The Arizona Beehive May June 2021 Issue

Page 17

By Emily Jex Boyle


race” fits her well—not only to describe her musical talent, but the way she shares it. Mesa native Garna Dewitt Randall has taught piano students for nearly 60 years and has played the piano for local wards, stakes and communities in Arizona and later in Nauvoo, Illinois, as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, since her youth. Undoubtedly, she has magnified the sound of music in the world. At seven, she craved music. Remembering her first piano teacher, Nephi Davis, an accomplished pianist and Juilliard award recipient, Garna explains, “I practiced all the time. I wanted to

Ronda, exhibited similar musical talent, she studied piano with Joan Woods in Mesa. Garna also taught weekly, often from 5AM to 9PM. “I loved it!” she says. “Every hour was different. I never got bored! My students became part of my family.” Garna’s oldest student, Barbara Greer, was dedicated to practicing. She took lessons for 25 years, a steady student up to 86 years old. Her teaching approach is built on encouragement and hard work. “Positive teaching is the best thing to do,” Garna says. Practice is a hallmark. She expects daily appointments with the piano. She teaches students to play challenging parts five times before playing the piece entirely: “The only way to learn to play the piano is to practice.” One of her greatest challenges is matching recital pieces to a student’s ability and interest. When talented, dedicated students progress to a certain point, she tells them, “You are too close to my level. I have an advanced teacher to recommend to you.” Garna’s family relishes moments sitting at the piano with her. “We love to hear her play,” her daughter, Ronda West, muses. “We coax her into playing pieces she can still play by heart, like ‘Malgueña’ or ‘Frühlingsrauschen,’” pieces she performed in Miss Mesa and Miss Maricopa competitions she won in her youth. Her talent is still inspiring us to keep going.” Recently I heard a reporter assert the idea of music’s generous ability to “unite, heal, support and change a community.” I believe it to be true. We need music and maybe a little practice, as Garna prescribes—now, more than ever.

Photo by Emily Boyle

Garna’s family relishes moments sitting at the piano with her. “We love to hear her play,” her daughter Ronda West muses. “Her talent is still inspiring us to keep going.”

Photo by Garna Randall

As a teen, Garna was crowned Miss Mesa as well as Miss Maricopa County.

Photo by Garna Randall

When her mother told Nephi Davis they couldn’t continue paying for piano lessons, she remembers his shocking reply. “Garna has talent,” he said. “I will teach her for free.” Hearing this motivated Garna.

play, and I progressed.” Soon, Garna’s mother told Davis they couldn’t continue paying for lessons. She remembers Davis’ shocking reply: “Garna has talent,” he said. “I will teach her for free.” Hearing this motivated Garna. When Davis moved two years later, Garna studied with Alta Standage. Newly married, Garna and Bert, her husband, hauled her grandfather’s upright piano from Mesa to the Randall ranch near Ash Fork. Their home on the lonely range was filled with music. “The piano wasn’t ornate,” Garna explains, “but it did the job.” She taught ten students. Later at BYU, while Bert studied agriculture economics, Garna audited music classes from Mona Smith on campus. With a young family and ranch life persistence, they worked hard. Garna explains, “You learn to work it out.” Back in Arizona, the Randalls balanced running the ranch and life in Mesa. When their daughter,

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