The Arts Centre Gold Coast — Annual Report 2014

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The Arts Centre Gold Coast Annual Report | 2013-2014

2 | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | Corporate Information

Corporate Information

Gold Coast Arts Centre Pty Ltd The Arts Centre Gold Coast ABN 85 060 787 466 Registered Office 135 Bundall Road Surfers Paradise QLD 4217 Postal Address PO Box 6615 Gold Coast Mail Centre QLD 9726 Contact Numbers p (07) 5588 4044 f (07) 5588 4092 e w Auditor Queensland Audit Office Level 14 53 Albert Street Brisbane QLD 4000 Bank Paradise Point Community Bank Branch Bendigo Bank 42 The Esplanade Paradise Point QLD 4216

Contents | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | 3



Chairman’s Report

5 General Manager’s Report 6 Business Plan and Overview 2013-2014 8

Annual Highlights

10 Gold Coast Cultural Precinct 14 Performing Arts 22 Functions, Events and Commercial Entertainment 26 Communications and Visitor Services 34 Development: Partnerships, Benefactors and Supporters 42 Background and Company Profile

4 | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | Chairman’s Report

Chairman’s Report

The last 12 months saw the development of a new Cultural Precinct transform from long awaited aspiration to strategic realisation as we passed two important milestones. The first being the unveiling of the final three Cultural Precinct designs following an international design competition like no other. Melbourne based firm ARM Architecture emerged as the winner with their inspiring and evoking design for a sprawling creative landscape fused amongst tropical gardens, trimmed by new recreational areas and anchored by a 12 storey art tower epitomising the vibrancy and audacity of the Gold Coast. The second milestone was confirmation by Mayor, Cr Tom Tate that funding for stage one works had been included in the 2014/15 Council annual budget. The passing of this historical resolution by the City of Gold Coast will ensure that the creative face of our city is renewed when the world descends upon the Gold Coast in April 2018 for the Commonwealth Games. I thank Mayor Tate and the City of Gold Coast Councillors for not only their ongoing commitment to this important project but also for their unwavering support in our current endeavors. This has enabled The Arts Centre Gold Coast to once again record a year filled with milestones in front and behind the scenes. From a financial perspective, The Arts Centre Gold Coast performed strongly across key commercial areas and as a result was once again able to meet budget expectations. In particular, strong revenue growth was recorded in paid ticketing, movie admissions, café income and sponsorship revenue while our commitment to grow the local creative economy was demonstrated through the creation of employment opportunities. During the year over $200,000 was invested in employing 150 local artists in creative and mentoring roles across our performing arts and visual arts portfolios. This figure does not take into account the additional in-kind support provided to the various festivals around the city through the use of equipment, front of house staffing, technical expertise, marketing support, rehearsal space and creative advice which was in excess of $220,000. An example was the hugely successful Opera on the Beach. This arts investment was complemented by continued growth in philanthropic support led once again by our Diamond Benefactors Jock and Beverly McIlwain and Platinum Benefactors Barry and Maureen Stevenson. Our collection of artwork also grew by $2,072,114 over the past year to now total more than $21,300,000, half of which has come from signifiicant contributions by arts philanthropist and Life Benefactor Win Schubert as well as the direct philanthropic efforts of Gallery Chairman Dr Patrick Corrigan AM. This support along with that of our 57 Perpetual and Annual Benefactors enables us to continually provide arts development opportunities for all ages. I thank our philanthropic community for their generous support.

Our strength as an organisation continues to be in our ability to offer something for everyone with 446,043 people attending events held at The Arts Centre Gold Coast throughout the year. Significant growth in schools attendance to our education programs, new After Dark programs in the gallery, National Theatre Live cinema simulcasts and a new commitment to delivering free public programs prior to ticketed performances have been some of the underlying factors driving our diversified offerings. None of this would be possible without the many hands behind the scenes working in unison to ensure that the Gold Coast’s cultural heart is indeed alive and well. Leading the way are my fellow Board Directors whose support and hard work I am indebted to. In particular I would like to acknowledge Judith Ferber, Alan Hayes and Naomi Middlebrook who retired from the Board in June of this year. They have each played a critical part in our collective success and I look forward to their ongoing support in the years ahead. I would also like to welcome our new Board Directors Tomas Johnsson, Dr Patrick Mitchell and Steve Romer who already have proven to be great additions to our organisation along with current Directors Richard Munro, Christine Lohman and Dr Patrick Corrigan AM. I would also like to acknowledge the efforts of outgoing President of The Friends of The Arts Centre Gold Coast Tim Cole for his leadership over the past two years. He and his fellow committee members continue to work tirelessly on behalf of their 2,800 strong members who not only provide considerable financial support but moral support for the arts in general. Our pasts and futures are intricately entwined and both organisations are stronger for it. Thanks also to General Manager, Destry Puia, his executive team and the entire Arts Centre Gold Coast staff supported by our incredible team of volunteers who remain a great source of pride for the organisation. And lastly, I would like to acknowledge and thank everyone who in some way has called The Arts Centre Gold Coast home throughout the year. Whether as an emerging or established artist in the gallery or treading the boards on one of our many stages, as a discerning audience member in the theatre or cinema, as a hosted guest attending a function, as a coffee lover in the cafe or as a proud parent watching your child compete in the Gold Coast Eisteddfod for the first time. It has indeed been my privilege sharing the year with you all. Kerry Watson Chairman of the Board of Directors

General Manager’s Report | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | 5

General Manager’s Report

While the question of what the new Cultural Precinct will look like has been answered, the more pertinent question of the role that these facilities will play in shaping our cultural identity becomes the new call to action. In answering this, The Arts Centre Gold Coast reaffirmed its commitment to inspiring people through creative partnerships, engaging experiences and celebrations.

Our exhibition program celebrated everything we love about the Gold Coast’s past, present and future with Fibro Coast, Edwin Bode, John Gollings and The Reveal while the Gold Coast Art Prize and the Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Photography Award provided the ideal platform for visual artists wanting to be part of the Gold Coast’s creative adventures.

Our Independent Season continues to be the perfect platform for showcasing the creative depth of the Gold Coast while at the other end of the production spectrum our main stage program delivered performances from Australia’s leading flagship arts companies. Concurrent with this dichotomy is our commitment to developing future audiences made all the more possible through the generous support of The Friends of The Arts Centre Gold Coast and Diamond Benefactors Jock and Beverly McIlwain.

In the coming years growing our organisational capacity in unison with the development of new cultural facilities will be a key priority. Thankfully we remain part of a much larger body that keeps our creative heart beating while we grow and flex our new limbs.

Our new focus on providing free access to arts experiences via our public programs is an ideal precursor to the sort of engagement that will be enhanced in a new Cultural Precinct while our return to producing large scale musicals, such as Jesus Christ Superstar, ensures that our future thinking remains firmly embedded in meeting the needs of artists and audiences alike. The successful introduction of the National Theatre Live series saw a merging of our theatre and cinema experience, something that was further enhanced with the installation of new digital cinema equipment in the Arts Theatre. This resulted in our busiest January on record while our functions and events team secured exciting new conference activity that saw the Centre transform from a secret garden on the eve of Magic Millions to a surfing mecca for the 2014 ASP World Surfing Awards.

My sincere thanks goes to our volunteers, Benefactors, Sponsors, Friends of The Arts Centre Gold Coast, artists, audiences, promoters, event organisers and educators for their continued support. I would also like to acknowledge the tremendous efforts of Chairman Kerry Watson and his fellow Board members for their advice, leadership and support. And finally a vote of thanks to the wonderful staff of The Arts Centre Gold Coast who continue to execute their duties with just the right mixture of dedication, passion and professionalism. So as we leap into the next exiting chapter for the organisation let the past year serve as an inspiring bookmark for what is yet unwritten. Destry Puia General Manager

6 | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | Business Plan 2013-2014

Board Business of Directors Plan


The Centre’s Business Plan 2013-2014 is based on the following four objectives and these have guided operations throughout the year: Engage with our community and grow the creative economy – we will make our programs and facilities accessible while supporting new works, ideas and skills

• Achieve a high degree of customer satisfaction with the facilities, services and programs Plan for the future – we will develop our facilities, services and resources to meet current needs and maximise future opportunities • Identify future opportunities for the Cultural Precinct

• Provide regular opportunities for a diverse range of the community to actively participate in creative programs managed by The Arts Centre Gold Coast

• Comply with all statutory obligations and be proactive in risk management

• Support Gold Coast artists in creating and distributing their work to existing and new audiences

• Ensure staff are properly trained and regularly recognised for delivering outstanding service

• Increase awareness of The Arts Centre and engagement in person and online

Realise our economic potential – we will leverage our position as a cultural tourism asset and realise our potential as an economic contributor

Strive for Artistic Excellence – we will produce and present distinctive works that are of the highest artistic and technical quality

• Increase overall revenue and the value of the city’s art collection

• Present national and internationally recognised companies and artists as part of current and future programs

• Manage resources responsibly to minimise waste and reduce emissions

2013-2014 Overview | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | 7

Board 2013-2014 of Directors Overview

GOAL: To engage with our community and grow the creative economy

• 2 art prizes delivered

• 145 children aged between 9 and 17 participated in 19 Summer Series school holiday workshops

• 49 schools engaged with The Arts Centre, developing future audiences

• 5,510 school children attended performances as part of their school education program

• 8 schools represented in Performing Arts and Visual Arts education programs

• 24 independent productions presented by The Arts Centre Gold Coast

• 9 Young Artist Development programs across gallery and performing arts

• 15,911 first-time patrons to The Arts Centre Gold Coast • 14,511 followers on social media (10,931 Facebook, 982 Instagram and 2,598 Twitter) • 2 programs of indigenous relevance – Chooky Dancers and Write into Art launch, Emerging Indigenous Artist Camp South Stradbroke • 94 free public programs

• 1 photography award delivered

GOAL: To plan for the future • Over 680 hours spent planning for the Gold Coast Cultural Precinct • Cultural Precinct Governance Model identified in consultation with City of Gold Coast • Staff performance appraisals conducted

• Education Reference Group met 3 times

GOAL: To realise our economic potential

• 259 professional development hours delivered to school teachers by The Arts Centre Gold Coast

• Value of artwork increased by 10.7%

• 217 school teachers attended professional development programs

• Power savings of $62,564

• 6 partnership programs with local festivals • 13 visual arts programs featuring Gold Coast artists • Mentored 98 local performing artists • 555 contact mentoring hours • 38,597 tickets sold online (34,845 to shows and 3,752 cinema) • 446,043 total audience attendance GOAL: To strive for artistic excellence • 79 performances on our stages •

47 emerging and established artists worked on the Jesus Christ Superstar musical produced by The Arts Centre Gold Coast as well as 2 GCIT student technicians and 8 community volunteers

• 95% rated their satisfaction as good or excellent for Lake

• Increased Benefactor retention rate by 14% • Conducted 2 Familiarisations against a budget of 3 • Secured 2 new additional corporate sponsors • Conducted annual Season campaign • Total $ from Benefactors: $120,777 • Total $ from Jesus Christ Superstar donations campaign: $3,677 • Total $ from ticketing donations: $346 (27 new donors) • Total $ from other donations: $28,250 (includes $25,000 from Friends) • Total $ from Development sponsorship: $45,000 • Total $ from Marketing sponsorship: $20,000 • Total sponsorship income: $65,000

8 | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | Annual Highlights

Board Annual of Directors Highlights

Jesus Christ Superstar

Ballet Revolucion

Queensland Symphony Orchestra’s Bach to Beethoven

A Festival of Russian Ballet

Annual Highlights | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | 9



MAY 2014 Melbourne International Comedy Festival Roadshow

• LAKE • Melbourne International Comedy Festival Roadshow • The Deep • One Night of Queen • The Wiggles – Apples & Bananas Tour

Dewayne Everettsmith and Djuki Mala (Chooky Dancers)

10 | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | Gold Coast Cultural Precinct Gets the ‘Green Light’

Board Gold ofCoast Directors Cultural

Precinct gets the ‘Green Light’

The City of Gold Coast’s vision of a new Cultural Precinct to showcase the city’s culture and creativity to the world took significant steps closer to realisation during the year. Commencing on 26 March 2013, the Gold Coast Cultural Precinct Design Competition challenged the world’s best design teams to deliver innovative proposals blurring distinctions between architecture, urbanism, landscape and art. From a field of 75 entries, three teams were invited to participate in an intensive 12-week design stage with an eight member expert jury overseeing the selection process. ARM Architecture (Australia), Crab Vogt DBI (Australia, UK) and Nikken Sekkei (Japan) presented their interpretations of what the new Cultural Precinct could look like with ARM Architecture being announced as the winning design team on 21 November 2013. An exhibition showcasing the three shortlisted designs entitled The Reveal opened at Gold Coast City Gallery on 22 November 2013 and then proceeded on a tour of the city’s libraries for the remainder of 2013 and early 2014. These designs took a significant step towards realisation with the City of Gold Coast approving Stage 1 funding for the 2014/2015 financial year. The $37 million first stage is set for completion in early 2018 in time for the Commonwealth Games and will deliver: •

A versatile outdoor space (Amphitheatre) - expected to have around 2,500 permanent seats with a maximum capacity of up to 10,000 people (artist impression right, subject to final design). It will be able to host a wide range of civic and cultural celebrations and performances and will be supported with a large screen for projection and display.

New Gallery space – while the existing Arts Centre building will remain for the time being, Gold Coast City Gallery has outgrown its immediate space requirements (currently occupying 744m2) and will expand into a larger space in the Riverside Building (1,470m2 total) temporarily until the Art Tower funding is secured and construction is completed.

• Outdoor Artscape – initial landscape works will integrate the amphitheatre space with the new Riverside Gallery while enhancing connectivity with Evandale Lake. This first stage will require the demolition of the Surfers administration building to make way for the amphitheatre and surrounding landscape works while the Riverside building, Council Chambers and Arts Centre will remain.

Gold Coast Cultural Precinct Gets the ‘Green Light’ | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | 11

The current timeline is as follows: • June 2014 to December 2015 – Council staff to vacate the Surfers administrative offices at Evandale. • January 2016 – Surfers administration building demolition commences and construction for Stage 1 starts. • January 2018 – Stage 1 Gold Coast Cultural Precinct complete. Stage 1 will also progress the necessary studies, investigations, designs, plans and approvals to support future stages of the Cultural Precinct. Construction of the future stages is expected to commence in mid-2018 pending the successful securing of funding from all tiers of government.

12 | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | Attendance



81 4,724



























24,991 NUMBER OF


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L-R Dr Patrick Corrigan AM, Lee Lin Chin, Kerry Watson, Bob Gordon

Performing Arts

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Performing Arts

Main Stage The Arts Centre Gold Coast continued to deliver the very best handpicked dance, theatre and music from the finest and most-reputable companies from around Australia. Gold Coast audiences enjoyed main stage performances from Bell Shakespeare, Oz Opera, Circa, Queensland Symphony Orchestra and many more. Attendance figures for main stage shows toalled 5,054, excluding Jesus Christ Superstar. As part of our committment to supporting the independent theatre-making sector, we presented two outstanding contemporary works from companies that are making a huge impact on the national touring circuit. Our mainly young audiences were amazed with the production of George Orwell’s 1984 by the award-winning shake & stir theatre co. Featuring a towering wall of plasma screens, this classic story was made easily accessible for young, contemporary audiences. From locally acclaimed choreographer and producer Lisa Wilson, LAKE was a visually stunning contemporary dance work that stretched boundaries by flooding the stage with water. This haunting piece mesmerised audiences as it grappled with themes of fear and fascination with water. A post-performance survey revealed that 92% of audience respondents said the piece met or exceeded their expectations. Children and families Audience growth in this area has been outstanding over the last 12 months and local demand for quality children’s entertainment from both schools and parents continues to rise. The Centre was pleased to present Emily Eyefinger, Tashi and The Deep from some of the most-established children’s theatre producers from around the country. Attendance figures for Family Series performances totalled 2,739.

Indigenous Programs The Arts Centre Gold Coast continued its commitment to promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander performing arts programs through the delivery of the performance of Dewayne Everettsmith and Djuki Mala (Chooky Dancers) on the theatre stage. This performance coincided with the launch of Yugambeh Museum’s Write into Art education project launch, which encouraged schools to connect the Saltwater Country exhibition and activities in our Gallery to their NAIDOC week programming in July. Additional activities were conducted around the Centre including a smoking ceremony, Welcome to Country, an impromptu performance by William Barton, one of Australia’s finest traditional didgeridoo players and a leading didgeridoo player in the classical world, the national anthem sung in language as well as various other performances on the Terrace Stage which made for a truly cultural and memorable experience for all those who attended. We look forward to continuing to bring all members of the community together.

16 | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | Performing Arts

Jesus Christ Superstar

With audience survey comments continually requesting we bring back the in-house musical, it was time for The Arts Centre Gold Coast to re-embrace its role as a producer and stage a full musical featuring a local cast, crew and band. The Andrew Lloyd Webber rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar was brought screaming into the 21st Century with a contemporary makeover. The commitment, dedication and passion of the cast, musicians, crew and production team resulted in a visually-spectacular, heart-racing production of which the Gold Coast can be extremely proud. The musical created outstanding opportunities for local talent, whether they were established professionals in paid lead roles or emerging dancers and singers who got the rare, incredible experience of working with industry heavyweights. This production of Jesus Christ Superstar was deemed a success by cast, crew, management, partners and stakeholders, and most importantly, by the audiences who purchased 5,236 tickets.

‘ It (Jesus Christ Superstar) was a very special evening and one that I thoroughly enjoyed. The professionalism of your efforts at The Arts Centre is exceptional. It really left me feeling that the Gold Coast has grown up.’ Catherine O’Sullivan Pro Vice-Chancellor, Bond University

‘ Please pass on my congratulations to the whole cast, crew and creative tea m for an a mazing production and a great night out! Having been involved in a nu mber of productions of JCS over the years, it was refreshing and exciting to see the GC version and its reimagining and transformation as a rock concert on stage. A bold set from Josh with Craig’s a mazing projections, the standout leads of the show (loved Dash’s work particularly), innovation of females in key roles (Pilate), great dancers, a mazing musicians on stage and off etc. All so well done!’ Ruth Hodgman Director, Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Arts

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The first-class Jesus Christ Superstar creative team included Supervising Director - Kris Stewart Kris Stewart is the Artistic Director of the Brisbane Powerhouse, having previously been Artistic Director of The Festival of Voices, The Sydney Fringe, the New York Musical Theatre Festival and New Musicals Australia. He was Resident Director of the musical Wicked and one the producers of the TONY nominated Broadway musical [title of show] and the feature film Red Hook. Kris has directed more than fifty musicals, received the Jujamcyn Theaters Prize, the Sir Keith Murdoch Prize and a Churchill Fellowship, and is an alumnus of the Lincoln Center Theatre’s Director’s Lab and the Commercial Theater Institute (NYC). Musical Director - David Piper With a professional career spanning more than 20 years, David has made an outstanding contribution to Australian musical theatre. Some of these highlights include Associate Musical Director for Legally Blonde, Mary Poppins, Wicked, Annie and Hugh Jackman’s The Boy From Oz Arena. He held the role of Musical Director on Chess, The Boyfriend, Cho Cho, Spring Awakening, A Bunch Of Ratbags, Archie and Mehitabel and the original The Boy From Oz. David was Assistant Musical Director for Mamma Mia, We Will Rock You, Miss Saigon, Crazy For You and Into The Woods.

Choreographer - Ben Veitch Since completing his commitments as a top four finalist on So You Think You Can Dance 2009, Ben has choreographed all over Australia. Ben aspires to give back to the dance community by developing the local professional sector of dance. Ben’s future goals are to expand his dance company with a full-time creative team while still producing extravagant dance shows at affordable prices. Credits including the sold out season of Blood Sweat & Dance, Random Acts of Dance and George Miller’s Academy Award winning feature film Happy Feet. Ben’s musical theatre credits include Dirty Dancing and The Boy from Oz.

Associate Director - Brad Rush With formal qualifications in music from QUT, Brad has forged a 25+ year career in the performing arts industry as a teacher, director, musical director, producer and adjudicator. He has trained hundreds of young musicians, run his own music school and combined that with a diverse performance slate. Brad continues to combine his ‘hands-on’ passion for the performing arts with an established career in arts management. Currently Brad is Performing Arts Manager for The Arts Centre Gold Coast, and was recognised in 2013 for continued contribution to the arts and awarded Arts Queensland Culture Champion. Set Design - Josh McIntosh Josh has designed sets and costumes for Queensland Theatre Company, La Boite, shake and stir theatre co, Harvest Rain, Debase Productions, Imaginary Theatre, Zen Zen Zo, Strut n Fret, Empire Theatre, Queensland Music Festival and many other companies and festivals throughout Australia. He has designed one-man touring comedies and outdoor epic events featuring hundreds of performers and collaborators. Josh was awarded a Gold Matilda Award (2011) and Groundling Awards (2011 and 2012).

18 | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | Performing Arts

Supporting local performing arts development

Mr Kolpert Following their successful stint as Artists in Residence in 2012, Soapbox Theatre Productions co-produced the jet-black comedy Mr Kolpert in 2013 in The Space. This daring comedy was a smash-hit at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and was a natural fit in our Independent Season program. The play attracted over 490 audience members and provided employment for six people. The Arts Centre Gold Coast is an enabler for the local creative sector to make, develop and present projects. The Independent Season provides established and emerging independent theatre companies with the development time, rehearsal space, technical, marketing and ticketing support they need to bring their creative vision to life. Three independent productions were co-produced in our black-box theatre as part of our Independent Season. Audiences relished these challenging, edgy and contemporary works, which included Mr Kolpert, The Grand and The Pillowman.

‘Being part of the first Independent Season not only gave Soapbox Theatre an opportunity to steer our artistic vision in a new direction, it also gave us the opportunity to get a stronger sense of business know-how in an industry where funding and support is getting far more competitive and difficult to attain. Soapbox will continue to remain a vocal and strong advocate for The Arts Centre to continue this exciting, vibrant and dyna mic season in its progra m. We commend The Arts Centre on its daring and vital vision it has for the Gold Coast arts community.’ Jessica Westhead Artistic Director, Soapbox Theatre Productions

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The Grand Four wonderfully-talented and accomplished women joined forces to bring this piece to our stage, and we were very proud to have co-produced The Grand with White Rabbit Theatre Ensemble. Written by Brisbane-based playwright Victoria Carless, this play explored themes of belonging and memory as the two female characters run a hotel in a seaside town.

‘I’m incredibly proud of what we’ve achieved. A creative development, play reading and workshop and countless conversations have led us to this show. Victoria, Anna, Ta mmy and myself have worked together from the outset and this really has been one of those rare and special collaborations; the kind those of us in the industry drea m about. I’m so grateful and honoured to have been a part of it.’ Lisa Smith, Co-producer and Director of The Grand

The Pillowman The 2014 Independent Season began with the provocative Martin McDonagh play The Pillowman, which has won several awards including the Laurence Olivier Award for Best New Play in 2004. The six-performance season was a near sellout, with audiences relishing the fine acting, direction and artistry in this compelling production.

‘This production is something fresh and different for the Gold Coast, and vl theatre audiences are ready, and even hungry, for dense material such as this.’ Hayden Jones, Co-producer of The Pillowman

20 | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | Performing Arts

Community Engagement

Fiesta de la Musica Lovers of classical music, opera and ballet enjoyed the inaugural Fiesta de la Musica from Friday 28 March to Saturday 3 May. A broad selection of events were on offer, including maestro information sessions, lunchtime concerts, opera auditions as well as top-notch performances by Australia’s best musicians. There were plenty of free sessions where patrons could just turn up and enjoy the music in addition to ticketed events. Free sessions included the Young Pianists Jam Session, Love Songs and Waltzes, Monday Maestro information sessions, Gold Coast Youth Orchestra, the flute-harp-cello trio Carisma and the classical guitarist Daniel Cunnington. Concerts included Queensland Symphony Orchestra’s Bach to Beethoven, A Touch of Tango, Australia’s king and queen of the piano, Max Olding and Pamela Page and An Opera Gala showcasing opera students from the Queensland Conservatorium of Music. The four-part harmony ladies of Babushka captivated with operatic arias to cabaret songs, there were auditions for the chorus of Opera Queensland’s production of La Bohème and The Imperial Russian Ballet Company performed Don Quixote. Summer Series Over 140 young people between 9 and 17 years of age participated in dance, music, visual art and theatre activities when the traditional childrens’ summer holiday educational program was reinvented this year. From 13-24 January, young people took over the Centre in the first ever Summer Series. The two-week holiday program comprised of creative workshops to train and entertain young people in the performing arts. Young dancers participated in hip-hop workshop with local Gold Coast dance star Ben Veitch, commercial jazz with dance sensation Marko Panzic and contemporary dance with dancers from Sydney Dance Company. Drama workshops covered acting and storytelling, acting for camera and stage combat. Budding musical theatre stars auditioned to be a part of the Junior Greenroom and hummed harmonies with our Glee Vocals workshops. Children enjoyed making some noise at our drumming workshops, where they played an authentic African Djembe drum. The Stand Up and Be Counted workshops trained class clowns in comedic storytelling including one-liners, impersonation, slap stick and observational humour. Students created a short film with Music Video Stars and unleashed their inner artists at the Gallery’s art activities.

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‘I cannot thank you enough for the opportunities extended during the F iesta de la Musica, a real help to people like myself, starved of quality music and art forms for most of their life, now able to indulge, taste and try all manner of the various possibilities... After the Monday Maestro I was so motivated that I immediately purchased tickets for the Bach to Beethoven concert, visited the library and took out a whole raft of Education Books on learning about music. Then …purchased a ‘State of the Art’ radio in order to listen to ABC Classic F M. So the above has made a big difference to my quality of life, so thank you so much.’ Peter Barclay, Gold Coast

The Greenroom Project The Greenroom Project, the initiative of Matt Ward, local performer and success story, commenced in 2013 with the support of the Gold Coast City Council Regional Arts Development Fund. Partnering with The Arts Centre Gold Coast, the aim was to bring opportunities to up-and-coming performers through mentoring that they would normally need to travel interstate or overseas to achieve. Through the uniqueness of this event with celebrity mentors of the status of Marina Prior, Hayden Tee, Lara Mulcahy, Rachael Beck and more, selected performers developed and showcased their own skills, bringing this all together in The Greenroom Project Live. This project has provided invaluable skill and support to over 50 artists, ranging from 11 years old to 47. This is a cultural development event that brings the world of show business to the people (audience of over 1000+), whilst providing opportunities to develop the Gold Coast’s talent on its own doorstep.

Functions, Events & Commercial Entertainment

Functions, Events & Commercial Entertainment | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | 23

Functions, Events & Commercial Entertainment

From live concerts to high school musicals to high-end corporate events, the Functions and Events department is a one-stop shop for venue hire. Our venues are hired for functions, parties, special events, meetings, conferences, concerts, shows and weddings. Commercial Entertainment Hosting nearly 200 shows, musicals, recitals, ballets, awards presentations, children’s acts and movie screenings, the Arts Theatre is the ideal place to commence our commercial entertainment review. Our 1104 seat theatre has this year been chosen by leading Australian and international acts such as –

• Jimeoin • David Strassman • Kris Kristofferson • The Wiggles • Bernard Fanning • Shen Yun • Daniel O’Donnell

• Don Quixote • The Fairies • Arj Barker • Charley Pride • Marina Prior • The Ten Tenors

Gold Coast Eisteddfod Throughout August each year The Arts Centre Gold Coast plays host to the future of live performance with the pitter patter of 140,000 little feet on our stage during the Gold Coast Eisteddfod. The children, ranging in age from three to 18 and coming from schools and dance schools across South East Queensland and Northern New South Wales, entertain with dance, choir and band performances. This is one of the largest Eisteddfod events in the country. We are as proud of our long standing relationship spanning almost 20 years with Gold Coast Eisteddfod as we are excited for the next crop of young entertainers to grace our stage this year. Functions The Arts Centre Gold Coast is home to numerous functions and special events, from 21st birthday parties and high school formals, to small-business meetings, fundraising events and corporate conferences. Onsite catering is available and our in-house technical team brings events to life with special lighting and effects. Over the last 12 months, we have hosted a wide variety of functions, including corporate breakfasts, workshops and seminars, and our venues host regular events for groups such as the Australian Decorative and Fine Art Society and Orthopaedic Journal Club.

‘ I want to thank you and your staff once again for looking after us so well at our ADFAS Lecture and Morning Tea. The staff at the morning tea were just wonderful. Everything was perfectly organised. We value what they do enormously.‘ Sandi Fueloep, Australian Decorative and Fine Art Society

24 | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | Functions, Events & Commercial Entertainment

Technical Support


Our technical services team supports all corporate events, stage productions and theatre events including Eisteddfod, dance schools, school musicals and presentation evenings. The technical team is heavily relied upon for their creative input in regard to lighting and audio design, assistance with set building and best practice and collaboration with promoters for the bump-in and bump-out as well as staging and lighting for productions.

Perfect for indoor or outdoor settings, The Arts Centre Gold Coast is positioned in one of the most picturesque landscaped gardens on the Gold Coast. From water views to parklands, we cater for a variety of wedding styles.

This year has also seen the technical services team develop local talent by teaching theatre craft to and engaging with vocational education students from TAFE, particularly during Jesus Christ Superstar. The Arts Centre’s production of Jesus Christ Superstar and the New Year’s Eve production have provided the technical services team the opportunity to utilise and grow their speciality skills to ensure that the high standard of technical service delivered is maintained.

‘I would like to say how much we appreciate Richard Mueke (Head of Audio). Nothing is ever too much trouble for him. His knowledge and expertise as an audio-visual technician is of a very high order indeed and so also are his interpersonal and time-management skills. Richard has high calibre skills and without exception has been highly acknowledged by visiting interstate and overseas lecturers ...’ Sandi Fueloep, Australian Decorative and Fine Art Society

Ceremonies are regularly held in the heritage-listed St Margaret’s Chapel or the landscaped gardens beside the Evandale Lake. Receptions are most often held in the Paradise Showroom or Panorama Suite, although we book smaller venues such as the Boardroom for smaller intimate weddings, such as those preferred by our Japanese guests. The last year has seen 55 couples celebrate their big day with us, either hiring St Margaret’s Chapel for their wedding ceremony or booking our venue for their reception.

‘Nick (Functions, Events and Weddings Coordinator) has been absolutely fantastic in the service that he has provided to us not only on that first evening that we met with him, but every day since. From giving me sa mple ‘day of’ timelines, to sending photos of the cake knife and organising accommodation discounts for our guests, it is fair to say that Nick goes out of his way to facilitate our requests, and then goes one step further to provide the best possible service.’ Micarla Gooding, 2014 Bride

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Corporate Events

The 2013/2014 financial year has seen a renewed push to increase the Functions and Events business. The focal point has been to attract new clients to The Arts Centre Gold Coast and introduce them to our well-equipped rooms, stunning Gold Coast views and exceptional service. A significant part of this strategy has been the appointment to the team of Karen Fleming as Sales Executive. The purpose of this role has been to generate new high-end business leads. Through a pre-existing network of industry contacts and targeted campaigns directed at corporate organisations on the Gold Coast and across Australia, we have seen clients such as ASP, Century 21, MasterCard Australia, NAB Private Wealth and Price Waterhouse Cooper hosting events in one or more of our venues.

NAB As a new Benefactor of The Arts Centre Gold Coast, NAB Private Wealth has hosted a number of events throughout the year. To date we have held a Careers Day, two corporate breakfast events, an information session and a corporate luncheon. The relationship has provided excellent synergies, as NAB Private Wealth has an outstanding reputation for supporting Australian creative and cultural communities.

By benchmarking ourselves against both local and interstate market leaders, we have also clearly identified our strengths and points of difference. With access to theatrical lighting, staging equipment and creative talent, we can offer unique, tailor-made, theatrical or themed experiences for clients who are looking for something different. 2014 ASP World Surfing Awards February saw the world’s best surfers trade sunlight for the spotlight as they hit the black carpet on the Arts Terrace for the 2014 ASP World Surfing Awards – the night that celebrates the achievements of the 2013 ASP season, and officially opens the 2014 Samsung Galaxy ASP World Championship Tour. Competitors were photographed against the media wall on the Arts Terrace then mingled with fellow surfers in the foyer. This event took advantage of the state of the art HD movie projection and screen facilities that were installed in the Arts Theatre a few months earlier. Following the award presentations, all guests were invited to the after party held in the Paradise Showroom. The ASP event highlighted not only The Arts Centre Gold Coast at its glittering best but also the depth of talent that resides in our technical and events teams. It took over 200 hours to produce the lighting and sound spectacular which included the red carpet arrival, the award ceremony and after party.

Secret Garden Summer Soiree For the third year, gcVIP Events held a swish event on the eve of the Jeep Magic Millions Race Day. This year, the lavish bash was The Secret Garden Summer Soiree held on the Lakeside Terrace under the stars with views of the Surfers Paradise skyline. Guests followed a secret path around The Arts Centre to the eventual reveal of the VIP grand entrance. A summer cocktail was presented on arrival, followed by free-flowing beverages and food stations. Interactive performers also mingled with the guests and eventually the secret garden was opened to reveal the stunning room washed with fresh trees, plants and flowers in bloom. Over $15,000 of live plants were used at the event. Headline performer Jamie Lee Wilson ensured everyone was on the dance floor. VIP guests included Liz Cantor, Mayor Tom Tate and Mayoress Ruth Tate and Hon John-Paul Langbroek. Armed with rebranded corporate collateral, new menus, highly flexible event space and a friendly, efficient team, we have laid significant groundwork this financial year to build upon over the next 12 months.

Communications & Visitor Services

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Communications & Visitor Services

Just prior to this financial year, a company restructure saw the creation of a new department called Communications and Visitor Services, comprising of Customer Services (including Box Office), Marketing, Arts Cinema and Performing Arts. By integrating these work areas, a greater flow of communication has been achieved from the programming or creation stage, right through to point of sale. This has resulted in all staff having a greater understanding of the various products we are marketing and selling to patrons. The Centre has largely benefitted with an overall increase in ticket sales and decrease of customer complaints. Marketing As part of the restructure, a new position was created to lead the marketing team. With significant marketing experience in the entertainment and tourism industries, as well as journalism experience with high-end magazine publications and a passion for the performing arts, Natalie Faulkner was appointed as Marketing Supervisor in August 2013. Natalie has confidently led the team through a number of key campaigns, including The Reveal, the 2014 Season launch and the return of the in-house musical. The Reveal The Marketing Department was integral to the delivery of a communication strategy for the unveiling of The Reveal: Designs for a new Gold Coast Cultural Precinct. In conjunction with City of Gold Coast’s media strategy, this was supported with a comprehensive internal communications strategy to patrons via e-communications, website and social media. Prizes were provided to entice visitors to complete the survey, which provided valuable community feedback. The Cultural Precinct Competition was given its own page on the Centre’s website and updated regularly. Our team also supported the City of Gold Coast’s team to plan, coordinate, execute and evaluate over 60 events and communications during the three week exhibition.

2014 Season Program The annual Subscription Season was reworked for the 2014 Season. Previously, an average of 11 main stage shows that the Centre presented were sold as various multi-buy packages. In 2014, the Season included all 28 shows presented by the Centre, including the Independent Season, A Morning With… Series and the Family Series. Ticket sales increased over 75% from 1,733 in 2013 to 3,055 in 2014. With such a successful outcome, the Centre will adopt the strategy again for the 2015 Season. Jesus Christ Superstar The Marketing team secured permission to rework the classic graphic identity to align with the Centre’s vision of Jesus living in a modern society obsessed with social media.This assisted shaping the marketing campaign to include comprehensive and integrated online activations such as: remarketing, Google AdWords, YouTube and Facebook advertising which was complemented with an online viral sneak peak release of an in-house produced, behind-the-scenes film revealing the set, costumes, actors and creative. Traditional advertising channels were also used and the public relations campaign succeeded in profiling the six leads, including a segment on The Great South East.

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Market Research The team made significant investments in face-to-face market research with patrons attending the Centre for various shows, functions and exhibitions. This strategy to collate timely data on patrons’ thoughts and feelings complements the Centre’s annual Winter Survey in gleaning patron demographics, interests and greatly assists in advertising spend placement and programming. Functions and Events In June 2014, the Marketing team launched the new graphic identity of Centre’s Functions and Events services. The rebrand focused on the Centre’s point of difference as an event venue, and included an overhaul of the pricing structure. Our Executive Chef Brian Meade was also provided the opportunity to revisit packages and freshen up the menus. The Centre prides itself on its unique outlook, technical capabilities and one-stop shop theme. A marketing campaign was subsequently developed to capitalise on these strengths, featuring the tagline ‘Your event…with a twist.’ Media The Marketing team celebrated an increase in media coverage, with total publicity valued at $3,715,855*. This can be attributed to the team’s commitment to developing media relationships, finding creative media angles and ensuring the media has access to quality images and footage or opportunities to shoot their own. *This rate is calculated through Advertising Space Rates providing the cost of purchasing the equivalent amount of media space and/or time as advertising and are a quantitative statistic used to evaluate publicity.

2013 Winter Survey Feedback

‘ I think the Arts Centre is fantastic.’ ‘ The facilities offered at the Arts Centre are of a high level and greatly pleasing to experience.’ ‘ Keep doing what you’re doing - thank you.’ ‘ I love the way people get dressed up for the theatre, this makes the event special. ’ ‘ Congratulations, all fantastic!’ ‘ I just love to go whenever I can.’

‘ I have always had a positive experience when visiting.’ ‘ I love the venue.’ ‘ A big thank you to Destry and his tea m at TACGC, you continue to raise the bar. Well done!’ ‘ I think you guys are doing well. I have always enjoyed my experience at The Arts Centre. Staff, service and presentation are great.’ ‘ We never go to other cinemas, only The Arts Centre.’ ‘ Thanks for positive changes already made.’ ‘ I have loved going to the Arts Centre for close to 20 years now. It is my little place to escape to and I wouldn’t like to complain about anything there. My experience every time, is one of ‘forgetting about the rest of the world.’ ‘ I love the centre. Cosy, inviting and fun.’ ‘ In my opinion everything is working really well at the Centre.’ ‘ It’s all looking really good.’ ‘ More of everything! We love it!’ ‘ Very good overall. ’ ‘ Generally a very enjoyable experience at TACGC. Keep up the good work.’ ‘ The staff are great, the atmosphere is great and the variety of entertainment is great! So well done Arts Centre!’

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Customer Services

Community Partnerships

Feedback Management The department uses Zendesk as the key indicator of customer satisfaction and managing online enquiries. Zendesk is a cloud-based tool that not only records patron enquiries, but also provides analytics and insight to customer needs. An ‘ask us’ tab appears on each page of our website to encourage patrons to communicate with us through this medium. Complaints, comments and enquiries that need to be tracked that have come through Facebook, email, phone or verbally across the counter can also be added to Zendesk. Customer satisfaction with Zendesk outcomes is high at over 91%.

Opera on the Beach Opera on the Beach was an initiative of Connecting Southern Gold Coast, Bleach* and Opera Australia, resulting in performances of The Magic Flute on the beach at Coolangatta. Through the Communications and Visitor Services department, The Arts Centre was an integral partner providing ticketing advice in the six months leading up to the event, onsite sales support in the week prior plus sales agents onsite at the dress rehearsal and three performances. The Centre also provided a Front of House Supervisor and staff at the event. The value of the contribution was in excess of $88,000 including wages, hire and coordination of rehearsal space, communication and advertising.

A primary function of the Communications and Visitor Services Manager is to liaise with City of Gold Coast departments and key community organisations on various projects and communications. The Department often supports these initiatives through various streams of our expertise, including ticketing, programming, marketing and communications and community engagement. Ongoing community partnerships include Swell Sculpture Festival, GC 600 (V8 Superfest), Bleach*, Gold Coast Film Festival and Flickerfest, plus new partnerships with Opera on the Beach and GLOW (City of Gold Coast).

‘What a well-organised event this was: we were very impressed. No long queues, took a minimu m a mount of time to be seated. We thoroughly enjoyed the performance, the staging, sound, singers, orchestra, lighting and some quirky extras, the fireworks, use of the lifesavers. All in all a most enjoyable evening.’ J. Supple and A. Little Patrons at Opera on the Beach

GLOW GLOW held its inaugural event around the Evandale Lake. The Centre complemented the events programming with performances on the Terrace Stage, torchlight tours of the gallery and supported with communications and advertising. Gold Coast Film Festival We expanded upon our relationship with Gold Coast Film Festival beyond the usual communication and advertising support, by programming a Movie Trivia Night. The event sold out in three days and was greatly enjoyed by attendees. Further achievements Other achievements within the department include the increase of engagement and ticket sales through the Education sector, which is explored on page 30, and the outstanding achievements of the Arts Cinema, which is outlined on page 32.

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Education and Young People

The Centre has invested heavily in making real and valuable connections with schools and young people over the course of the past year. Through the employment of an Education Officer and subsequent strategic relationship management with both primary and secondary schools, the Centre recorded a 300% increase in the number of school students attending programmed activities at the Centre from 2012 to 2013. The 2013 calendar year saw over 3500 students attend performances, and over 500 students visit the Gallery. The 2014 Youth Program offered a vibrant selection of performances and exhibitions, including 1984 by George Orwell, Tashi by Imaginary Theatre and the Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Photography Award exhibition in the Gallery. The program was launched to over 60 educators, alongside a keynote speech by arts advocate Josephine Wise about advocating for the arts in schools. By May 2014, bookings for the 2014 calendar year are already exceeding the totals for the 2013 calendar year. Professional Development for Teachers The Arts Centre Gold Coast continues to offer excellent opportunities for educators to gain access to professional development with practising professional artists. Music teachers enjoyed opportunities to learn from Topology and Queensland Symphony Orchestra musicians, dance specialists learnt from LAKE choreographer Lisa Wilson, while drama teachers have engaged in syllabus-related workshops. Education Reference Committee In early 2013, the Centre’s first ever Education Reference Committee was convened. This group of dedicated teachers meets up to four times per year and offers invaluable feedback about the Centre’s programming and operations, as well as providing insight into the current priorities in schools.

PhotoFun at the Gallery. Photo: Carolin Bader

Handmade card from Silkwood School, in thanks for the McIlwain’s support of their travel to Tashi.

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Education and Young People

The Jock and Beverly McIlwain Arts Bus Fund Through research conducted by the Education Officer, it was found that the most significant inhibitor to schools attending activities at the Centre was the cost of bus travel. At the launch of the 2014 Youth Program, the Centre announced a new initiative in the Jock and Beverly McIlwain Arts Bus Fund. The $10,000 fund provides schools attending programmed activities at the Centre with a one-off $250.00 subsidy towards the cost of bus travel. As at the conclusion of the 2014 financial year, this fund had supported the engagement of over 590 students with the Centre.

• One semester of after-school drama classes in the Backbone Collective

Friends of The Arts Centre Gold Coast Young Artist Development Program The Friends of The Arts Centre Gold Coast offered invaluable support to the Centre’s 2014 Young Artist Development Program. In the second half of 2013, young people participated in programs such as the Young Actors Studio residency with Queensland Theatre Company and the Energies Immersion Day. The Youth Theatre Project – All My Friends Are Leaving Brisbane, was a success both in ticket sales and artist development. Funding of $25,000 for the 2014 program saw the following initiatives delivered from January to June:

We look forward to the delivery of the Saltwater Project Student Immersion Day, the Energies Immersion Day and the 2014 Youth Theatre Project to be delivered in the second half of the year.

• The Summer Series, where over 140 young people between 9 and 17 participated in dance, music, visual art and theatre activities

Jock and Beverly McIlwain with Varsity College students. Photo: Stuart Chapman

• Two Young Actors Masterclasses with Queensland Theatre Company • PhotoFun, a delightful day of activities for children in the Gallery; and • PhotoFanatics, a workshop for budding young photographers.

Partnerships and Collaborations The Centre continues to provide support to partners in the youth sector, including the annual Gold Coast Eisteddfod, Yugambeh Museum’s Write Into Art campaign and professional development partnerships with Education Queensland South East Region Instrumental Music, Topology, Queensland Symphony Orchestra and Queensland Ballet.

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Arts Cinema

The Arts Cinema presented a wide range of arthouse, mainstream and foreign language films this year, as well as documentaries, special screenings and the prestigious National Theatre Live program, which continues to bring international theatre productions to the big screen. Digital cinema and the cinema conversion of the Arts Theatre has also opened up a range of alternative content which otherwise may have never had the opportunity to be shown on the Gold Coast. National Theatre Live This year’s program featured productions broadcast mostly from London’s West End including War Horse, Othello, Macbeth, Coriolanus, 50 Years on Stage, The Curious Incident of Dog in the Night-Time and King Lear. National Theatre Live is only available through the Arts Cinema on the Gold Coast and with continued support of the program we expect to achieve greater awareness and an increase in growth over time. Special screenings Our audiences were treated to an exclusive Q&A session with the director and cast of Rise of the Eco-Warriors. This documentary followed a group of passionate and naïve young people who spent 100 days in the jungles of Borneo, giving hope to endangered orangutans. Another exclusive Q&A session was had with Don Hany, star of the film The Healing. In the film, Don played a prison inmate who participates in a special program that pairs men with injured game birds. A couple of classic films were screened for special events, including Breakfast at Tiffany’s for Valentine’s Day, and a free movie screening of Dirty Dancing, recognising The Arts Centre’s achievement of 10,000 likes on its Facebook page. Australian film industry This year saw a strong contingent of Australian productions managing to acquire big screen releases including Satellite Boy, The Turning, Tracks, The Rover and Healing. The Arts Cinema was able to obtain exclusive Gold Coast screening rights to three of these films. Many international productions screened here also had a strong Australian influence whether by actors or production teams, including Still Mine, Red Obsession, Rush, Stoker, The Best Offer, The Way Way Back, Railway Man and Grace of Monaco.

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Arts Cinema

TOP 10 FILMS 1. Philomena 2. The Grand Budapest 3. The Railway Man 4. Blue Jasmine 5. The Book Thief 6. The Butler 7. 12 Years a Slave 8. Dallas Buyers Club 9. The Monuments Men 10. August: Osage County

Foreign language films Along with homegrown films, the Arts Cinema showcased foreign films from France, Italy, Saudi, Thailand, and Spain. Of particular note is Wadjda, which is the first feature film shot entirely in Saudi Arabia and also the first feature-length film made by a female Saudi director.

Blancanieves is another notable foreign language film. Following last year’s Oscar winning The Artist, Blancanieves not only paid tribute to the black and white silent era but also managed to break new ground with a Spanish twist on the classic Snow White fairy tale. Other foreign language films included Mood Indigo, The Rocket, Le Weekend, The Gilded Cage, The Great Beauty, The Past and Chinese Puzzle. Documentary films Four documentary films were screened including Red Obsession – about the Chinese obsession with French red wine, Stories We Tell – about discovering the elusive truth amongst a family of storytellers, Blackfish – about the dangers of keeping killer whales in captivity and Rise of the Eco-Warriors. The Arts Theatre as a cinema In an exciting new move, the Arts Theatre became a part-time cinema through an upgrade of the sound system and install of a digital projector and screen. The positives of this innovation were significant. The additional cinema added much-needed capacity throughout the traditionally busy Christmas movie period. This year saw strong admits and as a result the Candy Bar and Arts Café reaped the benefits from the increase in patronage. December also saw a number of films being released that were well-suited to the art house market. Without the additional cinema, these movies wouldn’t have been shown due to an inability to meet the films’ contractual obligations. This meant that Gold Coast audiences experienced films that would have been otherwise unavailable to them. Group booking events There were a steady number of charity groups hiring out the cinema for fundraising opportunities like the Pink Polar Expedition and other notable charity causes.

Development: Benefactors Partnerships, Benefactors & Supporters& Supporters

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The Development department was revitalised halfway through this financial year, when the vacant Development Manager role was successfully filled. During those first six months, the priorities for the department were shared amongst fellow teams and we would especially like to acknowledge the work of Di McCormack, Executive Coordinator, who maintained close contact with many of our loyal Benefactors during this interim period. Megan Connors commenced in the full-time role of Development Manager in January 2014, bringing with her significant experience in fundraising, corporate partnerships, philanthropic giving and the arts. By February, the department had inherited the responsibility for sourcing and facilitating cash sponsorships for the Centre and Megan joined the Executive Team. A new strategy was developed including both philanthropic and sponsorship income-building activities. The four key focuses of the Development Strategy are: • Maintain and enhance current relationships • Build greater awareness of giving programs • Increase number of active supporters • Introduce new giving streams including project-specific campaigns and prompts for donations during ticket purchase

One of the most exciting fundraising initiatives unveiled this year was the prompting for donations during ticketing transactions. Since April 2014, patrons have been encouraged to consider making a donation towards the Centre. A total of nine donations had been received in the first two months, showing great potential for increasing support. Furthermore, a donations campaign for Jesus Christ Superstar ran from February to June, attracting support specifically for the production of the musical. Jock and Beverly McIlwain continued to provide their incredibly generous support towards the Centre as our Diamond Benefactors, plus contributed a further $10,000 towards the Jock & Beverly McIlwain Arts Bus Fund. This fund was specifically initiated in 2012 to highlight their support, assisting schools and students in reducing the cost of bus travel to the Centre. The fund has been an enormous support to almost 600 students. We say a very sincere thank you once again for the McIlwains’ outstanding support of our youth and education activities.

To best resource the department, a new part-time support role of Development Coordinator was created, in which Jaqi Kair commenced in March. This role provides vital assistance to both the sponsorship and philanthropic aims of the Centre, with a particular focus on rolling out fundraising events and delivering benefits to all partners. Philanthropy The Benefactor Program, founded by Life Benefactor Dr Patrick Corrigan AM in 1997, included a total of 57 active Benefactors at 1 June 2014 including three new supporters: Mark & Elizabeth Niall (Bronze), Karen & Barry Plant (Gold) and NAB Private Wealth (Gold). A special acknowledgement goes to Australian Decorative and Fine Arts Society, Gold Coast Inc. (ADFAS) who increased their support in March to contribute to both Jesus Christ Superstar and our 2014 Youth Theatre Project. ADFAS’ support of this project has a direct impact on the young people in our community in developing their skills and talents in the arts and for that reason we are truly thankful. Support from The Friends of The Arts Centre Gold Coast was again significant, with their entire contribution of $25,000 going directly into facilitating our Young Arts Development Program and supporting the Public Programs run by the Gallery. We are enormously grateful for the support received from The Friends, and their loyal engagement since our inception. We are very much looking forward to continuing to strengthen and enhance our commitment to one another.

Jock McIlwain, Diamond Benefactor and Chairman, Kerry Watson

Supporters of Jesus Christ Superstar at VIP SitzProbe function

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Continuing partners for the year were led by Pindara Private Hospital, showcasing a selection of artworks from our gallery collection in its main corridor. McDonalds was again perfectly aligned with our Family Series and I & R Electrical and Maintrade Building Services continued as 2014 Season Show Partners. Two new partnerships were secured for the Centre: Paradise Point Community Bank Branch, Bendigo Bank contributed significant support to our production of Jesus Christ Superstar as Major Partner and will continue at this level for equivalent productions in 2015 and 2016. Gold Coast Waterways Authority provided support to the Gold Coast City Gallery as Gold Coast Presenting Partner of the visual arts exhibition, Saltwater Country, with a view to a long-term collaborative association with the Centre.

Life Benefactors On Sunday 1 June 2014, Chairman Kerry Watson accompanied the Chairman of the Gallery Dr Patrick Corrigan AM and Life Benefactor Win Schubert to a distinguished gathering in Brisbane, where Premier Campbell Newman bestowed on Patrick and Win the honour of being two of Queensland’s Greats. The Queensland Greats Awards program honours individuals and institutions whose long-term or lifetime achievements have played a significant role in the history and development of Queensland. This award for Patrick is the most recent in a long line of achievements and recognition for the significant philanthropic impact that Patrick has made to not only the lives of individual artists but also to the many cultural institutes of which he is part. Win Schubert, long-time supporter of Gold Coast City Gallery and foundation sponsor of the esteemed nationally recognised photography award, The Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Photography Award, also received the honour of being one of Queensland’s Greats. The Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Photography Award now in its 14th year, provides a platform for an exhibition with a strong representation of contemporary Australian photography by established and emerging artists.

Ian Johnston, Senior Manager, Paradise Point Community Bank Branch, Bendigo Bank. Photo: Yoko Lance

2015-2016 Goals and Planning The Centre is supporting the City of Gold Coast’s fundraising activities for the Cultural Precinct redevelopment, in helping to promote, encourage and facilitate donations. With a number of new appointments to the Board of Directors, the Development team is very much looking forward to working through the new Development strategy to enhance current relationships and generate new support for the Centre.

L-R Dr Patrick Corrigan AM, Win Schubert, Destry Puia. Photo: Roman Summers

Of particular interest in future years is the reach to the new generation of philanthropists, many of whom reside or frequently visit the Gold Coast. Long-term, industry exclusive and bespoke partnerships will be sought, offering corporate brands strong entertaining opportunities with high-level profiling platforms. The Development team is dedicated to delivering impact-rich relationships for the Centre, particularly in the areas of community engagement, corporate social responsibility, youth and education and public programs.

Children enjoying The Deep function for Partners and their families

Development: Partnerships, Benefactors and Supporters | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | 37


The Arts Centre Gold Coast is extremely grateful for the support of its Benefactors and supporters who play a vital role in building and enriching the cultural life of the Gold Coast. Their support, by way of tax-deductible donations, makes a direct impact on our ability to deliver outstanding visual and performing arts, foster talented young performers and artists, purchase important pieces of visual art and support the development of cultural facilities for future generations. The Board and management of The Arts Centre Gold Coast acknowledges and thanks its donors for their continued and generous support. Benefactors: Life Benefactors • Patrick Corrigan AM & Barbara Corrigan • Win Schubert AO on behalf of The Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Foundation for the Arts Perpetual Benefactors The following donors have made significant and sustained contributions of artwork to the Gold Coast City Gallery Collection: • Adam Knight • Dr Colin & Elizabeth Laverty • Tom & Sylvia Lowenstein • Evan Lowenstein • Adam Micmacher • Ken McGregor • Denis Savill Diamond Benefactors • Jock & Beverly McIlwain Platinum Benefactors • Barry & Maureen Stevenson Gold Benefactors • John & Susan Barr • Elaine Bermingham • NAB Private Wealth • Paradise Point Community Bank Branch, Bendigo Bank • The Pemberton Family • Barry & Karen Plant • Kathy Martin Sullivan AM • Arthur Waring

Silver Benefactors • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Australian Decorative & Fine Arts Society, Gold Coast Inc. BBC Digital Prof. Emeritus Ray Byron & Carole Byron Lucy Cole Prestige Properties Kerry & Lena Crawford Dr Norman & Mrs Margot Davies Richard & Ann Glenister John & Alison Kearney Anna-Lisa Klettenberg Peter & Moira Lockhart Leonard & Glenda Neilsen Peter & Wendy Spencer Dr Roger Welch

Bronze Benefactors • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Penelope Jane Anderssen Philip Bacon Tanya & Greg Bellchambers Kylie, David & Ryan Corrigan Kevin & Jane Doogan E.C.Pohl & Co Paul & Maureen Fitzgerald Gold Coast Eisteddfod André & Eva Jaku Marc James Bruce & Bennie Johnston Lyn & Gerry Keogh Christine Lohman Rhona McKay Graeme & Patsy Meyer Alan & Barbara Midwood Peter & Annette Minck Richard & Rosemary Munro Mark & Elizabeth Niall Michael & Jennifer Pinter John Punch OAM & Dr Renée Punch Christene Pye Don Robertson John & Julie Romanin Maxine Semple Betty Wheeler

Special Acknowledgement • The late Roma Blair • Friends of The Arts Centre Gold Coast

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7 11



























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Corporate Partners




Paradise P oint Community Bank速Branch






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40 | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | Development: Partnerships, Benefactors and Supporters

Volunteers The Arts Centre Gold Coast would like to acknowledge the following individuals who have committed to delivering memorable artistic experiences to the Gold Coast community through generously volunteering their time and expertise. There were 130 Volunteers for the Gallery, and 24 Volunteers working at the Theatre, for Marketing and Cinema.

Gallery Karen Anderson Lorna Annakin Monica Bailey Lurline Bament Marjolyn Barnett Todd Barwick Sue Bennetts Megan Bentley Judy Bewicke Kathleen Bish Ingrid Breusch Michelle Brown Esme Bryce Jan Bunning Veronica Burns Faye Bustin Naomi Caines Kerry Campbell Shirley Cassar Joe Cassar Dianne Cecil Mike Cecil Delma Christen Wendy Clark Germain Colamarino Andrea Curtis Bernadette Daniel Meg Davies Helen Dearlove Avril Dell Jean Di Benedetto Barbara Doran Grace Dykstra Eva Ebert Merv Ebert Norman Fizell David Fletcher Stuart French Carolyn Frogley Shizu Fuji Elizabeth Gero Barbara Goldner Trish Halligan Marina Hamilton-Craig Ros Hardy Helene Harrison Kay Hawker Helen Hill Chwee Hovarth Pat Hunter Kathy Jobsz Kathie Johnson

Lorraine Johnson Paul Kachel Corrine Kenway Daniel King Norma Kingsley-Smith Gay Kingston Ann Krebs Lois Kuip Bernadette Lack Anna Law Shirley Lew Dianne Lonnquist Laraine Lord Kevina Mackechnie Sue Marshall Margaret McColl Debra McGinniskin Margaret McKellar Jennifer McKellar Judith McLean Lorraine McLean Judith Mecoles Patsy Meyer Therese Mitchell Ingrid Miu Jennifer Moss Ildiko Muller Alison Mullery Elenor Murray Margaret Nagy Dianne Nicol Lois O’Connor Pacita Owen Mary Oxenford Wendy Pangrazio Helen Paris Narelle Peck Robyne Peebles Margaret Phillips Jenny Phillis Barbara Powell Robin Rawson Joy Reilly Tatiana Richardson Elizabeth Rintel Moya Rix Thelma Rose Judy Rosemonte Jo Ryder Janet Sadler Gail Savage Helene Sawyer Cathy Scanlon Florencia Solari

Dusanka Soskic Michele Soulard Lynne Staddon Paula Stafford Joylene Stanley Graham Stephenson Jim Stonier Diana Stonier Sue Stuart Betty Surman Gloria Swannell Jessica Syme Annette Thiedeke Sylvia Tiarks Lovigia Tillotson Sylvia Triankalis Marilyn Vandenberg Karon Vick Samantha Walsh Judy Warren Letitia Whitmore Diana Willemsen Eleanor Woodforth Margaret Yeadon Theatre / Cinema Carole Byron David Carter Stuart Christie Bruce Cook Noelle Coo Sylvia Cope Jan Craik Claire Easther David Fletcher Jen Fitzgerald Stuart French Barry Frith Annette Hillman Sam Hutson Michael Jones Corrine Kenwa Debra McGiniski Tony Meier Claire Milne Martyn Milne Panagiota Papageorgiou Narelle Peck Karen Persic Judy Rosemonte Pamela Railey Elaine Speedie

Rob Speedie Lou Tillotson Marilyn Vandenbergh Glenda Wagner Angus Wilson Gigi Wilson Jock Wilson Ronel Wilson

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Background & Company Profile

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Background and Company Profile

The Arts Centre Gold Coast was first envisaged in 1968 when a group of like-minded Gold Coast citizens actively promoted the need for first-class theatre and gallery complex for entertainment and the arts on the Gold Coast. In 1971 this group was registered as the Cultural Centre Association and known as the Community Arts Centre Association (C.A.C.A) By April 1969 the group secured Council support for the development of an Arts Centre on Evandale Park next to Gold Coast City Council Chambers. The Centre opened in 1986 and was named the Keith Hunt Community Entertainment and Arts Centre. The Centre was managed by Council via a Sub-Committee. In 1993 a Board of Management was established and Council changed the Centre’s name to the Gold Coast Arts Centre Pty Ltd as a separate legal entity. The Centre’s entertainment program was expanded; its first Arts Cinema created; the foyer space increased; a new bar area and Arts Cafe were constructed, as well as a new lobby retail shop. In March of 2010, Gold Coast Arts Centre was renamed, rebranded, refurbished and re-launched as The Arts Centre Gold Coast (TACGC) as part of an ongoing change in strategic direction. The Arts Centre Gold Coast is the registered trading name of the Gold Coast Arts Centre Pty Ltd. On 6 December 2011, The Arts Centre Gold Coast celebrated its 25th birthday. Gold Coast Arts Centre Pty Ltd is the statutory body that operates TACGC with City of Gold Coast as sole shareholder. The Board of Directors comprises eight members appointed by Council, one of which is a Councillor. The Arts Centre Gold Coast is the region’s premier cultural facility bringing visual and performing arts to residents of South East Queensland. The Centre houses the Arts Theatre with 1139 seats, Art Gallery, Paradise Showroom, two Cinemas, the Arts Café as well as several function rooms, and two smaller performance spaces - The Basement and The Space. The Gallery houses the city collection contemporary and historic artworks. The Board of The Arts Centre Gold Coast is the custodian of the art collection, valued at approximately $21.3 million and has management responsibility for activity at the Centre valued at approximately $13 million. The Centre employs 45 permanent full time staff, 10 permanent part time staff and up to 75 casual and / or seasonal employees.

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Roles and Responsibilities

Board of Directors

Gold Coast City Gallery Committee

Marketing & Programming Committee

Finance & Audit Committee

Governance Committee

General Manager / Company Secretary

Communications & Visitor Services Manager

Commercial Services Manager


Performing Arts

Functions & Events

Public Programs

Education Program

Promoter Activity

Arts Donations & Valuations

Visitor Services

Commercial Hire

Arts Cinema

MICE Sales

Collections Management


Arts Cafe


Front of House

Gallery Volunteers

CRM Management

Theatre Volunteers

Gallery Manager

Precinct Services Manager

Corporate Services Manager

Technical Services

Corporate Governance

Development Manager

Precinct Transition Manager

Philanthropic Gifts

Building & Asset Management


Corporate Partnerships


Benefactor Program

Capital Works

Human Resources




Capacity Building Strategic Planning Facility Development

Background and Company Profile | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | 45

Organisational Structure

The Arts Centre is Gold Coast’s premier cultural facility bringing visual and performing arts to residents of South East Queensland.

(b) facilitate the conduct of schools, lectures, courses, seminars or other forms of education in the performing, visual and community arts;

The Arts Centre Gold Coast undertakes both commercial and non-commercial activities in the performing arts, gallery, cultural and entertainment sectors. The Arts Centre Gold Coast has entered into a Service Agreement with the Gold Coast City Council to undertake these activities.

(c) facilitate teaching, training and instructing persons and promote education, research and development in the performing, visual and community arts;

Gold Coast City Council also has a support funding agreement with The Arts Centre Gold Coast that delivers Council’s Cultural Strategy to provide a wide range of arts and cultural activities including free public programs to ratepayers and residents of the City of Gold Coast. The commercial activities are undertaken in a highly competitive trading environment as well as providing a range of high quality operating services to hirers and patrons. The objectives of The Arts Centre Gold Coast are clearly outlined in its Constitution which are to:(a) produce, present, acquire and manage the performing, visual and community arts in the Gold Coast Arts Centre, its environs and any other venue;

(d) provide or assist in providing premises, equipment and expertise for the presentation of performing, visual and community arts and community activities; (e) promote and encourage public participation and interest in the performing, visual and community arts; (f) promote and encourage the knowledge, understanding and enjoyment of the performing, visual and community arts; (g) establish and maintain commercial contracts, fund raising schemes, appropriate sponsorships and contra arrangements in order to minimise, where possible, the call on public funding; and (h) maintain and operate as a public art gallery the Gold Coast City Art Gallery.

46 | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | Background and Company Profile

Organisational Structure

The Arts Centre Gold Coast’s Board of Directors is the body that controls The Arts Centre Gold Coast and has the ultimate responsibility to its members and stakeholders for the strategy and performance of The Arts Centre Gold Coast in general. The Board is dedicated to fulfilling these duties in a lawful and professional manner and with objectivity. As such, the Board actively pursues best practice governance processes.

Committees of the Board are as follows:

The Board’s principal functions and responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:-

Gold Coast City Gallery Committee • Responsible for overseeing the City Gallery, ensuring the provision of a diverse and engaging program of exhibitions and events to the community as well as the oversight of the development, maintenance and conservation of the City Art Collection

• Providing leadership to The Arts Centre Gold Coast • Overseeing the development and implementation of an appropriate strategic direction • Ensuring corporate accountability • Overseeing control and accountability systems • Ensuring robust and effective risk management, compliance and control systems (including legal compliance) are in place and operating effectively • Being responsible for The Arts Centre Gold Coast’s leadership team and personnel

Finance & Audit Committee • Responsible for the integrity of the Centre’s financial reporting and overseeing the independence of the external auditors, oversight of the risk management systems and oversight of development objectives

Marketing & Programming Committee • Responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of strategic marketing and communications plans, ensuring the effective communications of image and brand, overseeing the initiation and delivery of a range of corporate partnerships, overseeing the provision of a balanced program of arts and entertainment as well as developing and delivering new programming initiatives Governance Committee • Responsible for overseeing the organisation’s governance framework and structure:-

• Precinct development • Delegating appropriate powers to the General Manager, management and sub-committees of the Board The Board of Directors comprise of eight members, one of which is a Councillor of the City of Gold Coast. The Board typically meets 11 times per year with the Committees of the Board meeting six times per year. Committees comprise of members of the Board and management and make recommendations to the Board. The Board reports to the company’s sole shareholder, the Council of the City of Gold Coast, on a regular basis.

• risk management – the culture processes and structures which support identification, measurement and management of risks • compliance – the process of identifying and meeting obligations arising from law, standards, codes or stakeholder expectations •

ethics/culture – overarching principles and rules which govern individuals and organisation behavior and also considers impact on society and environment including performance management and human resources policies and procedures

Background and Company Profile | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | 47

Vision, Mission and Values

Vision We will be the cultural heart of the Gold Coast inspiring people through creative partnerships, engaging experiences and celebrations of our identity and the world around us. Mission We will entertain, inspire, inform and evoke passion for the arts by delivering quality programming, superior service and stimulating experiences. Values Our core business is the arts: We recognise that we are an arts organisation first and foremost and an arts organisation for all. We accept our civic responsibilities: We will contribute to the quality of life on the Gold Coast by enabling opportunities for people to come together. Serving our community and artists are equally important: We know our duty is not restricted by the four walls of our facilities but by our efforts. We will be adventurous and accountable: We will seek new ideas and push our limits while accepting the outcomes from our decisions and learning from our failures. We recognise that our resources are precious and finite: We will exercise financial prudence and continually look for collaborative partnerships that enable us to achieve more.

48 | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | Background and Company Profile

Board of Directors

Kerry Watson Chairman of the Board of Directors Appointed to the Board on 8 September 2008 Born and educated in Queensland, Kerry Watson began his career in stockbroking and merchant banking before returning to the Gold Coast to establish the Quality Inns Group with the Graham family. Kerry was involved in the commencement of Japanese and Asian tourists to Australia. After the sale of the Quality Inns Group, Kerry commenced a consulting business through his company, Pacific Global Corporation with clients including Marriott International Australia and the Queensland Government. Kerry is currently Chairman of Events Management Queensland (Gold Coast Airport Marathon, Pan Pacific Masters Games and Great Barrier Reef Masters Games) and Gold Coast Tropicarnival Ltd – Gold Coast Eisteddfod, and an Honorary Life Member of Gold Coast Tourism. He has previously held positions as Deputy Chairman of the Queensland Tourist and Travel Corporation (now Tourism Events Queensland), Chairman of the Inbound Tourism Organisation of Australia (now Australian Tourism Export Council) and Director of Gold Coast Tourism and Gold Coast Institute of TAFE. He is a recipient of the honour of the Keys to the City of the Gold Coast and Citizen of the Year.

Richard Munro B.Bus, CPA, MAICD Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors Chairman Finance and Audit Committee Appointed to the Board on 10 November 2008 Richard has been in Public Accounting Practice on the Gold Coast since 1994, He currently is a Director of financial services business – Quill Group. Past roles include committee positions on various business and sporting organisations including past President of CPA Australia, Gold Coast Branch and as a Director of the Board for the Gold Coast Institute of TAFE. He has completed the Australian Institute of Company Directors Diploma Course covering Corporate Governance. His extensive experience gained in working with many South East Queensland businesses and associations means that Richard brings a high-level of expertise and strengths in financial and strategic management to the role of Deputy Chair of the Board of The Arts Centre Gold Coast. While Richard’s specific interests have generally revolved around business and sports, his family has participated in a number of past Summer Schools at The Arts Centre over the years, giving him a strong appreciation of the benefits the arts bring to the community.

Dr Patrick Corrigan AM Board Director Appointed to the Board on 13 May 1996 Chair Gold Coast City Gallery Committee Dr Patrick Corrigan began his career in the freight industry in the 60s and by the mid 70s he was head of several freight companies which participated in the phenomenal expansion of the freighting industry in Australia and overseas. Pat began his love affair with collecting art and art books in his 30s and his library is recognised as one of the finest private library collections of its type in Australia. Pat says that the main thrill of collecting has always been the hunt and acquisition of rare items, rather than possession of them once acquired. Pat has been donating art to public galleries for many years and his involvement with the industry remains strong. In 2000, he was made a member of the Order of Australia for services to the arts and holds an Honorary Doctorate from Bond University. He is a life member of the State Library of Queensland, The Art Gallery of New South Wales and the National Association of Visual Arts. Pat is married to Barbara and they have a daughter and three sons. In July 2010, Pat and Barbara were bestowed the title of inaugural Life Benefactor of The Arts Centre Gold Coast, in recognition of their meritorious services in enhancing the Gold Coast City’s Art Collection. In June 2014, Pat received a Queensland Great Award from the Queensland Premier in recognition of his 40 years of philanthropic contributions to regional, state and national institutions.

Background and Company Profile | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | 49

Board of Directors

Judith Ferber Board Director Board Member from 3 May 2007 to 31 May 2014

Cr Tracey Gilmore BVSc(Hons), MBA, Grad. Dip. Ed. Board Director Appointed to the Board on 1 February 2013

Alan Hayes B.Des.St, B.Arch. (Hons) Board Director Board Member from 22 April 2009 to 31 May 2014

Judith has been a Gold Coast resident since 1967 when she worked at the Gold Coast’s first radio station 4GG and then in the entertainment department for the Chevron Group of Hotels. In 1982, together with business partner, the late Paul Sharratt, Judith ran the first Gold Coast Festival, Tropicarnival. The pair co-ordinated many other events and also produced the Logie Awards, winning shows for QTQ Channel Nine during the 1970s. Tropicarnival was a two-week celebration featuring over 200 events and ran every October for 20 years. Tropicarnival won a Queensland Tourism award for best Regional Event. The Gold Coast Eisteddfod was part of the Festival and continues to this day, becoming the largest Eisteddfod in the country.

As the former Director for the Gold Coast Office of the Department of State Development and Innovation for more than 19 years, Cr Gilmore was influential in many of the Gold Coast’s major economic development projects. She has been a member of numerous boards and committees. Her priorities for the City over the next four years are job creation by stimulating the traditional tourism and construction industries, as well as diversifying the region’s industry base with a focus on knowledge based industries.

After graduating from the University of Queensland in 1979, Alan practised architecture on the Gold Coast for 18 months, specialising in fast-track documentation, before taking up the A.E. Brookes Travelling Scholarship which was awarded on graduation. This enabled a 12-month stay in Europe during which he worked with The Halpern Partnership in London. On his return to the Gold Coast he joined Silver Goldberg Hamilton and gained further fast-track experience working on the Paradise Centre. At the time, this was the largest urban development project in Australia and required special enabling legislation passed by the State Government.

Judith has coordinated several major events for the Gold Coast community including Christmas Carols, New Year’s Eve Celebrations and the Gold Coast City Council’s Australia Day activities. In 2004, she won the major award in the Gold Coast Bulletin Honours for Services to the Community. In 2011, Judith was awarded the Keys to the City for service to the arts and the Gold Coast Eisteddfod by the then Gold Coast Mayor Ron Clarke. Judith is General Manager of the Gold Coast Eisteddfod and a Board member of Gold Coast City Council’s Events Advisory Committee. She has two daughters and three grandchildren who also live on the Gold Coast and enjoys a busy life with partner Bryan Durham.

As a Division 5 resident Cr Gilmore is committed to working hard for her constituents, reducing Council costs to ratepayers, supporting community safety initiatives and building the community capacity within the Division. Two of her priorities are the establishment of a Community Hub in Pacific Pines and the opening to the public of Country Paradise Parklands. Cr Gilmore is Deputy Chair of the Economic and Development Committee, a member of the Community and Cultural Development Committee and the Governance and Finance Committee.

By completion of this project Alan had become an Associate and then Director of the company, which duly then changed the company name to Hamilton Hayes Henderson Architects. The firm celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2008 and continues to shape our built environment. Alan strongly believes that good design shapes our attitudes, both individually and collectively, and that The Arts Centre has a pivotal role in increasing design awareness on the Gold Coast.

50 | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | Background and Company Profile

Board Board of of Directors Directors

Christine Lohman MBA FPRIA FAICD Board Director Chair Governance Committee Appointed to the Board on 27 May 2010

Naomi Middlebrook ATCL LTCL CSCA Board Director Board Member from 10 November 2008 to 31 May 2014

Tomas Johnsson Board Director Appointed to the Board on 1 June 2014

Christine Lohman has an extensive background in corporate communication and strategic planning and brings to the Board a high level of marketing communication and corporate governance expertise. She owned and operated one of Queensland’s leading public relations companies which formed part of a national group advising major ASX listed companies and government.

Over the past 30 years Naomi has worked in all aspects of performance and communications. Her love of theatre started from an early age and she began working in community theatre on the Gold Coast in the mid-1970s. In 1980 she relocated to Sydney where she studied acting. After a number of years as an aspiring actor Naomi completed teaching qualifications and returned to the Gold Coast where she established one of the first private drama studios.

Tomas Johnsson is the Executive Director Operations of Mantra Group, Australia’s second largest hotel operator. He is responsible for the overall operation of 113 hotels and resorts across Australia, New Zealand and Indonesia. Over the past six years with the Mantra Group, Tomas has held positions of Group General Manager Saville and Peppers Hotels and been instrumental in significant organisational growth.

Christine currently serves as a director on the board of The Sisters of the Good Samaritan Foundation and is a member of St Vincents Australia Health Limited Queensland Advisory Committee. Past directorships include Workcover Queensland, St Vincent’s and Holy Spirit Health Limited, Board of Governance for St Pauls, The Brisbane College of Theology, The 1994 World Masters Games, The Office of Economic Development for the City of Brisbane, Tourism Brisbane and several not for profit organisations. Until recently she provided professional counsel to the Board of Gladstone Ports Corporation and served on the Queensland Governments Clean and Healthy Air for Gladstone Industry Reference Group. She holds a Masters degree in Business Administration from the University of Queensland, has completed the AICD Directors Course, is a Fellow of the Public Relations Industry of Australia and a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Naomi has taught extensively in the school system and currently works as a drama and communication specialist at All Saints Anglican School on the Gold Coast, a position she has held for almost two decades. In addition to this she regularly consults as an acting coach in the film and television industry and at a corporate level, and as a mentor teacher for new drama and communication teachers. Naomi is passionate about the Gold Coast and embraces all the city has to offer, in particular the cultural and outdoor facets. She has been a long-term member of the Gold Coast Eisteddfod movement and is a motivating force behind youth in arts on the Gold Coast.

Previously Tomas was the Senior Asset Manager of General Property Trust, responsible for Sheraton Four Points Darling Harbour, Ayers Rock Resort and Voyages group. During his tenure, Tomas was involved in the acquisition of P&O resorts and the subsequent strategic integration. He was also responsible for the construction of Longitude 131 post bush fire and Dunk and Bedarra Islands in the wake of Cyclone Larry. Earlier Tomas was the Regional General Manager Mirvac Hotels Victoria with leadership responsibilities across Hotel Como, Sebel and Quay West brands. Prior experience includes 10 years with Rydges Hotels in senior capacities in most Australian tourism destinations. Tomas was born and educated in Sweden, migrated to Australia in 1990 and is married with two children.

Background and Company Profile | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | 51

Board of Directors

Dr Patrick Mitchell Board Director Chairman Marketing and Programming Committee Appointed to the Board on 1 June 2014

Steve Romer Board Director Appointed to the Board on 1 June 2014

Patrick has been an artistic director, company manager, production director, community project facilitator, regional audience development specialist, funding panel member, writer and actor with a broad range of Australian theatre companies and arts organisations in many parts of the country. He has been Artistic Director for companies such as the Darwin Theatre Company, La Boite Theatre Company (Qld), and The Australian Theatre of the Deaf and Freewheels Theatre Company (NSW). He has also worked with the Queensland Arts Council, the South Australian Theatre Company, Queensland Theatre Company, Sydney Theatre Company, and the Riverina Theatre Company.

Steve relocated back to the Gold Coast in early 2014, where he took up his current position as Chief Executive of the Venue Management Association (VMA), the peak industry association for Performing Arts Centres, Convention and Exhibition Centres, Entertainment Arenas, and Sports Stadiums.

Since 2005, Patrick has lectured and taught extensively across the Applied Theatre course at Griffith University in the School of Education and Professional Studies. In 2008 he completed a Master of Arts that explored the usefulness of the arts as a community builder in regional Queensland communities. Titled From Passenger to Driver, this project centred on a case study that brought together a small rural Queensland town, an entrepreneurial local arts council and the Creative Industries. In 2013 he completed a PhD entitled A Place in the Sun: An Exploration of the Theatre Ecology of the Gold Coast of Australia that explores the nature of theatre and performance on the Gold Coast. At present he combines the challenges of teaching performance skills to students at Griffith University with the inspiring encounters that come from being an independent arts researcher, the great delights that come from being a Judge for the Gold Coast Area Theatre Awards and the constant joy of being the fortunate parent of two unaccountably wonderful children.

He was General Manager of the Sydney Entertainment Centre (2009 – 2013) and responsible for all live music concerts, sporting events, musicals, and family shows. He was Director of Operations at the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre (2003 – 2009), as well as Chief Executive of the Blacktown International Sports Park (2001 – 2003). Steve spent a decade in the Gold Coast theme park industry where he was Director of Operations at Dreamworld (1996 – 2000), and Show and Entertainment Manager at Sea World (1991 – 1996). He was a Director of the VMA (2002 – 2011), including three years as Chairman. He also served as a Director of the International Association of Venue Managers (2008 - 2011), and was a Director of the Talent Development Project (TDP), nurturing the creative talents of students in their entertainment careers. Steve recently completed the Company Directors Course with the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD).

52 | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | Background and Company Profile

Board Executive of Directors Team

Destry Puia General Manager Destry has extensive experience within the arts and government sector having worked for a variety of organisations including independent theatre companies, state performing arts centres and local government entities. As General Manager of The Arts Centre Gold Coast, Destry has overseen a transformation of the organisation with the introduction of new creative programs, a greater focus on community participation and increased investment in local artist development. Destry has also played a critical role in shaping the $300 million proposed development of a new Gold Coast Cultural Precinct serving as a jury member on the international design competition for this project. Destry’s career began as an usher for Centrepoint Theatre in New Zealand and since then has worked in most facets of the performing arts for a variety of companies and events including The Arts Centre Melbourne, Midsumma Festival, St Kilda Festival, Apollo Bay Music Festival, Kingston Arts Centre and The Events Centre Sunshine Coast. Destry has also served on industry boards and advisory panels for organisations such as the Northern Australian Regional Performing Arts Centres Association, Australian Performing Arts Centres Association, Performing Arts Touring Alliance, Arts Industry Council of Victoria, Live Performance Australia, Australia Council for the Arts and Arts Queensland. Sue-Anne Chapman Communications and Visitor Services Manager Before leading the Queensland Symphony Orchestra through a major rebrand in 2009, Sue-Anne Chapman was Operations Manager for the Gold Coast Titans and the Marketing and Promotions Manager for AFL Gold Coast. Sue-Anne has worked as a PR and Marketing Officer for State Government departments and has significant experience in rolling out large scale marketing campaigns, developing subscription programs, increasing audience attendances and implementing efficient marketing processes. Sue-Anne moved to the Gold Coast at the commencement of the Marketing and Partnerships Manager role in January 2010 and thoroughly enjoys the Coast lifestyle.

• Working with the Performing Arts Department to achieve the best possible programming through a balanced program of arts and entertainment Megan Connors Development Manager Megan has worked in the arts industry since completing her formal studies at QUT, attaining a Bachelor of Arts degree. Her love for the dance field led her to work behind the scenes fulfilling production, marketing, finance and events management roles for some of the most iconic arts organisations and events in Australia including; Queensland Performing Arts Centre, Melbourne International Arts Festival, Queensland Ballet, Brisbane Powerhouse and Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Her desire to help artists perform and showcase their work has propelled her career in fundraising, in which she has nurtured and developed many rewarding supporter relationships for the arts. Most recently, her role as Development Director at Brisbane Powerhouse saw her responsible for raising over $1.3 million of support from philanthropic and corporate supporters each year. Now, Megan is thrilled to be a part of the team at The Arts Centre Gold Coast, and particularly keen to lend her experience towards the fundraising efforts for the Cultural Precinct Redevelopment. Key responsibilities include:• Creating a strategic Philanthropy Plan for The Arts Centre Gold Coast, integrating the performing and visual arts •

Developing and building The Arts Centre Gold Coast’s donor program across the performing and visual arts, primarily focused on major gifts, annual giving campaigns and a bequest program

• Maximising funding from philanthropic trusts and foundations, including private ancillary funds •

Developing and implementing effective relationship management strategies for existing and potential donors, philanthropic trusts and foundations, and the Friends of The Arts Centre Gold Coast

Key responsibilities include:-

Seeking, developing and facilitating commercial sponsorship arrangements that provide cash revenue for The Arts Centre Gold Coast and its programs (in-kind support is managed by Communications and Visitor Services Manager)

• Working to put customer service front of mind and ensuring that systems and process are as streamlined as possible

• Maintaining and enhancing current cash sponsorships, with support from Development Coordinator

As part of the Centre’s restructure in April 2013, Sue-Anne’s portfolio now includes managing the Marketing, Performing Arts, Customer Services and Cinema departments.

Background and Company Profile | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | 53

Brad Rush Performing Arts Manager

Lynda White Corporate Services Manager

With formal qualifications in music from the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brad has forged a career in the performing arts industry as an arts manager, teacher, director, musical director, producer and adjudicator. He has trained hundreds of young musicians, run his own music school and combined that with a diverse performance slate.

Lynda is a Member of the Chartered Secretaries (Australia) and holds professional qualifications in Corporate Governance as well as having a Higher National Certificate in Public Administration, Diploma in Management and Ordinary National Certificate in Business Studies. Her experience includes more than 36 years in finance, human resources, contract management, payroll, administration, company secretarial and customer services experience.

In 2005, Brad was Business Development Manager for a national franchise company – specialists in music education, and then moved to independent business coaching with specialist focus to arts companies and organisations. Brad has held the position of Tour Coordinator in the Regional Touring Office at Queensland Arts Council. He worked as part of a small team to deliver and implement Queensland’s new touring strategy through the newly created arTour business unit. Through this time Brad was the Queensland Blue Heeler representative where he promoted and coordinated Queensland touring products for the national circuit.

Lynda joined The Arts Centre from the Commonwealth funded Sustainable Tourism Cooperative Research Centre (STCRC) based at Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus where she was employed as General Manager, Corporate Services and prior to this role, as Business Manager. The Centre was closed on 30 September 2010 in accordance with the Commonwealth Agreement after 13 years of operation and two successful terms of funding. Key responsibilities include:-

In 2010, Brad took the position of Creative Producer for The Arts Centre Gold Coast, and was responsible for delivering multiple initiatives to develop local independent artists and practitioners. Mid-2012 he moved into the role of the Programming Manager for the centre – now titled Performing Arts Manager.

Key responsibilities include:-

• Preparing detailed reports on the company’s human, physical and financial resources for the General Manager to ensure compliance with budget constraints and targets

• Providing a balanced program of arts and entertainment which assists with the development of the arts whilst utilising the venues of The Arts Centre Gold Coast • Developing and delivering new programming initiatives for segments of the community which may not currently be catered for within programming activities • Developing partnerships with emerging artists and securing state and federal funding for producing quality local artistic programs • Increasing promoter activity and commercial entertainment coming to the venue In 2013 Brad was recognised from Arts Queensland as a Culture Champion as represented through his professional and volunteer work and contribution to the arts in South-East Queensland.

Managing all aspects of financial control and management including reporting (monthly, quarterly and annually), managing overheads, financial regulatory compliance, business planning, forecasting and analysis

• Managing all aspects of human resources management.

Overseeing the development and implement effective relationship management strategies for existing and potential donors, philanthropic trusts and foundations, and the Friends of The Arts Centre Gold Coast

Overseeing TACGC business support in providing strategic advice and counsel to the General Manager and the Leadership Group, on whole of organisation, priorities, emerging issues, policy and government affairs, ensuring flexibility and responsiveness when issues arise

Ensuring that appropriate contracts are in place to ensure the provision of Information Technology services are compliant and meet current requirements and ensure that appropriate measures are in place to enable business continuity

54 | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | Background and Company Profile

Board Executive of Directors Team


Prior to immigrating to Australia in 2001, from the UK, Lynda worked in local government for over 23 years, holding positions at management level for over 15 years and was departmental representative on various Human Resource and Development working committees. Michael Foster Commercial Services Manager Having worked in the hospitality industry for over 20 years, Michael has served his share of tea and biscuits. Prior to moving to Queensland he worked at Star City Casino in Sydney as Business Manager and Licensee. At the time, with its 11 bars, six restaurants, two hotel towers and nearly 1,000 employees in its Food and Beverage Division alone, it was the largest operation of its kind in Australia. His team devised and implemented what was to be considered industry best practise Responsible Service of Alcohol policy and was subsequently rolled out to casinos across the country. Following his move to the Gold Coast, Michael started with the Nifsan group. Predominantly a development company, Nifsan also owns two golf clubs on the Gold Coast:- Emerald Lakes and The Villa. Michael was employed as the Operations Manager for The Villa which had a private membership base of only 100 and catered for nearly 100 weddings every year. From here Michael moved to Sanctuary Cove Golf and Country Club as Director Clubhouse Operations. His commencement coincided with the finalisation of the golf club’s second clubhouse and it was this transition between venues that he was employed to manage. The renovation of the old clubhouse then became his next goal, with the subsequent delivery of a new retail space, crèche, function venues and gym the result. Now with The Arts Centre Gold Coast, Michael is looking forward to generating new opportunities for financial growth with a focus on customer experiences not only within the Centre itself but around the entire Cultural Precinct.

• Prepare and issue all reports if required (including financials) in relation to contracts • Enforce policies relating to cash handling and service provision standards • Maintain equipment storage and recommend replacement and maintenance within budget restraints • Oversee the Front of House Department to ensure customer, staff and volunteer satisfaction • Maintain financial targets and percentages as per preset budget restraints John Walsh Gallery Manager John has worked in the public gallery sector since the 1980s with his first appointment being at the National Gallery of Australia in the Australian Art Department. In 1989 he became Assistant Director of Wollongong City Gallery, a position he held for seven years. Since 1996 he has been Gallery Manager of Gold Coast City Gallery, the Gold Coast’s leading provider of visual arts activities. Until recently he has also been President of the Board of the Regional Galleries Association of Queensland and was previously Chairman of the Board of Museum and Gallery Services Queensland. Over the years John has curated and coordinated numerous exhibitions from a wide variety of sources. He has worked with artists engaged in across a range of media and in all stages of their careers. He has produced numerous publications including catalogues for many of the exhibitions with which he has been involved. Key responsibilities include:• The overall management of Gallery operations including a diverse program of exhibitions and events

Key responsibilities include:• Ensure the effective management of the day to day operations of the Functions and Events Department • Grow the commercial entertainment side of the business by attracting more local, national and international promoters

• The management, development and conservation of the city art collection consisting of almost 4,000 objects with an insurance value in excess of $20 million • Contributions to the cultural activity of the Gold Coast through participation and performance in a variety of forums throughout the city

• Set sales targets and developing strategies to achieve these • Approval/setting of staff rosters and staff recruitment • Oversee Functions and Events contracts and agreements

• Opening exhibitions and judging competitions as well as providing advice and assistance in many artistic pursuits

Background and Company Profile | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | 55

People and Organisational Culture

The Arts Centre Gold Coast considers the employment of every individual to be an important factor in the constant growth of the organisation. Employees are the most valuable resource available and management endeavours to supply its staff with optimal working conditions, ongoing support and focused direction whilst encouraging staff to contribute innovative and distinctive ideas towards all service aspects of The Arts Centre Gold Coast. At commencement of employment and as part of an induction process, new employees are directed to all relevant policies and procedures which are contained in the Human Resources Policies and Procedures Manual. Electronic copies of all policies and procedures are maintained on the company’s centralised computer system and may be accessed by all staff. Employees are also referred to The Arts Centre Gold Coast’s Single Enterprise Agreement 2010. Human Resource Support

Equal Employment Opportunity and Work-Life Balance All employees have the right to work in an environment free of discrimination, harassment, vilification and victimisation. All employees are valued according to how well they perform their duties, and their ability and enthusiasm to maintain high standards of service. The Arts Centre Gold Coast assists with ensuring the wellbeing and occupational health and safety of its employees and has in place the following related policies and procedures to make certain equality and work-life balance is achieved wherever possible:• • • • • • •

Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Employee Assistance Program Leave Entitlements Working Hours and Attendance Sexual Harassment Workplace Harassment and Bullying Drugs and Alcohol Policy

During 2013-2014, The Arts Centre Gold Coast:• Provided a range of staff training and professional development opportunities • Introduced a formal performance review process • Continued an annual review of its Human Resources policies including updating key workplace policies as follows:

- Whistleblowers Policy - Recognition of Service as an Employee - Workplace Grievances - Conduct and Performance Management - Fraud and Corruption Control Policy

as well as industrial relations and WH&S policies in addition to those already listed: - WHS policy - Smoke Free Workplace - Workplace Rehabilitation – Return to Work – Non Work Related Injuries / Work Related Injuries

Staff Satisfaction Survey The 2014 Staff Satisfaction Survey revealed that the majority of staff enjoyed their job with 95% rating themselves as either satisfied or very satisfied. 97% of staff are either moderately proud or very proud to work at The Arts Centre Gold Coast.

56 | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | Financials

Board Financials of Directors 2013/2014 Operational Income by Department

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• Administration 67.8,./9$:;2<.=;0$10% 11% • Building Services 8% • Cinema >./;-3$ • Customer Services 3% >7015-;2$:;2<.=;0$ Office 1% • Development House 1% • Front of?;<;85@-;/1$AB=;$ • Functions & Events 32% • Gallery C25/1$5D$E570;$ 9% 7% • Marketing C7/=45/0$F$G<;/10$ 11% • Performing Arts Services 6% • Technical H388;2I$ J32K;4/9$


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Financials | The Arts Centre Gold Coast | Annual Report 2013-2014 | 57

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Gold Coast City Gallery Annual Report | 2013-2014

2 | Gold Coast City Gallery | Annual Report 2013-2014 | Corporate Information

Corporate Information

Gold Coast City Gallery The Arts Centre Gold Coast BN 6561214 Registered Office 135 Bundall Road Surfers Paradise QLD 4217 Postal Address PO Box 6615 Gold Coast Mail Centre QLD 9726 Contact Numbers p (07) 5588 4067 f (07) 5588 4094 e w Auditor Queensland Audit Office Level 14 53 Albert Street Brisbane QLD 4000 Bank Paradise Point Community Bank Branch Bendigo Bank 42 The Esplanade Paradise Point QLD 4216

Image: Mike CHAVEZ, Surfer (Joel Parkinson) 2012, screenprint, synthetic polymer paint on board, Gift of the artist under the Cultural Gifts Program, 2014 Front cover image: Sebastian DI MAURO pro Gaius Marius from ‘Scuta’ series 2009 neoprene, fibreglass

Contents | Gold Coast City Gallery | Annual Report 2013-2014 | 3



Gallery Chairman’s Report


Gallery Manager’s Report


Funding and Awards


Performance Measures


Gallery Exhibitions


Public Programs




Annual Highlights

4 | Gold Coast City Gallery | Annual Report 2013-2014 | Gallery Chairman’s Report

Gallery Chairman’s Report

Throughout the year we have presented a balanced and diverse program of exhibitions ranging from international collections to local artists presentations. I have been delighted to see the accompanying public programs around the exhibitions grow to become an integral part of our activities. These programs have been embraced by our audiences and continue to provide opportunities for engagement throughout the community.

Many of the gifts we have received have resulted from ongoing relationships with donors who have expressed their willingness to continue to support us given the ease with which we are able to process their gifts. With this in mind I would like to commend the Gallery Manager John Walsh and staff of the Gallery for their ongoing professionalism and efficiency.

The continued growth of the collection remains a pet project and I am very grateful to my many friends and colleagues who have donated works to the collection. As we work towards the future and a larger gallery, as part of the Cultural Precinct, it becomes more urgent that we develop a significant collection to enable us to tell the story of Australian art with interest and clarity. We are fortunate to have the support of collectors who share our vision for the collection and who are willing to commit to it. I believe the collection is developing into one of the finest regional gallery collections and particularly considering its relatively young age.

We are excited at the prospect of developing a temporary home in the Riverside Building that will allow us to build on the programs we have been presenting and expand towards our ultimate new home.

Image: Opening of 2013 Border Art Prize. Photo: GCVIP.

Dr Patrick Corrigan AM Chairman of the Gold Coast City Gallery Committee

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Gallery Manager’s Report

Gold Coast City Gallery continued to provide a balanced program of exhibitions and events from a range of local, national and international sources. An increase of public program activities saw new audiences and particular groups visiting the gallery and participating on varying levels. Additionally, the collection continued to grow, particularly thanks to the large number of artwork donors brought on board through the hard work of Gallery Chairman Dr Patrick Corrigan AM. 311 artworks found their way into the Gallery Collection during the 2013-14 year, with an overall value in excess of $1.6 million. This collection growth stands us in good stead for future developments and the eventual new gallery facilities as a part of the Cultural Precinct. Two collection exhibitions featured in the 2013-14 program, one celebrating the indigenous collection and another focusing on some of the more curious works in the collection – Everyday Celebrity: Extra Ordinary things from the Collection. Regular features of the exhibition program, the Gold Coast Art Prize and Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Photography Award, continued to attract strong interest from artists entering in the hope of exhibition and potential acquisition. The Gallery’s reputation nationally is maintained and enhanced by these now well-regarded competitions. Significant work was done towards the forthcoming publication Prizing Diversity: The Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Photography Award and the Josephine Ulrick Literature Prize and Poetry Prize which will celebrate the contributions these events have made to the cultural fabric of the Gold Coast.

The Gallery remains grateful to Life Benefactors Dr Patrick Corrigan AM and Mrs Win Schubert AO who were both recognised by the Queensland Government by being honoured as 2014 Queensland Greats. We are fortunate to have such significant supporters whose continued benevolence is greatly appreciated. Perpetual Benefactors continued to donate works for the collection with significant groups of works coming from Tom and Evan Lowenstein and Adam Micmacher as well as Denis Savill. Adam Knight continued his support for the burgeoning indigenous collection and Ken McGregor not only donated works but solicited further gifts from others. With this ongoing generosity is the growing need to house the collection. As we move towards the expansion of Gallery facilities we have been more and more inventive in finding ways to store the growing collection. We have also spent considerable time servicing requests to borrow artworks throughout Council facilities. Demonstrating the collection’s significance is the number of requests from institutions to borrow works for exhibition. Of particular note this financial year was the loan of Gordon Bennett’s painting Terra Nullius and Tim Johnson’s Triple World to the Musee d’Aquitaine in Bordeaux, France for a major survey of Australian indigenous art. John Walsh Gallery Manager

Image: Gordon Bennett, Terra Nullius 1989, synthetic polymer paint on canvas, Purchased with funds raised by Gold Coast City Art Gallery Volunteers, 1989.

6 | Gold Coast City Gallery | Annual Report 2013-2014 | Funding & Awards



Arts Queensland - Regional Galleries Partnership Program The Fibro Coast exhibition was supported by a $50,000 grant from Arts Queensland under the Regional Gallery Partnership Program.

Senior Curator Virginia was awarded – • Queensland Gallery and Museum Achievement Award for 2013 • Arts Queensland Cultural Champion

Arts Queensland - Backing Indigenous Arts To support the Saltwater Country exhibition, $10,000 was awarded for a project with Erub Arts where Judy Watson mentored artists and our emerging Indigenous Curator Jo-Anne Driessens to develop a work for Saltwater Country. In partnership with Museum Services Queensland for Saltwater Country we received – • Visions of Australia Development Grant Saltwater Country Development Costs • Visions of Australia Touring Grant Saltwater Country National tour costs • Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Saltwater Country international tour • Gold Coast Waterways Authority Saltwater Country Public Programs Gold Coast Venue

Opening of Fibro Coast exhibition. Photo: Natalie Elholm.

• Museums Australia Multimedia and Publication Design Awards Winner in the Catalogue Multimedia (B) Level A for Shakin’ The Contemporary Kinetic Aesthetic

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Performance Measures






















Gallery Exhibitions

Image: Shaun Gladwell, The Flying Dutchman in Blue (Coogee 2) 2013, digital print on archival paper, Winner 2014 Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Photography Award.

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Gallery Exhibitions

The exhibitions program of Gold Coast City Gallery has been presented across three gallery spaces inside The Arts Centre Gold Coast, externally in other public galleries and city venues, and this year also included a special site-specific installation initiative in association with Bleach* festival. The programming is diverse but reflects the strategic intentions of presenting excellence in the visual arts, allowing our collection to be appreciated and understood in new ways, to grow the appreciation of Gold Coast visual culture and to nurture local artists as well as to pursue innovative projects in digital and inter-media. Through all of this we remain focused on obtaining feedback from visitors and to implementing new low-cost marketing strategies involving digital and social media initiatives to grow our audiences. Exhibitions are generally curated in-house and run for six weeks. This curatorial work may involve a number of years of research and development including; mentoring the artist or artists, sourcing additional project funding from State, Federal or philanthropic sources, negotiating with lenders, partnering with other venues and developing original research for publication and presenting a lively series of public programs that support the appreciation of the exhibition and to bring people together through the arts. A small expert team installs and demounts shows in the gallery space over a five-day period meaning that our spaces are seldom closed.

• to collaborate with the Performing Arts department to develop an original play (Hotel Beche der Mer) based on the themes of the exhibition. •

to develop a digital platform instead of a printed catalogue to allow wider contact with the exhibition material, to service the touring venue of The University of the Sunshine Coast and to utilise social media marketing including a #fibrocoast which quickly generated a large following.

• to collaborate with Bleach* festival to deliver a major site-specific project in the southern suburbs of the Gold Coast and producing a printed catalogue for that component. • Partnering with the University of Sunshine Coast Gallery and touring the exhibition to their venue. This project was supported by a $50,000 grant from Arts Queensland under the Regional Gallery Partnership Program. Local artist Rebecca Ross received support from RADF funding to develop work and Bruce Reynolds received assistance from The Australia Council. Fibro Coast The Bleach Extension received $30,000 in support from the Community Partnership Program of the Australia Council.

A major focus in this reporting period was the collaboration with colleagues at City of Gold Coast to support the planning for the Gold Coast Cultural Precinct Design Competition and this reached a culmination in the presentation of the exhibition The Reveal in November 2013. Fibro Coast This exhibition drew together architectural and cultural history and the work of historical and contemporary artists to reflect on the humble fibro beach cottage as the simple but much loved place that, in the era before the high rise and the resort, defined holiday experiences on the Gold and Sunshine Coasts. The exhibition addressed difficult and controversial themes for communities struggling to come to terms with the appreciation of the memories that these properties hold but also the land values they now attract. Through the work of contemporary artists audiences were offered new insights into these issues. Significant initiatives of the project were; • to facilitate artist Elaine Campaner to work with the Gold Coast City Gallery souvenir collection to construct new photographic narratives around heritage and memory • to commission local artist Anna Carey and local graphic designer Byron Coathup to develop a highly successful graphic identity for the exhibition of a fibro coast snow dome

Visitors at Fibro Coast exhibition. Photo: Natalie Elholm.

‘We loved it… The intelligence and artistic finesse of their responses, and the mix of media, were impressive. Gold Coast City Gallery deserves big wraps for identifying and defining the subject matter, and delivering a high quality result… More than just nostalgia … waiting for Queensland Art Gallery to catch up.’ Sue and Derek Dixon, Camp Hill

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Gallery Exhibitions

Edwin Bode – Pioneering Artist of the Gold Coast Hinterland Region Edwin Bode is regarded as the first colonial artist of the Gold Coast region. He lived in and around Canungra for over thirty years between 1886 and 1924. His exquisite watercolours have been rarely seen outside the small number of local private collectors who are the descendants of families who originally commissioned these paintings.

‘Thank you for outstanding choices of works of art - make arts the medicine for society.’ Donna Nevin, Killarney

David Groom Artist visions of the hinterland landscape by this fourth generation mountain local were displayed in the foyer gallery. The exhibition was accompanied by a popular public program workshop. The Reveal: Designs for a New Gold Coast Cultural Precinct

The Reveal was produced in collaboration with Council colleagues in Economic Development and Major Projects as a major community engagement platform to present the three shortlisted designs for the Cultural Precinct competition and to inform and excite stakeholders about the winning scheme by ARM Architecture.

The exhibition was the largest gathering of the artist’s work, presenting original research and showing the relationship between the artist’s photography and his paintings. A substantial catalogue was produced and gallery staff worked closely with community members and gallery volunteer Dianne Cecil to connect with lenders.

Left Image: Mayor Tom Tate and Gallery Chairman Dr Patrick Corrigan AM. Right Images: Visitors at The Reveal exhibition

The exhibition presentation demonstrated high design values and a quality catalogue and a short film was produced to ensure a longer term resource was available to inform the community about the project. Over 30 events were delivered in the 21 days of the exhibition with over 5000 people attending the display.

Left Image: Edwin Bode, Springbrook Falls, Nerang 1911, watercolour, private collection. Top Right Image: Visitors at Edwin Bode: Pioneering artist of the Gold Coast Hinterland exhibition. Photo: Mike Cecil. Bottom Right Image: Installation photograph of Sebastian di Mauro. Photo: Emma Collerton.

Sebastian di Mauro – Surf ‘n Turf A major large-scale, site-specific installation by acclaimed Queensland sculptor Sebastian di Mauro filled Gallery 2 in a timely response to summer.

Wide media coverage was achieved and the overall reception from the public and stakeholders was extremely positive. The collaboration between The Arts Centre Gold Coast and Council colleagues was extremely effective in achieving these outcomes.

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Gallery Exhibitions

Digital media and cross artform collaboration The gallery’s small Darkroom space has offered opportunities for artists to present innovative cross media projects, often inviting direct interaction with the installation. As part of their experience viewing these exhibitions, visitors donned headphones, spoke into microphones and wore head torches and literally became participants with the artists in the act of making art.

see the students throughout their final year and many future connections between the gallery and emerging local artists are built around this programming. In 2013, the following artists presented their work; Alyson Baker, Melissa Bentley, Alexandra Condon, Jason Haggarty, Claire Hastings, Tyler Jackson, Yoko Lance, Rachel Spencer and Sonia York-Pryce.

‘Exquisite, has a special beauty.’ Vacen Taylor, Gold Coast, commenting on the Karen Richards exhibition in the Darkroom

Local artists The gallery plays an active role in mentoring and working with local artists to develop their practice and to build their confidence, capacity and professionalism. This is achieved through the presentation of their work, the development of associated publications and the delivery of public programs. Over 500 local artists have had their work presented at Gold Coast City Gallery over this period, either selected in prizes, for solo or group shows or presenting workshops and events.

Visitors at ENERGIES exhibition. Photo: Jo-Anne Driessens.

Australian Creative Exchange The exhibition Meeting Place, organised by Australian Creative Exchange, instigated a dialogue between artists from Australia, China, Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan and Taiwan, who are eager to explore the concept of ‘meeting place’. Audiences were also treated to a lively program of concerts, a tea ceremony, incense burning and artist talks.

Energies Each year the Energies exhibition presents a gallery space absolutely bursting with the creative ideas and expression of Year 12 students from high schools across the Gold Coast. The exhibition is also a major networking opportunity for the gallery to connect with educators, parents and students and we host a highly successful Energies Immersion Day for the students, which sees them work intensively with three artists and to consider their future pathways into tertiary study of creative practice.

Liminal – Queensland College of Art, Griffith University Gold Coast Since the inception of the degree program at the Gold Coast campus at Griffith University in 2003, Gold Coast City Gallery has been the host of the degree show exhibition. Gallery staff

The Border Art Prize Presented bi-annually in partnership with Tweed River Gallery, this display of over 300 works fills Gallery 1 to over-flowing. Alongside the exhibition, there was a speed curating mentoring event and series of artist talks.

Detail of QCA graduate Jason Haggerty Like/Unlike 2013 installation.

Installation photograph of 2013 Border Art Prize. Photo: Emma Collerton

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Art Prizes

The Gold Coast Art Prize The gallery was delighted to have incoming director of the Queensland Art Gallery, Chris Saines, as our judge for 2013 and his selection of the intimate and compelling work by Darren Wardell is a significant addition to the collection. From a very strong field of entries, two other works were acquired; Jun Chen, Gold Coast suburb 2013 and Sherrie Knipe, After the deluge 2012. The Benefactor program provided the funds for these acquisitions.

Collection Exposure With virtually all the city collection in storage for most of the time, it is vital that our exhibition program includes lively curated displays that allow new acquisitions to be seen alongside older works from the collection.

‘Gold Coast Art Prize is fascinating … an excellent tradition.’ H Johns, Canada

Installation photograph of Everyday Celebrity exhibition. Photo: Emma Collerton.

‘‘Brilliant indigenous collection.’ Adam Cawood, Melbourne, commenting on Open Country collection Left: Darren WARDLE, Head Case Study 7 2013, oil, synthetic polymer paint on linen canvas, Winner Gold Coast Art Prize 2013. Right: Jun CHEN, Gold Coast suburb 2010, oil on canvas, Acquired from the Gold Coast Art Prize 2013

Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Photography Award Through the generous support of the Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Foundation, the gallery presents the richest open photography award in Australia. In April 2014, Judge Natasha Bullock from the Art Gallery of NSW, selected the winning work by leading Australian artist Shaun Gladwell, who has been previously unrepresented in the collection. A new highlight of this year’s award presentation included participation in the inaugural GLOW festival, which saw a lively conversation on photo media publishing and audiences invited to take torchlight tours.

‘Visually spectacular and thought provoking. Great to get the kids off the X-Box for a few hours!’ Carmel Tepper, Broadbeach Waters Installation of Open Country: Indigenous art from the collection. Photo: Emma Collerton

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Programming and Touring

The gallery extended its programming to off site and in touring venues as well as artist development opportunities – Fibro Coast - The Bleach* Extension This project was developed in collaboration with Bleach* festival and aimed to connect the gallery to audiences in the Southern Gold Coast. Five artists made site-specific works in older fibro properties in Tugun, Bilinga and Coolangatta. A catalogue, walking tours and community events were delivered with the support of the Community Partnerships Program of Australia Council.

Renegades: Outsider Art This exhibition, developed by Access Arts Melbourne and Kick Arts in Cairns, showed the work of over 40 artists working with disabilities.

John Gollings: Learning from Surfers Paradise The exhibition by acclaimed architectural photographer John Gollings of the large rephotography project of Surfers Paradise was re-presented at the prestigious new Design Hub exhibition space at RMIT in April 2014. Gallery curator, Virginia Rigney, delivered two public talks in Melbourne for this presentation. The Reveal on tour Local designers, Artwork Agency, were commissioned to continue their involvement with the project and design a touring version of The Reveal exhibition. This will be presented in five community venues across the city through to the end of 2014. The large model is a key feature of the touring exhibition display as well as a photo wall that invites visitors to picture themselves in the Cultural Precinct of the future. Incoming Touring exhibitions Our exhibition program is complemented by taking high quality exhibitions that have been developed by other institutions, including:Designing Craft/Crafting Design: 40 Years of JamFactory Superb works of contemporary glass, ceramics, design and jewellery were presented in this exhibition that celebrated the 40 year history of leading craft and design workshop, JamFactory in Adelaide.

Image: Glennys Briggs at Stradbroke Island as part of South Stradbroke Island Artist Camp. Photo: Jo-Anne Driessens.

Installation view of Renegades: Outsider Art. Photograph: Emma Collerton.

Artist Development Opportunity The South Stradbroke Artist Camp was initiated by Gold Coast City Gallery as a significant local companion project to the development of the exhibition Saltwater Country to show in July 2014 and was delivered in partnership with the Cultural Development Unit of City of Gold Coast to support the development of local professional arts practice. Following consultation with the community and with Council, Indigenous artists from the region were invited to apply to participate in the camp and nine where chosen to attend. They spent a week together at the northern end of South Stradbroke Island in March 2014 and undertook a rigorous program of making art that involved both historical and personal research. Under the guidance of lead artist Judy Watson, they had the confidence to experiment with unfamiliar mediums, the opportunity to share and discuss family histories and their impact on lives, and how those stories might be expressed through creative practice. Most importantly, they had the time and support to look closely at the sandy island and its plants and animals on both the western calm water side and the exposed beach on the east, and made direct artistic responses to those places. The results of the camp were presented in a Foyer Gallery exhibition in July 2014. Senior Curator, Virginia Rigney, and Indigenous Officer, Jo-Anne Driessens, co-ordinated the organisation of the camp and worked with local indigenous mentors, Michael Aird and Maureen Newton, on the island to support the artists.

Public Programs

Image: Public Programs Coordinator Jodi Ferrari during Summer Series 2014. Photo: Dave D’Arcy.

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Public Programs

Gold Coast City Gallery presented over 80 unique public programs during the period and took an innovative approach to programming to develop audiences and deepen engagement with the exhibitions on display. Opening events Increasingly, opening events for new exhibitions were designed to include a public program component, such as curators in conversation with guest artists, historians and critics to engage audiences further with the exhibition thematics and content. These programs are generally well-attended and mostly take place in the exhibition space. Depending on capacity, audiences may be seated or move around the exhibition following the conversational engagement with key works.

Collection-focused programs With the increased focus on showcasing the City Collection in conjunction with Gold Coast Cultural Precinct planning, talks that highlight the content of the collection have been popular and well-attended, including – • Two Collection Focus talks (90 attendees) • Teacher Professional Development opportunity Curating the Collection (10 attendees)

Opening events incorporating a public program included – • Sebastian di Mauro (46 attendees) • Fibro Coast (120 attendees) • Renegades: Outsider Art (47 attendees) • The Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Photography Award ‘Winner Returns’ artist talk to precede the opening event (45 attendees) • Edwin Bode (101 attendees) Image: AFTER DARK: Creative Juices networking event. Photo: Yoko Lance.

AFTER DARK programs The AFTER DARK program is presented on selected Thursday nights and aims to build audiences through the considered programming of talks, music and other creative activities related to the exhibition on display. AFTER DARK programs during this period have featured a vintage fashion parade, life drawing sessions, a ‘pop-up’ bookshop, performances by local musicians, and invited guest speakers have covered a range of topics including photography, fashion, design, architecture and digital media. • Ten AFTER DARK programs (626 attendees) Image: AFTER DARK: Life Drawing with Friends. Photo: Jodi Ferrari

Meet the Artist programs Audiences welcome opportunities to meet artists and hear them speaking about their work in the Gallery spaces. The Meet the Artist program has been delivered on Saturday afternoons and highlighted the creative practice of local, national and international artists, including – • Foyer artists Dave Groom, Fred Luddite and Howard Sparks (120 attendees) • International artists from the Australian Creative Exchange • a full program of 10 free events including artist workshops, demonstrations and community events (256 attendees) • Queensland College of Art graduates (20 attendees) • Artists in Conversation: Hinterland Inspiration (Edwin Bode exhibition) (20 attendees)

Image: AFTER Dark: Fashion on the Edge of Art. Photo: Yoko Lance.

16 | Gold Coast City Gallery | Annual Report 2013-2014 | Public Programs

Public Programs

Developing local artists Gold Coast City Gallery is supporting local artist development through the delivery of skill workshops and professional development opportunities in conjunction with key exhibitions. Exhibiting artists and visiting judges have been engaged to lead paid workshops addressing a variety of genre and media, including ceramics, painting and drawing. These are mostly conducted in our education space, The Studio, or in the gallery setting. Present facilities prevent the presentation of ceramics skills workshops onsite so these are coordinated in conjunction with the local Gold Coast Potters’ Association. Artist development opportunities have included – • Guest artist workshops with Kenji Uranishi, Dave Groom, Joe Furlonge and Jun Chen (29 artist participants) • The Border Art Prize ‘speed curating’ program (19 artist participants) • Disabilities community workshops presented in conjunction with Renegades exhibition, with tutor Catherine Jacoby (two workshops, 11 participants)

Developing young artists During this period, we have increased the number of opportunities for young artists to develop their creative practice through artist/mentoring programs: • Energies Student Immersion Day (30 students) • Summer Series – six sessions of free activities (100 participants), four paid workshops with artist/facilitator Leonie Rhodes) (75 participants) • QAGOMA Kids’ on Tour program (53 participants) • The Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Photography Award - PhotoFun at the Gallery (40 participants) • The Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Photography Award - Photo Fanatics Immersion Day (20 students)

‘ The photography workshop was a mazing. The choice of two such different, yet inspirational photographers, who were more than willing to share their expertise and passion, was just one of the outstanding highlights of the event. … the final photographic projects, well thought out and well executed under the a mazing supervision and encouragement of the photographers.’ Marg McColl, Gallery

Image: Lauren Reiser at PhotoFun at the Gallery. Photo: Allison Reiser

‘…thank you for putting on … PhotoFun at the Gallery. My daughter Lauren had a great afternoon and spent a very long time working on her version of the ‘Little Bear’ photo… Please pass our thanks again onto Margaret, she was wonderful encouraging the children and made it a very enjoyable outing for all. We’re looking forward to the next round of kids activities at the Gallery.’ Allison Reiser Image: Energies Student Immersion day 2013. Photo: Jodi Ferrari.

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PhotoFun at the Gallery. Photo: Carolin Bader

Acquisitions 2013-2014

Image: Neil FRAZER, Craggy Point 2012, synthetic polymer paint on canvas, Gift of the artist under the Cultural Gifts Program, 2014

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Acquisitions 2013-14

The following works were acquired from the Gold Coast Art Prize David WARDLE Head Case Study 7 2013 oil, synthetic polymer paint on linen canvas 41 x 36cm Winner Gold Coast Coast Art Prize 2013 Sherrie KNIPE After the deluge 2012 pine veneer, plywood, string 70 x 41 x 45cm Jun CHEN Gold Coast suburb 2010 oil on canvas 125 x 130cm The following works were acquired from the Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Photography Award Shaun GLADWELL The Flying Dutchman in Blue (Coogee 2) 2013 digital print on archival paper 154.6 x 219.6cm Winner, 2014 Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Photography Award Tamara DEAN By feel 2013 archival inkjet print 150 x 200cm comp; 157 x 206.8cm frame Damien O’MARA Airport 2013 inkjet print on photo rag 50 x 115cm comp; 63.2 x 168.6cm frame

The following works were purchased William BUSTARD Numinbah Bridge at Bocoo Park n/d watercolour 23.6 x 30.5

The following work was donated through the Cultural Gifts Program in memory of Carol Willesee Tom RISLEY Stories about things 1997 mixed media 85 x 363 cm

Graeme INSON Kirra Hill from Greenmount c1962 oil on board 38.6 x 59.0cm (comp); 55.0 x 75.8cm (frame)

The following works were donated by Adam Knight under the Cultural Gifts Program

H.C. SIMPSON From Little Burleigh 1952 watercolour 21.5 x 32 cm

Takariya NAPALTJARRI Women’s Dreaming site 2010 synthetic polymer paint on linen canvas 208 x 117cm

H.C. SIMPSON Coolangatta 1945 watercolour 26 x 37cm Sebastian Di MAURO pro Gaius Marius from ‘Scuta’ series 2009 neoprene, fibreglass 101 x 54 x 25cm Richard TIPPING The Sunshine Bungalow 1979 (printed 2012) digital print 36.8 x 55 cm The following work was purchased with funds from Division 7 William BUSTARD Nerang River at Benowa c1930s watercolour 24.7 x 33.8cm

Dolly Mills PETYARRE Alhalkere My Country 2005 synthetic polymer paint on linen canvas 198 x 112cm Kathleen PETYARRE My Country bush seeds 2004 synthetic polymer paint on linen canvas 127 x 126cm The following works were donated by Camit & Nathan Cher under the Cultural Gifts Program David RANKIN Jerusalem Wall Marking 1989 synthetic polymer paint on canvas 195 x 150 David RANKIN Dona Nobis Pacem 2000 synthetic polymer paint on canvas 158 x 165 cm

David RANKIN The Budda and The Bones 1999 synthetic polymer paint on canvas 255 x 150 cm David RANKIN Husband & Wife 1995 synthetic polymer paint on canvas 195 x 300 cm The following works were donated by Denis Savill under the Cultural Gifts Program Rubery BENNETT Central Australia oil on canvas 89 x 107cm Tim MAGUIRE Untitled 20030903 2003 oil on canvas 120 x 90cm Euan HENG On a street where we live 1990 watercolour on paper 54 x 72.5cm Richard LARTER Abstract (Gabari II) 1983 synthetic polymer paint on canvas 179 x 124.5cm Richard LARTER Portrait of Pat 1986 pastel on paper 54 x 37cm David KEELING Monumental landscape 1987 oil on canvas 102 x 110cm

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Acquisitions 2013-14

Garry SHEAD Tara watercolour and pencil 41.5 x 47.5cm

John MILLINGTON Dusk burn - Canefields 1994 oil on canvas 28.5 x 39cm

The following work was donated by Heather Farrer under the Cultural Gifts Program

Richard LARTER Montezuma No. 2 synthetic polymer paint on canvas 179 x 104cm

John MILLINGTON Cane worker #2 oil on board 56 x 27cm

Tim Silver Untitled (Rory) 1 2010 pigment print on etching rag 310gsm 155.5 x 110 cm

Ray CROOKE West Australian Landscape c.1970 oil on canvas on composition board 61 x 76cm Melinda HARPER Untitled 2003 oil on canvas 112 x 111cm Ray CROOKE Rome gouache on paper 21.5 x 29cm The following work was donated by Dr Owen Harries under the Cultural Gifts Program Elwyn LYNN Square of opposition 1965 oil, PVA, sand, shellac on canvas 76.0 x 101.0cm (comp); 78.5 x 103.5cm (frame) The following works were donated by Ellen Fanning under the Cultural Gifts Program Graeme INSON Break, break, break 1990 oil on board 65 x 44cm (comp); 81 x 55cm (frame)

Ken KNIGHT Main Beach Southport oil on board 33 x 52 cm Graeme INSON Currumbin Rock 1990 oil on board 72 x 90cm The following works were donated by Felicity Fenner under the Cultural Gifts Program Rodney POPLE The Hermitage 4 (in the pink) 2009 oil, pigment ink on linen 209 x 125.7cm (comp) Rodney POPLE High Altar 2 2011 oil, pigment ink on linen 133 x 90.5cm (comp) Rodney POPLE High Altar 1 2011 oil, pigment ink on linen 133 x 90.5cm (comp) Rodney POPLE Isle of the dead 2013 oil, pigment ink on linen, 93 x 153.2cm (comp) Rodney POPLE Red dress 2009 oil, pigment ink on linen 133 x 196.2cm (comp)

The following work was donated by Joseph Catanzariti under the Cultural Gifts Program Adam CULLEN Girls should stop complaining 2002 synthetic polymer paint and ink on canvas 122 x 91.5cm The following works were donated by Katherine N. Littlewood under the Cultural Gifts Program Tony IRVING The Old Kiosk, St. Kilda 1984 etching, aquatint Tony IRVING Ramsden Place etching, aquatint Tony IRVING Waratah Place etching, aquatint Tony IRVING Heape Court etching, aquatint Tony IRVING Chapter House Lane etching, aquatint

Tony IRVING Niagara Lane etching, aquatint Tony IRVING Hosier Lane etching, aquatint Tony IRVING Drewery Lane etching, aquatint David FRAZER Woe wood engraving David FRAZER Messenger wood engraving Paddy FORDHAM WAINBURRANGA Yalk yalk woman 2003 sugar-lift aquatint 60.0 x 50.0cm Paddy FORDHAM WAINBURRANGA Lightning man 2003 sugar-lift aquatint 60.0 x 50.0cm Paddy FORDHAM WAINBURRANGA Mun gruk gruk 2003 sugar-lift aquatint 60.0 x 50.0cm Paddy FORDHAM WAINBURRANGA Walga walga 2003 sugar-lift aquatint 60.0 x 50.0cm Paddy FORDHAM WAINBURRANGA Nammooroddoo 2003 sugar-lift aquatint 60.0 x 50.0cm

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Acquisitions 2013-14

Paddy FORDHAM WAINBURRANGA Mun gruk gruk man 2003 sugar-lift aquatint 60.0 x 50.0cm

Andrew SIBLEY Flowers embraced 1993 (2013) hand coloured linocut 20.5 x 12.8cm

Paddy FORDHAM WAINBURRANGA Mun gruk gruk woman 2003 sugar-lift aquatint 60.0 x 50.0cm

Andrew SIBLEY Some enchanted evening hand coloured sugar-lift etching 67.0 x 48.0cm

Andrew SIBLEY Memories of my garden 1993 (2013) hand coloured linocut 21.6 x 13.7cm

Andrew SIBLEY Vilya, oh vilya hand coloured sugar-lift etching 67.5 x 48.3cm

Andrew SIBLEY Catch a falling star hand coloured sugar-lift etching 67.7 x 48.0cm

Andrew SIBLEY Roses with love 1993 (2013) hand coloured linocut 21.3 x 13.4cm

Andrew SIBLEY Come fly with me hand coloured sugar-lift etching 67.5 x 48.0cm Andrew SIBLEY It’s only a paper moon hand coloured sugar-lift etching 67.2 x 48.3cm Andrew SIBLEY You are the sunshine of my life hand coloured sugar-lift etching 67.5 x 48.0cm Andrew SIBLEY Red roses 1993 (2013) hand coloured linocut 21.3 x 13.4cm

The following works were donated by Ken McGregor under the Cultural Gifts Program Deborah PAAUWE Candy heart 2000 type C photograph 120 x 120 cm Deborah PAAUWE Candy girl 2000 type C photograph 120 x 120 cm Deborah PAAUWE Midnight autograph 2002 type C photograph 120 x 120 cm Deborah PAAUWE Candy fields 2000 type C photograph 120 x 120 cm

Deborah PAAUWE Silent sleeping beauty 2000 type C photograph 120 x 120 cm

The following works were donated by Patrick Corrigan AM under the Cultural Gifts Program

Jeremy PARK Lovers; from the series (Homage to Magritte) 2003 LED print 73.5 x 54.5 cm

Peter ATKINS Mystery train 1994 gouache on denim 47.7 x 152.9cm

The following works were donated by Kerrie Young under the Cultural Gifts Program

John BEARD Headlands - Sydney Harbour Series 2003 watercolour on paper 48 x 56cm (frame)

James GUPPY No title (Still life) 1989 oil on canvas, collage on board 76.5 x 52.5cm

John BEARD Headlands - Sydney Harbour Series 2003 watercolour on paper 48 x 56cm (frame)

Ken GRIFFITHS Self Portrait in a Red Shirt 1997 oil, synthetic polymer paint on canvas 63.5 x 51cm

John BEARD Headlands - Sydney Harbour Series 2003 watercolour on paper 48 x 56cm (frame)

The following works were donated by NCN Investments under the Cultural Gifts Program

John BEARD Headlands - Sydney Harbour Series 2003 watercolour on paper 48 x 56cm (frame)

David RANKIN The Scorched Coast II 1985 synthetic polymer paint on canvas 92 x 180 cm

Nicholas BURTON No title (Caravan) tin, nails, synthetic polymer paint 60 x 35cm

David RANKIN Red Sonora 1998 synthetic polymer paint on canvas 225 x 125 cm

Nicholas BURTON No title (Aeroplanes) tin, nails, synthetic polymer paint 97 x 30cm

22 | Gold Coast City Gallery | Annual Report 2013-2014 | Acquistions

Acquisitions 2013-14

Nicholas BURTON Ice cream oil on aluminium, nails 87 x 60cm John COBURN Sun and Sydney Opera House 1993 screenprint 100 x 80.5cm (framed) Jason CORDERO The light of grey 2004 oil on linen 51 x75cm L. Roy DAVIES Sliprails and barn 1922 wood-engraving, printed in black ink, from one block 21.9 x 19.5cm L. Roy DAVIES Slab and bark hut 1964 wood-engraving, printed in black ink, from one block 11.0 x 16.3cm L. Roy DAVIES A corner of the garden 1960 wood-engraving, printed in black ink, from one block 18.0 x 23.2cm L. Roy DAVIES The Laird c1924 wood-engraving, printed in black ink, from one block 20.7 x 27.2cm L. Roy DAVIES Bathers wood-engraving, printed in black ink, from one block 16.2 x 11.4cm

L. Roy DAVIES Hawkesbury River Battlements 1925 wood-engraving, printed in black ink, from one block 16.3 x 22.5cm L. Roy DAVIES The Union Club, Bligh Street 1926 wood-engraving, printed in black ink, from one block 20.4 x 22.9cm L. Roy DAVIES The pond wood-engraving, printed in black ink, from one block 21.7 x 16.3cm L. Roy DAVIES Abandoned selection c1922 wood-engraving, printed in black ink 19.6 x 22.3cm L. Roy DAVIES The back gate 1924 wood-engraving, printed in black ink 20.4 x 26.7cm L. Roy DAVIES Our Street wood-engraving, printed in black ink, from one block 22.8 x 20.1cm L. Roy DAVIES Coolness 1925 wood-engraving, printed in black ink, from one block 13.6 x 17.7cm

L. Roy DAVIES The Idealogue c1923 wood-engraving, printed in black ink, from one block 21.7 x 13.7cm L. Roy DAVIES Rain c1932 wood-engraving, printed in black ink, from one block 16.1 x 12.3 L. Roy DAVIES Shanty by the swamp 1922 wood-engraving, printed in black ink, from one block 15.5 x 19.4cm Paul DONALD and Jess MacNEIL Jale, Jules, Japes, Puss and Pale, Leap, Alus and Slap looking away 2004 synthetic polmr paint on canvas 86 x 132cm

Julie FRAGAR Godorbog 2007 oil on board 76 x 102 cm Helga GROVES Untitled 2002 synthetic polymer paint on canvas 30 x 30 cm two pieces Ian HOWARD Legacy vehicles 1998-2010 archival ink on vinyl on aluminium, 5 panels 19.0 x 23.0cm (each panel) David JENSZ Fold in space II 1996 foam, metal 110 x 110cm Matthew JOHNSON Untitled 1999 watercolour on two sheets of paper 92.5 x 72.5cm each framed

Mikala DWYER Untitled 1992 7 pieces of ceramic, wood,glass and plaster various

Matthew JOHNSON Untitled 1990 wax crayon on paper 38.5 x 35.3cm

Lorna FENCER NAPURULA (No title - AGOD9318) synthetic polymer paint on canvas 75.5 x 59cm

Tim JOHNSON Pheonix Hall 2004 synthetic polmr paint on canvas 63 x 93.5 cm

Belinda FOX Monument 2008-10 watercolour, collage of cut papers, fibre-tipped pen, pencil on paper 122 x 200 cm

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Acquisitions 2013-14

Tim JOHNSON Calm Heart 1995 synthetic polmr paint on canvas 40.5 x 30.5

Lionel LINDSAY The siding 1923 wood-engraving, printed in black ink, from one block 11.0 x 13.0cm

Lionel LINDSAY Bacchanal 1925 wood-engraving, printed in black ink, from one block 24.5 x 21.5cm

Alan JONES Northcote study V 2003 charcoal, ink on paper 29 x 20cm

Lionel LINDSAY Magnolias 1924 wood-engraving, printed in black ink, from one block 11.2 x 10.2cm

Lionel LINDSAY Dahlias 1925 wood-engraving, printed in black ink, from one block 21.6 x 20.7cm

Lionel LINDSAY Chinese beauty 1922 wood-engraving, printed in black ink, from one block 16.8 x 12.5cm

Lionel LINDSAY Chardon wood-engraving, printed in black ink, from one block 25.5 x 18.5cm

Lionel LINDSAY Autumn 1929 wood-engraving, printed in black ink, from one block 25.5 x 18.4cm

Lionel LINDSAY Camellias wood-engraving, printed in black ink, from one block 15.3 x 18.8cm

Lionel LINDSAY Philosophy 1925 wood-engraving, printed in black ink, from one block 20.0 x 17.3cm

Lionel LINDSAY Camellias wood-engraving, printed in black ink, from one block 17.6 x 13.7cm

Lionel LINDSAY Fruit Basket 1936 wood-engraving, printed in black ink, from one block 15.2 x 17.1cm

Victoria LOBREGAT No title oil on canvas 45 x 45cm

Alan JONES Northcote study I 2003 charcoal, ink on paper 29 x 20cm Alan JONES Northcote study II 2003 charcoal, ink on paper 29 x 20cm Alan JONES Northcote study IV 2003 charcoal, ink on paper 29 x 20cm Paddy LEWIS JAPANANGKA Untitled synthetic polymer paint on canvas 93 x 92 cm Lionel LINDSAY Prince Albert’s Curassow 1935 wood-engraving, printed in black ink, from one block 23.9 x 16.1cm Lionel LINDSAY The Orchard 1925 wood-engraving, printed in black ink, from one block 11.7 x 11.2cm

Lionel LINDSAY (Still life) wood-engraving, printed in black ink, from one block 15.4 x 17.0cm

Tim MAGUIRE Study for Faith and Reason c1989 watercolour, ink, pastel on paper 17.5 x 26cm

Betty MBITJANA Awelye - Atnwengerrp (Women’s Dreaming) synthetic polymer paint on canvas 148 x 91cm Betty MBITJANA Awelye - Atnwengerrp (Women’s Dreaming) synthetic polymer paint on canvas 150 x 90cm Tracey MOFFATT First jobs, Fruit Market 1975 2008 archival pigments on rice paper with gel medium 71 × 91.5cm Gracie MORTON PWERLE Bush Plum Dreaming synthetic polymer paint on canvas 90 x 118cm Damien MOSS Ether 1995 oil, synthetic polymer paint on canvas 121.5 x 121.5cm Nunyuma NAPANGARDI Wirrulnga synthetic polymer paint on canvas 91 x 122cm Ningura NAPURRULA Ngaminya synthetic polymer paint on canvas 122 x 60cm

24 | Gold Coast City Gallery | Annual Report 2013-2014 | Acquistions

Acquisitions 2013-14

Susan O’DOHERTY Rise 2001 oil on canvas 71 x 71 cm

Mike PARR Fermalias 16 1992 drypoint 107 x 79 cm

Jeremy PARK Forced Observation 2002 type C photograph 33 x 48 cm (image) 70.5 x 83 cm (frame)

Gloria PETYARRE Bush Medicine (Bush leaves) synthetic polymer paint on canvas 100 x 64cm

Jeremy PARK Broken Glass 2002 type C photograph 35.5 x 28 cm (image) 72 x 63.3 cm (frame)

Lionel POSSUM TJUNGURRAYI Bush Fire Dreaming synthetic polymer paint on canvas 93 x 56.5cm

Jeremy PARK Apple 2002 type C photograph 35.5 x 28 cm (image) 72 x 63.3 cm (frame) Jeremy PARK Lovers; from the series (Homage to Magritte) 2002 type C photograph 35.5 x 28 cm (image) 72 x 63.3 cm (frame) Jeremy PARK Canvas 2002 type C photograph 35.5 x 28 cm (image) 72 x 63.3 cm (frame) Jeremy PARK Mirror 2002 type C photograph 35.5 x 28 cm (image) 72 x 63.3 cm (frame) Jeremy PARK Paintedly Canvas 2002 type C photograph 35.5 x 28 cm (image) 72 x 63.3 cm (frame)

Doreen REID NAKAMARRA No Title synthetic polmr paint on canvas 48.5 x 93.5 cm Jeffrey SMART The Argument 1999 colour lithograph 78.5 x 85cm (framed) Thomas TJAPALTJARRI Tingari Cycle synthetic polymer paint on canvas 59 x 149cm Walala TJAPALTJARRI Tingari Cycle synthetic polymer paint on canvas 138 x 58cm Willie TJUNGURRAYI Hail storm at Kaakuratintjia synthetic polymer paint on canvas 148 x 58cm

Willie TJUNGURRAYI (Papunya Tjupi) synthetic polymer paint on canvas 122 x 71cm Charlie Wallabi (Walapayi) TJUNGURRAYI Nyinmi synthetic polymer paint on canvas 168 x 46cm Johnny Yungut TJUPURRULA Tingari Cycle synthetic polymer paint on canvas 91 x 61cm Guan WEI Last supper 1995 lithograph 54 x 122cm Guan WEI Last judgement 1995 lithograph 54 x 122cm Guan WEI Return to Paradise 1995 lithograph 54 x 122cm Guan WEI Trepidation Island 2003 lithograph 78 x 95.5cm Guan WEI First kiss 1994 lithograph 100 x 48.7cm

Guan WEI King and Queen 1994 lithograph 100 x 48.7cm Brett WHITELEY (Nude) c.1989 ink on paper 33 x 26cm Bronwyn WRIGHT Inversion from the series Nickelodeon car 2003 lightjet print 37.0 x 52.2cm (comp); 69.0 x 79.7cm (frame) Bronwyn WRIGHT Storm from the series Nickelodeon car 2003 lightjet print 43.2 x 70.2cm (comp); 75.0 x 85.0cm (frame) Bronwyn WRIGHT Sky Spiral from the series Nickelodeon car 2003 lightjet print 47.0 x 62.5cm (comp); 79.0 x 89.2cm (frame) Bronwyn WRIGHT Car energy - ground/sky from the series Nickelodeon car 2003 lightjet print 43.0 x 57cm (comp); 75.0 x 84.7cm (frame) Adrian YOUNG TJUPURRULA synthetic polymer paint on canvas 107 x 28cm

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Acquisitions 2013-14

Michael ZAVROS The lion of St Marks synthetic polymer paint on canvas 122 x 122cm Rubery BENNETT For Pat Corrigan 1974 acquatint 20.7 x 18.2cm Earl BRACKEN For Pat Corrigan lithograph 13.3 x 9.2cm Earl BRACKEN For Pat Corrigan lithograph 13.3 x 9.2cm Peter CHAPMAN For Pat Corrigan 1980 lithograph 13.1 x 10.3cm John COBURN Ex Libris Pat Corrigan lithograph 14.2 x 10.7cm L. Roy DAVIES For Pat Corrigan lithograph 13.7 x 11.8cm Brian DUNLOP For Pat Corrigan lithograph 16.2 x 12cm Joel ELENBERG Pat Corrigan Ex Libris lithograph 18.5 x 12.5cm

Alan GAMBLE Ex Libris Pat Corrigan lithograph 11.9 x 8.7cm

Pixie O’HARRIS For Pat Corrigan lithograph 12 x 9.2cm

Brett WHITELEY Ex Libris Pat Corrigan lithograph 11.5 x 14cm

Bruce GOOLD Barbara 1992 wood block 15.3 x 19.5cm

Pixie O’HARRIS For Ryan Corrigan lithograph 14 x 8.5cm

Brett WHITELEY Ex Libris Barbara Corrigan lithograph 14.5 x 11 cm

Peter HICKEY Ex Libris Pat Corrigan 1997 etching 30 x 27cm

David PRESTON For Pat Corrigan hand coloured linocut 14.2 x 10.6cm

Brett WHITELEY Ex Libris Pat Corrigan lithograph 12.7 x 16.5cm

Peter KINGSTON For Barbara Corrigan 1989 lithograph 11.8 x 11cm

David PRESTON For Barbara Corrigan hand coloured linocut 14.2 x 10.6cm

James WILLEBRANDT For Pat Corrigan 1976 lithograph 12.5 x 9cm

Alun LEACH-JONES For Pat Corrigan screenprint 16 x 13.2cm

Lloyd REES For Pat Corrigan 1978 etching 24.2 x 16.5cm

The following works were donated by Ray Wilson OAM in memory of James Agapitos OAM under the Cultural Gifts Program

Pixie O’HARRIS For Joel Corrigan lithograph 12.8 x 10.5cm

Blake TWIGDEN For Pat Corrigan 1976 lithograph 10.8 x 9.3cm

Pixie O’HARRIS For Barbara Corrigan lithograph 13 x 11cm

Blake TWIGDEN For Pat Corrigan 1976 lithograph 10.8 x 9.3cm

Pixie O’HARRIS For David Corrigan etching 12.7 x 10.5cm

David VAN NUNEN For Pat Corrigan 1984 lithograph 12.7 x 10.5cm

Pixie O’HARRIS For Kylie Corrigan lithograph 14 x 10.9cm

Brett WHITELEY Ex Libris Pat Corrigan lithograph 19 x 13cm

James GLEESON Fantasy in figure one (1948) black fibre-tipped pen and watercolour on paper 38.5 x 36.5cm (comp); 64.5 x 60.5cm (frame) James GLEESON Roussel is surrealist in anecdote 1978 charcoal, collage and ink on paper 70 x 51.5 cm (comp.); 94 x 73cm (frame)

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Acquisitions 2013-14

James GLEESON But I do nothing upon myself 1976 charcoal, watercolour and collage on paper 70 x 51cm (comp); 93.5 x 73cm (frame) James GLEESON No man is an island 1976 charcoal, watercolour and collage on paper 66.5 x 50cm (comp); 69.5 x 72cm (frame) James GLEESON The Grand Academy of Lagado 1976 collage, watercolour and charcoal on paper 66 x 39cm (comp); 89 x 71.5cm (frame) James GLEESON Invisible cities and memories 4 1976 collage, ink, photocopy transfer and watercolour on paper 66 x 56cm (comp); 99 x 78cm (frame) James GLEESON Commentary 1976 watercolour, collage and ink on paper 70 x 51cm (comp); 92.5 x 73cm (frame) James GLEESON All one’s inventions are true 1976 charcoal and collage on paper 69 x 51cm (comp); 94 x 73cm (frame)

James GLEESON Some lives 1976 charcoal and collage on paper 49.5 x 64.6cm (comp); 73 x 87cm (frame) The following works were donated by Simon Johnson under the Cultural Gifts Program Grace BURZESE Untitled synthetic polymer paint on canvas 153 x 145.5cm Mike NICHOLLS Lost in the Lansdcape 1999 oil on linen 200 x 130cm Rosella NAMOK Camping...where watcher 2002 synthetic polymer paint on canvas 121 x 171cm Brad MUNRO Ample oil on canvas 160 x 120cm Chris LANGLOIS Study for 2000 oil on canvas 160 x 150cm Rosemary LAING Burning Ayre #1 2003 type C photograph 50 x 80cm

Matthew JOHNSON Untitled pigment, perspex 89 x 44 x 15cm Shaun GLADWELL Approach to Mundi Mundi: Dawn 2007 lightbox, durotran 45 x 65 x 15cm Christopher SNEE White Australia 2000 oil on canvas on board 119 x 99cm Christopher SNEE Yellow Australia 2000 oil on canvas on board 119 x 99cm The following works were donated by the artists under the Cultural Gifts Program Stephen BAXTER Australian landscape No 40 (Hinterland Bathers) 2007-08 oil on canvas 140 x 140cm Stephen BAXTER Curator navigating the landscape 1999 synthetic polymer paint, gouache, pencil on paper on offset lithographic print 53.5 x 86.5cm (comp) Stephen BAXTER Give a dog a bone 1999 synthetic polymer paint and pencil on offset lithographic print 53.5 x 86.5cm (comp)

Stephen BAXTER Hugh Sawrey as a young boy 1999 synthetic polymer paint on offset lithographic print 53.5 x 86.5cm (comp) Stephen BAXTER Let sleeping dogs lie 1999 synthetic polymer paint on offset lithographic print 53.5 x 86.5cm (comp) Stephen BAXTER Roo 1999 synthetic polymer paint on offset lithographic print 53.5 x 86.5cm (comp) Mike CHAVEZ Surfer (Joel Parkinson) 2012 screenprint, synthetic polymer paint on board 172.5 x 183cm Mike CHAVEZ Charlie don’t surf 2012 screenprint, synthetic polymer paint, spray paint on board 100 x 250cm E.L.K. Out With the Old Detail 2011 aerosol on board 120 x 200cm Vincent FANTAUZZO Suzie Wong, The Reality 2011 oil on canvas 80.5 x 170.5cm

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Acquisitions 2013-14

Neil FRAZER Craggy Point 2012 synthetic polymer paint on canvas 19.5 x 296cm

Shayne HIGSON Imagining 2004 digital light jet photograph 69 x 92cm

Ildiko KOVACS Lucifer 2012 monoprint 112 x 76cm

Terry MATASSONI The boat ride 2010 gouache on paper 37 x 55cm

Shayne HIGSON Send Now 2004 digital light jet photograph 69 x 92cm

Ildiko KOVACS Pond 2009 oil on card on linen 84 x 61cm

Terry MATASSONI Two friends 2013 oil on linen 25 x 35cm

Shayne HIGSON Your Little Bird 2004 digital light jet photograph 69 x 92cm

Ildiko KOVACS Roadworks #000 2005 oil on board 76.5 x 102cm

Terry MATASSONI Downtown 2012 oil on linen 50.5 x 71cm

Shayne HIGSON Breathless 2004 digital light jet photograph 69 x 92cm

Ildiko KOVACS Roadworks #00 2005 oil on board 76.5 x 102cm

Alexander McKENZIE Richard Clapton 2009 oil on linen 244 x 197cm

Ildiko KOVACS Light air 2009 oil on plywood 152.5 x 183cm

Alexander McKENZIE Toni Collette 2013 oil on linen 244 x 197cm

Shayne HIGSON As If That Could Ever Be 2004 digital light jet photograph 69 x 92cm

Linde IVIMEY Raita II 2010-11 steel armature, acrylic resin, earth, natural fibre, cotton, bat-wing coral tree seeds, woven chicken vertebrae, cast and natural emu, sheep, chicken and fish bones, black and white pearls, human teeth, artificial eye, feathers 117 x 42 x 61cm

Ildiko KOVACS Ice 2012 monoprint 112 x 76cm

Garry SHEAD Martin Sharp and his magic theatre 2012 oil on linen canvas 240 x210cm

Shayne HIGSON F2T 2004 digital light jet photograph 69 x 92cm

Ildiko KOVACS Soft 2009 oil on card on linen 70 x 70cm

Shayne HIGSON Message My Heart 2004 digital light jet photograph 69 x 92cm

Ildiko KOVACS Trace 2012 monoprint 112 x 76cm

P J HICKMAN PAINTING 2012 synthetic polymer paint on 8 canvases 31 x 41cm each Shayne HIGSON Sea Mail II 2004 digital light jet photograph 69 x 92cm Shayne HIGSON Sea Mail I 2004 digital light jet photograph 69 x 92cm Shayne HIGSON ILU 2004 digital light jet photograph 69 x 92cm

Guy MAESTRI Ball’s Pyramid 2012 oil on canvas 153 cm x 183.5cm Terry MATASSONI Contemplation 2010 colour lithograph 13 x 21cm

Ross WATSON Tina Arena 2013 oil on board 122 x 122cm

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Acquisitions 2013-14

The following works were donated by Tom and Evan Lowenstein and Adam Micmacher under the Cultural Gifts Program Paula DAWSON Untitled Hologram 50 x 38cm Victor MAJZNER Untitled gouache on paper 75 x 60cm Alan YOUNG Groove = Fun oil on linen 122 x 152cm Jane TRENGROVE Untitled oil on canvas 50 x 40cm Andrew TAYLOR Untitled mixed media on paper 70 x 50cm Victor RUBIN The Last Porthole oil on canvas 97 x 122cm Charles REDDINGTON Busy Blue oil on canvas 91 x 91cm Yaeli OHANA Wind mixed media on paper 50 x 62cm

Yaeli OHANA Wind mixed media on paper 50 x 62cm Yaeli OHANA Wind mixed media on paper 50 x 62cm Clinton NAIN Love oil on canvas 153 x 123cm Clinton NAIN Hate oil on canvas 153 x 123cm Jeffrey MAKIN Luke’s Studio, Hill End oil on canvas 51 x 36cm Doug WRIGHT Glenshee mixed media on canvas 117 x 138cm John HOWLEY Puppet Show gouache on paper 35 x 45cm Peter COLE Night and Day gouache on paper 90 x 140cm Ray CROOKE Fiji Village seriograph 66 x 81cm

Jeremy GEIA Offshore synthetic polymer paint on linen 67 x 69cm Tanya HODDINOTT The Buzz oil on canvas 90 x 120cm Fred JESSUP South of France ink, watercolour on paper 39 x 54cm Louis KAHAN Granada watercolour on paper 39 x 57cm Martin KING Rainshadow over the range II etching and acquatint 55 x 55cm Kerrie LESTER Beside the Creek oil and hand-stitching on canvas 91 x 182cm Michael EATHER X-Ray results synthetic polymer paint on linen 120 x 150cm Kerrie LESTER Shivering oil and hand-stitching on canvas 76 x 58cm

David LARWILL Metaphysical 2004 collagraph 76 x 57cm Janet LAURENCE Pacific Iosisi Suite I – VI mixed media on canvas 76 x 56cm each (6 panels) Roger LAW Lobster ink on paper 19 x 28cm Roger LAW Dancing Crab lithograph 24 x 26cm Roger LAW Platypus lithograph 40 x 60cm David LARWILL Still life 2004 collagraph 70 x 80cm Chris CANNING Hakea other seed pods 2006 seriograph 92 x 67cm The following works were donated by the artists Narelle AUTIO Sardine Can from the series The summer of us 2009 pigment print 50 x 42 cm Narelle AUTIO Toy Gun from the series The summer of us 2009 pigment print 50 x 42 cm

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Acquisitions 2013-14


Barbara GOLDNER Gold Coast Art Centre synthetic polymer paint on paper 40 x 65 cm Nick OLSEN Red Landscape 2013 oil on canvas 75 x 135cm Joy SCHOENHEIMER Tall Figure 1988 mixed media 36 x 15 x 7.5 cm Joy SCHOENHEIMER Eggs clay, sawdust sagger fired various The following work was donated by the Win Schubert and Josephine Ulrick Diversity Foundation Simone ROSENBAUER Like ice in the sunshine #04 2014 archival pigment print 85 x 85cm The following work was donated by Doug Grice Anna MARYKE 11 oรงlock in the evening 2004 type C photograph 1140 x 1440 mm

The following works were donated by Joy Schoenheimer


Brian HATCH Aquatic Forms screenprint 37.9 x 47 cm Guy WARREN Untitled 1968 mixed media 56.5 x 77 cm


The following work was donated by Walt Flood in memory of Tom McCluskey Tom McCLUSKEY (No title) c1999 mixed media The following works were acquired UNKNOWN The Road to Utopia 1991 etching 21 x 15.5cm UNKNOWN (J.P.) Bridge, Tree 1991 etching 6 x 6 cm image, 31 x 26 cm frame Graeme TOWNSEND Beat to totem 1986 screenprint 76 5

1) Rosemary LAING, burning Ayer #1 2003, type C photograph, Gift of Simon Johnson under the cultural Gifts Program, 2014 2) Ross WATSON, Tina Arena 2013, oil on board, Gift of the artist under the Cultural Gifts Program, 2014 3) Linde IVIMEY, Raita II 2010-11, sculpture, Gift of the artist under the Cultural Gifts Program, 2014 4) Rodney POPLE, The Hermitage 4 (in the pink) 2009, oil and pigment ink on linen, Gift of Felicity Fenner under the cultural Gifts Program, 2014 5) Alexander McKENZIE, Toni Collette 2013, oil on linen, Gift of the artist under the Cultural Gifts Program, 2014 4

Annual Highlights 1) Fred Luddite, Mouse Plague 2013, mixed media. Photo: Margaret Shaw. 2) Garry Shead, Martin Sharp and his magic theatre 2012 (detail), oil on linen canvas. 3) Denise Scott Brown, Fremont Street, Las Vegas, photograph. From Las Vegas Studio Images from the Archives of Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown exhibition. 4) Dave Groom, Pod and Rising Mist, painting (detail). From Dave Groom Foyer exhibition. 1




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1) Howard Sparks, Chinese New Year 1, monoprint. From Howard Sparks: Aspects from the past, Foyer exhibition. 2) John Olsen, Desert seedling, watercolour. From Fabulous Things: Towards a new Art Museum exhibition. 3) Therese Davern, Banksia Flowers, Emerging Indigenous Artist Camp Stradbroke Island, Foyer exhibition 4) Margaret Olley, Currumbin sand mining, drawing. From Collection Focus: QCA Lineage Foyer exhibition. 1




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