1 minute read
In Love in Ohio by The 2019-2020 Creative Writing Class
In Love in Ohio
Clean dark hair tucked behind her ear the most gentle motion of them all a gentle touch, a loving smile is all that is needed to care for a young owl, she said
That and a loaf of bread, a handful of daisies $3.75 in loose change and no seatbelts
We blasted the Jonas Brothers and drove off of the Earth in your pickup truck with the smashed window and the carseat in the back it smells like old leather and cat pee
My favorite smells beans, bagels, and blue cheese the epitome of a chili bowl Chipotle
God I love burritos guacamole is the work of divine intervention bless me with that
The petals on the moon turned green today I would like to be green as well, please Or maybe purple—purple sounds nice
The glint of expo markers in my fingerprint It spread through the sky Covering the sun and the clouds Blotting out words I wish I had said,
Would have said if I had been worthy But who decides worth? And what does it cost?
Can I trade my hair for a sunny day? I’d be bald and burnt, but it would be worth it
It would all be worth it I think No, I know
Haha I don’t
The ocean doesn’t seem like a terrible place to die no, not at all. there’s shells and sand and water
“oh well” smells you shrug off every gentle butterfly that lands on your shoulder its wings flutter and it falls a white scrap in the sky glistening like the path of garden snails at dawn
I am led on eggshells to the faerie ring of no return here, summer is forever and it smells very much like eggs and you and I spend our days together in the forest
Because what else can you do when in love in Ohio?
Creative Writing Class of 2019-2020