The Arizona Beehive Magazine May June 2022 Issue

Page 19

Come Follow Me T

his article supports the readings in the manual titled “Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families” scheduled in May and June, 2022, comprising Exodus 35 through 1 Kings 19. By Robin Finlinson

Upon a Sturdy Foundation of Truth

assigned Old Testament readings: • Judges, Ruth & 1 Kings: God welcomes all people, when they turn (or return) to Him. • Leviticus 19: The Lord tells His people to be holy, as He is. He doesn’t give a commandment without providing a way for it to be accomplished. • Leviticus & Deuteronomy: The children of Israel were being taught in hands-on ways that the Lord Jesus Christ would eventually be the ultimate sacrificial Lamb, taking upon Himself the sins of every person throughout time. He is the way to holiness. • Exodus 35: Becoming holy requires a wise and willing heart, one that will allow the Lord to transform and purify it. • Deuteronomy 29: The Lord’s people make covenants with Him, as did Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Photo by Robin Finlinson

Truth can only be built upon a sturdy foundation.


ere’s a hands-on activity designed to teach an important concept. On the floor, place two sturdy objects, such as blocks, tiles or equally thick books, with several inches between them. Place a Bible on top of them, so part of the Bible is resting on each object, and the Bible is lifted above the floor. Then place the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price on the Bible. Add numerous other books, magazines, newspapers, and perhaps a photo of a cell phone. {Make your library tower as tall as you dare.} Next, set up another set of sturdy objects several inches apart. This time, place a newspaper onto those objects, so the newspaper is lifted above the floor. Try to rest the Bible on the newspaper, without

the Bible being supported at all on the sturdy objects, and without the newspaper falling to the floor! With a flimsy foundation—one built on partial truths—it’s impossible to add eternal truths upon it. Facts immediately become contradictory and cannot be held up. Only with solid, eternal truth for a base can mortal fabrications be distinguished from reality and one’s library of truth expand infinitely. Throughout history, some people have attempted (often successfully) to suppress knowledge of various types—especially knowledge found in the Holy Bible, which teaches that righteousness is vital for developing a free, prosperous, peaceful society on earth and for eternal life with God. The most important truths are those concerning Jesus Christ. The following are some found in the

Wholesome Family Recreation

Pondering Depth in Scripture

and arcades, amusement parks, and hiking, along with some crossover from the list for younger kids. (If you have kids in both age ranges, consider choosing activities that overlap.) Empty nesters and single adults of all ages need recreation, too. Planning a half-day trip to sightsee in Sedona or a night out at the movies can provide much needed time to relax and refresh one’s body, mind, and spirit.

could be likened even to dolphins and their instinctive gift of echolocation. After teaching the multitudes in the Book of Mormon, Jesus senses their lack in understanding “all [His] words.]” He invites them to go to their homes and “ponder upon the things which [he had] said,” and to pray, returning to Him the following day. (3 Nephi 17:2-3) In the final pages of the Book of Mormon,

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They still do. Elder David A. Bednar said, “Entering into sacred covenants and worthily receiving priesthood ordinances yoke us with and bind us to the Lord Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father.” • Deuteronomy 30: The Lord would eventually gather Israel after it was scattered. That gathering in the latter days is, as President Russell M. Nelson, said, “the most important thing taking place on earth today.” Why so important? It is to Jesus Christ that people are being gathered (See Genesis 49:10), for only He has the power to make us holy. • Joshua & 1 Samuel: God can accomplish all things, and He often does so with faithful saints against the odds. • 1 Kings: God helps faithful saints discern right from wrong, truth from popular error.

Moroni invites readers to remember “how merciful the Lord hath been,” since time on earth began until this moment. He invites us to ponder all this in our hearts. What our daughter discovered in Coyote Gulch that day invigorated her. Are we intrigued by Moroni’s invitation to discover the depths of time? Are we game to consider accounts found in scripture, and even in our own families? Might such reflection lead to echoes of deliverance and redemption? What fruits could a pondering heart yield? •

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