4 minute read
Children’s Centre Manager 604-269-8812 csmith@arbutusclub.com
Connie was born and raised in Vancouver and holds a Bachelor of Arts from UBC, an International Montessori Diploma, an ECE Certificate, and a BC K-12 Ministry of Education Teaching Certificate. She has been working in an early childhood setting for many years as an educator. She truly enjoys teaching creative and engaging curriculums as well as program planning for the Children's Centre. Our qualified staff offer a safe, fun and nurturing environment for children 8 weeks to 8 years old. They provide activities such as arts and crafts, manipulative toys and outdoor fun, all enabling children to learn through play and exploration. Our Childminding Staff use positive guidance and encourage the development of social skills and friendships among peers. Childminding hours may vary based on avaiability.
8:30-12:00pm & 1:00-5:00pm Tuesday 8:30-12:00pm & 1:00-5:00pm Wednesday 8:30-12:00pm & 1:00-5:00pm Thursday 8:30-12:00pm & 1:00-5:00pm Friday 8:30-12:00pm & 1:00-5:00pm Saturday 10:00-3:00pm Sunday Closed
Note: Hours may change depending on the number of registered. Childminding will be closed on all statutory holidays.
• Childminding services must be booked in advance online in GameTime under the ‘CC’ heading. • Parents may book a session under their own name and provide the child’s name in the ‘notes’. Side by side bookings with the same member name are not available, so parents with two or more children are encouraged to create a username and password for their child for the Club website, in order to sign in and book with the users details in GameTime. • Reservations are available 6 days in advance • Reservations may be made for a minimum of 30 minutes to a maxmium of 2 hours. • Fees are $10/hour and are auto adjusted according to length of stay. • A 15 minute break will follow each reservation for transition and cleaning. • Cancellations must be made 6 hours prior to the reservation or a late cancellation fee will apply. • No shows will be billed the full session. • Please pick up your child on time, as late pick-up fees will apply.
Health assessments, including temperature checks, will be conducted for all children using Childminding services, as well as Children’s Centre Staff. Anyone with symptoms of illness, including children, parents/caregivers and staff, must not come to the Club until they are symptom free. No exceptions. Protocols are in place if a child or staff member develops symptoms while at the Club.
We kindly ask parents/caregivers not to gather or socialize in the hallway or by the Children’s Centre entrance as it makes physical distancing difficult for others. Parents/caregivers are expected to follow 2m/6ft physical distancing and a one-way flow of traffic during drop-off and pick-up times. Signs and markers will be posted. To further ensure safety, parents/caregivers, as well as Children’s Centre staff, will be required to wear a mask. Only one parent/ caregiver will be permitted per family.
The Children’s Centre rooms have been designed to encourage as much physical distancing as possible, however, during your child’s visit, parents/ caregivers need to be aware that Children’s Centre Staff and children may be close at times. Playing with friends is an important development skill for young children and we want to continue to support your child’s development while keeping safe.
Parents/caregivers will be asked to complete an emergency contact form on your first visit, so please be sure you have your child’s medical information. A contact phone number will be requested in case Children’s Centre Staff need to reach you promptly.
We follow the Vancouver Coastal Health regulations of 4:1 ratio for babies and toddlers up to 2 years old, and 8:1 ratio for children 3 to 7 years. We have two nap rooms with cribs and monitors. Sanitation of the nap room is done after every visit. We have a no face-down nap policy. Please speak to the caregivers about your child’s schedule for the day.
Please send your child with a snack, diapers, wipes and a change of clothes. We also request that you do not bring toys or personal items from home to the Children’s Centre, to ensure that they will not get lost or damaged. All personal belongings will be placed in the lockers outside of Room A and Children’s Centre Staff will retrieve as needed.
The Children’s Centre does not provide snacks, utensils or dishes. Children are encouraged to bring snacks and/or a lunch from home to eat while staying at the Centre. Please label all cups, bottles and containers. The Children’s Centre is Allergy Aware. Please be considerate toward Members with allergies by avoiding bringing foods that may contain nuts.