September 2017

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Volume 65, Issue 1

Arcadia High School 180 Campus Drive, Arcadia, CA

THE APACHE The World Is Our Campus

Letter from the Editors:

Thank you for checking out our first issue of 2017-2018! Since last year, we have undergone many changes what with going digital, but we refuse to let that deter us from providing quality content that we are proud of. We hope you enjoy viewing this spread as much as we enjoyed creating it. Amber, Kaitlyn, and Julia

THE JOURNEY TO HOMECOMING The process of holding an unforgettable Homecoming is headed by ASB, who announced the theme and planned Homecoming Week. By ELAINE VUONG Staff Writer


riends. Fun. Homecoming. After a month of school, most students have adjusted back into their busy schedules and school routines, and are probably feeling a little stressed and overwhelmed. Although studying is an important task of a student, having fun and enjoying high school life is a necessity in a teen’s life. One of the ways to take part in the high school experience is going to a dance: specifically, homecoming. AHS has many in and out of school activities for its students to participate in, and this year’s homecoming dance is a great out of school activity. On Sept. 30, students will dance and have the time of their lives with their friends at homecoming. ASB decided to

host the yearly dance at the California Science Center located next to the University of Southern California and the Natural History Museum. ASB Historian senior Lauren Soriano said, “Traditionally, Homecoming dances were widely celebrated in communities where alumni and new students would celebrate literally ‘coming back home’. Not only that, the venue at the Science Museum [has exhibits on] different ecosystems or traveling equipment. So we wanted to combine both of these aspects through the theme. ‘Wonders of the World’ [should show] students that the world is worth seeing and venturing, but after traveling you can always come home to Arcadia!” The California Science Center currently has many exhibits open, such as the World of Life, Ecosystems, and the special exhibition, Mission 26, which allow the students to

OPINION Sister, Sister:

Photo courtesy of GOOGLE.COM

NEWS pg. 2 SoCal Heat Waves: Record-breaking temperatures prompt warnings and could spell disaster for California.

delve into the “Wonders of the World”. The venue certainly emphasizes the theme at hand to provide students with the perfect platform to have fun. ASB decided on the theme “Wonders of the World”, because it believed that students could learn a little more through exploration. ASB Activities Commissioner senior Courtney Chan explains how the theme is meant to encourage students, “to explore a little more, inquire more frequently, and essentially, just be more curious. As the theme is based on the California Science Center, [ASB] wanted to pay homage to what any museum or educational institute aims to do: inspire. We often take for granted what surrounds us and as a result, become ignorant to the beauty of nature and life. [ASB] tried encapsulating this innate quality through the ‘Wonders of the World’. In short, we

prompt the objective: try to traverse into the depths of your own sensibilities; to engage rather than escape into ignorance.” In summary, Courtney and her ASB peers want students to do more than just stay at home and study. ASB President senior Daisy Lau further elaborated on this idea through her explanation of how “the Wonders of the World are the most spectacular structures in the world, [meaning] that there are so many things to see and do in the world. No one has seen the entire world, and it would be a wonderful experience to be able to visit different countries and landmarks, and we applied this to the venue. The science center offer many different attractions to explore, something the students should’ve done.” Homecoming is sure to be a blast for students attending, and hopefully widens perspectives schoolwide. Photos courtesy of AUSD Facebook Graphic by KAITLYN LIAO

Also in this issue:

pg. 6

Before you could walk, before you could talk, before we ever really communicated in a way that would qualify for the word, we were the best of friends. Momma always said that that’s how it would be, but I didn’t really believe her until I realized I had a sidekick for every recklessly wonderful childhood adventure.

September 2017

Photo courtesy of PINTEREST.COM

FEATURES pg. 18 Emergency Preparations: With natural disasters constantly occurring, it’s best to educate yourself on ways to survive dangerous situations.

STUDENT LIFE pg. 4-5 Trading the Trading Post: The AHS landmark has now changed management and function. PERFORMING ARTS pg. 10-11 And Action: Advanced Theatre students prepare for the DTASC showcase on Oct. 20. CALENDAR pg. 17 Cup O’ Joe: There’s more to coffee than just black or decaf. Find out more about its many variations!



September 2017

Record-Breaking Heat Waves in Southern California

By MORIAH CHANG Staff Writer

Tropical storm Harvey has struck over southeast Texas, and Texans now face catastrophic flooding and extreme rainfall. One of two major flood-control reservoirs within Houston’s vicinity began spilling over for the first time in history. Now residents are evacuating their homes amid Hurricane Harvey flooding and disaster despite efforts to prevent such uncontrolled overflow. One of two major control reservoirs in Houston began spilling for the first time due to the uncontrolled overflow of water. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has confirmed that water was spilling from the north end of the Addicks Reservoir, which has been overwhelmed by extreme rainfall from Hurricane Harvey. Officials also expected the Barker Reservoir, a reservoir to the south of the Addicks,

to begin overflowing. According to the Harris County Flood Control District, it is said that the overflow from the reservoirs would eventually flow into downtown Houston. These reservoirs feed into the Buffalo Bayou and are surrounded by residential areas and parks. Water levels in the two reservoirs have increasingly reached record levels, measuring 99 feet at Barker and 105 feet at Addicks. However, engineers were unable to determine water levels at the Barker Reservoir as its gauge was overflooded overnight. These are not your typical dams, however. These dams are unique due to the flat terrain. The Barker and Addicks Reservoirs each have a main spillway and two auxiliary spillways. Water did not reach any of these spillways, but was overflowing through a slightly lower point on the northern end of the Addicks Reservoir. This results in an overflow of water, and a hard task in getting rid of all the excess water.

Officials had hoped to prevent such an overspill by slowly releasing water from the Addicks and Barker dams. However, water levels in both reservoirs increased dramatically and rose more than half a foot per hour. This left engineers with the options of releasing water through the dam gates earlier than expected, or spilling it out suddenly around the ends of the dams. Water had to be released or else the volume of the uncontrolled water around the dams would have risen higher and had a greater impact on nearby communities. It would be harder to release the water through the gates directly into the Buffalo Bayous as opposed to letting the water spill into other neighborhoods and into the bayou. Hopefully, the situation will be resolved swiftly.

Graphic courtesy of DAFONT.COM Photo courtesy of YOUTUBE.COM

By ANABELL XU Staff Writer

Saturn has captivated scientists for years with its gorgeous rings, many moons, and spectacular size. And in 1997, scientists sent out a spacecraft that would be the first to enter Saturn’s atmosphere: Cassini-Huygens, or the Cassini for short. After seven years of flight, the Cassini finally entered Saturn’s atmosphere in 2004, staying there for 13 years and sending information about Saturn’s rings, moons, and atmosphere back to Earth. It provided so much information that scientists rewrote entire textbooks. Even before the Cassini reached Saturn, it was providing scientists at NASA with a wealth of data and pictures concerning Saturn’s massive neighbor: Jupiter. It was the Cassini that allowed us to discover Jupiter’s faint rings and learn that Jupiter’s atmosphere was far more complicated than we ever could have imagined. After the Jupiter flyby, NASA even used the Cassini to further cement Einstein’s theory of general relativity. By sending radio waves toward the Sun, which is so massive that it curves

space-time, scientists observed that the waves traveled further than they should have, building on experiments done by other spacecrafts such as the Voyager. In its long history, the Cassini discovered seven new moons, and perhaps even the beginning of one in one of Saturn’s rings. It also discovered the possibility that the moon Phoebe could hold massive amount of water under the barren surface. Scientists also found that pockets of liquid water could exist on the moon Enceladus, and discovered the existence of water-ice geysers on the surface. But the most exciting discovery about Enceladus came about in 2014, when NASA reported that there was evidence of a large, salty ocean of water beneath the crust. Following this revelation, Professor Andrew Coates said that, “I think Enceladus has gone to the top of the charts in terms of a place where there could be life.” But as the Cassini slowly ran out of gas, scientists made the difficult decision to crash

the Cassini into Saturn. Why did scientists let the Cassini simply crash into Saturn? The biggest reason was the discovery of Enceladus’ hidden ocean, and NASA was worried that the Cassini may contaminate it if they were to let it float around and risk a collision with one of Saturn’s moons. The Cassini’s plunge also gave NASA a chance to study Saturn’s atmosphere like nothing else before, where it sent information back to Earth until the very end. And so, on Sept. 15, the Cassini said its final goodbyes to the scientists at NASA and plunged into Saturn, finally becoming a part of the planet it had studied for so long. It’s a fitting end for a magnificent spacecraft that provided scientists all over the world with so much information on the endless possibilities our solar system contains.

Graphics courtesy of DAFONT.COM, IMGUR.COM, and SPACE-FASTS.COM

By ALYSSA RAVE Staff Writer

Extreme weather continues to burden America, whether it entails flooding as in the case of the streets in Louisiana or heat waves as in the case of New Mexico. Following a summer in which Arizona reached 120°F, Southern California is expected to follow in its footsteps. As the earth continues to warm, the weather is definitely taking a hit. After Hurricane Harvey left Texas in shambles, California is preparing itself for another drought, and Florida is fighting against another devastating hurricane. The intense heat waves California may face could mean disaster for the state. Not all areas have recovered from the previous drought or made preparations for another, and the predicted temperatures are sure to be draining. Although California does occasionally encounter triple digit temperatures, the state has never seen the persistent type of heat predicted. Lancaster, Fresno, and Palm Springs are a few of the cities already experiencing record-breaking heat from these waves. Fresno was the hottest since 1924 as it reached 108°F while Bakersfield reached 109°F on Aug. 28, breaking its 1944 record. Sandberg and Paso Robles broke their previous city heat records on the same day by 4 degrees, and this is just the beginning. The National Weather Foundation warned Southern Californians against the dry and dangerous weather guaranteed to come, encouraging cautious behavior from school officials and teachers. The terribly hot weather, fire warnings, and dry mountains will certainly be painful for Southern California citizens. Over 12 cities in Southern California are expected to reach incredibly high temperatures, causing Los Angeles to open cooling centers for residents in preparation of this unrelenting heat wave. An enormous fire has already occurred in Tujunga, wiping out a considerable amount of the mountain side and three homes. How well Southern California will fare during this intense heat wave is a question waiting to be answered.

Graphic courtesy of PICQUERY.COM

September 2017


s t a f f

By CINDY TSE Staff Writer

By now, everyone has heard of Hurricane Harvey ravaging the Houston area. On top of the destruction caused by the raging wind and water, survivors must also deal with a new threat: floating balls of fire ants. Fire ants (more specifically, the red imported fire ant) are an invasive species native to South American wetlands. Since their introduction into the U.S. during the 1930s, fire ants have spread quickly through the southern and southwestern parts of the U.S., leading to a decline in some species of birds, lizards, and other insects. The fire ants live in colonies beneath the earth; however, the floodwaters push them out onto the surface, and in an act of survival, the ants cling together, essentially forming a giant raft. Many people have fallen victim to aggressive fire ant bites. Not only do the bites hurt, but the ants are also capable of injecting venom into the victims, which require first aid care. An allergic reaction to the ant bites has a very high chance of being deadly. The fire ant clusters have unique properties; for instance, they are particularly flexible. This is because the clusters are formed by the ants tightly connecting their legs together into a waterproof fabric centered around the colony’s queen and larvae. This makes them nearly impossible to drown no matter the amount of water they are thrown in. Anything the floating

colony encounters will be swarmed. Some may wonder why these ants did not make an appearance during Hurricane Katrina. This absence has been attributed to the fact that Hurricane Katrina was much more brutal and quick, annihilating the colonies before they had a chance to form into these clusters. There are very few safe ways to deal with the horde. Officials have stated that the best thing to do is to avoid the floating colonies in general. Even pesticides have proven to not be effective. The one way that the ants may be dealt with is by spraying the group with soapy water; doing so breaks the surface tension and causes the mound to break apart and slowly drown. Another concerning thing about the ants is their tendency to settle in piles of debris, making the flood clean up all the more dangerous. In fact, water makes the ants more likely to attach to a person’s body. Besides fire ants, Hurricane Harvey has also displaced alligators, snakes, and a whole host of other creatures. Hopefully, survivors in Texas can stay safe in the aftermath of the devastating hurricane.

Graphics courtesy of DAFONT.COM and PNGIMG.COM

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algorithms and other services to eliminate illegitimate news. Vice President Bell also added, “Before we published these Snaps we actually verified with the police to make sure that…the Snaps that we were posting to our 173 million daily active users were of what we thought they were.” Though representatives from Snapchat have not referred to Facebook by name, their comparisons of standards were obvious. CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, went under heavy fire for abandoning an editorial staff and opting for the addition of new protocol such as blocking advertisers who share stories deemed false by third-party fact-checkers. When Vice President Bell was asked to comment on whether Snapchat could be used to incite violent acts, he responded, “We take both terrorism and hate speech very very seriously, and we have zero tolerance,” and that “by design Snapchat has been built to allow you to communicate with your best friends.” He hopes that the friendly environment and strictly-regulated platform will make it “harder for radicalists to emerge,” keeping Snapchat’s platform a safe and engaging place for all of its users.

Graphic courtesy of SNAPCHAT.COM

Amber Chong, Kaitlyn Liao, and Julia Lin Vivian Kwang and Kristen Tran Maggie Wong and Reiko Inoue Frances Cheung and Jocelyn Liao Brandon Chen and Paul Lee Camille Marquez and Veronica Yu Collin Gaja and Andrew Muliadi Tiffany Liang and Sarah Wang Andrea Liu Trinity Chhay and Maruko Myint Andrew Wang Kristen Chan and Ellie Lee Elyse Yao Sandi Khine and Christy Qiu


Student Life Staff

With the controversy of Facebook and the election still fresh in our minds, so-called “fake news” and other forms of misleading media have become taboos on social media sites. On that note, one of the leading companies in the social media sphere, Snapchat, has set up its own set of countermeasures to keep faulty headlines out of their feeds. Snapchat’s popularity among millennials has overtaken the social media giant Facebook in a recent poll. It has a significantly smaller user pool of around 173 million active daily users, a stark contrast to Facebook’s 2 billion active monthly users. Even so, Snapchat has started the initiative to become a more profound and credible news source amongst its competitors, proving its worth when Snaps from several accounts were used to identify the main suspect of the Charlottesville attack. Content of Snap Inc.’s Vice President Nick Bell has commented that they “have a news team who works at Snapchat, who are looking at content that comes in and are evaluating it, are determining whether it is accurate, whether it is relevant, and how we can add additional context.” This is another defining difference between Facebook and Snapchat’s approaches; Facebook previously had an editorial team for their trending news section, but replaced it with


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Aaron Chan, Emily Chen, Crystal Chin, Jeremy Du, Martha Kelly, Michelle Lee, Moriah Chang, Nathan Guo, Jocelyn Hu, Conner Hua, Christine Law, Kaitlin Lee, Justin Liao, Cynthia Lin, Noelle Natividad, Alyssa Rave, Anabell Xu, Ariana Parizadeh, Kaitlyn Tran, Cindy Tse, Henry Zeng, Rachel Lee, Roselind Zeng Sage Guzman, Martha Kelley, Kaitlin Lee, Michelle Lee, Tanya Lee, Margaret Lin, Kayli Mak, Noelle Natividad, Rukan Saif, Natalie Samadi, Nicole Soong, Cammie Wei, Braden Wong, Anabell Xu, Sissi Yang, Henry Zeng Sage Guzman, Ashley Lee, Tanya Lee, Justin Liao, Margaret Lin, Jasmine Oang, Rukan Saif, Kali Ma Tam, Tracy Xia Justin Chen, Cassidy Chhay, Jeremy Du, Ashley Lee, Michelle Lee, Cynthia Lin, Ariana Parizadeh, Braden Wong Moriah Chang, Jeremy Du, Grace Hong, Jocelyn Hu, Christine Law, Ashley Lee, Kaitlin Lee, Justin Liao, Noelle Natividad, Ganga Prasanth, Alyssa Rave, Natalie Samadi, Nicole Soong, Elaine Vuong, Christie Wang, Caitlin Wang, Bradford Yau, Kobe Yu, Henry Zeng Justin Chen, Justin Cun, Martha Kelley, Jasmine Oang, Ian Sutliff, Christie Wang, Bradford Yau, Ben Yeh Josie Chen, Jolene Huey, Kayli Mak, Ariana Parizahdeh, Ganga Prasanth, Cindy Tse, Sissi Yang, Roselind Zeng John Chen, Justin Chen, Josie Chen, Emily Chen, Shu Min Chen, Cassidy Chhay, Jocelyn Chin, Crystal Chin, Jeremy Du, Ryan Fann, Grace Hong, Jolene Huey, Christine Law, Rachel Lee, Tanya Lee, Margaret Lin, Cynthia Lin, Jasmine Oang, Jennifer Qi, Jenny Qiu, Alyssa Rave, Natalie Samadi, Nicole Soong, Kali Tam, Jocelyn Thao, Kaitlyn Trab, Caitlin Wang, Christie Wang, Tracy Xia, Roselind Zeng Justin Cun Conner Hua Shu Min Chen, Josie Chen, Tiffany Chen, Crystal Chin, Ryan Fann, Grace Hong, Jocelyn Hu, Conner Hua, Kaitlyn Tran, Martha Kelley, Ariana Parizadeh, Kali Tam, Caitlin Wang Mrs. Lee

Publication Information: The Apache Pow Wow is a student publication distributed monthly throughout the school year. The paper has been continuously published since Arcadia High School opened in 1952. Unsigned articles appearing on the opinion page reflect the opinion of The Apache Pow Wow editorial board. A student’s work does not represent the views of Arcadia High School or the Arcadia Unified School District. Address letters to the editor to: The Apache Pow Wow, 180 W. Campus Drive, Arcadia, CA 91007. To place an advertisement in the newspaper, email Advertisement rates vary from $30 for a business card advertisement to $250 for a full-page black and white advertisement, with quarter-page, half-page, and advertisement insert options available.

Photo courtesy of 8BACKGROUNDS.COM



By MICHELLE LEE The bell rings and the classroom doors burst open. A tide of students rushes out, eager to get to lunch. My eyes are downcast as I weave my way through the throng, and five pairs of white shoes cross in front of me. I look up. Three people are wearing the same black Adidas jacket while the other two are wearing the same red, white, and blue windbreaker that I’ve seen all over campus. As I make my way to my friends, I overhear their conversation about shoes. One of them asks me what shoes I like to wear, and I reply with Crocs. I frown in confusion when my friends laugh in disbelief and disgust. I look down at their shoes and notice the same thing I noticed before. They are all wearing either the same or similar shoes. Why is it that people tend to gravitate to-

September 2017

Staff Writer

ward the same trends? A plausible cause is the media. As teenagers, we are glued to our devices for a substantial amount of time every day, and we are exposed to the same information and trends. Enjoying the same things is just a result of that exposure, but it isn’t the real problem. The real problem is the backlash some receive when they choose to deviate from what is “normal”. I often wear basketball shorts, which many consider ugly, and I receive comments like, “You need to dress better,” or “Fix yourself.” There’s nothing wrong with being different, but people who dare to be different are subjected to stares and judgmental comments, even over something as simple as clothes. More specifically, those who like wearing dark-colored clothes and outrageous makeup are labeled terms like “goth”.


It’s not just the clothes that people wear; it’s the things that people like, too. People can also be shunned for liking different TV programs and music. People who like rock music and heavy metal are labeled as “emo” and are generally thought to be emotionally unstable or angsty. Even with the major events happening right now, people who enjoy watching and reading the news are seen as “nerds” or “boring”. In today’s high school society, being different is shunned, but being similar is celebrated. Because of this prejudice against being different, many avoid doing what they really want to do and choose to follow along with everyone else, fearing backlash if they don’t. Being different is what truly makes each one of us unique, and our individuality is taken away when we simply go along with what oth-



When I started high school last year, I was scared. The campus seemed huge, and the thought of going to school with almost 4,000 other people made me anxious. I still had most of my friends from middle school, but that didn’t seem like much in comparison to the population of AHS. Other than the social aspects of going to a school this big, the academic pressures started to creep up on me. The only thing I had to comfort me was the fact that I was on a sports team. I joined the Cross Country team a few weeks before school started. There are obvious physical benefits to being able to run 50 miles a week, but it took me a while to figure out that there were also mental benefits. I was freaking out in the days leading up to the start of school. I didn’t know how to deal with the stress, and school hadn’t even started yet. I knew that the stress was getting to me, and it bothered me because I thought that I was the only one who felt this way. It felt like there was nothing I could do about it. Eventually, on days when there wasn’t practice, I would just go on a run. At first, I did it so that I could avoid my problems. Later, I realized it did a lot more than just allow me to procrastinate. My time running became the time I used to think about whatever I wanted. I could plan out my work for the week, work up the confidence to talk to someone about something important, or think about literally nothing and no one would disturb me. The time I had to run became one of the only stress-free parts of my day. All of these benefits seem obvious, but running did much more than just give me a few minutes a day to think clearly. After I started running, I felt more confident in all aspects of my life. Going into high school, Cross Country really helped me, and it still does. I feel like I have a group that cares about me. I can see how my life is getting better because of it, and it is something that I know will continue to help me throughout my life.

Graphic courtesy of VECTEEZY.COM

Staff Writer

My first friend, my first archenemy, and the first to tell me I wasn’t all that. Despite how much I hate to admit it, you have shaped my life. I remember when you were born. These memories are the fuzzy, yellowed mind’s images that I look back on with laughter and warmth, because before you came into our lives, I was alone in my make-believe world. I was a boisterous little six-year-old, bursting with life and something to say, and you were my opposite in every way. You were two big eyes, observing the world through your own lenses and taking it in as it came. You existed in your space, blissfully oblivious. You held the key to life between your two hands: the magic of impracticality. Before you could walk, before you could talk, before we ever really communicated in a way that would qualify as words, we were the best of friends. Momma always said that that’s how it would be, but I didn’t really believe her until I had a sidekick for every recklessly wonderful childhood adventure. You shared clothes with my baby dolls, and I would do your hair with Build-A-Bear bows. We played dress up and, more often than not, we wore those pretty darn awful matching Christmas outfits that were bought for us every year. When you learned how to walk and

ers are doing. The simple solution to this problem is just to be more accepting. Keep the negative comments to a minimum. Something simple like avoiding staring can make all the difference. The saying, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say it,” comes into play here. Keeping negative comments private can help people get over their differences and bond. Being “cool” doesn’t mean latching onto whatever is popular at the moment and disregarding one’s own interests. In an environment where all are accepting, individuality can be celebrated instead of being banished to the background. Graphics courtesy of CREATIVEMARKET.COM and FRANKLUCKHAM.CO.UK

talk, it was a new, epic world of pretending that made being a kid so much more exciting because I had someone with an imagination even more eclectic than mine. The funny thing is that I never really remembered us ever being apart—at least, not for the ten years or so of our coexistence. When I started school, you were being pushed around in a stroller to drop me off, and when you started school, we would see each other in the hallways, and you would get this big smile on your face that made me proud to be an older sister. As we got older, our personalities and our interests went so far out of whack that it still continues to amaze me how we get along as well as we do. We supported each other on every weird tangent, and we seem to just inherently understand what the other is thinking or feeling. The thing is, I don’t like telling you any of this, because, let’s face it: I’m not here to boost your ego. But for every crazy situation and completely insane piece of our family, I am so, so glad that it was you, that I got a built-in best friend who tells me just when I’m being ridiculously unrealistic or dramatic. So, I guess, I’m here to tell you that I appreciate you, little sister. I never say it, but you’re pretty stinking great and I think you should keep doing what you’re doing because I think you might just turn out alright.

Graphics courtesy of DAFONT.COM and VECTEEZY.COM

September 2017




By SAGE GUZMAN Staff Writer

Staff Writer

Dear Future Kayli, I’m legitimately shocked that you survived this year. I don’t want to offend you or anything, but I’m surprised. Why? If you’ve forgotten, at the beginning of the year, you sucked at being a sophomore. If there was an award for being a decent tenth grader, you would not have received it. You did some stupid things. Your actions weren’t stupid in the sense that they were illegal. They were stupid in the sense that they were ridiculous, weird, immature, and probably damaging to your limited intelligence. You spent more time watching Bones reruns and complaining about your homework than actually doing it. You endeavored to create a new language by replacing every vowel with an “o”. You had fun, though. That was one of the few things that mattered. Of course, the freshman version of you expected as much. You don’t have a very good reputation, especially not with yourself. Nonetheless, if you’re reading this, you’re alive, if only a tiny bit. I don’t know how you managed it, but I guess I’ll find out pretty soon. Anyway, this is not the first time I’ve written you. You must recall that every time you were petrified about delivering a presentation, or you had a desperate desire to fantasize about the person you would turn out to be, you would use some shady Internet website to send an email to yourself four years in the future. This isn’t much different. Evidently, sophomore year is when things get “interesting”. You most definitely weren’t looking forward to that. While you were thinking about that, it occurred to you that the characters High School Musical are sophomores. That scared you a little bit. You didn’t want to hear your friends attempt to sing. You didn’t want things to get “interesting”. You didn’t want things to change. You hated change. Feared it. Things were perfectly fine as they were. Sure, the cycle of school, Colorguard practice, and sleep was a little bit boring, but you preferred the mundane predictable to the possibly dangerous unpredictable. However, deep inside, you were a little bit excited to see how things were going to turn out for you. After all, if your life had to get “interesting”, there was a possibility that it could get interesting in a good way. Maybe the kids who sat near you in math would actually know your name. Maybe you could actually stop being so unsociable. After all, that’s been your goal for the last 14 years of your life. Okay, so you were a tad sarcastic about your visions of the near future. Back in September, you weren’t quite sure how you felt about the new school year. You always had a fear of the future. Possibilities were scary. Even as you read this, they probably still are. Now that I’m done with your backstory, I’d like to know how my grades turned out. I’d love to know if anything impressive will actually happen to me in the next nine months. Most of all, I want to know whether you are that much different from me. I want to know if you still make up absurd languages with your friends. I want to know if you still spend all of your free time watching crime shows. I want to know if you still possess a phobia of thinking ahead. I want to know if anything changes. After all, the future isn’t as far as I would like. Soncoroly, Koylo Mok

Dear Future Sage, First of all, congrats on making it through the year in one piece (hopefully)! I’m sure you’re exhausted, but absolutely relieved to have made it past your first year at this exciting new place. While all that’s great, let’s be clear on one thing: the next three years aren’t going to be as easy. Because of this, I hope for our sake that you have learned to stop procrastinating. We need to finally break this habit so it doesn’t haunt us for the rest of our lives. I know this now, but by the time you read this you may be forgetting with all the high school pressure, so I’ll remind you. Meeting new people is great, but don’t you ever forget who you are and where you came from. You have your own personal style and quirks that make you unique. Don’t try to change that for anyone, ever. Those little things are the reason you are where you are now. They are the reason you have friends that love and support you unconditionally. In this big place with so many different types of people, don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t. You and I both know that you can. So hopefully you’ve made the basketball team! If so, how was it? Also, you are getting into Intermediate Theater Arts this year! You know why? Because I said so. You’re going to do a monologue instead of a song, and you’re going to kill it! To add, I hope that by now you’ve become officially vegan and given up those amazing quesadillas from Chipotle… This summer, don’t waste so much time sleeping in. Go out and do exciting stuff! Try to convince mom to go to Coachella, even if she says it’s too expensive again. It’s worth a shot. Speaking of which, I hope you decided to try out for pep again. Did you make the decision to stay in it this year? Make sure you make the right decision, so you don’t miss out and regret it again. On a different subject, I hope you’ve learned to stop arguing with Sebastian so excessively. Yes, you guys are very different people (and I mean very), but he’s your brother and you don’t want to screw up your relationship with him. Overall, remember: positivity is key. Even when you’re feeling stuck, believe that it is for a reason and will somehow have a positive outcome. Think of how hardships will make you a better person in the long run, how you can grow from every experience, good or bad. Well, I think that’s all for now, but keep up and write back soon. You’re awesome, so keep conquering the world, and umm yeah. Stay positive, be smart, and enjoy your high school life. Til’ next time! Love, Past Sage


Staff Writer

To my dearest, infinitely stronger, and much more tired future me: YOU SURVIVED! CONGRATULATIONS! Now you only have two more years to plow through, but I’m sure that you can do it. Or not. It really depends on whether or not you’re satisfied with your AP test scores and your overall GPA. But hey, you made it through your first real year of high school. Confetti poppers all around! Honestly, you’re just me but…older. And probably suffering from some form of “overworked-AHS-student-itis”. But I’m still you, so you still have to listen to me even though I’m younger than you by seven months. Because, once again, I am you but less exhausted. And that makes all the difference. The year is starting off fine, though I’m sure you already know that because you’ve experienced it. Tell me—are you that dead inside or am I grossly exaggerating the difficulty of surviving? Because, you know, that would be less stress for me to worry about. But probably not, considering that everyone who walks out of the AP Bio exam room seems to have the same exact glassy stare where they look like they’re regretting having ever taken the test in the first place. That is you, future me. Reduced to but a shell of your former self, a mindless zombie whose only purpose in life is to get that A+. I know that you wanted to try something new this year, even though you weren’t sure what. I’m here to tell you that I know exactly what you should try. It’s something that pushes the limits of the human body, something that will leave you looking great and feeling great, something that will not only boost your self-esteem but bring you comfort in the darkest of times. And that thing is guzzling an entire container of Cookies n’ Cream ice cream in less than 30 minutes. You see, future me, I bet that you’re pretty exhausted and need something to cheer you up. And I’m here to tell you that nothing cheers you up more than Cookies n’ Cream ice cream, especially if it’s consumed in less than half an hour. Sure, you’ll be dying from diabetes and have ice cream all over your face afterward, but think of the pure bliss from consuming all that sugar. Heaven. If heaven were lined with mountains of processed sugar and rivers of high fructose corn syrup. It’s challenging. It pushes you to your limits. It’s definitely something that you wouldn’t do unless you were pushed to by a wiser person (me) and it’ll bring you so much happiness. It’ll also give you chronic heart problems and probably land you in a hospital. But I promise you, future me, that it’s 100% worth it. So go and eat some ice cream and try to stop crying. You got two more years of this coming up. But let’s think positive. You know that saying, “Slow down and smell the roses?” Well, we both hate roses, but I think it gets the message across clearly enough. I want to try and actually follow that this year. I don’t want to be a machine who churns out A’s. There are clubs we didn’t join in freshman year, tournaments we didn’t go to, opportunities that we missed. I want to expand our horizons as far as possible, if only because we can. There’s an endless world all around us. And after eating my ice cream, I want to experience it all. -Anabell (P.S. Send me the answers for all the finals and the AP tests, thanks) (P.P.S. Actually, if that rips a hole in the space time continuum, don’t do that)

All graphics courtesy of JENNIFER QI and VECTEEZY.COM



By ELAINE VUONG Staff Writer

Earth, our home, is important to our survival. If there is no Earth, there is no us. With this idea in mind, people have been inventing more eco-friendly contraptions to help our beloved planet. Despite the recent accusations of global warming being a hoax, storm incidents such as Hurricane Harvey, floods in Houston, and rising ocean temperatures prove otherwise. Therefore, there is no better time than now to create more environmentally-friendly products for consumers to purchase and put to use. Eco-friendly creations can range from being useful or just interesting to have. Regardless, these inventions have potential to change our waste-producing society. One well-known machine is the electric car. Renowned manufacturers of these types of automobiles are Tesla and another upcoming electric car company, Faraday. Electric cars are changing the way we fuel our cars by having accessible charging stations for the battery-powered vehicle, which replaces the need for fossil fuels, such as oil. Although many may argue that electric cars will never be able to beat diesel cars that are owned by so many, they fail to remember that the only speed they’ll be getting with diesel vehicles is the quickening of global warming and our planet’s ruination. The electric car is becoming more resourceful and popular with other manufacturers, such as Nissan, which is coming out with its own line of electric vehicles.

Another environmentally-friendly creation is a plant-based plastic that doesn’t pollute. Indonesian entrepreneur, Kevin Kumala, fabricated a plastic made from biodegradable materials. The biology major and his school friend studied the field of bioplastics and created the

biodegradable material by using cassava starch, vegetable oil, and organic resins. Cassava, a cheap and common vegetable found across Indonesia, was used to produce ponchos, plastic bags, food packaging, and covers for hospital beds. The material is able to break down over a

September 2017

period of months on land or at sea, or instantly in hot water. Kumala claims that this new plastic would not leave any toxic residue, and even demonstrated his point by dissolving a cassava bag and drinking it. In addition, there are also biodegradable bullets. As strange as it may sound, the US army has asked for biodegradable ammunition to replace the existing rounds used for training, as well as replacements for grenades and tank rounds. Through these “magic bullets”, there could potentially be a lower chance of having corroded soil and polluted water. The Department of Defense has concluded that the new ammunition should have seeds within the casing that should be able to provide food for animals and grow environmentally friendly plants that remove soil contaminants. The new ammunition is currently undergoing further research, but US army researchers have already successfully embedded seeds into biodegradable material to flower later. The creation of sustainable weaponry exemplifies how the future will continue going green. It is the people’s duty to care for and maintain our planet. In fact, you don’t even have to invent anything to make a change; even picking up trash or recycling can make a difference. So here’s to a greener future with these eco-friendly inventions paving the way!

Graphics courtesy of FREEPNGIMG.COM and 1001FONTS.COM

By CINDY TSE Staff Writer

Every fall, those living in the San Gabriel Valley eagerly anticipate the arrival of the MidAutumn Festival. Also known as the Moon Festival, it is a celebration observed by a number of Asian countries, including China, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Malaysia. According to the lunar calendar, the festival should take place on the 15th day of the eighth month. While there are no clear details about its origins, the Mid-Autumn Festival has been commonly believed to have begun as a harvest celebration. As with most traditions, it has also been linked to numerous folktales, particularly those associated with the moon. The most wellknown of these is the one of Chang’e, the Moon Goddess. Chang’e and her husband, Hou Yi, had once been normal people living on Earth. One day, ten suns rose in the sky and threatened the lives of many, so Hou Yi, who was a skilled archer, shot down nine of them, leaving one to give light to the world. To repay his act of heroism, Hou Yi was given a gift of the immortal elixir. However, there was only enough for one person, and Hou Yi did not want to leave without his wife, so the two kept the elixir a secret. Meanwhile, an apprentice under Hou Yi heard about the elixir and went to steal it from Chang’e. She refused, swallowing it herself, and was carried up to the sky towards the moon. Hou Yi was devastated and in his grief, began placing offerings for his wife. Others who pitied him joined in, and thus began the tradition of the Moon Festival. The Mid-Autumn Festival is a celebration involving many traditional rituals. Lanterns are commonly placed around parties, bringing a festive feeling with their shapes and colors. Some places may use Kongming lanterns that can fly up into the sky, similar to hot-air balloons. Families gather to have dinner together, often with lots of customary dishes. Companies may give fruit or mooncake gifts to employees. Stores, even those online, will often have big sales or raffles. And since it is called the Moon Festival, people gather outside to enjoy the moonlight. Of course, everyone partakes in enjoying moon cakes, pastries that often have egg yolk baked into the middle to look like the moon. In recent years, there have been many more variations of moon cakes, each with a different texture and flavor. However, the most popular flavors are still the traditional five-kernel flavor and the lotus paste flavor. This year, the Mid-Autumn Festival falls on Wednesday, Oct. 4, so be sure to take some time to celebrate!



September 2017



A disastrous hurricane in Texas; extreme flooding in Louisiana, Texas, and South Asia; fire after fire during unrelenting heat waves; and another hurricane yet to hit Florida. It seems that everywhere we look, natural disasters continue to occur, hence the name. Unfortunately, many people weren’t and still aren’t prepared for the aftermath of these events. Although we may ignore the preparations needed for one type of disaster or another, what happens if we relocate and find ourselves facing the possibility of those occurrences? The skills we need to handle these emergencies should be learned and memorized in case of any danger we could meet. The first step in being prepared for an emergency is to get your stuff together! Make sure you have insurance for your personal belongings, such as your car, home, and life, and have special damage insurance. In a convenient place, pack some necessities. An old backpack with a flashlight, money, some nonperishables, copies of important documents, and a few items of clothing would be perfect. Anything is better than nothing, especially after dealing with a complicated situation, such as an earthquake, hurricane, or mudslide. Make sure your “backup” pack is somewhere you can quickly access, such as in your car or by a cabinet next to a window to ensure that in the worst case scenario, you could grab it and evacuate. If you live in a large house or a place with various exits, meet with your fellow roommates or family and decide on a meeting place outside of the house in order to account for everybody. Now, dealing with the actual disaster can be quite hectic and dangerous. Throughout the emergency, try your very best to keep a level head. Panicking during a natural disaster is one of the worst things you can do, even if it’s the first thing you’ll want to do. Feeling scrambled and scared is going to make you a nervous wreck, unable to process your surroundings well enough. Survey the area, locating the exits and any important objects (such as filing cabinets or your wallet), and ask yourself how many people are also in the same location with you. Last of all, you can prepare yourself by taking a CPR class, reading about methods for handling different events, or even just coming up with a plan for evacuating your house. These are all steps in the right direction. Hopefully, you can understand and properly deal with these situations in the future.




Staff Writer

On Aug. 28, Amazon, an American electronic commerce company based in Seattle, closed a $13.7 billion deal to purchase Whole Foods. Through this acquisition, Amazon will be able to offer its customers access to deals from the American supermarket chain that sells organic foods. This became the online retail company’s biggest investment thus far. In the past few years, Amazon has indicated its desire to expand and sell a diverse selection of goods and produce. In March, Amazon had begun testing online grocery deliveries with AmazonFresh, a subsidiary of the main company, that allowed produce to be delivered to local areas with the AmazonFresh Pickup. With such a convenient service, it is not a surprise that so many people are beginning to make the switch to buying much of their food and produce online. Amazon Prime members have the greatest benefit from this deal. They will be able to receive exclusive deals on vegetables and organic produce from Whole Foods and have it delivered right to their houses. An estimated twothirds of the Amazon Prime users already purchase food from Whole Foods, which will certainly benefit Amazon. After the announcement of the purchase of Whole Foods, Amazon cut prices of produce by almost 43%, leaving many of its competitor’s stock prices dropping. Companies such as Kroger and Costco saw their stock

By MORIAH CHANG Staff Writer

Fashion’s most exclusive event, Paris Couture Week, has recently ended. Although Paris Couture Week is over, the influence of the stylish clothings exhibited has not disappointed, with models showcasing outfits that range from being chic to elaborately avant-garde. Let’s take a closer look at what the stylish stars were wearing during fashion’s most extravagant event. First up was Olivia Palermo, who was snapped on Day Four of Couture Week in a Fendi skirt and a blouse. Veronika Heilbrunner paired a pretty maxi dress with platform sandals and a miniature cross-body bag for day four of Couture Week. Blogger Aimee Song was sighted outside the Valentino show in a pastel dress and nude block heels. And before the Fendi show, Chiara Ferragni was photographed wearing a sheer black maxi dress and thigh-high red leather boots. Couture is perhaps best described as ready-to-wear fashion’s glamorous, wealthy, and slightly difficult aunt, the one who only travels in cabs, eats out six nights a week, and doesn’t do stairs. It’s clothing for people who normally look at luxury department stores the way most of us look at supermarkets. The Autumn-Winter 2017 edition of Paris Couture Week has seen a landmark shift in ideology, as a surpris-

prices decrease about 6% after Amazon’s deal. Some experts believe that this deal could possibly shape the future, resulting in more people buying groceries online. The marketing used by Amazon created much wanted attention and excitement from many people. The price cuts on produce, like eggs and vegetables, played a huge role in this. In a Whole Foods located in Illinois, the price of a dozen eggs changed from $3.39 to $2.99, decreasing about $0.40. Amazon also discounted organic fruits, like bananas, from $0.99 to $0.69 per pound. In San Antonio, Texas, the price of organic apples also dropped significantly. Instead of being sold for the usual $3.29 per pound, they were being sold for $1.99 per pound after the deal. However, compared to its competitors, Whole Foods has slightly higher prices on certain foods, such as organic milk, which is priced at $5.44 per gallon while Walmart sells it for $5.36. The convenience of Amazon’s produce delivery, however, may outweigh any cons of the acquisition of Whole Foods. Despite not having the lowest prices of produce compared to its competing grocery companies, Amazon and Whole Foods will most likely make up for it through quick delivery service and hassle-free shopping.


ing number of youthful ready-to-wear labels were included in the line-up as guest members. Among them are the Belgian label A.F. Vandevorst, the Dutch designer Ronald van der Kemp, New York duo Proenza Schouler and the Los Angeles-based sisters behind Rodarte. The fact that these labels are shown alongside mainstays like Chanel and Dior is nothing short of revolutionary. Among the brands that showed up are Miu Miu, which debuted its Cruise Collection, Rodarte, Dior, Chanel, Valentino, and Alai, who debuted a collection at Couture for the first time in six years. To understand the importance of these changes, one must first understand the fundamentals of haute couture. This is not just a term for specifically-made, elaborate clothes, but is an official designation with a strict set of parameters defined by the Paris Chamber of Commerce. Therefore, to be recognized as haute couture, a label must produce made-to-order garments for private clients, run an atelier with at least 15 staff members, and show at least 50 original designs at Paris Couture Week. For those interested in the fashion industry, be sure to take a look through different galleries to view more of Paris Couture Week’s street style!

Photo courtesy of SUGHER.COM Graphic courtesy of 1001FONTS.COM



A New Life for the Post By JEREMY DU

Staff Writer

The beginning of the 2017-2018 school year marked a significant change in the running of The Trading Post, a landmark at AHS not only on school maps but also in the minds of AHS students and staff. The Trading Post functioned as a place where students could purchase school gear such as PE clothes, AHS spirit shirts, crewnecks, Arcadia gear, and various school supplies such as lab goggles, lab notebooks, and locks. However, this school year, the location will be transformed into “an extra sales location for ASB, only open to sales for special events like Homecoming and AP tests,” according to Ms. Justina Spencer, ASB Activities Director at AHS. The Trading Post had been previously run by AUSD’s Food Services department, but it has since moved under the control of ASB. According to Ms. Spencer, there was not a significant reason for this change in control, and ASB just took it over. Items previously sold at The Trading Post, such as school supplies and Arcadia gear will not be sold at AHS anymore; however, students will still be able to purchase PE clothes at the ASB Office. These changes led to confusion among some AHS students regarding where they could purchase materials previously sold at the Trading Post and whether or not those materials were even available to purchase. Junior Kelly Li explained that none of the students knew of the changes to The Trading Post ahead of time and that even some teachers did not know. From now on, students who would like to purchase items previously sold at The Trading Post will have to buy them elsewhere, such as on online sites like Amazon. Kelly expressed that she experienced frustration and stress in trying to buy her school supplies on time because she had to wait long periods of time for her shipment of supplies from Amazon to arrive rather than just visiting The Trading Post to buy most of her items. She elaborated that she was really sad because future generations of AHS students will not be able to experience The Trading Post like she did. The changes made to The Trading Post are significant for AHS, marking the end of its time as a store under the management of AUSD’s Food Services department and the beginning of its new life as a special events sale location for ASB. While it may take time for students to adjust to this change, The Trading Post’s new purpose will prove to be beneficial by providing a larger space for ASB sales and relieving student traffic for sales at other school locations such as the ASB Office. Graphic courtesy of AMAZON.COM and AUSD.NET

September 2017



Staff Writer

Procrastination is often described as one of the biggest enemies of students all over the world. With this new school year coming up, procrastination will be a fairly large problem for students. Procrastination is the act of postponing or delaying an action which is often doing homework or studying. It is the disease which slows students’ productivity. According to a study, over 70% of students have problems with procrastination. Procrastination has many drawbacks including the fact that it can cause sleep deprivation, loss of appetite, and lack of relaxation. It also takes away your relationships and family time. In order to put a halt on procrastination, there are many apps that you can download to help. For example, the app Procraster allows one to tackle projects or tasks one at a time. Procraster includes short-term rewards and prompts one to explain the reason why you are procrastinating. After you explain your reasons, Procraster responds with advice to help guide you on your way to completing your task. There is also the app Pops where a character on your phone will tell you how much time you need to concentrate for. It tells you to place your phone flat, face-down and if you lift it, Pops will be sad. Pops uses the Pomodoro productivity technique which involves taking a break every 25 minutes to keep productivity levels high. Besides apps, there are many different ways to stop the procrastination “doom loop”. For instance, you can set up a reward system to ensure that you have a reason to keep working and collect little successes as you proceed. You may also use agendas to keep track of everything you need to do and when you have completed the task, check it off. Not only does an agenda of your tasks allow you to become more organized, but it also allows you to stay committed to your work. If a project is extremely huge, you can break it up into smaller pieces. Breaking your tasks into manageable pieces will be much easier to handle than if you put them off until the day before they are due! Remember to rid yourself of the temptation of smartphones and other distractions. Define time during which you focus only on the task at hand and stay distraction-free. This way you can both sharpen your focus and complete your task faster. Remember—although procrastination is very difficult to overcome, it is not impossible! Be patient, and don’t be too hard on yourself because procrastination takes time to conquer. You got this! Graphics courtesy of THERETROSPEKT.COM and WIKIMEDIA.COM


Our bodies enable us to do many great things. From strong and enduring physical work to agile mental calculations, the human body’s range of abilities are as diverse as they are valuable. However, they are also just as easily hindered through misuse. Thus, it is important to take the proper corrective measures in the interest of preserving our health. After all, no one wants to become ensnared in a prison that limits both academic and physical capabilities. Good health, in many respects, poses a far greater challenge to students than good grades. Allocating an appropriate time for exercise is exceedingly difficult amidst the hectic mess of schoolwork and extracurriculars, especially for upperclassmen with standardized testing and college apps to worry about. Still, regular exercise is a must. It prevents muscle atrophy, which damages the body’s physical capabilities and limits it during strenuous exercise, and is also essential for reducing stress and releasing endorphins. This makes for a much happier self: one bolstered by both positive hormones and newfound confidence in a fitter body.

Staff Writer

Correct posture is also incredibly important to good health. Hunched backs, craned necks, and sore limbs plague even the best of students, but it is important to prevent these from occurring. Reducing the amount of sedentary activity overall promotes better health, but if needed, it is important to establish proper sitting habits. Sit straight, and add support to the neck, lumbar, and other regions of the body. Most importantly, if anyone experience chronic discomfort or pain, it is essential to get checked by a therapist or chiropractor in hopes of catching any issues before they worsen. As students, it is paramount to strike a balance between the social, academic, and physical aspects of life. Staying healthy and fit is essential to achieving goals, and being a busy bee with loads of paperwork isn’t an excuse not to form strong habits as an investment for a better future. So be sure to take a break and exercise a little! It will make all the difference in the world. Graphics courtesy of PIXABAY.COM

September 2017



Readmember:Retaining information By ASHLEY LEE Staff Writer

Have you ever read something without remembering a single thing afterward? Or, your eyes scanned through the letters, without actually “reading” them? It’s pretty frustrating and time-consuming knowing you have to reread what you just read, and realizing that this same cycle will repeat again until you regain focus. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many struggle with the same problem, and with some tips, hopefully, your reading comprehension skills will quickly improve. 1. Make closure. Studies show that one of the reasons why your brain is not focusing on the text or absorbing the information while you read is because your brain becomes so immersed in a concept that you don’t understand, making it difficult to “move on”. If you continue to read without clearing up that obstacle and getting closure, your brain will not be able to comprehend new material. In other words, try tracing the roots of the problem and make sure you understand any foreign concepts. 2. Engage with the text. On Quora, a question and answer platform, one user suggests, “Never read without a pencil. Underline sentences you find confusing, interesting, or important. Draw lines along the side of important paragraphs.” When you annotate a text, you are engaging with the words on the page, just like having a conversation with the author. Annotations will allow you to have a deeper understanding of what you’re reading. Although it is true that annotations slow down your reading, the time spent on annotating will be

worth it as it improves your comprehension of the text! 3. SpRead the knowledge. It is approximated that learners retain 90% of the information they read when they teach it to someone else. When you teach the content to someone else, you are simultaneously testing your ability to recall and understand what you learned. Also, when teaching, you are able to identify what you may not fully know. Fortunately, “playing teacher” is only a trial run, and you’ll be able to go back to the books to clear up any confusion you may have. 4. Understand, don’t scan. When you read, it is important to come to an understanding of what you’re reading. The text may be difficult, but this is the whole idea in trying to retain what you read. Take a moment in between passages to ask yourself the concepts behind the text. Scanning through information without processing it is only like begging to forget it. We are humans, and we are prone to be forgetful, but don’t let your forgetfulness get the better of you. You can always overcome this difficulty by testing new reading approaches. Hopefully, these new skills will help you READ-member in the near future! Graphics courtesy of PNGING.COM


Staff Writer

When it comes to bringing snacks to school, the options are endless! Out of all the great foods out there, which ones are the best to bring to school? There are several key factors that should be taken into account when making such decisions: how much the snack costs, how long it can last, and how it affects your performance in class. Starting with prices, there are a lot of great places that provide good food for a reasonable price. The most common places that students get their produce from are Trader Joe’s, Ralphs, and Costco. All of these places have reasonable prices; however, there are many lesser-known places that provide the same quality of foods for a much cheaper cost. ALDI, for example, is a local grocery store that is known for its low prices and good quality food. However, if you are an athlete or someone who needs healthier snacks, then stores like Whole Foods are better for you. Although Whole Foods is a little pricier compared to other grocery stores, you definitely

get your money’s worth. From quinoa to carrot cashew spread, Whole Foods has an endless supply of healthy produce and goods to fit any healthy diet. Now, it’s time to eliminate the snacks that aren’t exactly the best to keep in your backpack. One common fruit that is known for causing several backpack incidents is the infamous banana. Not only is it likely for this fruit to get mushed in your backpack, but its scent won’t do you any good either. If you want to bring a banana to school, make sure it’s more on the fresh side to prevent any chance of havoc, and make sure it’s placed in a plastic bag that is sealed shut to prevent premature ripening. Finally, on to the most essential factor in deciding what snacks are the best to bring to school: how the snack will affect your performance in class. Some snacks that are known to worsen your performance are popcorn, muffins, cured meats, and pies. Some snacks that are known to better your performance are almond butter, avocado, broccoli, cherry tomatoes, granola bars, tangerines, nuts, and blueberries. Foods that better your performance provide

lots of nutrients, help the brain function, and prevent your body from inflammation. Overall, the little things like what snacks you bring to school that make or break your school day and performance. Eating right ensures that you wake up each and every morning ready to face whatever high school throws at you, so make sure to take the foods you bring to school a little more seriously. Graphics courtesy of ITEMBROWSER.COM and WSAFARI.COM



September 2017

Staff Writer

Hello Apaches! I hope the first couple weeks of school have been treating you well. The 2017-2018 school year has finally started after a summer of exhilaration. As we begin feeling the stress and heat of school (quite literally), it’s important for us to remember to stay strong and work hard! 

For some of us, it’s the first year of high school, and the responsibilities that come with it are still unknown—an uncharted territory. However, it is up to you to blaze a trail through these foreign lands. Your time at AHS is short, and you owe it to yourself to make these four years some of the most unforgettable ones of your life.

For seniors it’s the last year of hig that soon, you will begin developing y of the bubble that is high school. The others are in the happy med entrance to adulthood, beginning to school can offer. As the school year progresses, I hope on campus, whether that something is or something in between (or beyond) of luck in these upcoming months!

September 2017



gh school, and it’s alarming to think your own life and personality outside

dium between utter confusion and delve into all the opportunities high

e all of you find happiness in something s an organization, a club, new friends, ). Pow Wow wishes everyone the best Graphics courtesy of VECTEEZY.COM



By KAYLI MAK Staff Writer

It’s the beginning of a new school year, and a wave of general dread has washed back over the student body. Aside from the mountains of school-related work to complete, we have to resume thinking about jobs and extracurriculars. Fortunately, there is one particular extracurricular that is especially common and convenient: tutoring. A lot of students find tutoring gigs through the high school. There are various opportunities that can be found at AHS, such as Peer Tutoring in the library, an extension of Peer Tutoring at the middle schools, and private tutoring. Other students find tutoring work through friends, churches, and other social connections. However, the task isn’t as simple as just finding a tutoring job. In order to keep it, you actually have to be good at teaching others. There are a few things that can be done to become a more successful tutor. For example, unless the tutor specializes in a specific subject, tutors are of the highest demand in


After two whole months of sleeping until noon, mindlessly surfing the Internet, and occasionally getting broiled in the California sunshine, many of us are definitely not ready to return to the monotonous classrooms of AHS. Perhaps you’re still trying to get the hang of it, having just made the transition from middle to high school, or you’re a returning veteran, who’s just not quite ready to face the fact that there are AP classes and many sleepless nights ahead of you. Either way, it’s important to keep in mind that everyone needs some tips in order to get back into the groove of things, and recover from all that relaxation. We all know that no one bothers to keep up the facade of “sleeping early” when summer actually arrives. I slept at the crack of dawn, woke up to demolish my mountain of snacks, and spent the rest of my time on my phone and gaming consoles before crashing and repeating the cycle again. It’s incredibly difficult to break out of this cycle once you’ve gotten rolling; with school starting at 8:00 a.m.

math. Therefore, it’s incredibly important how math is taught. Oftentimes, inexperienced tutors will give their students the answers when they get frustrated. This is not an appropriate way to help them get their homework done. This way, the student does not end up learning anything. One of the major things to remember is to remain patient. Tutoring becomes less productive when both parties become more impatient and discouraged. To thwart such feelings of disappointment and exasperation, take brief breaks from challenging material. Temporarily switch

gears to another subject. At the very least, try not to get noticeably annoyed with the student. Also, another crucial aspect of tutoring is to be engaging. In class, our teachers have to be somewhat entertaining in order to keep the attention of classrooms full of teenagers. The same concept applies to students teaching other students. Share your own experiences, make jokes, and be lighthearted. Of course, there has to be an efficient balance between teaching and relaxation. Otherwise, the entertainment factor can become a distraction. In the end, there are many ways to be a successful tutor. Everyone has a different style when it comes to teaching, and there are many different methods for getting information across. These are just a few tips to aid in your educational endeavors, and there are plenty more that have proven to be effective. However, make sure to fully utilize the tutoring techniques that work best for you. Graphics courtesy of FLICKR.COM and WORDFONTSPACE.COM

every day, it feels almost torturous to clamber out of bed after five hours of rest. With that in mind, it’s incredibly important to plan out a schedule that you can handle, and strictly adhere to it. Whether it be sectioning off time for homework, or planning accordingly for a weekend trip, getting used to a more regular routine makes it easier for you to not only make it through this first month, but also to make the rest of your high school experience much more enjoyable. As important as it is to think ahead and have a direction to head towards, it’s also just as important to receive feedback for everything you do. Suggestions like “You should start homework earlier” and “Stop going on your phone so much!” can feel annoying, but are habits that you should definitely focus on. This advice isn’t just limited to academic critique, but can also just be the typical “back-to-school rhetoric” that makes up the backbone of this article. Merely thinking of your “dream grades” won’t cut it; you have to listen to the encouragement of peers, parents, and the other people important in your life—even if their words may cut into your self-pride a little deeper than they should. And yet, the key to succeeding in high school is not simply to achieve the letter

grades that make your parents proud; it’s to be proud of yourself. It’s the best feeling in the world to feel that you have accomplished something for yourself. Sure, the end is what justifies the means, but sometimes, it’s better to enjoy the process just as much as you do the outcome. School doesn’t have to be a painful experience if you find motivation in it, be it from your friends or from a class. Treating every day as a chore makes the school feel more tedious, and it becomes harder to focus on what’s important. Even if things feel impossible as you’re starting off, don’t forget that time will fly by. We’re all going to go through this phase of impossibility at some point. Best wishes for the school year, and good luck, Apaches! Graphics courtesy of MICROSOFT. COM and WORDFONTSPACE.COM


September 2017

Staff Writer

As a new school year starts up once more, the students of AHS struggle to transition from their summer sleeping schedules of nine hours to staying up all night completing assignments and studying for tests. However, even though students may feel exceptionally fatigued and sleepy, rest does not need to be sacrificed to maintain high grades. Fortunately, there are a few simple tips and tricks to maximize time and be as productive as possible. To begin with, energy can be boosted by drinking caffeinated tea instead of coffee. Although it is commonly mistaken, tea and coffee have the same amount of caffeine, but coffee causes a sudden high feeling that will quickly dissipate, which will lead to a continuous low feeling, while tea provides long-term stamina that does not quickly die out and will provide you with sufficient energy. In addition, take a nap in the afternoon after getting home. After a long day at school, it is crucial to recharge your energy by eating some snacks and resting before long periods of hardcore working. Nonetheless, make sure to limit your nap times, as napping for too long will cause you to feel even more sluggish and reluctant to start working. In fact, studies show that the optimal amount of time for naps is about 25 to 30 minutes. To make sure you do not oversleep, simply set an alarm and force yourself to wake up when the timer goes off. Another helpful way to work efficiently is to work with a bright desk lamp next to you. The bright light will not only help you pay closer attention to your work by giving you more clarity, but it will also keep your sleepiness at bay and prevent you from dozing off. “The brightness keeps me alert and awake when I’m doing homework,” says sophomore Kirti Madireddy. Some popular ones in the market include the TaoTronics LED Desk Lamp and the Lightblade 1500S, which can be purchased from Amazon. Last, but not least, take quick five to ten minute breaks and enjoy small snacks. Instead of overfilling yourself with a large late-night meal and feeling heavy afterwards, consume lightweight foods such as fresh fruits, yogurt, and nutritious granola bars for a burst of energy to keep you going for a few more hours. Finishing loads of homework is definitely a difficult task that requires a lot of mental and physical willpower, but with a few simple adjustments, it will be much easier to earn those A’s! Graphics courtesy of FLICKR.COM and WORDFONTSPACE.COM

September 2017


Staff Writer

School only started about a month ago, and most students have finished their back-toschool shopping. But what materials are you forgetting? Which items will you most likely never use? And where can you buy your back to school supplies for the best price? All of these questions are essential to the process of back to school shopping and the little things that can make you a more efficient student. Starting with essential materials that most students forget to buy, a majority of scholars believe that the only writing/drawing utensils they need are pens, pencils, and highlighters, completely forgetting about coloring pencils. They are the perfect drawing tool! Coloring pencils are proven to get the job done faster, are lighter than crayons, and for sure will not bleed through your paper like markers. Coloring pencils are a must-have and are sold for as low as $2 or $3. So the next time you have a coloring assignment in class, there’s no need to go digging through your teacher’s supply of broken crayons and dry markers. Another must have is a three-hole-punch. These tools help prevent students from just shoving their papers into folders and instead help keep them organized in binders. The final essential to have in school is an eraser. Instead of using the eraser on the other end of your pencil, get a full-sized one to last you the whole year. Now, moving on to items that you will

By JOLENE HUEY Staff Writer

Now that the academic year has begun, many high schoolers are facing a more demanding workload than compared to that of the prior year. As assignments and tests pile up, it is common to fall into a pattern of staying up later and later each night to get everything done. Before long, most high schoolers become sleep-deprived. While pulling all-nighters might seem like a good idea for staying on top of your work, sleep deprivation has been proven to make people of all ages unfocused and less efficient during the day, resulting in poor academic performance. Sleep is vital and it is important to make it just as much of a priority as good grades. Sleep deprivation is detrimental for your performance in school and extracurricular activities. Each night that you get less than the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep, more hours are added to your sleep debt. This causes trouble with thinking and concentration, weakened immunity, and poor balance. Sleeping for the recommended amount of time increases your ability to retain information for longer periods of time. In addition, sleep is vital to memory formation. Concentration is extremely important,


probably never use. It is common for students to buy several folders for their binder, however, limit the number of folders to just one. It’s better to hole-punch the rest of your papers and put them in your binder while keeping one folder for anything like smaller papers, or the homework that you will turn in to your teachers the next day. Students also don’t need to buy Post-It Notes. The only place you should be writing all your tasks in is your planner. Instead of using Post-It Notes to study, use flash cards. And last but not least, here are the best places to get your back to school supplies from. Office Depot, for example, is the perfect place to buy notebooks, rulers, and pencil sharpeners, which are all currently being sold for $0.25 each. Another great place is Walmart. Although it isn’t exactly known for having the best notebooks, all of their colored pencils, mechanical pencils, highlighters, and erasers are good-quality and sold for prices that are lower than those of other stores like Target and Staples. Overall, the supplies you use could benefit your work ethic in more ways than you could possibly ever know! So when the next back to school season rolls around, make sure to buy the right supplies that are top-notch quality and can last you the entire year.

By IAN SUTLIFF Staff Writer Graphics courtesy of DAFONT.COM and PIXABAY.COM

One of the most challenging things to be in high school is a student athlete. Not only is being a student athlete a physically challenging obstacle, but it is very mentally challenging as well. Many athletes can feel overwhelmed when they have a game and have to study for a test, write an essay, or complete project due the next day. A large part of being a responsible student athlete is having a strict schedule to balance school, sports, or other activities outside of school. To balance time and make sure that all work is done, one must try different strategies, such as maximizing opportunities to do work in your free time. It is also easy for athletes to put off work due to long days, which puts them in a stressful situation where they have to do most of their work the night before it’s due. Some other good ways to manage time are to time block work, make to-do lists and avoid distractions. These three strategies are easy ways for a student athlete to better manage their time and make sure that the work they are turning in is their absolute best.

especially in class, when students should be paying attention and focused on processing and retaining the information being taught. Having poor concentration means taking longer to do homework, forcing you to sleep

later—hence, a vicious cycle of sleep deprivation and poor academic performance begins. The best way to escape or break out of this cycle is to


Athletes should also make a set of goals to set their own standards on what they hope to accomplish as a student and athlete. Another way to strive off the field is to prioritise work. A way to prioritise is to make sure that work that is more important is done, before work that may be easier or take less time. Being a student athlete can become increasingly difficult the higher the level, because sometimes sports in high school and college can lead to an athlete missing work and tests, which is another layer on top of already having to manage time. Because athletes occasionally miss time in the classroom, it is critical that they stay on top of themselves and be responsible by asking the teachers what they will miss while they’re out. While student athletes’ lives are very different than the lives of average students, they still are students before they are athletes. Adding on to the numerous challenges of being an athlete, practices may run late, extending to up to 20 hours a week in some cases. Athletes don’t really have an offseason and are constantly working year round. Furthermore, players may not be able to hang out with friends as much as they want to or do other extra curricular activities. Graphic courtesy of DAFONT.COM Photo courtesy of PIXABAY.COM

start managing your time better. Remember that people should ideally sleep at least seven to nine hours of sleep every day. On weekends, try to be even more efficient with your studying and activities! Some tips to manage your time better include establishing a routine that you stick to. Practice good work habits, prioritize your activities, and avoid getting sidetracked by things that will eat into precious homework time and shorten sleep time. Time flies when you’re distracted. It is usually very surprising to look at how much time you waste on your phone. Get to know yourself and how long you take to do things. If it helps, get your friends and family involved so that they can hold you accountable for minimizing distractions and sticking to your goal sleep schedule.With these tips, you can attack homework more efficiently, get to bed sooner, and enjoy improved concentration the next day! Getting away from any distracting devices, like phones and computers especially while doing homework, will allow for much more productivity in all activities. In turn, being more efficient will make time for more sleep. Good luck Apaches, and happy slumbering! Graphics courtesy of BLOGISH.CO.UK and CREATIVEMARKET.COM



Staff Writer

Huntington Beach’s very own Ballet Repertory Theatre has proudly opened its doors to the public for its annual Fall Festival. The threehour show occurred on Sept. 9 at 7:00 p.m. and Sept. 10 at 2:00 p.m. this year, and was filled with vibrant and spectacular performances that were loved by all spectators! The Ballet Repertory Theatre is one of the oldest ongoing dance companies at the Orange County Dance Center. Founded in 1977, the company has been committed to bringing greatness and joys to the world of ballet for over 40 years. The dance program is composed of an all volunteer group. The goal of each volunteer is to supply dancers with an affordable, yet professional environment to dance and perform in. Additionally, they hope to create an encouraging setting for their students to learn from. Since the instructors aren’t teaching for pay, but for the love of students and ballet, this allows every student to feel comfortable and happy with dancing, causing them to excel in their performances. Because of this, many of the dancers who graduate from this reputable program tend to continue their careers at prestigious dance colleges, such as the School of American Ballet, while others have even been seen performing internationally on famous t.v.


shows, movies, and, of course, on stage. This year, Terri and Anthony Sellars directed the program. During the Fall Festival, approximately 50 dancers went on stage to perform many of the finest ballet pieces, including The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, and Giselle’s Act. To spice things up, they combined and merged several famous classical and contemporary pieces to create original pieces that awed many of the audience members. Performances led by the Orange County Dance Center Summer Workshops were presented as well. In addition to that, well-acclaimed soloists who graduated from Utah’s Ballet West, including Katie Critchlow and Christopher Sellars, returned to the Ballet Repertory Theatre’s Fall Festival to perform dazzling individual pieces, which were certainly one of the main highlights. Many previous audience members say the Ballet Repertory Theatre’s Fall Festival performances were dynamic and that they defied expectations of local dance entertainment. The Ballet Repertory Theatre’s Fall Festival will definitely be worth the visit, so make sure you check out the show next year and experience firsthand how spectacular it is! Graphics courtesy of 123RF.COM and 1001FONTS.COM Graphic by JOCELYN CHIN

Staff Writer

As we watch massive ships float through the empty blackness of space, ominous music fills our ears. An iconic black helmet fills our screens, and the melody escalates to a crescendo. We heard the first appearance of the song we all know: “The Imperial March” from Star Wars. Many of us may not know this, but it’s also one of John Williams’ most iconic pieces. Born in 1932 in New York City, Williams is widely considered as one of America’s most successful composers for film and the concert stage. Williams studied composition with Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco and attended the Juilliard School. He has written numerous works for concert stage, including two symphonies and various concertos for flute, violin, clarinet, viola, oboe, and tuba. He was named the nineteenth music director of the Boston Pops in 1980 and later obtained the title of Boston Pops Laureate Conductor. In addition, he created compositions for the 1984, 1988, and 1996 Summer Olympic Games, the 2002 Winter Olympic Games, and the 1987 International Summer Games of the Special Olympics. He composed the theme for NBC’s presentation of NFL football. Currently holding honorary degrees from 21 American universities, he has also served as the Grand Marshal of the 2004 Rose Parade, and even composed and arranged a piece specifically for the first inaugural ceremony of former President Barack Obama. However, his most notable achievement is that of his work in the film industry. Williams has composed the music and served

as music director for over 100 films, and his 40year artistic partnership with renowned movie director Steven Spielberg has led to some of Hollywood’s most acclaimed and successful films. These include the entire Star Wars series, the first three Harry Potter films, Jaws, Superman, Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones, and more. Being the recipient of many awards such as the National Medal of Arts, the Kennedy Center Honor, and the Olympic Order, Mr. Williams maintains artistic relationships with many of the greatest orchestras in the world, including the Boston Symphony Orchestra, the New York Philharmonic, the Chicago Symphony and the Los Angeles Philharmonic. One example of such partnerships can be seen in the Hollywood Bowl tradition, “John Williams: Maestro of the Movies”. This performance has taken place at the Hollywood Bowl for over a decade. Clips from the movies are played as the Los Angeles Philharmonic fills the air with vibrant music. Pieces include “Harry’s Wondrous World” from the Harry Potter franchise, “Rey’s Theme” from “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” and “Night Journey” from Dracula. Conducted by David Newman and Williams himself, the three recent concerts on Sept. 1, 2, and 3 were filled with people eager to hear the astounding soundtracks. Hopefully, this awe-inspiring tradition will continue. Through music he will continue to inspire people around the world. Make sure to check out this once-in-a-lifetime experience next year! Photo courtesy of BOBMOULD.COM Graphic courtesy of 1001FONTS.COM

September 2017

September 2017


By MARGARET LIN Staff Writer

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time was recently on national tour, and it stopped by Los Angeles! Based on Mark Haddon’s 2003 novel of the same name, the play follows the adventure of a 15-year-old mathematical genius with Asperger’s syndrome. It has received many positive reviews. For example, Vogue journalist Adam Green said the play was “a testament to the singular power of theater.” On the other hand, New York Times journalist Ben Brantley described Christopher’s “maiden journey into an alien metropolis [as a] virtuoso study in sensory overload.” The play has won five Tony Awards and seven Olivier Awards, temporarily tying with Matilda the Musical for most Olivier Awards won until Harry Potter and the Cursed Child surpassed the record. Narrated by his teacher, Curious Incident tells the story of Christopher John Francis

By TRACY XIA Staff Writer

Yo-Yo Ma, a Chinese-American born in France, is a renowned cellist and musical prodigy. Now 61-years-old, Ma started performing for audiences at the age of five. During his childhood, Ma performed for two presidents, Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy, and featured on American television. As he grew up, Ma continuously pursued his musical career by attending music school and performing in orchestras as a soloist. Ma has studied at Juilliard School and Harvard University, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in 1976. As of now, this honored musician has recorded over 100 albums and received multiple awards, such as the Grammy Award and National Medal of Arts. In 2009, Ma was appointed to the President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities by President Barack Obama. In his career, Ma has performed various genres, from classical to cultural to modern. He has demonstrated that he is capable of

Boone, an amateur detective who is extraordinarily intelligent, but unable to interpret everyday life. When Christopher discovers the dead body of his neighbor’s dog, he falls under police suspicion. Determined to uncover the truth behind the death of the dog, he ignores his father’s warning to stay out of trouble and continues investigating in secret. As his investigation stretches on, he learns that his mother may not be dead, as his father had lead him to believe. When his father learns that Christopher has seen something he wasn’t supposed to, he tells Christopher the truth about the murdered dog and his supposed-dead mother. Having lost all trust in his father and fearing for his life, Christopher runs away from home and embarks on an event-filled journey to London to seek out his mother. Evading policemen and being overwhelmed by the amount of information and stimuli in his new environment, he faces many obstacles in the search for his mother. The play first premiered on Aug. 2, 2012

at the Royal National Theatre’s Cottesloe Theatre in London. The production was adapted by Simon Stephen and directed by Marianne Elliott. It starred Luke Treadaway as Christopher, Niamh Cusack as his teacher Ms. Siobhan, Nicola Walker as his mother Judy, Paul Ritter as his father Ed, and Una Stubbs as one of his neighbors Mrs. Alexander. Since the premiere, the production has held 1,600 performances in West End and 800 on Broadway. It has also played in Mexico and South Korea. The production has already had its second U.K. and Ireland tour and finished the final stretch of its first U.S. national tour. It stopped in Orange County for five days before wrapping up the tour in Las Vegas on Sept. 24. Finishing the performances, case closed!

wielding diverse musical styles, contributing to his title as one of the most skilled cellists and musicians in the world. However, Ma not only performs, but also works to advance music as a whole. Ma’s founding of the Silk Road Ensemble, a musical organization with the goal of bringing together musicians from countries related to the Silk Road, also demonstrated his affinity for diverse musical styles. This nonprofit project promotes musical interactions and exchanges between diverse cultures. Furthermore, Ma’s musical talent is not restricted to past styles. The cellist has recorded soundtracks for numerous films and has collaborated with the

well-known John Williams. Ma had definitely established his place in the musical world as a leading musician and performer. On Sept. 12, Ma performed at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles, bringing the music of Bach to the audience. During this concert, Ma performed the Six Suites for Solo Cello, one of the most famous cello compositions. The composer of the suite, Johann Sebastian Bach, is a German musician from the Baroque period (1600-1750) known for many of his timeless pieces. With over 10,000 concert-goers, this performance had gathered an impressive audience. The performance of a musical classic by an esteemed musician surely enchanted the members of the audience. Following his concert at the Hollywood Bowl, Ma continues to tour other cities this month in the U.S., such as Dallas and San Francisco, in order to bring his music to more enthusiasts and fans. Photos courtesy of THINGLINK.COM, 1001FONTS.COM, and ISTOCKPHOTO.COM Graphics courtesy of THEPERIODICFABLE. COM and 1001FONTS. COM


Staff Writer

On Oct. 20, the Arcadia Performing Arts Foundation will be hosting its annual Drama Teachers’ Association of Southern California (DTASC) showcase, which will take place in the Blackbox Theatre at the PAC. In 2015, Arcadia took the sweepstakes trophy home at the Shakespeare Festival, scoring above 66 different high schools from around Southern California! This tremendous victory set the standards high for years to come. Because this competition is varsity level, only Advanced Theatre students are performing. This makes sense though, because they always want to put their best foot forward with their most experienced actors! While this showcase is not a competition, it’s a practice run in front of an audience before they take it to the competition stage. It also gives the AHS community access to the competition experience without actually attending the main events. The two competitions of the year are the DTASC Fall Festival in November, and the DTASC Shakespeare Festival in April. These competitions don’t just include single scenes—there are many different categories, including a final evening showing from each group. Not only are these award-winning pieces, but they are also completely choreographed and directed by the performers themselves! Allowed nothing more than chairs on stage, the performers have to stretch their imaginations and tell a story using only the instruments of their bodies. To prepare for the events, these artists rehearse for months. The creative process is anything but easy, though the dedicated thespians of AHS have proven that they can handle it along with their academic responsibilities. Luckily, they also have the guidance of their amazingly talented Theatre Arts director Mr. Steven Volpe, who led AHS to its first ever DTASC sweepstakes prize in school history! Advanced Theatre President senior Nicholas Jimenez explained, “Students compete in various categories, such as comedic, dramatic, and musical scenes. The competition challenges actors to tell the story of a full-length play in [a matter of minutes], depending on the number of members in each group. Strict rules require actors to think both critically and creatively in order to create scenes that are concise and engaging.” We hope that Arcadia makes it far into the competition, but in the meantime, enjoy the DTASC Showcase. Tickets will cost $5 and include free refreshments. Go and support the theatre program, and let the actors take you on a journey through the world of theatre arts! Graphics courtesy of WIKIMEDIACOM and 1001FONTS.COM



By JUSTIN CHEN Staff Writer

Boys Varsity Water Polo is definitely making a splash this season with two wins and zero losses. As the team continues its season, it has high hopes for what’s to come. Junior Geoffrey Chiu said, “Our first two games were fairly easy, but they were helpful in figuring out who’s going to be in our starting lineup, and how we can improve as a team.” The team’s good start has clearly illustrated that it can contend in CIF this year. Not only that, the team has completed their official line-up, and will now be playing at its full potential with these changes. By figuring out its starting lineup, the team can begin to play without holding back, and it will strive to be the best it can be. Geoffrey also said, “our team’s greatest strength over other [teams] is mostly our speed. We tend to score mostly off counters on a change in possession, but it won’t work when we get schools like Crescenta Valley High School (CV) who can easily keep up with us.” Although the team

is excellent at scoring during possession changes, better teams like CV will not only make less mistakes, but will also keep up with Arcadia’s speed, which is the team’s m a i n strength. This may prove to be an obstacle for the Apaches. If their speed can be matched by

CV, then the team must figure out a way to beat them in another area of the game. Geoffrey also s t a t e d that they will be playing “Temple City, w h i c h has generally been a stronger team than our [team] in the past. We’ll need to work harder these next few practices if we

TEAM SHOT Boys Varsity Water Polo line up for a victory photo after defeating Crescenta Valley High School.

September 2017

want a shot at beating them this year.” If the Apaches want a shot against Temple City, they will have to improve other aspects of the game so they will have more strengths as a team rather than just speed. If they can match Temple City’s speed, then all the team has to work on now is its passing and shooting. With more drills, conditioning, and overall practice, Temple City should be an easy opponent for our Apaches. The team has started off strong, but may need to improve to contend with better and stronger teams later in the season. Sophomore Christian Lowe told us that “We have a strong and disciplined team, with a goal to win CIF.” The team’s unity and confidence are strong, as well as its speed. That’s not to mention that the team’s spirit is unrivaled by any other team’s. With bright eyes and wide smiles, ultimately, Boys Varsity Water Polo has a good shot at CIF this year, and we wish the team the best of luck! Graphic courtesy of FREEPIK.COM Photo courtesy of ARCADIA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT

By JUSTIN CUN Staff Writer

Co-ed Cross Country has been one of the most prominent teams at AHS. One of the most admired and devoted in the school, the team faces high expectations. Our Cross Country team has won countless titles, especially in CIF and other state competitions. Though the team has been through a series of unfortunate losses, it’s devoted to make a reappearance in the state’s top rankings. Sophomore Wesley Tong elaborated, “Last season could have definitely been better, but I think it went pretty decently. I’m hoping this season will turn out better.” When asked about what could have contributed to their weakness, Wesley said, “I felt like some of us became more lazy during our practices. I also felt like most of the team felt less motivated when we would lose races.” This team thrives off its victories, but when met with defeat, it feels less inclined to improve. When asked about this topic, junior Julia Ma explained, “We definitely have great team chemistry, but we have trouble getting back on our feet after loses.” Cross Country is currently implementing more practices this season in hopes to improve its biggest strength: individual ability. And although the runners, as a team, currently have their weaknesses, they are training harder than ever to improve themselves, working together

READY, SET, GO! On the right the boys of Co-ed Cross Country race with multiple schools to see who comes out on top.

A RACE TO THE FINISH On the bottom the girls of Co-ed Cross Country begin their race against multiple schools.

to strive for victory. Senior Patrick Lee also said, “I have confidence in our abilities to succeed as a team. I feel like if we just practice more and focus on our goals, we’ll be a lot better.” Ultimately, Cross Country aims to perform its very best at CIF. At the same time, they’re also reaching up to claim their spot at the top of previous rankings. Good luck to our Co-ed Cross Country team! Graphic courtesy of SHUTTERSTOCK. COM Photos courtesy of ARCADIA HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETICS and KARVIN LI

September 2017


By JASMINE OANG Staff Writer

Just weeks into the new school year, Girls Varsity Golf is already preparing to sweep its opponents on its way to CIF. After winning the League Champion title for four consecutive years, the girls are hoping to advance further in their CIF games this year. On Sept. 6, the team won its first league match at the Hansen Dam Golf Course and is now looking forward to more wins this season. AHS surpassed its opponents, winning 1st place with a wide margin of 20 strokes, leaving other teams in the dust. Sophomores Tiffany Lo and Kate Villegas spoke warmly of their close-knit team members who not only “motivate and encourage each other,” but also “work really well together.” Kate mentioned that their biggest challenge this year would be that “other teams are getting better,” but the girls aren’t going to let that stop them because they’re “working harder on being aggressive on the course.” With the new Assistant Coach Brett Kennedy, the team has been practicing drills every day and is playing on the course often to prepare and settle back in after a long summer off. Tiffany adds that although she is a Junior


On Thursday, Aug. 31, Girls Varsity Volleyball started off the season with a win against Valley Christian High School. The team also participated in summer league games, where it placed 1st, and tournaments which also brought plenty of success before the season even began. After all of the summer training, games, and a fantastic start, the girls are very optimistic about their upcoming season. Despite having to adjust to a new coach and

OUT OF THE BUNKER The girls take a group photo after the game (left to right): Katherine Chan, Sophie Lau, Gabbi Lewis, Tiffany Lo, Alicia Wang, Katie Villegas.

Recently, they’ve been working nonstop in hopes of winning the 16th annual Chappy Wheeler Girls Golf Invitational. The Chappy Wheeler Invitational, hosted by Palm Desert High School, was the first tournament of the year for the Varsity team. The two-day tournament, which took place on Sept. 8 and 9, included schools from all across Southern California. There, players played 18 holes a day, completing a total of 36 holes. Over the weekend, Southern California experienced unusual weather filled with a combination of thunderstorms and 90 degrees Fahrenheit heat; Tiffany also mentioned that this was a valuable learning opportunity, as players “learned to play in [all] weather conditions and push through.” AHS was well-represented at the tournament with seven players together scoring a total of 213 points. Good job Apaches and keep up the good work this season!

Varsity Assistant Coach, she “involves both Junior Varsity and Varsity [during] practices— giving [them] many new drills to help [them]

on the course,” not only helping with their technique, buin recent yearso allowing both the JV and Varsity teams to bond. Graphics courtesy of ISTOCKPHOTO.COM, STICKPNG.COM, and PREFFEREDSEED.COM Photo by ELLIE LEE

practice routine after Chuck Freidberg, former Girls Varsity Volleyball coach of 55 years, recently left the team, the girls are still very excited about the change that is coming. Coach Jennifer Estrada is now in charge, and the girls think that she and the team are “different in a good way,” according to Co-Captain senior Hannah Kennedy. Coach Estrada is a young coach who played volleyball in college, and even though Coach Freidberg will be missed, the team can’t wait to continue to work with its new coach and see where the season will go. The girls’ first game was a struggle for AHS,

but the Apaches were able to side out and win. AHS started off the first set with a lead and some great plays. There was a rally for a little while where neither team was able to score, but after a while, Valley Christian was able to steal the lead and keep it for a win of 15-25. AHS didn’t let the rough start scare them, and they won the second set easily, with a score of 25-12. The third set was a close one, and the Apaches had to work hard to recover from Valley Christian taking an early lead. In the end, AHS was able to gain the upper hand and win the third set with a very close score of 26-24. The fourth

round was another close one, but it was Valley Christian who took the win, 25-22, sending the two teams into a tie-breaker round. The Apaches took an early lead in this round, and kept it, winning the round 15-11 and the entire game. Varsity Volleyball is off to a great start this season, and the girls are super excited to get to know their new teammates because “every player brings something new that we didn’t have last year,” as Co-Captain senior Ashley McDonald noted. Varsity Volleyball has had an outstanding start and can’t wait to see what the season has to offer.

GET READY TO DIVE Junior Haley Kennedy makes her move to save the ball.

HEADS UP Sophomore Kate Ruiz sets up the ball as the game starts.

GROUP HUDDLE After struggling to comeback, the girls huddle around Coach Estrada and discuss strategies to defeat Valley Christian High School on Aug. 31. Graphic courtesy of SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Photo courtesy of ARCADIA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT



By GRACE HONG Staff Writer

For the first few weeks of school, my makeup routine consisted of me sitting by my vanity, pondering over which products I should use for the day. As the days progressed, I began to realize which products are great for an everyday school look and can serve for multiple looks. Maybelline’s Fit Me Concealer This heavy coverage concealer is a multitasker; from highlighting to contouring, or simply just concealing imperfections, this concealer has you covered! Although this product is already very pigmented, it’s still a very blendable product unlike other more stubborn, heavycoverage concealers. Tip: When using concealer to cover imperfections, select the paler shade

By CINDY TSE Staff Writer

Coffee is the go-to of many people for their daily burst of energy. Students and workers alike revel in the dark bitter drink’s ability to refresh a tired body. However, while most of us know of coffee, few know about it. Coffee is not limited to the few choices offered at the local Starbucks or coffee house. In fact, coffee comes in countless varieties, the most common of which we will introduce. Espresso Developed in the late 18th century, espresso is one of the most well-known forms of coffee and is also the base of many other coffee beverages. It is made by forcing extremely hot water through finely-ground coffee beans. This causes espresso to be much stronger and thicker, thus, it is generally served in smaller amounts with less caffeine. Espresso is characterized by a creamy consistency, and is often mixed with milk. Though it was originally popularized with the Italian working class, it has also found merit in artisanal coffee in recent years.

of concealer if you can’t decide between two colors. A lighter shade is less noticeable than a darker one and is easier to blend on your skin. If the color turns out to be way too light, you can always use it to contour or highlight. NYC Smooth Skin Bronzing Powder Not only is this bronzer a dupe for Benefit’s Hoola Bronzer (which is great for sculpting your face), but it also goes on great as eyeshadow. Since it is a buildable product, you can choose to go from a nude tone eye look to a warmer bronzed look. Tip: If you have oily skin, try to stay away from sparkly, creamy, and liquid bronzers. They can make your skin appear more oily.

and at about $3 for a pack of three (sometimes they will include an extra one for free!), this product should be a staple in all makeup bags. If you’re ever out of brow gel, or searching for a similar product, try applying this product to your hairs and voilá! Tinted ChapStick can also be used as a very subtle blush and or color corrector. Tip: try choosing similar shades for your lips and blush for a more muted look.

ChapStick Lip balm, especially ChapStick, has been a necessity throughout my life and makeup routine. ChapStick can be found virtually anywhere,

Maybelline Nudes Eyeshadow Palette You can create an endless variety of looks with this palette and use it to fill in your brows. Use a flat angled brush to achieve this look, and lock in your brows with gel or even ChapStick. With many shades to choose from, it’s likely you’ll find a color that suits you well. Tip: use a lighter shade for your brows towards the tips and a darker shade towards the ends. It will make your brows look more

Cappuccino Named for the color of the robes of the monks of the Capuchin order, the cappuccino originally began as the “Kapuziner” in Viennese coffeehouses. This coffee is made with cream, spices and sugar. In fact, Viennese coffee today is similarly made, using two shots of espresso and topped with whipped cream to substitute milk and sugar. The cappuccino, however, utilizes two shots of espresso and a steamed milk “cap”. They have many variations, flavoring with cinnamon or chocolate. Adaptable to a wide variety of tastes, they have become an especially loved form of coffee.

Latte Coffee and milk have always gone together, but it is the commercialized version of this that has gone on to become the latte. Different European countries have different forms of the name, such as “caffe latte” in Italy or “caffe au lait” in France. Like the cappuccino, the latte is a mix of coffee and steamed milk. However, the latte is made of more milk than coffee. The latte is especially versatile, as the coffee base can often be switched out in favor of another flavor such as chai tea or matcha. Iced lattes are created with espresso and chilled milk and are almost always accompanied with flavored syrup.

September 2017

natural and won’t create a heavy appearance. e.l.f. Cosmetics Lock On Liner and Brow Cream This product’s name says it all, and what’s better than a 2-in-1 product? I’ve religiously used this product ever since I bought my pot of it and won’t be stopping anytime soon. Its formula is extra creamy, which allows you to create realistic strokes on your brows and to use it as a gel eyeliner. Tip: when working with pomade on brows, always go in with a light hand and build up your desired color as you go.


Affogato Coffee doesn’t necessarily have to be in drinkable liquid form. The affogato is a mix of espresso and vanilla-flavored gelato or ice cream, sometimes with an extra shot of alcohol. Just as its name means “drowned” in Italian, the affogato is made by drowning the gelato in a single shot of espresso, creating an energizing and bittersweet desert. As with many other coffees, they were originally a dessert made in Italy, However, they have become quite famous around the world, particularly with the introduction of the affogato frappuccino at Starbucks.


September 2017




ter little by little and fold it in gently. Staff Writer

From sizzling burgers to decadent desserts, the obsession for delicious and aesthetic food is insatiable. One of the recent food trends is the jiggling Japanese cheesecake. It may seem like baking this delicacy requires a lot of skill, but it is perfectly possible to make this cake at home. This recipe will provide you with all the necessary steps to recreate this Internet food phenomenon. This recipe makes a 9’’ round cake. Materials • double boiler (or a small pot and heat-resistant bowl) • spatula • electronic scale • large bowl • stand or hand mixer • measuring spoons • 9’’ springform pan

6. Lightly grease the cake pan with cooking spray or butter. Tip: A springform pan (a pan with a removable bottom) is preferred as it will be easier to take the cake out. If a pan with a loose bottom is used, please cover the bottom of the pan with two layers of aluminum foil to cover the holes so that no water seeps into the pan while baking. 7. Once the oven is preheated, pour the batter into the cake mold, and bake the cheesecake in the water bath for 70 minutes. 8. Let cool on a rack. Then it’s ready to be eaten!

I do not want your toys Enjoy your electronic device I played because you played a role From the idiot, no, I do not love you I like perfect crime How can you laugh at your time to sleep? I speak, I’m in control It is not legal, no, I do not like it (Five!)

(Chorus) Ooh, what am I doing? What am I doing? What am I doing? What am I doing? Ooh, what am I doing? What am I doing? What am I doing? What am I doing? I do not like your government elections They once heard me You asked me to ask me

Steps 1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit, and fill a baking pan with water. 2. In a double boiler, melt the cream cheese, butter, and milk together. Tip: If you don’t own a double boiler, measure the ingredients into a heat resistant bowl and melt them over a pot of boiling water.

He locked me and faded The world once again joins drama and drama But it was not me, for me, all that I thought was able to And the world is moving, but one thing is certain Maybe I got to meet me, but you all will get it (Repeat Pre-Chorus) (Repeat Chorus) Trust me, I do not trust nobody, nobody I’ll be the actress you’re talking about in your vocabulary Trust me, I do not trust nobody, nobody I’ll be the actress you’re talking about in your vocabulary Trust me, I do not trust nobody, nobody I’ll be the actress you’re talking about in your vocabulary Trust me, I do not trust nobody, nobody I’ll be the actress you’re talking about in your vocabulary ( What am I doing? ) ( What am I doing? ) ( What am I doing? ) ( What am I doing? ) “I beg forgiveness, The old dealer can not still come to the phone.” “Why?” “Wait, cause death!” (Repeat Chorus x2)


3. Take the melted mixture off the heat and mix in the flour, cornstarch, lemon juice, and egg yolks.

5. Add the meringue into the cream cheese bat-

Staff Writer

(Pre-Chorus) But I woke up, I became more difficult at the right time. Honey, I’m dead, I always do it I have a list of names and the red is clear I tested it once, then I checked it double, oh!

Ingredients • 140 g sugar • 6 eggs, separated • ¼ tsp cream of tartar • 100 ml milk • 250 g cream cheese • 50 g butter, unsalted • 1 tbsp lemon juice • 60 g flour • 20 g cornstarch • pinch of salt

4. Whisk the egg whites and cream of tartar in a stand mixer (or hand mixer) until the meringue forms soft peaks. Tip: Do not over mix or your batter will be too stiff and the cheesecake will come out stiff as well. If you did overmix and solid peaks form, gently fold the meringue with a spatula until it softens.




CAMPUS FOCUS September 2017

By JUSTIN CUN Staff Writer

“This year I’m excited to be able to be back at school and seeing my friends again.” —Alvin Tran, 11

The start of this new school year is a time of seemingly unpredictable moments and outcomes: a year with the potential to become the highlight of our lives; a time that, if used wisely, can be the entryway to fascinating stories and jokes that will forever be embedded in our memories and conversations; and a year that can also end in empty promises, dismal moments, and even utter dissatisfaction. It is, like many other years, a time of advantageous opportunities that are waiting to be discovered. Happiness and success, in every form and capacity, lie in the hands of our own will and tenacity. And let it be said that one, in the pursuit of a certain goal, must take, find, and engross oneself in that task if one truly wishes for fulfillment. The school year has just begun and, with it, opens the way for some of the greatest opportunities you may ever have. Only one question remains: Will you take them? “As a senior this year, I’m excited to graduate soon and hopefully go on to college!” —Vanadium Wang, 12

“As a sophomore, I’m planning to enjoy as much of it as I can before the dreaded junior year!” —Sydney Chang, 10

Graphics courtesy of IMAGES.TEMPLATE.NET Photos by ELLIE LEE

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