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Meet the Athlete
meet the athlete flipping fantastic
A gymnast at The Arbutus Club since she was 4 years old, Mara Baxendale reflects on how the program gave her strength
Amember since she was only an infant, Mara Baxendale has truly grown up at The Arbutus Club. With two generations of Baxendales preceeding her, Mara's family illustrates the Club's rich history of providing a home away from home for our families and creating a strong community. Walking across the balance beam since she was only 4 years old, Mara has taken part in the gymnastics program for nearly her entire life. With an incredible amount of experience, Mara's participation has served her well and she has been helping other gymnasts as a Junior Coach with the program for the past 3 years. It's a milestone year for Mara. This year she graduates high school and will be soon be vaulting across the country to study Environment, Sustainability, and Society at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia. However, before she lands in Halifax, Mara shares how the Club has played a special role in her upbringing and the valuable skills that the gymnastics program taught her.
When did you begin participating in gymnastics?
Mara: Growing up I tried many different sports, although not all at the Club. As the years went on, I stuck with gymnastics and so did my sister. The Club has introduced me to so many people I would’ve otherwise never met and brought me closer with people that make me happy. I truly wouldn’t be the person I am today without gymnastics at the Club. I started gymnastics when I was 4 because my best friend did it at the time, so that made me want to try it – the rest is history.
How has gymnastics influenced your life outside of the sport?
M: I’ve learned many skills, but I think the most important is being mentally strong when you become physically weak and tired. It is in this special place of pain and discomfort that help you grow character – you learn more about your mental fortitude in this specific time than you can ever imagine. This will not only make you a more confident human, but you will learn to relax even under the most intense situations.
Meet the Athlete

What is your favourite part of participating in gymnastics at The Arbutus Club?
M: Participating in the gymnastics program at the Club has allowed me to meet some amazing people that I continue to talk to today and have created some pretty great memories along the way. In your opinion, what is the key to perseverance in sports and fitness?

M: Knowing that you’re not alone. Your coaches and teammates want you to succeed as much as you want yourself to succeed. People are there to help you and want you to achieve your goals as much as you want to achieve them.
What aspect of Gymnastics has inspired you to stay committed throughout these past few 'unprecedented' years?
M: You need mental toughness to do gymnastics. Through these past years I’ve taken that and transferred it to the real world. Although everything has been tough you can push past anything your mind believes.
What skill(s) have you mastered in Gymnastics that assist you in other areas of your daily life?
M: Patience. I’ve learned that good things come to those who wait. Not everything comes right away and sometimes you need to give it time for things to start to happen. Having patience to deal with problems in the real world can go a long way. Are there any teammates, partners, opponents, coaches, staff or trainers at The Arbutus Club that have positively enhanced your gymnastics experience? How so?
M: Through the years I’ve made many friendships through the sport, but 2 teammates in particular stand out; Jen and Alexandra. We trained together for many years and have been by each other’s side for all the ups and downs. As well as my coach Gord, who always believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself. ♦
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