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Boise, Idaho
First issue free
Issue no. 01, Volume 24
June 01, 2011
Top Stories
President Kustra Welcome New Students 2011
Which non-AQ team will play in a BCS Bowl Game this season?
nik bjurstrom/THE ARBITER
Welcome New Students:
Athletic Director Gene Bleymaier laughs about Boise State’s move to the Mountain West.
We are delighted that you have become a member of Bronco Nation and part of a thriving university community with more than 20,000 students expected this fall. Look around — you will see an expanding campus that is under construction, with a master plan designed to meet the needs of current and future students. A new transit center in front of the Student Union makes alternative transportation more convenient. A new Environmental Research Building, the first dedicated research building on campus, is opening its doors. Additional student housing for juniors and seniors is being built along Lincoln Avenue. And the Micron Business and Economics Building on the west end of campus will offer remarkable learning spaces. But there is much more to this place beyond buildings. You will soon discover that Boise State is committed to your success and filled with supportive and
caring people who offer many programs and services designed to help you achieve your educational goals. You are an equal partner in this learning experience. A commitment is required from you to be engaged students, and we encourage you to take advantage of the services and opportunities that are available. Here are some suggestions: • Get better connected by signing up for a new student introductory course. • Meet your academic adviser and plan regular appointments to discuss career goals, program requirements and tutorial support. • Rely on the people who are knowledgeable in housing, financial aid, job opportunities, and health and wellness for assistance. • Join a student organization and meet new friends as your educational experience will be greatly enhanced through your participation in clubs, campus events and service activities. Let me also call attention to two particular programs. Our Campus Read book selection is “The Im-
mortal Life of Henrietta Lacks,” a New York Times bestseller that tells a riveting story of the collision between ethics, race, and medicine. We are asking students to read it before starting classes this fall when the campus community will engage in a dialogue about the novel. Another opportunity is our graduation guarantee program, Finish in Four. Now more than ever, staying on track academically can help you save money and accelerate your move into the job market or graduate studies. Signing up during your first semester is important to your success in this program, so please let your adviser know if you have interest. With your orientation, you are embarking on a journey that will take you from convocation to commencement, from your first day to your graduation day. What an exciting new opportunity awaits you this year. Welcome to Boise State, and Go Broncos! Sincerely, Bob Kustra President
Finish in Four
There is a program that will get you out of here in four years
Albertsons Library provides five ways to save time looking for research. page
Article courtesy Advising and Academic Enhancement
Battle stations are manned against health problems, SHIP is ready
Students enter college with a plan – to graduate. The Finish in Four Graduation Guarantee supports the goal of graduation, and makes it achievable in four years. For students enrolled in Finish in Four, Boise State ensures course availability will not be a limiting factor in graduating in four years. With the assistance of an academic adviser, students develop a plan for graduation based on course availability
and appropriate program progression. Most majors are eligible, with a few exceptions because of curriculum demands and department structure. A list of programs can be found online at boisestate.edu/finish4/. Benefits to students include: Help staying on track academically. The written four-year course plan outlines which classes to take and when to take them to graduate in four years. Acceleration into job market or advanced education. Extra money which would have
otherwise been spent on tuition. Additional semesters of classes add up, especially when taking 12 credits or fewer. Boise State assumes tuition responsibility for required courses needed for degree completion if not available as per agreement. Availability is not guaranteed in a specific semester or at a specific time. Students must work with an adviser to develop alternative course selection that meets graduation plan.
See Finish in 4 I page 2
Article courtesy Marika Butler of Student Health Insurance Program
The Lincoln 2 Garage will hold more than just your car. page
Some fans, and editors, take their school spirit seriously.
What’s Inside
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The Arbiter
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The Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) provides health care coverage for full fee paying students and their dependents, seamlessly integrating campus primary care services with community specialty care, emergency services and hospitalization. SHIP is also an academic retention and learning support program that educates students on how to be savvy consumers of health care, focusing on how to effectively access and utilize all health-related services and insurance and financing options no matter what insurance students use. SHIP is here to help students make the best health care decisions. Idaho State Board of Education policy requires full fee paying students attending classes in Idaho to maintain adequate health insurance. Boise State students registered for full fee paying credits, all intercollegiate athletes and all international students are automatically enrolled in the university-sponsored SHIP. It covers students year-round and offers a $250 deductible for about $135.17 per month. The premium is billed on a per semester basis of $811 for fall and $811 for spring. The SHIP office and University Health Services (UHS) are located in the Norco Building at 1529 Belmont St. behind the Student Recreation Center. They can also be reached at (208) 426- 2158 or at healthservices. boisestate.edu. Most services are covered at 100 percent cost. The maximum benefits on the policy are $250,000, unless additional catastrophic coverage is added. Catastrophic coverage is available to purchase during the fall open enrollment period only. Maternity care is a covered benefit as well. If you obtain medical services outside of UHS, a $250 deductible will apply for in-network providers. If a non-network physician is chosen an additional $500 deductible will apply for services performed outside the UHS. The benefit summary is available at the health services website.
Cobe Parking
Courtesy University Communications
Transportation and Parking Services has reported that continued construction on the Micron Business and Economics Building at the corner of Capitol Blvd. and University Drive will impact parking facilities near the Morrison Center over the summer. Brady Street at University Drive is scheduled to be closed until June 11 and Earle Street will be closed from June 11 to Aug. 15. Access to the Brady Street Garage will be maintained throughout the project, with additional access available from Cesar Chavez Lane. For additional information, contact Transportation and Parking Services at (208) 426-7275 or at transportation. boisestate.edu.
See SHIP I page 3 arbiteronline.com