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General Information
02 General Information 03 Cancellation Policies 04 Facility Reservations
06 Adults 07 Aquatics 11 Basketball 12 Childminding 13 Children’s Programs 14 Dance 16 Fitness Centre & Wellness 18 Fitness: Group 20 Fitness: Pilates 21 First Aid 22 Gymnastics 25 Hockey: ACHD 24 Karate 25 Music 26 Pickleball 27 Skating 28 Squash 30 Tennis 34 Youth & Family
Spring Session: Monday, March 29, 2021 - Sunday, June 20, 2021.
Group programs are not scheduled to take place on statutory holidays or weekends when a statutory holiday falls on a Monday or Friday, and program fees have been pre-calcuated accordingly. Exceptions include group fitness classes. Holiday weekend schedules and hours will be posted online at www. arbutusclub.com one week prior to the holiday.
The use of professional instructors or coaches from outside the Club is not permitted. Only instructors and coaches who have been contracted by the Club may teach on Club premises.
All program and related fees will be billed to your Member account. Regular weekly programs will be billed monthly for the duration of the program. Workshops and short-term activities will be billed in the month they occur.
Some program areas are required to have Members register with their provincial sport governing association for the purpose of insurance coverage to compete in tournaments and events. These fees may be billed seasonally or yearly and are listed on the program pages for which they apply. Some areas also have Activity Fees, billed seasonally or yearly, and are used to pay for special equipment, gifts, awards, seasonal parties, events and other program enhancements.
Children under-age for a specific program must receive approval from the Coordinator/Director of that program before registering. If permission is given, under-age participants must register with the Recreation Services Desk directly so that we may bypass the established age restriction. Please note that receiving advanced approval does not guarantee a spot in the program.
Some programs require approval from the Coordinator/Director of the activity area, prior to registering, to ensure participants are at a required level for the class. If a Member is incorrectly registered for a class, the Coordinator/ Director reserves the right to remove them and recommend another class more suitable for their age or skill level.
During the initial days of each registration period, it is recommended to make use of the wait list feature if you do not secure your preferred program dates and times. As space becomes available for the program, waitlisted participants will automatically be registered and notified by email. If you no longer want a spot on the waitlist, please remove yourself or your child, or contact the Recreation Services Desk upon receipt of the notification.
If you miss a class for any reason, it is the decision of the Coordinator/ Director of each activity area, as to whether or not they can accommodate a make-up lesson. Most activity areas do not offer this option as it is disruptive to participants registered and is challenging for Staff to accommodate.
A parent/caregiver (16yrs+) must accompany children under 8 years old at all times while in the Club. You must drop off and pick up your child for all programs as children under 8 years of age will not be released from the program on their own.
Recreation Services Staff are allergy aware and request that parents do not pack snacks for their children that contain common allergens, such as peanuts. If your child has an allergy you would like us to be aware of, please contact the Recreation Services Desk and we will notify the instructor.
In this phase of the Club’s re-opening plan, during the COVID-19 pandemic, guests are not permitted to attend Recreation Services programs, events or activities until further notice.
We welcome your feedback about our programs, camps, services and events at any time in person, by phone or by email. We also have an evaluation form available online at www.arbutusclub.com/services/recreation in case you would like to complete it anonymously.
The success of our activity areas is in large part due to the contributions made by volunteer Committee Members. If you would like to participate in one of our Activity Committees, please fill out an application form available at Club Reception or email Sue Snow at ssnow@arbutusclub.com.
In order for members to access the club, they must be booked in a session or using one of our food and beverage outlets.
Email notifications including class reminders, registrations, cancellations, and other program communications are sent regularly. It is very important to ensure your email address is up to date for yourself and your dependents by contacting Accounting at 604-269-8787 or admin@arbutusclub.com.