The Digger 'For a Christian Commonwealth' #8

Page 1





*{* (,






thm i",:$.sS gril{'fiaffi iq* }-*mk*# a* fir}fiffiso }xr -t}li,m *.wrux* g wanh *rn tr*l{,ir {i* ymu rlfu*rn$ *mrx,sx:lffim* ft sssxas the* t*dey' '#e]ffit tr* maxrr.,ir# $"t *.m th** gr*etmmt florJutrfr:@ ef mm:tt'klruS* :'i$ul}* p*u. bo}$.wvr: that t*mmr$s$ffi *,s iffi th# @ye o:fl the beLroi"&mr? lihm t$;1ffffr*.rst us,,rsr s6'{s,$ hf"$,s$}.Jl or heryes3"f nm a ortrn*,nr*"t * 'bu,'* r:p *, *\rrlr,r.1"su:*ltgh{;tie:ro" u *ilmmp*cn Of tM pe+pLer & 16?#*' .il*'*,1*:wry1, d*".l,hrl &;s #. sm:r.:rttri* of ti*&$ ffhe f;isry'$.s'So fI"6h$t"n6; *,.n *1fgJeaffiS"m"'$:"riu um* hs.ffihiy orum$,ngl.,S' r1on$"#nesL tm 3,oek ]"tka $m;y'm., ths,*rr ,i'[,s *41[e'S t'h*xt'hmrffi"]r h$ffith#t gm,S Siruy' ers tr"s6d, frtr kt],"trjl.ngg ':,1r"$f"d;rsno 311L Xdf,aarn,Sum* tihe frnm$ras fusd,sttr, wf,th m,:{..1,i"1"*ure} 't};r r:i}tr 1;n$ r. rr*",#ffi orxt v$.j"}.ulfiffis l#.}il"$.ug sht}.fr,rau aud. ti'rm e,gett ml'r ,';aI"], as th*;xo t[.$S$"$$m*t*]yt d,*rf+erd.$jr'.$ thfi.sS,r .T:r

+ are *mts Br;]w$s $f bls*k ?;!:rttortpret and. reonuats &upeot by ths s}sffitefi gr* gpmxnmnt" .[,r ;Jsst $*rm*,:ay or Ite.x"f, a kf.&nappad sf,f3.*,*s3. t*^ras up d*rr;l flu a *sr tl*iralt., Liladl you *hm]. m[[ herm tSrm hest *f 'r6*lmr.:ag fsr doLrrg thas;e thlngao ftts f*r ths pser*. #ffir $o nupp*;:b }.ew CI,*.d *rdl6r *r to t.tkoxete tlim oppreisss*o mens l"s :yorao th*]rr tho ot*rmn$ msn:].# f.* lekeu a[]" Staiii,*th,er,"* bet'Sarhhetn "i;h* u,*hsr" lifite bas *,ny m,srs rl$,t te pr$mt $he f,{n$er '*!irsxx *:ay u'c}rer" ti6l} fa* me &ol"} ycu th,sS [m 'pre c$$s$ *.f *ds s{* rro ses 1t* thoy exq UIS wrr:trg* ?o *r6le *hat tlrei.r sfr*Bs *mths Jus& &eues* sF thst tlrstr artmes *.rs egeuemb.Lm h$eause of axry nw*her *f re**ons Just d,oesnrt etand uxl e$ tbr as '.re afo s*rlssxm.sds gs-Ct$t;tk#;-"f*:l,L* sTrBtr# mf thrr prlaco *f pene* r &s *eerâ‚Źh$,sts wh* rsf,Ir#s se, brrb-thss*i of *ur *.trn haarts, Tre d*my flp*i.g" +Tf m::;Ststes q.h,* 3ffi$itkurltr *f alry e*mrffi *r al} ssuatrl,*s #h*.ot! prfr* $t3"str t*.*:rnr.,.su t* prom*t* thctr *$a v$.sx,$ #rs$ tf th&p 'h* t[1*then.r.*n"d,t





$*uth ;ifrf-ea s]rote

lqn $r sme'xetrtst*

"{.rep.wm3* }:, ma*d. eI.I" the.t* wB }rclls ;rnu w$.}1" loCIk aS .*ht vtpv+s eni"l srtl"ol,etm hsrcJ.n wtth *n *pon-rn**rd* yeiL mmy ntt huy nl} ;;$fi.t !t'r$ may cr eL1, that,ira th*nlr br*t #*he"t# $ffi

hum't* $'}I"ttr tkqpxe $"m th$-s-, t)}GG,.Ii.ltf; iri)fiH$$$ IS tr*i;;lx[r31f#o [,ly post e,[,f.3.*a b+x hers be*une u:r*a.ff*,r&a'b1e sep ths msr&res.w now ts- Dlggee'* 6+a Camf,S tit,B Hnp FstsrbflB,ougf.l CI*-tmy$"** Ce.$$rl,a o I heym q smaj.l nrmlhsg of, thw Farap]r].s6 /rd,$.n Halhru, ., s*,*sehLs:n of llou*Res$stsnoCI fop t"irw prtsu of puet&Sttlr, #Lsrrss lrg*p *.n toueh * "*uvts to hssr'f,rmn )rsr,ro !$* T$,1"[ nmn'S *ii,]l,ri'[o . * * H,s\ryrff

ffemuo e Lortg

nnf, ansretry

Ftw ' di*

to you







l@uroe.nn w&s lr merftbf*r r,rf; gEirv*r,er] iTsst {,hemmn J"wff& um{errgorrufr. groupo *n tho eevryuttsffi* i*rtmb},,y th,rs Juxlg iilmd ;.iorrgp63nX., iven"*r:al.I"y he sAE&e *O n r,ory.i{"ts*$.mn-of, *lt* -wxrstT#rgi:ls lrE pita1r* Xm:rxaettoaLl$.ty ef terr*rf"m,h sshf, r*1rfl, d.x'mppe* ou} *f tho uuriergro'und tg lryltm s.h*;iJe .fl** !iI.B a*xpeut$nc*ls s.r1le.l tllo: It;11, Bor3*nnr t:,te ",,1,],1r-#;.i ';;,fln.p Xrr $,l:[,*irnm.:"

te taksn rrucr th$.l 'r+**r for tem,ar:Lsm Ss ocm;i*thI.rg etrsflS$ " 'tllekl..n;;-a da-ntrenon })rsir$hologtc*-1}y progra"med* ?ud^ayo r nnn aee frha,f * ffis' rnyeolf * ,*t wam aari.y the featr uf lov=m, frr.m. r,hlch mnm ft,sme }'.nt* rib,$"is ./tlr].crrlre" l.f X had. +*tr*6k'e*. *ut.,b[n dl;rmlrston cf )"ot.o f,":r up:le]"'r r)Bfs"r*tr*nd, r wouJ.rkrtst }umrc dcmo tt.,.,,, I;:it$.l rig$e ,tt has'be$n $e,jumfl& tb,srt tlrere t* n+ ctnrrrltsslehy *,f x"evoluttr,*ary ;iraxf.u arl"s ],trwo .I tlcxr?t erac thats-xr*t s$frrl today r!t. o;hersise, r rutggrt h.nve emit Inlred.., r ss"r{ it lttr'e tlrisi jrou u*.tie *ou.s r$mgi.*tn:n, ***i yiu s'to,t wn* 'fiitrmr effsff :r.ol:K 1i;"m anf, s*,Fs CIkap * th& gn$.* .: ."!'.*r m.e, ntrt:r* tfune Lt wae m qtao*tlon asf *, ?r'*:urnm, 'mluem .t&a fi*i'm:x,,*]* Tl:ie 6*y$orpt

wh.3.'*tl G,{q* ;rot ax$"et f"ri *m1l*.s*I"$.xm,,.J.s. a3t, of-,hrff*g}s,i [n, a3.,i. s]f; 1ryfi,$t{$rn mu}turs *. th.*s**, *1"1 be6n stsared jryr&,y

t'y mEmn$.n&,, '?tlet:?a $hat Stcx al[.]" *bo,*ts t* *.Lesryr*r llrery &treuL -ss rrc-f,'*Ld *heu enawo ra& t* *rest,e i.ha*m s.&aw. rff U*o, u*rwy the t*:rek ef$&r:s ;rr1.{.r. bea**:* the 3113,r-'eyr r.lâ‚ŹExsr sf r ils:r;yr*:r s*elfet;r * tf tt ts poms*.Ut6c ..*n# *tr*ur.I"L he dciri. th*t; Shaxi'b;y be,xbins gg .sr:,, Bs:*et***l th.e #r?*8 kt'g*ry Lrtr_* i"rf;'L{; (.fffifer; ef l:laf;xe6 En the 6:]#,,,t

"ftrrga petrpli* wilo crsrs rSlegsl trore&il, s!"t ls sne * ttsnt *nd *"?,.,r oF t}rEe }-egal c,ses srffiL$ t*e s&r* ,, ffifffl.* { &f Btxsrs * o ,, "fcu r:uLy hava em*eet wtth ether p@.rp}tr$ ri.& tirJerrter"when you m*et neim,o'n*$ i:"1. 1l &1". you siffi ss.f Ls,, lteton oid. manr; gs!J. have u* l! kX itpt me thte sr th** thfaeffi;:t #L5ffio* t* l"tv"*., h,rl,$ ilr ,,lhorffi nnr"l L"n '*hfae ds:"s wmt'.!.1 ' erf,t,,* +64ili yru ir t 'Ehtm rioffxl.sff. trf h.g hnm auy tr"**fo ti i*is"rn nf ;r;u.u t*rs'o';i tnet'd;ffi-ilTfi domsntt gsgss'est ;";u; irou saye thet ,/ !{ us at s1.1,, iLthe,r ycu partl.*J.pate os ;i.orr { $, , Y"J{ ir

'ffifuffi;;- !

3*nvs X.t r'nmy *rn*3 clearu At th* snd .uctu6f itT *p * you rr'-vf,. y$\* -rrvui4u 6X "r*.th heemno J,#4Ls llks J\'-d Jvq sp$s.ratufi yuu f;*$irt *galnsto'?

:;::","-:;: **

*ttm tiro lrtatl

\1 ,f I i" /'li t\..""'\q) i}f ",_-i-n r{ \ ii \+.



oenir, shaw $,; s1,,,*,*.ff {i$n } no *ake }Rr.}#ff fltro*t]"p f.n. any ftr?th{rr *eve[.* }'i;{.1 ft$rt npr"+n,*nh *f Bhe wlr.a].e rlo*na" flirr&tlen].y ;rcu'ir$ $ rmr.,1tn*aI f,'*1;t . o * "


11 ll



"L:irye h;r {"\tr" fl:** sufferrngs of othCIrsu tl:.':t trs ::'*g:1*rdeil as x'ai"tgj"one un$orxmonly-flotsp fsrf.g-Lon ev*n, :[cr {,}rs rsl*.gton or trrd oorgrogâ‚Źrtlon $"s nothlng bu.$; hoartnu' $h:is proeentod,o .&s n ror,iglono.ooaJust uhout n,s genutne as{ 'ilaa maite frorn a blt of paper thaf ss,oe 1ay. x"n a drauer henfd.s anothor btt or pepir" wh!.ch onae had beon usod $o i$]:,s.p uB n feu dr[es toa-]erines f:r:or* uhneh tea ltu& nllro&d,ir \rsqi,m m*d.s throo tlnoso


Sonen ii*arlceg*ard, llml"l"3"ng



-,].ren tha, x,rrkegg

se[]. $hoi,r [a'h*ur t,c tirm capi.ta3":r.*ts otr ar*s1ltfru1.r:tors *rf lahcru:: thery al"locr th*,'r r:r*trrttaJ" **ts

or a#*umulnt*:i:r llf


"bg as*umuic'

te, ii:.hel*.r Lelb*ur* Jind rrhen ti:ro r*etp3"tallstE CIr $0r)1iur1l"i:itc,rn rlf j.ahr:ur h.*ve aeguml.i.I't"hpd. mo irush 0t' ths morlia;:i* l^,nbour tI':a'b they rio :L*,tigss

fi.nd. 1t pr*f1i'bcrl-'3.4 tm bu;r t}:a u**li:ers labour

then the wr::.rir:$::'s *rln nD s;i*L:- 'bhelr kbour

to thm c*p.Ltrl,i:..sts fr ,#r3um,u]-;:.,t(a:$ of


-!Ii* Trhsn ti,!$

eari fi.m lCInirlsir



sml-i" thetr.y Li.'b*rm' tu tho i.:.*icr* tire;:" fi&tl :lf: "i.or"i;:r*r buy the prot1rtr: Ls or:' 'btrelr Is.bouro ii-i.:I*. that f.s ri,lr*t the r'r*rks$:s Se for mmi}l"ug "*ir*;*.y: Iahouro '



wlth BlIâ‚Źf


;;l*ir:: j.rr



ouX;wmriii ileepsns c

al,I" outrrrar& werg and. $trms anct fflffitngs f'or any CInd, o'n utrd,@r e,ny pret.0Bsss &0,t.* George trffi


f|IP C0B* .fi'iLt ,IIr{*L};

the uata a*fl pre,grumra tCI trhe Centeqe *r* e*my eu* stteslce lnte Ntaamgrur p orn hthnlf ffi tbr r*rlel .l,rrtl* Gmsrerrlgt laague (*ACL) eea* {tarlgcfl snil *at up ty t$s U:$ Spptcry atdl poroonally ruprefsrd by tvA0f, ahtref,, S*nsraB #ehn $lnglaubo $tn5faub alge baptrma* to tr a Itintagmr

u 0cntEqJ' r'.rrcrlcnu poI,ley, Al"go *uprrrlatag la 0ftvrr l{srtlr sf tha 1{mtI"eun} $sEurlty cormaLlo rfurthcr mupport f,or tho ttmdtlng laostqr;:r hsa ofiio frxr H$C aldm Robart Holtnrlqnoe & oonft{nn"ta of .[,:rasldmt Hoagan, Bc* *entLy iorr sf, t&e funilc &matcll vrs HACL hsw fiorn uac& 10 ?.t up a tpoltt$,oa3" Irstltnte$ *e ril fial,tuf,ora hmdafr, by ilcatlr eqrrn{l orgnr*Laoru }?ob6rt }iAubutremaABothGr naJos Contrs firndraloar te ths Wbsblagtm tlmme, fIrG leper $s .orsnod by ttra Moonlle l+afl*r, Sun itlyun6 tleon o r*oeatlf rallaeo0 ffrrr Satl aftor sexrtne a amt*neE for hx asaaXa, Ths ffie}llrgtm tilaso tr nln by *nu.r6* ile Bcs€ih€I€ye sa0 !.s ss.til to be Raagans tbro eurltl &snslap{&ao Tho ftnd itee}.f, Xmrysa aa 6ba Ntsa** Bgusa I':reedc*a ..l:\m* ts hea&e{I* erong othsFs &nr fosrsr gs&iii-:Bbasee&or Jmn l(f.rkretrf,e1r *nr} famrsr us ,f,rseE!trr t[tilteue strtmn {'ho frrs{e fleat $xr:o*eGo* fgq:stary, {-lte elJeot$ya &e te rn*otr $14 r:r}.lgsa} wea'dlma,[** ty Blesap f,cprrty* B* II& Fako who *a pr*atrd,mt ef tha uedG Bo$-glffi6x.*tg u iievs *.-orl# Ssnur::rtsa*{cms o a *cf?oeagflonr *fr3can grrterftfireat anA vnie?r ryeth-South rirft,etlens u.a s pE€aE egsaey InsssneEtf"*nn sEa r+t.i gor gsrnth aff!.eam glropssqnda andl Cltatnfem*B$an o Sotng b*eE iB&, 4& Esneh* SBe?Ge tllr ts ehes€ lhg wtrotre tlrtn6-eer$es fult olrotc; &F qll aat*,ra uqmbcr af QhG llorld $tratssy rECItT?sak {F0t ano?has antl*ssriat Thlnk Baaic,l hc oeililiraretss rrgifasly with l$s f,ul} ttffi ooarfrlnatsr, nme oth.r thm t'he ln* f;a-rmte ellac, CIlu* a frosrpr {l.traEtor of the C&x ge aleE a $F dtraotEr cf, tlrs f,.fsxtsatorgrs Sentse Esp :ttsotegli, enfl tretae.nnt$ena}. s*ufiL@ ("e thint: tsafi frtr rltrty ErisXnl anG la eranr*,d,orod fu b* eree of tha novln$ &nfI,u*nlog bG", t/Y.i.SL" sSrLEor



On the aboua a}oile tt ronls not bE dlfftoult to etes* ulato that the htgkcst autlorlty sf ons of th"r tro tsulror an orgnnf,zatlcra that tao an& Ilolrsrt? tr rloteltr rllted te 'm!i'by has b*en hotsn to borb bctn'6 rcno of tho ite$t &ot* ortgl1* ftr-rt$ht terrerlst orgsnlssre ul"lve, tha? ie the liso*tsn hse&a nnd ctgurattvca of *frs $AgLo Bhm.t Hlrito nouss forelgn pollay Ls hcavLly lnflrrueofi * i,f, not ocrtrolI,edl by lvl0t polley **v*sora oanhot tn ittrprtad,,

ta!."en frem ltXaelt fllag

Sm sr&sr te scq,*,Sd She prebBarr sf, w8etslcem $&ea&Styu Go6, en ee'mbwrm qa$ tlae Xe.me3.f" S93v8u,an E&oh*n* sfamth

of exltl.*'&€aree orgpa*gat*srs rwow0 &p frmt of l&e ter* Gs@ te&oEffiwnE earpf,em u plan$o{

a me3.e Bha$o{-shergp targpt 8c* *umd to h$.s n3nrffisnS rstth hts gtrl,frls8, a Sllvtffxr s1eh$m aguat, &n3&tar w3,t& h$a wtoce pot thsqmch a &3lo as som ae lre asew@ss& s$& tges roeoEpl,zofln tile trlggfr tmr,o sag boeFed enfl Qro wBlrtcal aaplotea; atrnost 6ooop$,tffitln6 htxr" the gls}. nan ahmoned mtth b1Eo0 but rmhaxsre&u fr@ .cosassln, tho ttoory anf prast$'ao of pol$,tloal Vtoil.cnc wS,Bb

a tono*em€rslLed,

dlatsem,etotrc -Ibon $he

by So Bomrcs 8013.

KES6r,Y GoVHHtfi[E!fir

K$nety Goremmaeat gory€ Be ttra ear*h b,y t$at €h&tfng ;lst of bu$,ng en8 sellleg, an$ ttrerebg boerrrea a unn sf,

emtert$,mo hf,s heg& Xe eCerast g9ar5, r{nrr, sBd, evsry Eaa tsesil efip$nst hf;ar *m& 9eke th,te Gsvsra@trt et tlro hsa$s tS *-e e d,g*essa& Gwram;gen*. ea€ ttAe ?srf CgW gsbylg, fu3.3, sf effiSltslffit enfi tf 1't ese not e olrrb Law ta suXryorS 1&, Btuers s'ou3{t bo aE eeser 3n Sts, heeauss St te tlre emetous sadl prmr8 w811 ef ti Seqeeree, eeel'avfsg e s@qusxe€ peopLe"

shge Ktng[y Go,'eemrneat X,e he who b*ate patraing hooks aa* p3omrs tn$o eIFaFE, glisrss anusdle, asil tastrumatr of {far$ thet hs uteh8 tsb h$,a punger brothcre Croattm b8rtih-r8gbt froua hte, calSing tba Ear&, hls, aa0 agt hls bs0thcrs, unleea hto brotler trflX hl,re thn lrasttr. of hine go that f,e uay ltre tdtlo qnrt nt s*a€ by hls brothcra lai borNs.

IniIesG tlrte Gc{fiBrnmslrt matr uc&I bs oa11s0 ths Orrora* upat af hggh"**y ffiee rho bsttr s$ol"B the Eertk frm th6 bppthpn Sy-f,otooe ho1itp tt f,rae tben by ttoreog f9u+Ssq $"o frsd BIO ne sbe6s blseG aoBthe Inopl,e frsi orygroaath, trrtthat he mEy bs KlnA ua& Rs1ea fiyar aa oppraased lnopls o

Gcrrer6 lilinstanloy n&oYermmsnt 8s

rtolenEei Chrtstfloatty Lg maelmcts

0 8@.r

[we aa{ ttsescfor*, 6oY6rffiwnt ae*not ba Oh:ltstfan ard e p6rs& who wtshsa to be a chrLati,sa rtrst no? fisrw gs?emuBsat




TIre ls.nE w&s narrsm an* derko t&e street}Xf,hts ha{ been err*t Sruars Lrefure snd, the oocurtty fmrces r,{:.raf anterod tihe atrBa exoept iri stronsth, ixsually $r armort*ii pcrconael &&1,* rf,crs, It rffme ratnlng, Tho cobblos gllctrued' r*th watetr aud. ths twe low llnes of r* hqtsos s6XA@ shocrerl a l$ght o Thttre was a enolL of eoal sm.6}ke and, oabbage and a few sound,a but


*he ratno tho tw<.r monu both shor$ rtth drrty retneoata, wool, mufflors * and. cloth caBs o stood, bef,ort onc oi ttre doors , ttro thXr0 frm the ror:nor" The uau on th6 Lcft knooksd, Thera was a nauffled, **ouud, tnsld,o aad. the olLoktug cf fivo obplns and. the thunk r,f a trolt - th.y had bacn erlloot0d , The d.oor was prtlJ"ed taward. and. thc lle}rt opllta{ art on ttre twp* Tho one on tho rlgtrt . trel<]...a GoLt "4S- Ln hta gf,cr cO figbt haad, Ju,st abe\rB waLst ieyelr hts 16f,1 hand, holdlng hfs rtght wr{"st", lhe nan who had opened the door waa to stunnEo to speak. Hf.n &outh wf,s opon, Behtnd hila d.orrn the eorrl&or wers his nsfo, her faee dralning whl.ts, h6r mouth oprnlng, Thoro nas ths brlefest piuse, ilthe nen on the Ie ft granied at tho door" Number Slx" rrGod,* no, thts ls slx,rt Ths es,n on the right si;ueczca off tws shots r'tho sound.s sGrtr* lng almost together, '.[he man ln tho dcor wap itrlvsn back dorytr oorrlclor, skid.rilng and, slldlnG to end snesh6d. acalnst the 3l: lcltch.en d,ooqâ‚Ź hls chest qlread,r ooyoi&d wtth bLood*- stsad.tng oyer hlm, hls wtfe stlll had, nbt mede e sou;A",God.e id0r tt $as Number Ftve aâ‚Ź Banterlo fu. *ho othcr sfleB'r tr'I:om .&ssess


reltglon'i .lf 'hc 'hqe not the rellglon of.Jesue, he rtll hare the roltglon of Satan, and wlll etract ths rynagogus of $atas, calllng tho Prtnce of thls wr:r1d., t,o&, an{ {eatroylng aIX wno dfo uot norshlp Satan unrler, ttro Naue of God,o IYlll any otro Bay* Ifhoro are those rho woruhlp $atan the Nsuo of Ooit? Whero aro thoy? LlstenS.; Evory Re}tglon that Proaehcs VengOarne f,or Stn 1s the BoJ.lglon of, th6 lhrsuy and Avengof o and, not of the Forglver of Sia* and, thetr God ta Sataae nam6d by tho Man must hsr6, and,

Dtr"vlne Nau,6,.



baYe soilg

Blako (frou Jerusalem)


M*fi8&ut worksre SSe frm S'rahorgraLoets H.5 ttm,oa tlstrs sf,S$n thsn tlise rsmt of ths po;mrutf"mn, FsuemonLa and, roup$.ra$ory snfsotfons h$.t mi.€rr.nts 251":3sr6 ofton thmn other amsrteqna" fnfents homl to nif,grnnt wotrkEra dle in fl57. grsatsr nunbsrg then the aatflsna[ ret6" Mal,nratrlt&on crmsng u*gruat shl.i"rlron &s 1,0 ttarcE hlgBer thEa the IIS Evaxugso

. rbrm rork $.s tlis thtra uost dangerou,s us oc$u3mti.on, 0r*y 4*40[ of lho us .wsrkforoo 1B mad,e up 6r $rrmvryknr", yot nlgraato aceount for [6/" -of Jgb- rolatcd aeathg ana 97. or ar6o[r!"n6 Ia* callfornlars xrSls sffiibrarly ropcrgiq J*trloc on ths Jeb. $rrdos ms- poatto*.de*relatsd f,Llnose&s LF (uaoit tirot,. Lng .L?qI f,aru workors) *s ectlmte& to bo only e7" . i'tlF qctu*1. grmb& of potronx,n6 oemas whtsh oscurad, $e ho"state thst ye*r" Industrsaf Worker May I 95, She abosw ltsn te tatereEttrss for eevrtral s€ Flrst &tcs &B qxaaulg ,{- Legnl" temortd" iega} lrr-ths icaso rha$ ruros are :'ei is tn# far*{ *ria tult hsalth xnsi}astes &rNs trers end, epreed, th!^no Fnqa sl* {o'trms il-h;;;^6f Su hseltl and, selfara"- Urr!-rar*iip.en re hear of eot* FeFu out* bnolra *a e&r*te'ry wsra erhs drrss ehewt a eeupla af, :Ee+dtog. E$lltaa uap&Buf; a.*gtga inrflr muet iru*pe &s,:rmyo Is rlcy hqd hra{,ns rhsy riouldsit o: rsr a-iii,i"e rr.ehr? But thon who nirurd ptok ttre ryroulilgiir* 6rops?: *fo'{eee thrng *.s happEnhg *n ar*'1"l*onp or fset&rge" mo*our-tu* *orre, omu tn hasr sborat e omI,a,np ***outlvu uo*r*g"ri"*c CIr Gsld a whtre we aotually Jmilsd for- werwo$rtsg; or*efu,igu,oa, ;; f,orhr& tn&, or trleierug enplojr*ss r.nto alI"-&*rt*'of kmrusdousr"*mraut w'rk efhr,&tlons o 0r uayba tn one o[1o r*J""[ir e GffiBetrg tc round gul'tty of drxmplngas ttrouemnds sr d$ond-irr dsadfy hoavy sacto nnto e cltyrs.sow*r aystemn inE ruoi-th-t eo $noh [a uad.e of th.eso oepos attesrs tb tn*-r*;liiy-;;-*rfoo Btrr tt grem eu et1 -fir*1, the t$mo. kgpte aro rhw {.r}"e to wirk" Isk*q ,tto soaiety *u"t"r,ti.r ttu gt toloratee rfi " waf ewtu ry wtl"L thatle orlr }ook at tamorf;ran ffiopo uro mffeudled sffioo CIrls, lr,ope we m*dm is$m)one thlrrk-* i[ig,tm,_ -aec#il ?orn s txmc of 0rwsrr nald., Bmgu r.u*,rsrma]. [*fIirffi*tuu t*r*n $.a & rs'orut* lcrnary aot"" g-o rmi; Bs *r"i go'ou,t d,etr]:mr-u{0d, to -c-;$e.--r*w.;ffi frsLL thts t*onth rrurh sii*:I *;r Fbom Thw


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