The Contribution of Place Brand Strategy to Placemaking

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The Contribution of Place Brand Strategy to Placemaking Academy of Urbanism, London, 31 March 2015

Structure of Workshop 1.  Introduction (2 min) 2.  Development of place and destination brand strategy (45 min) 3.  Commentators (15 min) 4.  Q&A (10 min) 5.  Group Work (60 min) Assessment of the offer of a heritage area with a commercial centre and the creation of a brand proposition (40 mins) Feedback of group propositions in plenary (20 mins)

This is not about logos and taglines

It’s about STRATEGY Its$about$thinking$strategically:$ $

•  About$the$offer$and$experience$to$be$had$in$places,$offers$ and$services$that$characterise$and$dis;nguish$them,$in$ combina;on,$from$other$places$ $ •  Who$the$place$is$for$–$who$it$wants$to$retain$or$aAract$and$ how$to$do$so$ $ •  About$how$the$place$can$plan,$develop,$improve$and$expand$ its$offer$and$experience$ •  What$to$say$about$current$and$planned$offers$to$retain$and$ aAract$target$market$audiences$and$establish$iden;ty$

Why create place brand strategies? •  •  •  •

Helps define & realise the vision for the place Describes and plans & delivers the offer & experience Organises the delivery of the desired offer & experience Communicates the offer & experience to consumers residents, workers, investors & visitors

Evolution of place and destination brand strategy •  •  •  •  •  •

Tourism marketing Destination marketing Country branding City/city region branding Site development brand strategy Multi city branding

Atlantic Cities Brand Strategy

So…what’s the point of a logo?

A" Locator An"Iden-fier" Shorthand/Symbol"for" the"Offer"and"Experience"

So‌what is a place brand strategy if its not about logos, tag lines and imagery?

Place"brand"strategies"plan"and"tell"the" story"of"the"current"and"planned"oer"of"a" place"and"the"experience"to"be"had"there"

What do place brand strategies do?

So what’s involved in preparing a place brand strategy?

So what’s involved in preparing a place brand strategy? Its$about$being$clear$on$the$ purpose$of$the$place$and$the$ func-ons$that$it$performs$for$its$ people$and$businesses$

So what’s involved in preparing a place brand strategy? Its$about$being$clear$on$the$ purpose$of$the$place$and$the$ func-ons$that$it$performs$for$its$ people$and$businesses$

Its$about$being$clear$on$your$ aAributes$–$the$things$your$ place$is$good$at$or$will$become$ good$at$

So what’s involved in preparing a place brand strategy? Its$about$being$clear$on$the$ purpose$of$the$place$and$the$ func-ons$that$it$performs$for$its$ people$and$businesses$

Its$about$being$clear$on$your$ oer$to$people,$the$experience$ they$will$have$in$the$place$B$your$ place$brand$promise"

Its$about$being$clear$on$your$ aAributes$–$the$things$the$place$ is$good$at$or$will$become$good$at$ which$give$it$a$dis;nc;ve$iden;ty$

So what’s involved in preparing a place brand strategy? Its$about$being$clear$on$the$ purpose$of$the$place$and$the$ func-ons$that$it$performs$for$its$ people$and$business$

Its$about$being$clear$on$your$ aAributes$–$the$things$the$place$ is$good$at$or$will$become$good$at$ which$give$it$a$dis;nc;ve$iden;ty$

Its$about$being$clear$on$your$ offer$to$people,$the$experience$ they$will$have$in$the$place$B$your$ place$brand$promise"

It’s$about$carefully"planning"the" offer$of$your$place$and$how$you$ will$deliver$it$to$the$people$who$ live,$work,$study$or$visit$there,$in$ a$sustainable"and"viable"way$$

So, simply put, place brand strategy is about‌.



Understanding how places work and how people use them

Understanding what people and businesses, need, want and DESIRE

What does place branding offer placemaking?

What does place branding offer place-making?

An overarching idea (the brand proposition) and a process for delivering, managing and communicating it

What does place branding offer placemaking?

A way of turning a place from somewhere you do not want to go into one that you don’t wish to leave

Place Brand Challenges Understanding changes in consumer behaviours and emerging consumer trends

Place Brand Challenges Understanding how to transform streets from battlegrounds into destinations

Place Brand Challenges Understanding why and where people congregate

Place Brand Challenges Understanding of what attracts people to places

Place Brand Challenges Understanding how people want to live, work, learn, relax, be entertained

Place Brand Challenges Understanding place economies

Place Brand Strategy EXPERIENCE MASTERPLANNING ___________________________________________________ •  Plans the desired offer and experience for places, destinations and developments in line with the agreed vision and brand proposition •  Details the core elements of the planned offer •  Details the target occupiers and target market audiences •  Assesses the costs of financing the destination •  Explores and identifies sources of investment and partners •  Develops a business plan to realise and manage the destination •  Provides a detailed brief for masterplanners, architects and landscape architects to work to.

A model to understanding places as destinations

A"tool"to"develop"a"Place"Brand" and"create"an"Experience"Masterplan"


•  Desired Future Place •  Target Audiences •  New Offers and Experiences •  Desired Identity and Reputation The Brand Compass enables place stakeholders and leadership teams to come together and develop a shared vision for the future development of their place, identifying how they wish to improve upon its current offer with improved and new ones and the range of future experience the place will provide.

PLACE OFFER! •  Current Offer and Experiences - Attractions and Assets •  Planned Improvements & Extensions •  Assessment of Existing Brand & Message •  Attributes The Brand Compass enables places to undertake an extensive and rigorous offer of their current offer, identify the things the place is good, identify the market audiences accessing them, and the messages they are sending to them. It also enables places to identify and classify agreed plans for the development, improvement and extension of their offer and the market audiences they are being targeted at.

BRAND PROPOSITION! •  Selected Mix of Offers & Experiences •  Priority Value Propositions for Target Markets •  Brand Attributes, Benefits & Brand Values •  Brand Essence The Brand Compass enables places to create a new or improved proposition to attract and retain their agreed priority target market audiences, a proposition that differentiates their offer from their competition, one that provides them with a distinctive identity and a desired reputation.

BRAND TESTING! •  Design of Testing Framework •  Focus on Target Market Audiences •  Accessing Fit with Audience Requirements •  Analysis of Requirements •  Brand Proposition Refinement “The Brand Compass enables places to test out their agreed brand proposition on audiences in target markets, to assess its fit with their requirements – needs, wants and aspirations, and to use the results to refine and finalise the proposition.”

BRAND$IMPLEMENTATION$ •  Experience Masterplanning •  Investment Attraction •  Marketing Masterplanning •  Communications Plan The Brand Compass enables places to plan the improvement, development and introduction of new offers and experiences; to identify and attract investment to fund their offer; to market and communicate their offer.


•  Brand Organisation •  Brand Funding •  Monitoring & Evaluation •  Impact Analyses •  Brand Refreshment The Brand Compass helps places to organise themselves for the delivery and management of their agreed brand proposition, to review its impact and to refresh their brand offer and experience in the future.

Places"" that"" have"" Brand"" Strategies"

Oslo City Region Norway

Mississauga Ontario Canada

Waterfront Toronto The Blue Edge

Overhoeks North Amsterdam


Overhoeks North Amsterdam •  ING-led Brand (development) Partnership •  27 ha site on River IJ opposite Amsterdam Centraal Station •  Vision, concept and brand strategy development process over 2 years •  Concept – A place that will be “Alive & Kicking” •  Mix of residential, cultural, commercial, leisure and entertainment •  Extensive brand testing and consultation with stakeholders & public •  Brand Partnership managing implementation of development

Overhoeks North Amsterdam Contribution to place making and urban development •  Established viable mix of land uses, types of/target occupiers •  Established in-site locational relationships for siting new uses/occupiers •  Identified and attracted target “on-brand” occupiers and tenants •  Influenced site marketing (specific/factual/no blah blah) •  Consulted and involved local people and key stakeholders in brand strategy development •  Created new identity, positioning and reputation

Cork Docklands A location for global economic investment


Cork Docklands Influences on placemaking & urban development •  Brand proposition established a new role for the area, a new offer and experience, a new identity and new positioning •  Identified sites for sale, occupation and development •  Key messages for real estate developers •  Key messages for inward investors •  Identified key sectors to be attracted and supported •  Phasing of new development and supporting infrastructure •  Consultation with landowners and key sector businesses •  Key messages for local business, workers and residents •  More positive identity and positioning

Cork City Region Brand Strategy A brand strategy for regional economic development


Cork City Region Brand Strategy A brand strategy for regional economic development

A"brand"to"aAract"and"retain" people,"business"and" investment"

Harnessing Social Media for Consultation

Cork City Region Testing the strategy through global consultation$

Brand Book for Cork City Region$

Brand Book for Cork City Region$

Brand Book for Cork City Region$

Cork City Region Brand Influences on Placemaking & Urban Development •  Reinforces key role of city in regional development •  Encourages key sectors to jointly market city region offer and opportunities – landowners, developers, business support services, destination marketing team •  Key messages for real estate developers and inward investors on development opportunities •  Raised profile of region’s offer and experience for visitors, locally, regionally, nationally and globally •  Recognised key role of city centre in region’s identity •  Recognised the need for quality places in city centre

Recap on Brand Strategy

To recap, place brand strategy is about…..



PLANNING$&$DELIVERY$ Ac;ve$Place$Management$


Brand strategy reduces risk By understanding consumers

Needs,"wants,"desires,"how"they"want"to"live,"where"they"want"to"live," facili-es"that"will"support"their"lifestyles"

Reduces Risk By understanding occupier requirements


Enables Places and Development To respond to people’s needs and behaviours

Benefits of place branding For the place: •  Being clear on its offer, experience and its market. •  Improves the way in which it is conceived, planned, created and operated. •  Better position it in relation to its target markets in terms of investors, facility operators and consumers. •  Provides it with sustainable competitive advantages over other destinations. •  Positively changes current perceptions of the destination.

Benefits of place brand strategy For operators, developers, investors and stakeholders: •  Understanding the vision for the development of the place •  Understanding the desired experience and offer of value •  Knowing the market and target audiences •  Differentiation in the market •  Understanding “On-brand” investment •  Clear messages to communicate to and attract people and business

Roger Hobkinson Commentary

Property places and destinations Seeking competitive advantage in a changing world

Property$Places$and$Des;na;ons$ Seeking$compe;;ve$advantage$in$a$compe;;ve$world$ $


Think Destination

Product development lifecycle

Why place brand then? •  •  •  •  •  •  •

What you are as a consumer proposition Establish points of differentiation Clear on experience, offer & reputation Have more conversations & deals Attract & retain users Leverage investment Drive commercial success

Philip Harcourt Commentary

What Place Branding does for a Place

What Place branding does for a Place

Kuala$Lumpur$City$ Centre$(KLCC)$

Twin$Towers$ Suria$Mall$




What Place Branding does for a Place •  THEY ARE ALL THE SAME PLACE!

What Place Branding does for a Place On a single site we may come across confused branding

Place Branding can also be a Concept We have worked together on a Brand Concept

A$menu$for$investors,$developers$and$managers$of$retailBled$mixedBuse$ developments$and$des;na;ons$ •  •  •  •  •  •

Many$shopping$centres$look$and$feel$the$same$ The$“Box$of$Shops”$no$longer$excites$shoppers$ People$will$go$down$the$road$to$get$a$beAer$experience$ Or$they$might$just$stay$at$home$for$their$entertainment$ And$believe$that$the$internet$is$a$beAer$way$to$shop$ What$needs$to$change$to$bring$them$back?$

Experience"retail"is"shoppingQled"entertainment" ❙






A"mix"of"aAractors"and"experiences"drives"fooRall"&"spend" ❙

$Retail$+$ac;vity$aAractors$=$increased$and$sustained$foodall$$ $and$dwell$;me$






Experience"retail"is"shoppingQled"entertainment" ❙






Experience"Retail"is"Innova&on"across"the"retail"experience" Innova;ve$mix$of$aAractors$and$uses$














Experience"Retail"is"Innova&on"right"across"the"" retail"experience" Innova;ve$aAractors$to$increase$














Experience"Retail"is"about"Innova&on"to"aAract"fooRall" Experience"Retail"is"about"Place" Place"is"about"Experiences" Experience"Retail"is"a"Brand" " Experience"Retail"="Place"Branding" Place"Branding"="Success"

Ashley Dunseath Commentary

Ashley Dunseath DipLA, MA, CMLI Partner at LDA Design

Blackpool: Taking the cure Spen Dyke peat bog water discharge making a black pool

Battersea: Industrial pollution Iconic landmark edifice and poor housing

GrimClee: Meggie & Skeggy Fishing industry and health resort

Dunstable: Historic market town The boundary post of super thief Duna

Doha: The big tree Fishing village of humble origins

Place Branding Delivering on a Promise

Place Branding - Delivering on a promise


Place Branding - Delivering on a Promise Strategy"


Place Branding - Delivering on a Promise

Place Branding - Delivering on a Promise Strategy"

Brand" Planning"&" Delivery"

Place Branding - Delivering on a Promise

Place Branding - Delivering on a Promise Strategy"

Brand" Planning"&" Delivery" Live"the" values"

Place Branding - Delivering on a Promise Strategy"

Brand" Experience"

Planning"&" Delivery" Live"the" values"


Logo$look$and$feel,$ messaging,$etc$ Customer$ experience$

Place Branding - Delivering on a Promise Strategy"


Brand" Experience"

Planning"&" Delivery" Live"the" values"

Be memorable, be different

Place Branding - Delivering on a Promise


Questions Before Exercise

Group Exercise An opportunity to quickly try your hand at developing a place brand proposition for a historic part of central London London Bridge (40 minutes)

London Bridge Brand Development Area

Destination Audit Highlights Key Findings and Conclusions

Destination Audit Highlights The place is an important transport hub

Destination Audit Highlights A favoured area for business and employment

Destination Audit Highlights Definitely a place to visit.

Destination Audit Highlights A place to hang-out, eat and be entertained

Destination Audit Highlights A place with a rich history to be built on

Destination Audit Highlights The attractions that bring people into the area

Destination Audit Highlights What people do in the area

Destination Audit Highlights What people say about the area

A"Place"to" "see"London"

A"Place"to""" Work"

A"Place"to"" Relax"

A"Place"to"be" Entertained"

A"Place"to" Work"&"Live"

A"Place"to"Stop" O"In"

Your Assessment of London Bridge The$AAributes$of$the$Area$





Your London Bridge Brand Proposition 1.  Define the essence of the area 2.  What are the “Keystones” of the offer? 3.  What are the supporting “building blocks”? 4.  Describe the brand offer of the area in no more than 15 words

Using this Brand Pyramid draw your Brand Proposition London&Bridge& Brand&Proposition



Supporting Building&Blocks


The London Bridge Brand Proposition

Thank you for participating Thanks to Ashley, Phil, Ross and Roger And thanks to Katy Hawkins @ the AoU for organising the event Malcolm Allan Managing Director Place Matters Ltd +44 0780 335 6410

What Place Branding does for a Place

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