The Arizona Beehive May June 2021 Issue

Page 14

Prep Your Missionary Missionary Safety Preparation By Allison Beckert


erving a mission can be frightening, especially when serving in places that are very different from home. Families often worry for the physical safety of their missionaries, but some awareness

dent or a visitor, take time to review the local and mission-generated guidelines. The lifestyle and reach of missionaries differ from that of residents, tourists or other visitors. Local and regional leadership has keys for the stewardship of the area and can advise with special insight on safety measures. Do not bring, send, or obtain weapons for personal use on the mission, regardless of training or prowess. These are against missionary rules and may jeopardize travel arrangements and delivery of pack-

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Serving among strangers is what Christ did when on earth and what missionaries do now. This comes with some inherent risk, but missionaries are not without support and resources.

and preparation can help build confidence in missionaries and their families. Before making any decisions or giving into worry, know every mission is different. Circumstances can also vary drastically between areas within a mission. Even if you or a family member or friend has spent time in that area as either a resi-

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ages. Many families are concerned about safety, so ask specifically what is and is not allowed before looking for safety equipment or tools to avoid having items lost, stolen or confiscated. Guidance from mission leaders may allow personal defense items or additional security measures to assigned living arrangements. A mission is a spiritual endeavor, and as such, even physical concerns are helped by spiritual means. The greatest all-purpose resource available to missionaries is the Spirit. Cultivate faith in the power of spiritual guidance in times of stress and danger. There are stories in the scriptures, general conference, church history, and the Liahona of faith and inspiration in the face of trials of all kinds. The Spirit supplements our natural instincts, skills and knowledge in the most crucial moments. Most risky situations can be avoided with precautions for safety and an awareness of defensive measures. Self-defense classes are a wise choice for anyone, and if during the preparation period an opportunity presents itself, the skills learned there would be a valuable resource. It does not hurt to be smart about security in living spaces, cars and in public places. Spotting red-flag behaviors and patterns can help missionaries know when and how to leave a potentially dangerous situation. A familiar phrase applies here: the glory of God is intelligence. Knowledge gained can be recalled with the support of the Spirit. The safety of the Lord’s missionaries is important to all members and leaders. One thing to keep in mind if fears for your missionary or your service come up, most stories—exciting or frightening—about experiences in the field are typically a stand-out event in that person’s whole mission. Be aware and sensitive to the sources of these stories and their motivations for sharing them.

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