B o i se
Issue no.
S tate ’ s
I n d epe n d e n t
S tu d e n t
V o i ce
o f
B o i se
S tate
S i n ce
Volume 23
Butler advances to title game and makes case for all “mid-majors.”
The Arbiter sat down and talked shop with Micron CEO Steve Appleton.
page 6
Dead woman’s fiance back in Boise with $1 million bond Sherry Horton Journalist
Lloyd Hardin McNeil, former fiance of Natalie Davis who was found dead in her home off Beacon Street, was booked into the Ada County jail March 25 after he was extradited to Boise from Seattle. Police arrested McNeil at a private home March 18 in Seattle for an outstanding grand theft warrant that was issued after McNeil left the home around the time of Davis’ death. Davis’ death is still being called “suspicious” while the Ada County Coroner’s office awaits the results of a toxicology test, which could take several weeks. Although McNeil is being held in the Ada County jail for the theft of his ex-fiance’s car, he is being held with an unusually high $1 million bond.
ASBSU candidates campaign this week Stephanie Casanova Journalist
Politics aren’t a Novemberonly fad, they’ll be all over campus the next two weeks. With general elections for the Associated Students of Boise State University (ASBSU) next week, candidates will be campaigning throughout campus until next Tuesday, April 12. Candidates will be posted in the Quad, the Student Union Building (SUB) patio, and in the marketing booths across from the info desk. Candidates for this year’s general election will be running for six positions: Secretary of Academic Affairs, Secretary of Clubs and Organizations, Secretary of External Communications, Assembly Speaker, President and Vice President. The remainder of the Student Assembly will be elected the beginning of fall semester. President and Vice President candidates will campaign and be voted on as a team. Forums for each position will be held in the SUB stage area from noon to 1 p.m. The Secretary positions forum will be this Thursday, followed by the Assembly Speakers forum on Friday, and the President/Vice President forum Monday. During the forums, candidates will have pre-chosen questions. Possible topics the forums will cover are how club funding will work and how the candidates plan to communicate with the State Board of Education and the Idaho Legislature about student interests. Students may also find out what the candidates have done already to show their commitment to ASBSU. Students will also be able to ask questions as time permits. Around campus, candidates will be approaching students to discuss what their views and plans are for ASBSU. Along with personal discussion with their possible representative students will see posters and chalk announcements. Candidates will also have their own creative ways to spread the word and become known.
More information about the candidates and their platform will be available on the ASBSU website, http:// tinyurl.com/ASBSU-2011 and the ASBSU Elections Facebook page.
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Get out there and vote! ASBSU elections are just around the corner.
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Boise, Idaho
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This Whole
Thing Works
by Tasha Adams Journalist
Why does getting the least amount of state funding hurt us? Idaho Higher
The inequality in state funding not only means a possible hike in tuition and higher prices at the vending machines and parking garages -- things we all feel first-hand -- but it also means a limited ability to update and upgrade our university as a whole. At a press conference last month, ASBSU President Stephen Heleker said, “We have, you know, incredible things happening at Boise State. And they’re all going to start fading away if we don’t do something soon.” Boise State is the fastest growing university in the state and better funding means a better education for every student.
Education Funding
Boise State University
Idaho State University
What is the government proposing?
Lewis-Clark State College
In the past the inequality has been explained by the higher costs of programs offered by the different institutions, however, that argument has been negated with the weighting system used by the State Board of Education (SBOE). Idaho’s legislature is fully aware of this inequity, though the SBOE was unavailable for comment. A letter released Feb. 8 by the Idaho House of Representatives explains that 59 percent of Idahoans think we are not investing enough in higher education and 53 percent believe we should raise the sales tax to support K-12 schools. Representative Sue Chew is one of the legislators currently working to address the issue. She believes a temporary $.01 tax increase (similar to the one Governor Kempthorne used in 2004) would generate the revenue needed to fund the currently unfunded Enrollment Workload Adjustment (EWA). An emergency tax increase would only be temporary but could make a big impact to help the programs in need. Another suggestion out there is to simply reallocate funds to make the amount per student each university receives equal. Boise State is not the only university suffering from this problem, there are three other universities involved and Chew believes that if all the universities joined together, they could create enough movement to generate change.
University of Idaho
What can students do? Students can contact their legislators and tell friends and family to do so too. To find your senator or representative, visit http://www. legislature.idaho.gov and click on “Who’s My Legislator?.” Heleker doesn’t want to point the finger or place blame, he simply wants to raise awareness. He acknowledges that this is a real issue that affects current students as well as future Broncos and we need all the help we can get.
New uncertainty in Libya
Who’s in charge? Warren P. Strobel McClatchy Newspapers
WASHINGTON - The fragile international coalition supporting military action in Libya showed fresh signs of strain Monday, as the U.S., Europe and Arab nations wrestled with the issue of who will take charge of military operations if the U.S. gives up control in the days ahead. At the same time, the action in Libya, now in its third day, provoked harsh new condemnation from Russia and China, which had abstained in the United Nations Security Council during last week’s vote authorizing military measures to protect civilians from dictator Moammar Gadhafi. The continuing political furor over the Libya intervention raised questions about the depth of support for the mission and what might happen in the event of setbacks or a prolonged stalemate between Gadhafi and antigovernment rebels. President Barack Obama said Monday that the United States, which has been coordinating allied air strikes on Gadhafi’s air defenses and ground forces, will transfer control of the mission within days, and that the NATO alliance would have a role.
In a letter to Congress on Monday, Obama said U.S. airstrikes “will be limited in their nature, duration and scope.” “We will seek a rapid, but responsible, transition of operations to coalition, regional or international organizations,” he said. But discussions at NATO over the alliance’s role have run into opposition from key members uneasy with a NATO imprint on the mission. And the Arab League, whose political support for Western intervention in Libya is considered crucial, also doesn’t want it to be a NATO mission, according to diplomats who requested anonymity because of the subject’s sensitivity. As cruise missiles and jet-fired bombs began to rain down on Libya Saturday to neutralize Gadhafi’s air defense system, the U.S., with its unique military capabilities, was the only player in position to coordinate the strikes. But the Obama administration is now eager to pass the baton before it’s seen as spearheading military intervention into a third Muslim-majority nation after Iraq and Afghanistan. “If this goes south, if it doesn’t succeed quickly, then (U.S. forces) are going to have to assume . . . a much broader responsibility for what to do next,” said Aaron David Miller, a former State Department official now at the Wood-
Lionel Bonaventure/Abaca Press/MCT
French President Nicolas Sarkozy welcomes Arab League Chief Amr Mussa Saturday, March 19, 2011, at the Elysee Palace in Paris, France, before a summit on implementing action on the UN Security Council resolution against Libya. row Wilson International Center for Scholars. “The coalition of the willing, the longer this drags out, could become the coalition of the unwilling,” Miller said. At NATO, several U.S. allies, including Turkey and Germany, are uneasy about the Libya operation, diplomats said. Germany abstained on Thursday’s Security Council vote. The European diplomat said the prime factor driving the discussions at NATO’s Brussels headquarters is the
News Editor
Assistant News Editor news@stumedia.boisestate.edu
64º high
need to keep Arab nations on board with support, without which the Libya mission would be much harder - if not impossible. “That’s why we have to be cautious,” the diplomat said. While the 22-member Arab League earlier this month endorsed a no-fly zone over Libya, only two Arab countries, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, are publicly known to be contributing military assets, in the form of U.S. F-16s and French-made Mirage warplanes.
Partly Cloudy
chance of precip: 20%
55º high
chance of precip:70%
53º high
chance of precip: 30%
April 4, 2011
Opinion Editor
Assistant Opinion Editor
The weight of one vote All it takes to solidify the importance of voting in student elections is a look at the previous administration in comparison to the outgoing one. Boise State’s student government went from a strict fiscally conservative mindset to one that is active within the general student body, taps into funds and is far more liberal. An inactive voice is a mute voice, and the student body is unlikely to get what they want if they don’t speak up and make what they want clear. Current ASBSU President Stephen Heleker hopes students vote in the upcoming ASBSU election. “Not only will the students that win this election make important policy and financial decisions on students’ behalf, but they will define the way that administrators, legislators and community leaders understand the student body,” Heleker said. ASBSU Senator at Large Steven Mercado hopes students understand the magnitude of the decisions that ASBSU makes. “ASBSU has a yearly budget of around $500,000. Each student has an opportunity with voting in the ASBSU elections to choose the most appropriate representatives for their concerns and general well being of campus life being improved upon & sustained. If you don’t vote, you run the risk of not having accu-
rate representation for what’s important to you.” The point of having a student government is to represent a broad demographic of the overall student body. That is not possible unless more students step up and vote. Not casting a ballot is simply lazy. Whether online or on paper, it takes only minutes out of a day to vote. The time it takes to show what is important to individual students could make a huge difference in the future at Boise State.
“The way we see it” is based on the majority opinions of The Arbiter’s editorial board. Members of the board are Bob Beers, editor-in-chief; Kirk Bell, managing editor; Haley Robinson, opinion editor; Karey Hoke, assistant opinion editor; Andrew Ford, news editor; Suzanne Craig, assistant news editor; Rebecca De León, culture editor; Lauren Hooker, assistant culture editor; and Jessica Swider, assistant online editor.
On March 13, a Muslim woman, Irum Abassi, was asked to get off a plane while she was waiting for her Southwest Airlines flight to leave. “When I deboarded the flight, I saw 10 people looking at me, and I said, ‘Did I do something wrong?’” Abassi said, according to an article by NBC News. She was told that the flight attendant said she was “suspicious.” Where is the line drawn between airport security and human rights? The airlines already felt like they needed to upgrade security by using wholebody imaging technologies that can see through clothing, but now they are pulling an innocent woman off a plane because of the way she looks. Abassi is a U.S. citizen who has lived in the country for 10 years, and because she was wearing a headscarf and is Muslim, she was viewed as a threat. Kajsa Goudjil, a Muslim student at Boise State majoring in business communications, was appalled when she heard of this injustice. “She passed through all the security with no problem and they stop her because she was wearing a headdress,” Goudjil said. “I am sorry but that is called being racist. They have totally crossed the line.” What happened on Sept. 11 was devastating to everyone in America, but just because a group of Muslims com-
Tweet that inspired this week’s column: OvercomerCEB Miss Christina E. Really though...smh...when people are ignorant or immature they tweet anything...please think before you tweet
ASBSU senate meets to discuss the allocation of funds.
M anaging E ditor Kirk Bell
M edia M anager Zach Ganschow
P hoto E ditor
N ews
Andrew Ford Suzanne Craig
Editor Ast. ed
S ports Editor Ast. ed
O pinion
Robby Milo
Editor Ast. ed
O nline E ditor
C ulture
Megan Lloyd
V ideo E ditor Gray Battson
E ditorial A dvisor James Kelly
Editor Ast. ed
Trent Lootens Brittney Johnson Haley Robinson Karey Hoke Rebecca De León Lauren Hooker
C opy E ditors
Eden Engberg Stephanie Scheibe Rachel Huffaker
Newsflash: what a person posts in social media forums is fundamentally public. Even those people with ultra tight privacy settings on their accounts are vulnerable to backlash from indecent online sharing. With a couple of clicks, it’s easy to copy and paste or take a screen shot of anything posted online. It’s best to think hard before sending a thought out and into the cloud. Impulsive online sharing can be costly. It can ruin career opportunities. Take the “Cisco Fatty” Twitter incident, for instance. A couple of years ago, then 22-year old Connor Riley had just been offered an internship with Cisco when she tweeted: “Cisco just offered me a job! Now I have to weigh the utility of a fatty paycheck against the daily commute to San Jose and hating the work.” Unfortunately for Riley, Tim Levad, a loyal employee of Cisco saw her tweet and responded: “Who is the hiring manager? I’m sure they would love to know that you will hate the work. We here at Cisco are versed in the Web.” Although Riley declined the offer from Cisco before facing rejection by the company, the situation proves a person can never know who will stumble upon what is shared online. Similarly, poor judgment can affect college admission. According to a Kaplan, Inc. survey conducted in 2008, at least 10 percent of prestigious universities take the time to scan their applicants’ online profiles. One unsavory photo could literally land an applicant in the “nay” pile. With recession-driven college enrollment rates skyrocketing, it is more important than ever for undergrads and graduates alike to be cognizant of their online reputations at all times. The practice of admission’s officers taking a peek at applicants’ online activity will most definitely increase in the coming years. It’s true that there are those out there without much to lose. They have neither ambition for the future nor anyone to impress. They are probably happy to flip burgers at McDonalds for the rest of their lives. Those people are free to share photos of their favorite bong, scandalous tattoos and dirty language. More power to them. For those with goals, however, this isn’t the case. Anyone aiming to climb the social ladder should take this seriously. Think, then post. That’s the golden rule of the digital age. Any ambitious person will make an effort to create a likable, hirable online persona. Facebook, Twitter, blogs and the like are inherently public and should be treated as such. A good rule of thumb for those with something to lose: if you can’t say it or show it to your employer or grandmother, don’t post it online for all to see. Keep it to yourself in a photo-box or journal. Share those hilarious drunken photos with your besties via E-mail or text. Be smart. Think, then post.
Follow Jana on Twitter and she will follow you back!
mct campus
E ditorial S taff Bob Beers
Want a job? Think, then post Columnist
mitted that terrible act doesn’t mean every Muslim traveling on an airplane should have to suffer. The airport has gone through great lengths to strengthen airport security to prevent this from happening again. It is standard airport procedure to be searched, go through metal detectors and occasionally be sniffed by police dogs, but yanking someone off an airplane because of how they are dressed is beyond ridiculous. Houssam Mostafa, also a Muslim and a BSU freshman political science major, feels badly for Abassi. “This is racist,” Mostafa said. “It’s her religion; she has to wear a headdress. The Muslims all wear headdresses when they go around, so what’s the difference going on an airplane? It’s not fair.” Abassi was wearing a headscarf because it’s part of her religion and was punished for it. Airport security officials wouldn’t pull a Christian off an airplane for wearing a cross around their neck or someone from the Mormon religion for wearing a CTR ring, and they would never pull a nun off the plane because she was wearing her habit. Abassi got through security and nothing was found on her. She should have been left alone. The flight attendants didn’t see her trying to light her shoe or anything else suspicious. What they did was wrong. The saying “America is the land of the free” has no meaning when innocent Muslims are being treated the way they are and have to fear flying on an airplane. It is disgusting.
E ditor - in -C hief
Jana Hoffman
Racial profiling infringes on Americans’ rights Eva Hart
Justin Dalme
B usiness J ournalists Christine Ritchie, Eva Hart, Megan Bronder, Tyler Kirkham, Tony Madonna, Jana Hoffman, Tony Rogers, Natalie Craig, Trevor Villagrana, Eden Engberg, David Gasch, Lindsey Hileman, Edina Macic, Sherry Horton, Tasha Adams, Stephanie Casanova, Kimberley O’Bryan, Wyatt Martin, Genevieve Nutting, Justin Dalme, Nikki Hanson, John Garretson, Ty Hawkins
D esign
D irector
P roduction M anager
B usiness /A d M anager
P roduction T eam
B ookkeeper
D esigner
Brad Arendt
Matthew Summers
Ashley Ackers
A ccount E xecutives Miguel Varela
O nline A st . O nline E ditor Jessica Swider
The Boise State track and field team wrapped up a dominate weekend of the Idaho Cup Saturday at Ed Jacoby Field. The Broncos held off Idaho State University, Northwest Nazarene University and the College of Idaho to take home both the men’s and women’s team titles. For most of the Broncos, the Idaho Cup marked their first outdoor meet of the season. Only a handful made the trek down to Arizona last week for the first meet. One of the athletes making his outdoor debut was Manoah Wesson, who captured the 200-meter title Friday with a time of 21.69. “It felt pretty good coming from indoor (track),” Wesson said. “It was a real good transition (running) just a half-a-lap versus running a full lap. I was happy with the time I ran, it was a good, solid time.” The Broncos dominated both sides of the 400-meter hurdles as Rolando Trammel and Emily Funkhouser captured titles. Trammel crossed the line in 52.47 seconds, while Funkhouser finished with a time of 1:02.81.
Alex Nelson competes in the hammer throw at the WAC Indoor Championships in Nampa, Idaho, Saturday, Feb. 26. “It felt good. It is the second meet of the year, so I ran it consistently,” Funkhouser said. “I love the outdoor season just because of 400-hurdles.” The women were also able to sweep the top three spots in the 200-meters with Mackenzie Flann
The Arbiter
Guest opinions (500 word limit) and Letters to the Editor (300 word limit) can be e-mailed to letters@arbiteronline.com
The Arbiter cannot verify the accuracy of statements made in guest submissions. Opinions expressed by guest and staff columnists reflect the diversity of opinion in the academic community and often will be controversial, but they do not represent the institutional opinion of The Arbiter or any organization the author may be affiliated with unless it is labeled as such.
Assistant Sports Editor
In the Magness Arena at Denver University, the Boise State gymnastics team had a bittersweet experience while competing in the NCAA North Central
Boise State junior Amy Glass advanced to the NCAA National Championships after finishing fourth in the all-around at the NCAA Regional Championship in Denver, Colo., Saturday, April. 2.
Women’s Gymnastics Region Championships. Though they broke personal and school records, the Broncos landed just .025 away from qualifying as a team for the NCAA National Championship after finishing with a score of 196.40. Junior Amy Glass and freshman Bekah Gher will advance to the NCAA National Championship in Cleveland, Ohio, April 15-17. Glass was fourth in the all-around with a score of 39.275. Since Glass was the top all-around scorer whose team didn’t qualify for nationals, she is able to compete in Cleveland. Gher received a 9.90 on beam, a career-best and a tie with Denver’s freshman Jorie Hall, which will advance her onto nationals as well. Arkansas came out on top, winning the team title with a score of 196.550, with Florida trailing close behind by a score of 196.425. Both teams will advance onto nationals to compete with the other finalists. Boise State placed third as a team, followed by Denver with a score of 195.625, Arizona at 195.40 and BYU with 194.650. With their second-best score of the season and second-best team score at a regional, the Broncos started the meet off
April 4, 2011
gan leading the pack. Racquel Jones was able to add another win, taking the title in the long jump. On the men’s side, Eetu Viitala won the long jump with a career best mark 25-00.00 to give the Broncos a total of six event wins Friday. On the second day of competition, blustery winds swept through the stadium while rain hit the track. “It’s a little off-putting because it’s really not track weather. Coming off that last curve, all you feel is wind, so you have to run faster just to fight the wind,” Wesson said. While the Broncos dominated the meet, there were some early season bugs they were able to get out of the way. The men’s A team missed the handoff in the 4x100-meter relay as Eric Capelle and Edidiong Essien were unable to connect. “I’m happy it happened now instead of next week because it will be a pretty big meet in Arizona,” Wesson said. Next week, the Broncos head to Arizona and divide up to compete at the Sun Angel Classic at Arizona State and the Mesa Classic at Mesa Community College.
Glass, Gher advance as individuals
strong on floor with a score of 49.175. Senior Hannah Redmon tied the school record for best floor score at a regional with a 9.90. On vault the Broncos earned a second-best team score at a regional with 49.075. Sophomore Brittany Potvin-Green had the leading score for the team with 9.850, also tying for the school’s sixth-best vault score at a regional. Going into bars, Boise State was in second place next to Florida, with Arkansas following close behind. The Broncos earned a team-high score of 49.125, their highest ever team score at a regional meet. Redmon scored 9.90, a new school record for best score at a regional meet. Junior Lindsay Kazandjian earned a career-best score on bars with 9.850. On beam, the Broncos earned yet another season-best score with 49.025, another school record for a regional meet. Glass and Gher will be training hard both physically and mentally for the championship. Other universities competing with Florida and Arkansas for team titles are Georgia, UCLA, Oklahoma, Utah, Michigan, Kent State, Oregon State, Nebraska, Alabama and Illinois.
Butler proving playoff systems really do work Wyatt Martin Journalist
Saturday, Butler proved that Cinderella not only likes to dance, but deserves to be at the ball as well. The Bulldogs defeated Virginia Commonwealth in the first of two NCAA Final Four games. Butler will face Connecticut tonight, in BU’s second-consecutive NCAA National Championship game. Many experts didn’t have the No. 8 seed from Indianapolis, Ind., making it out of the first round in this year’s tournament. But finding a way to win this time of year is something this team has become very familiar with. The underdog, ‘nobody gave us a chance’ attitude is what makes schools like Butler and VCU so tough to deal with for the larger, more distinguished programs. With the recent success of teams like Butler, VCU and George Mason, it’s becoming quite apparent that these smaller, mid-major schools not only have the ability to get to the big-dance, but win big games as well. With the excitement of this year’s tournament, it only goes to show that playoff systems need to be implemented throughout college sports if we want to find our true champions. Obviously this argument is mainly geared towards college football and its Bowl Championship Series. If the Butler football team was in the same position, they’d be playing in the AdvoCare V100 Independence Bowl as opposed to the National Championship game. This point proves that schools like Boise State and Texas Christian, who have the ability to win big football games, need to be given the opportunity to play in national championship games. The similarities between these basketball programs and Boise State’s football program are ap-
mct campus
Shelvin Mack of Butler, right, celebrates during second-half action against Virginia Commonwealth University in an NCAA Final Four semifinal at Reliant Stadium in Houston, Texas, Saturday, April 2, 2011. Butler defeated VCU 70-62, advancing to the finals. parent. The first, and most obvious, would be the ability for these smaller teams to come up with big wins against supposed ‘power house’ schools. VCU and Butler each force their opponents to play into their own game plans, with great coaching and exceptional execution by their players (something BSU has been able to do for the last few years). The next similarity we can observe is the fact that both VCU and Butler have young coaches that have almost single-handedly built their programs into national contenders. They’ve found the recruits that most of the bigger schools have passed by and turned them into winners. In the age of one and done’s like John Wall, Blake Griffin and Kevin Du-
rant, it’s refreshing to see teams with senior leadership having success. The idea that coaching tactics and preparation can beat size and athleticism is something that has bigger schools thinking twice about scheduling schools like Boise State and Butler for their non-conference games. It goes to show that games aren’t played on paper or in a computer, they’re won and lost on the field or on the court where the players and coaches control their own destiny. NCAA football remains one of the only sports that doesn’t participate in some sort of playoff system, and until that changes we won’t be able to recognize the team that’s actually the best at the end of the season.
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Gymnastics misses NCAA Nationals by narrow margin Genevieve Nutting
Sports Editor
Track and field sweeps Idaho Cup
T h e w a y w e s ee it
Student action on campus is a must. Every student has the opportunity to provide input on something that will directly impact him or her for years to come. The decisions and choices made by the Associated Students of Boise State University (ASBSU) directly affect the student body. So why do such a large portion of Boise State students refrain from voting in the ASBSU elections? Last year, around 1,300 votes were cast. With a student body about 14 times that size, it’s frustrating, and embarrassing, that more students don’t seem to care enough to vote. Often, potential voters have a mentality that one vote won’t really make a difference. However, last year, the election process resulted in a revote because of a computer glitch, and the results of the first election had come down to a difference of five votes. If that doesn’t give a student faith that his or her vote really does count, nothing will. Boise State economics major Samuel Wonacott said, “ASBSU does quite a bit of stuff, but is really influential when it comes to funding student groups and those sorts of things, so if you care about student involvement and money to be able to do activities other than just take classes, you should probably pay attention and vote.”
Distributed Mondays & Thursdays during the academic school year. The Arbiter is the official independent student newspaper of Boise State University and a designated public forum, where student editors make all content decisions and bear responsibility for those decisions. The Arbiter’s budget consists of fees paid by the student body and advertising sales. The first copy is free. Additional copies can be purchased for $1 apiece at The Arbiter offices.
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4 Sports Broom Service
April 4, 2011
Women’s tennis completes sweep of Spartans, Bobcats Ty Hawkins Journalist
The No. 67 Boise State women’s tennis continued its winning ways this weekend, sweeping the visiting San Jose State Spartans (5-8) from the Western Athletic Conference and the Montana State Bobcats (6-8) of the Big Sky Conference. The first match of the day, originally scheduled for 9 a.m. at Julia Davis Park, was moved to the BOAS Indoor Facility due to weather. Those it attendance saw the Broncos dominant the Spartans and eventually put them away with a 5-0 shutout in route to their first of two wins this weekend. Against the Spartans, the Broncos (13-6) were able to pick up wins in all of their singles and doubles matches. Head coach Beck Roghaar seemed pleased with the effort. “I can’t say that I’m surprised,” Roghaar said. “The time and the energy we spent as a team in getting ourselves prepared was what helped us get the win today.” The afternoon cap against Montana State saw the same for result for BSU, another home win in the books with a 6-0 victory against the Bobcats. The victory against MSU was particularly significant to Stephanie Jaspar, whom was once a part of the Bobcats tennis program. “It’s my home town; I grew up playing on those courts.” Jaspar said. Jaspar, a senior originally from Bozeman,
April 4, 2011
Montana, transferred from Montana State to Boise State prior to her junior year. She left the program on good terms, and although a Bronco, the Bobcats will always have a place in her heart. “I loved Montana State, the girls and the coaches, I just wanted to play at a bigger, better program and have a chance to play in the NCAA Tournament.” Jaspar said. “It’s always fun to see the girls, I’m still really close to a bunch of them and the coaching staff. It was a fun match.” That was the past however, and the Broncos had their sights set on disposing of the Bobcats the same way they did the Spartans earlier. The result was eerily similar as BSU smacked MSU, completing the weekend sweep for the Broncos. Again the Broncos were flawless, recording wins in every singles and doubles match played. The winning has been nice, but the Broncos know with the season coming to a close and the WAC Tournament right around corner, there is still a lot of work to be done on the courts. “We trained hard the past week and I think it showed today,” Jaspar said. “I think we’re going to carry that into next week’s matches.” With momentum and a nice win streak in their pockets, the Broncos will prepare this week for their upcoming April 9 and April 10 matches against the University of Nevada-Reno Wolfpack and the New Mexico State Aggies. The Broncos will play the Aggies Saturday at 10 a.m. (PST), followed by the host Wolfpack Sunday at 11 a.m. (PST).
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Go Online to cast your vote www.arbiteronline.com/?p=66420
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Horoscopes Today’s Birthday (04/04/11) Feed your creative soul this year by indulging your pen and your journal. It doesn’t really matter what you write and whether someone ever reads it. It will free you up and allow you to focus more easily on other endeavors. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) Today is a 9 -- Demand the facts and you’ll get them. They help you figure out what to do next. You have the message and can get it out. It’s a very lucky moment for love. Ask for what your heart desires. Taurus (April 20-May 20) Today is a 9 -- You’re more powerful than you ever imagined. Try again at something you have failed at before. Practice your five-minute elevator speech and then deliver.
Freshman Morgan Basil works on drills during practice. The Broncos swept the Spartans and the Bobcats Saturday, April 2 at the BOAS Indoor Tennis Facility.
Gemini (May 21-June 21) Today is a 7 -- Listening is the most powerful part of communication. Observe rather than spend. Completion is within your grasp. It’s okay to hide out. Consider travel plans.
992 Red chamber
Cancer (June 22-July 22) Today is a 9 -- Enjoy inspiring conversation with friends for the next few days. They understand and have a wider view. Talk over your ambitions, dreams and wild schemes.
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Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Today is a 9 -- Take inventory of assets and liabilities for powerful decision-making. New assignments come in, so make a good impression by your practical point of view. A touch of mystery doesn’t hurt. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Today is a 7 -- Let yourself explore. A dream inspires. Romance may well follow, since your brilliance is enchanting. Stop and paint a picture if you have the urge. You’ll be glad for the memory later. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Today is a 7 -- Your imagination carries you to new places. You may find new meaning and inspiration now. Stash away your winnings. Consider a joint endeavor with a talented friend. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Today is an 8 -- Inject glamour into your work. It’s a good time to take a trip. It doesn’t have to cost money. You can use your imagination or visit a museum. Notice great style. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Today is a 9 -- Your ideas blast you ahead in your career. You may want to start planning a new project now. Feed your urge to be creative, whether at work or play. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Today is an 8 -- It’s a fantastic day to let your imagination go wild, especially with a loved one. Participate in creative projects together. Take photos and write it all down. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Today is a 7 -- Friends help you solve great philosophical problems. Don’t fall for every offer. Focus on your home and family for the next couple of days. Sit with it. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Today is a 7 -- Let an analytical person help. Discuss what worked and what didn’t. Soak it all in. It’s a perfect time for learning and growing. Don’t reveal your entire agenda immediately.
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see family registration on-line for details
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The Arbiter
The Arbiter
April 4, 2011
Culture Editor
Assistant Culture Editor
pop! shots Rise of the Smiths David Gasch Journalist
lauren hooker/THE ARBITER
“I was a pretty good student, you know, for the most part. Primarily because I liked academics and I worked hard at it,” said Steve Appleton, Boise State alumnus and CEO of Micron.
CEO of Micron remembers his humble roots Natalie Craig Journalist
Boise State alumnus Steve Appleton is now Chief Executive Officer, president of Micron and chairman of the Board of Directors, something he accomplished with only a humble bachelor’s degree in business management from Boise State University. Not only is Appleton a symbol for success and an inspiration to the younger generation, but he also contributes to his alma mater by donating money and scholarships. “We (Micron) have a pretty intimate relationship with Boise State,” said Appleton. “Not just because I am an alumni. If you go back in history, well, you know we’ve previously only had one CEO, which was the founder of Micron and the guy that hired me. He was also very cognizant of the importance of Boise State, just like I am.” Appleton was raised in East Los Angeles where he constantly stayed motivated to climb his way out of poverty. “It was sticks in elementary school, knives in junior high and guns in high school,’’ Appleton said in an interview with BusinessWeek. He also said he lost friends to gun vio-
The Arbiter
lence and other childhood friends are now in prison. But despite his thug-life upbringing, he graduated as the second highest-ranking academic student in his high school, making him the salutatorian. He received a scholarship for his success in tennis which led him to Boise State University. “I was a pretty good student, you know, for the most part. Primarily because I liked academics and I worked hard at it,” Appleton said. The entrepreneur has given a lot back to the university, funding construction of the tennis courts that bear his name, offering jobs to recent graduates and providing current students with scholarships. Appleton said he provided the funding for the tennis courts on campus mostly because he was inspired by the scholarship he received from Boise State for tennis. “That scholarship really enabled me to go to college,” Appleton said. “That scholarship enabled me to have an experience that I might not otherwise would have been able to afford. I mean, I really have a sense of not only belonging but I think obligation to help the university where I can.” He graduated in 1982 with a business administration degree and went on to work the graveyard shift as a factory worker at Micron for 11 years. In 1994, he was appointed
chairman and CEO of the company at the age of 34, making him the third youngest CEO in the Fortune 500. Micron took a tough hit with the plunging economy; thousands of employees were laid off from 2007 to 2009. “We went through a couple of tough years,” Appleton said. “We had to restructure and we laid off some people, and Micron at least as a presence in Boise is not as big as it used to be. I look at it a little bit differently; we also saved thousands of jobs, whereas almost every other company has gone bankrupt or out of the business. We are actually still here.” During periods of lay offs, Appleton stopped paying himself completely, living on a salary of $0.00 for three years in order to save more jobs. Starting last year, Micron has been hiring and currently has 5,000 employees in the Treasure Valley alone. There is no denying Appleton is a success story because of his dedication and driven work ethic. He encourages students to rise above the shrinking statistics of Americans going on to further their education. “If I were a university student today, I would want to make sure that I finish my degree. Recognize that going to college is a way, I think, to recognize your potential sooner,” Appleton said.
I whip my hair back and forth. There, I said it. Can’t none of them whip it like I do -- except for this one insane 10-year-old. Will Smith’s daughter, Willow Smith, recently released a top-100 single, “Whip My Hair Back and Forth,” and for the first time I can write about a child musician who deserves some major props. She’s like a little adult in the video, and it is difficult to remember she’s so young. But look who she’s related to -- the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Will Smith must have awesome genes because his entire family is super talented. Two of his kids have found major success before their teenage years. Jaden Smith, Will’s 12-year-old son, is an actor, rapper, songwriter and dancer and he got to be the new Karate Kid. When I was 12, I’m pretty sure
I was sitting around watching Doug, and come to think of it I’m pretty sure I spent a lot of time at that age watching his father as the Fresh Prince. Willow Smith reached No. 11 on the top 100 music list at 9 years old. Unlike the other runts I’ve mentioned in previous weeks, she doesn’t beg people to loathe her. Will Smith’s other son, Trey, avoids the spotlight but also has done well for himself. The point is that they’re a family of insanely talented people and it makes me wonder what else Smith puts in his family’s protein shakes in the morning. I mean, statistically speaking, shouldn’t at least one person related to Will Smith be bad at something? They could spread some of the talent around and stop hoarding it all. Then again it probably doesn’t hurt that he married Jada Pinkett Smith, who’s also talented as hell. As if their early careers weren’t enough, Willow and Jaden also make time in their schedules to be youth ambassadors for Project Zambia and perform with their parents in the Nobel Peace Prize concert. The entire family consistently donates giant chunks of their fortune to charity. Not only are they good at what they do, they’re also giving and generous. Way to make me look bad some more, Smith family. Despite my jealousy of their collection of family talents, there aren’t many negative things to say about Will Smith. The Smiths definitely win my award for most talented family. Have a shot for you and the lady, Will. Celebrate the Super Family.