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Boys Varsity Soccer V.S. Crescenta Valley
from January 2023
By CAROLINE LI Staff Writer
Amid the oversized Jenga games, sparkly red face paint, and festivities taking place at the Hoopcoming tailgate, Arcadia High School’s (AHS) Boys Varsity Soccer team was up against movements. Twice, attempts by the Falcons to score a fourth goal were stymied by the Apaches. Despite this, CVHS quickly regained possession of the ball and field, forcing the Apaches to go on the defensive for the time being. A third attempt by CV missed again, and players from both sides made headbutts that definitely
AHS player was injured and attended by a team of medics. Despite this, the Apaches recovered and the ball was sent flying from one end of the field to the other, goalies from both teams kicking the ball sky-high. The first half ended with another foul on CVHS’ part and the score remaining at 0-3.
By the time halftime ended, the sun had already begun to wane, its absence blanketing the field with frigid anticipation. Despite wearing several layers, I personally felt the need to rant about how stupidly cold it was in my notes; one can only imagine how much worse off the players were in their jerseys and shorts. Nevertheless, as the timer barreled toward 0, the Apaches there on out, the Apaches fought long and hard, goalies from both teams shouting encouraging words to hype their fellow players up, beads of effort running down the players’ faces. Passes were made, another AHS player was injured, and reserves were switched out. The Falcons’ and the Apaches’ determination came to a head, fueled by cries of support from both sides of the bleachers. “That’s a yellow, ref!” someone yelled when the Apaches’ goalie fell, hard. Murmurs of agreement rippled outward from the epicenter of this sentiment as the AHS goalie stood and shook himself off, surrounded by concerned players from both teams.
As the game dragged heavily on the play-
Crescenta Valley High School (CVHS) on Jan. 13. Unfortunately, the Apaches lost to the Falcons with a score of 0-4, despite great plays from both teams.
“We went into the game knowing it would be a [tough] team,” said junior Harry Hairepetian. “The team was working hard out there, we were giving it our all, but sadly we didn’t get the result we wanted. We are upset about the loss knowing we can do better. We will take this game as a learning experience and come back stronger.”
CVHS scored their first goal early on in the game, exhibiting a strong sense of teamwork and coordination right out of the gate. However, the Apaches refused to back down, displaying an unwavering resilience through continual interceptions of the ball, with possession passing between the teams and shots from both sides. As the game intensified, players on the bench ran through various drills and stretches, preparing themselves to enter the game if need be, and shouts of “Come on, Arcadia!” were passed along throughout the bleachers. A few latecomers were still filtering in at this point, plastic red Hoopcoming headbands rustling as one girl murmured to her friend how they were up against a really good team this time.
“CV[HS] is the best in the league,” said senior Andre Portocarrero, the boys varsity soccer goalie, when asked for a comment. “I…will give them full props for their performance and hope we can learn from that match and improve for the last few matches to enter CIF.”

The Falcons quickly scored twice more, bringing the score to 0-3 with quick, incisive left lasting head trauma but also looked really cool.
With about 20 minutes left on the clock, CVHS was penalized for a foul against AHS, resulting in the Apaches taking the offensive, displaying the team’s intricate footwork and impressive tenacity. During this time, AHS took a shot that went too high, and CVHS sent the ball flying into the bleachers. The Apaches were determined to not let the Falcons score another goal.
With 10 minutes left in the first half, an wrapped up their stretches and assumed their respective positions, with the Falcons following suit.
Minutes in, CVHS scored the first goal of the second half, bringing the score to 0-4. From ers’ stamina, CVHS made some more fouls. With mere minutes left on the clock, the pressure was palpable, both teams exhausted but persevering. Neither was making much headway, their efforts constantly being intercepted by the other in a discursive back-and-forth, but both were running up and down the field like their lives depended on it.

Before the game ended, another AHS player was injured, resulting in the referee having to step in and have a chat with the Falcons. Despite their best efforts, the Apaches lost 0-4 against the Falcons after hours of tiring play.
“The Apaches fought valiantly,” said senior Navya Kannan, one of the many sports medicine students who were present at the game. “Despite the disappointing outcome, they tried their best.” cli@arcadiaquill.com
In the end, both CVHS and AHS gave the game their all. All players shared a round of good-natured high-fives afterward, marking a game well played. Though Arcadia may have lost the game, our team learned a lot and took the loss in stride. It’s safe to say that the next time the Apaches and the Falcons face off, they’ll be prepared to give their all once again.