The Digger and Christian Anarchist #12

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ffi$Wffiffiffiffiffiffi A CHBISTIAN COMMON$TEATTH #TZ thought that. peace. and freedom alb _ At long Iast., r.have got *: Gestetne:r going a1d Dlgger urill hr_ome-must be lreserved from f oreign now be appearing }n this .neTr _ attack, Such'a situatlon cannotr" sharper format". Thls method of, by a Christian an^ariaccepted 'l'inptiy printing gives much ryore s,cope be I have been a little chist. f,on gnorruth not only in the, Digger ur,comfortable ior some time with other jobs that may come Winstanl-eyrs theology. lie rejects hrt in, up, We hope you will like it' UJit H.eavbn and heI-I rnd-rich pretty Iou have no doubt alneady noilice.d welt any after lj-fe,. the change in the masthmd., this II-e eoirates God with re,a-scn- fii:e n9y the.Dlgg"" and Chr=is- irr rd far as it goes- bu+, God-**r tian Anarchist". !Q1le giving much more than j[st ieason". "i ;er"pride of place to Dlggerr_there sonnally believE, i3 a loving Gcd hre a few consriderations I have who sent Hi-s, son Jesus Chr-,.s-, r'The works.of Gerrard eanth to bridge the cos1i1ic S.-r,' to clarify. while generallly being Tkrat Jesus is the Cirrisr,., t h,: :r:,,-'..' Winstanley t agcepted et seminal to anarchist- hope of salvation and the a7.1.',r'tni' thoubnt,- bear some disturbing to'know God. I look forr,^rariL'i'r-,';-n 1-e-f'e-, place inre and t\aif,s, For his-+*"tio" and re-ura.rding after' r,h:s t"]:l,lgeca,t5e tha-u in very lenient trilipstanley was I cannot accept 4r1' end js 'alt and punishment. At the crime tblms, of and thâ‚Ź be life game the were, there when a time i.n England fif" t o me is not wo:r'th th$e'e hundred hanging off,enses, ii this i-s all there is" So v.rhil-e Winstanley allovus for capi-ta1..-pun- I sive lriinstanley and his Digger ishment fi on3-y three ca6es, Tor moiement f,utl d.ue f,or enlightenmtrIu papig,ts, for c orrupt justices who I have to add the two words that, ttadminister the law f,or money.or make this' paper and thj-s,-philosrewatrdrt, and for any r,vho- vrould Fl.y ophy rr*ra.t tirby 4trer ?tChrlsti&rt'.' or se-LL-t he fruits of the earth. ai:d.'rranarchislrtl li'ltrile I accept; Capitalisrn in a Digger'_qociety_ Winstanleyts agrarian communali-slor into But I would Like offense. I,uE capIEaI o1lense. modifieo. rnE would g,e.em see it modl-I'reo. td See tii<e to 9,e.em a capital reason any society" capita| punishment f,or a tnue Christi-an anarchis;t cannot'bb aceepted i.n ar"r. anarchist QCTOBER



iiiffikil;",y;"txt:":3[,."istered by a t?soldierfr Qr village t .,, 1



These were. mainly light such as impres;sed l-abor or reduced


llberti.esl' (although he refused to cons,ider lrisons as such). Most surprisia! and disturbing of, al-I Winstanlley made provisions; for a standing army.- A devout Paci{isb in hi5 or,rn- life, he erridently


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