City planning and housing developments
Economic growth attracts new citizens to work at one of the top innovative companies of the Eindhoven Region: 230.000 in 2019 to 245.000 in 2023 and 300.000 by 2040. This puts existing ‘systems’(social, mobility, housing, energy, liveability) under presssure.
Transition as a ‘compact city’ (growth within the exisiting city), maintaining the cities’ green framework. Higher densities in city centre, balancing city growth with citizen’s health.
Growth vs moblity A city centre where the car is no longer the determining factor, investments in public transport, bicycle facilities and a public space that invites you to stay.
The growth of Eindhoven puts pressure on the ‘soft side’ of the City: inhabitants, living and working for generations, see their city change and can feel ‘lost in transition’.
We are committed to improve the existing city. This is 80% of the ‘job to be done’: maintenance. This requires a safe, clean and attractive living environment. Smart technology can help this challenge.
We focus on the further development of Brainport Eindhoven as a knowledge and innovation city. We cannot create or force innovation and economic development, only create and develop conditions for growth of a knowledge-based economy.
We develop metropolitan environments, distinctive from current supply of living, working and staying environments in Brabant, the region and Eindhoven. In this way we give an answer to the question of a new urban residential product in which people are looking for places where rest and 8 rumour come together
With increasing economy there’s also a chance for many types of functions to be combined in smart coherence with each other. Hubs appear where mobility, living, working, housing are combined, no longer at locations near highways
The next 20 years, Eindhoven will focus on the development of a number of metropolitan areas within the Ring that are eligible for the development of this type of metropolitan mixed environments, with respect for health and the soft side of the city, as previously described.
Eindhoven adds 40.000 houses Region adds another 15.000 to 30.000 houses
+ 15.000 wo (35%) + 9.000 (35%) + 16.000 (65%) + 25.000 wo (65%)
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