The Islander Newspaper E-Edition: Wednesday, March 29, 2017

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Seeking safer streets. 16

Price’s place. 18

Don’t be fooled. 27

Happy Fools’ Day

VOLUME 25, NO. 22

MARCH 29, 2017 FREE

The Best News on Anna Maria Island Since 1992 AsTheWorldTerns play the fools. 6 Manatee County to consider rezoning Aqua By The Bay. 2 Holmes Beach wins 1 Bert Harris case, faces another. 4 Anna Maria commission OKs Bert Harris settlement offers. 4


The Islander editorial, reader letters. 6


From the archives. 7

Anna Maria commission, mayor push new assessment tax. 8


Gov’ calendar. 8

Noise complaints heard at city halls. 10


Community announcements, activities. 12-13 Make plans, save a date. 14-15

Gathering. 20 Easter sunrise plans. 20

Obituary. 20 23

Streetlife. 24 Center rededicates baseball field. 28 Greeting spring on the water. 29

ISL BIZ Co-op program boosts business’ reach. 30 Classifieds. 31-34

Turtle watch shocked by EPA halt to nesting

By chrisann Silver esformes islander reporter Sea turtles that have nested on anna maria island beaches for millennia are being targeted as undocumented immigrants. according to new environmental regulations enacted by new officials with the EPA, sea turtles will no longer be allowed on u.S. shores, and a wall will be built to prevent future nesting activity. an aquatic defense Boundary Wall — a title given to the project by the federal government — will extend the full length of the gulf-side of the island, about 1 mile offshore. Similar plans are in motion for neighboring barrier islands where sea turtles nest, including on Longboat Key. an adBW is under construction in the waters surrounding the florida Keys. the wall will be funded using money previously allocated to environmental protection for sea turtles and other species.

turtles have been considered a “nuisance” by some government factions for years. “now that government isn’t wasting all that money on turtle-friendly lights and outreach, we can finally build this wall and keep those seagrass-eating menaces offshore,” dawson said. Wall construction could begin as early as May, the start of sea turtle nesting season. female sea turtles only come ashore to nest and during this time, lights on the waterfront must be kept low and shielded, so as not to distract the turtles from returning to the gulf of mexico. But no more. george Linnby owns a home on the beach in anna maria and says he is “over A loggerhead confronts an Aquatic it” with sea-turtle precautions. Defense Boundary Wall March 23 in the “Switching out lights, shutting curFlorida Keys. Islander Photo: April Fool tains after dark, motion sensors — all this to accommodate outsiders that just want to aBdW’s Willam dawson is chair of dig up our beaches with their stinky nests,” pLeaSe See Sea turtleS page 3 the wall logistics committee. He claims sea

DOT funds $7M Holmes Beach-SR 789 project

The cost: more than $1 million a mile. the length: 5.72 miles. a road improvement project for portions of State road 789 with construction in 2021-25 is expected to cost $7.09 million. the improvements cover the Sr 789 corridor from 27th Street north to the intersection of Palm and gulf drives, with funding by the florida department of transportation. gulf Drive has been identified by the dot as a “failing segment during seasons and holidays,” according to the project information packet. Holmes Beach city engineer Lynn Burnett registered the project on the dot’s priority list to address “chronic flooding issues that are prevalent along gulf Drive,” according to a May 12, 2016, email from Burnett to DoT’s Ryan Weeks and Lauren Hatchell. the project also ties in with Burnett’s recently proposed roadway bike and pedestrian plans. the repairs would establish a safe corridor for visitors and residents as the only evacuation route in the city, while providing the first step in converting the corridor to a “complete street.” the push for complete streets is part of a dot initiative to provide safer, context-sensitive roads by putting “the right street in the right place,” according to

ZAGAT “Top Restaurants in America”


The intersection of Gulf Drive and State Road 789 will be reconstructed as a roundabout as part of a $7.09 million plan by the Florida Department of Transportation. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy the DoT website, eight existing concrete cross drains from 52nd Street to 43rd Street would be repaired to manage stormwater runoff, while allowing for bike path construction on top of the drainage system. a four-lane arterial roundabout would also be constructed at the intersection of gulf Drive and SR 789, according to the DoT packet. a portion of the project would be funded by the city’s local gas tax revenue and regional trails funding as sections of Sr 789 are within the city limits and part of a future

Crafted Cocktails


Shared-use, Nonmotorized Trail system. The AMI SunTrail, a north-south corridor from would run the length of gulf drive. it would consist of two 11-foot-wide vehicle lanes with a 3-foot separation on each side for a paved two-way 10-foot-wide bike path on one side and an 8-foot-wide path on the other side. city commissioners are expected to authorize Mayor Bob Johnson to execute the project’s priority application for the dot to fund the project at their march 28 meeting at city hall. — Jennifer Sheppard

Florida Trend “Best New” Restaurant


2 n mARcH 29, 2017 n THE ISLANDER

Manatee County to consider rezoning Aqua By The Bay Heavy equipment clears the land, as trees, vegetation and shrubs burn at the 529-acre Aqua By The Bay site under a Southwest Florida Water Management District agricultural permit that was issued to excavate ponds and lakes. Islander Photo: Kathy Prucnell

exceptions from coastal policies for a marina/hotel complex. In February, the developers lost their case in the 2nd District Court of Appeal. They had asked the court to declare unconstitutional the county comp plan regulations that protect wetlands, restrict dredging and prohibit boat ramps. In mid-october 2016, the developers erroneously bulldozed a conservation area south of the Aqua site. An oct. 31 survey of the Legends Bay property indicates 8,962 square-feet of “construction clearing, grubbing and earth moving” in the county’s 1.19-acre conservation area. the developer submitted a draft vegetative restoration plan in January. In a Feb. 14 letter, Joel Christian, Manatee County planning manager, recommended additional regrading, stabilization and maintenance, as well as two 10-foot cabbage palms and cluster or random placement of trees, ground cover and 18- to 20-foot native shrubs. christian wrote in an email march 24 the county

and the developers were going back and forth on the restoration plan. Since December 2016, more than 80 lots were purchased by a Beruff-controlled entity, Legends Bay Real Estate LLC, a subsidiary of Medallion Home. Legends Bay resident Arlene Dukanauskas reported March 1 she is not pleased with the new ownership, which has “done very little to manage the community.” She said her neighbors are displeased with the developers, who’ve failed to restore the conservation area destroyed in october 2016 and, for the past several months, allowed workers to burn trees and brush and create piles of blowing sand and dirt. Calls to county officials have not helped, Dukanauskas added. at the expected county hearings on aqua in april and May, former Manatee County Commissioner Joe mcclash is expected to urge county commissioners not to consider Aqua piecemeal, but wait for the Army pLeaSe See rezone, NEXT PAgE

Unique Pet Portraits

Composited images printed to stretched canvas


By Kathy prucnell islander reporter manatee county commissioners soon will be asked to rezone and consider a general development plan for the Aqua By The Bay, a development formerly proposed as Long Bar pointe. About one-third of the property, which lies east and south of Cortez, is submerged lands. Long Bar Pointe LLLP and Cargor Partners VIII, guided by developers carlos Beruff and Larry Lieberman, have requested a 191-acre rezone and mixeduse development plan for the 529-acre site between El Conquistador Parkway and Sarasota Bay. the county planning commission is expected to hear the developers’ proposals at 9 a.m. Thursday, April 13, and the plan could be on the agenda for a manatee county Board of commissioners’ land use meeting as early as may 4. The plan includes 78,000 square feet of commercial and retail space, 2,894 homes, recreational amenities and private boat docks. According to the Aqua website, plans include a boardwalk, promenade, observation piers and restaurants accessible to the public. Since the developers resubmitted plans in august 2015, the number of proposed residences has dropped by 303 units but the commercial space has remained the same. According to a county notice, the proposed mixeduse zoning change will affect 191 acres and three parcels — 39 acres currently zoned residential singlefamily at 4.5 units per acre, 22 acres zoned suburbanagricultural land at one-dwelling unit per acre, and 130 acres now in planned-development residential and agricultural zoning. the Beruff/Lieberman partnership will carry with them a history of fighting Manatee County coastal policies. They purchased the property in 2012 and sued the county after commissioners refused to grant them

THE ISLANDER n march 29, 2017 n 3

Soft opening planned for Grassy Point amenities

A soft opening at Grassy Point Preserve in Holmes Beach is scheduled for 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Thursday, April 20. Three island mayors and commission members are expected to attend, along with Manatee County officials and guests from public works, the Sarasota Bay Estuary Program and Anna Maria Elementary School. The event will include a ribbon-cutting and welcome by Mayor Bob Johnson, and a tour of the preserve. The event will conclude with lunch in the parking area provided by Publix. An opening was held in 2012 by then-Mayor Rich Bohnenberger when the gates opened to the preserve. This second opening marks the completion of improvements in the preserve. Features of the 34-acre preserve, located east of the 3200 block of East Bay Drive and fronting Anna Maria Sound, now include an elevated boardwalk that leads beyond the original shell paths through the natural uplands, wetlands and mangrove hammocks.

rezone continued from page 2 Corps of Engineers permit decision as well as Swiftmud and DEP administrative challenge outcomes. McClash and Suncoast Waterkeeper Inc., a nonprofit with a mission to protect the coastal waters, have appealed the developers’ late-filed wetlands Swiftmud permit, claiming additional wetlands at the site. That matter is set for a video hearing at 9 a.m. April 26 before Judge Bram D.E. Canter of the Florida Department of Administrative Hearings. An appeal of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s “intent to issue” a mitigation bank permit at the site is set for another administrative law judge’s review Sept. 19-21 at a Bradenton location yet to be determined. The county plan commission’s next meeting is set at 9 a.m. Thursday, April 13, in the first-floor chambers of the Manatee County Administration Building, 1112 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton.

The preserve was acquired in 2001 by the city through a $359,945.51 grant from the Florida Communities Trust Preservation 2000 Program. In February, commissioners approved a $330,000 purchase for two adjacent residential-zoned parcels, for which plans have not been determined. Commissioners discussed using the two parcels for a potential parking lot or picnic area for Grassy Point visitors. The preserve entrance is at the north end of Avenue C. Parking is limited and organizers suggest taking the island trolley to the event. — Jennifer Sheppard

Holmes Beach Police Chief Bill Tokajer takes a sneak peak at the new Grassy Point Preserve boardwalk with The Islander in March. Shell pathways at the preserve lead from the entrance to wood crossovers and a boardwalk through the mangrove hammock to the edge of Anna Maria Sound. Islander Photos: Bonner Joy Sea turtles continued from page 1 Linnby said. “To me they just represent a hazard.” In a March 31 interview with The Islander, Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch and Shorebird Monitoring executive director Suzi Fox said she is outraged and will do anything to stop the wall. “This is a travesty,” Fox said. “If we have to swim out there ourselves and blockade the contractors, then so be it.” But representatives of longtime Bradenton resident Snooty the Manatee feel differently. “Snooty always gets really down come May and doesn’t shake his funk until after they’ve gone back out to sea,” Kelly Cooper, Snooty’s social director, said March 29. “We can’t even mention the words ‘sea turtle’ near his tank or he gets agitated.” According to Fox, the fight has just begun. She will work to designate a “sanctuary beach” for the turtles, if the wall is built.

Got Buttah?

Visitors to Grassy Point can view firsthand the beauty of the mangrove hammocks that line Anna Maria Sound.

“We are rallying support from organizations around the country who will help us knock down this wall before it’s built,” Fox said. “Not even the president — or Snooty for that matter — can stop our girls from coming home to nest.” Fox said she’d put out a call to action April 1.



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4 n March 29, 2017 n THE ISLANDER

Holmes Beach wins 1 Key Royale-Bert Harris case …

By Kathy Prucnell Islander Reporter The owners of 626 Key Royale failed to prove Holmes Beach burdened the use of their property. So there was no valid claim in this Anna Maria Island test of the Bert Harris Act. Twelfth Circuit Judge Gilbert A. Smith Jr. entered a final judgment March 23 for the city and against the plaintiffs Leah Marie Enterprises LLC and Kathleen Morgan in an eight-page decision, which reviewed the dispute over the owners’ remodeling project. The judge considered the testimony of 18 witnesses among other evidence and applied the Bert Harris Jr. Private Property Protection Act. “The Bert Harris Act was intended to protect property owners affected by land-use changes, not from the interpretation of a building code,” Smith wrote. The plaintiffs filed a claim and $319,479 appraisal in 2014 and followed with the Bert Harris lawsuit in March 2015. Equitable claims seeking a court-ordered building permit were subsequently combined into the Bert Harris case but dismissed as unproven on the last day of a five-day trial in December 2016. The judge reserved his decision until written arguments were submitted by the attorneys. Clearwater attorneys Jay Daigneault and Erica

The home at 626 Key Royale Drive remains vacant March 23, following a 12th Circuit judge ruling for the city. Islander Photos: Kathy Prucnell

Augello of Trask Daigneault LLP, assigned by the city’s insurer, the Florida League of Cities, argued the plaintiffs failed to bring a cognizable Bert Harris claim and blamed the plaintiffs’ problems on their contractor, who exceeded the scope of work. Sarasota attorney David Johnson — the husband of Morgan — argued a 30-percent rule imposed by city’s building department limiting the roof and ceiling height created the Bert Harris claim. A Florida Building Commission opinion sought by the plaintiffs agreed that the city’s application of the substantial damage rule was misapplied. More Bert Harris settlement Nonetheless, according to the court’s decision, the plaintiffs’ claim under Bert Harris depends on whether offers made in Anna Maria the city acted to burden an existing property use or a By Bianca Benedí vested right in real property. Islander Reporter The judge also wrote, “Plaintiffs’ claim that a subThe Anna Maria City Commission agreed March 23 to extend seven more Bert Harris settlement sequent review and reversal of a previous interpretation of the Florida Building Code could lead to liability offers.

Commissioner Nancy Yetter voted against approving the offers. Since Anna Maria’s vacation rental ordinance went into effect April 2016, more than 100 Bert Harris claims have been filed against the city. Of 112 filed claims, 51 have been settled and the remainder await city or property owner action. Vose The Bert Harris Jr. Private Property Protection Act of 1995 allows property owners to seek relief if they can prove a government action lowered the value of their property. Claimants must provide appraisals to establish value and settlements, in lieu of a cash payments, can either fully or partly restore the rights that existed prior to the prohibitions. The city initially has 150 days to respond to Bert Harris allegations. The city’s VRO includes an eight-person occupancy limit. The city has settled applicable Bert Harris claims thus far with occupancy limit increases. At the March 23 meeting, city attorney Becky Vose presented 14 Bert Harris claim recommendations, although she recommended the city reject making settlement offers on four claims. The commission did so unanimously. Commissioner Carol Carter requested the city consider purchasing two undeveloped lots under the city’s 10-year plan that include developing more green spaces in the city and reject one other offer on Vose’s recommendation list, pending further commission discussion. The commission voted to offer settlements of 10-14 person occupancies for properties at 62 N. Shore Drive, 113 Maple Ave., 414 Pine Ave., 801 N. Shore Drive, 797 North Shore Drive, 703 N. Bay Blvd. and 103 Park Ave. The city declined to make offers on two claims for two lots at 404 Spring Ave., but may consider making a purchase offer to transform the two vacant lots into a public green space. The commission also declined to make offers on two claims filed for two lots at 116 Peppertree Lane and properties at 201 Elm Ave. and 10107 Gulf Drive because the claims were invalid, according to Becky Vose. The Peppertree claims, she said, were for properties purchased after the city’s VRO went into effect, and the Elm and Gulf claimants failed to file timely appraisals along with their claims.

Holmes Beach commissioner pleas to have bill withdrawn

By ChrisAnn Silver Esformes Islander Reporter Holmes Beach Commissioner Jean Peelen is protesting what she calls misinformation provided to state lawmakers regarding vacation rental inspections. Senate Bill 188, filed by state Sen. Greg Steube, R-Sarasota, passed the first subcommittee March 21. The bill would remove local governments’ authority to regulate vacation rentals, including inspections. In a March 23 email to Steube, Peelen tells the legislator he received misinformation regarding inspections for vacation rentals during the regulated industries subcommittee hearing March 22 in Tallahassee. Peelen said there is no state-run vacation home inspection program, as the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation Division Peelen of Hotels and Restaurants claimed at the hearing. The division regulates and inspects hotels and restaurants. But, she said, inspections are done on an “almost completely” complaintdriven basis. Steube Peelen wrote she requested 2016 vacation rental inspection reports from the state and only 212 inspections were completed last year. “In Holmes Beach alone, we have well over 1,000 vacation rentals,” the email read. Peelen attached the reports to the email and suggested the matter be approached with state staff. “Also, please, note, that without routine inspections of vacation rentals, visitors to Florida will have no guarantee that the rental houses are safe to stay in,” Peelen wrote. “I would dread the first fire in a rental house with no alarms, no escape routes, four sets of kids’ bunk beds in one bedroom, blocked entrances, etc. The tragedy would be the fault of the Florida Legislature.” Peelen concluded the email with a plea to Steube to withdraw SB 188. The state legislative session is scheduled to end May 5. SB 188 can be tracked online at Session/Bill/2017/00188.

under the Bert Harris Act is misplaced.” “The city did not cause the property to be in an unfinished construction condition. The plaintiffs have the right to use the property as a single-family residence and the city has taken no action which burdened that right.” Smith also said, “maybe most importantly,” the plaintiffs also failed to prove they complied with the pre-suit notice requirement of submitting a valid appraisal that supports the claim and demonstrates a loss in fair market value. Noting there was no city act and no claim, Smith wrote, “Assuming, however, that there was an act by the city and it was when the plaintiffs’ designer met with city about their initial plans, the appraiser should have appraised the property on a specific date before construction began and then a specific date after construction would have been completed according to the plaintiffs’ initial plans.” The plaintiffs brought another case in 2015 under the same facts, naming the city and former Mayor Carmel Monti, alleging fraud, defamation and negligence. The case was settled in January for $2,000. Daigneault advised city officials of the judge’s Bert Harris decision in a March 22 email, pointing out the court retained jurisdiction to order fees and costs and the plaintiffs have 30 days to appeal. “It is difficult to speculate whether they will appeal or not, but my impression is that to do so would be unwise,” Daigneault wrote, adding the statute would allow the city to recover attorneys’ fees dating back to March 2015.

… as another HB-Bert Harris claim goes to court Islander Staff Report A Bert Harris claim for losses at a 75th Street property has taken a turn to the courthouse for resolution, according to a summons served March 23 to Holmes Beach Mayor Bob Johnson. The claim filed under the Bert J. Harris Jr. Property Rights Protection Act is brought by three limited liability corporations for a home at 106 75th St. in the Residential-2 zone. The plaintiffs are Swackhamer Investments VI, BMeehan Investments VI and KMeehan Investments VI. They are respresented by Fred Moore, attorney, of Blalock Walters, P.A., of Bradenton. The corporations list managers Bronwyn Meehan and Leslie Swackhamer, both of Texas, and Katherine Meehan of Wallingford, Oxfordshire, U.K. The lawsuit claims certain city ordinances amount to a “systematic approach to significantly restrict development rights within the R-2 zoning district.” These regulations include restrictions on living-area ratios and a duplex party wall requirement; increased setbacks for pools, patios and decks; lot coverage restrictions; a limit on duplexes of two bedrooms per unit; parking modifications; and occupancy limits. They are “collectively the development restrictions.” The lawsuit maintains the property owners and their families — related to Albert Leach — purchased the property “long before the development regulations at issue were ever considered.” According to the claim, the land value was diminished by $225,000 by the city’s development restrictions. The city sent a settlement letter Feb. 16 offering no change to the development restrictions. The LLCs are seeking relief in the form of a permanent exemption from the development restriction or an alternative, a payment for the diminished value as the court deems appropriate. As of March 9, the city faced a total of $12.5 million in Harris Act claims. Most claims allege losses in reasonable-investment backed expectations due to vacation rental ordinances passed in 2015-16. Click! The Islander welcomes news of the milestones in readers’ lives — weddings, anniversaries, births, obituaries, travels and other events. Submit notices and photographs with detailed captions — along with complete contact information — to

THE ISLANDER n mARcH 22, 2017 n 5

Anna Maria mayor lobbies for VRO in Tallahassee

By Bianca Benedí islander reporter anna maria is now on tallahassee’s radar. that’s what anna maria mayor dan murphy said March 23 at a city commission meeting, when he gave an update on two bills that could undo the city’s vacation rental regulations. Murphy visited Tallahassee March 19-21, meeting with city lobbyist Chip Case, as well as multiple state elected officials to lobby against House Bill 425, introduced by Rep. Mike La Rosa, R-St. Cloud, and Senate Bill 188, introduced by Sen. greg Steube, r-Sarasota. From Sunday to Tuesday, Murphy met with Sen. Bill galvano, R-Manatee, Rep. Jim Boyd, R-Bradenton, and Rep. Joe gruters, R-Sarasota. galvano sits on the Rules Committee, where the bill was under review march 23. Murphy said in his meeting with galvano, which included a phone conversation with manatee county

Commissioner Carol Whitmore, galvano was supportive of city efforts to regulate vacation rentals. According to Murphy, galvano “thought the issue had been settled in 2014,” when the state legislation on governing vacation rentals was last amended. murphy said similar support was found from Boyd and gruters, who both sit on the Commerce Committee, another committee where the bill will get a review, although Murphy added he couldn’t be sure how the represenGalvano tatives would vote. on March 14, the House bill made it through an agriculture and property rights subcommittee with a 9-6 vote. It must pass two more committees before reaching the floor for a vote.

anna Maria on the map Thanks to efforts from Anna Maria Island residents, Murphy said, Anna Maria is now on the map in tallahassee. Senators and representatives have been inundated with calls, emails and letters from residents, in part due to the efforts of residents Amy Tripp and Ruth uecker,

who have been circulating petitions and calling other cities to mobilize opposition in a grassroots campaign against the bills. According to Murphy, the only city mentioned by Steube when he addressed the Senate was anna maria. “He didn’t talk about Flagler or Tallahassee…. He talked about us. and the reason is because we’ve been bombarding them,” Murphy said. The mayor encouraged citizens to Uecker reach out to Boyd and gruters. uecker, who has provided commissioners with updates on her lobbying efforts, said she would make her own visit March 28 to Tallahassee to testify against the bills. City commissioners offered to reimburse uecker for gas for her tallahassee trip. “We’re very fortunate to have a resource like Ruth to carry the ball,” Murphy said. The city of Anna Maria has updated its website,, with contact information for gruters and Boyd.

Residents find Anna Maria parking complicated

Anna Maria Mayor Dan Murphy consults with the city’s lobbyist, Chip Case, March 21 between meetings in Tallahassee. with state representatives and senators. The mayor was representing the city’s interests in the capital. Islander Courtesy Photo

two people approached the anna maria city Commission March 23 to complain about parking rules on their street. Ron Lee and Lynda Thomas, who live on Coconut Avenue, told the commission about neighbors on their street who have used landscaping decorations, driveways and shrubbery to discourage legal public parking in the easement adjoining their homes. The pair said that since they do not inhibit parking at their home at 206 Coconut Ave., they have been unfairly burdened by people parking in front of their property. “Some days there are three cars parked in front

of my house. I can barely get out of my driveway,” Lee told commissioners. “We recognize the need to have access to the beach and that the beach is a public facility,” he said. “What we’re concerned about is how it’s implemented.” Lee and thomas requested the commission consider changing the parking rules, such as establishing one public parking space per property or improve signage to clearly identify where the public can park. the commission had no response at the meeting to the complaints. – Bianca Benedí

6 n mARcH 29, 2017 n THE ISLANDER



You asked for it

my favorite axiom for anna maria island has long been that islanders want progress, but they don’t want change. Take, for instance, the brouhaha when cellphones first came into fashion. Who needs one? The only practical use, we thought back then, was for on-the-road sales people. and no one wanted a cell tower. But that was then. Here’s what’s coming to an island near you. Transportation innovation: Puber, a food delivery service and ride share in one. publix delivers groceries on ami and offers free rides wherever they go. And for the bicyclist, a local franchise is importing self-driving two- and three-wheel bikes from the netherlands. renters get a free handlebar bell — one ringy dingy, two ringy dingy. New to the VRo industry: AirFitness and AirTiki, apps that allow vacation renters to use nearby home fitness centers and neighborhood backyard tiki bars, pools and barbecues. Helcro: This innovative Velcro “wrap” helps keep aggressive drivers in their seats. dial-a-drama: island podcast for gossip on the go. FunkyTown app: Directs you to bars and restaurants with good jukebox selections. notHere-app: once a month home delivery of eat Here pot roast and trimmings. IRIEready: Pre-vacation delivery of beach towel, sunscreen, shades and flip-flops, styled from most recent Facebook selfies. Sandbusters: An Anna Maria Island Proton Pack, ready to employ at haunted beach houses. Also, the new Small Town Creamery will soon be whirring up Cheez Whiz milkshakes. The Doctor’s office is putting the final touches on a prescription for a disappearing martini. for beer lovers, clear, zero-calorie guinness is on tap. Subway is working on a Razer toaster, promising bread that’s a winner. RockyRaccoon is an island-born cocktail-sniffing app that can sniff out overindulging motorists and boaters. odie the opossum-app detects beer. Anna Maria oyster Bar is stirring up a firey oysterwasabi shooter for sunburned beachgoers who dare “feel the Burn.” Meanwhile, 10-ounce gMo-organic daiquiris are free at the window of the RV-bar whenever you find

it parked next to the 1950s welcome sign on Manatee over-It app, and finally, be sure to download IslandAvenue. While you’re there, hot Cortez mullet dogs erToll on iTunes. You’ll pay a fee for this one, but the — smoked or plain — are $245 each. thundering beat gets you moving quickly in traffic. there’s a new plan-ahead app for upscale barhop— Bonner Joy pers who want to reserve a seat and a cocktail. Download amibistro on your smartphone and direct Sully the mixologist on your preferences. motorists frustrated with waiting on the bridge for boat traffic to pass can vent on the Terns’ new get-



So, here we go again

MARCH 29, 2017 • Vol. 25, No. 22 ▼ ▼

▼ ▼

Publisher and Editor Bonner Joy, Editorial Lisa Neff, copy editor Sandy Ambrogi, Bianca Benedí, Joe Bird, editorial cartoonist Kevin Cassidy, Jack Elka, ChrisAnn Silver Esformes, Susan Huppert Kathy Prucnell, Ed Scott, Jennifer Sheppard, Contributors Jesse Brisson Karen Riley-Love Capt. Danny Stasny, Advertising Director Toni Lyon, Office Staff Lisa Williams, manager Janice Dingman Distribution Urbane Bouchet Judy Loden Wasco Ross Roberts (All others:

Single copies free. Quantities of five or more: 25 cents each. ©1992-2017 • Editorial, sales and production offices: 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach FL 34217 WEBSITE: PHONE 941-778-7978 toll-free fax 1-866-362-9821

Sweet celebration

Holmes Beach has hired a firm to investigate/ design the installation of an 8-foot bike path in place of existing sidewalks through what residential neighborhood we have left on Holmes Boulevard, Marina drive and Second avenue. Apparently, this is being encouraged by Manatee County and will be a continuation of a bike path throughout the state. this path will lead to more congestion on our island, as well as disruption in our residential neighborhoods. The rationale is this will be a safe way for bike traffic. the problems will be: You will have bike traffic going both ways on the path. You will have pedestrians going both ways on the path, some of them walking theirs pets on leashes. Does this proposed bike path promote safety? absolutely not. the city needs to be more concerned with the safety of our neighborhoods rather than promoting entertainment of tourists. Kim Rash, Holmes Beach

The AMI Community Development Fund, known as Home Sweet Home, sends thanks to everyone who supported our Home town celebration. The event held March 19 was the first time all three cities came together as one island community to celebrate who we are and why we love living here. a number of participating businesses generously supported us. We also are grateful to the center of anna maria Island, the Anna Maria Public Works Department and the Holmes Beach code enforcement and public Works departments. We also thank the law enforcement divisions from all three cities for being there, along with West Manatee fire rescue. We appreciated the donated talents of Larry Stokes, Bob Seeley the Hawaiian dancers and the inimitable talents of James Thomas – D.J. it was a wonderful old-fashioned party and a good time was had by all. Holmes Beach Commissioner Jean Peelen, HSH co-founder


the islander accepts original letters of up to 250 words and reserves the right to edit for grammar and length. Letters must include name, address and a contact phone number (for verification). Anonymous letters will not be printed. email:

Have your say

THE ISLANDER n mARcH 29, 2017 n 7

Victorian pier, promenade discovered

Good deeds

Family fun walk benefits homeless program

coquina Beach in Bradenton Beach will be the site of the annual Walk a Mile in their Shoes benefit for turning points. The organization works to end homelessness for kids and their families. An announcement said Turning points is a “one-stop shop for preventing and ending homelessness in our community.” The nonprofit provides employment services, rental and utility assistance, medical and dental care and also hot showers, laundry service and food. The walk will begin at 5:30 p.m. Saturday, April 1, at South Coquina Beach. organizers plan a post-party with music, children’s activities, food vendors and a sunset watch. Registration, which will begin at 4 p.m. on walk day or can be completed in advance at turning-

A “photomechanical postcard” recently rediscovered at the Library of Congress reveals a Victorian pier and promenade near where the Manatee Public Beach now exists in Holmes Beach. The pier built in 1900 was a replica of the Victoria Pier in Folkestone, England. Islander Photo: Courtesy April Fools’/Library of Congress, is $20 for adults, $10 for students and $45 for families. Sponsorship opportunities also are available. For more, call Turning Points at 941-747-1509.

Center calls up volunteers

The Center of Anna Maria Island thanks the volunteers — close to 100 people — who stepped in to make our recent tour of homes a great success. the contributions of the volunteers help the center give our youth the opportunity for a supportive environment where they develop the skills and values to become competent adults and strong community leaders. We still need volunteers for the reading/tutoring after-school program. We also need volunteers for sports banquets, along with various tasks and small events. Please contact me at 941-778-1908, ext. 204, or join me at noon or 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 5, for a group orientation. Robyn Kinkopf, center staff

We’d love to mail you the news!

10&20 years ago

In the headlines: March 26, 1997

• The Anna Maria and Westside fire commissions agreed to draft an interlocal agreement to consolidate most of their services. the commissions announced anna maria fire chief andy price would head the districts. • Holmes Beach officials were seeking a florida communities trust grant to purchase land for a bayside park between the bay and East Bay drive. the drive would result in the creation of grassy point preserve. • Cortezians were selling a 130-page cookbook, “What’s Cooking in Cortez,” to benefit the Cortez Village Historical Society.

In the headlines: March 28, 2007

• Manatee County workers began removing Brazilian peppers and other invasive plants along Manatee Avenue near the Kingfish Boat Ramp in Holmes Beach. The work was part of an effort to beautify the palma Sola Scenic Highway corridor — Manatee Avenue/State Road 64 from 75th Street in Bradenton to east Bay drive in Holmes Beach. • Bentley Bunsmore, a life-size statue of a butler, went missing from outside Sandy Rich’s Real Coffee & Realty, 9906 gulf Drive, Anna Maria, over the St. Patrick’s Day weekend. Local police classified the incident as a theft but business owner Sandy Rich called it a kidnapping. • Volunteers with the Anna Maria Island Community center were collecting items to auction at the nonprofit’s annual black-tie gala, an Affaire to remember. auction items include an electric golf cart.


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8 n March 29, 2017 n THE ISLANDER

Special master hears evidence in Bradenton Beach zoning appeal By ChrisAnn Silver Esformes Islander Reporter Progress takes time. Special master proceedings have begun for a zoning dispute in Bradenton Beach, but testimony was continued to April 17. In 2016, resident John Metz initiated a lawsuit against Bradenton Beach. Metz complained to Bradenton Beach city officials in March 2016 about a fourplex in the C-2 zone at 308 Gulf Drive S. The property was purchased by George and Wendy Kokolis in September 2014. Metz, who is a member of the city planning and zoning board, contends the grandfathered non-conforming use was discontinued after the fourplex was left unoccupied more than 18 months and, according to the city land-development code, the Kokolises shouldn’t have been issued a permit to remodel the units. Metz filed suit after the city turned down his request for a special master hearing. Twelfth Circuit Judge Gilbert Smith Jr. granted Metz the special master hearing in an Aug. 11, 2016, order. Following the order, the Kokolises opted to intervene in the case to weigh-in on issues with remodeling their property. Attorney Lisa Gonzalez Moore served as special master. At the March 13 hearing before Moore, Metz was questioned by his attorney, Nelon Kirkland of Harrison & Kirkland, P.A., of Bradenton and cross-examined by Bradenton Beach city attorney Ricinda Perry and the attorney for the Kokolises, Robert Lincoln, P.A., of Sarasota. Additionally, appraiser Richard Bass of Bass Fletcher & Associates, who had appraised the property for Metz in April 2015, was questioned.

Attorney Robert Lincoln, left, cross-examines complainant John Metz March 13 while special master Lisa Gonzales Moore listens to testimony during a hearing at Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N. Islander Photos: ChrisAnn Silver Esformes

During the hearing, Kirkland said when the city instituted its comprehensive plan, it had a vision for the future that was established through the land development code. “The city said there are certain things we don’t want to continue if they ever go into a non-use state,” Kirkland said. However, Lincoln said the permit to remodel was issued under the previous LDC and his clients’ testimony would prove the property was not left unoccupied. During his testimony, Metz said he is concerned the building has two parking spaces for four units, which, based on his past experience, would impact his neighboring property. He said the current LDC requires nine spaces for the property. Metz claimed the property was uninhabitable during renovations, as it was stripped of appliances by previous owners. Additionally, he said the city violated the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s rule restricting remodeling to 50 percent of a structure’s appraised value. He said the city allowed improper expansion of a non-conforming use. Anna Maria pursues He said the property appraisal the Kokolises gave special assessment tax the city is inaccurate: it is missing pages and does not There’s a new tax coming for Anna Maria vacation account for structural damage and age. homeowners. In April 2015, Metz hired Bass to appraise the Commissioners authorized an agreement March 23 property because he thought the existing appraisal was to hire a bond counselor to aid the city in instituting a too low. Bass testified the structure value is lower than special assessment tax. listed in the appraisal submitted to the city, and an Anna Maria Mayor Dan Murphy has pushed for a special assessment tax based on the number of occupants licensed by the city in short-term rentals to relieve the financial burdens of tourism. Anna Maria City In February, the commission authorized a Lake• April 6, 6 p.m., city commission. wood Ranch-based branch of the consulting firm Stan• April 11, 4 p.m., planning and zoning. tec to begin a study on the assessment. • April 13, 6 p.m., city commission. CANThe contract, signed March 23, includes a bond CELED counsel fee of $1.40 per $1,000 collected in the special • April 27, 6 p.m., city commission. assessment tax, based on a minimum of $22,500, as • May 9, 4 p.m., planning and zoning. well as out-of-pocket expenses. • May 11, 6 p.m., city commission. According to Murphy, the bond counselor will • May 25, 6 p.m., city commission. enable the city to validate and obtain a bond once it Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, 941begins collection of the assessment. He said the city 708-6130, may be able to implement the special assessment by the end of the year. Bradenton Beach In other business, the commission unanimously • March 29, 1 p.m., planning and zoning board. approved a resolution on city gift acceptance. CANCELED Under the new policy, gifts to the city of less than Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N., $2,500 and without conditions may be accepted by the 941-778-1005, mayor without consulting the commission. Offers of gifts valued at more than $2,500 or with Holmes Beach conditions must go before the commission. The reso• March 29, 6:30 p.m., bike path forum. lution also provides that real property donations will • March 30, 6 p.m., city commission. be reviewed, including a title search, environmental • April 5, 10 a.m., parks and beautification. investigation and inspection. • April 5, 6 p.m., planning and city commisA draft of the resolution was heard March 9 and sion. again with no changes at the March 23 meeting. • April 11, 6 p.m., city commission. The commission also discussed a dredging pro• April 13, 6 p.m., city commission. posal for the Lake LaVista inlet which is expected to • April 25, 6 p.m., city commission. be heard at the next commission meeting. • April 27, 11:30 a.m., police retirement Murphy said plans are underway to provide public board. access to the inlet, such as a kayak launch, in order to • April 27, 6 p.m., city commission. secure public funding for the project. • May 3, 10 a.m., parks and beautification comThe next city commission meeting will be 6 p.m. mittee. Thursday April 6, at city hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, Anna Holmes Beach City Hall, 5801 Marina Drive, Maria.


accurate appraisal would have limited the remodel. According to Bass’s appraisal, the Kokolises would have been limited to about $58,000 in repairs instead of the $69,000 permitted. The first part of the scheduled time for the hearing expired following Bass’s testimony and it was continued to April 17. In an interview with The Islander following the hearing, Metz said parking remains his biggest concern. “Mrs. Kokolis has spent a lot of money on a building that could hold 16 people but has two parking spaces,” Metz said. “And there is no property she could expand to and add parking unless she lifts the structure.” He said smaller lots, such as 308 Gulf Drive S., were platted before the city was incorporated and, with current setbacks, building on them requires a special variance. Metz said he wants the structure declared abandoned, that it cease to be residential, and that it should conform to current zoning. The C-2 zone — general commercial district — is intended to provide for medium-intensity office, retail and service uses and allows for special exception uses, according to the LDC. “Depending on what happens, there could be another hearing in circuit court,” Metz said. The continuation of the special master hearing was set for 9:30 a.m. Monday, April 17, at Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 Gulf Drive N. 941-708-5800, West Manatee Fire Rescue • April 20, 6 p.m., fire commission. WMFR administration building, 6417 Third Ave. W., Bradenton, Manatee County • April 6, 9 a.m., county board (land use). • April 11, 9 a.m., county board. • April 17, 9 a.m., Manatee County Tourist Development Council, Holmes Beach City Hall. • April 25, 9 a.m., county board. • May 4, 9 a.m., county board (land use). • May 9, 9 a.m., county board. • May 23, 9 a.m., county board. • May 30, 1:30 p.m., county board (budget presentation). Administration building, 1112 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton, 941-748-4501, Of interest • April 4, 4 p.m. Manatee County Council of Governments, Bradenton Area Convention Center, 1 Haben Blvd., Palmetto. • April 10, 2 p.m., Island Transportation Planning Organization, Anna Maria City Hall. • April 14, Good Friday, many government offices will be closed. •April 24, 9:30 a.m., Sarasota/Manatee Metropolitan Planning Organization, Holiday Inn Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport, 8009 15th St. E., Sarasota. Send notices to and

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10 n mARcH 29, 2017 n THE ISLANDER

Bridge Street restaurant, loud music draw noise complaints

By chrisann Silver esformes islander reporter it appears not all the noise problems in Bradenton Beach originate with fun-loving vacationers in shortterm rental homes. Live entertainment at the Freckled Fin Restaurant, 101 Bridge St., has resulted in numerous noise complaints to the city. At a March 16 meeting, the city commission unanimously voted to extend the noise ordinance for St. Patrick’s Day outdoor entertainment from 10 p.m. to midnight the weekend of March 17. email complaints about noise coming from the restaurant from other business owners and residents were sent march 20 to Bradenton Beach mayor Bill Shearon, who responded and also passed them along to the city clerk and commissioners. people frustrated with loud music and rowdy noisemakers from the restaurant even before the normal 10 p.m. cutoff wrote they have repeatedly complained to managers and the city, and nothing has been done to alleviate the problem. Several of the emails to the city suggest the complainants were contemplating contacting the news media or hiring an attorney to deal with the matter. Bradenton Beach Detective Sgt. Lenard Diaz responded in an email march 23 to eight complainants, the mayor and city commission, saying he spoke

The Freckled Fin, which sits on the northeast corner of the Bridge Street-Gulf Drive roundabout in Bradenton Beach, faces complaints for loud music after 10 p.m. from residential neighbors and other businesses. Islander File Photo

with Freckled Fin owners Scott and Jill Lubore. Diaz wrote there were nine noise complaints filed with the city against the restaurant, from April 2016 through March 21, 2017. He wrote that he told the Lubores the problem mostly is caused by doors to the restaurant being left open after 10 p.m., allowing music from inside to become a nuisance to neighbors. According to the email from Diaz, the Lubore’s responded they were unaware of the problem. Diaz

“strongly stressed” to the Lubores that under the city ordinance he could take action and arrest the restaurant manager if the excessive noise doesn’t stop. Additionally, Diaz said in his email that BBPD officers would be spot-checking businesses in the area to make sure they comply with decibel-level restrictions. Diaz concluded his email by saying any further complaints should be directed to Ward 4 commissioner John Chappie or the BBPD.

Holmes Beach police, commission to address unfounded complaints

By Jennifer Sheppard islander reporter With some residents raising a ruckus over their neighborhood racket, Holmes Beach officials are dealing with the dilemma of unfounded complaints. the question: How does the city address nuisance noise that doesn’t register as a violation on the decibel meter? the Holmes Beach police department received 48 noise complaints from November 2016 to January 2017. of the complaints, 47 were unfounded and one was found to violate the city’s noise ordinance. that last complaint involved an anonymous call at 11:45 p.m. Jan. 14 regarding “loud shouting” at a residence in the 300 block of 55th Street. officer Christine Labranche and Sgt. Mike Pilato responded to the 55th Street call at 11:50 p.m. and heard “yelling, screaming and laughter,” the report states. “the noise was loud enough to affect the peace and quiet of neighboring residents…. the nature of the noise was unusual because there was no noise from neighboring houses and the surrounding houses were quiet due to the time of night,” according to the report.

Pilato contacted the residents of the home, who turned out to be renters, and issued a citation. the number of complaints made to the city led commissioners to schedule a discussion on noise violation procedures and possible changes to the current ordinance for a work session at city hall at 6 p.m. Thursday, March 30. “We do have a noise ordinance, but we’re still having issues,” Commission Chair Judy Titsworth said at a Jan. 24 commission meeting. Most complaints go to police dispatch after 10 p.m., as the city’s noise ordinance dictates the sound limits 10 p.m.-7 a.m. The majority of the complaints, according to reports, which show officers responding in minutes, are not violations of the noise ordinance. Police Chief Bill Tokajer said there’s not a lot that can be done by ordinance or state statute if it’s not a valid complaint. “My officers work very hard to respond to all the noise complaints. If there’s a valid complaint, then we handle it,” Tokajer said. “We will do what we can. We try to help out the residents. We understand their plight, but if it’s during the day and it’s a noise complaint, that’s not something that’s going to hold up in court

Transportation planners announce new island shuttle By Bianca Benedí islander reporter new curb-to-curb shuttle services are coming to the barrier islands. the second annual transportation awareness day conference was held march 24 at the aging in Paradise Resource Center, 6200 gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. At the conference, Manatee County Area Transit planning manager Ryan Suarez announced a new shuttle service will be deployed between coquina Beach and Longboat Key. Beginning April 15, MCAT will offer a curb-tocurb shuttle service for $1.50 seven days a week, 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. passengers can arrange for the service by calling 941-748-2317 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through friday. trips must be arranged at least one day in advance. the service is limited to a one-way or round-trip service anywhere between coquina Beach in Bradenton Beach and Bay Isles Parkway on Longboat Key. In addition to the MCAT shuttle announcement, the event also included presentations from representatives from the Sarasota-based ITNSuncoast, Longboat Limousine and uber. absent from the event were representatives

from Paradise Boat Tours, who were expected to announce development of a water taxi connecting Whitney Beach Plaza on Longboat Key to stops on anna maria island. the aging in paradise resource center can be reached at 941-383-6493 or www.aginginparadise. org.

Donna Dunio, executive director of the Aging in Paradise Resource Center, speaks March 24 to attendees of a conference on transportation for seniors on the barrier islands. Islander Photo: Bianca Benedí

and there’s not a lot we can do if it’s not something that’s going to be justified by the court system.” Tokajer said his officers are advised to approach and listen before contacting occupants and taking readings with a decibel meter. Here’s an example from an anonymous complaint at 9:33 a.m. Dec. 4, 2016. the city responded by 9:37 a.m. “upon arrival, I went to a clear area and calibrated the noise meter. i then began to do the observation of the noise meter while the kids were playing in the pool,” the report states. After no decibel meter violation was observed, officers drove around to the other side of the house and observed the noise meter again. Again, no violation was recorded by the decibel reader.

BB commission backs business tax increase

By chrisann Silver esformes islander reporter Bradenton Beach is pushing to get ahead of state rep. randy fine’s proposal to limit city revenue from local business tax fees. At its March 16 meeting, the city commission unanimously approved the first reading of an ordinance to increase the local business tax by 5 percent. If passed and signed into law, Fine’s House Bill 17 would limit local authorities’ from imposing or adopting local business regulations. At a previous commission meeting, city attorney Ricinda Perry said if the bill becomes law, any regulations a municipality has in place would remain active through 2020. So she recommended the city act now to amend its fee structure. “This would give us an extra bump if HB 17 does pass,” Perry said. “Potentially, under HB 17, we could lose that revenue stream.” under current state law, the city can raise local business taxes by 5 percent every two years and it has been three years since Bradenton Beach instituted an increase. Commissioner Jake Spooner asked Perry how the fees were determined. “They seem a little unbalanced,” Spooner said. the cost of a business tax receipt for electronic vending machines is $57.87, but it’s $28.94 for a washing machine at a laundromat. perry said the fees are based on a previous study and may be adjusted. The final reading and a vote is planned for the next commission meeting at 6 p.m. Thursday, April 6, at Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 gulf Drive N.

THE ISLANDER n mARcH 29, 2017 n 11


H C p o R h S o A r a m M t Pa a





12 n mARcH 29, 2017 n THE ISLANDER


Island happenings

Handmade Sterling Jewelry

Featured in April at AGAMI

“Amelia’s Afternoon” is featured at the Artists’ Guild Gallery in April, along with other works by pastel artist Nancy Goff. Goff worked as a commercial artist in New York state and retired locally to focus on her art. She paints and works in pastels. She will attend a reception in her honor at the gallery, 5414 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Friday, April 14. Islander Courtesy Photo

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LEFT: “Fire in the City” is an oil painting by Karen deLeon Stuart, an April featured artist at the Artists Guild Gallery, 5414 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. The artist, who will attend a gallery reception Friday, April 14, studied fashion illustration and created portraits by commission. She now concentrates on “whatever she finds interesting.” For more information, call the gallery at 941-778-6694.


AGAMI focuses on Elements


Take some AMI home! We have coffee mugs! All-cotton shopping totes! T-shirts! And $2 AMI stickers!

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the artists’ guild of anna maria island will present a program on using adobe photoshop elements in creating art. The program will take place at AgAMI’s monthly meeting, which will be at 7 p.m. Monday, April 3, at the Episcopal Church of the Annunciation, 4408 gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Mariarosa Rockefeller will teach the lesson. A social hour will begin at 6:30 p.m. this event is free and open to the public. For more information, call 941-778-6694.

River club presents garden tour

The 12th annual garden tour presented by the Manatee River garden Club will be 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, April 1. The self-guided tour, Bradenton in Bloom, features visits to five gardens. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 the day of the event, when they can be purchased at the clubhouse, 3120 First Ave. W., Bradenton. tourgoers also can enjoy a lunch at the clubhouse for $10, as well as shop the vendors and plant sales. For more information, call 941-870-2259.

Privateers to stage music jam

full service salon and spa offering… Hair ~ Nails ~ Massage ~ Facials Acupuncture ~ Body Treatments ~ Bikini and Brazilian Waxing ~ 3612 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach, 941.778.0400 313 Pine Ave, Anna Maria, 941.778.0500


the anna maria island privateers will present PlunderFest noon-6 p.m. Sunday, April 2, in Bradenton. The free event will be at Ace’s Lounge, 4343 Palma Sola Blvd., and raises money to repair the nonprofit’s float boat. The sputtering Skullywag needs a new drivetrain and other repairs, estimated to cost $20,000. An announcement invited musicians to pack up their instruments and join the privateers for the jam. The event also will feature “pirate grog,” drink specials, grub, raffles and auctions of “really great stuff.” For more information, call Tim “Hammer” Thompson at 941-780-1668.

Art lessons at CrossPointe

Work by artist Roger Rockefeller, who is teaching watercolor painting and pen-and-ink drawing for the Artists’ Guild of Anna Maria Island at the CrossPointe Fellowship, 8605 Gulf Drive in Holmes Beach. The cost of each four-week session is $75 for AGAMI members and $90 for non-members. For more information or to register, call AGAMI at 941778-6694. Islander Courtesy Photo

Magic show in Cortez

the Sunny Shores community is inviting the public to an evening of “magic and mind illusions.” the show by magic as entertainment will be at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 30, at the Sunny Shores clubhouse, 115th Street West and 38th Avenue West on the north side of Cortez Road. Admission is free, although donations will be welcome.

Bottle boat regatta launches from causeway

Veterans of the annual de Soto Heritage festival Bottle Boat Regatta know the rule: If it floats, it races. The wet, wacky wild regatta will converge on the south side of the palma Sola causeway Saturday, April 8. “Bring the family out to see teams compete in homemade boats of all shapes, sizes and themes,” reads an announcement from festival organizers. Teams piled into bottle boats will race to finish lines, competing for a range of awards — from fastest boat to best dressed crew. Boats must be at the site by 9 a.m. on race day. The entry fee for school teams is $10. other teams pay $15 per crew. The deadline to register is Saturday, April 1. for more information or to download a registration form, go online to

Island happenings

THE ISLANDER n mARcH 29, 2017 n 13

“Anna Maria Island,� a new pictorial history book of the island by Bonner Joy, is available at The Islander office, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. Joy is publisher of The Islander newspaper. She launched the newspaper in 1992, and she is a 42-year islander.

Lecture celebrates songs of the sea “Shantymen� sing a song of the sea at the Florida Maritime Museum. Charlie Caniff will deliver a lecture about songs of the sea at 3 p.m. Wednesday, April 12, at the Florida Maritime Museum, 4415 119th St. W., Cortez. Attendees can expect to hear some songs and be invited to join in the singing. For more information, call the museum at 941-708-6120. Islander Courtesy Photo

Food truck festival cruising to Coquina Beach

A caravan of food trucks rolls into Coquina Beach Saturday, April 8. the anna maria island chamber of commerce is sponsoring the second annual Beach N Food Truck and Music Festival on the gulf side of Coquina park in Bradenton Beach. The festival will be 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Attendees will find more than a dozen food trucks parked at Coquina, as well as musical performances and arts and crafts vendors. Food vendors will be selling chicken pitas, Cuban dogs, grilled cheese sandwiches, barbecue chicken, pulled pork sandwiches, subs, fries, pasta, tacos, cheese steaks, onion rings, crab cakes, pizza, fried fish, cakes, pies, fried chicken, ceviche, gumbo, smoothies, ice cream and much more. Mike Sales will emcee for the day and musical guests will include Renegade at 11 a.m., Dr. Dave Band at 1 p.m., Whiskey Blind at 3 p.m., SoulRCoaster at 5:30 p.m. and The Karen & Jimmy Band at 8 p.m. A classic car show will be 10 a.m.-3 p.m. with antique, custom and muscle cars. Also, a kid’s zone will be set up. admission to the festival will be free. a portion of the proceeds will go to support the chamber’s college scholarship fund. For more information, call the chamber at 941778-1541.

April arrives for Island Library

the island Library will open the new month with an Ask a Master gardener program at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, April 1. In addition, the library will host a meeting of the Lego club at 2 p.m. April 1. the calendar also shows the library will offer preschool storytime at 10 a.m. Tuesday, April 4, April 11, April 18 and April 25. the gulf coast Writers will hold a monthly meeting at the library at 12:45 p.m. Wednesday, April 5. Knitting and crocheting enthusiasts will gather at 2 p.m. Thursday, April 6, and April 20. The Forty Carrots parenting program will be at 10 a.m. Friday, April 7, and April 28. A computer class will be offered at 2 p.m. Friday, April 7, as well as April 19 and April 21. An origami activity will be at 10 a.m. Saturday, april 8. the adult coloring club will meet at noon Wednesday, April 12, and April 26. The chess club also will meet April 12, gathering at 4 p.m. Another meeting will be April 26. A gathering of the Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support group will be at 2 p.m. Friday, April 14. An afterschool program at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 18, will feature a celebration of Earth Day, which is april 22. The Friends of the Island Library Book Club will meet at 10:15 a.m. Thursday, April 20, to talk about “The Secret Chord� by geraldine Brooks. Quilters will meet at 10 a.m. Thursday, April 27. a cpr-training class will be taught at 9 a.m. Saturday, April 29. Registration is required to attend. The library is at 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. For more information, call the branch at 941-7786341.


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Sea & Shore Photo Exhibit

Fine art photographer Richard Stewart is our Featured Artist during April. His exhibit shows his fascination with the water all around us. A reception will be held during ArtsHop on April 14, 5:30-7:30.


BEACH SHOP Something for everyone




IGW shows ‘Sea & Shore’

Photographer Richard Stewart’s work is exhibited in “Sea & Shore� at Island Gallery West in April. The Tampa-based artist worked as a journalist and photographer for more than 30 years. He now produces fine art photographs. He shoots and prints on watercolor paper and canvas using archival, pigmented inks. IGW will host a reception attended by Stewart and the gallery artists 5:30-7:30 p.m. Friday, April 14. IGW is at 5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. For more information, call 941-778-6648. Islander Courtesy Photo

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14 n mARcH 29, 2017 n THE ISLANDER

The Islander Calendar

Compiled by Lisa Neff



Lounge, 4343 Palma Sola Blvd., Bradenton. Information: 941-7801668.


April 8, Women Contemporary Artists Spring Exhibit opens, Longboat Key. April 8, Music on the Porch, Cortez. April 12, Shanties and Songs of the Sea lecture, Cortez. April 15, Main Street Live!, • Through April 28, “The History, Use and Art of Waterfowl Bradenton. May 5, Main Street Live!, Bradenton. Decoys” exhibit, Florida Maritime Museum, 4415 119th St. W., GOOD TO KNOW Cortez. Information: 941-708-6120. • April 1, April Fools’ Day. • Through April 21, annual Member Shows, ArtCenter Manatee, • April 9, Palm Sunday. 209 Ninth St. W., Bradenton. Information: 941-746-2862. • April 10, Passover begins. • Most second Wednesdays, Think+Drink (Science), 7-9 p.m., • April 14, Good Friday. South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. • April 16, Easter. Information: 941-746-4131. • April 22, Earth Day. • Thursdays, 5-8 p.m., Art After 5, John and Mable Ringling • April 28, National Arbor Day. Museum of Art, 5401 Bay Shore Road, Sarasota. Fee applies. Infor• May 5, Cinco de Mayo. mation: 941-359-5700. LOOKING AHEAD • May 13, Mother’s Day. • First Fridays, 6-9:30 p.m. Village of the Arts Art Walk, 12th • May 20, Armed Forces Day. April 8, Beach N Food Truck and Music Festival, Coquina Street West and 12th Avenue West, Bradenton. Also 11 a.m.-4 p.m. • May 29, Memorial Day. Beach. April 14, Art Walk, Holmes Beach. April 23, Ring Sarasota the following Saturday. Handbell Ensemble concert, Anna Maria. May, Marlane Wurzbach exhibit, “Island Dreams, Holmes Beach. May 4-14, Island Players “Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike,” Anna Maria. • Throughout March, Island Gallery West features the work of oil painter Candace Bennington in the exhibit “On the Island,” 5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6648. • Throughout March, Artists’ Guild Gallery exhibits the work of Margie Amberge and Polly Tetrault, 5414 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6694. • Throughout April, Island Gallery West features the work of photographer Richard Stewart in “Sea & Shore,” 5368 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6648. • Throughout April, Artists’ Guild Gallery features the work of pastel artist Nancy Goff and painter Karen deLeon Stuart, 5414 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6694.


Studio presents Corr work

OFF ANNA MARIA ISLAND Thursday, March 30 5-7 p.m. — Member Shows opening reception, ArtCenter Manatee, 209 Ninth St. W., Bradenton. Information: 941-746-2862. 7 p.m. — Magic show, Sunny Shores Clubhouse, 115th Street West and 38th Avenue West, Cortez. Friday, March 31 6-8 p.m. — Music and Paws in the Park with a performance by Seranation, Riverwalk Mosaic Amphitheater, 606 Third Ave. W., Bradenton. Information: 941-621-6471. Saturday, April 1 7:30 p.m. — Manatee Community Concert Band “An American Celebration” concert, Manatee High School, 902 33rd St. Court W., Bradenton. Information: 260-410-4126. Sunday, April 2 Noon-6 p.m. — Anna Maria Island Privateers Plunderfest, Ace’s

The Studio at gulf and Pine will feature the work of local artist Will Corr in the exhibit, “A Collection of Recent Works.” the exhibit will run march 29-may 7 at the gallery, 10101 gulf Drive, Anna Maria. An artist’s reception will be 6-8 p.m. Friday, March 31, and an artist’s talk will be 1-2 p.m. Wednesday, April 5. an announcement from the gallery said corr has focused on “exploring the complex relationship between representation and abstraction. His motifdriven compositions, comprised of natural, social and historical iconography, serve as a framework to investigate this interaction. …oil, sawdust, charcoal and found objects often collide in the works, creating


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surfaces of linear and textural alchemy.” Corr studied visual arts in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and earned degrees from Virginia Wesleyan College in Norfolk, Virginia, and the Maryland Institute college of art in Baltimore. His works has been shown at the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art, SoFA Chicago, Spectrum Miami, Art San Diego and Art Palm Beach and are part of corporate and private collections. corr teaches at img academy in Bradenton and the State college of florida in Bradenton. He also prepares exhibitions at the ringling college of art & design in Sarasota. For more information, call the studio at 941-7781906.

THE ISLANDER n mARcH 29, 2017 n 15

CLUBS & COMMUNITY ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND Thursday, March 30 10 a.m. — Quilting activity, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. Friday, March 31 10 a.m.-1 p.m. — Senior Adventures book sale and potluck lunch, Annie Silver Community Center, 103 23rd St. N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 941-778-3106. Saturday, April 1 8:30 a.m. — Kiwanis Club of Anna Maria breakfast and program, Anna Maria Island Beach Cafe at Manatee Public Beach, 4000 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. The program includes a talk about the Boys and Girls Club of Manatee County. Information: 941-7781383. 10:30 a.m. — Ask a Master Gardener program, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. Monday, April 3 6:30 p.m. — Artists’ Guild of Anna Maria Island social and meeting, Episcopal Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6694. Tuesday, April 4 Noon — Anna Maria Island Rotary Club gathers for lunch and a program, Bridge Street Bistro, 111 Gulf Drive S., Bradenton Beach. Fee applies. Information: 941-462-4016.

Wednesday, April 5 • Tuesdays, 5:30 p.m. Terrific Tuesdays meal, Roser Memo12:45 p.m. — Gulf Coast Writers meeting, Island Library, 5701 rial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Fee applies. Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. Information: 941-778-0414. ONGOING ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND


• Wednesdays, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Anna Maria Island Historical Society sells Settlers’ Bread, 402 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. 941-7780492. • Wednesdays through Easter Holy Week, 6 p.m., Lenten Soup Suppers, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 6608 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-1813. • Wednesdays through Easter Holy Week, 6 p.m., Lenten Soup Suppers, the Episcopal Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-1638. • Second and fourth Wednesdays, 11 a.m. Just Older Youth/ JOY Brown Bag Lunch Series, Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-0414. • Thursdays, 7 p.m., Overeaters Anonymous meets, the Episcopal Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 813-494-6518. • Third Thursdays, 11:45 a.m., Successful Women Aligning Together meets, Bridge Street Bistro, 111 Gulf Drive S., Bradenton Beach. Fee applies. Information: 941-345-5135. • Most Fridays, 10 a.m., Senior Adventures gather for a program or to depart on an adventure. Information: 941-538-0954. • Tuesdays, 1 p.m., Irish Ceili and set dancing, Sandpiper Resort, 2601 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 941779-1416. • Tuesdays, 4 p.m. Inquiring Minds religious study, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 6608 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-4579.

April 16, Island Sunrise Easter Service, Holmes Beach. April 19, Anna Maria Garden Club fashion show, Anna Maria. OFF ANNA MARIA ISLAND Saturday, April 1 10 a.m.-4 p.m. — Manatee River Garden Club Bradenton in Bloom tour, various locations with tickets and lunch at 3120 First Ave. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-870-2259. ONGOING OFF ANNA MARIA ISLAND • Saturdays, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Bradenton Farmers Market, Old Main Street downtown, Bradenton. Information: 941-621-6471.

KIDS & FAMILY ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND Wednesday, March 29 6 p.m. — College Inside Track’s Paying for College program, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941778-6341. Friday, March 31 10 a.m. — Forty Carrots parenting program, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. Saturday, April 1 2 p.m. — Lego club meeting, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. Tuesday, April 4 10 a.m. — Preschool storytime, Island Library, 5701 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-778-6341. ONGOING ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND • First Tuesdays, 6:15 p.m., Jesus And Youth/JAY Walkers, Roser Memorial Community Church, 512 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. Information: 941-778-0414. ONGOING OFF ANNA MARIA ISLAND

Moon shot, star gazing

Look for the telescopes Saturday, April 1, in city field in Holmes Beach.

GAMES, SPORTS & OUTDOORS ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND Saturday, April 1 7:30-10 p.m. — Local Group of Deep Sky Observers Sidewalk Astronomy event, city field, 5801 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Information: 941-518-8695. ONGOING ON ANNA MARIA ISLAND • Wednesdays and Saturdays, 9 a.m., horseshoes pitched, Anna Maria City Hall, 10005 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria. Information: 941-708-6130. • Thursdays, 7-9 p.m., through March, bingo games, Annie Silver Community Center, 103 23rd St. N., Bradenton Beach. Information: 941-778-3580. • Tuesdays, noon, duplicate bridge, Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Info: 941-779-0881. OFF ANNA MARIA ISLAND Friday, March 31 6:30 p.m. — Annual Robinson Preserve Twilight 5K and 10K Run, 1704 99th St. NW, Bradenton. Information: 941-745-3723.

Racing day

Save the date: the De Soto Heritage Festival Bottle Boat Regatta will take place Saturday, April 8, along the Palma Sola Causeway. Islander File Photo

Bingo finale A season of bingo ends March 30 at Annie Silver Community Center in Bradenton Beach. Islander File Photo

Manatee River Garden Club 12th Annual Garden Tour


• Fourth Wednesdays, 7 p.m., Stelliferous Live star exploration, South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-746-4131. • Most first Saturdays, Family Night at the South Florida Museum, 201 10th St. W., Bradenton. Fee. Info: 941-746-4131. • Second Saturdays, 9 a.m., Audubon Adventures for Junior Audubon, Felts Audubon Preserve open house, 4600 24th Ave. E., Palmetto. Information: 941-729-2222. • “Teeth Beneath: the Wild World of Gators, Crocs and Caimans” exhibit, Mote Marine Aquarium, 1600 Ken Thompson Parkway, Sarasota. Fee applies. Information: 941-388-4441. LOOKING AHEAD April 8, De Soto Heritage Festival Bottle Boat Regatta, Palma Sola Causeway. April 29, De Soto Heritage Festival Grand Parade, Bradenton. May 6, Pickin’ Picnic, Bradenton. July 22, Snooty’s Birthday Bash, Bradenton.

Moonracer No Kill Animal Rescue

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ONGOING OFF ANNA MARIA ISLAND • Through March 29, Pittsburgh Pirates spring-training baseball, LECOM Park, 1611 Ninth St. W., Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 877-893-2827. • Second and fourth Wednesdays, Roser Memorial Community Church Golfing for God, IMG Academy Golf Club, 4350 El Conquistador Parkway, Bradenton. Fee applies. Information: 941-7780414. • Third Thursdays, Manatee County Audubon Society meeting, Hope Lutheran Church, 4635 26th St. W., Bradenton. Information: 941-729-2222. • Most Saturdays, 8 a.m., Felts Audubon Preserve open house, 4600 24th Ave. E., Palmetto. Information: 941-729-2222.

Self-guided tour of 5 beau�ful Bradenton gardens Tickets: $15 in advance at Crowder’s in Lakewood Ranch & Bradenton); $20 day of tour Pay Pal™ /credit cards online at:


Pick up �ckets, have gourmet lunch ($10), enjoy vendors, plant sale, raffle baskets, and Club gardens at: 3120 First Avenue West, Bradenton

April 8, Bradenton Marauders home opener, Bradenton.

Informa�on: 941.870.2259

In the event that 150 tickets are not sold, the raffle will become a 50/50 raffle


16 n mARcH 29, 2017 n THE ISLANDER

Holmes Beach engineer presents master bike, pedestrian plan By Jennifer Sheppard islander reporter New bicycle paths are coming, a mile at a time. Lynn Burnett, Holmes Beach city engineer, presented a first draft of the Holmes Beach Master Bike/ pedestrian plan at a march 22 city forum. Mayor Bob Johnson opened the gathering, welcoming Commissioners Carol Soustek and Marvin grossman, along with parks and beautification committee member Zan Fuller, Police Chief Bill Tokajer and more than a dozen residents who provided ideas and feedback on the proposal. “This is a gathering of input,â€? Johnson said. “This is more listening for staff, quite honestly.â€? The city has been working with the Sarasota/ Manatee Metropolitan Planning organization in conjunction with the island transportation planning organization, reviewing the comprehensive plan and longrange transportation goals, to rethink the safest route for bikers and pedestrians in the city, and connecting to anna maria and Bradenton Beach. Burnett said the city’s old 5-foot-wide sidewalks are subpar. “All we’re doing is playing catch-up at this point,â€? Burnett said. “We can’t just keep doing things the way we’ve always done them. We need to be thinking a bit outside of the box.â€? Also, as Florida is one of the least safe states for walking and biking, the Florida Department of Transportation is pushing its “complete Streetsâ€? approach. The state is investing $25 million annually for five years, Burnett said, to improve pedestrian and bicycle pathways and accommodate all users, including people pushing strollers and walking dogs, cyclists, Segway users and motorists. “In order for us to accommodate them, we obviously need to rethink how we do our streets and our sidewalks,â€? Burnett said. She added the island cities need to work together to identify a safe route that can be mapped, signed and striped. “We really need a main route that gets from point a to point B and makes a good, safe connection to Longboat Key and Manatee County via our ‌ bridges,â€? Burnett said. Another need, Burnett said, is for a safe route for traveling east-west across the island. Existing bike lanes are also inundated with floods during a rain or

A proposed 8-foot wide bike and pedestrian path would expand the existing 5-foot wide sidewalks to accommodate two-way bike and pedestrian traffic. City engineer Lynn Burnett said the goal is for a 10-12-foot wide path on Marina Drive tying into Gulf DriveState Road 789 south to Longboat Key. Islander Photo: Jennifer Sheppard are too narrow, and there’s encroachments from motor vehicles. the plan Burnett proposes includes an 8-foot-wide path specifically for bicycles and pedestrians and identifies locations for crosswalks with flashing beacons, which would be solar-powered, amber-colored and turtle-friendly. “We’ve looked at and identified roads that would safely accommodate where we already have a crosswalk,� Burnett said. “We have enough funds to put all of the share-the-road signage, striping and marking in, so it’s in a position of strength in terms of funding.� Tokajer said the proposed path would be a lot safer than what exists and lighted crosswalks would get people’s attention. “one of the main things we’re been trying to do is to make it a safe path,� Tokajer said. Residents voiced concerns with two-way traffic on the proposed path with a mix of bicycles and pedestrians. A bicycle is legally defined as a vehicle in Florida state law, and cyclists still have the option of riding in the street, Burnett said. “This isn’t an invitation to the bike clubs out east or in other counties,� Burnett said. “It’s really to try to provide a safe facility for our residents, our kids and those who vacation on those streets.� Bart Bartelsman of Holmes Beach said he was impressed with the detail in the plan, which would be funded by local half-cent sales taxes and gas tax.

No fooling?

Gilligan retired from his bargain $20 threehour tours a few years back, but we hear there’s hope for a return after a pumpout and an engine tuneup. Sign up at #aprilfoolsday. Islander Photo: Courtesy Tjet Martin

OfďŹ cials seek opinions at 2nd bike forum

The second of two bike path forums will be at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 29, at city hall, 5801 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. the public is encouraged to attend and discuss proposed improvements to bicycle and pedestrian safety with the city engineer and other officials. “It’s very well done,� Bartelsman said. He also offered ideas for “townie short cuts,� through neighborhoods to improve the path for locals. resident tom o’Brien commended Burnett for her work. “I’m in favor of something,� he said. “Something really has to happen because, you know, it’s the human lives that are the most important thing. We can’t just have people come here and take their money.� Kim Rash of 7216 Holmes Blvd. said the majority of residents on Holmes Boulevard do not want the bicycle path on their street. Rash said he walked and talked to people at every house on his street March 16. “We sure don’t want a bunch of bicyclists that don’t live out on the island going up and down through our neighborhood,� Rash said. A second bike forum is scheduled for March 29. Following public input, Burnett will revise her plan for commission consideration. construction could begin by summer, with portions of the path completed by the end of the year. “there is a phased-in approach that we have to do,� Burnett told city commissioners at the March 16 meeting. “We have to be able to provide a safe place for people to bike and right now I don’t think that we have any that are really safe.�

Safer streets should be priority

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A “Dangerous by Design 2016� study released in January by Smart growth America ranked Florida as the least safe state for walking and biking. of the top 10 most dangerous metro areas for walking in the united States, eight are in Florida and the north port-Sarasota-Bradenton area is no. 10. “We are the least safe, walkable state out of the whole entire united States. We are in the bottom 10,� city engineer Lynn Burnett said. “We have an issue.� Since 2014, traffic entering the island has increased about 2,000 cars on average per day, according to Burnett.


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THE ISLANDER n mARcH 29, 2017 n 17

18 n mARcH 29, 2017 n THE ISLANDER

WMFR dedicates Station 3 to retired chief

Retired West Manatee Fire Rescue Chief Kenneth A. “Andy” Price Jr. stands March 25 next to the plaque dedicating Station 3 in his name at the WMFR open house, 6001 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach. Price said he was pleased to share the naming honor with his dad, Kenneth Price Sr.

Retired WMFR Chief Andy Price addresses the crowd during the ceremonies March 25. Price worked and volunteered in the fire service for 35 years, including at WMFR and the former Anna Maria Fire Department before retiring in 2015. WMFR pulls out all the stops — its gear and some fire-safety bounce house activities for kids — for the open house that followed the dedication of Station 3 to former Chief Andy Price. Station 3, known as Station 1 during Price’s administration, served as the district’s main office and commission meeting quarters. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy

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NOTE: The Islander office has moved to the Anna Maria Island Centre, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. Look for us adjacent to Walgreens.

THE ISLANDER n march 29, 2017 n 19

... and celebrates!

Layla Quesenberry, 5, smiles as she stands in line for chips and burgers March 25 at the open house for WMFR Station 3. Islander Photos: Bianca Benedí

WMFR Station 3 is geared up to greet the community at the March 25 dedication and open house. Islander Photo: Bonner Joy

Reid Masterson, 5, practices rescuing a bunny doll March 25 at WMFR’s Station 3 open house.

Mia Golden, 11, takes a turn using a 6:1 pulley system to pull a golf cart up an incline March 25 at WMFR’s open house for Station 3. Tim Chamberlain and Eric Baker tend to the grills at the rear of Station 3, serving burgers and dogs March 25 for the WMFR Station 3 open house. Retired Chief Andy Price sits in the front row with his family March 25 during the WMFR Station 3 dedication ceremony.



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20 n mARcH 29, 2017 n THE ISLANDER

plans are in place for the 53rd anna maria island Kiwanis Club Sunrise Service at 6:30 a.m. April 16, which is easter Sunday. Ample parking awaits at the Manatee Public Beach, 4000 gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. The Anna maria island Beach cafe will be prepared to offer coffee and the island trolley is set to begin a predawn run at 6 a.m. to transport worshippers to the beach. More than 1,000 people are expected to gather Cantata sets Holy Week on the beach, with blankets and chairs for seating, to worship. message to music “I think it’s fantastic,” said Sandy Haas-Martens, A Lenten Cantata, “Hope in the Shadows,” will be secretary of the Kiwanis club of anna maria island performed at Christ Church of Longboat Key. and a dedicated easter volunteer. The cantata examines the shadows of injustice and agony that marked Christ’s journey to the cross. The presentation contrasts humanity’s selfishness with the loving nature of a divine God. The christ church of Longboat Key chancel choir will partner with a professional chamber orchestra to present the cantata Sunday, April 2, at worship times of 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Christ Church also offers Sunday education options, “On Your Mark,” taught by Paul Eckel, and Connect Class, facilitated by the Rev. Dr. Norman Pritchard. Weekly Bible studies for men are at 9 a.m. Mondays and women’s studies are 10 a.m. Wednesdays at 6400 gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. The Cortez Church of Christ at 12111 45th Ave. The Kiwanis Club of Anna Maria Island Easter W., Cortez, is studying the Book of Hebrews at the 10 Sunrise Service 2015 at the Manatee Public Beach, a.m. Sunday Bible study followed by worship at 11 Holmes Beach. Islander File Photo a.m. and again at 5 p.m. the church meets at 7 p.m. 10:15 a.m. The Rev. Willie Tabor leads Bible study Wednesday for midweek Bible study. crosspointe fellowship offers Sunday worship at 11a.m. Thursdays at the church. Longboat Island Chapel, a Christian-based interat 9 a.m., followed by study and fellowship in Life Groups at 10:30 a.m. Sunday Kid’s Adventure is at 9 faith community church, offers Sunday service at 10 a.m., with life groups at 10:30 a.m. Sunday Night Live, a.m. at 6200 gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key. on a traditional service with music and hymns, is at 5 p.m. Sunday, April 9, guest instrumentalists playing trumpet and hand bells will join the chapel service. at the church, 8605 gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. Sunday, March 26, a communion, health and healgloria dei Lutheran church holds worship at 5 ing service is offered at 9:45 a.m. p.m. Saturdays and 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Sundays, Roser Memorial Community Church offers Sunday and an 11:30 a.m. fellowship gathering. Palm Sunday, April 9, the 9:30 a.m. service features the Procession worship at 8:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. in the sanctuary. A with palms and the passion narrative from the gospel nursery is available during services. adult Sunday school class is at 8:45 a.m. of matthew. Terrific Tuesdays continue with a meal at 5:30 Inquiring Minds, an interfaith discussion group on religious views of various faiths, meets Tuesdays p.m. before classes on faith, finance and evangelism. Classes for children are available. The cost for the meal at 4 gloria dei all are welcome to attend. additional thursday study opportunities include is $6 per person or $15 per family and reservations are a women’s Bible study at 10 a.m. and Experiencing required. Call the church office at 941-778-0414 for meal arrangements. Christianity at 6:30 p.m. St. Bernard Catholic Church, 248 S. Harbor Drive, Lenten soup suppers are at 6 p.m., before 7 p.m. Holmes Beach, celebrates Mass at 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 Wednesday Lenten service at the church, 6608 Marina a.m. Sundays. Mass also is celebrated weekdays at Drive, Holmes Beach. Harvey Memorial Community Church, 300 8:30 a.m. and a 4 p.m. vigil is held Saturdays. the episcopal church of the annunciation offers Church St., Bradenton Beach, is an interdenominaSaturday service at 5:30 p.m. and Sunday eucharist tional church that worships Sunday at 8:30 a.m. and Rite I service at 8 a.m. followed by Rite II at 10:30 a.m. a eucharist and healing prayer service is held Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. The Stations of the Cross take place at 5:30 p.m. Wednesdays, followed by 6 p.m. soup supper and a Lenten discussion. the church is at 4408 gulf Drive, Holmes Beach.

simple cremations



By Susan Huppert

simple burials




Julia Anne Propas


Julia Anne Propas, 86, of Bradenton, died March

She was born in West Bridgewater, Massachusetts, April 5, 1930, to Anthony and Julia (Perry) Silva, who immigrated to the united States in the early1920s. She met her husband, Frederick, while working as a waitress at his father’s restaurant, The Mayflower, in Brockton, Massachusetts, where Frederick was the chef/baker. They were married Feb. 10, 1948, and they had two children, Timothy and Kathy. the couple formed a construction company in West Bridgewater, Massachusetts, where she did the paperwork and accounting, as well as interior decorating, for about 35 years. She also opened an antique shop, built by her husband, as antiques were her passion. In 1981, the couple retired to Tarpon Springs and she continued dealing in antiques for another 15 years. After the death of her husband in 2012, Mrs. propas moved to Holmes Beach with her daughter Kathy Smart and daughter-in-law Mary Doub, coowners of minnie’s Beach cafe in Holmes Beach. They purchased a larger home in Bradenton, where they resided together until mrs. propas’ health forced her to Heritage Park Rehab, a nursing home, in February. a celebration of life will be held at a later date. Condolences may be made online at www.griffithcline. com. mrs. propas is survived by daughter Kathy Smart and spouse mary doub of Bradenton; brothers thomas Silva of East Bridgewater, Massachusetts, and Manual Silva of Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts; sister-in-law Anna Silva of Rochester, Massachusetts; many nieces, nephews and close friends, and special grand-dog, rufus.

At your service

obituaries are provided as a community service in the islander newspaper to residents and family of residents, both past and present, as well as to those people with ties to anna maria island. information may be submitted to paid obituaries are available by calling sales rep Toni Lyon at 941-778-7978.

Pastor Rosemary W. Backer WORSHIP WITH US Saturday at 5 PM Sunday at 9:30 AM Fellowship follows worship

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“We set the cross and the stage up in the dark. one time we saw the moon behind the cross as we were setting up,” she said. the rev. ed moss of crosspointe fellowship will deliver the sermon. other participants include the revs. Matthew grunfeld, the Dr. Bob o’Keef, the Stephen King, Rosemary Backer and Michael Mullen. the service also will feature music. The Easter offering, traditionally collected by Kiwanis volunteers, will be divided among the churches.

Art by Joan Voyles


Kiwanis plans Easter sunrise service

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THE ISLANDER n mARcH 29, 2017 n 21

Public input on Long Bar mitigation plan ends April 3

By Kathy prucnell islander reporter A plan to turn a natural area into a mitigation bank about 5 miles east of Cortez on Sarasota Bay depends on a permit from the u.S. army corps of engineers. April 3 is the last day the Corps will take public comment on Long Bar pointe LLLp’s mitigation plan. the plan is the second such proposal submitted by developers carlos Beruff and Larry Lieberman. The Corps rejected their first plan in September 2016, saying the bank would allow the developers to sell credits for mangrove trimming and seagrass restoration where none was needed alongside aqua By the Bay — the Beruff/Lieberman development now in the manatee county pipeline. under federal regulations, mitigation banks are to provide an ecological lift where the natural environment is being threatened. the corps initial rejection invited the developers to resubmit the prospectus to explain how federal rules are met and why there is a 100-foot gap between two parcels of their submerged lands. The second prospectus was filed with the federal wetlands regulator Jan. 31. Former Manatee County Commissioner Joe McClash, Suncoast Waterkeeper and Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage have been fighting the bank, calling it a developer ploy to build a high-density marina complex and dredge channels along a pristine shoreline. environmentalists say the seagrasses and mangroves already are protected by law. mcclash reiterated the concerns to the corps March 13.

Cortez-based FISH voted its support the fight in January against the state wetlands regulator, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, which gave a go-ahead to a second mitigation bank proposal in December 2016. Both state and federal regulatory agencies are required to sign off on mitigation banks. fiSH is expected to restate its opposition to the Corps, according to vice president and former Manatee County Commissioner Jane von Hahmann. on behalf of the developers, Alex D. Hoffner, of Eco Consultants Inc., wrote to the Corps in January that without the proposed mitigation bank and conservation easement, the mangrove fringe and submerged lands will be threatened by 56 docks, boardwalks and fishing piers, structures totaling 112,000 square feet and 7,504 pilings, which are allowable under state law. As an alternative to the mitigation bank plan to trim 30 percent of the mangroves to a 12-foot height, Hoffner said the developer could receive permits to trim up to 65 percent of the mangrove swamps to a six-foot height. “the ability of the applicant to obtain this authorization should be considered a threat to the resource, and further justification for the creation of the Long Bar Pointe Mitigation Bank,” Hoffner told the Corps. The developers seek the Corps’ approval to sell 18.62 credits for a 263-acre bank. If approved, the mitigation bank will be open to developers from Charlotte, Sarasota and Manatee counties required to mitigate wetland destruction. credits are expected to run $100,000-$200,000 for each acre of restoration. the corps notice is found at www.saj.usace.

cle/1100828/saj-2016-01900-adt/. Comments on the proposed mitigation bank should be submitted in writing to: District Engineer, Department of the Army, Jacksonville District Corps of Engineers, P.o. Box 4970, Jacksonville, FL 32232-0019, or via email: or fax to 904-232-1904. For more information, call Amy Thompson at 904232-3974 or email mil.

A map submitted with the second prospectus for a mitigation bank on Sarasota Bay west of El Conquistador Parkway in unincorporated Manatee County shows where buoys would warn boaters of seagrass beds. Islander Graphic: Courtesy USACE

Tiki & Kitty’s Adventures in Shopping … Antiques, Art-Tiques and Chic Boutiques!

Hello Spring! friends bring friends to Vintiquity lane — especially Tiki-Kitty friends. The monthly vintage market at 1540 N. Lime Ave., Sarasota, will open Saturday and Sunday, April 8-9, and you can find Moonracer Rescue small, vintage home accessories; custom Live edge furniture by Blue magnolia; and farm house, beachy and rustic home decor. Kingberry estate Finds in palmetto is a home furnishings and decor store that emphasizes quality, comfort and style at affordable prices. the estate inventory changes frequently, so you never know

what you’ll find for inside and outside your home. As an added bonus, you’ll find Annie Sloan Chalk Paint exclusively in manatee county at Kingberry. tide & Moon jewelry boutique has new pendants designed by owner/jeweler Laura Shely. With anna Maria Island a popular wedding destination, Laura has a perfect memento for the happy occasion, a new “married on anna maria island” pendant. Visit her at the pier, 200 Bridge St., Bradenton Beach. Recycle, reuse, rejuvinate! get over to retro rosie’s Vintage and freshen up for spring while doing good for the Earth and the community! Redecorate your digs with antiques and vintage that are locally sourced right here on the Suncoast. Stop in today! The Moonracer no

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22 n mARcH 29, 2017 n THE ISLANDER

Bradenton Beach CRA races to beat proposed legislation

By chrisann Silver esformes islander reporter Historic districts around the state may soon face stricter regulations and the Bradenton Beach community redevelopment agency hopes to beat the bell. In a special meeting March 22, the CRA approved a resolution to oppose House Bill 13 and Senate Bill 1770, which, if approved, would tighten restrictions on cra districts. city attorney ricinda perry said approval of the opposing resolution would help the city’s lobbyist, Dave Ramba, with his work in Tallahassee. She also said some CRAs are under fire because of accountability issues and while state lawmakers may not vote to dissolve CRAs, they may tighten reporting restrictions. the Legislature will meet through may 5. the motion to approve the resolution passed unanimously. The board, which comprises the city commission and two business members, finalized its draft plan for the district. the board agreed to allow hiring of a design consultant, as well as offer incentives to renovate historic properties. the board also directed perry to add island organizations the CRA would support, including the Anna Maria Island Privateers, Island Players, the Anna Maria Island Chamber of Commerce, the Bridge Street Christmas Prelude, the Annie Silver Community center and the center of anna maria island. Including the organizations shows a “vested interest” on the board’s part to promote local groups that benefit island history and culture, Perry said. Additionally, the board filled some gaps in its plan and decided against a previously planned expansion of the district boundaries. the cra had considered expanding to include the body of water beyond the Historic Bridge Street pier to Eighth Street South, where a number of anchored

Bradenton Beach Community Redevelopment Agency members — the mayor and four city commissioners as well as two business members — review district plans March 22 during a special meeting in chambers at city hall, 107 Gulf Drive N. Islander Photo: ChrisAnn Silver Esformes

boats have contributed to “blight.” the next cra meeting will be at 9 a.m. WednesThe CRA district, which is bordered by Cortez day, April 5, at Bradenton Beach City Hall, 107 gulf Road, Sarasota Bay, Fifth Street South and the gulf drive n. of Mexico, was deemed blighted in 1992, allowing for grants and tax spending to promote revitalization, Bradenton Beach mayor including tourism, in the district. completes leadership program perry said with the proposed changes to cras in Bradenton Beach mayor Bill Shearon was recFlorida, Bradenton Beach should focus on extending ognized in a March 24 news release for graduating the time frame of its cra beyond the current 2022 from the florida League of cities Leadership challimit, to have time to fulfill the proposed projects. expanding the boundaries could slow down the lenge. the program is a continuation of the institute for time frame, she said. Elected Municipal officials, which was developed Vice Mayor John Chappie agreed. by the FLC to teach officials about government. “With what’s happening in Tallahassee, we need to Shearon previously completed the iemo and move forward with this right now and can come back advanced iemo courses. and deal with expansion later,” Chappie said. Participants completed a skill set assessment the board reached consensus to extend the cra before the course began. During the weekend course, calendar, but retain current boundaries. a list of proposed projects to improve the district participants were given their scores and taught to interpret and apply them to leadership matters. also must be added to the cra plan. The course is intended to provide elected offiAt the March 22 meeting, board members agreed cials with new approaches for addressing leadership to submit project ideas to Perry to be prioritized at the challenges. next meeting.


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THE ISLANDER n mARcH 29, 2017 n 23 By Sandy Ambrogi,

Dentist passes along good practices to AME students

Most of the teeth the Anna Maria Elementary kindergartners have now will soon be under the pillow awaiting the arrival of the tooth fairy. and the next set of teeth will be with them for life. AME calendar At least, that’s Dr. Marni Hansill’s wish. She • Tuesday, March 28-Wednesday, March 29, third- recently visited anna maria elementary with her techs grade florida State assessment english language arts to teach the kindergarten students good dental pracreading exam. • 4 p.m. Thursday, March 30, conference night. • 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Thursday, March 30, kindergarten roundup for 2017-18 school year. • 12:30 p.m. Friday, March 31, early release. • 7:50 a.m. Wednesday, April 5, volunteer appreciation breakfast. • 12:30 p.m. Friday, April 7, early release. • Friday, April 14, good Friday, no school. • 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 18, first-grade play dinner, performance 6:30 p.m. • 9 a.m. Friday, April 21, adopt-a-grandparent breakfast. • 6 p.m. Thursday, April 27, Princess Ball. anna maria elementary is located at 4700 gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. For more information, call 941708-5525.

tices. With giant teeth and brushes and hands-on demonstrations, students asked and answered questions with the staff from Anna Maria Island Dental. The benefits of brushing, flossing and foods that are good and bad for teeth were discussed. Each student received a timer, toothbrush and a cup to encourage good dental health at home. Dr. Marni Hansill, right, owner of Anna Maria Island Dental in Holmes Beach, watches as kindergarten students Kirra Quinby, left, Lily Plummer, Nixon Conner and Jessie Zaccagnino brush giant teeth to learn correct brushing. Hansill, along with dental techs Christina ManaliTolomei and Lisa Teeling visited the kindergarten students in February. Islander Photo: Courtesy Kelly Crawford

Mya Ferrari, left and Kate Stembridge sing “For Good” from the Broadway musical “Wicked” March 14, during the second-grade stage production of “A Tribute to Broadway.” RIGHT: Anna Maria Elementary second-graders reach for the sky during the finale of the March 14 staging of “A Tribute to Broadway” presented in the school auditorium. Students sang show tunes, including numbers from “Annie,” “Wicked” and “Rent.” Islander Photos: Karen Riley-Love

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Bradenton man arrested in Bradenton Beach for DUI

pedestrians jumped out of harm’s way as they crossed Bridge Street at about 11:33 p.m. March 10. Ryne M. Johnson, 26, of Bradenton, was arrested on a charge of driving under the influence and ticketed for failure to use due care toward a pedestrian. Bradenton Beach police officers John Tsakiri and Steven Masi Johnson estimated Johnson’s 2010 MercedesBenz was traveling at 35-40 mph in the 15-mph zone. They pulled Johnson over at the Circle K, 103 gulf Drive S., and called the Manatee County Sheriff’s office to perform a DuI investigation. MCSo Deputy Andrew Vanover reported Johnson showed signs of impairment and initiated a field-sobriety test. After Johnson swayed, stumbled and nearly fell multiple times, the test was discontinued, according to Vanover’s report. Johnson was transported to the Manatee County jail, where he provided breath samples measuring 0.248, 0.222 and 0.246. The legal limit is 0.08. Johnson was later released on a $500 bond. on March 21, the 12th Circuit Court State Attorney office filed a formal DuI charge. PM Johnson’s arraignment is set for 8:25 a.m., Monday, April 10, at the Manatee County Judicial Center, 1051 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton. PM Island watch: In an emergency, call 911. To report information on island crime, call the Manatee County Sheriff’s office Anna Maria substation, 941-708-8899; Bradenton Beach police, 941-778-6311; or Holmes PM Beach police, 941-708-5804.

03/13 5-8 03/14 5-8 03/15 5-8 03/16 5-8 PM 03/17 5-8 PM

Visitor dies of heart attack at Coquina Beach

An 81-year-old man died after suffering a heart attack March 18 at Coquina Beach. Robert Wanat of Parma, ohio, was seen struggling to stay afloat in the water when another person pulled him from the surf and started CPR, according to a witness report to the Bradenton Beach police. BBPD officers reported arriving at 9:47 a.m. and observing manatee county marine rescue and emergency medical services personnel performing cpr on the man in the 2000 block on the beach. EMS transported Wanat to Blake Medical Center in Bradenton, where he died, according to the report. The report stated Wanat’s keys assisted BBPD in finding his vehicle with his wallet inside. Bradenton Beach police contacted Wanat’s family and secured his vehicle, wallet, keys and cellphone.

Motorist pleads no contest to DUI, pot possession

A driving-under-the-influence/marijuana possession case ended more than two years after a Holmes Beach arrest — and apparently not too soon for a defendant who wrote a letter seeking justice from the judge. Twelfth Circuit Judge Robert Farrance sentenced Alysa oxendine, 36, of Palmetto, to a 12-month probation and credit for time served. In a March 9 order, the judge also withheld a marijuana charge and imposed a concurrent six-month probation.


By Kathy Prucnell

Island police blotter

anna Maria March 9, 200 block of Chilson Avenue, fraud. A woman reported an unknown person filed a 2016 tax return using her personal information without permission. it was declined by a tax preparer because her employer, Manatee County School District, reported the employee information compromised. March 14, 800 block of South Bay Boulevard, lost pLeaSe See StreetliFe, NEXT PAgE

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In her letter to the court a week earlier, oxendine stated she’d already attended DuI school, volunteer teaches and works full time. oxendine wrote she served in the u.S. Army 2008-13. She told the judge she did not understand why her case was “taking so long to settle.” The arrest occurred Dec. 18, 2015. after being stopped for a wide turn at gulf drive and Manatee Avenue in Holmes Beach, police arrested oxendine for the DuI and reported finding 3.6 grams of marijuana as well as plastic bags and a straw containing a white powder residue in her purse. the state dropped a paraphernalia charge and the traffic citations were combined into the DuI/marijuana case. “I know what I did was wrong, now more than ever,” oxendine wrote. “All I’m asking is for fair treatment for this case decision to be made so I can take care of what I need to do as far as my punishment,” she added. For probation, she was ordered to complete DuI school, attend a victim-impact panel, serve 50 hours of public service and stay off non-prescribed drugs. the court also assessed oxendine $50 in court costs, according to the online court records.

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By Kathy Prucnell, Islander Reporter

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24 n mARcH 29, 2017 n THE ISLANDER




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THE ISLANDER n march 29, 2017 n 25

StreetLife from page 24 property. A new watercraft left unsecured on the beach overnight was gone the next morning. The owner believes the tide washed it out to sea. March 14, 200 block of Oak Avenue, car burglary. A female visitor from Michigan reported a can of Mace missing from her car. March 16, 800 block of North Shore Drive, scheme to defraud. A visitor from Winchendon, Massachusetts, reported he was a victim of rental fraud. March 16, 100 block of North Bay Boulevard, domestic disturbance. A man was arrested for battery after he slapped a family member in the face. March 17, 500 block of Villa Rosa Way, battery. A man punched another man in the face, causing swelling and a possible broken nose after being bullied. The aggressor left the area but agreed to turn himself in the following morning after being contacted by phone. March 17, 100 block of Peppertree Lane, burglary. A visitor from Canada reported two cars were entered overnight. A neighbor reported seeing car doors ajar. Items taken were not specified. March 17, various locations, malicious mischief. Eight street signs in Anna Maria went missing. The damaged signs, valued at $220, were later found at Anna Maria City Hall and replaced by public works. Anna Maria is policed by the MCSO. Bradenton Beach March 11, Circle K, 103 Gulf Drive S., trespass. The manager approached an officer on foot patrol about a man scaring her inside the store. The manager issued him a trespass warning and the officer escorted him off the property. March 12, 100 block of Gulf Drive South, battery on law enforcement. A Bradenton Beach officer responded to a woman yelling. She was warned to keep her distance from the officer but she poked him in the shoulder. She was arrested, continued to be verbally abusive and taken to jail. March 19, 1500 block of Gulf Drive South, disorderly intoxication. A woman was walking in the middle of the road yelling at motorists. A police officer noticed

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an odor of alcohol on the woman and offered her a ride to Cortez. While transporting her, she became combative and kicked the squad door and window. The officer stopped the vehicle and the woman refused to exit the back seat. Several officers attempted to get the woman to the ground while she flailed. One officer peppersprayed her into compliance. She was arrested and transported to the BBPD and Manatee County jail. March 22, 200 block of Bay Drive North, suspicious circumstances. Reports of self-mutilation and a domestic disturbance ended without a complaint. The man who called in the disturbance was not present when police responded. Police called him, but he refused to return to the residence. BBPD spoke to a woman, who told police the man was drunk, and he had gone to the bathroom, cut his face and then left the apartment on foot. The officer recommended the woman leave the apartment for the night to diffuse the situation. Bradenton Beach is policed by the BBPD. Cortez March 17, 12304 Cortez Road W., grand theft. A large glass float was stolen from outside the Sea Hagg. Cortez is policed by the MCSO. Holmes Beach March 17, 400 block of 62nd Street, assault. A person overheard a next-door neighbor yelling at someone to leave the property and intervened. A scuffle ensued and the alleged aggressor fled the area in his car. No one filed charges. March 18, 600 block of Manatee Avenue West, trespass warning. Holmes Beach police officers responded to CVS about shoplifting. While two officers reviewed the CCTV tape, two other officers located the suspect in front of Walgreens. The female subject was searched and no merchandise was found. She was issued a trespass warning from CVS as requested by the manager but refused to sign the records copy. March 19, 5000 block of Marina Drive, battery. A woman accused another woman of shoving her against a vehicle during a verbal confrontation. Bruises and

marks were photographed by officers and a request for an arrest warrant was issued. Holmes Beach is policed by the HBPD. Streetlife is based on incident reports and narratives from the BBPD, HBPD and MCSO.


Real estate transactions

By Jesse Brisson Special to The Islander 304 61st St., Unit B, Holmes Beach, a 1,550 sfla 3bed/3½bath/2car land condo with pool built in 2016 was sold 02/24/17, Gulf Coast Development and Services LLC to Bale for $1,000,000; list $1,080,000. 412 73rd St., Holmes Beach, a 1,874 sfla / 2,160 sfur 3bed/2bath/1car pool home built in 2011 on a 10,922 sq ft lot was sold 02/28/17, Fallon to Powers for $849,000; list $889,000. 306 72nd St., Holmes Beach, a 2,616 sfla / 3,240 sfur 6bed/4bath/2car duplex with 2 pools built in 1977 on a 7,650 sq ft lot was sold 03/01/17, DNA Rentals LLC to Fuoco for $720,000. 300 Gulf Drive S., Unit B, Capri, Bradenton Beach a 1,224 sfla / 1,287 sfur 3bed/2bath Gulffront condo built in 2001 was sold 02/23/17, Bayfront Holdings II LLC to Lefran for $655,000; list $719,000. 211 81st St., Holmes Beach, a 1,575 sfla / 2,366 sfur 2bed/2bath/2car home built in 1976 on a 16,248 sq ft lot was sold 02/23/17, Garland to 211 81st Street LLC for $650,000; list $669,000. 512 74th St., Holmes Beach, a 1,670 sfla / 2,255 sfur 3bed/2bath/2car canalfront pool home built in 1958 on a 10,780 sq ft lot was sold 02/28/17, Polder to Holtz for $600,000; list $610,000. 246 17th St. N., Unit 23, Bradenton Beach Club, Bradenton Beach, a 1,268 sfla / 1,396 sfur 2bed/2bath condo with pool built in 2004 was sold 03/02/17, Ullom to L and L Rental Management LLC for $448,500. Jesse Brisson, broker/associate at Gulf-Bay Realty of Anna Maria, can be reached at 941-778-7244.

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26 n mARcH 29, 2017 n THE ISLANDER

Fishing for Freedom to clean up ‘the Kitchen’

By Kathy prucnell islander reporter Birds and shellfish feed and breed in the shallow bay waters near Cortez known as “the Kitchen.” It’s where early Cortez settlers found a bounty of food, but it’s also where winds and tides deposit tons of trash. to the rescue are two annual cleanups supported by Fishing for Freedom of Manatee County, Florida institute for Saltwater Heritage and Keep manatee Beautiful. Volunteers working with the nonprofits will tackle the waterfront debris beginning at 8 a.m. Saturday, april 8. And, Saturday, April 22, they will work to remove invasive, nonnative plants — mostly Brazilian pepper trees — in the FISH Preserve, east of 119th Street West. FFF of Manatee County, now in its fourth year as a nonprofit, is a group of commercial fishers who’ve fought for netting rights and to protect the coastal environment. fiSH is a 200-plus member group with an allvolunteer board with a mission to preserve the environment and fishing culture of the historic village. FISH owns the 95-acre preserve in Cortez. KMB is a countywide organization dedicated to

promoting litter prevention, recycling and beautification. FFF president Mark Coarsey said the April 8 cleanup will be “by water.” FFF members will take boats and volunteers from the Cortez docks at 119th Street to the nearby mangrove islands known as the Kitchen to collect garbage from the shore. Keep Manatee Beautiful will provide bags, litter pickers, bottled water and landfill waivers. other donations will be appreciated, Coarsey said, adding lunch will be provided. Waste pro will donate a dumpster for the first Cortez cleanup, according to KMB executive director ingrid mcclellan. two additional dumpsters will aid the april 22 Cortez cleanup, which is part of a countywide KMB great american cleanup and ocean conservancy international coastal cleanup. All trash will be taken to the Lena Road landfill in Bradenton. The debris will be separated by electronic scrap, hazardous waste, recyclables, as well as plant material, which is sterilized and turned into mulch, McClellan said. In 2016, with KMB’s help, FFF organized a cleanup of Rattlesnake Key, which is north of the

Boater caution: Manatees migrating

florida manatees are on their annual spring migration, departing winter retreats and heading north along the gulf coast and through inland waters. as these slow-moving aquatic mammals migrate along rivers, canals, bays and coastlines, the Florida fish and Wildlife conservation commission cautions boaters to watch out for manatees. The average adult manatee is 1,000 pounds and 10-feet long, but may be difficult to spot despite its size. The FWC suggests boaters wear polarized sunglasses to better spot manatees, look for large circles on the water surface that may indicate the presence of manatees below and look for a snout just above the water’s surface. From April 1-Nov. 15, seasonal manatee zones require boaters to slow down to prevent striking manatees. Look for signs posted on the water indicating boat speed zones. A “slow speed” zone means a boat should be completely settled in the water, not creating

A Florida manatee. Did you know? The average adult manatee is 1,000 pounds and 10-feet long. Islander Courtesy Photo: FWC an excessive wake. The FWC asks people to report sick, injured, orphaned, entangled or dead manatees by calling the Wildlife Alert hotline at 888-404-FWCC (3922) or *fWc via mobile phone. For more information, go online to manatee.

manatee river and west of palmetto. fff and fiSH also participated in a preserve cleanup. The groups rallied in 2015 at spring cleanups, removing tons of debris from the bay near Cortez, Tidy island and the palma Sola shore. Volunteers are welcome at the cleanups. children must be accompanied by adults. Volunteers should bring work gloves and wear shorts, sunscreen, hats and shoes suited for the water, coarsey said. For more information, go online to the Fishing for Freedom Facebook page or call Coarsey at 941-7379990 or Tom Reynolds at 941-720-2359.

Palma Sola committee meets for ‘scenic’ updates the palma Sola Scenic Highway corridor management entity met feb. 7 to review project updates for the stretch of road that extends from the mainland 75th Street West to the intersection of manatee avenue and east Bay drive in Holmes Beach. Holmes Beach Parks and Beautification Committee chair Jerry West said the grassy Point Preserve beautification project is still underway, with an April opening anticipated. In a previous meeting, committee members agreed to draft a letter of intent to the florida department of transportation and the florida Scenic Highway advisory Board regarding connecting the scenic highway westward at gulf drive to the manatee public Beach and south to the Bradenton Beach Scenic Highway. At the Feb. 7 meeting, PSSH member Ingrid McClellan asked the city of Holmes Beach to lead the charge in drafting the letter. mcclellan also said bollard posts would be installed along the pavilions on the designated scenic highway. She said a citizen had pointed out faded sod areas along the road where cars frequently park, as well as extensive areas of sidewalk covered in sand or shells and poorly maintained. Liza Click, Manatee County grounds maintenance supervisor, suggested the grass along the rights of way could be replaced with shell, but a grassy buffer will be installed ahead of the rainy season at the Kingfish Boat Ramp parking lot in Holmes Beach, she said. the next meeting of the pSSH will be at the Sarasota/Manatee Metropolitan Planning organization office at 7632 15th St. E., Sarasota, at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 5. – Bianca Benedí

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THE ISLANDER n mARcH 29, 2017 n 27

Could people someday use bumper cars to get here and there in Bradenton Beach? It’s a concept under study. Islander Courtesy Photo

By Lisa Neff

Solar amendment could yield bumper crop of projects

a legislative boost to go solar in the Sunshine State could yield a bumper crop of projects on anna maria island. an amendment to the state budget bill would establish the Sunshine State Salute to Solar and set aside billions of dollars for municipal projects powered by solar energy. the announcement brightened the outlook for island mayors and Neff city commissioners, who for weeks have been mired in a battle with state lawmakers over anti-home rule measures. project proposals are being discussed in anna Maria, Bradenton Beach and Holmes Beach. the people mover pitched by pine avenue merchants would address the mobs of people stumbling from gulf to tampa Bay. Along Pine Avenue, there are meandering shell sidewalks, but, in some locations, no walkways. “There’s no continuity,” said Sally Forth, who drafted the project proposal. “people literally are trip-

Salute to senator

Keep Florida Beautiful executive director Mary Jean Yon, keft, joins KFB chairman Steve Lezman in presenting state Sen. Bill Galvano, R-District 21, with an award for his work to promote KFB’s antilitter efforts. Galvano, in a news release, said, “It’s important that our state’s residents and visitors focus on the important work of reducing waste while being mindful of ways we can reuse or recycle unwanted materials. Florida is a remarkable place to live, work, and learn, and I look forward to working to Keep Florida Beautiful so that future generations can enjoy our state’s unmatched natural resources.” On April 22, Keep Florida Beautiful and Keep Manatee Beautiful will bring volunteers together for the Great American Cleanup. Islander Courtesy Photo


1 New an�



ping down pine avenue and sometimes stumbling out into traffic.” people-mover proponent Sandy Beech added another complaint: “on the paths, there’s only room for one person — two if they’re both skinny. on the sidewalk, maybe there’s room for three. But nobody wants to move over for oncoming pedestrians anymore. it’s the times.” the proposal before commission is to use Salute to Solar money to build a solar-powered conveyor similar to the people movers in airports and outlet malls. “The only issue might be flip-flops and toes getting stuck,” said Forth, who suggested a second, connecting belt could move people along the gulf drive commercial corridor. Bradenton Beach officials also are talking about using Salute to Solar cash to move people in the commercial district — the Historic Bridge Street area. on the table is a concept from coquina carnival Cars LLC, which wants to build a special track for solar-powered bumper cars between coquina Beach and Bridge Street. “this is a better idea than the jitney service that’s been talked about over and over,” said CCC CEo Earl E. Bird Jr. “People don’t want to wait for shuttles and trolleys. and people don’t want to give up the freedom of driving their cars. Bumper cars give the illusion that they’re in control. Plus, crashes are no big deal.” commissioners generally seemed enthusiastic about the concept but shared a concern for people joyriding at the Bridge Street-gulf drive roundabout. “Yes, we’d have to keep them off gulf Drive,” Bird said. “otherwise there’d be a pileup at the moose.” In Holmes Beach, a task force seeking to create affordable housing opportunities suggested Salute to Solar funds might be used to power tiny appliances inside tiny houses. And members of the task force — elected officials, city staff, businesspeople and residents — noted the structures for the tiny homes already exist. they’re eying the under-used cabana-style change stations built


at the county public beaches. “They’re a little small, but the basic structure already is there,” said Al E. gater, a 20-year resident of Key royale. Local affordable-housing advocate crystal Ball added, “Anywhere else, our own building department would require them to be elevated to a second-story and a full lot. and that would just be ridiculous.” Then, she added, “Happy April Fools’ Day.”

Overwater underwater view

Manatee County officials say funding might be available for a pier-like structure at Manatee Public Beach, provided the deck could be made of Plexiglas. The county wants to avoid the costly repairs associated with wooden decks. Also, a Plexiglas surface could serve as a window to marine-life, expanding the possible funding pool. Islander Courtesy Photo

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28 n March 29, 2017 n THE ISLANDER

Center rededicates Scanio-Hutchinson baseball field

By Bianca Benedí Islander Reporter Baseball is still important to the Center of Anna Maria Island. That was the message March 22 from center staff and supporters who celebrated a rededication for the Scanio-Hutchinson Field. The ceremony included appearances by relatives of Benji Scanio and by Fred Hutchinson’s son, Joe Hutchinson. Pittsburgh Pirates manager Clint Hurdle and his family also attended. In February, the center renovated the field, including re-sodding the diamond, updating the irrigation and improving the clay home plate area. The improvements were funded by a grant from Pirates Charities, the nonprofit arm of the Major League Baseball team. “We are honored to serve and humbled to help … and to be a small part of this community center,” Hurdle said. The field was originally named for Benji Scanio, who died in 1959 at the age of 6 from leukemia. His father, Benny Scanio, invested funds from his

son’s life insurance, as well as money he raised in an in 1960. auction, to build a Little League Baseball field dediScanio was friends with Major League Baseball cated to Benji. That site has remained the heart of the player and islander Fred Hutchinson, who supported island community center since the field was completed the Little League and helped with construction of the field in Anna Maria, a precursor to the youth center, later the community center. Hutchinson died in 1964 of lung cancer. The field was renamed in 2008 to the Scanio-Hutchinson Memorial Field to honor Hutchinson’s contributions. Hutchinson’s youngest son, Joe of Holmes Beach, attended along with members of the Scanio family. “It’s better than it’s ever been,” said John Cagnina, Scanio’s cousin. Will Schenerlein, center recreation director, said the changes allow the center to hold multiple soccer games simultaneously. Children in the center’s Beyond the Classroom program then stepped up for a game of T-ball. Center of Anna Maria Island representatives and The center will begin a baseball season May 20 Pittsburgh Pirates manager Clint Hurdle and his family join members of the Scanio-Hutchinson fami- for children 3-5 years old playing T-ball, and machine pitching for kids 6-11 years old. lies at the center field March 22 for a rededication. For more information, contact Schenerlein at 941Recent field improvements were funded by a Pittsburgh Pirates grant. Islander Photo: Bianca Benedí 778-1908 or email

Football, golf, horseshoes top AMI sports action

By Kevin P. Cassidy Islander Reporter Week 5 of the adult flag football league at the Center of Anna Maria Island saw Moss Builders even its record at 3-3 March 23 without having to play a game. Moss received a forfeit victory when Progressive Cabinetry failed to field a full team. Beach House Real Estate remained unbeaten and alone in first place after rolling to a 41-7 victory over Mason Martin Construction. The loss dropped Mason Martin into third Cassidy place with a 3-2 record. Tyler’s Ice Cream improved to 4-1 and a solo second-place spot in the standings after outscoring Beach to Bay Construction by a 41-27 score. Smoothie King was idle and remains at 1-4 on the season. Adult flag football action continues March 30 at the Center, 407 Magnolia Drive, Anna Maria. In youth flag football, a last-minute schedule change resulted in postponement for the 8-10 division semifinal and championship games. Those games will be played after press time March 27. Key Royale golf news The Key Royale Club men played their annual President’s Cup Tournament March 22. Gary Risner captured the cup bragging rights with a 2-under-par 30 to win the low gross score, while club president Mike Gillie recorded the low-net score, a 6-under-par 26. Frankie Purritano won the long-drive contest, while Risner took the prize for closest to the pin with a shot that was just over 6 feet from the pin. The men played their regular Monday morning

Fishing Charters Capt. Warren Girle

INSHORE RE Redfish Snook

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modified-Stabledford system match March 20. Barry Izzard carded a plus-6 to take individual honors, one point ahead of Peter Fischer, who was alone in second place. Fischer’s score helped teammates Peter Lund, Fred Miller and Quentin Talbert to the team title with a score of plus-6. The women managed to get on the course March 21 for a nine-hole individual-low-net match in four flights. Joy Kaiser took first place in Flight A with a 2-under-par 30 to edge Phyllis Roe, who birdied the sixth and eighth holes by one shot. Andi Saia was alone in third place after firing an even-par 32. Tootie Wagner carded a 3-under-par 29 to capture first place in Flight B. Gloria LaDue and Sue Christensen finished in a tie for second place at 1-under-31. Carol Patterson ran away with Flight C after her 2-under-par 30 gave her a six-shot victory over Markie Ksiasek and Susan VanOrsdel. Terry Westby’s 6-under-par 26 was good for first place in Flight D and low-net round of the day. Jane Perkins had the next-best low-net round at 4-under-par 28 to finish second in Flight D. Marilyn Niewijk took third with a 3-under-par 29. Sally York and Karen Mitchell both had birdies on the day, while Beverly Neville had a chipin on the fourth hole. The men were back on the course March 23 for a nine-hole scramble. First place went to the team of Mark Covault, George Dreyer, Dale Hudson and Paul Phillips with a score of 4-under-par 28. The team of Al Carr, Bob Longworth, Ron Pritchard and Greg Shorten combined on a 2-under-par 30 to match the score carded by John Estok, Russ Gibson, Jon Holcomb and Jim Kirk for a two-way tie for second place.



March 29 1:35a March30 2:28a March31 3:29a April1 4:46a April2 6:46a April3 4:56p April4 6:28p April5 10:50a



1.9 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.2 2.1 2.0 1.5

1:18p 1:48p 2:23p 3:03p 3:52p — — 8:15p





2.1 7:16a 0.4 7:56p 2.2 7:44a 0.6 8:49p 2.3 8:11a 0.8 9:50p 2.3 8:35a 1.0 11:00p 2.3 8:51a 1.1 — — 12:19a -0.2 — — 1:40a -0.2 — 1.9 2:50a -0.2 2:16p


-0.2 -0.2 -0.3 -0.3 — — — 1.3

AM City Pier tides; Cortez high tides 7 minutes later — lows 1:06 later



Horseshoe news Two teams emerged from pool play with unbeaten records and met in the finals during March 22 horseshoe action at the Anna Maria City Hall horseshoe pits. The finals were a blowout as Jim Waller and Gene Bobeldyk rolled to a 22-2 victory over Ron Gagnon and Bob Lee. Three teams advanced to the knockout stage during March 25 action. Neil Hennessey and Bob Brown drew the bye into the finals and watched as Lee and Hank Huyghe advanced to the finals with a 21-11 victory over Myles Macleod and Steve Hooper. Lee and Huyghe stayed hot as evident by their 23-4 victory over Hennessey and Brown in the finals. Play gets underway at 9 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at the Anna Maria City Hall pits. Warmups begin at 8:45 a.m. followed by random team selection. There is no charge to play and everyone is welcome.

Marauders moving into LECOM Park

When the Pirates pack up and head home to Pittsburgh, the Bradenton Marauders move into LECOM Park in Bradenton. The 2016 Florida State League Champion team will play its first home game of the 2017 season at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, April 8. The season will open for the Marauders on the road in Charlotte, with an April 6 game against the Stone Crabs. The Marauders, a minor league affiliate of the Pirates, play High-A baseball. The Marauders are in Florida’s South Division, which includes the Stone Crabs, Fort Myers Miracle, Jupiter Hammerheads, Palm Beach Cardinals and St. Lucie Mets. The North Division includes the Clearwater Threshers, Daytona Tortugas, Dunedin Blue Jays, Lakeland Flying Tigers, Tampa Yankees and a new affiliate of the Atlanta Braves to be based in Kissimmee. LECOM Park is at 1611 Ninth St. W., Bradenton. For more information about Marauders games, call 941-747-3031 or go online to Southernaire Fishing Charters

THE ISLANDER n mARcH 29, 2017 n 29

Spring fishing action, temps on the rise

By capt. danny Stasny islander reporter fishing around anna maria island is shaping up again after a quick, passing cold front —hopefully the last cold weather as we greet spring. We’re seeing water temps are on a steady rise and the fishing results, too. Respectable numbers of snook are taking up residence on grass flats awaiting the large bait schools coming from offshore. Spotted seatrout are following suit, staging in areas where currents combine with Stasny deep grass flats adjacent to channels and troughs. Along the beaches, Spanish mackerel are free-jumping through schools of glass minnows and, just offshore, king mackerel are sky-rocketing from the emerald green waters. on my own charters with Southernaire, I’m finding snook lurking in the mangrove-lined shores of spoil islands, as well as around sand bars and oyster bars. Live, free-lined shiners are working well for “less experienced fish” — the smaller ones. As for the slot-size snook, my anglers are getting a bite here and there. Spotted seatrout are beginning to really turn on as the water temps rise. Many slot-size fish are finding their way into the boat, as well as some fish over 20 inches. most of the 20-plus inch trout i’m catching are being found on shallow flats where the depth is less than 3 feet. As for the slot-size fish, deep grass flats where sandy potholes exist are prime hunting grounds. Lastly, dock fishing for redfish is proving effective. Live shrimp on a knocker rig are producing bites from reds 20-26 inches. Also around docks, I’m finding black drum, mangrove snapper and flounder. Capt. Rick gross of Fishy Business is finding great action while fishing the flats of Tampa Bay south to Sarasota. Spotted seatrout are making their way onto the flats with many slot-size fish coming to the boat, as well as some over-slot fighters for lucky anglers.

Mathew Adler, grandmother Addy Rosenberg, mom Julie Adler and sister Jamie Adler show of their catch from a day of fishing with Capt. Warren Girle in Sarasota Bay. The Adlers came from Illinois to Longboat Key for spring break and found success in spite of windy conditions, catching their share of redfish and spotted seatrout. Snook fishing is really heating up, with many fish 20-26 inches being hooked. gross also is targeting Spanish mackerel in Tampa Bay and the Intracoastal Waterway, where fish 15-20 inches are the norm. Long shank hooks combined with free-lined live shiners are attracting fish for his clients. Capt. Aaron Lowman is targeting snook on shallow grass flats where sandy potholes exist. Free-lined live shiners are being taken by 22-26 inch snook. Lowman reports slot-size fish are being caught in the same areas. Spotted seatrout also are coming to the boat for Lowman’s anglers. Deep grass flats in 5-6 feet of water along channel edges are prime spots to target these fish, and live shiners under a popping cork are providing plenty of action. capt. david White of anna maria charters is putting his anglers on red grouper in waters depths of 80-100 feet where there’s a hard bottom. Live bait, such as pinfish and shiners, are attracting attention

from the bottom-dwelling fish. While working offshore, White is finding amberjack, kingfish and barracuda around the reefs and springs. on colder days, White is targeting sheepshead around rocks and docks. Live shrimp as bait is resulting in sheepies up to 8 pounds. Black drum, redfish and flounder are being taken in these same areas. Capt. Jason Stock is running charter fishers offshore for a variety of species. Although amberjack is out of season, catch-and-release action is keeping Stock’s clients with sore arms and great memories of a strong fighting hookup. Kingfish are in the mix and are being taken on slow-trolled threadfin herring. When it’s time for table fare, Stock is bottomfishing for red grouper and mangrove snapper. Both species are being taken on live baits — pinfish and shiners. Jim Malfese at the Rod & Reel Pier is seeing plenty of sheepshead coming to the deck. Live shrimp, fiddler crabs and sand fleas are top baits for these zebrastriped fish. While targeting sheepies, anglers also are hooking into black drum, redfish, mangrove snapper and an occasional flounder. capt. Warren girle is fishing the deeper grass flats in Sarasota Bay and surrounding areas, which is providing action for girle’s anglers. By drifting and jigging, he is coming up with a variety of species for his clients to enjoy. Pompano, the targeted species, is being caught with some regularity. mixed in with the pomps, anglers are attracting spotted seatrout, bluefish, ladyfish and jack crevalle. offshore, girle’s clients are enjoying catches of mangrove snapper, juvenile red and gag grouper, grunts and porgies. Send high-resolution photos and fishing reports to

Sail squadron hosts Great Lakes presentation

the anna maria island Sail and power Squadron general meeting Thursday, April 6, will feature guest speaker Steve galbraith talking about the great Lakes. galbraith will talk about shipping lanes, the impact of weather on boating and he will share some of his experiences navigating the great Lakes. galbraith and wife Linda, Michigan natives and seasonal residents in Bradenton, have been sailing together for a number of years. An announcement said galbraith’s “knowledge and accounts of seamanship under sail will bring 23’ Custom Hanson Bay & Kayak Charters

attendees along with him on an adventurous voyage of the great Lakes.” The meeting will be held at the squadron building, 1200 71st St. NW, Bradenton. There will be a potluck dinner at 6 p.m., followed by the meeting at 7 p.m. In addition to general meetings, the squadron offers boating seminars and classes. the schedule for April includes a weather seminar at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 11, and America’s Boating Course Mondays and Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. beginning April 24. For more, call Lynn Talit-graham at 941-2544144.

Mike Schaffer of Miami shows off a slot-sized snook he hooked into along a mangrove shoreline using a live white bait while fishing with Capt. Aaron Lowman.


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30 n mARcH 29, 2017 n THE ISLANDER

BACVB co-op ad program: More than dollars for doughnuts

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The BACVB web page is designed to attract visitors. Islander Image businesses in a variety of ways, both in print and online, including the CVB website and social media. Advertisers’ costs were $16,000 for a Platinum co-op package ($26,000 value), $10,000 for the gold package ($15,000 value), $4,500 for Silver ($8,900 value) and $2,500 for Bronze ($4,200 value). Packages and prices for 2017-18 are being assembled. Plans may change this year, depending on what happens with the cVB website redesign. promotion of the next annual program will begin

in May with a “co-op talk,” at which the CVB will showcase what’s available and distribute booklets listing packages and prices. even when a business does not reap a noticeable benefit from the co-op program, it’s important to some to stay involved. Julie Kirkwood, owner of Wavesplash Watersports, 402 Church St. N., Bradenton Beach, whose Jet-Ski and paddle board rentals are promoted by the CVB, said her company did not receive any direct benefits this past year. But she likely will re-enroll because she is “very supportive of the cVB.” John Horne, owner of AMoB on the Historic Bridge Street Pier in Bradenton Beach, said co-ops include many different levels and media from which to choose, including online banner ads and e-blasts. Through the CVB, Horne said, Anna Maria oyster Bar hosts tour operators and the europeans they bring — such as groups of travel agents and travel writers — to spend a day on the island. Horne referenced a “tremendous write-up” about the island in a canadian newspaper. the “star” of the article was the Donut Experiment, 210C Pine Ave., in anna maria. “a lot of people — who understand and appreciate what the CVB is doing — participate in the programs,” Horne said.

Chambers pick up the pace for spring

the anna maria island chamber of commerce will visit the Cortez Cafe, 12108 Cortez Road W., Cortez, for a 7:45 a.m. breakfast Wednesday, April 12. The monthly sunrise breakfast is $8 for members and $16 for non-members. the chamber is putting out the call for sponsors for the annual chamber golf tournament, which will take place Friday, May 19, at the IMg Academy golf Club in Bradenton. applications are available on the chamber website at items also are being accepted for the tournament raffle. For more information, call 941-778-1541 or visit the chamber’s visitor center, 5313 gulf Drive, Holmes Beach. the Longboat Key chamber of commerce will hold a mixer 5:30-7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 6, at

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Amore by Andrea Restaurant, 555 Bay Isles Parkway, Longboat Key. Local officials are expected at the “Hob Nob Island Style” event, which costs $15. A cash bar will be available. For reservations, call 941-383-2466. For more information, call the Longboat Key chamber at 941-387-9000 or visit the office, 5390 gulf of Mexico Drive, Suite 102.

Business news

does your business have achievements to celebrate? Maybe you’ve just opened the doors, received an award or special recognition or you want to give kudos to your staff. Submit your information to news@


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By ed Scott islander reporter cooperative advertising is a unique way to put heads in beds. When anna maria island resort businesses bought into a 2016 co-op advertising program in uSA Today, people started “calling like crazy,” said Deborah Wing, president of the anna maria island chamber of commerce. “We knew it was our piece” that stimulated interest. Working alone, small businesses probably would not be able to afford large advertisements in uSa Today, Southern Living or other publications popular among florida-bound tourists. But if they pool their resources, groups of businesses can advertise in publications for less than the individual cost. That’s the concept behind co-op advertising, part of the strategy employed by the Bradenton area convention and Visitors Bureau to attract tourists to manatee County. Through the CVB, which spends tourist tax revenue collected from manatee county lodging establishments, 17 island businesses participated in a countywide co-op program in the past year, while the ami chamber’s co-op program promoted participating accommodations with cVB funds. Wing said the uSA Today ad cost $20,000, but six chamber lodging members paid only $250 each to be included. the remaining cost was covered by touristtax revenue. The chamber’s yearly co-op program offers “very, very, very good rates” to chamber resorts, hotels, motels and condominiums that pay tourist tax, Wing said. “We think it’s very successful.” Meanwhile, Anna Maria oyster Bar and Wavesplash Watersports are two of 17 island businesses that participate in a co-op advertising program sponsored by the cVB. “Most of them are packages,” Kelly Clark, communications director of the CVB, said of the available deals. “We find publications and different outlets that we can advertise on that maybe some of our partners wouldn’t be able to afford.” this past year the cVB promoted manatee county

WE TWEET TOO @ami_islander

THE ISLANDER n mARcH 29, 2017 n 31

IslanderClassIFIeds ITEMS FOR SALE


FOR SALE: TOWNHOUSE sofa (70-by-37-by-40 inches). Sunbrella covered fabric. “Brand new,” 4 months old, not used, with two custom throw pillows, sea green. $1,250. Call 813-600-0705.

BICYCLES: HIS AND her Jamis beach cruisers. $60/pair. Call 813-240-6529.

TWO PLOTS: SKYWAY Gardens, section C, front, for sale. Sell for $2,195, asking $2,000 each, will split transaction fee. Call Donna, 941465-7699. TWO RED SHAG rugs, 7-by-9-feet and 4-by-6feet, custom-made $35, each. 941-345-4464. VERA BRADLEY SET: Duffle, computer tote, purse, wallet, $35. Spartina purse (Daufuskie Island) wallets, $35. 941-345-4464.

The Hive opens

Owner Chrystal Carpenter and son Blake are open for business at The Hive, a fair-trade shop in the Anna Maria Island Centre, 3216 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach. The retail shop is open daily 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Islander Photo: Bianca Benedí

UPSCALE NAME BRANDS women’s casual clothing. Sizes 22W-24W. Large quantity in excellent condition and priced to sell. 941896-5447.


RECLINER: LEATHER, NICE. $99 or best offer. 941-778-3920 or 941-778-5542. ANTIQUE PARTNER DESK: All wood, $1,000. Four antique wood office chairs: Perfect for eclectic dining set. The Islander newspaper, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach.

FREEBIE ITEMS FOR SALE Individuals may place one free ad with up to three items, each priced $100 or less, 15 words or less. FREE, one week, must be submitted online. Email, fax toll-free 1-866-3629821. (limited time offer)


Direct Gulffront four-plex with prime Holmes Beach location, fabulous views and walking distance to shopping, restaurants and trolley. All units are spacious 1br-1bath apartments with tropical setting and strong seasonal rental opportunity. Property is in great condition with new metal roof 2015. Offered at $1,999,500 with owner financing for qualified buyer.

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HANDCRAFTED KING BEDSPREAD and three pillow shams. Paid $163 new, never used, $100. 941-778-0256.


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32 n mARcH 29, 2017 n THE ISLANDER

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YOGA AND SPIRITUAL retreat on AMI. Led by Erin Geraghty, Yoga therapist and personal coach. Retreat includes yoga and meditation twice a day, a private chef and all meals, spiritual lecture, healing energy work, personal coaching and Frannie Hoffman. For more information, 570497-7801 or

FULL-TIME AND part-time beach attendants wanted for Longboat Key resort. Swimming and sailing experience and some boat maintenance skills are required. Hours are flexible and do include weekends. You would be setting up the beach in the morning and breaking it down in the evening, keeping the beach in an orderly condition. Must be service-oriented as you would be offering chairs and umbrellas to the guests as well as setting up the Hobie Cat boats, kayaks and stand-up paddle boards. Call 941-383-5511 for further information.

ISLAND Beach Monkeys LLC is now doing business as Monkey Bus. we are proud to offer free rides anywhere on Anna Maria Island, Cortez, and Perico Island. Pickups: noon ’til 3 a.m. For events/pickups outside regular hours please, call 24 hours in advance. Call 941-565-6542. OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS MEETING: 7 p.m. Thursday nights at Church of the Annunciation, 4408 Gulf Drive, Bradenton Beach. Contact number: 813-494-6518.

KIDS FOR HIRE ads are FREE for up to three weeks for Island youths under 16 looking for work. Ads must be placed in person at The Islander office, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach.



ROSER THRIFT SHOP and Annex: Open 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday. Donations preferred on Wednesdays, 9-11 a.m. 511 Pine Ave., Anna Maria. 941-779-2733.

I DON’T CUT corners, I clean corners. Professional, friendly cleaning service since 1999. 941779-6638. Leave message.


ISLAND COMPUTER GUY, 37 years experience. On-site PC repairs, upgrades, buying assistance and training. Call Bill, 941-778-2535.

PET PAL PET sitting: Short and long term, in your house or mine. 15-year Island resident. 941-7045937.

CLEANING: RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL and resort. Love what we do, love to work. 941756-4570.

TRANSPORTATION 2008 SATURN AURA: Four-door, great condition, $2,800. 248-765-2702.


WIN THIS CAR! 1985 Mercedes Benz 280 SL. Raffle to benefit Moonracer No Kill Animal Rescue in April. $100 donation. for photo and details.

abby is a 7-year-old mixed-breed dog. She enjoys walks and belly rubs. She’s a sweet and friendly couch potato. She gets along nicely with large dogs, but not a fan of small dogs or cats. She has a tail that never stops, earning her nickname “Wags!” to meet her, please, email or call 941-896-6701. Check out our website at www.moonraceranimalrescue. com or visit The Islander office next to Walgreens in Holmes Beach for more …

BIMINI BAY SAILING: Small sailboat rentals and instruction. Day. Week. Month. Sunfish, Laser, Windrider 17 and Precision 15. Call Brian at 941685-1400.























WANTED: YOUR OLD cell phone for recycling. Deliver to The Islander, 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach.

PLEASE FOSTER A pet! Moonracer Animal Rescue, 941-896-6701.


REPORTER WANTED: Newspaper experience. Apply via email with letter of interest to news@

PONTOON BOAT RENTAL Create life long memories. Call 941-778-2121 or see BOATING ON THE Manatee! Sanpan pontoon out of Bradenton. Perfect for families. Boat to restaurants, bars, bird sanctuaries, Egmont Key. 404-277-4487. 20-FOOT GRADY White boat: 1987. 150 Evinrude two-cycle, 1998. Trailer. Located AMI. $3,500. 231-578-4127. WANTED: BOAT LIFT to rent for 19-foot boat. Please, call 734-678-5171. DOCK RENTAL: 50-FOOT offset pilings, water, electric. Deep canal off Palma Sola. No liveaboards, 941-545-6748.

HELP WANTED INSURANCE AGENCY: HOLMES Beach hiring full-time 2-20 or 4-40 licensed insurance customer service representative. Must have at least three years experience with a multi-line, independent insurance agency. Please inquire for more information to or 941-567-6266. WEEKEND COOK NEEDED: Longboat Key. Looking for someone to work kitchen 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Experience helpful, but can train. Simple operation. $10/hour plus tips. Start immediately. 631-332-1732.

PRESSURE WASHING AND windows: Commercial, residential and resorts. Roofs, buildings, houses driveways, paver sealing, etc. 941-2515948. AUTHORITY ONE SERVICES: Cleaning, vacation rentals, resorts, real estate, commercial/residential cleaning. Ask about our other services. Call 941-565-3931.

U FLY I drive your car anywhere in the USA. Airport runs, anywhere. Office, 941-447-6389. 941-545-6688. NEED A RIDE to the airports? Tampa $65, St. Pete, $55, Sarasota, $30. Call Gary, 863-4095875. Email: WILDLIFE REMOVAL AND relocation: Problem solving for all animals, big and small. Call Joe, Westcoast Nuisance Wildlife Service. 941-7204152. LOOKING FOR A GOOD DEAL? You can read Wednesday’s classifieds on Tuesday at www. And it’s FREE!

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THE ISLANDER n mARcH 29, 2017 n 33


TAX MADE SIMPLE! Single, family, self-employed, business tax preparation. Full-service financial/ accounting services. Call Patrick, Premier Tax & Accounting, 941-580-2394.

ISLAND GATER RESTORATIONS: Interior/exterior, painting, pressure cleaning, drywall repair, textures, stucco. Danny, 941-720-8116.

FEMALE CAREGIVER SEEKING employment. Light housekeeping, making meals, running errands. Certified, references. Call Michelle, 801833-8146.

I CAN FIX that! No job too small. 20 years experience. Remodel, new construction. Call Brent, 941-524-6965.

JD’S WINDOW CLEANING looking for storefront jobs in Holmes Beach. I make dirty windows sparkling clean. 941-920-3840.

LAWN & GARDEN CONNIE’S LANDSCAPING INC. Residential and commercial. Full-service lawn maintenance, landscaping, cleanups, hauling and more! Insured. 941-778-5294. TREES BY BREEZE: Tree trimming, landscapes, maintenance, insured. “What’s said is good as done.� 941-778-2837. ISLAND LAWN SPRINKLER Service: Repairs, installs. Your local sprinkler company since 1997. Call Jeff, 941-778-2581.

SHELL DELIVERED AND spread. $55/yard. Hauling all kinds of gravel, mulch, top soil with free estimates. Call Larry at 941-795-7775, “shell phone� 941-720-0770. NATURE’S DESIGN LANDSCAPING. Design and installation. Tropical landscape specialist. Residential and commercial. 35 years experience. 941-448-6336. STRAIGHT SHOT LANDSCAPE: Shell, lime rock, palms, river rock, construction demolition, fencing, pressure washing, hauling debris and transport. Shark Mark, 941-301-6067.

HOME IMPROVEMENT VAN-GO PAINTING residential/commercial, interior/exterior, pressure cleaning, wallpaper. Island references. Bill, 941-795-5100. CUSTOM REMODELING EXPERT. All phases of carpentry, repairs and painting. Insured. Meticulous, clean, sober and prompt. Paul Beauregard, 941-730-7479.

TILE -TILE -TILE. All variations of ceramic tile supplied and installed. Quality workmanship, prompt, reliable, many Island references. Call Neil, 941-726-3077. GRIFFIN’S HOME IMPROVEMENTS Inc. Handyman, fine woodwork, countertops, cabinets and wood flooring. Insured and licensed. 941-722-8792. JERRY’S HOME REPAIR: Carpentry, handyman, light hauling, pressure washing. Jack of all trades. Call 941-778-6170 or 941-447-2198. ISLE TILE: QUALITY installation floors, counters, backsplashes, showers. Licensed, insured. Call Chris at 941-302-8759.

ANNA MARIA HOME Accents: 20 years experience in building and remodeling. Local, licensed and insured. No job too small. We accept all major credit cards. 786-318-8585. PROFESSIONAL PAINTING SERVICES: Prompt and reliable, meticulous, thorough, quality workmanship. Interior/exterior, wallpaper removal. Also minor repairs and carpentry. Free written estimates. Bill Witaszek, 941-3079315. FISHING FOR a good deal? Always look first in The Islander, 941-778-7978.

SOUTHWEST HOME IMPROVEMENT: Michigan builder, quality work guaranteed. Affordable, timely, within budget. Call Mike, 1-616204-8822.

RENTALS WEEKLY/MONTHLY/ANNUAL rentals: wide variety, changes daily. SunCoast Real Estate, 941-779-0202, or 1-800-732-6434. SEASONAL RENTAL available: 2BR/2BA all amenities. Ground floor, pool, no pets/smoking. 941363-1227. VACATION RENTAL: AVAILABLE Feb. 1. 2BR/2BA, open floor plan, cathedral ceiling, tile, walk to beach. Bradenton Beach. $3,000/month. 941-778-2928, 941-730-6349. ANNUAL RENTAL: FURNISHED, 1,700 sf. 3BR/2BA close to schools, shopping, 2 miles from beach. $2,500/month. Water, electric, gas included. Cable not included. First month, plus security deposit. Call 786-318-8585 for pictures and viewing. SEASONAL RENTAL: 3BR/2BA, one-car garage. Retro 1960s, pet-friendly, fenced yard, RV/boat parking available. $700/week, $2,500/month. 941-795-7775 or 941-720-0770. MARTINIQUE NORTH: DIRECT Gulffront 3BR/2BA, pool, no pets/smoking. 352-5147046. OFF-SEASON RENTAL: No annual lease, 2BR/2BA single-family home. Cordova Lakes, Bradenton. Turnkey. Five miles to beach, available April 1-Dec. 31. No smoking, no pets. $1,200-$1,600. Contact P. Figueroa, Keller Williams Realty, 941-348-3071. VILLA: 1BR/1.5BA 55-plus. Must rent for three months or more. No pets allowed. No smoking allowed. Immaculate. Completely furnished. Carport, laundry, a second queen-size bed, totally remodeled with top of the line materials. Pool, tennis, shuffleboard, kayaks and boat dock available. Located on Sarasota Bay. $1,000/month plus electric. Call 585-230-0749, leave a message.

GROUND-FLOOR 1BR/1BA beachfront condo. Seasonal rental, 2017-18, available May 2017. Three-month minimum, senior complex. All amenities included, two heated pools, no smokers, no pets. Contact 941-737-3273. LONG TERM OR short term rental: Best location, 1.5 short blocks to beach, two blocks to bay. 3,200-sf home with private apartment. Parking for up to seven cars, fenced yard and mature foliage. Within six miles of all three bridges. Slideshow link: RC3FaZ2iknY.

Place classiďŹ ed ads online at


SERVICES Continued

Family Owned and Operated since 1975

Residential & Commercial

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TOO BIG or TOO SMALL. Free Estimates. Call Dan, 941-713-3108

No Job


Don’t leave the Island without taking time to subscribe. You’ll get ALL the best news, delivered by the mailman every week. Visit us at 3218 E. Bay Drive, Holmes Beach – or call 941-778-7978. Online edition:

Cleaning by LAURA For honest, reliable and friendly service ‌ Contact me today. Call: 941-539-6891 or email cleaning bylaura@

God Bless You! Pet Friendly


Windows & Doors 941-730-5045 WEATHERSIDE LLC




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34 n March 29, 2017 n THE ISLANDER


PALMA SOLA TRACE Desirable location to live in West Bradenton. Very spacious 1,627 sq. ft., three-bedroom townhouse design with garage and screened lanai. Complex offers large pool, fitness center and immaculately kept grounds. Located just a short drive to the beaches of Anna Maria Island. $174,900.



ANNUAL RENTAL AVAILABLE May 1, 2017. Holmes Beach senior living on the Gulf with two heated pools. No pets, no smokers. 941-779-9320.

WEEKLY, MONTHLY, SEASONAL rentals. Brand new luxury condos. Spectacular views from living, kitchen, master. 3BR/3BA. New, quiet community located on Anna Maria Sound. 727-482-4766.

ANNUAL RENTAL: ANNA Maria Island. Westbay Point and Moorings upscale condo. Furnished 2BR/2BA, water view, 1,800 sf. $2,600/month, price includes electric, internet, cable-prime, garbage removal, washer, dryer and amenities, pool, tennis courts, Jacuzzi. Available May 8. 813-362-5881. BEAUTIFUL BAYVIEW CONDO: 2BR/2BA Westbay Point & Moorings, AMI. Pool, WIFI available. April and May 2017, January and February, 2018. 763-442-4982. RENTALS RENT fast when you advertise in The Islander.

REAL ESTATE: BUY, sell, invest. Enjoy. Billi Gartman, Realtor, An Island Place Realty. 941-545-8877. STARTING FROM THE upper $200,000s. Only minutes from the beach, this new, active adult community is perfectly located just south of Manatee Avenue off Village Green Parkway. Perfectly designed, open 2BR or 3BR/2BA plus den and twocar garage floor plans. Luxurious amenities, pool, spa, gym, pickleball and fenced-in dog park. HOA only $190/month. Models open daily. Contact us, 941-254-3330. 2BR/2BA SEASIDE GARDENS home in Holmes Beach. Great fishing fantastic open water view, affordable. Email or call 970846-7394.


WATERFRONT COMPLEX 2BR/2BA selling turn-key furnished. Private setting with partial views of the Intracoastal Waterway from the lanai and living room! Complex offers an elevator, fishing pier, 2 pools, tennis court, nature trail, and even a place to launch and store your kayaks. $304,000



John van Zandt 6101 MARINA DR., HOLMES BEACH, FL 34217

PERICO BAY CLUB: 2BR/2BA villa, gated, water views. Recent remodel, kitchen, baths, windows, air conditioning, water heater. Stainless appliances. Washer, dryer included. Walk-in closets, wood floors. Great condition. Asking $284,900. 941-254-4415.

Brock Real Estate Inc.

Perico Bay Club – as good as it gets!



Serving Anna Maria Island, Bradenton and Manatee County

RUNAWAY BAY Located just across the street from the beach. 2BR/2BT condo with lake view and turn-key furnishings. Complex offers huge pool, tennis court,and fishing pier. $328,000.

!UDUBON $RIVE $224,900 "2 "! SQFT

EXPERIENCE REPUTATION RESULTS SALES/RENTALS 43 Years of Professional Service to Anna Maria Island

Heron’s Watch 10 minutes to beaches. 4 BR + Den. Excellently maintained, tastefully decorated. MLS A4142821. $373,900. 101-103 26th St. W. BUILD NEW with river view, keep historical cottage. $419,000. VACATION/SEASONAL RENTALS GULFFRONT PROPERTIES BOOKING NOW

CANALFRONT LOTS Build your dream, waterfront home on a canalfront lot with beautiful views of the Bay and the Intracoastal Waterway. Each buildable lot is 50 by100 feet. Lot 29: $399,000. Lot 30: $525,000.

941-778-0807 •

3ANDPIPER #IRCLE $189,900 "2 "! SQFT

POOL HOME WEST OF GULF DRIVE Exceptional 3BR/3BA pool home located just one block to the beach. Open floor plan and cathedral ceiling. Large, open deck and additional covered patio. Beautiful, tropically landscaped, fenced yard. Two-car garage with a separate workshop/ storage room. $760,000.


1301&35: ."/"(&.&/5 t 3&"- &45"5& 4"-&4 t 7"$"5*0/ 3&/5"-4

%DGEWATER #IRCLE $394,500 "2 "! SQFT


Call Lynn Zemmer, 941-778-8104.

Gulf-Bay Realty of Anna Maria Inc. Jesse Brisson - Broker Associate, GRI 941-713-4755 800-771-6043 BEAUTY ON THE CANAL: This 3bed/2bath on a corner lot is surrounded with water. The home features an open plan with, spacious lanai, 2-car garage, pool, tiki hut, boat dock, boat lift, all on a lush tropical large corner lot on sailboat water. $749,900

EXCEPTIONAL GULF & BEACH VIEWS This spectacular 3BR/3BA home offers an open floor plan, gourmet kitchen with stainless appliances, granite counters and dumb-waiter. Beautiful views from two spacious, beach-side porches, twocar garage and a heated pool. $1,575,000.

Mike Norman Realty INC

800-367-1617 941-778-6696 31O1 GULF DR HOLMES BEACH

104 Bridge St., Bradenton Beach


SWEEPING GULF VIEWS: This 2bed/2bath condo at Anna Maria Island Club has breathtaking Gulf views from the living room and the master bedroom. A rare opportunity to own at one of the most soughtafter condo complexes on the Island. $725,000

Call Jesse Brisson • 941-713-4755

RELEASE DATE: 3/26/2017

New York Times Sunday Magazine Crossword

THE ISLANDER n mARcH 29, n 35 No.2017 0319


44 “Phooey!” 1 Poor-weather driving 45 It turns out to aid be 99-Down 7 Pale-faced 49 Beefcake’s pride 11 Texting format, 50 Fresh for short 51 House call? 14 Indonesian island 52 Up to this point 18 Possible weapon 53 Bad luck, old-style in a bar fight 56 Joke, slangily 19 Resting place for 57 Metal band around a a polar bear pencil eraser 20 “I totally 61 Peeping aid crushed that!” 63 Fashion 22 It’s actually 66 It really is an 8-Down made of 55-Down 69 Has pegged, say 24 Companion of Jason 70 Disappointment for someone looking for 25 Wood that makes up a parking spot the foundation of much of Venice 72 Record-holder for the 26 Clomped (on) most times hosting the Academy 27 Basil who designed Awards England’s Coventry Cathedral 74 Limit 28 Level 75 Studio sign 29 “____ All That” (1999 76 Ga. neighbor rom-com) 79 Indonesia’s ____ 30 Who 93-Down Islands was all along 80 Nothing, in Latin 35 Product of Boston or 82 Having a spare tire, Chicago maybe 36 Part of a KFC order 83 What 11-Down does, 37 Enthusiastic assent shockingly in Madrid 88 Computer-controlled 38 Cambodia’s players, in gaming Lon ____ lingo 39 What flows in 90 Relating to the sun une rivière 91 Tolkien’s trilogy, for 40 The “E” of Q.E.D. short 42 Boat with a very fine 92 Cut net 93 U.S. broadcaster overseas Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more 94 ____ row Answers: than 4,000 past puzzles, 95 The end: Fr. page 32 ($39.95 a year). 96 “Dies ____” A C RO SS

100 To whom the title “45-Down” was referring the whole time 103 Big name in headphones 104 Hindu god of destruction 105 Trims 106 Kids’ character who says, “A day without a friend is like a pot without a single drop of honey left inside” 107 Annual meal 108 Learned inside and out 111 Warning for solvers of this puzzle 114 Source of one’s sense of balance 115 Many resting places 116 Plant that’s the source of a caffeinefree tea 117 One way to sit by 118 Squeeze (out) 119 Figure in statistics 120 Altercation

11 See 83-Across 12 Muddles 13 Accept, as a package 14 “The Devil and Daniel Webster” author 15 Nabokov novel 16 Lucy of “Charlie’s Angels” 17 TV “Cousin” 18 Jrs. take them 21 Good person to ask for directions 23 Actor Kinnear 27 Not covering much 29 Picket, e.g. 30 Pre-euro money 31 Govt. cultural org. until 1999 32 Big cheese 33 Suffix with Jacob 34 Throw on the floor? 37 Sound in the stacks 41 “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” protagonist 42 Lead-in to foam 43 Oh follower 44 “Tiny Bubbles” DOWN singer 1 “Gangsta’s Paradise” 45 See 100-Across rapper 46 Hill of R&B 2 Tomboy 47 Inquired about 3 Subjects of some food- 48 Jamie of “M*A*S*H” package warnings 49 Falls for 4 Cake finisher 54 Brightest star 5 Extra in “The Sound of in Aquila Music” 55 See 22-Across 6 Make it clear how things are going 57 Swamp to go 58 Kind of port 7 Natural dos 59 Regulus’s constellation 8 See 66-Across 60 Draw back 9 Ground breaker 62 Slapstick prop 10 Itch












36 40 46






76 82




64 Puccini pieces 65 Stolen item in “Alice in Wonderland” 67 Moving aid 68 State quarters? 71 Rest 73 Penguin and others 77 Lead-in to Jon or Wayne 78 Exclusive groups 80 Nothing but ____














81 Player of Nelson Mandela in “Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom” 84 Interest for a limnologist 85 Some core classes: Abbr. 86 Treehouse builder, maybe 87 Unattended 88 Exclusion







87 91




74 80






79 85






78 84









60 67








52 58




57 64

































89 Big name in kitchen utensils 90 Center of a roast 93 See 30-Across 95 Jester 97 Cause a wedgie 98 Opposed 99 See 45-Across 101 Bucko 102 Major John ____, Benedict Arnold’s co-conspirator

103 Western capital 106 Koi’s habitat 107 Baghdad’s ____ City 108 Early millennium year 109 Not to mention 110 Show with a “cold open,” for short 111 Excel command 112 For 113 Remote button

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36 n mARcH 29, 2017 n THE ISLANDER

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