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What Is FamilySearch?

If you ask the question “What is FamilySearch?” you may get a variety of answers. The most common answer might be that “FamilySearch helps me with my family history” or “It is the FamilySearch website FamilySearch.org.”

FamilySearch is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to helping all people discover their story. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints provides FamilySearch free of charge to everyone regardless of tradition, culture, or religious affiliation. A one sentence FamilySearch purpose statement is “We create inspiring experiences that bring joy to all people as they discover, gather and connect their family past, present and future.”

Learn about the history of FamilySearch at https:// www.familysearch.org/en/about/. Several milestones are, in 1894 The Utah Genealogical Society predecessor of FamilySearch was founded; in 1938 started Microfilming paper documents; in 1964 the first local family history center opened (FamilySearch centers now provide in person help at more than 5000 locations); in 1999 the FamilySe arch website launched; in 2002 the 1880 US Census became the first publicly searchable record collection; in 2011 First RootsTech Conference; in 2014 one billionth im- age of a historical record published.

By Glen K. Tolman

For many years until it closed in September 2018, the Mesa Regional Family History Library located near the Mesa Temple was a valuable family history resource used by many. A new facility located on the second floor of the Mesa Temple Visitors’ Center opened in August 2021. (See https://mesatemple.org/ family-search-library/ for details.) The center provides free up-to-date computers and software including access to many premium family history websites, training classes, personal help from volunteers, equipment to digitize photos and other media including slides and VHS videos.

The resources made available by FamilySearch include FamilySearch.org with all its numerous features including the collaborative family tree containing over 1.4 billion personal profiles, mobile apps for Android and Apple IOS (FamilyTree, Memories, and Get Involved), and extensive personal and on-line help.

To access online help on FamilySearch.org, select the Help option in the upper right corner of the website (it is a question mark in a circle).

Parts of the Help option include FamilySearch centers, the Help Center (FamilySearch on-line help), Community (obtaining help from others not necessarily directly affiliated with FamilySearch), and Contact Us (contains regional phone numbers and hours help is available by phone).

Other areas providing assistance are the FamilySearch Research Wiki (a genealogy resource guide with over 100,000 articles) - https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/Main_Page and The Family History Guide - https://thefhguide.com/ a FamilySearch partner provide valuable training and other assistance.

For more about FamilySearch listen to Steve Rockwood’s 2023 RootsTech Keynote address https:// www.familysearch.org/ rootstech/session/ steve-rockwoodkeynote-saltpalace?lang=eng

Another interesting message from RootsTech 2023 is “What’s New at FamilySearch” https://www.familysearch.org/rootstech/session/ whats-new-at-familysearch-in2023?lang=eng

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