The Digger and Christian Anarchist #14

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CI{RISTIviAS : TH1J SOilG REI'4/IIN.i THE,iA.[viE r,{o-r-rlIl]


0nce agai-n Christmals is a.l_rnost upon us, anci two separate bodies of _ people will tr"y to spoil our celebration. The firs'r,- i.s the capilallst robbers ivhc will bury

our celebration under ions of and the second is those who moan and gi"umbie and bitch aboul the commercialism ol 1l a 11 and not even lrir i6 finci a sign of goodness in it. Every yea,r at this t ime, I start to_psyche myself up ro enjoy the holy day. Yorr see I am detbnnined not to let either of these. groups ruin my Chrislmas" \,1'hen I was a boy, Christmas was the best thing that happened all j,rear (apart f iorn su,nmer'hoiida,rrs), the rncst erciting and beautlful party of celebration and singing and givlng a nC r"eceiying a!.d visibing of er/ery year" I still remember as a small "'co1,' of seven or eight that ma:ry of my 'r,oys were handma Oe by my Dad and p?inted by miu lr,lorn. Shinning in redsr greens and silv::s, made from wood" they ias'[ed for and [he feeling of io-;e that r^ra,s built into Nhem still l_as.ts, i\ littl-e 1a ler vu.hen noney ivasn?t so s carce, there lvould be one rea1l-y special i ifti 1ne yesj- a hr:ge geology set wiih mlnerat_s anci greed and glrtz, ^?

i !


For several weeks before " Hussey ou"r music teacher at school would have us all going thro,.rgh hours of chor_ ar lvork for the Christmas concert, Hol^r we sang those carol_s J God r^re' vrere good: we sounded (to our minds) lite the choir aL Cambrld* ge or Oxf crd i n Flnirl an,..t . I lvish f i ,is s ti rt Jid"'.r, -ii"si"g. r WOUIC lCve to ho"r."iii' i+ .-.1 :eme'ber ".=o.f,,'83*l;".1 at club 35. Seventlr cr maybe a hundred clod hr,.lping r,armers and loggers and iheir wives a]l in it1 fitting suj-ts f rom t hebrave [rtnn= no+-^'] !aut;11D uaudJ_OgUe, Simple bul de_ cent folks crovrding in lo see lhe biggest sirow of the year. The naiivit,y scene iillh irs wearing bath towels around our heads fnd a fat ianta coming out of a card_ board fir.eolace- and a kid rrrith l*o Neeth blacked out singing nal_li,:H',.. :in ::'- i;:;e.'fr oil''r;Xi= nas i.ras lcr nie as a l<id " Today " -: u i- , clqa-- ._.i ,._]-r:1 L D-r-.i-'ll L,rJ_i ljl-^ , -L{e Lr-nl.--; r vrrr- rr^+-^^ url1c1b, l4r





" T--^r^-r, go i o ,,11e t,hris1,ma"S ConCerr, 1 ai i;.,- kids schco.r- ;nd sii, in the aud_, ience like arl crcl mari anci wa1;ch in-y kr.1s and my n:i-Eiiborlr: j<ic1s dc i,heir s j.uf:i. I 'l l-cvc :ii. I siDg the ca::c-L.s out oi_id na.ti-ng no ex,, cuJes lol: m-,. colrni-rress, anI the 1^ror* cs ot' ilLr-l: the lierii_i ci Ang,eIs jing stiil iirr,,.K.:i r1e enciicnal and I sti:-t fee-l like e, kid iiv,.-ng that r.ealCl:r;stnas cf 1or,- ,..1 lto ^,ra rr 6vrirrS r,u ,.poil mV Christmas this Th,e caplialism and coinrjjerc_ ?"oH:i;i 1x5"ff 3"*i3:: ;',',flil$,, y-ear. ial:-;m is:tit going to bother me icent castle of "?f, t in wiih ii.obin-Hord my Cniis:t,ma.s is a gloiving and the Sherrif fithi,ing it out on 1n.,-^-_ I 1.. ]i,-tle | ball cr l]a inside llplness the living room rug. For years I no rn.i a, _=.,ds ci-ri c:t-sll :yont dan_ " ^;1/ r-ii,^ ^.:+r^f ecgived a parcel er"rery yea.r f rom Den mv.sn_l ej_tner d because I r --s England and one l/ear it conta.ined Kno'd r.ltl1, cie:pii i: atl the1, are a_brave knrght on pr.ancing s'beed jusi a liltle Peopl-s maybe 899d all in ]ead and it rvighed about i" and niore' Li i"e d t, han me a_ pound and if I haC it today " Any._ rs falf way that the kind of 'rrould Christmas it be worth a smali fcl,tunel I r,ri sh for al_l_ of your and know that 'i:.t.t haVc YCU WLII 'r,acrl:








J vq




A DISAIil,,tiNG CHrtlSTtiiAS by Fr" Ilmmanuel Charles jvlcCar,thy The spirit of Chri;tnas is abOve all Lho 51'lj cni-.f' L O--- Pect3C.

Tr rs ;- .^^r -,^' rL nor tne SpiriC :I -.var. IL is the spirit oi joy and meekness not revenge anC viotence. The decorati.ons, the lights, the trees, lhe music all come froni speak to that universal lcng_ ?r.d for. in6; genuine peace on earth.-

. YeLr lhe_sale of har Loys h.:s increased 35A,, since L9AZ.- The

qol t.-e t.nlr t/u-\:) beIr-L:lg

fJ-Jr Arr:




JJ seduce children into p!_i1,ing icide. G. I " .ioe r. a grot3s quehon: a,nd


th.. ,-r+o.

To those who s&)"r r?lVar toys.

are eciucationally and morally nuetral, !! I salr That is not t:ue - eno yor_i know il" ?r To those vrho saI: tflr/ar. t oys alloiv a child to rricariousJ-y experience a hom_ icida.l fantasy worl-d and there* fore reduce the possiblity thal he or she wi}l par-ticiltate in such acti-rlty outside bf the mind.fl to those who say this I say r?That is not true and you know it. " If lif ule childreri are'not damaged by p.i"esenting them with toys thrt ' rf

hcmicidal frnl-rc-i arliem arouse them wiih lustfuf and"

Coax t hem inio

t!en ,"ny ,.,o1 presenr ihat

pornograpliic fintasies?


We all the truth is in this m& _ ter regirdless ^f hcrv many kept psychologists and educationists tho l^,i: f nrr . orcier to justify the desecration of the Christ,i-an holy day. Jesus said, rfAnyone who welcom_ es & little one in my name we1_ comes me. But anyone who is an rbst,ac-.1e, to brins d cwn cne of these 1iitle onew i,vho have faith in me would be better drolrmed in and Madiscn avenue" the sea wilh a millslone around lvnatr tnas mearis is t-hat on Ci::ist_ his neck. Ale-s that there shculd be obstacl-es. 0bstacles ihere musl mes morning in fronf ci ii.r" Si, indeeC be, but alas fo:" Lhe one peace, t!" Pr ince of millions of i.rho _"1' nr^rri-des theni ]r? little Christian childien wi,r-1 be living in the mu.rde rous , ha r,e*f j lleci cni -i ru + +l^^+ Please Chr isti:_n p?.l enLs give Jr-,rr .,r]uL Dflambo, G.I. Joe, L-,s, youf chiidren onlrr ,,virat Jesus machine. guls etc. require Lhem to them on his birthday. uie.. Tr,. p1.:-^nor:ricicie one :r,r_t tur would give ha r.,.-r t arro rf r\I"-; Pler"o r ruaJ=, 1-\, on the mind of homi-cide. B,il tli; 't.l'- - v._r rStmaS. JJ homicidalrtr^mind is rrot the rnrnd of a;-i ^+ is lo entice him cr her into pul_ r"i&3*&, ling on the killer consciousness &t""j$i3 where conflict is resolrr+ri de s I ruct io,, ria';"il:iii;i:"0 other party" Indeed to giveIrtff; 1{ar" toy is to nurture him .or her a, in,uo enjoying lhe subtle but por.rerful plgasure of the deslr:uclion and hu_ miliat,ion of those r,vith whom one

ite ;r


rhe continually ";ii-ri"Er"irlii"i,l53'r" a big sell er a1, Chr.ist_ mas. i,,ie can assurne tha-t this yeai. one company or another that co:rld r, not care less about the lr.ulh, I ove .n I -rvrrtlu)) .- I-r,*; hnl-i.o^nfl rni ui-rJ urltJ-:i,rlifeast day r.r,ill try to pran:ic oLZe Chri_ stmas for a quick buck" It is also reasonable to a*ssune that tliey rrill succeed and that Chr.islian parenbs and chiidren r,^rill. a gain be'had bythe p-agan con artist ol t{oij_ywood' - !


know t,ihat

i:, .


0n iriovembe. 26 tRA A. '' b orough cu,oo,,5.13;. oo;i"tlJ"t:;:'har:"asment of the fnnu-cf Labr":cior.

iow level jeC training fii;ht,s. !y Canada is solicrring to fet a new N-.-T0 tescing an3 triinin[ ceJlr re q! Go3se Bay. The Inru 5f i,t'tesinan (Our Land) are nct belng c cr:su_Lts: of course but they are fnu ones -r"rho are "ii:ts sometin:ies t_n piir=. zet"o 1n on hunting carnps a-. -cu,J :IlrIeS per hour often onlv -np hundred or t wo hundred i";t-i";;; t lo ; rDunC . Th i s rcay happur, t.= l often as LZ times irr'two'hcurs. Childr"en and lhe aged are rerrified. The department of fefence itself ;ldmits that tire F 4 phantom ll ot ;;;" r.iLi::..1. 9u:,lrl{,emir='* or _LrU f,o ..].lb riecibles, the pain t,hreshold for r,;st peopte. iet ex_ 1-,-'--+ *1- - t , ' - rlr ou_L :1r ^..1 L{i us the lakes sn-,a1i anint_i al-s die for no reason, (scared lo death cr poisoned? ) anC the cay.ibou t,he;e,)eo.;1e de;,end cn h.rve b*ln sc::tteredfcr huncireds lf ir^iIes. Tlie planes rnvclved ar.r f" rom *"' vrrrrqr' rta Can: Ilrir--i.-*J ; ^^-;'rrlre:n, an-d ,Vest Gerilany. A0T

rer,erborough renteci soLind equipinent and broadcast sor:ic booris to the peo.ole of Pelerborough. and hande,j




The food bank at Projects for" irrcviding such a needed se::vice that as demand has grovJn, resources have declined" At the f,irne of writing thei"e is eight dollars in the account " !/e could sura usij a cash i-nfusion r"ignt now. Recently we have been giving cut about fifteen or tweni-y b:"gs of groceries per weak. rs in a bag? Usually it, corllains scrnething like this, I can Change has been

out leaflets describin3 the silua__ .l-. of buans, I nteca roni d.inner, Z tion. About one hr-rndr6d leaflets cans of soup, l- six ounce bag of were given out and despitc t,he flrct ricc r. 1 cal cf t,crir3toâ‚Źs, tca i:ags, t,ha t the te chnolo.,y CiCn rt i 1:acket of Jell-o, I jai of peal ui\ ' it rryes a good acti6n. Ther"esran,l nut butti:r, ancl. assorted-' polrrdered vril-i . De 3. meeting cf ACT to discuss this .juice rni-xes, cobkie s etc. Obviconcern at the peterborou.,h lt;L l- ic ously this is just enough to hold libraryr oB Dec. I (Tues)l in the someone over for- a day or tro, cali Dave !,:ebster. at ?t+5_ usualll' before iheir benefits come, lg1nt:rge, t,001 (Projects f oi" Change , ZL9 Hunt,er in. I,,flro uses the bank? Not surst. j . '_t"he meeting vrill be ro discuss prisingllr lowg single mothers future act j_ons, consequences, ideas, with little kids, but also young = r,u o rr.iLs l-s an important matter, as single mgr, .rnd t few more efOeify of life is being destr:oyecl.' -folks. Is't-hcre a c.rlch? No, v/e ? t,.ay is being destroyed by-gcvernment, Ir do not charge, tre -cio nqt preach, protest wiil Iii<efy be ignoi"ed '.!re do ask if oltr friends i^riff fiff Jour. by, those in por,ver, becaiue lhEi, rio ct"it a cluestionarc, but lhey do noi no! give a shit about public opinion have to a.nd it i: strrctly' confid_ unless, it is a masslve' rhe ential_, \,re dc not ask f or names. people. .So ger nrassiv*,revclt'ci suppor-_ che THE J./iLVATiOli AP}IY HAJ TOLD US TI]AT rnnu, and z.evolt again;1; govcrnmerrt i,,'E CAN REFriit PEOpi,E DIREOTLY TO tyranny. TiiEl,,l thus they wil-l not have to fill out for.rns, al Saily Ann. (cont. )




0n Novernber l2Nh, a contingent of Pet,erbor-ough peice acrivi;ts travel.l eci to 0t,lawa, fhe nations capt*ua-L to ;oin hr-rncireds cf rthers I'rom aIl ov,ir 0ntario in d.emc;rstr_

---i.^ -{ u1116, -6.:..rrot Cana,oa rs involve_ ment with U. j. v;eapcns testing. clin

The acticn look place at Nation_ a1 defence Headquarlers. It began -.+ '7.1 clr, /,4) a.m" aS hUndredS Sat in r-r'orlr o^i rne doors and blocked the wiy of ar.riving employees. Sever_ people dump-d contiiner.s of ?i blood (both human and :,rtr6t?I ) :utside the building, this was to symbol-ise the blood r.thich wil_1 be spilled through the eventual use cf these horrendous weapons. T,hcse v,,ho dumped blooci we re irnmeciiaterv ai"resied and charged r,,ilh rnischilf lo property. About 25 Otlai,ra poiice officer.s nsoe trrc ? -.rsS*vS while RClr,tP stood by ever.ready to assist af these violent (non_. -. : , i violent) terrorists. should gct out of hand. The sit-in, ch5nting etc. lasted about an hour. Eventil_ ally 58 activists wer.e arrested 4'-ong ihis number were our c-wn tr.






(,!'ood bank ccnt"


The food. bank is not funded in oi;her rvay than by your dona t_ ?ny ions. .We do nct recieve grants cr l-oans, that is because hav: n9t sou3hr t,hesc th:-n{s, we ,re f ee1 that we v;oufd be bindfng ourselves to state conr-ro1 vrhich ile will not do. F-ur"ther. we believe that works

glr:,rri-,, Of mefC'f. c.lj,-tS.-rr_LOafity Witf !,t -, _ r.r-r_J, tne ress i ortunate should come at scme" desr.e e cf' pe'rsonal sacrifice. in this way yje make corjimon cause

w.rth the poor. rv,e tre no betberr than thelrr we oni,v share i^,hat we n:ve lnd urge ycu to do the same. Food donations should be either canned or dried oT in sealed con_ t,ainers " This is because we .havc no rig:ration. IIe r^/ill rake a ^refcf' gifu mone1,. !.ny amount from a dol-lar up r^rorlld Uu'greaJl_y ci:ted. ')rop by t,he sttr; oppr"_ at ZL9 Hunter st. on }icn. ',vi,ed. or Fri_. Sat, Any othc:" timu thc store isor .oilen is fine i,co; you can call us irt 7l+5-LaOL. Thank ),-ou all for youl. suppori


i {

Our folks had to return to Ottawa rfn-\-rr d uuu{'u ^A1r.-+ eppeaf enCe On the Z\tn of I'iovember and this t irne they were pyt off until July of ,87 . l\pparen-

t,iy they wiil not- all be chariiid ar the same time (tnat is tri..rt)* h,t rtrust _afpesr on'tirren-J=;;;;.J' ar". thc 6th, 7th and 8rh " fnis is ar, ' ploy on Lhe p?rt, .I rh_ ylnecessary 'Sust:.ce I system to punish the def_ .

endents b), inconvenilncir:3 rhcm, even shoul_d thcl- gut, off . -

'rPeople in the country are not

of the extent that- Canada is involved in (U.S.) weapons testing. The.l'lulroney government is Laking us deeper ani deepi_.r j_nto an inei_ tricable process r,vith the U. S. rt say,s srookesman Peter Dundas of King_





THE DirliGEri0Lij iE

Canadian Catholic Organisatiori for Development and Peace hosteC a meeting at the public- l-ibrlry, l{cv. 27Lh. About 70 people he:rd from tvro local and j--inro out of town speta"kers on the role cf the laity in tr"ansferming ti're church today, Charity is neces;ary to relieve poverty but justice musN r,vork to change the structures ce" using the poverty. Development and pe:ce i,vork has a- low cornmuniiy ,":rofil-e, ioes not yield quick cr easily visii,rie results, a nd demands consumate palienct:. Peterborough is lr}ring to form a diocesan cor-incil for CCODP. Kavrartha. Ploughshares is n:lt"*ra1l y disapoinred at the ciLyts ,:fficial rejection of the ;r:poriunily to become a Nuclear Vieairons Fre e Zone. The 7-3 vote ::gainst ihe motion is prohr,rbly lndic:ltivc of'the politicai clirr.:c. it: ?c:-r'1:orough. The campaign was ;,:, ,:uccess however, in tha.l it raiseri 3.we.r:.n.jss cf the nuclerr" th:"eaL, br:u;ht, inlo the open the arguemenls of' the rpeace ihrcugh strength?r constitucncy: and gave us a good foruni La present Jesus and lhe non-''riolent, cross, I believe we must conlinue this debate publicly, const:ntiy challenging the use of force, ci" its threatened use. The nerr wey of thinking Einstein said was necus:iary chailenges us io make nonviolence our method in workin3 for ;ustice at every level in our ccmniuinity, whether il is in tenar.rts rights work, food ban]< enterpreneurship or nuclear disarmament, The cievil theory about those u.rhc maintain the current systern has tc be avoided. They are not b:rd ,ceople who must be overcome, They are decent people with whcm we wor"k.



Sheila Nabigon Di-gger




(f rorn I Chr:isti-ans and Non-\i-iolene in ihe \iUClea. Ao'o hrr Ccrrrd A. \/.hri { ! i}u!.4-,vir.,.rz rrat:1i



if his teeching rin counter tc ihe prevailing clinate cf opinion, s o cli.d his actions. Jesus was a fr"iend of outcasls, crimin:Is, prostitules, and, above af\ thu poor', with whom he spent sc much time. He did not have a steady job, did not settle down, get married, and raise a family. He repudii,"t.d wealthr and c onsisicntly refused tc pi:ovide for his ol.,rr security. His life, like his tcachings, ran counier to many cuitura lly acce.oted attitudes But they got right t o the heart of what the kingdcm oI heaven l.ra_s all a.bout. Sccial relalionsirips, &ccordiri g t.o him, shoul-d be bases on servi-ce and humility, not authority and exploitationr or subservience. The sociei;'of his t,in:e involved Comination and exploitation, maintaineC by viol-ence. Jesus re j ected doinination . Af ter. des crib ing Nhe v;ey Gentile kings like the Romans, lord it, over lheir subjects, he said t,o his f oJ-lowers, fiBut ycu are not Uo be like that. Instead, t!e greatest among you should be lrke the younges,ir- and lhe cne who rules like the one who (l,t< ZZ:26) ri ,ri .ri ,.. ,r(;ri fr. ;.i i,- r < ir ri ai;ri + ,ra ,,:

And when he v;i,rs demanded of the Phi-Lrisees, when the kingdom of God whould come, he answere.d them :lnd s:id, The kingdom of God cometh ncN with observalion:

I:l't:"i:?}i i::T i:ila.ll ?fr5., Kingdom of Gcd is ,,vithin your


Luke - ,r! ,ri ;.i ,ri ;ri ,,: ;.4 ;r< ;r. ,ra );< ;,\ j,i jrt ii ,ri ji ,ii

st.,North, peterborqus!, 0ntario,- canada, glfts are a].1 w6l6o*n. Goa bless,

94? events, opinions and small




by Erric- l,lalatestl .l-par.1, fr^m .ur ideas about the p:lrtical ,itate and ;overnment,. that is nn the cc'ercive Araanisa,ti rn cf sociely, which are our speclfrc characier"isti c, and irirose .n rhe best way ic ensure f or ver.lrbcdy free access fr ihe means of prcCuetion and enjr,,ynient of the i',or-.d lhings of iife, we al:e anarchists because rf a feeli_n; which is 1,he oritrin: for.ce fcr ail sincere social i.ef crmer,s, anC ivrihout ylhich r-r-1r &nD-rcirrsrn lvoulci be cither. a lie or ;usl nonsense. mr 'r'h:-.: l eeIin; is lhe of iriankind, and the f a ct of ;har,in,. the sufferin-s of c;i-hers " 11 I" ea1; I cannr:1, enJ:y vrliat I eai; if I t-,hinI< thal r-iler.e ai"e rec:ie C),lrr_ cf . hunier; if I bu;. a LC:,r f or" n1,r" chilo. and am nade :.appy b;. he:el.' ea,surer iily hapi-.iriess- is- sicn em* bifte::ed at seein;. lridc-eyed chiidr-en s*,,andin; ert : shor_, .uviidor,u who cculd be made nappi/ i^iir,h a cheap t,ly bub whc cannol, harie ii; if i arn ,rlrse,r f : [i. srir,it is -enJoying s;lddened ai soon a s I re cat l that r,he.r'e are unfort,_rna,r.e feiir.w bein s lanluishilg in;aj_l_; if I srui1., i. ,cio a job I enjoy doing, I feel-" re* .


GA.i)., i\ r-L r, iLi,TT-n

Digger was vei'J' . iaci to cooies cf ihe Tcrcnlo AGAFii -et ner,:rsielter tDiaknnia! . This

was chosen because in Greek 1t, reans I,c, render service fr"om which rve cierr ve [he english 1-,erm deaccn. The purpose of the nevvsietter is tto be a simple link and service renier"ed t c

Dront u



r.nt,irc vqt/r .1nd indiVi-dUalS


tereslect in kee2in; in touch with each other ano sharin-. iecondly ai serves as a reminder that Ch::f+iian.'ron violence cannot be prc,p.erl1r underslocd exce.rt in the vision of lhe whcle messa*e of the Gospel and r-n the i:articular call-il; that we as a church have recieved b;r ies,-ts to s erve ihe -l suf ferr-nj h.rmanity and ._iv.e our. ives as He diC for the life cf the ',,rorid I , 1'o re cei-ve lrcur co!) of " ,,^;r"ite io t,hat name , c/ o !i akonia, Jane anri Uber.iino r L363 _--ig=r- .: i ", :," ,j ), Tcrcnt,c, ..2,L 1 r'"7

l-Ljl, f e -r ...,-LI Tc t slcy t s idea o-f saintliness

vicrd.â‚ŹC tr,ch t-2r.chi^

n..) hi-


lli. u.-'t ]'i".^ri.".i'irrrc11:rnoticn-v.L of rroperty inheritance, i3d to wasle their. iives on exhaust_ his own lar"ge estate t,r.cublecl hirn in:, often useJ-ess, or har"mf'ui 1,a.;ks. tr,ith ,)arcx),sms of guiii" His ali,ruisl-.ic inlentions to r ive it C*ear'l i,, tur? e6oisln;.cther:: cal.r ..ii ?way split i:is housenEfA, and t aliruism, c:l-1 jL rrhal -le,u^Iike. -., r.j -a i L lal'S vrere r?.rred cy vicl..i'-hc;:- it i: js r-ot pcss-L-u to b6 er.t :uarrels as his r,rife and sorc an a.narchis-i, Intolerance trieci o t,o preserve some secur-i t)r of tD_ " j nnacc ,.J^ .:.^r ^ r, ,v-.rrurl ^ desire ul1E to be free and to for ihemselyes. Hatin_ ihe ver.y , +], de,vel cp onets perscnality lo iis ioea oll ivil_-l s, Toistci;-silned full est is not encu. h -r-o make cne severai cf them in an- eff'6rt to an anarchisl" Thal asnir.rtion lc_ cicse everiz looi-.hole I the Iast 'v,,Llrds uniimif ed f r.eedoin, if not temcnly four. mcnths befcre his death per"ed b1' love of nankind may lvell cn a foresi stump tn .)r,r:r"reflt --"., i l -. :r cr"ea'Le rebels lvhl if strr:ns enoul,h r-i I nnanrJi - 1., "j,. s.i-rn become ex .,1,. iter.: and byra,ri"; r?]]C anO lrLerar)I e.;tateS Weni bui never a"nar"-chists. Ito !h" ,reopiet throu6h l:is sole -

f=ilii11. a1li', daughter- jasha"

:n ;r-ore dep.-ir if ycu are ever in Torontc, r,ihy clon.!i we Sgt togelher? r're!.se 1'orgive fire speiling misNake b;t. whac c..n I say.. "f am 5n imm_ i!6rc;v-.G*in ).U r r r In Jesus the foolish man frorn Gal_ iiee thal we worship and adore as

Dea"r Digger:


T'hanks for revii:i,rin8 ffy boor. I R.ob e ri. o read lhe resl of your publicaiion Toronto AGAPE anci although r,'re star.i fron drfer"enl pla.ces (f am not religious) 1/,/e wind :'. 'ir up with a iot of similar conclusions. lviOItE Aii CII:,li'f CHUt-,CH pnACTICE.j it,ts cerNainly gooC'to hear your )! voace with all the ri;ht win; rcli;;ious bombast ( coming j' ron pe-ple of Char:ity: The paid for i he a varieti'. of reJ-igicns all ove:: .[he of its members. The Church w:rlCJ going ori rhese days. lh+ best brrrials offered hrspitalicy to t,rrvellers. lrrni .'I ln r l-'-nnannl-, vf ruu{\ uu \,^.i J*llueI'tIj/... JULr-. A tlhristian brother on rhe road wes entitled to li:ree rrites lodg_ itrg lvith no quesi;ions asked. XrI:{.::kn,, vrv v v*.,rru, U:*J, :i< >l:

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ueer lrgger:


I v,,as very impre ssed wilh yorir inal. You s:e;l to have a ri3nse oi jrr5uu|y ur.taL i'ooLS wna t J,_'l ?re seeking to live and ,say in a general movement of historJ/ that Lranscends anlr particula.r-' experience, I say this without dir,tinisttini' the value of. personal- exper-i-ence 6,rt r,vhat I nnean _is that many of us in 1;he left field of thing3 act and think as lf nothing ever" hepper.eC before our appearence in hi!tor,/--, I especiallT liked your arlicle on whal you have Oescribed as cl_d church practices tirat you would like to see again practiced in the churches. I think you r,vould be happy ro know that, all tnaf, ycu ciescribe in thal articl e has in f'act been tived by us here at AGAPE, 'vfe were very encouraged that you s,aw t his as positive even from an anarchist perspeptive, I would be very ha ppy t o discuss oi:is with you


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i, COAL HOIE A ninister wrote to .Tohn lius_ kin the British essayist and art critic ancl asked for :i loan to help builct a church. Ruskin re_ plied with a blistering refusal, trita:'ve lnci pn t,o heaven _ but donrt borrow. Try firsl begging. Ii' it ,s really neeciful, stefiii[, 0f' afl rnanner'of debtois, pious people building churches'they cantt pay for are the most Oete_ ;t,able. Cantt you -preach in a coal hole first?f' PITAY I1\r


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