Arizona Beehive Magazine January February 2022 Issue

Page 11

By RuthAnn Hogue

Photo via Pixabay

Children will love the new Gospel for Kids channel on YouTube.


ospel for Kids, a YouTube channel created in August by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and an accompanying app for phones and tablets, might be the best-kept secret among Primary leaders and parents—at least in Arizona. An article published October 21, 2021, in Deseret News alerted Utah readers to its release, the same day Church News published its announcement along with a Facebook post from General Primary President Camille N. Johnson inviting members to tune in. “Our Heavenly Father loves His children so very much,” Sister Johnson posted. “Those of us who interact with children can help them feel that

Subscribe! New Gospel for Kids YouTube Channel

love. We hope this new resource for children will bless them with a confirmation that their Heavenly Father knows and loves them.” The post included an invitation to “subscribe to the channel and share these videos with children you know.” As of press time, more than 17,000 parents, children and auxiliary leaders had taken her up on the offer. The new gospel-oriented YouTube channel includes playlists such as Bible Stories for Kids, The Covenant Path, Friend to Friend, and Come Draw with Me. The app, available since early 2021 for iOS and Android devices, is rated for kids ages 4+, although it is made for kids ages 6–8. The app includes coloring books, sing-along videos featuring favorites from the Children’s Songbook and scripture stories. Multiple press and social media announcements aside, many members—including those contacted by The Arizona Beehive—said they were unaware of both the Gospel for Kids

mobile app and YouTube channel. Laura Castenada, an assistant front end manager for Kroger Foods, was among those thrilled to learn about the new resources. “Although we are new to the channel, we all enjoy it as a family,” said Castenada, a mother of seven (plus two bonus children), who lives in the Maricopa Eldorado Ward in the Maricopa Arizona Stake. “I feel that this channel promotes family bonding and helps small children with daily devotionals in a fun way. ‘A family that prays and plays together stays together.’” In addition, Castenada said the resources will help her keep her family on the covenant path. “I feel this helps me as a parent because I am able to spend time with my children doing things they enjoy and making wholesome memories. I don’t have to worry about the worldly struggles of profanities as videos are very wholesome and help put my mind to ease,” she said. “The Gospel for Kids YouTube channel and activities on the app could be used in church and at home, or any time. “It’s a positive influence anytime

for the family,” she said. Other Arizona parents and leaders agreed. Sally Sierra, a full-time mother of four children, serves as the first counselor in the Primary presidency of Mountain View Ward in Tucson West Stake. “I love that there is already a video to introduce children to the Old Testament,” she noted. “I hope there are more videos added to help with Come, Follow Me study for next year.” The new channel is a great resource for grandparents, parents, leaders and kids. com/c/GospelForKids

Photo courtesy of Laura Castaneda

Laura Casetaneda, a single mother of seven who lives in Maricopa, recommends Gospel for Kids, a new channel on YouTube published by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints.

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