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H & H Honey Keeping It Raw & Local

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Buying local and supporting local businesses benefits everyone. While it can be difficult to find quality local products that fit with your goals and lifestyle, especially finding small businesses, there’s one here locally that has been serving local honey needs for years.

H&H Honey is a local small business, founded and run by a couple of our own enterprising members. They work to bring the best of the bees’ produce to their customers while juggling other career goals, serving in the church, and building their lives here in Arizona.

Honey’s popularity tends to follow health trends with their rise and falls and fashions. It is, however, one of the few natural sweeteners with such a deep and symbolic history.

H&H Honey blends the quality product of happy bees with the unique glory of local sources of the allimportant nectar bees use to make it.

With hives located in Central Arizona, their bees produce some beautiful mesquite, wildflower, and orange blossom honeys depending on the season. They also harvest and sell pollen for those who use it to preemptively treat allergy sensitivities, and beeswax, an ideal ingredient for homemade candles, balms, and cosmetics for hobbyists interested in buying local.

The business reflects the owners.

By Allison Beckert

Clay Harper and Josh Heywood are a dynamic pair with a long history working together, and not just with bees. On their website, they share several stories from traveling the world for work and other life-shaping experiences. Clay’s background is in software and business, while Josh is recognized as the more hands-on partner with clever fixes and a few extra practical skills. Both live and work in Arizona and are putting down some roots with family.

This honey is delicious! Good local honey is an investment in yourself. Nothing beats a drizzle of liquid sunshine on a fresh slice of bread. And for that, the wildflower honey can’t be beat! As an ingredient for something special, like a tender honey cake, the orange blossom honey in its season is perfect. The floral, citrus notes play so well with a sweet cake or pastry. It wakes up the treat of blossom season all through the year. Additionally, the mesquite honey is one of the best for savory uses. A rack of tender BBQ ribs with mesquite honey in the sauce is mouthwatering! It adds a little dash of local personality to the flavor, courtesy of those industrious little bees. You can order honey by the pint or quart, with flavors available seasonally. Watch for product releases and sign up for updates at http://www.handhhoney. com/

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