Volume 59, Issue 8
April p 2011
Arcadia High School 180 Campus Drive, Arcadia, CA
Remembering Alice
In this issue:
PERFORMING ARTS pg. 11 Percussion Makes History: Our newly crowned national champions return from Dayton.
Photos courtesy of VICTORIA LU and graphic by ALWYNA LAU
FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS The tragic accident that claimed junior Alice Zhang’s life has had a profound effect at AHS: friends and peers have come together to help her family with their loss as well as to honor her memory. Graphic courtesy of ANONYMOUS
CENTER SPREAD pg. 14-15 CAMPUS FOCUS pg. 28 PostSecret: Students shared a brief hope, dream, or idea during March.
SPORTS pg. 24 2011 Arcadia Invitational: AHS hosts talented track and field athletes from all over the country. Have a question, comment, or concern about the Pow Wow? E-mail the Editors-in-Chief at editorsinchief@apachepowwow.com or find us online at apachepowwow.com.
By EILEEN CHOW & ALWYNA LAU Performing Arts Editor and Center Spread Editor On Apr.10, AHS felt the loss of fellow Apache junior Alice Zhang, who was fatally struck by a car at a pedestrian crossing near Duarte Ave. and Baldwin Ave. Alice was a loving daughter, diligent student, and dear friend to many. While Alice’s passing has been a tragic time for many, it has also brought our school together and prompted many to show support for Alice and her family in different ways. A wave of people wearing purple were seen throughout the school on the Friday following Alice’s death as many donned her favorite color as a tribute to her. Alice’s passing has also acted as a catalyst for change, spurring students to petition City Hall to add more safety measures to the road crossing in order to ensure that a tragedy similar to this will never occur again. As Alice’s fellow AP English classmate junior Lixing Chang explained, their “goal is to create a formal complaint to take out the crosswalk or make it safer.” A memorial was erected for Alice at the site of the accident and what had started out as a few bouquets of flowers and well-wishing cards grew to be a large tribute to Alice as the whole community—and even people from neighboring
cities—brought flowers, candles, and cards to commemorate the short but influential life Alice led. Alice was an active student and participated in many different clubs and organization across campus and many of these groups have been doing what they can to demonstrate their gratitude for their lost member. Senior Daniel Liem, who was on Physics Team with Alice, said that “she was indeed an integral part of our Physics Team.” Daniel, along with members of Physics Team, has been collecting donations to show support for Alice and her family. According to Daniel, “We feel obligated to help her family in an effort to reduce the pain caused by this tragic incident.” Following the likes of Physics Team is AHS Peer Tutoring, which Alice was a member of as well. Peer Tutoring has been collecting money as an organization and as adviser Mr. Gerry Wang said, “We did this to show our appreciation for Alice’s contributions to the Peer Tutoring Program.” While Alice was only a member just this year, effects of the loss are still present. Similarly, Leo Club is also planning its own fundraiser to support her as well. As adviser Mr. Mike Pasqua recalls, “There was something about Alice that stood out.” Alice had been a Leo Club member for entire school career and had the potential of even becoming an officer her senior year. As a sign of respect and gesture of support, Mr. Pasqua added that “the officer team is working to develop some sort of fundraising drive on behalf of her family.” Efforts to raise money for Alice and her family have extended to her classmates as well. Fellow
junior classmate Albert Hu said, “Quiet yet always heard, Alice was without question one of the most valuable assets in the classroom.” Classmates in Alice’s AP English, AP US History, and AP Physics classes have been pooling in money as well to express condolences for a lost classmate. Reaching beyond the AHS campus, the Girls Cross Country team is planning to start an annual Memorial 5K Run/Walk in Arcadia Park during Alice’s birth month of June in order to commemorate its “guardian fairy.” Senior Nancy Lam states, “Alice [has] always wanted to donate to cancer research, and through this fundraiser, not only her cross country family but the entire community gets the chance to live her dream for her.” The team wishes to have the support of the community by creating an opportunity for everyone to get together to not only celebrate Alice’s life, but to reach out to cancer patients as well. The AHS family and the Arcadia have been doing an excellent job in raising money and honing their support and condolences. Never has the entire community been so deeply affected by such an incident. While Alice may have left us, her death has sparked unity in the community and this is just one more blessing Alice has given us. Alice’s final impact is clear through all the efforts that AHS students and the community have been making to ensure that Alice’s memory will live on. echow@apachepowwow.com alau@apachepowwow.com