2 minute read

Prep Your Missionary

By Allison Beckert

Today’s Future Missionaries: An Age of Their Own

The world changes quickly, with continually shifting challenges and culture. All youth are a product of their own age and can’t be expected to be the same kind of missionaries as those past. The world is different, they’re uniquely prepared, and in their preparation those strengths can be hard to see but should be encouraged.

Youth will and should be different from every generation before them. This is not by backsliding or lack of faith, but due to the trials of the world they’ve been born into and have lived. Even the internet isn’t what their parents experienced – when once it was a wealth of open knowledge and trusted communication, it’s now a tech-scape of companies buying and selling information and attention.

Social interaction is different as well. Safe in-person spaces are rare, and often expensive. Finding connec- tion online through apps and shared media means groups that were less popular or acknowledged in previous generations are getting together and making a more tolerant place for themselves and others.

Generally, every generation will have a dim view of changes from when they were young to now as “now” continually shifts. That doesn’t make either age group wrong, it just means the young deserve some grace as they work through what they want and how to get it for their lives.

Today’s missionaries may be young, but they have strong literacy in a virtual world. They’ve lived through a pandemic as well as unprecedented financial problems in the world. They will serve and teach people who’ve been through the same things. The important thing is they know there are those hit harder, who’ve lost more than they have, who need the support the Gospel provides.

People are different. The people needing the gospel now are not the same as those experienced by missionaries of years past. In both foreign and domestic missions, uncertainty is raging. All this can be overwhelming when looked at widely, but our preparing and current missionaries will be carrying a message of individual strength through

Christ. While the world certainly looks like it’s in the end times, the gathering of Israel is about the hearts of individuals.

We don’t have to understand to encourage. A foundation of faith shows up in good works, compassion, and tolerance with Christlike attributes. Charity, love, compassion, honesty, faith, and a willingness to strive are not tied to any one way to teach or communicate. These are more important to pursue than conformity, memorization, or extensive perfect recall of scripture. Where the heart is in the right place, the rest will follow.

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ur daughter, while driving long hours with her 5 children on the interstate one day, was stopped by the highway patrol for speeding. The officer asked “Do you know how fast you were traveling?” Not wanting to incriminate herself, our daughter replied, “I’m not sure!” The officer then explained, “I clocked you on radar traveling at 85 miles per hour!” Our 7 year old grandson popped up from the backseat and happily exclaimed, “Aw, that’s nothin’! I’ve seen her do a hundred!” Needless to say, she got the ticket...

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