APCA Campus Life Trends Magazine- Aug/Sept 2016

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Interactive Sessions

Roundtable Discussions

Resume Builder


EDUCATIONAL SESSION AT AN UPCOMING EVENT Topics Examples: Marketing, Diversity, Leadership, Promotional Ideas, Contracts, Recruitment, Retention


DO YOU KNOW artists, comedians, magicians, speakers, or anyone with a talent that should be on the APCA Stage? Refer them to APCA Director of Associate Services, Rachel Barnes at rachel@apca.com 2



Connect With Us The APCA Campus Life Trends Magazine is published quarterly. Submissions for articles must be emailed to editor@apca.com. For advertising, please contact associates@apca.com.

Publisher: Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities Production: Rachel Barnes Graphic Design: Designs by Pinkie The Campus Life Trends Magazine is a trademark of the Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities. All rights reserved. No articles or images of any kind may be reprinted from this magazine without the written permission of The Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities. Anyone seeking such permission should forward their request by email to editor@apca.com.

From the Desk by Heather Lambert...................................p. 4 More Than a Comedian by Adam Grabowski.................................p. 6 Improve Your Campus Elections by Del Suggs, M.S.Ed.................................p. 10 COVER STORY Exploring the Mind of International Mentalist Alan Chamo..............................................p. 14 Would You Wear A Superman Costume on Campus by Tom Krieglstein - Swiftkick.....................p. 22 Get To Know Our RAC’s!............................p. 24 APCA Notice: Your Campus Life Budget Has Been Cut!..................................................p. 30




the new r Atchley Lambert, a former Hello! I’m Heathe As . ent of Operations APCA Vice Presid es iti tiv t Life, Campus Ac Director of Studen so excited SGA Advisor, I am Programmer, and ampus C ith rtunity to work w to have the oppo forward ok lo ss the country. I onal Life Advisors acro gi Re g l at our upcomin k to meeting you al ic qu a I wanted to take Conferences, but ce myself. moment to introdu have been and Student Life Higher Education st 14 pa my career for the munity my passion and om C t College, a grea an extremely years at Amarillo s ha at nhandle th Pa s xa Te s on the e th in College served many year I t. e en nm ro vi en e n’s State Executiv vibrant campus lif nment Associatio er ov G nd t ha en stud fir St ve ge ha Texas Junior Colle ember as well! I dicated APCA m de less, programa ith as w w e I or d m an g in do , Board, es ez fre g dget cuts, travel rams, coordinatin knowledge of bu ssing campus prog ip se sh as er s, ad se le pu l m al ca er large and sm ng sti ho ming on commut s, m ra ic mentoring prog onal and academ NSO, organizing the numerous pers ith w g in y. al de da , y se ur ever events, and of co with us each and d students share ve lo be r ou at th issues is that I can help APCA, my hope Now that I’m with visors: all of my fellow ad ch other ea ith • Connect w ost our students here we need it m es and the lives of • Find support w liv r ou e nc ha en savings tools to that provide major s • Learn valuable ce en s er nf co le affordab rs and performer • Save money at impactful speake d an e bl ta pu re oking through block bo AND n in the process. CA, or if you • Have a ton of fu estions about AP qu ve ha u yo e ail me any tim ese issues above. Please call or em about some of th lk ta d an t ec nn co would just like to ng you all soon! ok forward to seei lo I . ds en fri y m ur time, Thank you for yo Heather






The hardest working comedian in the college market is using his time on stage to talk about real topics: depression, mental health, gender, acceptance, and sexuality are all a part of Adam’s award-winning progressive stand-up comedy show.

Comedian Adam Grabowski performed at a record-breaking 90 COLLEGES IN 4 MONTHS during the Spring semester of 2016. He also received 4 YES’s and a standing ovation on America’s Got Talent. Simon Cowell called Adam, “the funniest one” in the entire competition…. but that’s not the only reason we are highlighting the 2015 APCA Comic of the Year in this article. Adam is more than a comedian to the hundreds of campuses he visits. He’s a student activities guru, a life coach, and most importantly, a friend. Adam is tackling the most important and difficult topics in a way that has previously been unseen in the college market. 6


“Adam does a high quality show that engages students from beginning to end. It’s not far into his show that you realize why he’s won the awards that he has!” Elise Michaux Director of Student Involvement Seton Hill University

Having performed in 45 States, at over 500 colleges, and for tens of thousands of students, Adam is no longer interested in just getting people to laugh. He wants the laughter to mean something more. He wants to teach students about themselves by explaining the difficulties of adulthood. “I want to share something real and truthful with my audiences. The more we recognize our similarities and differences, the more connected we feel to each other and this big, scary world we live in. The better we can laugh at our own humanity, the better we can progress as confident, mature individuals.” Since graduating college with a degree in psychology in 2008, Adam has been the most decorated comedian in the college market. Fastest Rising Star, Comic of the Year, Most Outstanding Associate, Most Booked Artist… These awards are all very meaningful, but according to Adam, none of these honors matter as much as the impact he has on his audiences every day. “The whole point of my career is to have genuine human connection each and every night.” Up to this point, it sounds like we’ve been talking about a motivational speaker. That’s what makes this so special! Despite everything you will learn, it is still a stand-up comedy show. The humor is nonstop and many schools have had Adam perform up to 5 years in a row. Humor comes from truth, and Adam Grabowski seems to be oozing with it. Many times throughout the show, Adam

will joke about a specific human behavior while getting the audience to do the exact behavior he’s referencing. To quote Adam, “What better way to prove a point than to get the audience to prove it to themselves. Every show is an experiment!”

“It’s wonderful how well our students respond to Adam and his message! On top of that, he performed two completely different shows at our campus in the same day!”

Ray Weaver Asst. Director of Student Affairs Tompkins Cortland Community College Now age 29, Adam has been touring colleges for 7 years. 1,000 hours of performing for students has shaped this comedy show into something unique. He handles tough topics, but keeps the show clean so that it can work at any campus. “It’s important to connect without offending. People won’t listen if they shut down. The whole point of the show is for people to understand how connected we all are. We don’t need to go through life’s struggles alone.”

For booking, please contact info@AdamGrabowski.com or 708-899-ADAM Website: AdamGrabowski.com Twitter/Instagram/Snapchat: @AdamGrabowski








ELECTIONS by Del Suggs, M.S.Ed. It’s a problem on campuses across the country. Whether you have 600 students, or 60,000 students, it seems like almost nobody bothers to vote in campus elections. You might have great candidates or you might have terrible candidates. It doesn’t seem to matter, because nobody votes anyway. We’re all too familiar with apathy on campus. It’s a challenge just to get students to go to class, much less attend a program or event. When it comes to getting students to vote in campus elections, you might as well just forget it. Except you can’t forget it. Elections are important. The leaders your students select will set the tone for the entire campus. These student leaders may make great decisions to set your college on a new course towards service and involvement. Or they may set out to capture the “Top-Ten Party School” title. Elections are important. There are a lot of ways to get more students to participate in your campus elections. Check out these suggestions.



MAKE VOTING SIMPLE The first technique for improving your election participation is to go online. It you are still using paper ballots on your campus, you will be relieved that you will no longer have to count all those votes by hand. Consider this: did you know you can hold elections with your campus Blackboard or Moodle system? You’ll have to work with your campus technology department to set it up, but many schools elect their campus leaders via Blackboard. If you can’t utilize your campus Blackboard system, here’s another idea: Google Drive, Survey Monkey or Zoomerang. If your student services department has an account with any of the online survey sites, you can use them for balloting. First, go to your survey account and create an electronic ballot. You can phrase your questions as multiple choice, and have each candidate as a possible an-

swer. You can utilize the logic programming so that when students answer specific questions (“Are you a Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, or Graduate Student”) then the survey will only allow them to answer certain questions. For example, you can use this method to insure that only seniors vote for the senior representatives for Student Senate. There are also other safeguards you can put in place to limit election tampering, stuffing the ballot, and other election fraud. You should always have a warning at the beginning of the electronic ballot with warnings such as: “You are only allowed to vote once. If you attempt to logon and vote a second time, all of your votes will be invalidated.”

MAKE VOTING EASY Whether you use Blackboard, Moodle, your Survey Monkey account, or install software like Balloteer, you’ve still got to get students to vote. Here are a few quick suggestions to get your students to complete that ballot. First, hold voting over several days, but not too long. It’s important to have a sense of urgency over your elections. You could have two or three days of voting, but no more than a week. If you give students too much time, they will never get around to voting.

... did you know

YOU CAN HOLD ELECTIONS with your campus

Blackboard or Moodle system?

Even if you don’t have the ability to track voters and determine if they are voting multiple times, that warning alone will deter most students from attempting to vote a second time.

You can also use specific online election software for your elections. There are free software programs available like “BallotBin,” as well as inexpensive paid programs like “Balloteer.” You might want to invest in your own elections software. Perhaps you can convince your Dean or President to make the purchase with school funds and use it for Faculty Senate elections, too.

Second, send out emails to all of your students reminding them to vote. Include the link to the online ballot in the email, so they can click and vote easily.

Third, announce and remind your students to vote on your Facebook pages and your Instagram and Twitter feed. Always include that link to the online ballot. Fourth, when you post banners and posters reminding students to vote, include a QR code on the poster which links to the online ballot. That way, a student can just whip out their smart phone, scan the QR code, and vote. You can’t get any easier than that. You can create a QR code for free at www.Goo.gl or www.zxing.appspot.com.








WHAT IS A MENTALIST? Being a mentalist means that you are a magician with mental issues, or at least that is what I always say in my shows. Basically, mentalism is one of the branches that stems out of the ‘tree of magic,’ where there are other subdivisions such as illusionism and escapism. Mentalism is about how to trick the mind, and it has various factors involved including psychology with hypnotic suggestions. I also studied hypnosis, so I am one of the few that successfully combined it with magic, in order to create a higher level of amazement in my audience, also knowing that not everyone is going to see the same thing. Every person’s mind and perception is different and therefore everyone reacts differently.



2. What is the difference between a mentalist and a magician?

The main difference is that the magician tries to impress, while mentalist tries to impress your mind. Mentalists try to use amazement through the senses and a regular magician is more visual by using a lot more magic props for their tricks. Meanwhile, I use items that you could easily find at an office supply store. One is not better than the other, they are simply just different. I still enjoy doing more traditional magic tricks as well.

3.What are the most popular questions you get when you say you are a mentalist?

It is definitely unusual for people to meet a mentalist, so they obviously always ask questions. The top questions I get are:

• Mentalist, like the TV guy? They cover their eyes and say, “Don’t stare into my eyes!” • Can you make my wife/girlfriend disappear? • Can you tell me what I’m thinking now? • Can you tell me the lottery numbers? • Then I answer, “Yeah, sure, just give me your phone number an as soon as I get them, you’ll be the first one to know.” • Yes, but what’s your real job? • How do you do it? • me: “If I tell you, I’ll have to kill you, and you seem like a nice guy.”. him: “Then tell my wife!”

4. What can an audience expect from one of your presentations?

My number one goal is to be entertaining, because I feel like the experience is not as valuable if I simply go on stage and do casual tricks. I believe that the actual effect is only 20 percent of the presentation and people are truly there because they want to have a good time. They want to laugh, be surprised, and they want the person doing the presentation to have a connection with them. In my shows I try to create different atmospheres, and I accomplish that through lighting, sounds, music and the rhythm in which I do it. Those details are important, because it avoids giving off a monotonous vibe.

5. What is the difference between your comedy hypnosis show and mentalism shows? My comedy hypnosis show is a very funny and entertaining show where I bring people on stage. They are then hypnotized and each participant trans-

forms into a different person or thing, depending on what character I give them. I give each of them a character. Meanwhile, the mentalism show is more visual and interactive, which is something that’s very important to me. The show isn’t about simply sitting and watching; it’s about participating. It’s not about seeing the magic, it’s about feeling the magic. I offer both shows to colleges and universities.

6. When did you realize your love for magic?

I was 7 years old the first time I saw magic and was wowed by it. It was during a birthday party. There was a magician and after that, I would always have one at my birthday parties. Later I got a magician’s kit and unlike most children, I picked it up and never put it down. I was always doing tricks in front of family, friends and people. I also had an uncle who was also a magic aficionado, so he taught me some tricks and from there it all started.

7. What was your childhood and growing up like?

I was born in Argentina. When I was 8 my parents decided to move to Israel, where I lived until I was 22. In Israel was where I actually learned the professional aspect of what I do. I was the first magician of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). I would do shows for the soldiers.



That was where I gained my experience in performing for young adult audiences.

8. How did your talent transform from a hobby into a career?

I wanted to study something related to international business or just business, but at 14 I started performing and doing children’s magic shows in Israel. I made good money for a 14-year-old, making about $100 per show. I was the richest kid on the block, making about $100 per show. For me that was a fortune. Every weekend I was fully booked. It then continued on to the Army, and shortly after that, I appeared on television. Life just led me down the path of becoming a mentalist.

9. At what point did you decide to focus solely on mentalism?

I started focusing on it when I was 20, during my time at the army. Being there was a huge experience for me, because it’s very similar to college, meaning that an audience of soldiers –just like students – either loves you or hates you, and you’ve got to break the ice in less than a minute because if not, they might boo and kick you off the stage. 16


10. What is the most satisfying part of being a mentalist?

My favorite part is being on stage and feeling the energy in the house. After the show, I also enjoy meeting my audience and hearing about their experiences. It’s interesting how every person has different feelings about the show or likes something more than the other. Everyone reacts differently to the same thing and I like those observations.

11. In how many languages can you perform?

My performances are either in Spanish, English, Hebrew or Spanglish. The idea of doing Spanglish is not translating word for word, though. It’s about being able to say something using some words in Spanish and some in English and have everyone understand the sentence. Sometimes people don’t even realize that I’m switching languages within a sentence, because our minds fill in the blanks.

12. Was there any point in time when you wanted to do something different? Yes. I consider myself an entrepreneur. I created a retail company that sells

magic tricks and novelties. It’s called Magic Hut, and I sold it one year ago, after owning it for 15 years with locations at different malls and shopping centers. I like retail and am looking to open a place in Aventura Mall, selling a product that isn’t related to magic. I’m very interested in real estate. It’s like a monopoly, where you strategically buy and sell at the perfect time. I’ve enjoyed studying and taking courses. I started studying and practicing hypnosis six years ago. At some point, I would also like to have a show in Miami yearround, just like they have them in Vegas.

13. What have been some unforgettable moments or experiences?

The time I performed at Premios Lo Nuestro, (A popular Latino music award show) in front of 50 million people plus the other 3,000 that were in the audience was the biggest thing I’ve done. That truly was huge. I also have many from when I was in the army. Once we went to perform on the border with Gaza and it was right after two very pressured days where some American journalists had been killed. Everything was very tense. So, I arrived to the base that had walls made of sandbags around, and 100 feet from us the Palestinian police were on a stand off. I was with a band. They would sing and had a keyboard. We were inside a big tent making noise, and the guy who played the synthesizer started making sounds that were similar to bombs, guns and explosions. The base commander was yelling at him, worried that the Palestinians were going to hear us and think we were starting a shoot-out. The tense situation was now even worse, and they were thinking of canceling the show, but I insisted that we continue with the program. We ended up performing while wearing bulletproof vests and a helmet,

and all soldiers had their guns loaded with bullets – which was a very unusual scene. It was definitely unforgettable.

14. At what point did you move on to bigger presentations, corporate shows?

After leaving the army, I moved to the United States – to Miami, and I immediately started working with television and corporate events. That was in 1998.

15. Do you ever customize a show?

Yes, I do provide custom shows upon request. For example, in corporate events I have noticed that it’s a mental challenge, and the company wants to show its employees that it is all in the mind. Sometimes whoever hires me wants to promote a certain product, idea or concept, and they ask me to build a show around it. It’s a great way to create awareness regarding the idea of a product.

16. Who are your customers?

Cruises, corporations, universities and television networks. Usually corporate events, cruise lines and companies hire me for my mentalism act. My show took me to perform in more than 40 countries.



17. How did you get into television and working with diverse networks and channels?

I met the producer of one of the shows and I started in a show called Lente Loco. From there, people started hearing about me so I was on various morning shows and one thing took me to the next.

The challenge lies in impressing an audience with the least amount of items possible. At the end of it all, we all have an ego as entertainers and we all want to feel important. So, for any magician the biggest desire is to create that ‘wow effect.’

Also, I consider myself Latino and was raised in Israel so I enjoy diversity, and the United States is a melting pot of cultures and ethnicities, and I love how it all comes together in our nation’s universities. Within the schools you see the best of each place represented by its young people that are studying and want to grow and succeed, and I feel great comfort performing in front of that type of audience.

19. How do you prepare for one of your shows?

21. What are you working on currently?

20. Why do you like to perform in schools?

To book Alan: alan@alanchamo.com P:305-2199391 Facebook/AlanChamoMentalist www.AlanChamo.com

18. What are the biggest challenges of your career?

When I’m creating a routine for presentation, I always try to put myself in the place of the person that is going to see and experience it. So, I try to think of the effect and the possible reactions I might get before developing the actual routine. Most of all, I prepare through my mind. I try to distract myself about two or three hours before the show. One hour before the show I get into my zone by meditating. I imagine people having a good time, the audience smiling and I picture myself performing to the audience. So, it’s definitely through exercises of visualization; something that I would recommend to anyone.

I realized that when I do my show for a younger crowd within colleges and even in the army, they really love my show. I feel like it has to do with my stage persona and my sarcastic humor. 18 #APCACLT

I’m developing a project that has to do with TV and social media. The idea is that the public can see what is happening while I perform – through my eyes. They will have the experience of not only being amazed, but also of seeing the way that others react and what it’s like to surprise somebody. To learn more, check out my Facebook page: Alan Chamo Mentalist. I’ll also be conducting this experiment at my booth at the APCA Northeast Regional Conference, October 21 & 22. I hope everyone stops by.



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DALLAS - TX Oct. 7-9, 2016




• 2 Day All-Inclusive Conference (less time out of class!) • 2 Lunches and 2 Dinners • Catered Receptions • 30+ Educational Sessions • 50+ Diverse Showcases • Access to Exhibit Hall of College Market Vendors • Free Conference T-Shirts • Free Swag and Awesome Giveaways • On-Site Discounts on Bookings • FTE Discounts on Bookings • Catered Cooperative Buying Sessions • Get great discounts with our Cooperative Buying Program by utilizing our on-site discounts and small campus discounts • Engaging & Fun Environment


• Present an Educational Session • Volunteer Behind the Scenes • Enter conference competitions • Serve as a Cooperative Buying Coordinator • Lead Roundtable Discussions • Submit for Regional Awards NEW YORK CITY AREA Oct. 21-23, 2016

NASHVILLE, TN Nov. 11-13, 2016




COSTUME ON CAMPUS? By Tom Krieglstein of Swift Kick

A few times a week, Mark Wyzenbeek of Auburn, Washington, dresses up in a perfectly hand-crafted Superman costume and goes about his daily routine. He fills up his car with gas. He goes to the local bar. He buys milk. Mark follows a pretty normal routine, except he wears his Superman costume the whole time. In his words:

“You can go into a bar and be a fly on the wall and look and watch what everyone else is doing and be yourself and not really have to interact with a lot of people. You can turn around and go into that 22


same place with a costume on and everyone just has to interact with you.” Mark originally started dressing as Superman after his wife suddenly died in a tragic car accident. For him, dressing up is one-third an homage to his wife, another third an indulgence of his comic book fandom, and the last third is for the reaction and joy he gives to others.

“As soon as someone sees you, you know their day is going to be different. They have a story to tell.”

If we dissect Mark’s Superman hobby based on the four rules of a Blender Event, we see that Mark created the perfect Blender Event to engage the Neutrals on his Dance Floor. RULE #1 – BRING IT TO THEM: Mark doesn’t sit at home with his Superman outfit, instead he goes to where the most number of people are trafficking in his town. The Neutrals on your campus won’t come to you, you have to go to them. RULE #2 – POSITIVE REACTION: Mark admits that some people do make comments that could be taken as a jab, he says his response is to always respond with kindness. In the end, Mark says even the toughest of critics have turned around and given him a hug, smile, or thanks. RULE #3 – CONNECT THE DOTS: Mark isn’t trying to “be the big event,” rather he’s taking situations that most people take for granted, like filling up on gas, and creating an experience out of it for others to remember. He’s putting a smile on the faces of others in what are otherwise normal daily moments. Most of the time, your students on campus aren’t at your big event, rather they are engaged in their daily routine. In what ways are you creating stories on your campus out of the ordinary?

RULE #4 – IT’S CHEAP: Mark handmade his costume. The financial cost for him to wear his costume and change the day for hundreds of people is very nominal. Mark, however, is very clear that low cost shouldn’t mean low quality. If you are going to commit to hosting a low cost Blender Event on your campus, don’t let low cost equal low-quality.

“Authenticity is the key to being taken seriously. If it wasn’t 100%, I’d be letting down the costume. I’d be letting down the people looking at it.” One final lesson of Mark’s story that every campus leader could take away is that he approached his Blender Event with vulnerability and passion. He’s not blind to the fact that wearing a Superman costume isn’t normal; he is, however, willing to be vulnerable to give others a positive moment in their otherwise boring day. Wearing a Superman costume a bit too much for you? Maybe wearing a Free Hugs shirt would be easier.

What are you doing to create moments for others on your campus to create a





RAC stands for Regional Area Coordinator. These RACs are advisors from APCA member schools who work closely with the APCA Executive Director and staff to help consistently improve the APCA Programming Conferences. They also play a key role in the growth of the APCA through the recruitment of new members.





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, what is you across the country to le ab ail av s ce en rticipated 1) Of all of the confer come involved? I pa be to nt wa u yo de ma dents compare it about APCA that rence and had my stu nfe co al ion reg l na tio rience with regularly in another na they enjoyed their expe n, ow s-d nd Ha st. be with the APCA which one they liked of us felt a closeness l Al e! on r” the “o the d as a school APCA far more than rformers. We felt value pe d an ers tur lec the ches really delegation, as well as . The extra personal tou up gro the of rt pa re made great and treated like we we and myself. We have rs ce offi nt de stu my aswent the distance with leaders. So when these ny artists and session ma them the th th wi wi s nd bo hip a ds l frien rs already fee de lea my , us mp ca r to sit back sociates come onto ou on campus. It’s great nts de stu er oth th wi s and want to share thi ! and watch this happen ones, but ere are so many great Th ts? en ev CA AP t get to hear ite thing abou . This is where I really ns sio ses 2) What is your favor jam ht nig e nd favorite is the lat session in Atlanta, I fou probably my all-time g. At a late night jam tin se set ca k ac ow sh d-b a lai in re rm perfo the performers in a mo er event, so he couldn’t ! oth me OW so W a at s ed wa ok it , bo s jam heard this guy I n Nick Hagelin. He wa he W le. tab o the inf dents just have an this. I grabbed my stu for APCA his first year, book him, because of to ge them that lle g co lin st tel fir , eo the his demo vid tch wa We ended up being m the d ha d an rning, afterer to his booth take its toll the next mo es do next day, took them ov h ug tho e lat t the world! e. Staying up tha t I wouldn’t miss it for Bu ! he was even better liv cle cy s iou vic in’ just a fun lov noon….evening… it’s CA experils to have the best AP oo sch for e vic ad of are helpful piece of who and what you 3) What is your most and and have an idea eh for leaderbe rs, nts ke de ea stu sp ur al ers, motivation rm ence? Meet with yo rfo pe be it er eth et some of ur campus, wh given the chance to me are looking to bring to yo nts de stu my re will have to nd that the mo more memories they the ship trainers. I have fou g, tin set ce ren nfe nferences! even in a co the taking at these co for ch these dynamic leaders, mu so is ere Th workshops and out their life. attendance at as many as ll take with them through we as , ble lua va they don’t take that sleep is se conferences, that if the Students need to know at ly ick qu so by d programming e time flies so much knowledge an th sessions as possible. Th wi d ste bla ing be ep on the way hose effect of y need to load up on sle the advantage of that fire , lly rea So t. ou d home after the ll have misse n sleep the whole way the d opportunities, they wi an e tim ble na so to bed at a rea ently, don’t we?!?!? to the conference, go lol. We all know differ nt… pri on at gre ks conference. This loo










across the s available to you ce en er nf co e th of e you want to 1) Of all t APCA that mad ou ab it is t ha w get involved country, A made me want to PC A ? ed lv vo in to offer. The become atmosphere it has pe ty ily m fa e th of truly made it because organization have e th ith w ed lv vo e another people in ork, get to know on tw ne to rs so vi ad r s arise on a place fo resource when issue a as r he ot ch ea mber of and have nnot tell you the nu ca I s. se pu m ca r visors each of ou my fellow APCA ad to t ou d he ac re ve times I ha ent, help me helpful tip for an ev helps that the to share with me a in mber of th gs. It nu y an ne and large or , at tre re to plan a get to know everyo to gh ou en l al sm e s ar professional regional conference dents and our own stu r ou r fo le hi w th wor enough to make it t. en developm y favorite thing t APCA events? M ou ab g in th te ri vo ur students get to 2) What is your fa ses and co-op. Yo ca ow sh e th e ar ts en t to network and about the APCA ev we, as advisors, ge d an te ra le ab rd fo an af relationship with see great talent at p a good working lo ve de to e on on e talk to the agents on out of our budgets. us to get the most g in w lo al , em th each of to have the best advice for schools of e ec pi l fu lp he t os advisor bringing 3) What is your m would tell any new I g in th e on e Th ? ional session to APCA experience . Submit an educat ed lv vo in t ge to ay aw ur students to host students is to find sors, encourage yo vi ad w llo fe ur yo ith them and others share knowledge w s that are effecting ue iss nt rta po im s us ng that will get them a roundtable to disc r as interns, anythi ee nt lu is vo em th ve ha vice I would give around the nation, e other piece of ad Th . AT le RE op G pe a w is ne It g much. and you out meetin if you aren’t buying en tev ne p, e -o os co th p to lo ur region and deve to make sure and go other advisors in yo e th are genuinely rs ow so kn vi to ad t l ge ra way to . South Cent ol ho sc ur yo to e os in our same line of works of people cl ce to have people ni so s It’ e. tim e l th truly understand friends and talk al d concerns and they an s ue iss t ou ab to lk APCA! work that we can ta m. We owe it all to fro g in m co e ar e w where









across the s available to you ce en er nf co e th of e you want to 1) Of all t APCA that mad ou ab it is t ha w A Conference country, tended our first APC at e W ? ed lv vo in y campus. As become as 20 miles from m w it e us ca be o ag ntinued to 10 years locations, We’ve co ed ov m s ha ce en formed the confer e friendships we’ve th of e us ca be s nt take stude PCA family. agencies, and the A with other schools, A events? thing about APC te ri vo fa ur yo is 2) What us to book eat opportunity for close to the main While APCA is a gr no pus, that’s t even m ca r ou r us, it’s been an fo t en m entertain t of money!). For lo a ve sa us lp he does other and network reason we go (but connect with each to s er ad le nt de r stu ovides us with a opportunity for ou The conference pr s. ol ho sc r he ot m s fro ovides a retreat with student leader and develop and pr ow gr to s nt de stu r r ou can’t accomplish great opportunity fo each other that we ow kn to t ge to them ow over the like experience for how our students gr ng ei t Se s. pu m ca on pe of entertainmen during our meetings ey share on what ty th ns io in op s. e es th el d ic an ck on campus is pr course of two days would like to see ba dy bo nt de stu r ou options to have the best advice for schools of e ec pi l fu lp he t os ent, we didn’t 3) What is your m tended an APCA ev at e w e tim st fir e ? Th e there. Now, we APCA experience to get out of our tim d te an w e w t ha w to rtainment works have any goals as s how booking ente us sc ic di to go e w re fo oup for the academ meet as a group be establishing our gr in ve at ha th e s w nt s al de go p r stu on campus, develo e. I always tell ou e when we are ther os A. For advirp PC pu A a to ve in t ha pu d year, an e willing to ar ey th t ha w A PC be A erence fore, my they will get out of nded an APCA conf te at r ve ne ve ha ho before and ask them sors or students w r who’s been there so vi ad n ra te ve a ll vice might be to best advice is to ca it, and what their ad of t ou t ge ey th t what to expect, wha nce. have a great experie








you across the ences available to er nf co e th of l al f 1) O ade you want to out APCA that m ab it is t ha w y, tr coun ed with APCA bechose to get involv I ? ed lv vo in e m beco e staff is great and meet at APCA. Th I le op pe e th of e caus ing. The advisers ily community feel m fa al re is th t ge you azing. I have to APCA are also am nd te at to e os ch that g APCA. I also ends from attendin fri t ea gr y an m so met ping students into mmitted to develo co is A PC A at th love nference they dents attend the co stu e th n he W s. er lead eir campuses entertainment for th ng di fin ly on t no are ing on skills. From g leaders and build in m co be wanted to be e ar ey th but it was something I ew kn I , ce every year. en er nf every conference, to d my first APCA co ar rw fo ok lo I continue to involved with and ing ts? My favorite th about APCA even g in dent th stu te a ri as vo at fa ve th 2) What is your d experience. I belie un ro arn l-a le al s e th ay w is al ts I kend. about APCA even but educational wee g in conin e th rta te to s en nt ry de ve ing new stu in br or adviser it is a ve lo I e. tim t ucational d have a grea rformances and ed pe e something new an th r fo d te ci ex ing them get ference and watch l worth it. usiasm makes it al th en r ei Th . ns io ss se the best r schools to have fo ce vi ad of e ec pi ost helpful mfort zones, attend 3) What is your m step out of your co is ce vi ad y M ? ce the showcases and APCA experien ational sessions to uc ed s, al yone is so ci so e th ces available. Ever ur so everything from re y an m e th And most advantage of ally the APCA staff. ci exhibit halls. Take pe es d an r so vi APCA afts, to the ad g makes attending in nice from the agen ok bo k oc Bl p. t to come pate in Co-o the money we spen ck importantly partici ba ng tti ge am feels like I fordable because it performances. le to bring in more ab e ar d an A PC A to








you across the ences available to er nf co e th of l al e you want to 1) Of t APCA that mad ou ab it is t ha w y, countr become involved? where I wouldn’t timate conference in a r fo g in ok lo I was al attention from d get more person an d ow cr e th in st get lo nference and ber my very first co em m re I s. ar in m the se as if I knew ade me feel. I felt m ff sta e th l ia ec how sp t. I connected though we just mee en ev s ar ye r fo them are still in r attendees and we he ot e th of y an m with use of the relar even today. Beca he ot stem ch ea ith w t contac e with a support sy ade, it provided m m e er w at th ps hi tions ces. from other conferen that I don’t receive PCA events? rite thing about A vo fa ur and workshops. I am yo is t ha 2) W A, is the seminars PC A t ou ab gs in th e b and to make my One of my favorit s to improve my jo ay w te at va no in w ne ovided me with th always looking for e speakers have pr th of t e gh m ou So br . ng ve gi mpus. I ha campus more enga nate my role on ca ve ed ju iv re ce to re l ed el w ne I been missing piece that mpus and they have ca y m to rs ke ea sp many of the APCA by my students. st ols to have the be e of advice for scho ec pi l fu lp he t os 3) What is your m or ? not use everything APCA experience the south and can in ne ity eo rs m ve so ni U or n ng somethi I work at a Christia er, there is always ev e ow ak H m s. n pu ca m ey ca how th bring everyone to the agency and see to ges. lk ta an to ch id to ra en af op are really ts en ag I can use. Don’t be y an M s. pu k on your cam their program wor




Your Campus Life Budget has been CUT!


Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities


Many programmers have nowhere to turn when they read this announcement. But if you’re like hundreds of other progressive thinking APCA student life advisors, you’ll know exactly what resource to use to combat this problem.

Who is APCA?

The Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities specializes in low and no cost programming for campus life. Our mission is to help student life departments with limited resources make more of an impact on their campuses. APCA is a staunch advocate of purposeful programming that incorporates meaningful, assessable learning outcomes that can improve retention levels on your campus.

Why should I participate in APCA? Devel-

opment! We will keep you up to date on the latest professional development trends and student theory, organize and motivate your student boards and give you the resources to stretch your programming dollars. Our workshops and campus event programming conferences feature nationally known student life theorists and cost saving programs to keep your budget under control.


Dr. Vincent Tinto Distinguished University Professor Emeritus at Syracuse University, Former Chair of the Higher Education Program, Author of Leaving College and Completing College



Dr. Gwen Dungy Executive Director of NASPA from 1995-2012

Dr. Connie Boronot Director of Assessment and Evaluation for Dr. George Kuh Student Affairs and Indiana University Undergraduate Chancellor’s Professor Education at Florida Emeritus and Director International University

How does APCA help my budget? We bring val-

ue! APCA membership fees are the lowest by far in the marketplace, at only $299 per year. That fee covers every club and student organization on your campus. Our value packed conference fees also include 4 hot meals, student life educational sessions for advisors and students, showcases, conference swag and access to all conference events. If you program campus activities events or facilitate professional or student development programs, we will help you stretch your dollars!

Who else has tried APCA? APCA has been serving the college marketplace with cutting edge campus activities resources and training for over 20 years: “APCA: Friendly, Family, Affordable and Fun. The staff is professional and genuinely appreciative of school members. They offer quality programming, seasoned educational speakers and affordable conferences to schools of all sizes. Our students enjoy their experiences with APCA and call APCA family!” Yonna Pasch, Director of Student Activities - Northwestern State University “I cannot describe how excited my students are every year for the APCA Conference. With the discounts that we get from the Co-op buying process, we are able to save enough money to pay for the entire conference experience. Beyond that, however, it’s great to be able to work with the other schools in our area in a synergistic way. My students have developed great relationships with their peers at other schools as a result of the experience.” Jeff Foote, Director of Student Life - SUNY Cobleskill “I would encourage all colleges to attend APCA. It’s worth every penny! The staff are extremely friendly and make everyone feel a part of the APCA family. APCA is a great opportunity to see very talented performers from all walks of life and block booking helps to place them in a price range that we can afford.” Nancy Agan, Director of Student Life - Corning Community College

Not happy with your APCA experience? Money back guarantee! All APCA event delegate fees come with a

money-back guarantee of satisfaction. If for any reason you are unsatisfied, by the end of the first day of the event, simply return your conference materials and request a refund of your fees. All fees, minus your prepaid meal costs, will be returned to your school after the event. APCA is the only campus activities conference system to guarantee your delegation a positive experience!

APCA – the most value in the campus activities market! APCA is

the best decision you can make to further your professional and student development. We ensure the best value for your event programming dollars, and have a long track record of success. Our event experiences are guaranteed, with an excellent reputation for consistently exceeding our delegates expectations. Contact us now to incorporate affordable, assessable and meaningful campus activities resources and training into your campus event programming!







Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities PO Box 4340 Sevierville, TN 37864

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