The Digger and Christian Anarchist #12

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ffi$Wffiffiffiffiffiffi A CHBISTIAN COMMON$TEATTH #TZ thought that. peace. and freedom alb _ At long Iast., r.have got *: Gestetne:r going a1d Dlgger urill hr_ome-must be lreserved from f oreign now be appearing }n this .neTr _ attack, Such'a situatlon cannotr" sharper format". Thls method of, by a Christian an^ariaccepted 'l'inptiy printing gives much ryore s,cope be I have been a little chist. f,on gnorruth not only in the, Digger ur,comfortable ior some time with other jobs that may come Winstanl-eyrs theology. lie rejects hrt in, up, We hope you will like it' UJit H.eavbn and heI-I rnd-rich pretty Iou have no doubt alneady noilice.d welt any after lj-fe,. the change in the masthmd., this II-e eoirates God with re,a-scn- fii:e n9y the.Dlgg"" and Chr=is- irr rd far as it goes- bu+, God-**r tian Anarchist". !Q1le giving much more than j[st ieason". "i ;er"pride of place to Dlggerr_there sonnally believE, i3 a loving Gcd hre a few consriderations I have who sent Hi-s, son Jesus Chr-,.s-, r'The works.of Gerrard eanth to bridge the cos1i1ic S.-r,' to clarify. while generallly being Tkrat Jesus is the Cirrisr,., t h,: :r:,,-'..' Winstanley t agcepted et seminal to anarchist- hope of salvation and the a7.1.',r'tni' thoubnt,- bear some disturbing to'know God. I look forr,^rariL'i'r-,';-n 1-e-f'e-, place inre and t\aif,s, For his-+*"tio" and re-ura.rding after' r,h:s t"]:l,lgeca,t5e tha-u in very lenient trilipstanley was I cannot accept 4r1' end js 'alt and punishment. At the crime tblms, of and thâ‚Ź be life game the were, there when a time i.n England fif" t o me is not wo:r'th th$e'e hundred hanging off,enses, ii this i-s all there is" So v.rhil-e Winstanley allovus for capi-ta1..-pun- I sive lriinstanley and his Digger ishment fi on3-y three ca6es, Tor moiement f,utl d.ue f,or enlightenmtrIu papig,ts, for c orrupt justices who I have to add the two words that, ttadminister the law f,or money.or make this' paper and thj-s,-philosrewatrdrt, and for any r,vho- vrould Fl.y ophy rr*ra.t tirby 4trer ?tChrlsti&rt'.' or se-LL-t he fruits of the earth. ai:d.'rranarchislrtl li'ltrile I accept; Capitalisrn in a Digger'_qociety_ Winstanleyts agrarian communali-slor into But I would Like offense. I,uE capIEaI o1lense. modifieo. rnE would g,e.em see it modl-I'reo. td See tii<e to 9,e.em a capital reason any society" capita| punishment f,or a tnue Christi-an anarchis;t cannot'bb aceepted i.n ar"r. anarchist QCTOBER



iiiffikil;",y;"txt:":3[,."istered by a t?soldierfr Qr village t .,, 1



These were. mainly light such as impres;sed l-abor or reduced


llberti.esl' (although he refused to cons,ider lrisons as such). Most surprisia! and disturbing of, al-I Winstanlley made provisions; for a standing army.- A devout Paci{isb in hi5 or,rn- life, he erridently


\ \


by the one person reriolutioa

0n October the lOth, Pro-

jects for




three people from the. Catholic Worker ir:r Toronto. Chuck and Brit Angus and Julie Egan wil-l be at the public library on Friday the lOth to speak on Christianity as' Reallzed PoIitical Actlvism. The evening i^I'jJ.I begin at 7l3O and there wiIL be donations at the doori. Aniounts over'$t5"00 can be made tax ded.uctable care of the Pete.rborough

witl d+"1, 1/\" faces a deca.denr,, , confused and dying r,,rcrld. H.ennacy, . - Ammon r I ?t

lhe Book of, Ammon ,:


Green Party. The Toronto Catholic urorkers ha,ve be.en supportive of, the Digger and vre

urle aII rnrho can to come out for this presentation. I know it" wil1. be thought provoking. and am l-ooking forv,rard to meeting oId friends f have only coliresponded v,iitkr-"

ttSfivis;tian anarchism j-s, based upon the answer of je.s;us to the

Pharis,ees. when he siio that ,/h" without sin uras to cast the first stone; and upon the Ser:mon ot ti.e



fd6D , ap



lhl-s is issue no' 12 of the ^. A sort of annj'versayyo. Piqg:"'appeared every other month Itount which advises the return of llgger issues and has nog appeared and rhe *I_:i* for: six issues. 6;,i-ro"-evii Th'is- means the other crreet<. Therefor" ili.u" I31lh1y we r?k" par! in soverryq?r,:i #i| rEs'rD vru' i:#:""i;.".333*ril""1:"?l3oi ing f,or legislatiYu, judicl"*":::i*- rrq4r executive officials we. make these peopre or"."* uy wrricrr we cast a ^,,y:rd' l-il(e to hear.{t9'Your the 643 Ggorge. Itone ana deny n tire sermon or,--itru i9-91::", peterborough, onrario, ivl0unr n [:il;E:.*, The dicti-onary definitlon of a Christian iis: one ruho f,ollorus At the end of every seven Chris't ; kind, kindly, Christ.-Iike. thou shalt, make a relea,se. Anarchism is voluntary co-operat'ion years and thi.s i.s the manner of th,e for good, with the right of, secess- release;' Every creditor that. ion.- A Christian Anarchist is the- lendeth ought unto his neighrefore one who turns the other bor shaII release i-t,: he sha11 the of tablâ‚Ź:s the cheek; overturns not exact it of his neighbon, not does who money changers, and or' of his brotherl becarise it i.s need a cop to te1l her',or him how Lordts release. to behave, A Christian Anarchist. called theDeuteronomy or upon bullet-s does no& depend ballots to achieve her or hj-s idea1s 1 s/ne achieves that i"deal dail-y


T:e. f,ood bank aL ZL9 Ilunten sureet", Projects for Changa jis groiting" At least tl:e need for * ib is, growing, Quite, a. fevr S folks now come to the foo.d bank Y lhose f,evr bad days before the r[ irelfare: or uLleflploymelt cheo,ue â‚Ź is due, .looking for s;ome asSist- * ance.n A drive i"s, on to get more,i ccods for t he. bank" Confainers +

are being set up in several_ h ford stores,'the first beine t []:e Harvest'House at 68- CJErge] lI. Cr-rston:e.:i',:, of the.s;e i s'bcrils ootrt ,'u nci,!lli.c,l o.f orrr" ii3 ;,,-,:; anci that they rr.rav hei.p by Y: :)-,-cI(ang up a coup-J i o.f :iems ( ,rf' canned or drie.d rgacG; alrng v) vrj-th thei-r sl';ci::ir:-ii;;, &r1ci d:-oo a -;li.-:sc ir -,u. tl:c c::iia- Ln rr"3; pio-v * I ; l-:-ke r.o . Cer.i. l.f an.;oi- ji iit:riri a': asil uc:e.::-orl ihcrr may d-o .o bjt r-lroppir:,; :irtc the s,icre ai 2l-J Hunter srre-er rir,;st aj'fer:noons" A.q r"rel-l-, donaticns ol/er .$i5. wil-I r::;iC''"'3 a tax reJ:.-pt. ca,re of l;te Fete.r:borcu,El: C:.een Par-r,yl r, i-s hoped N.:,a.t al L f.rreads, and a-Ll- '-"rho care f or' Ulie--:' brothers r"irl- sisters in neec wlll- be gen.:,:--r'r,.,





Dear Kenny:

Ivluch love) pe.ace and divlne anarchy to you" Hope you got the lssue, threes which h,ie-r.e sent,l Flerets a ccuple o,f fours (issue f,our? that must mean we tre almost establlshed) o Do r,rith them wha,t you wi11,, At last" i have t i-me to in the Lazy sunmer sun and mail off the various pinches to vat-ious, people" o . it would b e wonderful to gat,her everyone iato one place and share our visions and

supporl, Slowly, slowJ.y. The. ?rReclaim the ci-tytt action went \rery r,'.ell,-. and another is nlanned /pug" fourj tve cione various " l{e at C,0. rrrorkshops various gatherings and festivalls, and the responses have been quite haerten:ing" Ficoing to bring out a fair-

].y siu-:s:a;:tia]- i nti"oductory pamphl-et ,rr-i-thi '.^ do spread the word, thoui;h j-t rs. quite an" Ii!'j-li send you the re.sul-t.s" Ln the rire;nt,i:ne-. we?rc moving io a hous:,nr, co'.op :i-n Birminghara. 1a t-l.r;rrfh t,i.= .l,c;rcLon adC.r" sti]'L holds f,or naiJ-) , as part of a New Uirivers:'.t;v- nr:c jec,i -' a,bout which there 'oiii-i. be rroi'e i-nt'o. in issue frve- (-:.tts al.mos,t t:-me for our anni''rersanl' e r.'l-LLi.onI ). E:icitementi wrii: and ent,l:us.ias,m f,or life abouncfs" Lo;e to everyone in Canada., keep turning the world

upsld-e d o',nli.


percj.r:re my sou.I deepiy (pjncl:r of Sal-t is an <excellent -!ord.of^IernYy"*,I guil-ty had ra'cher thy Ch"i"tj."r, futarchist mag from Engwork were undone than done better l-arnd" chock f uLl_ o eooi stuff . b), another ihan !f mp,se-1fJ,.D1spo- *"it6 pinch 0f SaJLt; a/; if*-$t" sess. me, l,ord, of .th:ls- ba.d. sroir:-t', Qurntc:r Avenue, -Lond.on'rnnor-n"i.l and turn my envy irito holy emul-atj-- oa; " o o)râ‚Ź&. make othcr j,.':-:-'is, gifts, to be mi ne, b;; mili rn,; thankf ul to tire f,.or the,ni -Thomas



S.eptember the 10th, Fr. Charlie lvlcCarthy held a seminar

on Christian Non-violence. It wlth about 55 people taking part f,or the wJrole weekend. The. presentation vras well put togethen,by Henry Kasaub zuba and friends; and Fr. Cha.rlie I4ras c ontroversi"al, witty and thought provoking as usual, EiLms hrere shown on the bombings of Hiroshima and nagasaki. and on the situatlon iLn South Africa. I'{any contacts; &fld friends were made. Rather than go into detail- about what rrasr said, I am reproducing a small excerpt from Fr. Charl-iers Stations 0f The was well- attended

Cross of N.onviolent Love. T.l:is and othen pamphlets are available for one dol-lar each f rom Pat Ferrone, 23$ Harris Ave., Need.ham MA. AZ-92.

and when we did not. That the resurrection should become an excuse to oamper and religlousLy

legitimize the a rtif icially cre.ated need of fashionableness ltrhile ignoring the wor'lds -:suffering is an abomination. To be a irfashlon plate?, in a world where one pertlon dies every nine seconG because his or her pl-ate is empty is s candalous. There was nothing tastefuL or

Jesus I crucifixion, He was beaten brutally and stripped naked as hundreds of millions of other oppressed people have been over the centuries and are being today. The vested powers of this world always strip naked those

tactful about

they wish to control, humiliate, delagitimize., dj scourage and des-

troy, for if clothes, make the man or woman, the abs.enee of them means the ?rthingt? before them j,'s CLOTHES i',IAKE THii MAI.{ a subhuman non-rrerson, To hide the Christ, stripped of hi-s lt0lothes raake the manl?r Bi-llions from garments is to hide from the reod' ctollarsi are spcnt yearJ-y in ality of the cross cf non-violent affirmation of this belief" For love which requiresr that alI be tens of tens of mil-lions being fui given and ass,umes, that all r^rilll st1rle ils an essjentia.l ingrediJnt be taken if r,rre are faithful,-" Mus,t of being human. People 5re ins- Jesus be wil.ling to be stripped tantly judged by what I hey v,rearo of his garments i-n order to bring Western Christianity has founcl it the vrorld to holinessr? l,{ust acceptable. to ignore hunran beings Francis of Assisj- have his family in dire. need of foodr ffie dicine., - turn from him? Must Dorothy Day shel,ter and educa.tion while. s,pentl- leave her husband? Must Edith ing God knows how nuch mone,y on Stein have her life torn from her fashj-on. The highesi Chris.tian at Auschwitz? Yes, they and we day, Easter, has become in must be stripped of all if we boly large part a celebration of unchoose to live Christs cross, of needeci c lothes" ?tIf cl_othe s make non violent love all the way to; the manrt Lhen new cl-othes make. the place of skulls " the rrnew man?tl All this is of course a world of destructive and psuedo,-Christianlty.

Clothes, do not make the man or woman. Mercy, forgiveness, Iove, compassion and truth rnake human beings what they are supposed to be. 0n jucigement day the Son of

will not ask, ??How often were you in style?rt He siII t e.11 us, when we re.sponded to hl;-man misery



Itve jus;t finished reading

Anerican Splendour by HarveY Pckar. Harvey Pekar r,vould be complete nonentity, Iiving in


Cl i:-relannd: v,rorking at a lorlv revel govirrnment iob, but for one thing. HarveY Pekcr writes': and publishes comj-c books' The comic books he writes, however are not of the usual- super hero, esc.rpist pulp that we see on the n.3,rsstands', Pekars stories are n1.s -ly a bout himself or of his fi iend.s and acquan1,ences as they go abou-t their ordinary lives. T'i.ri;::e is in -fact very li-ttle acl.i o:: in a.ny of his stories, the only action in them is real aui,-c,r, ';ire kind you and" I expr?i'j.ljrce rn going to the superrnai', oi' the rnovies or meeting c1 ::iv fri-end. Sometimes the ,;i,c:'its a re moral as in the case c.i a ;:1-1ghtly shady characte.r ',^,;lr-r .';ilov,IS u-p i;o help Harvey move r:l',1,', a.-l-1. ilarveyrs bes,t friencis excusesr ha;:: let hir:i dov,n-i tu-'th i;l:-: iitora-l- bei::tg i;hat +.he best fr .rncrs a-::e t'r hose t^rho c ome rr.rl .r19-r need lhem,, Of the }.eu_c,-i '.''r.r -..oi-.:i,i,c;r JVU of a i,i-a.rm humarity in a r:.:,'[-r: oid iei^rish lady ]n a ]ine.r.tit1 r,,.' tnc tantrum llarr,'ey throws ,:tL'wor-r oirl1' 1,e reali ze later "i,ci" cv'en bosses can be human and cliii , things arc not as bleak as th,:-'r appear" Donrt get me wrong Pekar: is no saint and with a great Cerri of candor expresses his own' sho.':icomings anci thosb of others, ev c,n their crudilies,o These are ' :,- ,elri,i-al}y adult slices of, life. Cc:le io think of it, (and Itm not jus'l being h'Tperbolic) , but there. is a similarity between Pekars -l-llrtle people and those of John :


Siei.rrbecks Cannery


I think that trunderground comic?t is not quite the Proper term for this form, PerhaPS ?tillustrated novelt? would be closer. I?m quite sure that Pekar could in f act wri-te a nonillustrated novel. It is the uniqueness of the comic book form that gets us hooked, but the imPortance and the s tyle of the writing that keeps us reading. After al-l a dozen panels of one man standirrg there talking are not exa.ctly bieathtakingly visual. Still for al1 t hat Pekar gets. the bestillustrators f or his work. Robert Crumb, Gerry Shamray, and Greg Budgeit as well as others are the cream of the comic ill-ustrator crop. Some like Crumb are more comic, others like ShamraY and Budgett more into realism. I urge you to seek out anYt4ing you can get by Harvey Pekar. rfFrom Off lhe Streets of Clevel-and American Splendourtt is a collection have aPPeared in of stories- which ttAmerican Splendour?r, Pekars annual Doubl-eday/Do1by published it vias phin"


of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so was the aPpearanee of the brightness round a bout. Thj-s was the appearance of the llkeness of the glory of lhe Lord. And when I 5aw it, I f ell upon my"face and I heard a. voi-ce of one that As the appearance

spake. And

siad unto ffier Son of man, STAND UPON TliY FEUT, and I willHe

speak unto thee,

- Ezekie.l

, Ut


Dr Vll.S LirrgJ ish l.oornJ

Dives daily feas t,ed And was gorgeous.fy'arrJya.t,. lior,*

ar ait Eu"r"r6 [;-ii;.*& iL, But because, rtwas, g;oA*io, trade" That the poor mlght have_more carl-CO. He clothed himself wlth silik; And surfelted hlms"ii -o"'cream That they mig]rt tri""-*o"u mj-lk. And e'en'to 5r.o,'[iJ y .for the des,erving poor, "imprti HS did no useful_"w6rt<-i:.mseff That they mlghr oo-iii""il;;;:' Ittot

The making of, luxuries forr. ourselvtrs dj veats energy .f,rom pro9uction and se.:rvice5" which would benefit the and J'ess priviliged. Where'poor rt\i ].1 the rnonelr come f rom to pay for, the real

needs of soc:.ety? Iy it must c ome from" theObvious_ of our. e,conomy where. mostsegments oi ttremoney is now namely consu_ lpent, mer goods a nd.war-materiiLs, There is a relationship between the avallability of elbciric can opene'rs and the shortage of care" Luxuri, is theftl My luxuries are

not as as others necessities import?nt hhere is,.nothing wrong with goo.d" food OTHERS. IF NVERYbNE and comt'ortabl-e living POSS}ISJIJD ONIY 1ooms, but _Orrig..fiOULD hIIAT when millions have fiEtle t,o eat i,'/A S NEEDED \iO a-nd, barely place to s i"*p BE IN POVERTY whille * we rl-ve l_n luxury we (-irom tselrond The Rat. are $ot be_ ing respons " It G -not nec_ Race by Arthur Cistr) ess.a.ry that our happiness and ..-* :i rre possess something r,ve d.o lo{. .be paid f,o5 by'tti;-;"ii"r,,,g __ and death of others,. lfe can f -rE ltor. re e:d we ar.e stealin[--!-t f ,o* a new under:standing ,,tho of joy and do need i-i_--'Ffrat stea_ ccmfort not !!",," bases 5n opfrrLssr-or:.. hn,1:. r:iay be orrect or i;;j"";;,m3y be the ::eiusaf to l,I.,t v;hat weonly To build pp wealth necess ar-'j. shir-e have with our broth_ ,ttruru-i, f or ir is ers a.nd sisters in need. f 1ofv9,s- exploitation, rrnposslble to acqui-re'a fortune g'. 1i5;i-ted amount of resources, in so1ely by oners o'wn eriori. iro 'Lho, l^,*-:.:l_d. Thug f or ;;,;;-people us to bedome rich, others neecl r,o Lo h. ^,rd is, to keep things f rom rvork and live on a standard below otlrr:, .r " That means that as l;;" our oulns Consider the hardships as -r have,rnore than i-';;";; i";fi have PQopJe to endure s.o that io" _iTe from them. The-*ii"t".,." can ::":r.leeo l_ive luxuriously : the rape means a moral :jct_a_r_:l onanywhere p laughter of the In<jians and *la the wealth I have, ff the oppression of the pos..s,gi_ons are g.rossly f*?,c{s,worl-d. unequal tn:.rd -ui!*J"1"=;;i" Think of the assem_ it r-s ne cessary_ ! rhe sufferin!-*u.."", not have the full Ueneiii !1I iiq"s, ourn labor. That is th;it," of their crowded into our_citiesl ttre poll_ ution not only of our -io. Ulrl of our soul,s. - tn oraeru6if ,r" Ivlol$y_ and resources was.ted oss,ential items s tolen irom tfreare lo_"nigy bananas we force with the o1'our military, peasants in poor. and from g ood causes. lerp There latln Amerlca to woi,[ it- extremelv be no .jusrlce tor aii-as lon[ low wages.. :1" Our afflrr"n.u-;;-;;;;d as anyone cons,umes more than is. on our collective theft from puoplu nece.s??ry. Simple 1iving is. one the world and here, at homb, rngredient need-ed to est,ibilsfr-.j"s_ around Our wealth has dehumanized- not onl-v tice,, - ---*J ourselyes but others as, wettONB CANNOT BE ITEALTHY IIITHOUT STEALI],jC f'n-Of,A




MSC Farm-

'wilno, Oitario.


Dear Kenny: Thanks very much


send_ ing us Digger over th.e last I'ew months, I_ guess you got our name I'rom our letter in t[e Cathollc Worker, where,-*" ,".". looking.for people in putting oiit -rrTheinterested Canadian uatholic Radicalrr. One fellov,r from Montreal sent us ,ir5o. a.nd a family from near Sarnia came ang stayed v,rith us for a week anci that was about i-t. Eric , Gill is the person whose nrit_ ings

influenced me. IrIl lfryos,t I can send some of- my favourite qoutes of his l. you. 'w,e live_quile poorly, bul Ir11 try to encl-ose somethi_ng to help pay posta

I also recieved this month copl this great 1ittle mag. ? Desof_lioines from fowa,. As well_-as; producing this quarterly, the community there runs the'Jeanette t(ankj.n shel_ter for famil_ies and gingle wornen, and Kindred commun_ and a soup kitchen. Ity house, 'Ihe sprlng t85 issue- I recieved has an interesting article on state National Gu5rds b eing sent to Honduras to help p"epar"foo nhatever Ronnie hai irp iris sleeve for out southern brthbrs and sisG- ns. Write Kindred_-Voices , 133?, 6th Avenue. Des i{oin""-ia.5o3lk






ge. Keep on Diggins --'


Barney McCaffrey

is thc great .,Lork of His - This love which is d;;i!;"j"i" -wor1d over_ rhe powers of tfre in l|io, cne mcment of their seeming tri_ pmpn. Thi_s is_rhe greii-work of love wfrich will f"""pu"iormeA in many obscure and weak and-unkn.own men and women, Christians by lhe worl_d ind .r"i-".ia" Oespi=ea as useless; men suffering-il prisons ?^nd concentration .nr[u, women starving in th-e bombeii 5ut citles, -'ooor

Abborou.=, far ?i !h" world-, _ rarmers., humbl_e pries.tsi nl-rns in convents . simple. lry brothers, mothers or railiiies; ;;;"u,o"r,


littl-e children. I; ,i;;.; sou1d Christ witl enklndle larrer ciays of the world ifr" i;-;;" ?ir" of great charity to counleract thea love that hai grown cold in the souls of the Ldrds or-i[e Larth. -Thomas lvlerton


you do take away _ -F*t though. tythes., and the power of Lordi of rnahors r yet there will be no want to them, for they have the free_ dome of'the Common Stock, they may send to the Storehouses f6r rlhat they want, and live -*or" lree than they d,; now, for now they are ln cire and vexation by b.y casualties, by beirg :,:Iy?"!"t cheated in buyllg and sell-i.g, ue f;;; f ?:: ror :l:"^!l-"I.lili the common Storehouses ;Eriralr., ls evtry mans riches, not urry orr"u.






Dear Keniry:

Your las,t issue of, Digger: said shpuld a paper that, deal-s wi'th the s.pirit be printe.d on but spirit duplicator? rr

Lo put an end to t his torture help to boycott, the torturers.





that irs the maiming and kilIlng of pecple irs incompatibl-e with a re.liglo.rl. that i-s based on How a.bout an a rti-cle on Christians love of p,eaee and good-wi}l to managing to laugh despite a depress- people-. The Quakers. affirm arud prove that nothing has s,o much world, and about being joyful contributed. t"o the dbscuring of hourever awful things a,re, just as Chris.ts truth in the e.yes of the Jesus; Vras" You could, cal-L the art-.cle. ttBeing Jest a.s Mary as Christ.rt pagans and impeded, the, disseminatlon of Christianity i.n tLr-e world as, the aonackno.w.ledgemerfi ll;Lvid idebste-r of this commandrcelt by people Peterboro who call themselves Christianss as the, permission granted to lcar Dave well since If ye s.v,iit ched -^rage '.,i,- r,ns Gestetner fpr prrrrt+rrg, let ts war a.nri use vj-olence. ( it Geist telne r gcist ur.o-roLr.nce All the peocle of our Chri$bG:::man for s-pirit). Regardless of tre atrocious, Funr (yours not nine) ian v,rorl know, know f irmly, frc om ;i-i is an exbellent idea' to do an art- tradition a.nd revelation and from the 1-rrefutable r.olce of i:ie cn the Christisn, good life. cons.cience, that murder Ls one Lr:ok for" it in . the next issut , of the most terribl-e crimes lvhich a person c an commit as the Gospe.1 s ay,s r an d tha,t t hl-s sin cannot be limited tc c.ertaia GILLETTE EOYCOTT peopJ-e., tha't is, that it is e. sin to kill'some people, but not ,is,tr an a.rticLe on the nev,rs l-ast p-ht to kiIl others. All know that ,r.l about what goes on i,n the lab if aL G:l lette. Inc", Somr,)one who used the sin of is a sj-n, r.,o wcrk t,here managed to make a sec- it is always a sinr, independ.ert, 1y ::e.t rideo and it was pretty sicken- of vrhat people are the victims r-ngo They?re are still- s,quirting of it, jus.t iike the sin of aduldish",,iashrng 1-iquid in animals eyes te.ry and theiving and any other" des,pite the f act that l^re all know what the results wj-lI be. Thatrs Tolstoy v';h;'; we put this s tuff up so the kids canrf get al it, Itrs common f or anim a.nimals to bre.ak thelr necks in the cagcs. No one seems to mind,',, Anim- als are cheap" There is a boycott on of Gillette goodsrr s o if you want This question

made me. have

unChris,tian thoughts.






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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.