NEWS 1–2
The Independent Student Voice of Boise State Since 1933
Volume 22
First Issue
F R E E MARCH 18, 2010
Gymnastics prepare for senior night!
restructuring proposed KATY BUTLER Journalist
with ASBSU President
Trevor Grigg PATRICK TRUJILLO Journalist
ASBSU president Trevor Grigg has announced his candidacy for State Rep. in southeast Boise’s Dist. 18 as the Republican challenger to current incumbent Democrat Phyllis King. On a recent day in the Student Union, Grigg submitted himself to the proverbial hot seat.
tion to the maximum number of people at the lowest cost possible to the taxpayer and student.” How do you see this being accomplished? : We need to reduce the size of government, not simply pass it on to other areas in the state budget that are able to raise their fees and funds (tuition). Other factors that go into providing the cheapest education and quality education to the maximum amount of people have to do with federal programs -- FASFA, federal government aid, is a negative impact on tuition -- universities feel they have the freedom and ability to raise tuition because there is so much aid available. It inflates the price. : Some programs that were requesting the recent fee increase were for scholarship and internship opportunities. They are likely to see the effect of the declined monies. Do you see that as affecting the quality of those students educational experience? : It will simply affect the price of their education -- it will not affect their quality of education. : You are quoted as wanting to eliminate wasteful resource in education. What
Arbiter photographers Glenn Landberg and Nik Bjurstrom became bored on weekends and wanted to do some filming. Through this need the idea for Sunday Adventures came to be. Each week there will be a random short of something (almost anything) done Sunday. Go to arbiteronline.com and comment with ideas for them to do and thoughts on each segment.
Q&A The Arbiter: What were the deciding factor(s) for you to run for office of Dist.18 State Rep. against Phyllis King? Trevor Grigg: Timing. It is definitely going to be good year for conservative republicans to run for office for the direction of our state and our country as a whole. I want to have the same opportunity, prosperity and quality of life that my parents and grandparents had, and I fear that that is in jeopardy. : What do you see the role of government being in that role of that quality of life? : The role of our government is to allow individuals to interact freely with one another. It’s not to act as a safety net to fix all problems for all people. : You recently opposed the student fee increase. Why? : These fees, by and large, are not used by the students on this campus. They benefit a very, very small minority of students, so we are taking from the majority and we’re giving to a few. : Your mission statement on your Web site for state rep. reads, “to provide the highest quality of educa-
Campus Criterium races into BSU
When does parking cross the line?
is wasteful resource? : I think a good example is student activities -- student government, the Arbiter, volunteer service board, the Greek system, student programming board, athletics -- all run off a forced fee students have to pay, whether they use the service or not….It is my experience that these programs don’t affect students by and large on the campus. : Your mission statement for State Rep. defines you as in favor of traditional families -- that they are the backbone of Idaho. What is a traditional family? : I believe a traditional family is a mother and a father that are able to teach their children (morals and values) in the home. I don’t think it’s up to government to teach values and morals and principles. My goal of families is: if families don’t want to teach morals and values then that’s their prerogative -- they’re free to do what they want to do, and I -- as government -- shouldn’t feel that it’s my obligation to step in and tell them what they should and shouldn’t do. : Where does that leave non-traditional families, e.g. gay/lesbian, single par-
ent, at risk youth, those families that do not have the same predisposed qualities as traditional families? : I think that that is the perfect, ideal situation -- mother and father, but obviously in our society, that’s probably less than half of the actual results that are going on in our neighborhoods. But that doesn’t mean you cannot have a traditional family with those other types of situations. A single mother can still instill and teach the same principles and values and have the same freedoms to give to her children to be whatever they want to be. We don’t need a government to necessarily help that single mother; she can do it just as well as any mother and a father. : Do you support welfare? : It’s a two-sided question. I support assistance for the disabled, and, single mothers. I think there is a line there…. Single mothers -- we should be willing to help them for a period of time, so that they can get on their feet and produce and provide for themselves and their family….Unfortunately,
See GRIGG I page 2
ASBSU is restructuring, going from 18-20 ASBSU council members down to eight, according to a new proposal. “The basic goal of restructuring ASBSU is to help eliminate unnecessary bureaucracy, there are currently many open offices and empty seats within ASBSU,” Election Board Chair Johnni Wuest said. “It will allow for more representative voice and more student guidance on campus.” The proposed changes will eliminate the entire legislative branch, replacing the 14 senators with six vice presidents, each one with committee members under them. Above the six vice presidents will be the executive vice president and above that will be the ASBSU president. The chief justice will oversee all of the judiciary power of ASBSU and will have four student justices under it. “With fewer positions comes more competition,” Wuest said. “It will make each candidate more qualified for the position.” “This will eliminate the number of ASBSU members receiving service awards, saving ASBSU thousands of dollars per year” Lobbyist Danny Edvalson said. With the legislative branch being eliminated there will no longer be a senate representative for each department instead; the six vice presidents will be in charge of a certain function at and will have the same voting power as a senate. The functions represented will be Service and Equities, Student Life, Clubs and Organizations, Academic Affairs, Legislative and Government Affairs and Facilities. The six vice presidents are able to pass an idea with only four out of six votes, representing the entire student body. “It may cut back the number of people in ASBSU, but it expands their umbrella,” Wuest said. More strict guidelines will be implemented along with the new ASBSU structure, making it easier to see what each representative is doing within the committee. If an ASBSU member is not following through with the responsibilities they may be impeached or resign from office. “With more strict guidelines create greater accountability to student leaders,” Edvalson said. Senator Jason Andersen has mixed views. “In theory it’s a good idea if it works but it will be hard for people running this year to not only learn the current system but implement a new system” Andersen said. For the new ASBSU structure to be passed 1,000 students must sign a petition for the new structure to go onto ballot. The ballot will then be voted on during ASBSU elections April 7 and 8. It will then pass by majority rules. If passed, the new structure will be implemented in phases throughout the next school year. “Everyone who is implementing the new system will either be leaving office this year or doesn’t have a guaranteed spot next year making the possibility of there not being anyone to carry the system through” Andersen said. The new structure will be posted on the Boise State Web site by the end of the week.
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March 18, 2010
Voters, election boosters and candidates KIM KING Journalist
ASBSU voted to change the election code last month and senators are now drafting legislation for constitutional restructure, according to election board chair Johnni Wuest. “This is not like high school where all they do is plan the prom,” Wuest said. Wuest says she is hoping for a higher voter turnout this year because of the impact elected officials can have on the university and its policies. “A lot of students don’t realize there is so much that is done by ASBSU,” she said. “There is something about people. When they know they represent you and can affect things, it makes a difference.” Wuest says student involvement is essential. Statistically, voter turnout has been low in the past, averaging 10 percent of all univer-
sity registered students. “After speaking with members of different student organizations, we have identified possible reasons,” she said. “They don’t feel there is fair representation. When some senators win with 600 votes, that doesn’t represent the entire school.” Last year, Sen. Michael Neilson won with only five votes and Sen. Jose Gomez with 14. Wuest says students have found some election activities questionable in the past. “Campaign teams have brought laptops on campus to encourage students to vote,” she said. “This has been seen as unethical and as leading to a pressured voting environment.” Last month, with input from Wuest and Executive Chief of Staff Ashlee Mendive, Sen. Chase Johnson introduced a bill to change the election process. The changes passed and were in effect March 1 when election
packets were distributed to candidates. The amended code defines campaigning and polling areas, eliminates biased voting assistance, and calls for more accountability from candidates. “People will have to submit expense reports on sources and use of funds, and social networking is now considered campaigning,” Johnson said. “Digital media like You Tube, Twitter, and Facebook will not be allowed as platforms.” Wuest says there will be other noticeable changes until students vote April 7 and 8. “We are advertising more, and asking for students to volunteer to be election boosters,” she said. “They will sign a statement saying they will be unbiased and encourage others to vote.” Students interested in volunteering as election boosters may contact Wuest by calling 426-1440, or by
emailing her at ASBSU@boisestate.edu. She is also asking students to become involved with the candidate forums. “They will be held on March 24 and 25 for senators, and April 6 for presidents and vice presidents,” she said. “Students can email me with questions they believe should be asked.” According to Wuest, there is still time for anyone interested in entering the election. The deadline for submitting an application is 5 p.m. March 31. “Four colleges on campus have no representative senator running,” she said. “College of Arts & Sciences, College of Education, College of Engineering, and the Graduate College. Students can still run for these or any office as write-in candidates and still have an opportunity of winning. “The key to change is getting involved.”
people to stay on unemployment, end the urgency to find a new job, and prevent people from taking a lower paying/lower skilled job. : While in Canada on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, you witnessed the “dangers of socialism and over-governance.” Can you explain? : I spent a fair amount of time in inner cities, working amongst Native Americans populations and as well as visiting reservations. What we have there
is a people there who -- and this just isn’t Native Americans -- it’s everybody that’s on government assistance in Canada -- they’re given free health care, free housing, a monthly allowance, free dental, free eye care, a number of things -- yet these people still live in poverty.
GRIGG [NEWS page 1] under the current administration -- people can stay on welfare infinitely. I’m in favor of welfare, but I’m in favor of a welfare system that’s purpose is to completely reduce itself -- to eliminate itself. The purpose of welfare should be so that nobody is on welfare. : You mentioned the current administration. I would assume that is referring to the extension of unemployment benefits due to the current economic situation -- as a nation we’re facing over ten percent un-
employment collectively -- in Idaho it is in the upper percentage of 9. Do you see the extension of unemployment benefits as inhibiting someone to seek incentive to get off welfare? : Again, we have to look at the big picture. We have to take emotion out of it and look at it logically. So emotionally, yes, we should help people, but if we look at the actual results, what do unemployment benefits do -- they tax business and reduce their ability to hire more people, they enable
To read the complete interview with Grigg, go to arbiteronline.com
Bike thefts on campus have gone down considerably, while thefts in the Morrison Center and vandalism have increased. There was one reported bike theft incident this week compared to three reported incidents last week. University Security responded to two thefts in the Morrison Center. The thefts occurred in storage units near rehearsal spaces. Such thefts are not new to the Morrison Center, as unattended personal property is often stolen while students prepare for musical or theater performances. Vandalism is on the rise as three such incidents were reported during the past week, two of them taking place in the Brady parking garage. An unknown suspect sprayed the contents of a fire extinguisher throughout the garage March 8. A vehicle parked in the Brady garage was keyed March 12. The most costly incident this week was the theft of a laptop from the University Inn March 10. Overall, University Security responded to seven separate incidents between March 8 and 12. There were no reports of sexual assault on campus in the past week. According to University
Security, a person can avoid becoming a victim of theft by keeping valuable belongings with them at all times, and not leaving items such as laptops, cell phones and iPods unattended. When locking a bike, it is recommended to use a sturdy metal lock rather than a rope or chain, as thieves can cut them with wire or bolt cutters. It is also recommended to always lock car doors, and students who live in dorms are advised to lock their doors when they’re not in the room. More resources are available by visiting University Security’s Web site, http://finad. boisestate.edu/security.
Campus Crime Report:
March 8 - 14 Courtesy University Security
March 8 – Theft – A computer was taken from a storage closet in the Morrison Center. March 8 – Vandalism – Unknown suspect cut wires on a car parked at Grant and University. March 8 – Vandalism / Theft – Unknown suspect took a fire extinguisher from the Brady parking garage and aimlessly sprayed contents in the garage. March 10 – Grand Theft – Unknown suspect took a laptop from the University Inn. March 12– Bike Theft – Unknown suspect took a bike from a bike rack outside of Keiser Hall. March 12 – Theft – A bag was taken from the Morrison Center. Contents were partially recovered and returned to owner. March 12 – Vehicle Vandalism – Unknown suspect keyed a vehicle in the Brady parking garage.
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March 18, 2010
Parking on campus A lesson in frustration
Cowardly or clear?
Transportation and Parking Services has reportedly given out 20,877 parking citations and 3,142 warnings...
“It’s not you, it’s me.” Everyone has heard, used or feared these words at some point in their life. Now, thanks to Bradley Laborman, there is a way to eliminate this cliché from any break-up. In the fall of 2009, Laborman started up a new Web site called IDUMP4U.com. As the name suggests, it is a Web site that allows people to avoid the pressure of breaking up with someone and, for a small price, gives that duty to Bradley. For $10 and the time it takes to fill out a short application, this entrepreneur will call a significant other and explain very clearly why his or her partner does not wish to see them anymore. Then, to add insult to injury, the calls are recorded and put on the internet. I assume that when most people hear about this, they are at least slightly appalled at the process, but after some consideration and investigation of his Web site, I’m starting to think that in some circumstances, this service isn’t so bad after all. Is it cowardly? Yep. Is it impersonal and disrespectful? Entirely. Would it be appropriate to end a serious relationship or marriage in this manner (divorce break-ups cost a heavier fee of $50)? Absolutely not. But are there occasions where having a clear and impersonal break-up might actually benefit both parties? I think so. Some people are bad at breaking up. Those people are the ones who are too ambiguous, can never commit to the break-up, and, or just try to slowly faze the other person out instead of actually ending things with them. These people need help, and so do their partners. Ending things by utilizing this Web site would eliminate that confusion and draw a very clear line of the end of the relationship. When I offer up a defense of some aspects of this service, people ask me, “Well how would you feel if you got dumped that way?” I decided that it would suck, pretty much as much as any dumping would suck. I would be sad, but also I would have a clear reason for it and wouldn’t be confused or left in the dark. It seems like that could be better than the common alternatives. As for the calls being put on Youtube, to be honest, they are pretty entertaining to listen to. In an interview with the Canadian newspaper “The Globe and Mail,” Laborman explained why he posts the calls on the Internet. “It’s therapeutic,” Laborman said. “Because maybe, if anything, somebody is going, ‘I’m listening to a guy getting dumped, and I’m in that exact same situation right now… Hey, maybe if I keep doing what I’m doing, I’m going to get broken up with.’ It’s a learning experience.” Though it may seem horrible initially, there are benefits of this Web site. Perhaps people who drag another person along because they can’t get up the guts to end a relationship should consider investigating this more humane option.
in 2010 alone.
Does this heart-wrenching sight look familiar to you? EVA HART Journalist
As I snatched my fourth parking ticket of the semester off my windshield last fall, I decided, “Alright, I’ll get a parking permit.” I went down to Transportation and Parking Services and forked over $100 for a general parking permit. I thought, finally, no more having to get to school 20 minutes early to hunt down a parking spot. Oh but little did I know that having a parking permit would be even more frustrating! Every morning before school I would pull into the parking lot by the Morrison Center and drive up and down the aisles for more than 10 minutes in search for a spot. Finally everyone who had been wait-
ing to park would see a student walking to their car, and we would have a race to steal their space the second they left. I thought after paying $100 for a permit that I’d be guaranteed a parking spot – not even close. Even after the purchase of my permit, I saw that little orange envelope in my windshield, once again. I made the mistake of parking in front of a sign that said "Towers Resident" instead of "General" and ended up paying $35 for it. You’d think those police officers in their little golf carts would realize we are starving college students and the small amount of money we have does not need to go toward parking tickets. According to J.C. Porter, assistant director of Transportation and
Parking Services, in 2010 alone, they have given out 20,877 parking citations and 3,142 warnings. Porter said, "The most common violation is parking in the garages and not paying." Other students agree that the parking situation is far from perfect. Freshman kinesiology major Brianne Reed said, “In one semester I got eight parking tickets. I should have purchased a permit, big mistake, and I will next semester.” I asked Reed what she thought a solution could be to the distribution of parking tickets. She said, “The markings of where we can and can not park need to be more obvious. What the heck is my tuition going to? They can't afford paint? Buy some paint and
I’ll do it.” Sophomore marketing major Bryan Talbot said, “I got a parking ticket, bought a permit, then got three more tickets.” He said one of the tickets he received in the Brady Parking Garage because his time had run out by only ten minutes. He had looked for a space in the general area, for which he has a permit, and failed. He paid $20 for it. Wouldn’t it be nice if we didn’t have to pay an arm and a leg for a permit that doesn’t even guarantee us a spot and leaves us with more unpaid parking tickets? Maybe Boise State should invest in a few more parking lots, make the parking permits cheaper and not oversell the lots. But according to Porter, we are actually losing three parking lots this summer to construction and next fall we are also losing one of the most popular lots, Towers General. Any hope of fixing our parking dilemma aren't looking good right now. So buy a bike or a scooter. And if you decide to stick with driving your car to campus, don't plan on parking within a mile of your class and expect an orange envelope under your windshield to put the cherry on top of your already hectic day.
Is online privacy an oxymoron? JESSICA SWIDER Journalist
We’ve all seen the scandalous celebrity pictures that put so-andso in a compromising position – Michael Phelps and his bong, Vanessa Hudgens and her... nakedness, and, of course, most recently Snooki’s nude photos as well. They get upset that their personal life has been invaded, shake their fist at the paparazzi and move on with life. What would happen if these photos got around, after they’d been posted on someone’s Twitter or Facebook? We’d call them an idiot and tell them to get over it. Case in point: John McCain's daughter, Meghan McCain and her revealing photo she posted on Twitter. She uploaded it, so she can’t get mad when people gripe about it. So, why then, are so many people outraged when their current, or hopeful, employers use Facebook, Twitter or Myspace to lurk a little? According to Career Builder's recent survey, 45 percent of employers admit to checking Facebook before hiring someone. Since Facebook and similar sites are commonly referred to as
social-networking Web sites, while intended for public use, why do so many job searchers get their panties in a twist at the thought of being turned down because of a photo they posted on their page? For many students, the common answer is "because it’s my personal, private profile. "As sophomore international relations major Erin Lionberger explained, “I think it's kind of an invasion of privacy. The things I do and the way I act in my active and social life doesn’t necessarily reflect how I would be in the work life. I think it can cause unfair judgement.” Well, not really. When uploading photos on Facebook, users are required to check a statement saying “I certify that I have the right to distribute these photos and that they do not violate the Terms of Use.” The Terms of Use basically state that Facebook can not guarantee the safety of your images, and if you’re concerned about that, you should make your profile private. BYU senior and communication disorders major Alyssa Montierth said, “Nothing is private on the Internet. If it's online, someone, somehow will see it. I know peo-
ple who've lost their job because they complained about their boss on their blog and then their boss found out.” Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, LinkedIn and all other social networking sites provide employers with a crucial tool for hiring workers. Twenty years ago, employers had to hire workers based solely off resumes and interviews -- both things that everyone "stretches the truth" on. Of course you want to look your best. Now employers get
a vital look into what kind of person you really are, and what you do on your downtime. The bottom line is simple: while some people may feel that their privacy is being violated by a possible employer using Facebook to "check up" on them, it’s a valuable tool. If you don’t want your pictures to be seen, make your profile private, or don’t post anything that could be taken out of context, seen as compromising, or even illegal. (Are you listening Ro Parker?)
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Go online for a preview of the Blue Gray Tennis Classic in Montgomery, Ala., Arbiter Sports Talk and coverage of this weekends local Bronco sports.
March 18, 2010
Athletics Calendar 3/18 - 3/24
Senior status
Home Events*
Thursday, March 18 Men’s Golf – Denver Desert Shootout All day – Phoenix, Ariz. Men’s Tennis – Blue Gray Tennis Classic TBA – Montgomery, Ala. Wrestling – NCAA National Championships All day – Omaha, Neb.
Friday, March 19 Men’s Golf – Denver Desert Shootout All day – Phoenix, Ariz. Men’s Tennis – Blue Gray Tennis Classic TBA – Montgomery, Ala.
Wrestling – NCAA National Championships All day – Omaha, Neb. Women’s Tennis – Denver* 2 p.m. – Appleton Tennis Center Softball – Springhill Suites Invitational – Minnesota* 3 p.m. – Mountain Cove Softball Field
Senior gymnasts (from left to right) Raquel Turnbow, Yvette Leizorek and Taylor Jacob will be honored Friday for senior night at Taco Bell Arena for their contributions to the Broncos' gymnastics team.
Gymnasts exhibit individual roles at final home meet KIRK BELL
Sports Editor
Gymnastics – San Jose St.* 7 p.m. – Taco Bell Arena
Saturday, March 20 Men’s Golf – Denver Desert Shootout
For almost every collegiate athlete there is a day that looms heavy over his or her career: senior day. For three of Boise State’s gymnasts the time is Friday night at Taco Bell Arena where seniors Taylor Jacob, Yvette Leizorek and Raquel Turnbow will be recognized for their roles in BSU athletics. Though the night is one that puts the spotlight on each of their careers, each has their own unique story to tell as a Bronco along with very individual emotions as that day draws near.
All day – Phoenix, Ariz. Men’s Tennis – Blue Gray Tennis Classic TBA – Montgomery, Ala. Wrestling – NCAA National Championships All day – Omaha, Neb.
Taylor Jacob
Softball – Springhill Suites Invitational – Portland St.* 11:45 a.m. – Mountain Cove Softball Field Softball – Springhill Suites Invitational – Weber St.* 4:15 p.m. – Mountain Cove Softball Field
Sunday, March 21 Men’s Tennis – Blue Gray Tennis Classic TBA – Montgomery, Ala. Women’s Tennis – San Diego* 11 a.m. – Appleton Tennis Center Softball – Springhill Suites Invitational – Weber St.* 2 p.m. – Mountain Cove Softball Field Softball – Springhill Suites Invitational – Portland St.* 4:15 p.m. – Mountain Cove Softball Field
Wednesday, March 24 Women’s Tennis – Oregon 2:30 p.m. – Eugene, Ore.
Jacob has waded her way through BSU battling injury but finishing with a sense of vindication due to the next steps taken both in the gym and in the classroom. She chose to compete a fifth year which granted her the opportunity to attain a masters in athletic administration through Idaho State University. She completes her degree this upcoming summer. The fifth season kept her in the sport one year longer than the class she arrived at BSU with. This season seems a year too late for Jacob but still holds a spot in her Bronco biography. “Last year’s senior meet I was really emotional because that was the class I came in with,” Jacob said. “I was like ‘how am I going to go through another year without them there. We’re done.’ This has just been a whole new chapter, this whole year. A whole chapter, a whole new team with different chemistry. I’m excited more than sad.” The Western Athletic Conference Championship meet takes place just 12 miles from her hometown in Fullerton, Calif. She plans on participating as a coach for a club team near her hometown, Whittier, Calif. for a year. “That’s my way of not letting go of the sport,” Jacob said.
Yvette Leizorek
For Leizorek, the pinnacle of not just a collegiate career, but one of a lifetime of hard work all converge in her final meets. She feels her “mastery,” of her art form has reached a crescendo toward the end of her senior year. “It’s been really exciting to be able to finally master what you’ve been doing your whole life,” Leizorek said. “That practice does finally create perfection if you work at it the way we do.” For Leizorek the evolution of the team she saw entering BSU as a freshman and where it is today represents the best of her collegiate experiences. She described her early encounter with the team as “rocky.” It has emerged something beautiful and more honed than when she first stepped on the BSU campus. A change from being the best in the WAC to making a run at a national title has finally started to converge. “We had a lot of ups and downs in our year,” Leizorek said. “Once that evened out and this team came together, we’ve been together ever since and we’ve just been getting stronger and stronger.” For Leizorek the final meet will be an emotional endeavor. The opportunity to perform in front of local friends for her final home stand is priceless despite it not being the final meet of the season.
Raquel Turnbow
Turnbow worked from the wings this season, not competing in a single meet due to an injury sustained last season. A torn ACL and surgery kept her from competing this season but with little regret. “A tough decision for me to either stick it out knowing that I might not compete this year because of that or to call it quits,” Turnbow said. “I had to stick it out because I couldn’t just leave my senior year not knowing even if there was a chance, which would have left a hole. It’s been hard but it’s definitely been worth it.” She has enjoyed her time spent as a mentor and assistant to the other athletes. Their hard work and progression into a top-25 ranking this season has been fulfilling for her. “It’s just motivating to see them work so hard and be so successful and to know that even though I’m not out there, I’m still part of the team and still part of their success,” Turnbow said. Turnbow plans on finding a job locally in her field of study, health science, and applying to a physical assistant school to further her education. She believes this team to be the best overall team she has been a part of during her time spend with BSU gymnastics.
International athletes rock collegiate tennis
BSU women’s tennis head coach Mark Tichenor sits courtside with international student and senior Pichittra Thongdach. MARSHELL M. MARTINEZ Journalist
Boise State’s women’s tennis team is composed
of diverse athletes from all nationalities, including two Americans and five international students. Though the process of recruiting interna-
tional students can be complex, the end result of having these athletes is well worth the ordeal. Discovering talented inter-
national athletes may be the only easy step in the recruiting process. Since the internet has paved an easier path to look at athlete’s statistics and biographies, it has opened the doors in a tremendous and beneficial way. “With having the internet now, it has become easier to check everyone’s results and watch them play in YouTube videos; you can get so much more information than in the past,” head coach Mark Tichenor said. “It is still always better if you can see someone in person, but in our situation it isn’t what always happens,” Tichenor said. The coaches contact the athletes in some form or another, usually by either telephone or e-mail, to inform them about their interest in having them play at BSU. Once the athletes are contacted and sent recruiting packages, which contains information about BSU, it depends on whether they
are interested in playing and attending college in Boise. If they agree to come here, the process of getting here and being cleared begins. Not only do the athletes have to follow NCAA regulations, the university as well. Before the university was able to clear international students without the NCAA having to clear them first. But now, the NCAA goes through a clearing house which every international athlete has to participate in in order to play college tennis. Then, after they are cleared, BSU takes over and has the athletes’ complete further paperwork that must be done before they begin to play. After each athlete is cleared and able to come to America, they still have to follow the same rules as everyone else. They must maintain an eligible grade point average and enroll in suitable classes for their degrees. Once everything is finalized the athletes are finally able to
begin their college tennis career at BSU. But each athlete has a huge price to pay in order to come here. “Many people do not realize how much they (international athletes) have to sacrifice to be here. They have to leave their families back home and are not able to visit them as often as they would like to,” Tichenor said. Though missing their families may be a hard issue they have to face, for most, it is either attending college and continuing to play a sport they are passionate about or taking a chance of giving it up for good or becoming professional. “For some of the international athletes it is either playing tennis at a university or becoming a professional athlete,” Tichenor said. “They don’t really have that choice like we do here, so if they become pro, they are not guaranteed a successful career. They are taking a big chance
See Tennis I page 5 The Arbiter ! arbiteronline.com
C SPORTS ULTURE Broncos look to make noise at nationals
5 B
March 18, 2010
The Boise State wrestling team headed to Omaha, Neb. Tuesday in preparation for this weekend’s NCAA Division I Wrestling Championship. The action-packed weekend will kick off 11 a.m. Thursday and the National Champions will be named by Saturday evening. The Broncos head into the tournament with high expectations after finishing 12th in the nation last year. Boise State will be sending seven individuals to compete for a national title. Following the PAC-10 tournament, the Broncos were planning on sending eight individuals to Omaha. However senior Sam Zylstra, who earned a bid at the PAC-10 tournament, will not be able to compete after suffering a concussion. Among the seven Bron-
cos headed to nationals are juniors Kirk Smith, who is seeded number one in the 184-pound class and Adam Hall who has the no. 2 seed at 157-pounds. A title match appearance from Smith and Hall combined with a good showing from the others could mean big things for the Broncos. Smith, who will make his third straight trip to the tournament, is Boise State’s most likely candidate for a national championship. He will put his perfect record on the line this weekend as he tries to become the third wrestler in school history to claim an individual title. Hall, who finished the season at 27-2, is also making his third trip to nationals. He is coming off his first PAC-10 title and is also expected to make a run at the individual championship. Four other Broncos will be
making return trips to nationals. Senior Nate Lee, juniors Levi Jones, Matt Casperson and sophomore Jason Chamberlain are all headed back. The Broncos will face some tough matchups in the first round when Lee and Kaspersen both take on undefeated opponents. Also, junior Adam Bartelli, who is headed to nationals for the first time, will face a defending national champion to open up the tournament. “We have some tough draws but we have to fight through them and hopefully give these wrestlers a match,” head coach Greg Randall said. The Broncos have established themselves as one of the nation’s best programs, but Iowa appears to be the top dog as they look for their third straight national championship. “They’re loaded with se-
Coming to America:
Skinner's big personality BRITTNEY JOHNSON Community Manager
In 2008 when Arizona State cut its tennis program it crushed the dreams of several players on the roster. One of those players who was left without a home was Boise State Bronco slugger and London native, Harry Skinner. The cutting of the program immediately forced Skinner to reevaluate what he wanted to do. “During that time off Patton told me the door was always open for me at Boise State,” Skinner said. This past January Skinner took the opportunity walking through that open door and became a Bronco. “It’s like waiting for your dream girl and her boyfriend breaks up with her and you’ve got to be the first one in line,” head coach Greg Patton said. “I think he had really been hurt by ASU and needed a break before he could get right back into the love seat. I just persisted and stayed in touch with him and finally we got him. He brings a lot of energy and spark to the team I just wish I could get him for two or three more years.” The immediate impact of Skinner becoming a Bronco was evident to his teammates by the first day he stepped on the courts. “I think the thing that Harry brought was a lot of energy from day one at practice he was shouting and yelling ‘Go Broncos’,” teammate Michael Gilliland said. “It’s a great opportunity for him to do well. He brings it every day. He’s excited and he brings a lot energy.” With a second shot at Division I tennis, Skinner is out to make the most of his time with the Broncos. In February Skinner was finally cleared to play and started the fireworks of his Bronco career early. His first
niors,” said Randall. “They have six or seven guys seeded; they’re the team to beat. If they catch on fire, no one is going to catch them.” Even though the Hawkeyes are the favorite to bring home the team title, don't expect Boise State to settle. The Broncos look to make some noise at the tournament and are confident that they can bring home some hardware of their own. “I don’t think our team would be satisfied with anything less than a top three finish,” Jones said. The Broncos aren’t short on talent and their experience should prove useful in the bright lights of Omaha. If the Broncos can have several wrestlers earn All-American honors they should be in position for a high finish.
Head wrestling coach Greg Randall pumps his fist in approval during the Beauty and the Beast meet earlier this season vFeb. 12. BSU is sending seven athletes to the NCAA national tournament to begin this weekend.
Tennis [Sports page 4]
deciding what to do. But if they play for a university it enables them to continue playing as well as furthering their education.” “Playing college tennis enables them to get the best of both worlds; they get an education as well as continuing to play a sport they are passionate about,” Tichenor said. Along with the trials they come across, each athlete gets to experience and explore new horizons when they are in the U.S. For many, their first experiences doing new things are while they are coming or in America. “A lot of the athletes get to experience different things. Some may have never flown
before and when choosing to come to college in America, it is new to them. They get to learn and get new understandings they may have not known before,” Tichenor said. Along with new life experiences international athletes get from BSU, they too, bring different qualities and personalities to the team. “They all bring something different and something special, whether they are from Boise, Idaho or from Thailand, they all have special personalities,” Tichenor said. Each athlete has something special to contribute to the team and are each talented in their own ways. Their remarkable skills make
Gymnastics [Sports page 4] Seniors on Sadie
Senior Harry Skinner returns a ball during a match earlier this season against Utah State. Skinner is an international student from London, England. match against Western Athletic Conference foe Utah State had Harry showing his fighting spirit. After falling behind 3-6 in the first set Skinner battled back to a 6-2 second set victory. That’s when Skinner showed he is a force to be reckoned with this season as he closed of the match in dominating fashion. He shut down his opponent one more time at 6-2, securing a crucial victory for the Broncos over the Aggies. Even though Skinner has only been a Bronco for a short period of time he wants to make being a Bronco permanent. “It means the world (to be a Bronco). I will defiantly have a Bronco tattoo before I leave here,” Skinner said. Skinner is easily the most recognizable member of the
Bronco team with his everchanging style. “He changes his look more than a bank robber going through the northwest. It’s like he’s always trying to keep one step ahead of the law,” Patton said. Bronco tennis can count on dramatic performances on the court from Skinner to match his dramatic hairstyles.
This season the BSU gymnastics squad supported a 10-year-old cancer patient, Sadie Shafer, through her treatment. Shafer’s treatment ended in October of 2009. Shafer’s love for gymnastics found its way into the Broncos’ gym and stole the hearts of the team. They have shared their 2010 experience with Shafer and have been impacted by her presence with the teams this season. These are the thoughts from the seniors as they enter their last home meet: “The word cancer is so feared and to see such a young person have it and someone that you kind of know and in the sport, to see it take away your sport at such a young age,” Jacob said. “I hope that her experience and us being there to support her only helped her to come back to the
sport because I can’t imagine having that taken away from me at that age. You can just tell she’s so passionate about gymnastics.” “Sadie has been one of those people that inspires you,” Leizorek said. “We all went to visit her in the hospital and she was so strong. She had just had surgery and she was acting as though it was another day. She reminds you that every day is a new start and no matter what happened in the past you need to always be looking in the future and looking on how you can improve yourself and looking at how you can get better…Thanks to her, she made all of our lives
the sport interesting and change the way it is played. “International athletes raise the level of college by a 100 fold over the past 10 years. They raise the competition level tremendously. I have been coaching for 27 years and a lot of these athletes have been unbelievable,” Tichenor remarked. Whether it is learning new things, gaining new experiences, or growing in understanding, international athletes gain a lot of what Boise State has to offer.
better, too.” “She has been in love with our team,” Turnbow said. “She just calls us all the time, texts us all the time asking if we can hang out. It’s nice to know that somebody, even in her position, looks up to us. It’s like ‘You look up to me? I’m only in college.’ I just do gymnastics because I like it. It’s crazy. It’s a cool feeling.” The Broncos host senior night at Taco Bell Arena against San Jose State Friday (March 19) at 7 p.m. A Bronco win solidifies a regular season WAC title. Go online to see the full version of the Senior Status
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March 18, 2010
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Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Today is an 8 - If practice makes perfect, then you just hit the big time. The careful application of force prevents breakage.
Todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s birthday (3/18/10)
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Diversity is the key to your success this year. You learn how to harness your will to achieve financial gain, creative expression and successful dealings in romantic or other relationships. Emotions work on a less conscious level to inspire you. To get the advantage, check the dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Aries (March 21-April 19) Today is a 6 - Todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s challenge is to work with, not against, your partner. Yes, your ideas are brilliant. But you need agreement to make them work.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) Today is a 6 - By taking several different approaches, you and your associate arrive at the same place at the same time. Ignore the man behind the green curtain.
Gemini (May 21-June 21) Today is an 8 - Possibilities open up in the work environment. The challenge is to make hay while the sun shines, then play later.
Cancer (June 22-July 22) Today is a 7 - You have lots of ideas today. Your partner can make them become reality. Offer lavish praise when the jobâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s done.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Today is a 7 - Depend on your own insights now. If co-workers become inflexible, employ skillful leadership techniques to change their minds.
Today is a 7 - Recognize diversity by using each personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s unique talents, even if they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t seem to apply right now. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll use them later. Today is a 7 - You feel transformation just around the corner. Are you ready? Check with the powers that be. Then, let it run full steam ahead.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Today is a 5 - Each time you ask for creative input, you reframe your practical desires. Group logic provides greater opportunity to get your message out.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Today is a 6 - Spend most of your time listening today. You want to press your advantage, but youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll get better results by hanging back. Be patient.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Today is an 8 - Everything rests on your own need to be creative. Make time every day to stick your fingers into the clay. Process is more important than product.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)Today is a 7 - Spend time refining your communication skills. You could start a bold new project. Get your ideas down on paper. ___ (c) 2009, Tribune Media Services Inc.
Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.
The Arbiter ! arbiteronline.com
March 18, 2010
Quiz Bowl club creates fun studying environment MATT DALLEY Journalist
here are a countless number of hobbies in which Boise State students participate after studying. For seven students, a hobby of choice subjects them to even more hours of studying. These intellectuals are members of the Quiz Bowl club and willingly devote their free time to memorizing trivia concerning everything from protein sequencing to ancient Persia. The club was founded in December 2008 with the goal of competing in quiz bowl tournaments. The team now travels to two or three competitions per semester and is even hosting one in Boise this weekend. “Quiz Bowl is an academic competition between two teams of (usually) four people. It consists of a series of toss-up questions and bonus questions. The moderator will begin reading a question. When a person from either team knows the answer, he or she will buzz in to answer it,” explained co-founder Colin McNamara, a graduate student of mathematics.
“If the answer is correct, that team gets points and a bonus question will be directed to the team to answer for more points.” “Our Division two team finished tied for first place with UW, splitting four head-to-head matchups,”
said McNamara. The Northwest Quiz Bowl circuit is relatively new and consists of Boise State, University of Washington, Whitman College, Washington State, Portland State and Gonzaga. Boise State has one of the larger
Quiz Bowl programs in the region. Those interested in joining the team should come to a practice or email boiseqb@gmail.com. The team practices at 4:45 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday evenings in the Student Union Building.
Boise State's Quiz Bowl club, one of the region's largest, hosts a competition this weekend.
The BSU Quiz Bowl team consists of Joe Tamasonis, Scott Lee, Tess Grover and Tony Rogers. The team competed at the NAQT tournament early last month in Seattle. COURTESY COLIN MCNAMARA
Gorillaz hit the 'beach' STEPHEN FOSTER Journalist
It’s hard to separate Gorillaz music from Gorillaz image. On one hand you have an incredibly fun pop band, on the other hand you have a seemingly disingenuous marketing ploy. Reconciling or, better yet, reveling in these differences, the band recently released their third studio album, "Plastic Beach." Gorillaz began as a collaboration between Blur frontman, Damon Albarn, and comic book writer, Jamie Hewlett. Hits such as “Clint Eastwood” and “Feel Good Inc.” turned the self-proclaimed “virtual
band” into international superstars, enabling them to enlist a cast of A-list musicians to further their artistic goals. "Plastic Beach" has everything one would expect in a Gorillaz album. Laid back breezy tunes ("Rhinestone Eyes," "On Melancholy Hill," "Broken"), club hits ("Stylo," "Glitter Freeze"), quirky instrumentals ("Orchestral Intro"), and catchy rap gems ("White Flag"). The album has cameos from a number of stars including Lou Reed, Mos Def, Snopp Dogg and the mini-reunion of The Clash’s Mick Jones and Paul Simonon on the title track. Hearing Gruff Rhys and De La Soul trade verses on “Superfast Jellyfish” is reason alone to give "Plastic Beach" a listen.
However, the album lacks actual substance. In other words, the plastic outweighs the beach. Sure it will probably sell millions of copies and produce numerous hits (those Gorillaz are pretty cute), but really it’s a bunch of contrived pop tunes that fail to reach below the surface. There are moments of brilliance ("Some Kind of Nature"), but not without enduring through the painfully repetitive ("Sweepstakes") and Snoop Dogg’s “welcome to the world of the plastic beach, the revolution will not be televised” lyrics. Enough with the obvious political drifts, people want music. Ending on a less cynical note, the album’s a fun, poppy ride and nothing more. Though warmer days are finally upon us and, in the
Celebrate Cesar Chavez with the Cultural Center JENNIFER SPENCER Culture Editor
The Gorillaz' third studio album ‘Plastic Beach,’ includes collaborations from artists Lou Reed and Snoog Dogg. coming summer, we’ll probably be hearing quite a bit from the twodimensional crew.
Follow The Arbiter on Facebook and arbiteronline on Twitter to win Edwards ticket prizes by answering trivia questions on this article.
The Campus Criterium was the third event in a three-stage race that occurred last weekend. The cycle race was hosted by Boise State cycling club as part of the Northwest Collegiate Cycling Conference. Ben Stein, an Exercise Science masters student, seen in front, was part of 138 riders that competed in the race, with four riders from BSU. The club will compete in six more races over the next six weeks. NIK BJURSTROM/THE ARBITER
“You are never strong enough that you don't need help,” said civil rights activist Cesar Chavez. The former Mexican American farm worker and co-founder of the United Farm Workers used his resources to aid the hundreds of repressed migrant farm workers in America from the 1960s to the 1990s. The Cultural Center celebrates his birthday and legacy with a week-long series of free events. Chavez held strikes for higher wages and bargaining rights for farm workers. His actions were instrumental in establishing rights for all employees around the country. According to Saul Solis, Cultural Center program assistant, many students at BSU come from migrant farm working families. However he says all students should take note of the impact Chavez had on the workforce. “Students should appreciate that the many protections and benefits enjoyed in the workplace today were brought about by the labor movement…” said Solis. Solis claims the events will open student’s eyes to the impact individuals can have on various areas of life. “Students will be able to gain an understanding of the struggle so many people endured to create justice and create equal opportunities for everyone, especially in higher education.”
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Monday, March 22 The Fight in the Fields, the story of Cesar E. Chavez, Lookout Room, 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 23 Birthday Cake and Info on the Quad, 11:30 a.m to 1 p.m. Wednesday, March 24 Farmworker Panel, Film and Q & A with former farmworkers, Simplot A, 6 p.m. Thursday, March 25 Service Project in the Farmworker Community Visit culturalcenter.boisestate. edu for specifics on time and location. Friday, March 26 Chicano Read In, Brava Stage, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The Arbiter ! arbiteronline.com
March 18, 2010
Mood music
Shakespeare teams up with Boise Philharmonic MARGARET REIMER Journalist
Shakespeare now has a soundtrack. On Saturday, March 20, the Morrison Center will be the scene of collaboration between the Idaho Shakespeare Festival and Boise Philharmonic in "A Salute to Shakespeare." Actors will share the stage with the musicians as they play the music of Franz Liszt, David Diamond and Beethoven. The characters of Shakespeare’s play, "Hamlet," are the subjects of Liszt’s symphonic poem of the same name. Hamlet is portrayed by the violent sounds of trombones and surging strings, and Ophelia is portrayed by a solo flute. David Diamond wrote that his “Romeo and Juliet” piece “convey(s) the beauty and pathos of Shakespeare’s great
drama,” by focusing on the main points of the play: the balcony scene, Romeo and Friar Laurence, Juliet and her nurse, and the death of the doomed lovers. The last performance brings internationally renowned opera stars to the Morrison Center to sing the comic opera "Candide." The Philharmonic will also play Beethoven’s "fifth Symphony." “The tragedy of Shakespeare is going to help put Beethoven’s 'fifth Symphony' in a different light,” said Robert Franz, music director of the Philharmonic. Franz initiated the collaborations between the Boise Philharmonic and the various groups of the Boise art community. He had organized similar collaborations in Buffalo, N.Y. and found that it fit with his approach to the arts. “It’s the way I think. I am interested in every art, music
WHAT: A Salute to Shakespeare
WHEN: March 20, 8 p.m. - 10 p.m.
WHERE: Morrison Center
COST: $45-$65 online at boisephilharmonic.org form you can imagine. In my own life, different art forms inform the others," Franz said. Franz plans on doing future collaborations based on this year's success. In partnership with the Boise Art Museum, two artists will paint onstage to music. The Philharmonic will also team with the National Alliance on Mental Illness to raise awareness by highlighting the works of two composers who struggled with mental issues: Maurice Ravel and Robert Schumann.
The Arbiter ! arbiteronline.com