The Arbiter 3-3-11

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Issue no.


Volume 23

First Issue


March 03, 2011

The Independent Student Voice of Boise State Since 1933


Red Hands Black Feet bring banging, instrumental rock!




glenn landberg/THE ARBITER

Wrestling is shipping seven tough, topranked grapplers to the NCAA National Championships.




Abdussalam Khamis, a senior electrical engineering major doesn’t support the more than 40-year leader of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi. “I have no idea what this guy is thinking,” he said. “Honestly, I do not care about him. I just want to stop killing innocent people in my beloved country right now.”

Libyan student tries to contact seperated family Natalie Craig Journalist

Protests are breaking out in Boise. What do you think?



Revolutions are sweeping through the Middle East and challenging governments’ power. In Libya, government has placed a lockdown on the country making it difficult for people to get in contact with family. Abdussalam Khamis, a senior electrical engineering major, has suffered from the difficulty in communicating with his family in Libya. “This morning my family phoned me from inside Libya,” Khamis said Feb. 26. “I felt good for my small family, but I am still worried about my big family (Libya).” The northern African country bor-

ders Egypt and is made of three regions: Cyrenaica in the east, Fezzan in the center and Tripolitania in the west. Libya is currently under the power of Muammar Gaddafi. He has maintained power for 42 years by keeping tribes fighting against each other and also deliberately keeping regions poor. “I have no idea what this guy is thinking,” Khamis said. “Honestly, I do not care about him. I just want to stop killing innocent people in my beloved country right now.” More than 200 people demonstrated in front of police headquarters in Benghazi (Libya’s largest city) following the arrest of human right activist Fathe Terbil. Demonstrations have led to violence and the arrest of many Libyans, causing injuries and a death toll in the 1,000s.

Protests have spread from east to west. In the capital, Tripoli, thousands have been killed according to human rights organizations. On Feb. 25 Secretary-General Ban Kimoon condemned the violence in the country. A day later The United Nations Security Council met to discuss the ongoing violence. The Security Council has the power of Chapter Seven in the United States Charter to restore international peace and security. Determining the existence of the threats to peace a draft resolution was formed, including an arms embargo and a travel ban for members of the Ghadafi regime. The regime will also under go an extensive investigation for crimes against humanity in the International Criminal Court.

“After what happened in Tunisia and Egypt I predicted that something might happen in Libya simply because we share the same issues,” Khamis said. “I never ever thought that the Libyan government would kill its own people with no mercy.” Eastern Libya has been liberated and the spirit of the people is evident. “Voice of Free Libya” is the country’s first uncensored radio station in more than 10 years. Employees have been working when strangers show up with food and support. Khamis encourages students to write their government and make their leaders and peers more aware of the crisis in Libya. “Libya Free” is a Facebook page made by Lybians to show the crimes committed by Gaddafi.

Pilots leave country after receiving bloody orders Suzanne Craig Assistant Editor

It sounds like a good Hollywood movie -- or at least a better one than recent releases. Two pilots ordered by their superiors to fire on protesters, not knowing whether or not their own friends or loved ones were about to be shot down by their own hand ... (cue dramatic music) ... so the pilots turn their planes and fly away. Sounds unrealistic, but it actually happened. Two Libyan pilots defected last Monday and flew to Malta, one of them admitting that he decided

to defect after being ordered to fire upon protesters in Benghazi. Protests in Libya have grown increasingly violent, with gunmen and mercenaries patrolling the streets and a total lock down on communication, resulting in most news coming out of the country being hearsay rather than on site reporting. Without modern technology, it is doubtful any sort of details would be getting out about Libya’s condition.

Our great, great, greatgrandparents loved dogs too Tasha Adams

nik bjurstrom/THE ARBITER


Pooch, mutt, furry children. Fido, Bella, Lulee. No matter the name, we are all familiar with the animal. Apparently so were primitive humans. Remains of a dog that was buried more than 7,000 years ago suggests it lived just as the canines do now -on par with humans. The burial site suggests people saw this dog as a social being and the funeral rites were to make sure that its soul was appropriately tended to. The pit in which it was buried also contained human skeletons on other levels. Analysis concluded that the humans of prehistoric past fed their animals the same freshwater seal meat that their human counterparts ate. There is now proof the long history of sharing table scraps and ritumct campus alistic burial ceremonies for beloved Dog remains now point to canines being treated equal family pets are not a new fad. Our bond with the canine species to humans thousands of years ago. is deep, unsurprisingly emotional and will most likely last for another 7,000 years.

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Students and and Womens Center employees look onto a Skype conversation that took place Thursday in the Student Union Building between factory workers at an Altra Gracia in the Dominican Republic and students.

Students talk factory working conditions with Alta Gracia employees Thursday Edina Macic Journalist

The Women’s Center hosted a virtual worker tour of Alta Gracia Thursday to teach students about free trade and working conditions in clothing factories. Alta Gracia is a new brand of apparel from the Dominican Republic that is sold in college campuses all over the country. Their workers are begin paid more than three times above minimum wage to help the workers get out of poverty and to hopefully help lead a movement to higher wages. Two Alta Gracia women workers were asked to tell their experience working with the company over Skype. A translator was present and students took part in the tour by being able to speak with the women directly.



News Editor Andrew Ford

Assistant News Editor Suzanne Craig



chance of precip: 20%



48º 50º 48º Rain and snow Mostly Cloudy high high high chance of precip: 40%

The two women explained what position they work and how Alta Gracia has improved their lives. Wrapping up the tour the women from the Dominican Republic thanked students for listening to their story and having Alta Gracia at the Boise State Bookstore. Skype question from Adriane Bang from the Women’s Center: How many hours per day and week do you work for? “Usually it’s a weekly total of 44 hours. We work Monday -Thursday 6:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., Fridays 7:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. and weekends we are off. What more could we want?” Question from freshman Marisol Garcia: Do only women work in the factory? “There are 70 percent women and 30 percent men working in the factory. When we first started working it was 30 people and one manager. Now, there is 134 people and five managers.”


chance of precip: 40%

49º high


chance of precip: 40%




March 03, 2011

Opinion Editor

Assistant Opinion Editor

New education plan not a fan favorite

TheMagnifying Magnifying Glass The Glass

Tony Madonna Journalist

Recently, there have been rallies against Idaho Superintendent Tom Luna’s education plan to increase class size and eliminate teaching positions to fund increased technology in the classroom. Protest signs included messages such as “Shouldn’t reform improve education?” and “A teacher changed my life, not a computer.” Frankly, they have a point. The education system relies on good teachers to teach the curriculum. A good teacher usually carries the ability to give individual attention to each student. When class sizes increase, a teacher resorts to less challenging work for the students and they cannot create time for individualized attention because of the overwhelming number of students. “If (Luna) wants to shove more bodies into a classroom, sure that’s cheaper, but that’s a big detriment to the education of the kids and the abilities of the teachers to do their jobs,” said Dora Ramirez-Dhoore, assistant English professor at BSU. Larger class sizes make it more difficult for students to focus and for teachers to challenge students as much as they should. Neither students nor teachers like when they attend or teach a large class. When class size becomes too large, teachers become babysitters. “To have 35 first graders does become, as they say, daycare. If you have manageable class sizes, then you can actually teach,” Ramirez-Dhoore said. “Do they want Idaho to have daycare or do they want Idaho to have schools?” On one hand, the larger class sizes will increase the funding for technology in the classroom. On the other hand, it will eliminate teaching positions which will be detrimental to students in the long run. Teachers in the U.S. barely make enough to begin with. In Idaho, Luna proposes to pay them $30,000 a year with his new plan. Though this is a slight increase, teachers deserve to be paid more. If they are going to make do with such a small salary, they should at least have a secure job, not have to worry about being laid-

Cameron Crow Columnist

nik bjurstrom/THE ARBITER

More than 50 high school students gathered to march from Fort Boise to the Capitol in protest of the proposed education bill. The rally consisted of students waving signs and a senator’s speech advocating for the students against the bill. off just to be replaced by a computer. Technology is great for the classroom, but it should not and can not replace the classroom. Luna’s plan requires students to take four online credit hours in order to graduate from high school. Online courses are a great alternative option and a great resource, but they are not for everyone. Not all students are able to learn by themselves, and many aspects of education are lost on the Web. “There’s more to school that you don’t get online. There’s social aspects, community aspects, discussion, all sorts of things that students don’t get online,”

Ramirez-Dhoore said. Even though more than 1,000 protesters picketed in Capitol Park, it seems that Luna and the state Senate will steam forward with his plan; however, the people protesting definitely have good reason. “It feels like no matter how many people stand out there, they aren’t listening. It is important, though, because the protesters remind them every time they go to work who they are working for,” Ramirez-Dhoore said. Luna and the state Senate work for the citizens of Idaho, and the citizens aren’t happy with this education reform.

Honors College changes beneficial to students, university

Christine Ritche Journalist

Boise State University’s Honors College states on its website that it wants to provide a college experience akin to one students might find at a more expensive private institution. With admission standards, the college accepts students who seek to take their education a step further. However, the college has recently made some positive adjustments to its admittance and retention requirements. Minimum test scores have been eliminated for admission to the Honors College. Previously, a high school student needed to have received a score of 1,200 on their SAT or a 27 on their ACT. Though the scores are no longer required, they will still be considered. The Honors College was right to eliminate that requirement. Andrew Finstuen, Ph.D., director of the college, stated that basing admissions on test scores could prevent otherwise qualified students from joining, simply because they were low by a few points. In order to counteract the non-requirement of standardized test scores, the Honors College now requires an essay and résumé to apply. These elements provide a more rounded representation of a prospective student than test scores and GPA. Junior economics major and philosophy minor Jesse Rosenthal was glad for these adjustments. “Not only do these changes lift our

Middle East developments good or bad?

program to the same level as the most notable honors colleges in the country,” he said. “But they will also increase the number of students allowed in to the program as freshmen, which will drive up the University’s academic level as a whole.” In addition to test score minimums, a senior research project was previously required of all honors students. Unfortunately, this project did not vary enough for all departments and majors, and many honors students struggled with completing a research paper. “Students taking advantage (of the Honors College), when it comes time to taking the senior honors project, just drop. They may not want to drop, but for whatever reason, they don’t want to do the Honors College senior project,” Finstuen said. “Not all disciplines support a one size fits all project.” While the Honors College administration recognizes the great benefits of having a senior project, not all honors students can fit in the tremendous amount of time and work the project demands. The college still heavily recommends that students complete the research project. Rosenthal, president of the Honors Student Association, liked that the college made the senior project optional.

“(It) will increase the number of graduates from the program, providing BSU with a much higher Honors College retention rate,” he said. Removing the requirement for the project was a smart move because it opens an opportunity for those not interested in or are too busy for a senior project. This can alleviate unnecessary stress over too much work or lost efforts. Changes regarding GPA were also made. Remaining in good standing is now easier: students need only maintain a 3.25 instead of the former 3.5. The changes in the retention GPA by the Honors College is a sign that they acknowledge the difficulties of some departments. For some students, a 3.5 is just not feasible, though they might be otherwise qualified to receive honors at graduation. These recent changes to the Honors College will greatly benefit both current and future students, as well as the university as a whole.

There are many opposing perspectives about the recent political turmoil spreading across the Middle East. Some liken these movements to the end of the world. They believe that a changed Middle East will become a hotbed of Islamic extremism that will put the world at an exponentially greater risk because new governments will undoubtedly endorse terrorism. Others couldn’t be happier now that Middle Easterners are rebelling against evil dictators, and as a result, the Middle East will live happily ever after. I consider myself a political moderate and a realist when it comes to international relations. I believe countries act according to their best interests, period. Just as people are generally self-interested individuals, I think governments follow this pattern. The current democratic movements in the Middle East are neither bad nor a final solution. Those who believe there are only two options for countries in the Middle East -- dictatorship or theocracy -- are greatly mistaken. This type of “either/or” thinking implies that people living in the Middle East are inherently opposed to and incapable of obtaining democracy. This is an extremely over-simplified, narrow-minded perspective. These democratic movements are not religiously motivated. The protesters are interested in gaining representation in government, curbing corruption and finding jobs and ways to feed families. Though Islam will undoubtedly play a role in politics in the Middle East, this is not necessarily different than the role Christianity plays in politics for large portions of the American public. The protesters are primarily concerned with instituting a government which will respect and uphold human rights and social justice. Political Islam is a dictator’s favorite scapegoat. As soon as Muammar Gaddafi and Hosni Mubarak’s power was challenged, they blamed the protests on Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood in pitiful attempts to persuade the public that small, demonized groups in society were going to suddenly take control of their country. There is no reason to believe any fundamentalist Islamist theocracies will be instituted as a consequence of the current democratic movements in the Middle East. Furthermore, if democratic governments are institutionalized, terrorism will decrease. One of Al Qaeda’s most central tenets is that political change cannot be achieved through peaceful methods, but only through violence. However, current events are disproving this premise. For example, there was virtually no violence involved in the Egyptian movement which ousted dictator Hosni Mubarak until counterrevolutionary protesters, whom many believe were being paid by Mubarak, began lashing out at anti-government protesters. If this trend continues, it could severely undermine the appeal of radical Islamist organizations such as Al Qaeda and be a huge victory for global counter-terrorism. Democracy is a messy business that is never perfect. The United States has had democracy for more than 200 years, and we still have tons of issues with it. It will take several years before a potential democracy in the Middle East can consolidate power and institutionalize itself. The Middle East has a long road ahead of them, but I’m convinced that they are heading in the right direction. The opinion section is proud to present the first installment of Cameron Crow’s new column The Magnifying Glass-- a weekly feature dedicated to increasing discussion of international affairs.

Illustration by Bree Jones/THE ARBITER

E ditorial S taff E ditor - in -C hief Bob Beers

M anaging E ditor Kirk Bell

M edia M anager Zach Ganschow

P hoto E ditor

N ews

Andrew Ford Suzanne Craig

Editor Ast. ed

S ports Editor Ast. ed

O pinion

Robby Milo

Editor Ast. ed

O nline E ditor

C ulture

Megan Lloyd

V ideo E ditor Gray Battson

E ditorial A dvisor James Kelly

Editor Ast. ed

Trent Lootens Brittney Johnson Haley Robinson Karey Hoke Rebecca De León Lauren Hooker

C opy E ditors

Eden Engberg Stephanie Scheibe

B usiness J ournalists Christine Ritchie, Eva Hart, Megan Bronder, Tyler Kirkham, Tony Madonna, Jana Hoffman, Tony Rogers, Natalie Craig, Trevor Villagrana, Eden Engberg, David Gasch, Lindsey Hileman, Edina Macic, Sherry Horton, Tasha Adams, Stephanie Casanova, Kimberley O’Bryan, Wyatt Martin, Genevieve Nutting, Justin Dalme, Nikki Hanson, John Garretson, Ty Hawkins

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B usiness /A d M anager

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B ookkeeper

D esigner

Brad Arendt

Matthew Summers

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A ccount E xecutives Miguel Varela

O nline A st . O nline E ditor Jessica Swider

Bree Jones

Brendan Healy

Glenn Rummler Kelly Ward

V isuals P roducers

Cody Finney Nik Bjurstrom Glenn Landberg Joey McCoullough

T o C ontact T he A rbiter 1910 University Dr Boise, ID 83725 Phone: 208.426.6300 Fax: 888.388.7554

The Arbiter

Guest opinions (500 word limit) and Letters to the Editor (300 word limit) can be e-mailed to

The Arbiter cannot verify the accuracy of statements made in guest submissions. Opinions expressed by guest and staff columnists reflect the diversity of opinion in the academic community and often will be controversial, but they do not represent the institutional opinion of The Arbiter or any organization the author may be affiliated with unless it is labeled as such.

Distributed Mondays & Thursdays during the academic school year. The Arbiter is the official independent student newspaper of Boise State University and a designated public forum, where student editors make all content decisions and bear responsibility for those decisions. The Arbiter’s budget consists of fees paid by the student body and advertising sales. The first copy is free. Additional copies can be purchased for $1 apiece at The Arbiter offices.




Sports Editor

Assistant Sports Editor

March 03, 2011

Wrestlers headed to NCAA Championships Nikki Hanson Journalist

The Broncos dominated last weekend, winning their sixth Pacific-10 Conference team title. It was sweet revenge for Boise State with the defeat of its conference rival, Oregon State, 147.0 total points to 137.5 total points. In addition to the Pac-10 Conference team title, seven wrestlers locked up bids into the 2011 NCAA Championship. The wrestlers who will be competing in Philadelphia are Alan Bartelli, Andrew Hochstrasser, Levi Jones, Jason Chamberlain, Adam Hall, Kurt Swartz and J.T. Felix. Jake Swartz, Kirk Smith and Matt Casperson will need to receive at-large bids into the NCAA Championships for not qualifying automatically at the Pac-10 Championships. The wrestling team, however, is very optimistic that all three will receive at-large selections for their dominating regular season performances. Andrew Hochstrasser won his second-career individual Pac10 title. Hochstrasser challenged Garrett Drucker of Oregon State. The two had wrestled twice previously -- Hochstrasser won both. Hochstrasser gave a commanding performance yet again with three take downs and one near fall for a 11-0 major decision. Chamberlain beat Scott Sakaguchi of Oregon State by a 5-2 decision to win the second Pac-10 title of his career. An early lead gave Chamberlain the advantage against Sakaguchi. A takedown in the final period would seal the victory for Chamberlain. Adam Hall knew going into the tournament that he was bound to face off against his college nemesis, Bubba Jenkins of Arizona State. However, no one expected to watch one of the most exciting duals of the tournament between the two. This would be the third match-up between the rivals. Jenkins beat Hall earlier in the season, 12-4, in an exhibition match. However, out for revenge, Hall claimed a 2-1 win in overtime at the Cliff Keen Las

Swartz 165 lbs Pac-10 finish - Sixth place Overall record - 8-2

See Championships I page 4

National Team Rankings

national rankings


157 lbs

Pac-10 finish – First place

Hochstrasser 133 lbs

1. Darrion Caldwell – North Carolina State 2. Kyle Drake – Cornell 3. Frank Molinaro – Penn State 4. Kevin LeValley – Bucknell 5. Jamal Parks – Oklahoma State 6. Jason Chamberlain – Boise State

Pac-10 - First place Overall record - 23-1

Swartz 174 lbs

Overall record - 13-8


Pac-10 finish - Second place

national rankings

184 lbs

141 lbs

1. Jordan Burroughs – Nebraska 2. Andrew Howe – Wisconsin 3. Tyler Caldwell – Oklahoma 4. Josh Asper – Maryland 5. Justin Kerber – Cornell

national rankings

1. Cam Simaz - Cornell 2. Trevor Brandvold – Wisconsin 3. Clayton Foster – Oklahoma State 4. Dustin Kilgore – Kent State 5. Zac Thomusseit – Pittsburg 20. Matt Casperson – Boise State

1. Zach Rey – Lehigh 2. Jarod Trice – Central Michigan 3. Ryan Flores – American 4. D.J. Russo – Rutgers 5. Dom Bradley - Missouri

The Arbiter


Overall record - 18-14 Pac-10 finish - Fifth place


Overall record - 11-9

Pac-10 finish - Sixth place


197 lbs

149 lbs

national rankings

Photo Illustrations by Bree Jones/THE ARBITER

1. Chris Honeycutt – Edinboro 2. Kirk Smith – Boise State 3. Travis Rutt – Wisconsin 4. Robert Hamlin – Lehigh 5. Joe LeBlanc – Wyoming

Overall record - 13-8

Photos by ROBBY MILO & Daniel Patchin/THE ARBITER

1. Jon Reader – Iowa State 2. Ed Ruth – Penn State 3. Mack Lewnes - Cornell 4. Chris Henrich – Virginia 5. Colby Covington – Oregon State 16. Jake Swartz – Boise State

Pac-10 finish - Second place Overall record - 10-11


national rankings

According to


125 lbs

1. Steve Fittery - American 2. Adam Hall – Boise State 3. David Taylor – Penn State 4. Bubba Jenkins – Arizona State 5. Jesse Dong – Virginia Tech

9. Lehigh 10. Oklahoma


Pac-10 finish - First place Overall record - 24-1

174-pound 165-pound 157-pound

national rankings

1. Kellen Russell - Michigan 2. Montell Marion – Iowa 3. Mike Thorn – Minnesota 4. Jimmy Kennedy – Illinois 5. Boris Novachkov – Cal Poly 18. Levi Jones – Boise State

6. Boise State 7. Minnesota 8. American

Pac-10 finish - Third Place

1. Jordan Oliver – Oklahoma state 2. Andrew Hochstrasser – Boise State 3. Andrew Long – Penn State 4. Tyler Graff – Wisconsin 5. Lou Ruggirello – Hofstra

national rankings

4. Oklahoma State 5. Wisconsin

Pac-10 finish - First place


national rankings

1. Cornell 2. Penn State 3. Iowa

Overall record - 18-8

141-pound 133-pound

national rankings

197-pound 184-pound

1. Matt McDonough - Iowa 2. Anthony Robles – Arizona State 3. Brandon Precin - Northwestern 4. James Nicholson – Old Dominion 5. Zach Sanders – Minnesota 16. Alan Bartelli – Boise State

Overall record – 25-0

national rankings



Kurt Swartz finished off his senior season with a string of wins. He was well aware going into the Pac-10 tournament that he would need to win to qualify for nationals. His impressive performance led to his first Pac-10 Conference title.

4 Sports

March 03, 2011

Championship [Sports page 3] Vegas Invite. The championship match was an epic battle that went into triple overtime with Hall eventually finishing the third OT with a 00:07 riding time advantage. Hall defended his 2010 Pac-10 title, ending with a perfect 23-0 record on the season. Kurt Swartz scored a 4-0 decision over Trevor Hall of Cal State Bakersfield. Swartz wrestled to his first Pac-10 Conference title. He knew coming into the match that he would need the win to qualify for the NCAA Championship. Swartz’s victory gave the Broncos a 12.5-point lead against the Beavers with just two matches remaining, and as a result clinched the team title. This will be Boise State’s fourth conference title with head coach Greg Randall. One of the disappointments for Boise State came from 184-pound No. 1 seed Kirk Smith. Smith had been battling a sprained ankle that he suffered in his regular season finale against Oklahoma State. Smith was optimistic that he would be able to grind though the pain, but he could not wrestle with his usual style. He made a gallant effort, but lost to Brice Arand 8-2 in his first dual. Smith had to medical forfeit his remaining consolation matches. Overall, it was a successful Pac-10 tournament for the Broncos. Not only winning the team conference title, but also being able to lock seven wrestlers into the NCAA Championships with the three more than likely to receive invitations. Boise State will have three weeks to prepare for the 2011 NCAA Championships, March 17-19, that will take place in Philadelphia.

Water polo

The little-known addition to club sports John Garretson Journalist

Boise State University has more than 25 club sports to offer its students, ranging from ice hockey, to judo, to paintball. However, its newest addition, water polo, sparks a different kind of interest among the students as a sport not familiar amongst the Boise demographic. “I don’t think very many people know about it,” said junior Bryce Baker, one of the captains on the coed water polo team. “It’s just not that popular of a sport in Boise.” For a sport that’s described as a combination of soccer, basketball


and ice hockey, water polo is a game that not only requires stamina and solid aquatic fundamentals, but also brute strength. The game that has a violent side to it as players attack each other underwater to score at all costs. Water polo was something junior Travis Skodack and sophomore Brandon Smith, members of Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity, wanted to bring to the university because of their previous experience and enjoyment with the sport. “I started playing the summer after my freshman year after two of my cousins in Salt Lake City got me to play in the Masters League,” Skodack said. The Masters League is a water polo league in Utah in which adults, ranged from freshmen in college to ex-Olympians, play the sport on a competitive level. After that experience, Skodack had joined with Smith to bring water polo to Boise State in 2009, but with

the lack of support from the university and the inability to fill out the paper work, the dream fell through. With a list of interested students and completed paper work, Skodack gave it a second shot in November 2010 to make his dream a reality. With the university’s consent, water polo finally became a club sport, his dream come true.

The water polo club team has 12 students on its roster, practices five days a week and has scheduled a match against the University of Idaho’s club team. Skodack and Baker believe the team is heading in the direction they both envisioned it would have, and hope for it to become a varsity sport at Boise State.


The water polo club trains at the Student Rec and is looking for more players to help build a stronger team.

Men’s b-ball surges near end Wyatt Martin Journalist

Less than a month ago the Boise State men’s basketball team was on a four-game losing streak. It lost six of its last seven and were drowning in the Western Athletic Conference standings. Many had written Boise State off. It has a first-year head coach, it has too many seniors unwilling to adjust to a new system, it’s unable to win the close games and the list goes on. Fast-forward three weeks. The Broncos are currently riding a five-game winning streak, and have the potential to go into the WAC tournament as the second-ranked team in the conference. With their final two regular season games at home this week, and seven seniors on the squad, it’s easy to see how big these games are. “It’s been a good ride,” senior forward Paul Noonan said. “It’s been a long five years and a lot of great memories. Hopefully this last week will be a good week and we can get two wins.”

A great deal of Boise’s recent success is due to the outstanding play of senior point-guard La’Shard Anderson. Anderson scored a career-high 33 points last Thursday at Fretsno State, and followed up with a 23-point performance against Nevada Saturday, earning him WAC Player of the Week honors. “It’s my senior year, it just comes down to the last few games,” Anderson said. “Just trying to pick it up, step up and try and help us win. I’m trying to be a senior leader out there, all of us seniors want to continue to win.” During this five-game stretch, Boise State’s point guard has averaged 19.8 points, 5.4 assists and 2.4 steals per game. Anderson contributes his recent success to watching film of himself during his midseason slump. “I noticed I was starting to be a little laid back when I was going through my slump. I tried to pick it up in practice and it carried over to the games,” Anderson said. The Broncos will send off seven seniors this week as they wrap up

their regular season. Wednesday night’s game against Cal State Bakersfield will be the official senior night, while Saturday night’s game against San Jose State will be their final home game. Even though most senior nights are reserved for the final home game of the season, Boise State’s player’s aren’t worried which night it’s on as long as it’s a win. “I think it’ll help as far as not being a distraction, at least knowing you have one more game at home,” Noonan said. While head coach Leon Rice has only been around this group of seniors for one season, he has still managed to find a deep respect for the way they play and practice. “They’ve worked their tails off. I think we’ve had about two bad practices, where I’ve been associated with other teams that have a lot more than that,” Rice said. “ They come to work everyday, they put their hard-hats on and that’s kind of the way they’ve been.” Boise State’s final home game will be Saturday night at 7:05 p.m. at Taco Bell Arena against SJSU.

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Culture Editor

Assistant Culture Editor


March 03, 2011

Red Hands Black Feet give new meaning to ‘instrumental nonsense’ Trevor Villagrana Journalist

Hidden from the pulse of mainstream music and the boundless wasteland of genrespecific noise and marketing, local band Red Hands Black Feet stands apart from classification and musical boundaries. Acting as one of a handful of bands in Boise testing the realm of instrumentals, the band has found much success in staying true to their playability and networking through other locals around town. The quartet got its start in late 2008 in guitar player Eric Larson’s apartment despite frequent and terribly inconvenient complaints from neighbors and lack of adequate space. Hailing from a punk rock background, this new project would present an interesting and unique challenge to Larson and bassist Joey Myers. These two musicians, eager to brave the mold, would begin putting together the initial framework during these first few years until recruiting second guitarist Jake Myers. “We brought Jake in and he would jam with us in my bedroom at the apartment until the downstairs neighbor would bang on our floor at 9:30 at night,” Larson said. “One time it was at 8 (o’clock). I was pissed.” The now trio would remain motivated but incomplete until a chance house party would bring drummer Jessica Johnson into the picture. With new talent on board, and a firmer

grasp on the niche they wanted to form for themselves, the band would enter the Boise music scene with a slew of songs void of probable definition. Moving from the apartment to Johnson’s garage would aid the band in better arranging their instruments, amplifiers and their schizophrenic yet song-structure-oriented sound. The “ambient-sludge” landscape they have been pioneering over the last couple years came together in these early stages but faced opposition from not-so-open-minded neighbors, noise violations and even a police officer who -- although appreciative of the music -was forced to shut them down. During an afternoon practice a complaint was filed against the band and an officer was sent to Johnson’s house. “He said he liked what we were playing, but that it didn’t matter,” said Johnson. Performing without a vocalist has always been profoundly comical and frequently commented on by fans. Interaction with the crowd has brought offers from frontmen and crowds begging for lyrics. Even though all have backgrounds in poetry and creative writing, the band maintains their emphasis on musicality rather than vocalization. A typical show usually leaves audience members with puzzled looks on their faces as the band runs through their set of aggressive, voiceless rock, but there have been instances of audience members getting more involved. “We get a lot of people asking to sing in

our band,” said bassist Myers about several exchanges they have had with friends and fans looking to fill the position. “We haven’t found an excuse to implement it yet and move to the point where words were necessary.” Although not as rampant, the band hopes to construct a larger, more enthusiastic scene around this genre. Over the years, it has seen an influx of people willing to listen and learn. Conversations with other musicians have uncovered interest in wanting to pursue this less conventional method of making music. “I wouldn’t say that we are the reason why that is happening but I think that the fact that we have been around for over a year now has made some people think that maybe it could be done in Boise,” Johnson said. Shows at DIY places such as Scott’s Manor were cited to be some of the band’s favorites because of the larger crowds and welcoming atmosphere. “I guess the cops are pretty cool with it up in Canyon County. They just say no drinking and to be done by 10,” said bassist Myers. The band has two main objectives: a plan for a summer tour spanning the west coast of America and preparation for a new album set to drop around the same time. For those 21 and older looking for a journey through sound, the band will perform at the Red Room March 4 and 22. As for people not of age, the band will also be playing on campus during Earth Week on April 22. Check out for an exclusive interview with the band.


Members of Red Hands Black Feet are, from left to right, Jessica Johnson (drums), Joey Myers (bass), Eric Larson (guitars) and Jake Myers (guitars).

Bored stiff?

Check out the Culture Calendar for March 3 through 9!




Arabian Nights at the Cazba. 7-9 p.m. at the Cazba Restaurant and Opa Lounge in Downtown Boise. Come experience belly dancing, drumming, music and food.



Hokum Hoedown. 7 p.m. at the Linen Building in Downtown Boise. Square dance tunes and how-tos mean fun for the whole family. Pie Hole pizza and an open bar will be available. $5.


Boise Cafe Latin Night. 9 p.m. - 2 a.m. at the Boise Cafe in Downtown Boise. Come take a salsa lesson and use what you’ve learned while enjoying refreshments. $5.



West African Rhythms Come learn the technique, timing and culture of West African music at the Barefoot Yoga Studio in Downtown Boise. $10.



Booze Clues - 9 p.m. at Pengilly’s Saloon in Downtown Boise. Come try your hand at trivia, enjoy some drinks and possibly win some prizes. Free.



$2.00 Cocktails


The Arbiter

Op en 7 Days a w eek 10 AM -2 AM

1 7 1 2 Broadway Ave

6 Culture

March 03, 2011

Movie countdown gray battson/THE ARBITER

There’s a Hooker in the Kitchen

OATRAGEOUS! Lauren Hooker

Assistant Culture Editor Breakfast is often considered the most important meal of the day, after all, it provides you with the energy to power through whatever is on your to-do list. But when it comes to breakfast, oatmeal is often overlooked as a fatty, high-calorie choice. When it comes to processed instant oat-


4 cups of water 1 cup of steel-cut oats Cinnamon Brown sugar Milk (optional, if you want a creamier oatmeal) 1/2 banana, sliced Small handful of nuts

meal, this is definitely the case -with added sugars, salts and other flavorings, the oatmeal that comes in a little packet isn’t the best option. However, oatmeal is a whole grain and a great source of fiber, which helps keep your digestive track working correctly, leaves you feeling full and its B vitamins

keep your energy levels up. Steelcut (sometimes called Irish) oatmeal takes a little bit more effort to prepare but produces a thicker, nuttier and chewier finished product than its wimpy instant counterpart. With some extra additions, there are endless possibilities to pump up your breakfast.

Here’s what to do:

1. Bring water to a boil in a small saucepan. 2. Add in oats, and bring to a boil again. Turn down heat and simmer for thirty minutes, stirring occasionally. Make sure you don’t overcook the oats, or they’ll become squishy and lose their nutty flavor. 3. Serve, and add banana, nuts, and cinnamon/brown sugar to taste. Yields four servings.

Alternative toppings:

Banana nut isn’t the only way to dress up your boring old oatmeal; try some of these other ideas to switch things up. Banana Sundae: 1/2 sliced banana, 3 sliced strawberries, 2 tablespoons of chocolate chips Apple Cinnamon: 1/2 cup chopped apple, cinnamon to taste Blueberries and Cream: Splash of milk, blueberries Oatmeal Cookie: 3 tablespoons of chocolate chips, cinnamon Pumpkin Pie: 3 tablespoons canned pumpkin, pumpkin pie spice (cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice) Flax-tastic: 2 tablespoons of flaxseed, honey Coconut Banana: 1/2 sliced banana, 1/4 cup of coconut milk

Top three fictional presidents Tony Rogers Journalist

Hollywood gives us everything from movie masterpieces such as “Titanic” and “Gone With The Wind” to updates on what substances Lindsey Lohan happened to snort last night. However, as far as popular movies go, Hollywood has cast the role of president of the United States over and over almost to the point of monotony. Regardless, the character diversity makes it one of the most interesting roles in the business. Let’s take a look at some of the best. 3. President Thomas Whitmore, “Independence Day” It would be a travesty to God to ignore Bill Pullman as President Thomas Whitmore in this 1996 explosively intense action flick. On the surface, it’s hard to find a complaint about Whitmore, save for the pitter-patter of plot at the beginning of the film. He’s young, endowed with dashingly good looks reminiscent of Kennedy himself, and just so happens to be a war hero. Congratulations, you now have the façade of a classic president. Now add some alien spaceships, a few decimated cities and an alien race bent on seeing your head on a silver platter, and you have a ticket to something awesome. Of course, the computer genius who probably hasn’t been laid in a while turns out to be the hero of the story, along with Will Smith. Go figure. But let’s face it, when he had to, Whitmore got the job done, and pushed until the end. 2. President Andrew Shepard, “The American President” There is a reason why not many of our presidents have been bachelors, possibly because most don’t want to be tracked down like Charlie Sheen in a back alley. However, you have to give credit to President Shepard, played by Michael Douglass. Once Shepard starts dating a lobbyist, his personal life becomes more sensational than his actions. So he puts his foot down in one of the most impressive speeches made by a film president. Shepard interrupts the daily White House briefing, and establishes himself as a force to be reckoned with. The speech is online, and it is guaranteed to give goosebumps every time. 1. President Tom Beck, “Deep Impact” Move over Barack Obama, Morgan Freeman has entered the building. As if the title of president couldn’t get more of a badass makeover, let’s introduce an actor who is possibly best known for his portrayal of God Almighty. The situation is dire in the Beck Administration as media outlets have just picked up on a possible cover-up involving a mistress, a draining budget and low approval ratings. However, classy-as-ever Beck announces that the alleged mistress happens to be the size of Manhattan and is on a collision course with Earth. Not only did Beck stay calm while announcing that the end was near, but he didn’t even bat an eye when he said that a lottery would save only 800,000 Americans while the rest would perish in a fireball of doom and helplessness. And when all was said and done, he still stood like a rock and assured the public that everything will be rebuilt. Get him in the Oval Office NOW.

Jan y R ae Seda

Idaho Gr ain Elevator Contemplated 2.26.2011 - 4.4.2011

Stu de n t Un ion Ga l l e ry

Light refreshments will be provided during reception Free and Open to the Public Free parking will be available in the Liberal Arts parking lot during the reception #208.426.1242


ry Knitting Facto al

igin ORRcal endar


Pengilly’s The Arbiter

Thurs 3/03

Fri 3/04

Sat 3/05

Joshua Radin Cary Brothers Laura Jensen

Whitechapel Acacia Strain Veil of Maya.....

Art in the Bar II

Portugal The Man Quiet Life


Robert Wynia of Floater Jeff Crosby

Frim Fram 4

New Transit

John Hansen

Sun 3/06

Mon 3/07

Tues 3/08

Wed 3/09

Cold War Kids A Lull Finn Riggins

Medeski Martin & Wood

Robin Trower Mansfield

The Dirty Heads New Politics Pacific Dub Drew Grow & the Pastor:’s Wives Kris Doty

Tapes and Tapes Dale Earnhart Jr Jr. and Teen

Open Mic

Booze Clues

Jonathan Warren & the Billygoats



March 03, 2011



By M. Mepham

Sell It

Work It



Work It Other Actors, Models, Extras needed, Commercials, Promotional work. Earn $$75-$895 daily. Not a school. Call 208-433-951



Paid Survey Takers Needed In Boise. 100% FREE To Join! Click On Surveys.


Bed-Queen Pillow Top

mattress set. Brand new, still in plastic, warranty. Must sell $119. King $199, Full $99. Can deliver. 921-6643.

So you wanna place a classified ad? 1. Go to and click on the link to the classifieds section and place your ad online, 24-7. 2. E-mail ad requests to Include your name, phone number and ad text.


Calendar 03/03 - 03/07 Thursday, March 3, 2011

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM HIV Testing Location: University Health Services, Norco Bldg 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM SUB Gallery exhibition reception Exterior Spaces: Idaho Grain Elevators Contemplated Location: Student Union Gallery 6:30 PM Linguists In Hollywood Location: MG-113 (mathematics geosciences building)

Friday, March 4, 2011

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Lavender Lunches Location: LGBTQIA Lounge - Located inside the Women’s Center 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM CONVICTION Location: MG-113 (mathematics geosciences building) 7:30 PM MFA Reading Series Location: Bishop Barnwell Room, SUB 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Portland Taiko Location: Special Events Center in the SUB

Saturday, March 5, 2011

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM CONVICTION Location: MG-113 (mathematics geosciences building) 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Portland Taiko Location: Special Events Center in the SUB

Monday, March 7, 2011

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Employee Project PHIT Location: Kinesiology Building, Main Gym 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM HIV Testing Location: University Health Services, Norco Bldg

Club Organization Contact to place your club’s ad

The Arbiter

March 03, 2011


“Remember the last time an original Broadway musical made you laugh, cry and think? WICKED is the most complete, and completely satisfying, new musical in a long time.” -USA Today

MAY 4 – 15 MORRISON CENTER TICKETS ON SALE TOMORROW 7AM – Morrison Center Box Office 10AM – Select-a-Seat Outlets, 426-1110 Groups of 20+ call 208-426-1629 • Grammy® Award-Winning Cast Recording available on Decca Broadway

The Arbiter


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