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About Welcome to the site for the connoisseur of erotic devotion. Here, we dive into the depths of sensual exploration. This is your space. Join me on a pilgrimage of revelation into the depths of your body and soul. Here, you can explore your carnal experience in all its dimensions.
Learn to be a Superlover Achieve Sexual Mastery through explicit cutting edge Erotic Instruction These techniques have been tried and tested for thousands of years. They are designed by cultures that believe that great sex is the key to health, happiness and enlightenment.
Tantric Massage For Mind-Expansion and To Awaken Your Soul Tantra and indeed Tantric Massage are two subjects that are surrounded with enormous amounts of misinformation. Tantric massage is often though of as a seedy sexual service, yet this could not be further from the truth. In this blog I will be busting the myths around Tantric Massage, and we can look at things like: 1. Is it safe for me to have a Tantric Massage? 2. What are the benefits? 3. If my partner has one, are they cheating? 4. What does a Tantric Massage involve?
What Exactly Is Tantra? Let’s first take a look at what Tantra is. Of course, people think Tantra then sex, and this is partially true. Tantra is a Goddess based religious tradition that originated in Asia in the ancient past. It seems to be so old that it’s influence has emanated from India to Thailand, China, Japan and the Middle East. Fundamental to Tantra is the belief that an energy called Shakti, the energy of the divine feminine, permeates through all of creation giving it life. While there are many deities in Tantra, it’s this one force of energy that is the creator of life. Within our bodies, we have our own energies that also relate to Shakti energy. These of course include sexual energy, and in Tantra sexual energy was seen as a major catalyst for both healing andenlightenment. They describe this energy rising up the spine and transmuting into enlightenment. This can happen through sex, but it won’t necessarily happen. To access this energy, you need to relax and go very slow. You need to completely connect with your energy. There is also an element of consciousness required, awareness of your own triggers and emotions.
Is It Safe For Me To Have A Tantric Massage? When choosing to have a Tantric Massage, it is essential to research and know exactly what you are getting. Do not be embarrassed to ask the practitioner direct questions, they should not be embarrassed to answer, and if they are, I would avoid them. Tantric Massage should involve massage of the whole body but not kissing, sex and oral sex. Because of this, there should be little risk of transmission of disease. However, not all practitioners are ethical, so be careful who you choose. A good Tantric Practitioner should send you a consent form and talk to you about consent. They should send you information explaining exactly what the session involves. Also, they should take seriously any concerns that you have about your emotions or your body. They should put you completely in the driving seat for the session. It’s good to have a preliminary call where you can discuss exactly what you want from the session. It is really important to be clear within yourself about what you want, and to explain that. Remember that Tantric Massage can involve emotional and energetic release and is not about chasing pleasure. It is a real spectrum of experience. To experience Tantric Massage, you need to relax into a trance state. This is why it is essential to check out the practitioner and to make sure you can trust them. If you do not feel trust, do not go ahead. Listen to your gut instinct.
If My Partner Has One, Are They Cheating? This is a good question and many men are ashamed to let their partners know. This is unfortunate expecially for men who are looking to overcome sexual problems, because it would help them greatly if they could get their partner onside with their healing process. There is a lot of misconception about Tantric massage, so this is no surprise. However, I have had clients send their partners to me or come together with a partner, perhaps after seeing me on their own. Feedback I have had from clients include that his previously anorgasmic wife started having orgasms after our session. Many clients tell me they now can last in bed long enough to satisfy their wives, or have gotten over a porn addiction that was ruining their love-life. Honest conversation and listening without judgement is key to a healthy relationship. It is very difficult for a person with sexual problems to talk about it. The shyness is understandable so they may not talk about the sexual healing process. It is of course understandable that you don’t want your partner to have an erotic massage. However, Tantric Practices of Healing are well known to not just help the person receiving, but to improve the whole relationship.
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