The Argosy, September 26th, 2013

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Mount Allison’s

Independent Student Newspaper

THE September 26, 2013

Unable to locate the taco truck since 1872

Vol. 143 Iss. 5

Mounties top Huskies in a Friday night battle

Mt. A outlasts Saint Mary’s on MacAulay field Benjamin Foster With the lights shining over the field and fireworks in the background on a beautiful, late summer night, the Mount Allison Football Mounties picked up their first win of the season over the Saint Mary’s Huskies (SMU). This moved them into a tie for second in the Atlantic University Sport (AUS), just one game back of Saint Francis Xavier (St. FX). Acadia, SMU, and Mt. A all stand at one win and two losses. This was Mt. A’s second consecutive win over the Huskies at MacAulay Field, and they were able to get revenge for last year’s AUS semifinal where Saint Mary’s manhandled the Mounties 49-11. “We knew they don’t like playing on grass, so we ran the ball early and adjusted as the game went on.” Mounties offensive lineman Jonathan Graves said. Graves was happy that his team got their first win of the campaign. “I can’t even express it right now. It’s just such a way, you feel like you represent your campus on the football field and

Mounties beat the Saint Mary’s Huskies 29-15 under the Friday night lights. (Steph Pringle/Argosy) when you’re not doing well you feel like you’re disappointing. The effort we put in during the offseason is finally paying off,” Graves said, adding, “the fan support was immense and we truly truly appreciate the turnout, it helps more than anyone knows. This is the first of many wins!” For the second straight game, the

Mounties came out with a quick start. This time they scored on their second possession of the game. Brandon Leyh, back after missing one game with a knee injury, connected on a fifteen yard throw to wide receiver Matt Rose. This was after a deep throw downfield was caught by rookie Rodreke Joseph, who has been a dynamic addition to

the offence, to get into the red zone. The Mounties extended their lead to 10-0 before the end of the first quarter after Troy Trentham blocked the Huskies’ punt and recovered the ball at the twenty yard line. The second quarter saw Donovan Saunders get his first interception of the season. On the ensuing possession,

the Mounties drove down the field at the end of the quarter, resulting in a five yard Jordan Botel touchdown. SMU was able to get a score back before half, but going to the third quarter the score was 18-7 for the Mounties. Turnovers were the story of the third quarter. SMU was able to get an early field goal off of a turnover. Devonte Sampson, who had fumbled the punt which led to the Huskies’ field goal, redeemed himself with an interception that he brought back for a sixty-yard touchdown to make the game 25-10. This would be it for the Huskies, as the game was out of reach. The Mounties won by a final score of 2915. The Mounties defence made the difference in the game, pressuring SMU’s offence all night. Jordan Redding and Dylan Cossar had three sacks each and the secondary had three interceptions. Brandon Leyh threw for 195 yards and one touchdown while getting intercepted three times. Jordan Botel ran for only forty yards but did score one touchdown. Rodreke Joseph was once again impressive and led the game with seventy-two yards receiving. The Mounties are on the road next Saturday night against Acadia, playing at 7 pm. Acadia has gotten off to a slow start, as they were the favourite by many to win the AUS at the start of the season.

New public lecture series launches at Mt. A Janine Rogers delivers first ‘Feed your Brain’ presentation Chris Balcom

News Editor

A diverse group of students, faculty, and other community members gathered in the Library theatre to listen to Janine Rogers, associate professor of English literature, deliver a presentation on her recent research. The September 18 event marked the launch of the Feed your Brain public lecture series. The series aims to provide an informal venue for faculty who recently completed sabbaticals to discuss their research. While few were eating at Wednesday’s event, attendees were encouraged to bring food to the


‘lunch-and-learn’-style event. The organizers offered coffee, tea, and other refreshments. Karen Grant, Mount Allison University’s provost and vice-president academic and research, explained that in the past Mt. A held events called ‘research and creative activities days’ at the end of August for faculty to present their work. A University senate committee tasked with looking at research and creative activities found that many people were not satisfied with those events, in large part due to the timing and the limited audience. Grant also pointed out that while departments across the university hold their own colloquia, there was a lack of frequent, widely disseminated, inter-disciplinary lectures. After contacting faculty who recently completed sabbaticals, Grant found there was a lot of interest in the format, and presentation spaces filled quickly. “When I put out the call, the slate was filled within thirty-six hours,” said Grant. Rogers’ wide-ranging talk, “The World as


Students hold refugee Jeff Hicks explains the camp simulation Pg. 3 cost of textbooks Pg. 6


Book in Science Museums and Popular Science,” offered fascinating insight into how the world is presented scientifically, drawing connections from contemporary popular science to medieval literature. She spent her recent sabbatical in Sackville and Oxford, UK. Rogers was very grateful for the opportunity. She explained that when professors discuss their work outside the classroom it is generally in a conference setting, which offers a much shorter time frame. “Even on a relatively small project, if you do a conference version of it, you’re just [presenting] a subsection of a subsection,” said Rogers. “[The series] really gave me an opportunity to look at all these various little slivers that I had been work shopping in conferences, and say okay, how do these all begin to come together,” said Rogers. Rogers was also pleased with the diverse attendance and the stimulating discussion that followed her talk. “It was cool that [attendees] felt able to

contribute something, that the talk was wide ranging enough that people from wide ranging backgrounds have something to offer,” she said. Grant emphasized that the series also aims to open the doors of the university to the wider community. “We should try to facilitate dialogue between the university and the communities of which it’s a part,” said Grant. Rogers concurred: “That’s really what we need to do; we need to build a community of research that involves students and faculty, and people from outside the university community. And I think that’s the best form of intellectual activity that we can be engaging in.” The “Feed your Brain” lectures will continue monthly throughout the year, alternating between Wednesdays and Tuesdays at lunchtime. Next month Michael Fox, of the Geography and Environment department, will be delivering a lecture very pertinent to the objectives of the series titled, “Sleeping with an Elephant: Can Sackville become a Learning Community?”


Student researchers Mounties score late in Pg. 16 present at SURF Pg. 14 thriller

Inside... News Opinions Ship’s Log Arts & Literature Fall Fair Entertainment Science Sports Pg. Humour

2 5 4 8 10 12 14 16 918


September 26, 2013

Six candidates deliver speeches for MASU election Three positions to be filled at the hustings

Kevin Levangie

Political Beat Writer

Six candidates delivered speeches last week in hopes of winning seats on the Mount Allison Students’ Union’s (MASU) administrative council. The contested positions were First Year Councillor, North Side Councillor, and South Side Councillor. The speeches were held in Tweedie Hall on September 19, and lasted for three minutes each. The event concluded with a question period for audience members. Daniel Murphy, Dylan WooleyBerry, and Sophie Roy campaigned for First Year Councillor. Liam St Louis was the sole candidate standing for South Side Councillor, while Ryan MacRae and Shayla Baumeler competed for North Side Councillor. Murphy spoke first, and took a humorous tone with his speech. He delivered his speech in a Scottish accent, and shared a comical anecdote about “a monk who lived here at Mount Allison before it was a university.” Murphy then outlined his qualifications, saying he was involved

The candidates wait to deliver their speeches last Thursday evening (Kevin Levangie/Argosy) in student government throughout high school, and was elected “prime minister” in his final year. Wooley-Berry also outlined his qualifications for representing students. “In grade eleven I was vicepresident of the provincial student council for New Brunswick, and in grade twelve I was elected president of the provincial student council,” he said, and closed with the slogan: “Lend me your vote, and I will give you my voice.”

Roy stated her first goal as a councillor would be “to make our voices heard as first-years.” Roy also emphasized her desire to “continue helping others,” and that she thinks joining Council would “be a good way to do that.” St Louis emphasized the natural benefits of “a small-school experience,” explaining that “these experiences are made, they don’t appear out of thin air.” St Louis said his goal, and the responsibility of MASU, is to make sure students “get the experience they

Oil company recruits students ExxonMobil holds recruiting session in Avard Dixion Kevin Levangie

Political Beat Writer An ExxonMobil recruiting session took a strange turn on Monday, September 23, when the lead recruiter referenced some of the oil company’s past dealings. ExxonMobil was hoping to find potential employees among the Mount Allison student body. The session was attended by only two students seeking information about employment opportunities. During the session, Carlos Tocantins, North American credit manager for ExxonMobil, referenced the company’s oft-criticized work with companies and governments accused of unethical practices. One such example was the company’s hiring of allegedly abusive units of the Indonesian military to protect their interests in that country, for which they are still facing litigation. Tocantins prefaced his remarks regarding ethics by stating he “is not naive,” and continued by saying that while he was “not naming names,” some business partners of ExxonMobil “may have lower standards of conduct. They are looking to [ExxonMobil] to help develop those practices, those ethics.” ExxonMobil is also familiar with environmental criticism. The company is currently facing a joint law suit, filed by the United States Department of Justice and the state of Arkansas over their March 2013 Pegasus pipeline oil spill. The leak spilled nearly 800,000 litres of Canadian crude from the Alberta tar sands in a residential area about forty kilometers away from Little Rock.

This was ExxonMobil’s first informational and recruitment session at Mt. A, though they had previously visited campus for career fairs and to conduct interviews. The recruiting team sent to Mt. A was composed of employees of the ExxonMobil Business Support Centre Canada division. Particular focus was given to the idea of energy challenges. With rapid industrialization around the world, ExxonMobil frequently characterizes itself as working to meet the energy needs of an increasingly globalized and fossil fuel-dependent world. “It’s harder and harder to find oil and gas to pursue,” Tocantins said, referring to the investment in oil extraction technology by ExxonMobil. This has led the company to invest extensively in technology that would allow them to extract oil from difficult to access areas. Critics argue that such extraction creates a greater chance of spills or other environmental contamination. In Canada, ExxonMobil’s gas stations operate under the Esso brand, while a good deal of their business is conducted through Imperial Oil, of which they own seventy per cent. ExxonMobil is active in over 150 countries on six continents, employing 77,000 people, and, according to their 2012 Corporate Citizenship report, paying $102 billion dollars in taxes and duties. The Support Centre for North America is split between Moncton and Saint John. Moncton contains the majority of the customer service infrastructure, employing 900 people, while Saint John contains the “Treasure’s Credit” department, employing 200 people. The Houston-based company is the world’s largest non-state owned oil company, and the largest publicly-owned company altogether. Applications for work with ExxonMobil in New Brunswick will be accepted until Sunday, September 29, 2013.

paid for.” MacRae said his past experience as chair of his high school’s event committee and president of his student council prepared him for a position as councillor. He promised to “communicate with the residents of North Side,” in order to better inform them of MASU events, and to convey the opinions of students to MASU. Baumeler explained she was a member of her high school student union and was active in clubs and event planning. She said she wants

to represent North siders to “find the necessary answers to their questions, and the solutions to their problems.” She also mentioned the importance of “transparency and openness” by MASU. During the question period, MASU President Melissa O’Rourke asked the candidates if they could name a project that any one of the MASU Executive had included in their mandate for this year. St Louis noted the planned improvements and “fine tuning” of the now operational used online bookstore. Murphy also named a goal, mentioning the improvement of safety on campus, which falls under the Campus Life portfolio. The remaining candidates could not name one of MASU’s mandate goals for the upcoming year. MASU Vice-President, Academic Affairs Ryan Harley asked the candidates to consider a hypothetical situation in which they had to vote with their conscience, or with the opinion of their constituents. After the candidates’ initial complicated responses, Harley asked them to offer simple answers. Murphy, WooleyBerry, and Roy all elected to vote with their conscience, while MacRae and Baumeler chose their constituents. St Louis took the question another direction, stating he would “vote for what is right.” The election results are expected on September 26.

Harvard professor coming to speak at Mount Allison President’s Speakers Series aims to inspire Tyler Stuart On October 2, Noah Feldman, a professor at Harvard Law School, will speak in Convocation Hall as the first lecture of this year’s President’s Speakers Series. Feldman, on sabbatical this year, frequently contributes to the New York Times Magazine and the Bloomberg View. He is a Rhodes Scholar and an expert on Islamic thought. He has written six books and is fluent in English, French, Arabic and Hebrew. According to the Harvard University website, Feldman “served as senior constitutional advisor to the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq, and advised members of the Iraqi Governing Council on the drafting of the Transitional Administrative Law or interim constitution.” While Feldman will speak at Convocation Hall, the remaining speakers will likely be scheduled in smaller venues. After each presentation, there will be a question period. The President’s Speakers Series committee is holding a contest in which all Mt. A students can participate. Students can submit a short paragraph explaining why they would like to have dinner with Noah Feldman, and then the committee will select the three winners. The dinner with Feldman will be hosted by Mt. A President Robert Campbell. Frank Strain, a professor of economics at Mt. A, is the chair of the President’s Speakers Series committee. Strain said that the objective of the President’s Speakers Series is “to expose

students to an individual who can make a huge difference.” Over the summer, the committee proposed different names of prospective speakers. After narrowing its list, the committee contacted and invited the speakers. “We have a pretty good lineup this year,” Strain said. In conjunction with Mt. A’s Year of Global Engagement, the committee selected four speakers who engage in efforts to both understand and help the peoples of the world. According to the Mt. A website, the other speakers for the Year of Global Engagement include: “human rights advocate, journalist, author Sally Armstrong; Richard Heinzl, founder of the first North American chapter of Doctors Without Borders; and Jennifer Welsh, University of Oxford professor, co-director of the Oxford Institute for Ethics.” The committee hopes to add one more speaker to the series. Strain said that the object of the series is to both expose Mt. A students to interesting and important speakers, and to impart inspiration. “I think it will give [students] some global engagement and some ideas of how to engage globally. It’s a combination of the two,” Strain said. The Year of Global Engagement is part of Mt. A’s Strategic Plan. Last year’s speakers series theme was Public Service. There are plans to hold the Year of Culture and Creativity next school year to coincide with the opening of the Purdy Crawford Centre for the Arts and Mt. A’s 175 anniversary. The following year’s theme will be Science and Discovery.

The Argosy


Deceased teenager appears in online ad Now-defunct agency banned from advertising on Facebook Taylor Losier Features Writer

Last April, Rehtaeh Parsons, a teenager from Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia, made headlines when she attempted suicide, and later died from complications related to the attempt, after of months of cyberbullying. The cyber-bullying was focused on the online distribution of photos from an alleged sexual assault in November 2011. She has made headlines once again after an online dating agency,, posted an advertisement using Parsons’

picture. The ad, which appeared on Facebook, encouraged people to sign up and “meet Canadian girls and women for friendship, dating and relationships.” Anh Dung, an administrator of, has apologized for the incident through an email sent to CTV News. Dung wrote that he “simply used a tool to scrape images randomly on Google Images and inserted it into the [Facebook] ad campaign.” He added that he was not aware that it was Parsons’ photo, and was ignorant of her story. Facebook has since taken down the ad, and has deleted the account of the online dating agency. They have also banned the group from ever advertising with the social media site again. “This is an extremely unfortunate example of an advertiser scraping an image from the internet and using it in their ad campaign,” Facebook said in a statement released after

the incident. “We apologize for any harm this has caused.”, which was an affiliate of another dating website, be2, has been shut down due to the incident. A be2 statement to CBC claims that “the behaviour of the company providing was careless in the extreme and violated a company policy.” Parsons’ father, Glen Canning, expressed his disbelief in a blog post, saying that he is “bewildered and disgusted” by the use of the photo. “What a thing for a parent to see. Especially because Rehtaeh is the victim of a sexual assault and they have her on a dating website,” said Canning. “Not only that, she’s also a minor. What does that say?” Parsons’ mother, Leah Parsons, has also spoken to the media and, in an interview with Global News, said that she and her husband are “constantly reliving the nightmare over and over again.”

Mt. A campus group raises awareness for refugee camp WUSC holds refugee camp simulation

This Week in the World Joanna Perkin

Protests in Greece after murder

Greek left-wing activist and rapper Pavlos Fissas was fatally stabbed in a brawl in Athens. The forty-five-year-old man accused of the murder is a member of the far-right Golden Dawn party, notorious for their attacks on immigrants and left-wing activists. Thousands rallied at the murder site, causing violence to break out the next evening; twenty-three people were arrested. Golden Dawn is often described as a neo-Nazi organization, although the party officially denies this characterization. Their symbol resembles a swastika, their leaders have publicly praised Adolf Hitler, and the party has held many violent anti-immigration rallies. Their support has grown as Greece’s economy continues to suffer.

Decade-old bodies found in Oklahoma

Two cars were discovered in the bottom of a lake in Oklahoma on September 17, along with six decayed bodies. Police are investigating the scene and the bodies now, investigating for foul play. The cars match two separate disappearances, one in 1969 and one in 1970. The first disappearance involved a sixty-nine-year-old man, a fifty-eight-year-old woman, and another unknown victim. The second disappearance involved three teenagers, two males and one female, who were on their way to a high school football game when they disappeared. The cars were found submerged in twelve feet of water, about fifty feet from the end of a boat ramp.

Sixteen killed in Venezuela prison violence

Sixteen prisoners in a Venezuelan prison have been reported dead since September 16. Fifteen of these inmates died due to rival gang clashes, while the other prisoner died in a separate incident. Reports say that some of those who were killed were beheaded or dismembered. The Prison’s minister Iris Varela has stated that the many deaths are caused by an internal war going on inside the prison. The prison in question has seen sixty-nine people killed this year while in custody, and many believe that this is due to not only the internal war, but also to overcrowding. The prison, built to house 700 inmates, houses over 3,700 today. The UN has raised concerns about the level of violence and lack of government control in prisons across Venezuela.

Thirteen injured in Chicago shooting

Ashwini Manohar If you walked by the academic quad last Wednesday at an opportune hour, you may have noticed a few tents set up on the grass beside the Crabtree Building. It might seem like an odd place to set up camp, but WUSC Mount Allison begs to differ. Last Wednesday was their fourth annual refugee camp simulation, aimed at spreading awareness about WUSC and the programs that Mt. A’s chapter supports, which are the Student Refugee Program (SFP) and Shine a Light. Anyone stopping by the tents during the camp simulation event, which tried to reproduce conditions that many refugees live in, would have encountered facts about refugees and refugee camps, as well as greeted by WUSC members who informed students about the SRP and Shine a Light, a program that focuses on improving girls’ access to education in these camps. “Students were definitely curious,” Maxwell says, adding that “it was an effective awareness campaign.” Aside from the SRP and Shine a Light, the group also raises awareness for a variety of other international development issues. WUSC stands for World University Service of Canada, a non-profit, non-governmental organization that focuses on giving education, employment, and empowerment opportunities to disadvantaged youth all over the world. Committees set up in universities in Canada and globally work to achieve this goal, backed by the organization’s motto: “Education changes the world.” The Student Refugee Program


On the evening of September 19, thirteen people were shot and injured at a basketball game in Chicago. Among the injured is a three-year-old boy who is recovering from surgery after receiving a bullet wound near his ear. Two other victims are in critical condition, and two of the thirteen injured were minors, aged fifteen and seventeen. The shooting was believed to be gang related, and witnesses say that some of the victims are a part of a gang in the area. Many people have also said that gangs have been very present in the area lately, looking for ways to cause trouble, including shooting at people in the neighbourhood.

Many dead after gunmen attack Nairobi mall

On Saturday morning, armed men attacked an upscale shopping centre in Nairobi, Kenya. They threw grenades inside, and continued into the shopping centre using AK-47s, killing at least sixty-two people. At least 170 others were also injured. A witness said that the gunmen were attacking non-Muslims, after telling Muslims to stand up and leave. Somali militant group al-Shabab has taken responsibility for the attack, saying that it was a response to the presence of Kenyan troops in Somalia. The militants stayed in the mall for days, holding hostages. At press time, President Uhuru Kenyatta declared the four-day siege of the mall by Kenyan security forces a success. He claimed that five extremists had been killed and another eleven arrested. “Kenya has stared down evil and triumphed,” he said in a televised address to the nation.

King calls for economic justice for First Nations

Tents set up on Mt. A lawn simulate refugee camp. (Eilish Elliott/WUSC) (SRP) provides students from the Dadaab Refugee camp in Kenya with the opportunity to study at Canadian universities. Dadaab is the largest refugee settlement in the world, whose five camps hold almost half a million people. SRP is unique in that it provides students an opportunity to pursue their postsecondary education while also being a permanent resident in Canada. “Currently we have two students studying here,” says Erika Maxwell, President of WUSC Mt. A. The organization is legally bound to sponsor the students’ first year at Mt. A in full, but the university goes further by financially sponsoring

fifty per cent in the students’ second year and twenty per cent in their third year, so eight dollars from every students’ fees goes toward supporting this cause annually. This number was doubled after last year’s referendum, when students responded to calls for the program to be made more sustainable and stable, as sponsorships occur every two years. In an interview to The Argosy in March last year, then treasurer Teresa Million said that Mt.A’s “last student refugee, who [was] in third year, had to postpone his studies in order to work because [tuition] was too expensive.”

Bernice King, a Baptist minister and the daughter of Martin Luther King, Jr., recently spoke in Vancouver at the national Truth and Reconciliation Commission, recognizing the horrors of Canada’s residential school system. In her keynote address at the Reconciliation walk, she has said that economic injustice must be addressed as a part of this Commission, and as a part of the broader reconciliation process with First Nations people in Canada. King said that she believes economic injustice goes along with racism, and for one to stop, so must the other. She also stated that her father fought this issue for three years before his assassination. In order for successful reconciliation to take place between the First Nations and Canada, King stated that apologies and money are not enough, and that further opportunities for economic empowerment are necessary.

The Corrections Richard Kent Editor-in-Chief

The Centrefold (Homing, page 10) in last week’s edition of The Argosy

attributed several photos to Sue Seaborn. These photos were the work of Steph Pringle. The Argosy regrets these and other errors. Errors requiring correction should be emailed to Editor-inChief Richard Kent at argosy@mta. ca.


September 26, 2013

The Argosy’s Weekly rundown: upcoming events in Sackville EVENTS L i b r a r y R e s e a r c h Wo r k shop for Students

Thursday Sept. 26, 4:00pm 3rd-floor of Library This fifty-minute workshop will show you how to begin your res e a r c h , f i n d a r t i c l e s q u i c k l y, e v a l uate search results, and more! Register by using the sign-up sheets at Access Ser vices or the Research Help Desk, or by emailing

F ilm Society Presents Love is All You Need Thursday Sept. 26, 7:30pm Vo g u e T h e a t r e $6.00 with membership, without membership


U P E I Ve t e r i n a r y S c h o o l Information Session

Fr iday S ept. 27, 9:00am Have you ever considered a career as a veterinarian? Join for an information session on admission requirements and program details. All students at all levels are welcome to drop in at any point from 9am-11am for more information.

Mout Allison Does Culture Days NB 2013

Fr iday S ept. 27, 1:00pm Downtown Sackville E n j oy “a r t i s t i c e n c o u n t e r s ” w i t h Mt. A students while you shop, e a t , a n d d o yo u r b a n k i n g. Po n d e r a painting, sing and dance along, be absorbed in drama, talk to the artists and performers. 1:00-2:00 in 10 locations.

B i l o g y, G e o g r a p h y & E n v i ronment Seminar

Fr iday S ept. 27, 2:30pm Flemington Room 116 D r. K e v i n F l e s h e r s t u d i e s h u m a n / wildlife interactions throughout the tropics having completed projects in South and Central Ameri c a , We s t A f r i c a , a n d S o u t h e a s t Asia. His current research projects include: the long-term monitoring o f t h e r e s e r v e ’s w i l d l i f e , h u n t i n g pressure, and forest restoration; tuft-eared marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) distribution and abundance in the urban landscapes of S a l v a d o r, B a h i a ; a n d t h e b i o g e o g r a p h y o f t h e l o w l a n d t a p i r ( Ta p i r u s t e r re s t r i s ) i n t h e At l a n t i c Fo r est.

Illustrating el Cid, 14981900

Fr iday S ept. 27, 4:00pm Crabtree Room 316 E l C i d , S p a i n’s v e r s i o n o f t h e A r thurian ledend, is a pseudo-historical and literary figure whose epic adventures enjoy a rarelys t u d i e d i l l u s t r a t i o n h i s t o r y. T h i s presentation will unveil some of the earliest medieval and early modern illustrations of the Cid while examining how these visual frames of reference have changed over the centuries.

Latin Dancing Society

Fr iday S ept. 27, 7:00pm WMSC Multipurpose Room We e k l y L a t i n d a n c i n g p r a c t i c e s ; no partner required, no experience required, no co-ordination required.

M e d i t a t i o n Yo g a

Tu e s d a y O c t . 1 , 5 : 3 0 p m Chapel Manning Room Yo g a / m e d i t a t i o n classes (no c h a r g e ) Tu & T h 5 : 3 0 - 6 : 1 5 i n t h e basement of the Chapel. All levels welcome.

Special Speaker - Laci Green

Tu e s d a y O c t . 1 , 8 : 0 0 p m Convocation Hall Laci Green is a sex-positive peer educator and the host of Sex+, a w e l l - k n o w n Yo u t u b e v i d e o s e r i e s . L a c i ’s t a l k w i l l r e v o l v e a r o u n d t h e safe and healthy exploration of s e x u a l i t y w h i l e i n u n i v e r s i t y. T h i s p r o m i s e s t o b e a n h o n e s t , f u n n y, and educational program. Admission is free.

P r e s i d e n t ’s S p e a k e r s S e r i e s - No a h Fe l d m a n

We d n e s d a y O c t . 2 , 7 : 0 0 p m Named one of the “75 most influential people of the 21st century” by E s q u i re m a g a z i n e, No a h Fe l d man is a professor at Harvard Law School and writer for Bloomberg V i e w a n d T h e N e w Yo r k T i m e s M a g a z i n e. Fe l d m a n i s a n e x p e r t o n I s l a m i c p h i l o s o p h y a n d l a w, t h e separation of church and state, and t h e U. S. S u p r e m e C o u r t . H e s e r v e d as a senior constitutional advisor to the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq during the drafting o f I r a q ’s c o n s t i t u t i o n .

Write a letter to Op/Ed

A RT S & M U S I C Live Bait Theatre - ‘Spuds and Suds’

Thursday Sept. 26, 5:00pm Royal Canadian Legion Live Bait Theatre is pleased to be reviving its very popular monthly ‘Spuds and Suds’. That same night members of ‘Flint ’, a local improv group, will be doing a set inspired b y t h e h i t s h o w, ‘ W h o s e l i n e I s It?’.

P r o v o s t ’s Fa c u l t y D e v e l o p ment Series

Fr iday S ept. 27, 1:00pm Jennings Banquet Room P r o v o s t ’s Facult y Development S e r i e s p r e s e n t s E l i z a b e t h We l l s , head, department of Music “Refined, Defined, Aligned: Getting It All Done in the Academy ”. This interactive workshop promotes time management, goal setting, and the development of personal teaching, research and ser vice m i s s i o n s f o r t h e a c a d e m y. S p a c e i s limited. Registration isrequired.

S ac k v i l l e E a r l y M u s i c Fe s tival Fr iday S ept. 27, 4:00pm Chapel Manning Room, Sanctuary


Drawing in the Galleries

Sunday Sept. 29, 1:00pm Owens Art Gallery We ’ r e t a k i n g a c u e f r o m t h e L a dies’ College copying days for an afternoon of Drawing in the Galleries. Pick up a folding stool and drawing board and find inspiration in one of the many artworks on view including works from the original Owens Art Gallery Collection featured in our current Salon Hanging exhibition. Drawing in the Galleries is a community event for all ages presented as part of Culture Days, “Celebrating Arts and Culture from coast to coast to coast”.

Ve n e t i a 1 5 0 0

Sunday Sept. 29, 8:00pm Brunton Auditorium M o u n t A l l i s o n Pe r f o r m i n g A r t s a n d S ac k v i l l e E a r l y M u s i c Fe s t iv a l p r e s e n t s Ve n e t i a 1 5 0 0 “ Ve n e tia 1500” is a multimedia performance inspired by the aerial map o f Ve n i c e f r o m 1 5 0 0 b y J a c o p o d e B a r b a r i . Fe a t u r i n g S u z i e L e B l a n c (soprano), Benjamin Geier (ten-

o r ) , M a r t i e P e r r y, J a m e s A n d r e w e s (violin), Chr is Canapa, Fr ançois G o d è re , L i n d a Pe a r s e ( s a c k b u t s ) , Chr ista Patton (shawms), Madeleine Owen (lute), and Gayle h. Martin (organ).

SPORTS M e n’s R u g b y - H o m e

Fr iday S ept. 27, 7:00pm & 9:00pm Mt. A vs. UPEI

Cross-Countr y - Home

S a t u r d a y S e p t . 2 8 , 1 2 : 0 0 p m ( Wo m e n’s ) & 1 : 0 0 p m ( M e n’s ) Ta n t r a m a r H i g h S c h o o l

Lacrosse - Away

Saturday Sept. 28, 1:00pm Mt. A vs. Acadia

Wo m e n ’ s S o c c e r - A w a y Saturday Sept. 28, 2:00pm Mt. A vs. U de M

M e n’s S o c c e r - A w a y

Saturday Sept. 28, 4:15pm Mt. A vs. U de M

Fo o t b a l l - Aw ay

Saturday Sept. 28, 7:00pm Mt. A vs. Acadia

Golf - Away

Sunday Sept. 29 H o s t e d by D a l AC a t No r t h u m b e r land Links

Lacrosse - Away

Sunday Sept. 29, 12:00pm Mt. A vs. SMU

Wo m e n ’ s R u g b y - H o m e Sunday Sept. 29, 1:00pm Mt. A vs. UNBSJ

Wo m e n ’ s S o c c e r - H o m e Sunday Sept. 29, 1:00pm Mt. A vs. CBU

M e n’s S o c c e r - H o m e Sunday Sept. 29, 3:15pm Mt. A vs. CBU

Regligous Calendar Short Series from the Book of Acts Sunday Sept. 29, 6:00pm Chapel

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w w w. a r g o s y. c a

Independent Student Newspaper of Mount Allison University Thursday September 26, 2013 volume 143 issue 5 Since 1872 Circulation 1,700

62 York Street W. McCain Student Centre Mount Allison University Sackville, New Brunswick E4L 1E2

Telephone 506 364 2236

Mechanical errors alone should not make a D+ English department considers archaic grading policy Tyler Stuart


THE ARGOSY is published by Argosy Publications, Inc., a student run, autonomous, apolitical not-for-profit organization operated in accordance with the province of New Brunswick. THE ARGOSY is a member of the Canadian University Press, a national co-operative of student newspapers. ISSN 0837-1024 The Underbridge Press is a student-run publishing organization at Mount Allison University.



NEWS EDITOR Christopher Balcom­­­


productionstaff PRODUCTION MANAGER Julie Whitenect




COPY EDITORS Susan Parker, Kimberly Sayson

ILLUSTRATOR Lisa Theriault






Anxious whispers filled the room as our English professor introduced the Minimum Standard of Correctness (MSC), a grading policy on trial at Mount Allison. Some students processed how to succeed under the new regulations; others dropped the class. As my professor explained the concept to us, I held my tongue, waiting for his justification of this seemingly harsh policy. He made some good points: for a English professor to read an essay riddled with errors is nothing short of torture; he will become more ‘nit-picky’ as he continues to read. He also touched on how disheartening it is for students to recieve a graded paper with more red ink then black. I agree with my professor, it is discouraging to receive a poor mark. However, it is an injustice to receive a D+ on a paper that exemplifies mastery of an idea. This policy gives students one grammatical or syntactical error for every 100 words they write. If they exceed this ratio, they will receive an automatic D+. Fortunately, despite the thematic and organizational flaws of their papers, they



OFFICE MANAGER Charlotte Henderson



Benjamin Foster, Owen Beamish, Célina Boothby, Adam Cheeseman, Ashwini Manohar, Austin Landry, Joe Chamandy, Sam Morre, Tyler Stuart, Mitchell Gunn, Tessa Dixon, Jess Hicks, Ki-Uk Lee, Setph Pringle, Nicholas Jaiche, Eilish Elliott


Marilyn Walker (Chair), Dave Thomas, Dan Legere, Filip Jaworski, Charlotte Henderson, Megan Landry, Richard Kent

disclaimers and copyright

The Argosy is the official independent student journal of news, opinion, and the arts, written, edited and funded by the students of Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick. The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of The Argosy’s staff or its Board of Directors. The Argosy is published weekly throughout the academic year by Argosy Publications Inc. Student contributions in the form of letters, articles, photography, graphic design and comics are welcome. The Argosy reserves the right to edit or refuse all materials deemed sexist, racist, homophobic, or otherwise unfit for print, as determined by the Editor-in-Chief. Articles or other contributions can be sent to or directly to a section editor. The Argosy will print unsolicited materials at its own discretion. Letters to the editor must be signed, though names may be withheld at the sender’s request and at The Argosy’s discretion. Anonymous letters will not be printed. Comments , concerns, or complaints about The Argosy’s content or operations should be first sent to the Editor-in-Chief at the address above. If the Editor-in-Chief is unable to resolve a complaint, it may be taken to the Argosy Publications, Inc. Board of Directors. The chairs of the Board of Directors can be reached at the address above. All materials appearing in The Argosy bear the copyright of Argosy Publications, Inc. Material cannot be reprinted without the consent of the Editor-in-Chief.

I decided to attend Mount Allison because I knew I would not be a number. Here I am valued along with my thoughts. I know this because I discussed this article with my professor over a cup of coffee. I refuse to believe that I chose a university that values convenience and efficiency over learning and improvement. In this editorial, I fell short of the Minimum Standard of Correctness: in fewer than 600 words, I made 10 detrimental errors. Did you catch them all? Would they justify dismissing my opinion? Not only would this piece receive a D+, but also the professor could have stopped reading after the sixth mistake, missing its greater value. Mt. A is deemed the best undergraduate university in Canada, and its standards in all faculties should be high. I will not contest the statement that writers should adhere to the laws of language. However, I’d like to believe that Mt. A is the best because it sees past the minutiae of learning and looks to the essence of education: critical thinking. I suggest Mt. A considers the body of research on assessment before implementing a new policy. Leading educational researchers like Dr. Doug Reeves, Dr. Ken O’Connor and Dr. Robert Marzano have crafted new, progressive models for assessment that have caught wind in recent years. These models use assessment as a diagnostic tool to help improve learning. They are better suited to a university of Mt. A’s caliber. Tyler Stuart was educated in Singapore. Both of his parents are educators.

would love to go to a place like Mt. A, and would, given the financial opportunity. It is a harsh position to take, but the fact of the matter is that free undergraduate education would increase class sizes, decrease the chances that a professor knows your name, and lead to having to pursue multiple degrees to remain competitive in the job market. I’m going to have a hard enough time selling myself to an employer as a member of the horde that is twenty-somethings with a B.A. Government-funded tuition would only make this problem worse. The problems do not end here. I do not trust governments to deliver my mail, much less to have the ability to properly fund a university. Publicly funding a university is much more complicated than ‘one-student-equals-howeverm u c h -

funding’. Which research areas would receive funding? Which faculty would be given funding priority? Which books and journals does the library purchase for its shelves? These questions are difficult for university administrators, with years of experience in the education industry, to answer, and would be even more difficult for lawmakers who may have never darkened the doors of a university. It is irresponsible to trust a government to make the right choice in funding the diverse areas of a university. University administrators have been known to make mistakes, but at least they have vested interest in the success of the institution, unlike an MLA in Fredericton. And it gets worse. What is to guarantee that when times get tough (as they have been known to do in the Maritimes) that government won’t bring the cost-saving axe down upon post-secondary education funding. There is no guarantee that a faculty department will be able to buy a new piece of equipment or hire a new professor because government funding goes as easily as it comes. One minute the physics department could be ready to purchase some groundbreaking research equipment, and the next minute the overlords in Fredericton decide that they will have to wait until their next allowance. And meanwhile, other universities, without such limitations, jump ahead in the quantity and quality of research being conducted. Free post-secondary education sounds great on paper, but like so many other high-minded ideas, it would fall flat during application. Education is expensive but I would rather pay through the nose for a quality product rather than get a sub-standard one for free.

Education: you get what you pay for

Free education creates more problems than it solves John Trafford

Opinions Editor

ARTS WRITER Daniel Marcotte


won’t receive an F. There are some lenient aspects of the policy: it would only apply to large, word-processed essays or final exams. Also, misspellings count as errors only after the third. Generous, perhaps. Before I express my contempt for this policy, I must share that my parents are international educators, so I’ve been indoctrinated with progresive theories of education over years of dinner conversations. I should also note that I love my English class; the professor is magnetic and the class is motivated and insightful. My professor use to teach at Mount Royal University, in Calgary, where the MSC was created. Because of his experience with the system, Mt. A asked him to test it on his students. We are the guinea pigs of the English department. That said, I find solace in Mt. A’s testing of this policy. It shows that Mt. A acknowledges that some systems work and others do not. In fact, my professor said that the D+ will likely change to a less severe grade. Regardless, Mt. A considers the MSC a viable grading option, which frightens me. Mount Royal University’s English Department website claims, “Every writer should be familiar with commonly accepted standards of language usage.” There are students in my class who learned English as a second language. Which does Mt. A value more, these student’s ability to avoid grammatical booby-traps, or their ability to master the learning targets? I hope the latter.

Unfortunately, it’s time to pony up for fall tuition. Writing a cheque for thousands of dollars is never a pleasant experience and it is a burden that my family and I wish we did not have. Imagine the possibilities if post-secondary education was totally funded by the provincial and federal governments, and you could write a cheque of zero dollars, payable to Mount Allison University. As good as it sounds, free access to postsecondary education is an idea that is full of holes. Prevalent among these negatives is the problem of overcrowding and devaluation that free post-secondary education would create. Most of us have heard the saying that an undergraduate degree is becoming the new high school diploma. From a purely marketoriented point of view, this is true to a certain extent. More young Canadians are graduating with an undergraduate degree than ever before. Given that the ability of an undergraduate education to give you a leg up on the competition in the hunt for a stable, well-paying job is already being compromised, do we really want to open the doors of academia to anybody that can academically qualify? Wait until post-secondary education is tuition free before complaining about class sizes. It is safe to say that there are many that



September 26, 2013

Is this really the 21st century? Racism persists at the University of Alabama Mitchell Gunn In the past week, the University of Alabama has been attracting a lot of unfriendly attention due to the recent revelation that their sororities sometimes accept or reject members based on race. In fact, according to an article published in the Crimson White (the university’s own newspaper), the sorority system is almost entirely segregated, with minority students finding it all but impossible to be recruited into historically white Greek houses. No, you needn’t check your calendars. The year is currently 2013. And yet, we still have to deal with stories like these. Yes, it bothers me too. This really is a case of outright racial discrimination. The article refers to two black students who were seeking to become sorority members this year and describes one of them specifically as “a prime recruit for any organization, sorority or otherwise.” But she wasn’t recruited, solely because of the colour of her skin. The university administration has since called on these sororities and

fraternities to end the discriminatory practices, and various sororities recruited a total of fifteen minority students over last weekend. It was inevitable, really: to do nothing in the face of such intense scrutiny could be seen as condoning the sororities’ behaviour, a notion that the University of Alabama no doubt wants to avoid. If I may play devil’s advocate for a moment, though, should the administration really have intervened? Sororities, along with their male counterpart fraternities, are independent, private institutions. In some cases, the universities own the land and buildings that they use, but this is really the extent of the relationship. It could be argued that the University of Alabama is stepping beyond their role in effectively telling sororities to change their policy. As well, it’s important to note that it wasn’t even the sororities themselves who made the call. Reading through the Crimson White’s article, it’s stated that many of the sororities were planning to give the black recruits a chance until alumnae of the organizations spoke up and vetoed their applications – why alumnae are granted this ability was not explained. If anything, this incident should speak ill of the Greek letter system in general, not on the specific sororities involved. This brings up another point: sororities and fraternities are built off of exclusion, and this sort of thing is really not new. Many universities and colleges have historically white or

historically black Greek organizations, and while some of these have become more integrated as time goes on, many others stay true to their roots. The University of Alabama has more than 30,000 students, approximately twelve percent of which are black and twenty-four percent of which are members in sororities or fraternities. However, only these two black women are known to have applied to any of the traditionally white sororities. It seems somewhat unreasonable to expect drastic change when there appears to be so little demand. As this all demonstrates, there is certainly more to the situation than what most people will see in the headlines. Many newspapers are making sensationalist judgments about the girls involved and the University of Alabama that don’t hold up under close examination, and their readers are liable to follow suit. A deeper analysis is always important with issues like this. That being said, this sort of abject discrimination (for that is indeed what was happening) is unacceptable no matter what the situation is. If nothing else, this story should make it clear that the Greek letter system, founded so heavily on exclusion, doesn’t really fit in with the more inclusive attitudes of today. Evolution—and integration—is necessary if sororities and fraternities are going to keep on functioning. Mitchell Gunn is a first-year psychology major at Mt. A. He likes to look at both sides of an argument.

Syrians continue to die en masse What is the international community to do? Tessa Dixon On August 21 of this year, the two year, tumultuous civil war in Syria reached a turning point when a chemical attack on citizens in Damascus finally cited international outrage against President Bashar al-Assad. It is estimated that upwards of 900 civilians died. According to a report issued by the United Nations, roughly 93,000 people have died since 2011 as a direct result of the civil war. A lack of food, water, health care, and the threat of flying bullets are a deadly combination. Based on medical and environmental samples, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) concluded that sarin gas, a chemical neurotoxin, was in fact used in Damascus. A U.S.-Russian deal, brokered by American Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergei Lavrov, aims to have all chemical weapons removed from Syria and placed under international control by 2014. According to President Barack Obama, “the world has an obligation to intervene before the Syrian

government uses further chemical attacks on its citizens or other countries. The world set a red line when governments representing ninety-eight percent of the world’s population said the use of chemical weapons are abhorrent, and passed a treaty forbidding their use even when countries are engaged in war.” But what is it that makes the death of 900 people stand out amongst 93,000? Chemical weapons are scary. A bullet can take a life instantly, but neurotoxins are brutal and turbulent, with environmental and health ramifications that can effect multiple generations. However, the American population remains hesitant at the thought of igniting another war in the Middle East, with sixty percent of Americans opposing Obama’s position on military involvement in Syria. Their resistance is justifiable. As the now twelve-year war in the Middle East is finally coming to a close, why would they want their children, siblings, and parents sent to war once again? Stephen Harper has remained relatively diplomatic throughout this international power struggle of decision making, stating that the Canadian government will remain supportive to the American government and Syrian people in terms of aid, but will not take part in any military intervention. The largest outcry, perhaps, came from the Russian government. As

a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, President Vladimir Putin has veto authority over decisions made by the council and has used this power to issue a stronghold over the Americans to prevent them from intervening in Syria. Putin’s apparent anti-war and humanitarian sentiment is overshadowed by Russia’s strategically placed naval base in Tartus, Syria. Under the threat of American military and naval forces, Syrian officials have delivered their list of chemical weaponry and their quantities to the OPCW according to the proposed deadline by the U.S.Russian deal. So what now? Kerry and Lavrov expect to complete the process by 2014. However, their endeavour seems unrealistic. The organization and funding of the transport, security, and workers needed to carefully and meticulously handle and eliminate volatile chemical weapons is no small feat. As for the Syrian people, life remains the same as it was before August 21. Syria is a war torn country. The rebels will not take a hiatus from their fight, nor will Assad accede to their demands or sit on the sidelines while the United States and Russia attempt to complete their operation. Chemical weapons or not, the bullets will continue to fly. Tessa Dixon is a first-year arts student at Mt. A. She is interested in international law.

Bagtown Economics Jeff Hicks

Buying textbooks is not easy on a budget. (Photo Illistration by Nick Sleptov/Argosy) Macroeconomics: $149. Physical Chemistry: $185. Introductory Statistics: $187. Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry: $205. Textbooks are undoubtedly expensive, a frequent lament of most students. But while high prices are not enjoyable as consumers, the question is whether they are exorbitant. And to answer this question, we need to know the causes of such lofty pricing, some of which are obvious and boring, while others are cleverly hidden. The first, and often overlooked, consideration is production costs. To start, there are the authors. It takes considerable skill and time to write textbooks, especially specialized ones, and this carries a price. Secondly, there is the publisher-end, which generally includes things such as editors and copy editors, marketing, designers, text formatters, proof-readers, and so on. These can be considered the hidden costs of producing textbooks. The second consideration is that you, the person paying, do not get to choose the book. You are told which book to buy. The purchase choice is shifted from the person that burdens the cost to some third party—the faculty—who does not shoulder the expense. And this changes the incentives. It removes the ability of the buyer to switch between competitors, reducing the downward pressure on price. This is colloquially referred to as a ‘broken market’. Thirdly, most publishers have some quite clever tactics to combat the growing used book market. One of these sly manoeuvres is publishing new editions. The prototypical example is that of Essential Calculus, one of the most used texts on campus. The first edition was published in 2007. Five years later, in 2012, they published a second edition. But the second edition does not contain pressing new information or innovative teaching strategies; after all, calculus has been around since the seventeenth century. It is just another way of getting students to buy a new copy, instead of a used copy of the first edition. It works because professors list the new

edition in their syllabuses, and the first-year students enrolled in calculus don’t realize how terribly similar the two editions actually are. What’s more, there is evidence that textbook revision cycles are becoming shorter, likely in response to the growth of used book exchanges. The ploy of new editions is obvious to most seasoned students. But there are other gambits used for similar purposes. Ever seen a ‘Canadian’ edition of your textbook? That helps to prevent you from selling your book online to American students. Did your book come with a ‘one-use online access code?’ Another barrier to resale. My personal favourite are ‘readyfor-binder’ texts: the idea is that the student buys the pages of the textbook and then puts those pages in a binder, instead of a traditionally-bound book, and the result is a ten percent lower price. This is not a benevolent gesture, rather a subtle barrier to resale; loose pages in a binder are more subject to damage and loss, and it is harder to resell a damaged text with missing pages. To give an idea of how high a profit margin might be, I’ll use an example. In 2006, Barnes and Nobles was selling an economics textbook for US$127. At the same time, Blackwell’s in England was offering the same book for only US$76. The price-differential in this case is likely a good thing, allowing price to reflect the very different demand conditions in England. But the differential also demonstrates that there is tremendous room for pricing above cost. There are undoubtedly other factors that influence the price of textbooks, but the lesson here is clear. Students’ intuition about textbooks is usually fairly reasonable: prices are high, and sometimes these aerial prices represent crafty publishing strategies and the nature of the colloquial ‘broken market,’ not just production costs. Jeff Hicks is a fourth-year honours economics major at Mt. A.



SEPTEMBER 26, 2013







01 THE NAKED AND FAMOUS In Rolling Waves (Somewhat Damaged) 02 HEAVEN FOR REAL* Wanton (Self-Released) 03 SHOTGUN JIMMIE* Everything Everything (You’ve Changed) 04 THE MOUTHBREATHERS* Stone Soup (Killer Haze) 05 THE COLOR MORALE Know Hope (Rise)

06 FIDLAR FIDLAR (Dine Alone)

07 FIVER* Lost The Plot (Triple Crown) 08 PAT LEPOIDEVIN* American Fiction (Self-Released) 09 METZ* Dirty Shirt b/w Leave Me Out (Sub Pop) 10 BABYSITTER* Tape 666 (Self-Released)

11 THE HIGHEST ORDER* If It’s Real ((Indie Fix)

12 HOODED FANG* GRAVES (Daps) 13 COUSINS/CONSTRUCTION & DESTRUCTION* Split 12” (Noyes) 14 MONOMYTH* King, Does This Not Please You? (Self-Released) 15 THE EVERYWHERES* Slow Friends (Self-Released) 16 SARAH CRIPPS* Change (Self-Released) 17 HAYDEN* Us Alone (Arts & Crafts)

18 SAID THE WHALE* Hawaiii (Hidden Pony)

19 YOUNG GALAXY* Ultramarine (Paper Bag) 20 JILL BARBER* Chansons (Outside Music) 21 FIRExFIRE* Ashes (Self-Released) 22 WE ARE THE CITY* Violent (Hidden Pony) 23 BLEEKER RIDGE* Four (Self-Released)

24 NEKO CASE The Worse Things Get ... (Anti-)

Radio Radio (Press Photo)

Radio Radio is an Acadian hip-hop group that has roots in both New Brunswick and Nova Scotia but is currently based out of Montreal. Their Chiac (Acadian slang) rhymes are so compelling, and their live performances so exciting that they’ve garnered fans from anglophone and francophone communites alike. Recently the band passed through Fredericton for the Harvest Jazz and Blues Festival and they took time out of their busy schedule to record a quick conversation where they shared some information on the evolving nature of hip-hop and electronic music and shared some information about their forthcoming album. Vanessa Blackier: I find that in a lot of hip hop music I’m listening to there’s a lot of crossover between electronic and hip hop, they’re almost the same in some ways. Is that something you’re noticing when you listen as well? Jacques Doucet: Depending on the genre of hip hop, you still have the classic hip hop, like thug life, that’s still hardcore, and you’ve also got the new guys that are just trying to mix all the music together which is better music, but ahh we can’t really listen to it in our car because they blocked all the hip-hop channels, and Howard Stern, and the metal channels so we’re listening to Elvis and 50’s rock, but no, it’s evolving. But there’s still the classic guys, kind of like country, the guys who say “No, that’s not country, that’s rock,” or whatever. So, there’s all genres that are going towards a mix, but really it’s just one type of hip-hop people who are in the traditional sense of the word hip hop. Gabriel Louis Bernard Malenfant: But it’s true in the sense that all genres are mixing together and even at the base of Radio Radio our producer Alexandre, he used to be more of a house producer, techno music producer, so that’s why Radio Radio has an electro sound from the beginning, a little bit, but if you look at the hit for the summer it’s “Get Lucky” Daft Punk and Pharrell and Kanye West’s last album Yeezus, it’s electro-whatever, so I think it shows everything is mixing up together. Our next album is actually more towards that too. VB: Can you tell any more about the new album, have you recorded it or is there a release date?

28 JAGWAR MA Howlin (Mom + Pop)

JD: Well, we’re finalizing that next week, so, last mixing and then it’s going to go to masters and it will probably come out in early March next year. The working title, probably the title we’re going to use is Beige, Beige, Beige. We have this song called “50 Shades of Beige” so we’re playing with beige because beige is like a boring colour, but we’re trying to bring more colour into beige. So we’ve got a bunch of different beiges to make it fun again.

29 BONOBO The North Borders (Ninja Tune)

GM: We’re talking like bright beiges, light beiges...

30 TREETOP FLYERS* The Mountain Moves (Self-Released)

JD: Dark beiges...

25 COUNTERPARTS* The Difference Between Hell & Home (Victory) 26 WAKE OWL* Wild Country (Rezolute Music) 27 SAM FLAX Agnes Waves (Burger)

31 LUCAS HICKS* The Coast//Bad News (Self-Released)


GM: ...all that jazzes. So that’s the premiere! We’ve never told that anybody about Beige, Beige, Beige. [...] VB: I mean, you’ve got the White Album, the Black Album and then Beige, Beige, Beige GM: We were thinking about going for The Beige Album, but there’s actually a comedy album called The Beige Album. JD: Then we were thinking “Le Beige Album” like the french part of it, but we were like, why not throw away the Le/The thing out and add another beige to it. VB: All beiges were not created equally. I just painted my kitchen and it’s... GM: Is it beige? Is it sand? VB: No, it’s white, I think it’s called cloud cream, or something. GM: Okay right, beige is flowing with identities. JD: If you go to a paint store and see the pantones, or whatever, there’s like 42 pages of beige and you’re like what the hell is this? VB: ...and they’re all different, so you have to stick them up on your wall and look at them and wonder: “How does this one make me feel?” GM: Yeah exactly. Pretty neutral! If you have a pet peeve towards the beige colour, you’re going to lose it, because since we started recording this album, I started looking around, and holy shit man, there’s a lot of beige out there. JD: So many different shades of beige. GM: Different shades! VB: 50 shades of beige! JD: 50 shades! You could be like “that’s a brown” but no, it’s more like a beige or “that’s green,” no it’s more like a beige, when you’re not sure, it’s beige. Basically. Unless it’s a blue, and even then it might be more of a blueish beige I guess. Everything comes back to beige. GM: We’re working on a new colour for the cover, it’s called neon beige. We’re working with classical animation illustrator to tweak it, but it’s the challenge of a lifetime. VB: You’re starting to get in to colour philosophy. GM: Yeah! To hear the extended audio edition of this interview, tune in to Lookin’ Good For Radio, which airs every Sunday at 7pm on CHMA 106.9 FM.



PAT LEPOIDEVIN & BOXERS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2013 BRUNTON AUDITORIUM $10 - Student Adv. $12 Reg Adv. $15 - Door Tickets available at Masu office and Duckys 8:00 PM



September 26, 2013

Owens exhibit interrogates space and place “Meeting Places” provides a thrilling multimedia experience Daniel Marcotte

Arts & Literature Writer In conjunction with the academic conference of the same name, Meeting Places is an exhibition featuring select multimedia works by seven different Canadian artists under the theme of place and space. The conference in question took place at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, Nova Scotia and Mount Allison University from September 18 to 21, offering a diverse and academically introspective look into Canadian culture and history with respect to the unifying motif of place and geography. Although the gallery appears somewhat loosely connected at first glance, each individual display provides its own unique and powerful message about the artist’s own experiences with place. The first work encountered in the exhibition is Alison Creba’s impressive collection of postal paraphernalia entitled “City Mail,” an assortment of cultural

Ray Fenwick and Eryn Foster’s interactive installation“Hexacon” is currently on display at the Owens Art Gallery. It is part of the exhibition “Meeting Places” which features art from seven contemporary artists (Ben Dickey/Owens Art Gallery) artifacts obtained through a project that commenced in Halifax in 2010. After installing vintage mailboxes throughout the city, Creba conducted a free mail service via bicycle, prompting residents to utilize a slower and more personal method of communication while considering the broader concepts of space, community, and social exchange as a cultural phenomenon. “City Mail” continues to operate and expand in various forms, including

this past summer at SappyFest, and serves as a public investigation of human connection in a world that is rapidly becoming engrossed in more technological methods of interaction. As the viewer moves deeper into the gallery, they may be drawn in by the intensely colourful and psychologically stimulating “Echo Station” by Nova Scotia artist Mitchell Wiebe. His installation is a product of his experimentation while living as

¡Sacabuche! to premiere show of “Venetia 1500” World premier at Early Music Festival Press Release Join the members of the early music group ¡Sacabuche! as they give their world-premiere performance of “Venetia 1500,” a one-of-a kind celebration of the richly diverse culture of Venice, Italy, at the turn of the sixteenth century. The ensemble will bring its unique sound to Brunton Auditorium (134 Main Street) at 8:00 pm on Sunday, September 29, in a concert presented by Mount Allison’s Performing Arts Series, in collaboration with the Sackville Festival of Early Music. Inspired by an historic map, this multimedia presentation merges texts and images with music from the Venetian, Turkish, and Sephardic traditions. Works will be performed by the voices, sackbuts, organ, harp, theorbo, violins, and shawm of ¡Sacabuche!, with guest artist Suzie LeBlanc, all under the direction of Mt. A professor Linda Pearse. Newly composed music by Mt. A’s Kevin Morse, as well as melodies and poetry from our own Maritime culture, will create a subtle dialogue between past and present. Originally formed at the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University, ¡Sacabuche! is fast emerging as a leading early music ensemble. The group is known for its dedication to creative interpretations of early Baroque and late Renaissance masterpieces and for a willingness to explore multi-genre works. ¡Sacabuche! has toured extensively across North America, with

recent performances in China. On Wednesday, September 25 at 4 pm, Kevin Morse and Linda Pearse will present a Colloquium Musicum on the making of “Venetia 1500.” This Mt. A Department of Music event will take place in Brunton Auditorium. Admission is free, and all are welcome to attend. The “Venetia 1500” concert is only one of the wonderful events offered by the Mt. A Performing Arts Series. “We are proud to introduce an exciting and enjoyable line-up of concerts,” says Performing Arts committee chair David Rogosin. “Our 2013-2014 season will showcase a broad range of artists and musical styles—there’s something for everyone.” Two more concerts round out the fall: the award-winning Cecilia String Quartet and the wildly popular a cappella vocal group Cadence, presenting our annual J.E.A. Crake concert. The winter term kicks off with Winnipeg taiko ensemble Fubuki Daiko, followed by the unique piano-accordion-percussion collaboration of Diorama, and ending with the virtuosic recorder quartet Flûte Alors! Single tickets ($15 student/$28 adult) and Series subscriptions are available at the Mt. A Bookstore (62 York Street, lower level) and at the door. A limited number of complimentary youth tickets (for ages age 4-18) are available as part of the “Bring a Child Free” program; concert goers who wish to take advantage of this offer are urged to place their orders as soon as possible. For information and ticket inquiries phone 506-3642662, e-mail, or visit www. Don’t miss this exciting season of Performing Arts at Mt. A!

an artist-in-residence in a repurposed Cold War bunker in Debert, Nova Scotia. It attempts to capture the “psychedelic” effects of sensory deprivation that the dank depths of the former military facility incurred on his perception of colour and reality, particularly upon exiting this dark and isolated space. The exhibit itself appears as a dimly lit room which the observer can only view from small “windows”, and is strewn with phosphorescent

paintings with evocative names like “Synaptical Forest: Screaming Trees – Black Sun Morning” and “Mudhoney – Good Enough.” Because these titles include the names of specific songs, one can infer that some of the paintings are synaesthetic interpretations of music during Wiebe’s experiences in a place devoid of light, colour, and orientation. Ray Fenwick and Eryn Foster’s installation, the enigmatic “Hexacon,” also touches on this theme of isolationist space and its effect on human psychology. More experiential than visual, this multimedia display invites the viewer to enter a perforated hexagonal pyramid and listen to an audio recording describe the structure as a “living reality” that is a metaphor for an internal sanctum of meditation that transcends the idea of space and place in the physical sense. In many ways, the main theme of this work unites the entire gallery by reminding us that space and place exist both as a location and as the complex network of ideas and practices by which people live within a community, experience their own realities, and define themselves as individuals. Other artists contributing to the exhibition include Frank Shebageget, Tom Sherman, and Aaron Weldon. The exhibition will be available to the viewing public until November 3, 2013.

Creative Corner Noel M. Candles Take this boy and watch him. His whole life, he is pliable. He’s born. He travels where his life takes him. He’ll duck out quietly when the moment comes, leaving while we have our eyes sealed. He passes through elementary school like a ghost through a wall. He develops no interest in sports, games, cars, computing, card games. He makes no links with other children but at lunch he sits on a stone by a garden of chokecherries watching the ants between his feet struggle across the gravel. The ants meet, wave their antennae at one another, creep away from each other again. No signs of abuse. Experts find no dysfunction in his brain. If students notice him, it’s with knuckles, and he accepts enforced apologies with a quiet nod. Teachers are thrown by the softness of that child. But their every should and can falters when they deal with him. One who composes poems over her instant oatmeal muses that gold is, after all, precious for its pliability. So perhaps the boy is gold. Tasting cinnamon, she thinks maybe the boy is waiting for a goldsmith. But when she tries to make a ring of him, she finds herself fearing it will stain her finger green. He certainly responds to extra attention. His grades improve, he socializes, he laughs sometimes when a joke is cracked. But those actions aren’t a part of him. She realizes that he’s done nothing but press himself into a mold, and the pursuit of her hopeful metaphor will wreck her integrity. Something about him will make her less herself, while he goes unchanged. She retracts her attentions. The boy returns to neutrality. In high school his virginity is taken by an old man who asks for help moving furniture, and later a girl fucks him at a party on a dare. In high-school he is invited to things like this as a joke gesturing to a dislike his peers think they should feel for him. In the bathroom, through a drunk haze, the girl notices an unexpected seriousness settling over her frivolity as she slides

the condom on. He reminds her of a cousin, one she fell in love with when she was six. She cannot laugh for the rest of that night, or for many weeks afterwards. The boy graduates with middling grades. He’s hired push dust across the floors of the big box stores at the mall with an older woman who suffers from an expressive aphasia. Her name is Denys. She was a librarian until a blood vessel burst in her brain. She drives the car and he carries the keys. She sometimes asks him something like “How…. ah… where…. uh, at the place… were you?” and he listens to her as if she’s speaking normally. Denys thinks he listens very well. He doesn’t ask questions but she finds small happiness in the way he calmly watches. This goes on for a while. One evening in August Denys is taken. A second hemorrage. Somewhere vital. When nobody comes to pick him up, the man walks along the highway, waits at the Future Shop. All through the night he sits on the curb. Ants are spawning, swarming up through a seam in the pavement. He sees the queens fly clumsily. Some disappear in the blue. Others he watches in the lamplight as they struggle in spiderwebs. The ants return to their nest. Others stay wrapped in silk. The night wanes and the boy starts walks back home. A witness on the highway says he saw a young man get into a pickup truck. It turned around and went back to the stores. The store was entered. Many things of value were taken. You know the story. Dawn comes. Golden etcetera. And a little green. The teacher writes no poems. The old rapist is sent to prison. The drunk girl becomes an accomplished chef who expresses love only through attention to her work. Denys’ family wrongly fears the ex-librarian felt no comfort in her last days. And perhaps the pliable young man saw the soft metal of more mornings after. The police have no leads, or suspects in the case.

The Argosy


Live Bait Theatre celebrates twenty-fifth season Theatre company ready for new season and new beginnings Julia McMillan

Arts & Literature Editor Change is in the air for Sackville’s Live Bait Theatre as they celebrate their twenty-fifth season since their formation in 1988. 2013 marks a period of transition and re-generation for the company as they work to connect with new audiences, create a dynamic lineup of performances, and

settle into a new office space. The past year has been full of ups and downs for the professional theatre company. After encountering financial difficulties due to a drop in show attendance, Live Bait moved out of their former theatre space at 87 Main Street, which led the company to an uncertain eight month long hiatus. Yet despite the logistical challenges the theatre company has encountered, Live Bait remains optimistic about its future, and is eager to begin moving forward. “The thing about theatre is that you’re always going to slip sometimes. We just need to remember that we need to grab our footing and keep going,” Board of Directors member Tom Hearn said. Since the loss of their former space,

the company has relocated twice, and have now settled into a new main office on Main Street beneath the Sears Insurance building. Due to the lack of a permanent theatre, Live Bait began experimenting with new venue locations, like Tantramar Regional High School where they produced two plays this summer. The company doesn’t view the absence of a permanent venue as a drawback. As Hearn noted, the company now has the opportunity to try out new, alternative performing spaces. Historically, this isn’t the first time Live Bait has worked in unconventional venues. “Not a lot of people know this, but Live Bait had only been in [its former theatre] for eight years, and

Artist Profile Sally Hill Julia McMillan

Arts & Literature Editor Artist Sally Hill is changing the way we think about pink. The fifth-year fine arts student, who draws inspiration from the sublime experience in nature and space, uses a pink colour palette to bring new cultural associations to a traditionally feminine and irrational colour. A selection of Hill’s work will be on display at START gallery from September 27 until October 8. This week, she met up with The Argosy’s Arts and Literature section to discuss her current art practice and her post-graduation plans. Hill, a Kentville native who spent her formative years in Washington and Kentucky, works with subjects that evoke sensations of the sublime elements in nature and vast spaces. Her exhibition at START Gallery, Ultimate Compassion, elucidates this concept through the idea of immersion in water. Her recent work explores the idea of deserts and underwater scenes as examples of sublime landscapes that engulf and overwhelm the viewer. She conveys this in part through her use of a dominantly pink palette, a colour she associates with the sublime. She explains her connection to the colour pink by remarking that “pink is an amazing colour because it has a bunch of different energies and contradictory connotations. It is really energetic and sensual, but it is also really gaudy and artificial.” “I like that it is a colour that people consider artificial, but it is also the same colour as the interior of our bodies,” she said. “I like that it normally isn’t used because of its connotations

with girliness. I think that makes it pack more power when it does get used, because people aren’t used to seeing it in any other context.” A notable quality of Hill’s work is her desire to maintain a level of transparency regarding the artistic philosophies that inform her practice, while still cultivating the subjective nature of her art. As a viewer, I favour art that effectively relays the artist’s intent in understandable terms, so that the audience gains a new level of insight into the piece and can relate to it on a level that goes beyond their personal experiences. While contemporary art can be notoriously inaccessible, Hill’s work is honest and relatable. “I want to portray myself as vulnerable from the get-go, give a part of myself out for ridicule, so that people are immediately given that trust,” she states. “I don’t want to assume that the feelings I’m portraying in my work are universal by taking myself out of it, because I want to take full responsibility for what I’m putting out there.” One of the paintings in her exhibition was completed over the summer, when she created a new body of work after obtaining a Marjorie Young Bell Fine Arts and Music Award. This prestigious grant supports student artists working to provide an innovative element to the local cultural landscape through the production of high quality art. The Bell grant afforded Hill the freedom to experiment with her evolving painting style. After Hill’s graduation in the spring, she foresees a move to a bigger city, where she hopes to become engaged with a new artistic community. She is currently planning on applying for various artist-in-residency programs and submitting her work to gallery space.

Hill’s exhibition Ultimate Compassion features painting and animations depicting sublime landscapes. It will be on display at START Gallery from September 27 until October 8. (Sally Hill illustration)

we’re celebrating our twenty-fifth season this year,” Hearn stated. “We’ve done shows in tents, at the Vogue Theatre, [and] at Tantramar [Regional High School]. We’ve done shows everywhere.” This year, the company will continue to present shows in new venue spaces, including the Royal Canadian Legion and Marshlands Inn. “It’s almost like now we’re going back to how Live Bait originally started. It’s like a re-generation after twenty-five years,” stated Hearn. Live Bait plans to revive itself is by preparing a busy year of exciting shows, in what Hearn calls an effort to “rebuild audiences.” This year, Live Bait anticipates a full schedule of events, producing about one show a month.


On top of that, theatre-goers can also look forward to monthly performances at the Royal Canadian Legion on the last Thursday of the month. The first event, a night of improvisational comedy, takes place on September 26 at 7:00 pm. The theme is “Spuds and Studs,” and audience members are encouraged to dress and eat their own potatoes (the spuds) before a performance by the improv actors (the ‘studs,’ if you will). To learn more about Live Bait theatre and its upcoming events, check out their Facebook page, and visit their website To volunteer, stop into their new office on Main Street.

Sackville’s history celebrated through photographs

Sackville: Then and Now examines Sackville’s past and present.The photo book by Kip Jackson and Charlie Scobie is on sale now at Tidewater Books. (Kip Jackson and Charlie Scobie/Tantramar Heritage Trust )

Sackville: Then and Now photo book launched at Fall Fair Taylor Losier Features Writer

In July of 2012, an exhibition opened at the old Fire Hall as part of the Sackville 250 celebrations. The exhibition featured both contemporary and historical photographs of the Sackville area. Now, at the townpeople’s suggestion, the best photos from the collection have been compiled into a book that commemorates the town’s rich history. The book, aptly named Sackville: Then and Now, was launched to the general public during this year’s Sackville Fall Fair during a repeat exhibition of the photography collection. “Initially, we were wondering how many people we would get [at the “Sackville: Then and Now” exhibit in 2012], and we thought the maximum would be 500. But at the first show, we had 1,000 people come through,” said Rhianna Edwards, a member of the Sackville Heritage Board subcommittee who were responsible for the original exhibit. “The acclaim was so substantial, people were clamouring for another show, and the people that came away from that kept telling us: ‘This is wonderful, you need a book!’” The exhibition itself was displayed twice more when, in February, Kip Jackson and Charlie

Scobie agreed to put the images together into a book. “If they were going to start a book like Sackville: Then and Now without the show and the resources, it wouldn’t have been possible; certainly not in four months,” said Paul Bogaard of the Tantramar Heritage Trust, “they had to figure how to organize things in a book: What goes in, what do you cut? There were corrections to be made and puzzles to be figured out.” In the book version of Sackville: Then and Now, as in the exhibit, the older photos are paired with shots of the same location, taken from the same angle, as they can be seen today. While the newer photos are full of colour and glossy, the older photos reflect the times; some are black and white, some are cracked and faded. Despite the passage of time, the town’s familiar landscapes are still recognizable within the images. The images are paired with text boxes that provide useful context for the time and location of the various shots. The wide variety of photographs represent familiar Sackville locations like its churches, parks, schools and the old foundry. While some of the photographs in the book were featured in the exhibition at the Fire Hall, several pictures are new additions to the project, brought forth by locals as word spread about the collection. The Tantramar Heritage Trust and the Town of Sackville Heritage Board published Sackville: Then and Now, and it was printed through Manitoba based company Friesens. Renaissance Sackville and a number of private donors supported the project.


Sackville’s 13th annual Fall Fair thrills attendees Taylor Losier Features Writer

For some it was familiar, for others it was a brand new experience. But for most people who went to Sackville’s thirteenth annual Fall Fair, it was a time to embrace one’s inner—and very excited—child. With over thirty events spanning the course of four days, from September 19 to September 22, there was something for everyone. The Opening Ceremonies for the fair were held on Friday, September 20 at the Bridge Street tent; this year, the theme for the fair was “Time Marches On!”, and many of the

September 26, 2013

events seemed to have been designed with that maxim in mind: the Sackville: Then and Now book launch and exhibit, 200 Years of the History of Fashions Show and the 250th Anniversary Celebration of Canada’s First Baptist Church, to name a few. A kick-off for the excitement to come, award presentations and live music led up to fireworks, held at Marshview Middle School at 9:00 pm. The fireworks could be seen from just about anywhere in Sackville: some chose to watch from the football field; others sat on roofs three streets over; still others got as close as possible, seeking the maximum ear-popping experience. Regardless of where you watched them from, the fireworks awed humans and scared dogs all over town. Saturday, people travelled down to Doncaster Farm for the Bud Doncaster Memorial Agricultural Field Day. While the sights and

the smells were enough to attract just about anybody, there was also a corn maze that people were invited to get lost in, whether for two minutes or for twenty. The maze was designed by Derrick Acton, who had been preparing the layout since early spring. There was also a mountain of hay bales for climbing, cows to be milked, pies to be eaten, antique tractors to be admired, and music to listen to. It was a lively gathering, and Sackville showed just how cute and folksy they can be. “I like the fair because it brings the community together,” said thirteen-year-old Zoe Estabrooks, whose chocolate chip cookies won third place in the cookie category of the baked goods competition. “I used my dad’s recipe!” Across the street, at the corner of King and Main, Hinchey’s Rides and Amusements was also open for business. With rides such as the

Tilt-a-Whirl, the Wipeout, and a giant slide, all the attractions offered fun, screams and just a touch of nausea. It was a combination sure to appeal to child and university student alike. There were games and prizes to be won, which, when added to the bright lights, created an atmosphere of excitement. The corner was also the starting point for the Fall Fair Parade, which featured decked out cars, candy throwing townspeople, some kids who were nearly run over by floats in pursuit of said candy, Shriners on miniature cars, and a surprisingly large number of fire trucks. The festive atmosphere was strong as people lined all the way up Main Street, enjoying the sights and the sun. On the final day of the Fall Fair, the event to see was the Anything that Floats Race at Silver Lake. Five teams participated in the Sunday race, each with a medley of

boats of constructed out of such things as empty water jugs, orange tarps, rubber boots and even a satellite dish. While awards were given out for Best Use of Fall Fair Theme (won by team ALPHIN) and for Most Creative Design (won by Ants Go Marching-Boating 2x2), the coveted Fastest Vessel Prize went to Andrew and Jeff Ollerhead whose raft, the H20 So Fast, finished the race in at two minutes forty-four seconds. “The water was good; not too cold,” said Jeff Ollerhead,“and we didn’t sink!” With so many activities, there was something for everyone at the Fall Fair. “It was fun,” said third- year student Gwynneth Coggeshall “The best part was going on the rides with my friends.” And, while it only lasted a short while, the sense of community it fostered will doubtless carry over until next year’s celebrations.

The Argosy



Sackville’s Fall Fair is as much about entertainment as it is about agriculture, as demonstrated by omnipresent hay bales (opposite; Ki-uk Lee/Submitted) and farm machinery (above, Ki-uk Lee/Submitted). Unconventional vehicles also made an appearance at the fair, including Segways (top right, Nicholas Jarche/Submitted), improvised watercraft (right, Nick Sleptov/Argosy), and Shriner cars on parade (left, Ki-uk Lee/ Submitted). Even the evenings were packed with entertainment, including Saturday night’s free blues performance by Monkey Junk (bottom right, John Kelly/Argosy).

Battle of the bands scorches Bridge Street Norman Nehmetallah Entertainment Editor

The 2013 Battle of the Bands began after a spectacular display of fireworks that signified the first night of the Sackville Fall Fair. The Battle, which in actuality was not especially competitive, featured three local bands: Tantrum Art, Rocket Culture, and Max Grizzly & the Entertainment. While attendance fluctuated throughout the evening, the event was well attended and well supplemented by its beer tent and the unaffiliated food trucks nearby. Although Max Grizzly & The Entertainment were the official winners by applause, the professional sound system and light show, as well as the three energetic performances, resulted in everyone in attendance coming out a winner. Max Grizzly & the Entertainment, the self-proclaimed “MTA House Party Favourite,” took the stage first after a brief introduction from an MC, during which it was announced that the prize for the evening’s best act would be a golden guitar. Although it was later revealed that the prize wasn’t as much a golden guitar as it was a pat on the back, the band played as though it was. Fronted by the deepvoiced Peter Halpine, who conveyed equal parts Van Morrison and Nick Cave, and Luke Trainor, of Sackville folk favourites Bolivia, on guitar, Max Grizzly were among the youngest and certainly some of the most energetic people in the tent. Highlights of their set included the inclusion of

horns and an unexpected drum-andbass song that saw the remainder of the band occupying the dance floor. The second band to take the stage was Tantrum Art, a funk rock collective consisting of professors Frank Strain, on guitar, Steve Law, on bass, Tim Reiffenstein, on keys, as well as David Hunter, of Pickles, and Tom Hearn, a Mount A student and Pickles employee. The band played a set that was so funky, and so conducive to the sometimesquestionable light show [what does this mean?], that even Max Grizzly & the Entertainment, their opponents, were caught dancing. The third and least local of all bands, Rocket Culture, from Moncton, put on a tremendous funk rock show that sidestepped a few of the genre’s more doubtful elements, replacing them with a few tricks from the indie rock playbook. The crowd, as well as the other bands, were noticeably responsive to Rocket Culture’s music, which may have been due in part to the continued presence of the beer tent [is this a diss at Rocket Culture?]. Although Max Grizzly & the Entertainment ended up taking home the figurative, “Ark of the Covenant”-like prize, according to Hunter, it appears the other bands are looking for a rematch. Hunter said that the rematch would most likely occur during this year’s Picklesfest in the beginning of November. Hunter said that “a bunch of shows will be [at Pickles] during the week, and the grand finale [rematch] will be at the Vogue Theatre and will hopefully be licensed.” While he expressed gratitude that the acts could play on a stage with a setup that “bands who get paid thousands would be playing on,” it appears as if the friendly contenders already have their sights set on Picklesfest 2013.

Town and TBS team up to bring the blues to Sackville Alex Bates

Sports Editor One of the best outdoor venues to play in Sackville is right in the heart of the town on Bridge Street. The Ottawa-based band, Monkey Junk, took to the stage around 9 pm on Saturday night. The weekend was full of musical acts on the Bridge Street stage, but the band, brought to the stage by both the Tantramar Blues Society and the Town of Sackville, would be the ones to close out the Sackville Fall Fair in 2013. Monkey Junk features two guitarists and a drummer. Steve Mariner is the front man for the band, playing harmonica, rhythm guitar, and serving as the main vocal contributor for the band. “Tony D,” the name he goes by on stage, is the lead guitarist, while Matt Sobb plays drums. The trio play a self-proclaimed “unique blend of swamp roots rock.”

It sounded like the three could substitute for extras on the television series “Duck Dynasty,” though instead of showing up looking like Billy Gibbons from the band ZZ Top, the three were all clean-cut and ready to rock Bridge Street. The band itself definitely took influence from the Black Keys. They brought a very similar style of raw, yet modern, blues to the stage. Monkey Junk, whose line-up of musicians is similar to the Black Keys, could easily pass for a modern rock band. Their instrumentation, which incorporates auxiliary percussion (shakers) with a combination of the harmonica from Mariner, keeps them grounded as a blues band. Their song, “I Wanna Put a Tiger in Your Tank,”vaulted the band to success in 2009. The song was the single off of the band’s 2009 album Tiger in your Tank. Its backbone is a basic blues riff from lead guitarist Tony D, while a harmonica solo from Mariner lent the song a B.B. King feeling. [Did they play this? Was it a highlight?] Another notable part of the night was the band’s performance of the song “Pay the Cost” from their 2009 album. This song utilizes the basic blues progression, and a slow beat allows for long drawn out solos. Mariner used the free-form section of

the song to launch a great harmonica solo, and Tony D established tonality with his baritone guitar. Finally, Sobb took his turn soloing when he turned his kit into a punching bag for a full minute. [How good the songs were should take precedence over line-up specifics, influences, and the band’s appearance.] The band really seemed to enjoy the intimate atmosphere that the Bridge Street tent provided. A couple hundred people showed up to listen to the concert. Drummer Sobb played to the rear of the stage, and Tony D and Mariner fed off of each other’s energy to produce a full sound from the three-piece band. The band has a new album coming out on September 24. All Frequencies will be the third studio album for the Canadian band. They have already released a single, “You Make a Mess,” from the album. Blues Rock Review had this to say about the song: “[the song] has the upbeat vigour that puts the boogie back into the blues. The hooky chorus and rip-roaring rhythm puts this track in the album’s limelight.” The band had a great showing in Sackville on Saturday, and now plans to head home to Ottawa to release their new album.


September 26, 2013

Scorsese is one of film’s greats Bands play to full Pond Thoughts on Scorsese’s career in movies Austin Landry

A title as momentous as ‘best filmmaker’ is one I’m almost certainly not qualified enough to bestow, but I do believe Martin Scorsese deserves it. Anyone can be daring and take creative risks; however, few can pull off such approaches consistently. Apart from being a notorious risktaker (most notably through sticking to convention), Scorsese’s works are impressive in their originality, as well as the sheer number of different themes they touch upon. He has made over a dozen truly brilliant films, and is an active champion for great film and other filmmakers. No other working director so fully lives and breathes film the way Scorsese does. In the same way that some actors like Meryl Streep or Tom Hanks

continually seek out new and challenging roles, refuse to be typecast, and for the most part succeed, Scorsese has never followed a formula when trying out new material. Who ever would have guessed that the same man was behind Hugo, GoodFellas, The Age of Innocence, and The Last Temptation of Christ? And those are only four of his thirty-five featurelength films. In thirty-or-so years, when the work of new filmmakers who were influenced by Scorsese starts being released, I do not think it will be possible to call a sequence or shot ‘Scorsesian’ in the same way that we today can call something ‘Kurosawian’ or ‘Hitchcockian’. And that’s part of his appeal. His range from one film to another is astonishing. Consider the budgeting problems he encountered in the mid-eighties while filming his epic following the final days of Jesus Christ, titled The Last Temptation of Christ. Instead of bowing out, he put the project on hold for a few years and recharged his creative batteries by making After Hours, one of the most original films I’ve ever seen. Furthermore, Scorsese’s movies contain intensely personal reflections

of the auteur, and this makes him an unparalleled filmmaker. You could call Raging Bull, GoodFellas, and Hugo his most autobiographical works for entirely independent reasons. In his early childhood, Scorsese was unable to participate in sports because of his asthma. Instead, he was left to observe the other kids in his New York neighbourhood play, or his older brother would take him to the movies. The protagonist of GoodFellas similarly observed the activities of neighbourhood gangsters, longing to join their ranks. Moreover, Hugo has rightly been described as a love letter to cinema. Growing up, Scorsese almost never had any books around, and was instead exposed predominantly to TV serials and other mediums of entertainment more closely resembling the movies. Thus, in visualizing a story in his earlier years of making short films, he would have in his head an already fully imagined story board-like sequence to work with. He truly has a gift, and he’s been putting it to its best possible use over the last forty-five years. Scorsese’s is one of the greatest careers we can ever hope to be around for.

MASU and CHMA to host monthly shows Cameron McIntyre Entertainment Writer

It’s notoriously difficult to get students out and about Sackville on a Tuesday evening. With that in mind, the successful attendance and crowd interaction of last Tuesday’s Jon McKiel and Heaven for Real show was entirely unexpected, albeit pleasantly surprising. The free live music of a more-than-free calibre, combined with the promotion of two-dollar shots, left a daze of overwhelmed giddiness in its wake. And, according to the event organizers, this is not a one-off event. The music itself was the main factor in the night’s success. Jon McKiel was on point, as ever, typifying all that is great about music in Sackville, and proving once again that his music is the perfect way to begin a show. His set smashed the weekday sleepiness that sometimes makes an appearance at weekday events by embracing an angst that allowed the crowd to come revel and celebrate in it. The end product was an initially hesitant crowd dancing into a frenzy. Heaven for Real’s Stratocasterinduced euphoria, combined with the dangerously cheap liquor, turned the Pond into a waking dream. The pop and twang infused indie rock of the Halifax-based group ended the night on a positive note and left a tangible

excitement for the next show, to be scheduled for the coming months. These shows are the brainchild of CHMA’s Kevin Brasier and MASU Entertainment Director Jordan Skaarup, who “wanted to bring two groups of music lovers together, wherein CHMA prides itself on local music and the MASU generally attracts the ‘Top 40’ crowd,” said Skaarup. The show did just that by pulling in a huge crowd and proving their mix of good music and cheap drinks was too good to pass up. People showed up who had never before seen a Sackville show and got right into it. The event appears to have a bright future ahead of it too. Skaarup and Brasier intend to make these events a monthly happening for the entire school year except for in December, due to exams, and January, because of Stereophonic and Winter Carnival already dominating the month. The self-stated goal is to put all of the great Maritime music, from all its different scenes, on display and to get people excited about local shows and local music, so as to add to Sackville’s own already booming scene. Skaarup hopes “to amp up the next event and bring even more people out to [the] events to enjoy the live concert vibes.” The event has huge potential to pay dividends for Sackville’s music scene. It gives fans of all ages the ability to get a taste of all the local music that makes this town truly great, in a familiar place for no cost. The large crowd that came out last Tuesday and the projected larger crowds of the months to come are hopefully full of potential show-going converts.

The final episode Breaking Bad finale is the end of a television era Cameron McIntyre Entertainment Writer

With a penultimate episode that was a long calm before the storm to end all storms, Breaking Bad is set to end in epic fashion. “It’s apocalyptical,” said Anna Gunn at the Emmys, where she took home Best Supporting Actress for her role as Skylar White. A legend is set to come to an end this coming Sunday with the series finale of Breaking Bad airing at 10 pm AST. The season-long slow crumble of Walter White’s empire, induced by a simple bathroom reading book, is reaching its climax and has its entire audience on the edge of their seats. What began in 2008 as a show about a high school teacher simply trying to pay for his chemo and put his kids through college has led us on one of the most memorable journeys in television history. We saw him try and try again over five seasons, only to be met with small successes and desperate situations, forcing him to become more and more violent, but also more and more cunning. His final triumph came at the price of his soul at the halfway point of season five, turning that seemingly lovable, timid

teacher into a methamphetamineslinging monster willing to stop at nothing to protect his profits and his family. It also saw a seemingly amoral young man, one Jesse Pinkman, realize his morality in the most extreme of circumstances, costing him his sanity and perhaps his life. The journey also came with a truly in-depth critique of the nuclear family, seen in White’s own family, and the capitalist system America promotes in general. After a five-year run, the series is now set to come to its conclusion in just three days. Over these years the trials and tribulations of everybody’s favourite (or perhaps most despised) high school chemistry teacher have garnered the series critical acclaim and the status of a legend of contemporary television. It has garnered a whole host of awards and nominations (fortysix in total). Its critically acclaimed writing and ability to remain so tense across weeks or even months, have earned it the reputation of a mustwatch experience. The show also had a massive and dedicated following that only appears to be growing. Last week’s episode brought the final season full circle and promised a memorable finale. That being said, it itself was not entirely eventful; it served to bridge the gap between the end of the previous episode and the flash forwards at the beginning of the first and eighth episodes. The stage is set, and there is only one more episode to go.

The Argosy


Linklater finishes trilogy

Mixed Tape LUST - Joe Chamandy This playlist revolves around the most illustrious trope in rock ‘n’ roll: LUST. “Wild About You” by The Saints ((I’m) Stranded) This song is off Australia’s The Saints’ first album, (I’m) Stranded, and is a slice of first wave punk perfection! “Slip It Off Slip It In” by Cum Stain (S/T) What more needs to be said? Contemporary lo-fi punk from California. “Penetration” by The Stooges (Raw Power) Iggy wears his sex on his sleeve! It’s dark, which is refreshing. This is just a placeholder for the whole album “I Just Wanna Make Love to You” by Lantern (American Razorwire EP) Philly’s Lantern take the Willie Dixon classic to all new sleaze levels with this crusty cover. “Orgasm Addict” by The Buzzcocks (Singles Going Steady) “You tried it once, found it all right for kicks, but now you found out that it’s a habit that sticks!” “I Go Blank” by UV Race (S/T) Australia’s most recent undeniable punk export with a simple but direct little song. “I Want You Right Now” by MC5 (Kick Out the Jams) All the swagger in the instrumentation of the song alone would be enough to make this list.


“Tastebuds” by King Khan and BBQ Show (Invisible Girl) Filthy lyrics—too filthy to even allude to. Brought to you by Montreal’s finest. “Sex Bomb” by Flipper (Album —Generic Flipper) The whole song is one giant sex-aphone solo. “Like a Bad Girl Should” by The Cramps (Big Beat from Badsville) One of hundreds of extremely perverted Cramps songs. All sass, no class! “Hunting For Love” by Chain and the Gang (In Cool Blood) Primitive grooves from Svenonius and his gang that evoke the animalistic side of desire. “Looking for a Kiss” by New York Dolls (S/T) Glam is essentially sex-rock. “Skinny Minnie” by The Sonics (Boom) Maybe the most innocent song on this list lyrically, but still not a love song. There is an implication of physical motivation in there. “Add it Up” by Violent Femmes (S/T) The perfect ode to sexual frustration; this song is dark yet relatable. “Up in Her Room” by The Seeds (Web of Sound) Fourteen minutes of proto-punk psychedelia about the only thing anyone cares about. Joe Chamady is a member of Astral Gunk, Kappa Chow, and Jerked Damaged.

Sackville Film Society screens Before Midnight Sam Moore Watching Richard Linklater’s Before Midnight was a bewildering experience. The first half of the movie was quite enjoyable. Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy had incredible onscreen chemistry. Their conversations about family, friends, and life in general felt like conversations that real people would have. This was both the movie’s greatest strength as well as its biggest weakness. In talking about the plot of Before Midnight, I would be remiss not to mention the other movies in this series. This is the third of Richard Linklater’s film trilogy, focusing on Jesse (Hawke) and Celine (Delpy). The first film, Before Sunrise, was set in Vienna in 1994 and focused on Jesse and Celine’s first encounter. They meet on a train and, throwing caution to the wind, decide to leave and explore the city together. After their one night in Vienna, the two go their separate ways. The second film of the series, Before Sunset, takes place in Paris in 2004. Jesse has written a novel about his experience in Vienna with Celine and is on a book tour. Celine, having read the book and living in Paris, tracks him down, and the two reunite and stay together. Before Midnight takes place in 2013, and seems to be the culmination of the couple’s twenty-year journey. The film finds Jesse and Celine, now in their forties with children, on vacation in Greece. Despite the long history of these movies, seeing the first two is

not a prerequisite to enjoying Before Midnight, though it wouldn’t hurt. The first half of the film was great. The scenery was breathtaking and the acting was energetic and believable. As I said before, Hawke and Delpy had tremendous chemistry; they were very believable as a couple who had been together for years. The dialogue was interesting and well acted by not only Hawke and Delpy, but by the supporting cast as well. There is a particularly good example of this taking place at a dinner table, where characters talk at length about technology, writing, and how the various couples at the table met, among other things. This conversation was easily the strongest scene in the film. The film moved along at a decent pace from one light-hearted conversation to the next until halfway through, when everything changed. A phone rings and the entire tone of the movie shifted. What followed is what felt like half an hour of arguing and bickering. To Hawke and Delpy’s credit, the arguments of Celine and Jesse felt very real, much like their earlier conversations. It is due to this realness, however, that the arguments were wholly unpleasant to watch. Before Midnight was a good movie; in fact, the first half was great. The energetic and funny dialogue characteristic of the first half (and the other two movies, for that matter) eventually fell away to make room for what felt like forty minutes of two forty-somethings screaming at each other about how their lives are frustrating and whose fault it is. Nobody really wanted to see that. Sam Moore is a third year student of English and History. He likes games and movies.

The Argosy’s Media Reviews

The tsunami that devastated over a dozen Asian countries in December of 2004 and killed nearly a quarter of a million people was one of the worst natural disasters in recent memory. No one movie could hope to capture the scope of panic and terror it caused, although The Impossible does an impressive job of trying. The Impossible sees Spanish director J.A. Bayona employ—in his second feature film— powerful digital imagery to recreate the pure horror of the event. The Impossible follows the unique perspective of a family vacationing in Thailand when disaster strikes, separating their family and leaving a few of them grievously injured. The only time the film falters is when it attempts to inform from the point of view of residents of the area. Overall, though, the film serves as a testament to the triumph of the human spirit, demonstrated so powerfully through the wonderful performances of Naomi Watts and newcomer Tom Holland.

With the release of his latest album, Nothing Was The Same, Drake has pushed his distinct blend of R&B and hip-hop, which he developed on 2011’s well-received Take Care, even further. The Toronto rapper’s dark, nostalgic lyrics blend effortlessly with equally dark and brooding production by frequent collaborators Noah ‘40’ Shebib, Boi-1da, and British producer Hudson Mohawke, among others. Scarce on features, the album is very Drake-centric. Fortunately, he manages to carry this album without tiring the listener, even after multiple listens, because he opts for quality instead of quantity. Aside from the uninteresting Big Sean verse at the end of “All Me,” collaborators such as Sampha bring something really interesting to the table, particularly on album-closer and standout track “The Motion.” Other highlights include the upbeat “Hold On, We’re Going Home,” which, strategically placed mid-album, offers a great change of pace, gesturing toward house music. Overall, Nothing Was The Same shows how Drake has successfully distanced himself from his mentors, and in the same stride created his own genuine brand. - Jean-Sébastien Comeau

Overflowing with unbelievably upbeat electropop, CHVRCHES’ debut LP, The Bones of What You Believe, is sure to get you up and moving whether or not you have any objections to the matter. Its movement-inducing builds and hooks that stick in the mind lend the album an exciting catchiness. The music is a cross between the XX’s down tempo, male/female vocal duets and the Naked and Famous’s insanely high level of energy, and is perfect for lovers of music along those lines. That being said, while still an enjoyable listen, similar music is currently being produced, and already exists, in droves. If you need something to get you going in the morning, this might be your ideal choice. However, if pop that only serves to get the blood pumping isn’t your thing, skipping this album won’t mean missing out on much.

J.A. Bayona


The Impossible

Nothing Was the Same

The Bones of What You Believe

- Austin Landry

- Cameron McIntyre

Sackville’s own Bolivia is not so much a band as a super group! As their self-titled EP showed us over two years ago, their musical offerings are team efforts in a way that puts other footstompin’ folksters to shame. Their sophomore EP is no different—Giants shows off the group’s penchant for polyphony in a way that is fresh but familiar. Stacked harmonies reign supreme on the title track, and continue throughout, but really, who expected differently? Where the EP really shines is in its willingness to share the lead role: Each band member gets their turn at lead vocals, and the pure, high tones of Zoe Caddell and Liz Kent prove that they shouldn’t be relegated to second fiddle. “Lost Man”’s spoken word breakdown is an exciting move away from business as usual, and “The Twine”’s playful use of intricate time signatures shows that Bolivia’s ear for arrangements is developing in interesting directions. As expected, Giants is a worthwhile listen from Sackville’s most consistent troubadours. - Ian Malcolm


Bolivia Giants


September 26, 2013

Students participate in summer research fair Research highlighted in three minute presentations Allison O’Reilly Science Editor

The Summer Undergraduate Research Fair (SURF) took place this past Friday at Mount Allison University in Tweedie Hall of the Wallace McCain Student Centre. SURF is an annual event that gives Mt. A students the chance to share and present their research to a general audience. Presenters had a choice of either an oral or a poster presentation, which was then judged by a panel made up of Mt. A faculty and notable members of the Sackville community. Tweedie Hall was full of audience members eager to hear what students had to present. At one point, more chairs had to be set out to accommodate the influx of arriving

audience members. Mt. A Dean of Arts Hans vanderLeest delivered the opening remarks for the event, noting that SURF is the highlight of early fall and that “research is a key element of any university.” The first presentation of the fair, given by Desiree Gregory, was entitled “Students’ experiences with schoolbased sex education.” Under the supervision of Lisa Dawn Hamilton of the psychology department, Gregory examined experiences with sex education and opinions on how it can be improved. Students from all disciplines presented at the fair, from arts (such as philosophy and English), to social sciences (such as anthropology and psychology), to science (such as biology, biochemistry, math, and physics). Some students’ research took more than one summer to complete. Kylie de Chastelain’s research, entitled “Schooling for inequality: An analysis of hidden curriculum in Canada’s elementary social studies programs” has been in the works for over two summers. Other students’ research took

going across the Atlantic to complete. Four of the presenters worked with physics professor Dave Hornidge and completed their research in Mainz, Germany, at Johannes Gutenburg Universitat’s Institut fuer KeyrnPhsik. This year, a new format was implemented called the three minute thesis. This format, developed by the University of Queensland in Australia, has students present their research to an audience in only three minutes. Students are permitted only a single slide of information, and presentations are to be spoken word only (i.e. animations are not allowed). This is a change compared to last year’s format, which had presenters speak for ten minutes. The three minute thesis format of the presentations provided challenges for some presenters. Zack Delaney, whose presentation in mathematics was entitled “Eternal domination on 3 x N grids,” explained that the format “works well for some genres.” “It’s hard to explain the necessary background, in addition to saying some[thing more] meaningful that will be understood,” he explained. “It leaves you wanting more.”

Biology student Amie MacDonald, whose presentation was entitled “Impacts of invasive green crabs on mudflats of the upper Bay of Fundy,” claimed that “some projects limit themselves to the format,” explaining that some projects that require lots of background knowledge may be more of a challenge to present. “I feel that my subject lent itself to the format more easily than others. It is an interesting way to give a general idea of the breadth of research,” she explained. MacDonald felt the experience was positive, and felt that an event like this is great exposure for Mt. A research. “Someone in first year or second could come to an event like this, and see what opportunities are available.” Desiree Gregory and Kelsey Laurensen, two student coordinators of the event, felt that the new presentation format is a positive thing. “It may be a turn-off for students, but it allows for more people to speak,” Gregory explained. “It’s like a conversation.” Laurensen added, “it creates an equal playing field—they are doing the best they can, and no one has an

advantage.” This event allowed presenters to gain valuable presentation experience by having them show off their summer research work in front of friends, colleagues, and the community. This event also allowed the audience to see what discoveries are being made in all disciplines of research at Mt. A. The winner for overall best presentation was Canadian studies and sociology student Kylie de Chastelain. The winner of the poster presentations was Corey Filiaggi, a biology student whose presentation was entitled “Assessing the risk of lyme disease in New Brunswick.” Runner-up prizes for presentations were also given: one for arts and social sciences, and one for science. The arts and social sciences runner-up was Jennifer Duguay, with “Cultural variants on death and dying,” and the science runner-up was Robin Bessemer, with “Novel methods of localizing the seizure focus in epilepsy.”

Presenters Zack Delaney (top left) and Jennifer Duguay (bottom left) and poster presentations (top right) compete for prizes given by a panel of judges (bottom right). (Kelsey Laurensen/Submitted)

The Argosy


Glaciers and mountains, ‘Oh my!’ Professors and students take the classroom to Jasper, Alberta Adam Cheeseman Some students learn best through direct, first-hand experience. Earlier this month, the members of the GENS 3401 and GENV 3701 classes at Mount Allison were fortunate enough to gain such a learning experience in Jasper, Alberta. While the hustle and bustle of orientation week was underway on campus, twenty-four students, along with chaperones Colin Laroque, Michael Fox, Lori Bickford, and Jason Maillet, travelled to Jasper to spend a week studying the natural environments and landscapes the area has to offer. The students partook in day hikes, attended meetings, and collected samples for personal projects. The objective of these classes is to expose students to the benefits of experiential learning and to provide them with unique experience working

in the field. The classes encourage students to develop a project idea that is both relevant and important to the Jasper National Park area. Great care was taken by the chaperones and other guides to ensure that students were exposed to many aspects of the park (physical geography, humanenvironment interactions, and cultural history) in order to give the students the opportunity to understand the park as a holistic environment. “Picking my own project was really great in that I was already invested in the topic. Being able to go into the field, develop a question, and learn with others is what learning should be about,” fourth-year student Norma Jean Worden-Rogers said. Data was collected over a number of days after students determined their projects. Since their return to Sackville, the students who went to Jasper have been utilizing labs and equipment to begin interpretation of their data. All of this experience provides students with a valuable opportunity to learn current and relevant research methods in environmental science and studies. This experiential learning opportunity has allowed students to participate in discussions, ask questions, and learn directly through the natural environment.

“These experiences allow students to become grounded in what they are learning, something that is impossible to do on any campus,” said Colin Laroque, the professor teaching the GENS 3401 course (research methods in environmental science). “My job is to be a walking textbook on the hikes,” Laroque continued, “It’s hard for students to not be engaged in what they are learning because it is right in front of them.” An increased interest in these courses, and other experiential learning opportunities, perhaps illustrates that students seem to be looking for more real-world, hands-on experiences with education. The projects are currently being completed by class members, and concern themselves with many aspects of Jasper National Park from both a physical and human geography standpoint. In coming articles, some of these projects will be featured, allowing other students to be exposed to the research that is occurring and to promote both of these exceptional classes. Adam Cheeseman is a fourth-year environmental science major. Read The Argosy to learn more about the Jasper trip.

Mount Allison GENS 3401 and GENV 3701 students take a group photo in Jasper, Alberta. (Adam Cheeseman/Argosy)


Honours Profile Tsukiko Miyata

Miyata doing work in her Crabtree laboratory. (Allison O’Reilly/Argosy) Tsukiko Miyata is a fourth-year psychology honours student working in Geneviève Desmarais’ lab. Her research focus is on multisensory integration, which is the study of how information from different sensory modalities (such as sound, touch, self-motion) may be integrated by the nervous system. Miyata’s honours thesis is tentatively titled “Semantic congruency and long term memory on the Colavita visual dominance effect.” The Colavita visual dominance effect is a phenomenon where participants respond more often to the visual component of an audiovisual stimulus when they are presented with bimodal stimuli. Research has shown that vision is the dominant sense for humans, and that the Colavita visual dominance effect shows a bias toward visual sensory information (because the presence of auditory stimuli is commonly neglected during audiovisual events). This effect has been observed consistently in laboratory situations; most of these settings aren’t congruent with situations found in the real world. Most research uses ‘nonsense’ stimuli, such as pairing a beep sound with a flashing light, for example. Miyata’s research is focused on trying to use more meaningful stimuli in order to observe this effect, such as using pictures of a cat or a piano, for example. This shows semantic

congruency (where the stimuli match in meaning). Participants are asked to match stimuli—sometimes the semantics match, and sometimes they do not. What Miyata is trying to observe is how the mismatch will influence the multisensory integration. When asked what it is like working with Desmarais, Miyata said that as a supervisor, she is very organized and helpful. “She gives me lots of deadlines, which helps me keep on track – she gives good structure,” Miyata explained. She also adds that Desmarais is a flexible supervisor. “I will bring her ideas and we will discuss it and see how it works with the research I’m trying to do,” Miyata adds. Miyata’s interest in the field of neuropsychology started in high school, when she read some “geeky” neuroscience books. The concepts were very interesting to her, and she wished to explore them further. Miyata is glad to be working with Desmarais for her honours research, as multisensory integration strikes a particular chord with her. Miyata is a violin player, and is interested in neuroplasticity and how musical training changes the structure of the brain. After completing her undergraduate studies, Miyata wishes to pursue graduate studies in neuropsychology. in music and its influence on the brain.

iPhone 5S ‘Touch ID’ hacked German hackers expose weakness in program Martin Omes

Science Writer

Just days after the release of the iPhone 5S, a group of hackers has claimed that they already broke through the phone’s Touch ID fingerprint scanner. The Chaos Computer Club (CCC), based out of Berlin, announced the successful hack of the reader on the group’s website last Sunday. In their announcement, the CCC claimed that a hacker by the name of ‘Starbug’ has successfully broken Apple’s new security authentication system by using laser printing to fake fingerprints. This was done using a program he developed back in 2004. He only had to make some adjustments to the design, according to the CCC. “In reality, Apple’s sensor has just a higher resolution compared to the sensor so far. So we only needed to

ramp up the resolution of our fake,” YouTube video that shows someone Starbug said on the website. “As we unlocking the phone using the have said now for more than years, fake laser-printed fingerprint. fingerprints should not be used to However, this should not be a secure anything. You leave them surprise that the phone has already everywhere, and it is far too easy to been hacked. But do not get the wrong make fake fingers off lifted prints.” idea—this is not an easy task for the When the average person iPhone 5S and its to pull off, as fingerprint scanner “Whether or not the CCC getting a 2400 was announced, a image of wins or loses, iPhone 5S dpi website sprang up someone ’s called “Is Touch owners shouldn’t panic.” fingerprint is a ID hacked yet?”, difficult process. which offered cash Martin Omes Whether or not and other gifts to the CCC wins Science Writer or loses, iPhone the first hacker that could successfully 5S owners crack the scanner shouldn’t panic, and provide proof. as biometric By the following s c a n n e r s Saturday, the prize pot (which anyone such as Apple’s have the potential to could donate to via Twiter), has already eliminate the traditional password passed $25,000. In order for the prize to from a person’s daily life and replace be won, the hack had to be “as simple as it with something simpler, stronger, lifting a fingerprint from a beer glass.” and more secure. This promise is what Starbug detailed the process on inspired the competition. By testing for his website. The process involves vulnerabilities and then repairing them, photographing the fingerprint, which biometrics can really begin to take over. is then printed on a transparent sheet. The group has also posted a

The iPhone, whose new recent features are vulnerable to hackers. (Nick Sleptov/Argosy)


September, 26, 2013

Seely seals the draw for Mt. A

Atheletes of the Week Gillian Tetlow Women’s soccer

Devonte Sampson Football

Sue Seaborn/Mount Allison

Aaron Gagnon fights off a Memorial defender in AUS action. (Nick Sleptov/The Argosy)

The Mounties salvaged a draw against the SeaHawks Owen Beamish After the Mount Allison varsity men’s soccer team suffered a 4-1 loss to St. Francis Xavier (St. FX) on Saturday, they knew they had to bounce back strong against the Memorial University (MUN) Sea-Hawks on Sunday at home. The Mounties did just that, as they opened the scoring within the first two minutes on a goal

from Connor McCumber. Mt. A played a strong first half, until some controversy broke out. A handball was called in the Mounties box right before the ball was put in the net. The goal was waved off as a penalty was issued. Greg McGuire made a phenomenal save, but the referees said he jumped early, causing a redo that MUN striker Jordi Slaney capitalized on as the game went to half time. The second half saw little action until the seventieth minute, when Sea-Hawk Stefan Slaney netted one in on a direct free kick. The final minutes were tense ones for the Mounties as they tried to pull even, with several calls by the officials having the fans screaming. Luckily for the Mounties, Kevin Seely was

able to chip one past the keeper in the eighty-first minute and the Mounties finished with a 2-2 draw. Overall, a solid effort to come from behind against some shady calls. Ian Smith, who played several positions that day, said, “[the team] fought hard and knew that we had to come out of the game with at least something to show for it. Kevin’s goal came just in time and I think if we had just a little longer to play we could have gotten one more.” The Men will look to build off their draw as they take on Moncton and Cape Breton this weekend. Catch the Mounties on the field this Sunday at 315 pm. Owen Beamish is a Sports contributor for The Argosy.

Better know a Mountie Megan Entwistle While you might not think that Mount Allison would be the ideal school for a hockey player from Saskatoon, it was the perfect fit for Megan Entwistle. As Megan puts it, “I partly came for hockey, and they recruited me for hockey, but my dad had read about Mt. A in Macleans and I was really drawn to the small undergrad university experience.“ Megan played hockey in her first year at Mt. A, an impressive feat on its own, but in her second year she decided to give soccer a go, a sport she had not played competitively in a long time. “I intended to play first year” she said, “but I chickened out because I was worried I would be overcommitted. I would watch the games really wanting to play, so in second year I (was) brave enough and did it. The hockey coach was really supportive.” Megan now plays forward for the hockey team and starts at striker for the soccer team. While pretty hectic at times, Megan says she “loves being a part of two great teams.” For the two-sport athlete, “October is definitely the craziest month. Going from one practice to the other can be a challenge, especially hockey to soccer.” Megan credits her dad Gary for much of her success, saying he was also her coach when she was younger. Megan says the best part about playing for the Mounties is “the close knit,

community atmosphere. Everyone is super supportive through the good and bad. The fans that come to the games are really supportive as well.” When she’s not on the field or in the rink, Megan is a philosophy major with a minor in Political Science, so you can probably find her at the library doing readings. “I love being in philosophy because the professors are awesome, and everyone who’s in the class is really engaged, making the discussions lively.” She also really enjoys the questions that come naturally in a philosophy class, saying she “thinks about them all the time.” Much like her athletic career, Megan didn’t settle into her academic path right away. She was initially a science student before switching into the arts. Like her playing though, she seems to have really settled in nicely with the philosophy department. You can catch Megan in action most weekends at the Varsity soccer team’s home games, and look for her on the rink this fall once hockey season gets going.

Gillian Tetlow of the Mounties women’s soccer team has been named the Joey’s Pizza and Pasta Athlete of the week for the week of September 16-22. Tetlow and her Mountie teammates earned a hard fought 0-0 draw against the Saint Francis Xavier X-Women on Saturday before losing 2-1 on a late goal against the Memorial Sea-Hawks on Sunday. Tetlow, who comes to Mount Allison from Port Williams, NS, is in her second year with the Mounties soccer program. Tetlow had two strong games on the weekend, helping the Mounties earn their first shutout of the year on Saturday. Tetlow also played badminton for the Mounties in 2012-2013, where she was recognized as a Canadian Collegiate Athletic Association AllCanadian in her rookie year.

Sue Seaborn/Mount Allison

Freshman defensive back Devonte Sampson has earned male athlete of the week honours for his standout performance on Friday night as the Mounties defeated the Saint Mary’s Huskies 29-15. Sampson had two interceptions in the game, including one that he ran back 57 yards for a touchdown, which was a crucial point early in the third quarter. Sampson also had one pass breakup and two tackles in helping the Mounties defense really limit the Huskies offense. Sampson comes to Mount Allison from Mississauga where he played his high school football for former Mountie George Fotopoulos. Sampson has stepped right in and has been starter since week one with the Mounties defense. Sampson and his teammates will travel to Acadia on Saturday for a 7 pm start against the Axemen.

Sports in brief Women lose heartbreaker; Garland six strokes off lead

season next week as they take on the Université de Moncton on the road on Saturday and Cape Breton University at home on Sunday. -Owen Beamish

Owen Beamish & Benjamin Foster

The Mount Allison Men’s golf team opened up their Atlantic Collegiate Athletic Association season at the Mactaquac Golf Course in Fredericton this past Saturday, with St. Thomas University hosting the tournament. The course played long and the greens were rolling fast on Fredricton’s 18-hole golf course. Nathan Garland was the lowest scoring individual with a score of 7-over-par 79. The other scores from the Mounties were Paul Mackeigan with a 12-over-par 84, Stephen Buckley also with 12-over-par 84, and Ian Roberts with a 14-over-par 86. Alec Mackinnon was disqualified after an incident on the fourth hole. Holland College won the team part of the event. Holland College teammates Brett Wilson and Eric Locke led individually with a pair of 1-over-par 73s. The men’s next tournament is September 29 at Pugwash Golf Course. -Benjamin Foster

Women’s Mounties lose heartbreaker

The woman earned a 0-0 draw against St. FX on Saturday, and looked to continue their strong play against MUN on Sunday. The opening half saw no scoring, thanks to some key saves by keeper Robin Bessemer. MUN was able to get on the board early in the second, scoring in the fifty-fifth minute, but like they’ve proven before, the women rebounded fast and Megan Entwistle tied it up only eight minutes later. Unfortunately for the Mounties, MUN was able to capitalize on a corner kick in the ninetieth minute that deflected in off a Mountie player in a mad scramble. Entwistle said it was a “disappointing result and we fell apart at the end and started playing their style of soccer. For the most part we played well offensively and had good counter attacks. Cassie Suche had a really strong game.” The women will look for their first win of the

Golf team attends ACAA event in Mactaquac

The Argosy



Mann-taining excellence in ACAA Rugby Can the Women continue their legacy in 2013? Alex Bates

Sports Editor The hard work of the Mount Allison Women’s Rugby team in the previous seasons has struck fear into the eyes of their opponents. Visitors to the Park Street field now approach with caution before matches. The women have been to the championship game the last three seasons, and last season were the Atlantic Collegiate Athletic Association (ACAA) champions. The Mounties won the championship game in dramatic fashion with a successful penalty kick by Sydney Mann in the dying minutes of overtime to push Mt. A into the history books forever. After a hard fought 2012 season, the Mounties will have to commit to their athletic pursuits just the same as they did last year. Will last season’s success translate into another successful season? No matter what sport or league, repeating as champions is always a tall task. The Mounties will get their competition’s best efforts week in and week out. Earning the right to say, “we beat the defending champions” is an achievement, regardless of the game. Mann expects that the Dalhousie Agricultural Rams (DAL AC) will pose as a significant opponent for the upcoming season. “DAL AC will also be looking to beat us since they lost the finals to us by only three points in overtime last year.” The third-year starter was the one who sealed the fate of the Rams last season, and will be up to the challenge again in 2013. The team has already started strong this season, opening up the campaign with two wins. They won a thriller against DAL AC 17-15, and allowed the University of King’s College not one score in a 55-0 rout on September 21. Mann, now in her third year at Mt. A, will

Women’s Rugby at 2-0, are already looking at defending their 2012 ACAA championship (Sue Seaborn/Mount Allison) be focused on trying to get new players to step up and fill the gaps left by graduating players from last year’s championship club. “I think the hardest for us as a team will be to replace some of the excellent starters who graduated [last year]. However, last season we got a lot of new players who have really improved and will be looking to

get onto the starting lineup for this year,” she said. Mann highlighted the point of losing graduating players like Bethany Toczko, who was the 2012 ACAA Player of the Year. The team will have to unite under new leadership to repeat as league champions. From here on out, the regular season only

Sex Bomb Do porn stars share the human genome? A lot of you have probably seen the video “Porn Sex vs. Real Sex,” so this week’s “Sex Bomb” is all about the differences between, say, a Brazzers video and actual sex with a partner. I will try to clear up some misconceptions about pornography, and provide a guide relating actual porn to your own sex life. From the time you males have been in junior high, you have been judged by the length of your johnson. Porn stars have pork swords that range from six to nine inches. Girls love a guy with a big meat popsicle, right? It can be become very painful for a woman if your penis is the size of the Eiffel Tower. The ‘tightness’ of a women’s wizard sleeve is almost entirely genetic and hormonal. If the female isn’t stimulated enough, it can be a real issue when the male attempts penetration. For most men, the average penis size is between five and six inches. Being average is nothing to be ashamed of. You might have been coined the ‘one-pump chump’ by your partner. In pornography, the actors can fornicate for what seems like ages. For us mere mortals, a man only takes three minutes to ejaculate.

“At a certain point, natural ability comes into play,” said porn star James Deen about lasting longer in the sack in an interview with Men’s Health. Deen is also able to ejaculate on command: “I’m always just able to do it when I need to do it. For me, I just like sex.” For the ladies out there, you’re probably interested in the whole ‘faking an orgasm’ thing. According to the “Porn Sex vs. Real Sex” video, almost three-quarters of women can’t achieve the ‘Big O.’ Asylum interviewed female porn star Riley Steele said, “If you think it feels really good, it will start to feel even better.” As the old saying goes “if there’s a will, there’s a way!” Anal sex is also another hot topic in porn. For female porn stars, almost all of them have scenes involving anal sex. Is it really an enjoyable experience? Some women enjoy anal penetration, while others would’t even consider it. Some of the benefits are that massaging the rectum could lead to potential indirect G-spot stimulation that can only be reached through anal sex. Of course, you need to be prepared for the occasion. Lubrication is a must, and it’s a good idea to make sure the

anus is clean. More importantly, anal and rectal tissues are delicate and are not self-lubricating. Since rectal tissues are sensitive to physical contact, anal is also one of the most common ways to contract a sexually-transmitted infection. Condoms are necessary for anal penetration. They are the only barrier that will protect your family jewels from STIs. The risk of HIV transmission is greater than in vaginal intercourse because the lining of the rectum tears more easily than the vagina. Bleeding can increase the possibility of the transmission of bodily fluids containing the cirrus that causes AIDS. On the bright side, for males, anal sex actually massages the prostate, which can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. With careful consideration of potential dangers, anal sex can be a very pleasurable experience for both parties. It’s true that porn stars seem like superior sex partners. When browsing the X-rated sections of the internet, remember that porn stars are for visual stimulation, and that real sex can be very different.

requires the Mounties to play two more games. The women will have to be on top of their games if they hope to defeat DAL AC in the playoffs, and claim their second consecutive ACAA trophy. The Mounties will welcome the Rams on October 5. Game time will be 2:00 pm.

Sexercise: a great way to burn calories

Combining sex and exercise is a great way to stay in shape Célina Boothby

Maintaining a healthy sex life is crucial in many emotional, spiritual, and, of course, physical ways. As humans, we rely greatly on the sense of touch and on physical actions to release endorphins that provoke a euphoric state. What if we could combine this blissful activity with a rigorous and efficient workout to maximize the time spent with loved ones? Sexercise is characterized by combining sexual intercourse with simple other activities that amplify calorie burn, increase flexibility, and raise the heart rate. All of these provide huge health benefits, and the moment your heart starts racing, your blood starts flowing, calories start burning, and things ‘heat up’ in more ways than one. Whilst in the sack, ensure you are an active participant, not a not-so

innocent bystander. Help each other out with the workload by following the ‘give and take routine’. This involves alternating sex positions so that each partner gets an even workout, and one partner isn’t stuck with a muscle cramp halfway through. Remember to engage your core during any act. This will tighten that mid-section and burn fat like nobody’s business. Yoga can also be integrated into the bedroom’s activities by incorporating any positions known by one or both partners. This will also greatly increase flexibility and can initiate a more spiritual intimate time. Now women, remember to tighten those Kegel muscles anytime you can, as this strengthens vaginal muscles and boosts arousal. For men, next time you are at the gym, make sure to loosen those hips through running, spinning, squats, and lunges, as this will promote blood flow and increase libido. Additionally remember that stretching is crucial. If it doesn’t fit into your foreplay routine, ensure after trying any new sexercises that you give your muscles a nice stretch to release any tension or stiffness. Stay healthy folks!! Célina Boothby is Mount Allison University’s Health Intern


1- Basilica area; 5- Boundaries; 10- Some nest eggs; 14- Brazilian soccer star; 15- Compass point; 16- Bites; 17- Peace of mind; 19- Came down to earth; 20- “Lord, is ___?”: Matthew; 21- Cattle group; 22- Bridal paths; 24- Capital of Colorado; 26- “Judith” composer;


1- Plant pest; 2- Golfer Calvin; 3- Killed; 4- Ballad ending; 5- Place in bondage; 6- Active one; 7- Alum; 8- Aliens, for short; 9- Wool-clippers; 10- Momentarily; 11- Small brook; 12- ...baked in ___; 13- Grounded fleet; 18- Thievery;

27- Bubbling; 33- Recreation; 36- Liquid measure; 37- Juan’s uncle; 38- Aromatic plant; 39- Corrodes; 40- Shopaholic’s delight; 41- Author Fleming; 42- Monetary unit of India; 43- Actor’s parts; 44- Senseless; 47- Pale;

23- Part of MIT; 25- Action word; 26- Hindu incarnation; 28- Justice; 29- Charlotte ___; 30- Catchall abbr.; 31- Egypt’s river; 32- Some digits; 33- Vessel; 34- Fleshy fruit; 35- Writer Sarah ___ Jewett; 39- Temerity; 40- Fair; 42- Attitude; 43- Sovereign;

September 26, 2013

48- Shuts; 52- Sterile; 55- Words of understanding; 57- Paul Bunyan’s tool; 58- Old; 59- Caustic; 62- Jupiter’s wife; 63- Faint; 64- Swift; 65- Long time; 66- Transmits; 67- Hill dwellers;

Answers will be posted to The Argosy’s website.

45- Forgiveness; 46- Vast seas; 49- The devil; 50- Are; 51- Religious offshoots; 52- ___ California; 53- Malarial fever; 54- “All The Way To ___”, song by REM; 55- Clickable image; 56- Not barefoot; 60- Nor. neighbour; 61- Son-gun link;

(CUP) — Puzzles provided by Used with permission

The Argosy


For decades now, that pernicious entity known only as “the government” has been conducting a clandestine breeding experiment in order to create delicious and portable finger-sized bananas. Once introduced into the global food market, these cute and conveniently-sized fruits would induce a buying frenzy in the general populace, with the concommitant rise in the stock value of fruit wholesalers serving to spur innovation and investment into future portable fruit products. After the eventual miniaturization of all fruits is accomplished, government officials will be able to fit tiny bananas into their pockets and eat them at meetings! The horrors. Tune in next week for our exposé of how fluoridated water protects your teeth!





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