To the Administration of Appalachian State, the Board of Trustees, and Chancellor Everts: On August 12, 2017 white nationalists took over the streets of Charlottesville, Virginia. This blatant show of violent racism was in response to the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee, a confederate general. As a result, confederate memorial statues all over the country were taken down quietly and not. On August 14, The Confederate Soldiers Monument was pulled down in Durham, North Carolina.
when House Bill 2 was passed. All of these are examples of when hate has not only been present on our campus, but was manifested here.
Chancellor Everts and the Administration of Appalachian State University have repeatedly ignored the presence of hate groups, hate speech, and white nationalism on our campus. The implementation of #NoHateAppState invalidates the student experience and is dangerous to those In response to white nationalists Charlottesville, The with historically marginalized identities. A “resiliency Chancellor sent an email with a call for, #NoHateAppState. The Chancellor also declared that, “there is no toolkit” is not necessary for students of color after an esplace for hate on our campus… No hate at App State. Pass tablished white nationalist hate group makes its presence it on.” known on campus. It is irresponsible of the University and of the Chancellor to expect students Less than a week later, the to learn to accept the boiling presence In lieu of national surge of white supremacy of white nationalists on our campus. #NoHateAppState, emboldened the white nationalist Buttons, stickers, and banners are not we want to see group, Identity Evropa, to hang a going to ensure the safety of black recruitment banner on Appalachian students, Jewish students, queer stuChancellor Everts, State University’s campus on August dents, and indigenous students. Appalachian 22, 2017. The banner drop at State University Appalachian State University was a White supremacy is pervasive. Not part of a larger national recruitment Administration, and The only is it embodied by hate speech Board of Trustees schema: Project Seize. and hate groups, it is also exemplified by the lack of support for students take active steps There is hate on our campus. of color and those with marginaltowards White nationalists targeted Appaized identities by institutions. It is combating injustice lachian State University because the prioritization of a quota over the and inequity. they knew they could get away with physical, emotional, and mental well recruiting on our campus. For stubeing of fourteen percent of Appadents of color and students with historically marginalized lachian State University’s student body. In direct response identities, this is not the first time Appalachian State to the Administration of Appalachian State University and University has failed to adequately address the fears, Chancellor Everts’ apathetic response to white nationalism concerns, and needs of its most disadvantaged. on our campus, we demand that our university makes a better effort towards making Appalachian State University Recall the anti-semitic stickers that were spread across a safe and successful environment for all students. In lieu campus. The chalkings that targeted undocumented, Latof #NoHateAppState, we want to see Chancellor Everts, Appalachian State University Administration, and The inx, and Muslim students after the election. The students Board of Trustees take active steps towards combating that were verbally harassed outside of Anne Belk Library injustice and inequity. by racial slurs. And the deadly silence from administration
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