamber 25 Mooers’ mouthfuls 47 Part of a Darwin 30 Muse of lyric poetry 105 Direct domain name 74 Pressed 32 Flight of fancy 108 Stop, in sailor’s lingo 49 Gists 75 Apothegm 112 Shudder of emotion 34 Publisher’s pile: 51 Foreboding 77 Global sports org. Abbr. atmosphere 117 WASP 79 German for “first” 35 ____ Park, Ill. 55 ATLAS 120 Opening letters? 36 Commercial 80 Cole Porter’s “Well, 60 Fixed fee 121 One of the lead-in to Caps Did You ____?” 63 Spa sound Wahlbergs 37 “____ Boom-De-Ay” 81 Actress Anderson 122 One way to pay 38 Certain house … or 82 They may match Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more house dressing 123 Introversion presidential Answers: than 4,000 past puzzles, 39 Land next to administrations 124 Idol worshiper page 32 nytimes.com/crosswords Peru: Abbr. ($39.95 a year). 83 Train 125 Yoga poses A C RO SS
64 “Once in Love With ____”
12 21
49 57
62 67
86 93
96 99
104 108
112 119
122 124
88 Nonspecific amount
96 Bad-mouths
89 Mild exclamation
97 Writer who coined the term “banana republic” (1904)
90 Supplemental work for actors
103 106
65 71
85 91
51 59
33 41
31 38
27 29
102 1991 Wimbledon champ Michael 106 Ghostbuster Spengler
107 ____ Préval, two92 Golden ____ (General 98 Drab songbird time president Mills cereal) 99 Airport amenity of Haiti 94 Winter Olympics 100 Realm chronicled by activity 109 Say further C. S. Lewis 95 Willa Cather’s 110 Brandy grade, 101 ____ expected “My ____” briefly (predictably)
111 Volcano at the meeting point of the African and Eurasian plates 113 Pet-protection agcy. 114 White House spokesman Spicer 115 Greek peak 116 Some degrees 118 Bad start? 119 Col.’s superior
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36 n ApRIL 12, 2017 n THE ISLANDER