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Finally, thank you to all of our sponsors and donors for their generous contributions and continued support.
Dione PerformingPresidentKennedy&CEOArtsFort Worth
elcome to Bass Performance Hall and our 2022-2023 Performing Arts Fort Worth season. On behalf of the Performing Arts Fort Worth staff and Board of Directors, I thank you for joining us as we celebrate 25 years of Bass Performance Hall. We are so excited that tonight, Grammy Award® winner and country music icon Lyle Lovett returns with His Large Band Lyle is a longtime friend of the Hall and a Fort Worth favorite, and we are thrilled to have him back before he closes out his nationwide tour at Austin City Limits. We hope you’re ready for an evening of unforgettable music and storytelling like no other.
Lyle Lovett and His Large Band kicks off our 2022-2023 BNSF Popular Entertainment Series. This incredible lineup continues in October with A Tribute to Peace – North Texas Welcomes Kyiv City Ballet – Presented in Partnership with Texas Ballet Theater and Performing Arts Fort Worth, at Bass Hall October 3, followed by guitarist Monte Montgomery making his return to McDavid Studio on October 15, and a night of soul when the Aretha Franklin tribute R.E.S.P.E.C.T. takes the Bass Hall stage October 19. The holidays bring in festive favorites and old friends with An Evening with Slaid Cleaves on Novem ber 18 at McDavid Studio, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Musical at Bass Hall November 21-22, followed by Holidays with the One O’Clock Lab Band on December 2 at McDavid Studio. Then in the spring, Our Planet Live In Concert takes the Bass Hall stage March 21. The series closes with the One O’Clock Lab Band Spring Showcase May 5 at McDavid Studio. Individual tickets to these newly announced shows are on sale now. Our 2022-2023 Broadway at the Bass Season presented by PNC Bank begins in November with the Lincoln Center Theater production of Lerner & Loewe’s My Fair Lady. The season also includes Disney’s The Lion King, Pretty Woman: The Musical, Annie, Tootsie and Hadestown. Returning to the Hall as a season add-on this November is Elf The Musical to ring in the holiday season. New season tickets can be purchased online at www. basshall.com and by phone at 817-212-4280. Please sign up for our e-Club at www.basshall.com or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to be the first to get all the details about this terrific lineup.

Lovett is a four-time Grammy Award® winner including Best Country Album, Best Country Duo/Group with Vocal, Best Pop Vocal Collaboration and Best Country Male Vocal.
ABOUT LYLE LOVETT A singer, composer and actor, Lyle Lovett has broadened the definition of American music in a career that spans 14 albums. Coupled with his gift for storytelling, the Texas-based musician fuses elements of Americana, swing, jazz, folk, gospel and blues in a convention-defying manner that breaks down barriers. Whether touring as a ‘Duo’ or with his ‘Acoustic Group’ or ‘The Large Band’, Lovett’s live performances show not only the breadth of this Texas legend’s deep talents, but also the diversity of his influences, making him one of the most infectious and fascinating musicians in popular music. Since his self-titled debut in 1986, Lyle Lovett has evolved into one of music’s most vibrant and iconic performers. His oeuvre, rich and eclectic, is one of the most beloved of any living artist working today.
Lovett released his 12th original studio album, 12th of June, on May 13. This album is the singersongwriter’s first to release in a decade, following 2012’s Release Me, as well as his first album release since becoming a father to twins in 2017.

Board of Directors Elaine Agather, Chairman; Edward P. Bass, Chairman Emeritus Jil Barnes, Dr. Jennifer G. Brooks, Eddie Broussard, Becky Brumley, Eboney Cobb-McCain, Kim Darden, Joann Dickerson, Glenn S. Forbes, Erich Holmsten, Mark L. Johnson, Dee Kelly, Jr., Teresa King, Marsha H. Kleinheinz, Joe T. Lancarte, Robert M. Lansford, Sharon Leite, Mary Ralph Lowe, John L. Marion, Stacy Marshall, Priscilla Martin, David McDavid, Paige McNamara, Brian Newby, Steffen E. (Steve) Palko, Shannon Ray, Jean Roach, Lisa Rose, Rozanne Rosenthal, Joel T. Sawyer, Patricia H. Schutts, Jan Scully, Gloria Starling, Wes Turner The Staff Executive Office & Finance President & CEO ............................... Dione Kennedy Vice President & CFO .........................Kathy DuBose Board & Education Manager Taylor Woods Financial & Budget Analyst Caren Wilkerson Accounting & Business SpecialistJonathan...............................Dingler Executive Assistant/Office Manager Karin Lee Programming & Engagement Management Vice President of Programming & Engagement Management .............................................. Jason Wise Assistant Director of Programming & Engagement Management Hannah Guinn Manager of Programming & Engagement Management............................................ Justin Perrin Assistant Director of Marketing............. Brad Evans Senior Marketing Manager. Jackson Pollock Content & Communications Manager Erica Ludwig Digital & E-Commerce Marketing Manager ............. Allyn Welker Production Manager & Senior Technical Director Jacob Mobberley Technical Director, Audio ....... Charles McCormick Production Technician Dylan Walker Assistant Director of CRM Strategy Phillip De Leon Patron Services Manager ...................... Kelsey Fales Patron Services Supervisors ..................Laura Crick, Alexus Ogrodnik Patron Services Lead Representatives Adam Laughlin, Esperanza Sandoval Ordonez, Jennifer Rodriguez Patron Services Representative Nataly Hernandez Front of House & Hospitality Services Director of Front of House ................. Chris Sanders Assistant Directors of Front of House Gordon Kelly, Clara Silva Hospitality Services Managers.... DrewMariaClevenger,Williams Front of House Manager and Volunteer Coordinator .................................... Marisa Maschino Front of House & Retail Manager .... Moses Gomez Inventory Coordinator Carson Costa Building Services Director of Building Services ........ Dwayne Tidwell Facilities Operations Manager Mike King Building Services Lead Technician Chet Cheevers Building Services Coordinator ....... Gerardo Olvera Children’s Education Program Director of Education Sue Buratto Director of Donor Relations .............. Jeanie Wilkins Development & Education Coordinator. Marissa Kates Information Technology Director of Information Technology Stephen Rorai IT Services Coordinator. Nicholas Cunningham Safety & Risk Management Director of Safety & Risk Management Jim Carley Assistant Directors of Safety & Risk Management Mark Coffey, Jeremy DeVoe Safety & Risk Management Manager . Sean Carroll Safety Coordinator Carlos Duque Human Resources Human Resources Representative Mirjam Maggio Interested in Joining our Team? Find a list of open positions and apply at www.basshall.com/careers .

Fund Rozanne
Christina and Mark L. Johnson
Alma Moreton Foundation Sid
Dr. Patricia A. Linares
PriscillaGarveyRebeccaBNSFAlconAnonymousMarionFoundationRailwayFoundationandJonBrumleyTexasFoundationandJoeReidMartin Jr. Mary
Thomas M., Helen McKee & John P. Ryan
Rosalyn RozanneRosenthalandBilly Rosenthal
Angela and Ron Majerus Stacy Marshall Letha Grace McCoy Sandy and Brian Newby Mimi and Robert Nimocks
Walton Foundation
Jil and Brad Barnes
Judy and Paul E.* Andrews, Jr. T. and Robert M. Bass
Central AndrewDomino’sMarketPizzaandKathy DuBose Lily and Bobby English | English Family Giving Fund Fifth Avenue Foundation
The Lowe Foundation
Robert M. Lansford Sharon and Joe Leite
Alice L.
Dione Kennedy and Daniel Hagwood Stacie and David McDavid Once Upon a Time … Performing Arts Fort Worth, Inc.
Friedman Barney Lipscomb Nancy
Joe T. Garcia’s Mexican Restaurant Jean and Gordon Brooks Kelly, Jr. Hollie and Joe Lancarte
The Perry of Terry H.* and Cornelia C.* Lee Bass H. Schutts and Billy D. and W.
America, N.A.,
Lupton Foundation Elaine
| Luther King Capital
Teresa and Luther King
Memorial Fund Patricia
Green Rhodes
WilliamFoundationE.Scott Foundation
Visit www.basshall.com/cep or call 817-212-4311 for more information about our Children’s Education Program or to join us as an Angel in the Wings.
Jean and John* Roach | The Roach Foundation
Bass Foundation Estate
Sasha C. and Edward P. Bass
Elena and Tom Yorio
Debbie and Brent Burns
William Oglesby Potbelly Sandwich Shop Qurumbli Fund Erin R. Schrantz
Richardson Foundation
Bobb EddieMarjorieBeauchampBlackandMarilyn Broussard Gordon and Sharon Burt
Paul and Jean Wei Charles White Diane Zubalsky
Neils Agather A.M.
Trust, Bank
Jan and Bob Scully Mary and Dwayne Smith Wes and Shirley Turner
Rosenthal Schollmaier SouthwesternFoundationExposition and Livestock Show SPONSORS FOR THE CHILDREN’S EDUCATION PROGRAM TheAnonymousKleinheinz Family Foundation for the Arts and LeoEducationPotishman Foundation Red Oak Foundation Robert
Nancy L. Hallman Gloria and Erich Holmsten Arnold Jansen
*Deceased Angels in the Wings support the Children’s Education Program of Performing Arts Forth Worth at the Nancy Lee and Perry R. Bass Performance Hall with gifts of $1,000 and above. The Children’s Education Program is an integral part of Bass Performance Hall but maintains its own support independent of Performing Arts Fort Worth. Each year, 70,000 students from Fort Worth ISD and North Texas experience high-quality curriculum-related performing arts programs at Bass Performance Hall that are free of charge to all participants because of the generosity of our Angels in the Wings.
Dr. Robert S.* and Joyce Pate* Capper
John L. Potishman and C.A. and Pate Jr. Trust, Bank of America, Trustee and Alan Buratto Michael and Wendy Collini Dana and Dee Kelly, Jr.
Ben E. Keith Foods Toni and Bill Boecker
Canafax Bayard
Amon G. Carter Foundation
Kim and Glenn Darden
Ann L. & Carol Charitable of Trustee Arts Fort Worth City of Fort Worth Cami and John C.
Burnett Foundation Edward
TexasSodexoJulieManagementandJoelSawyerCommissionon the Arts
Louise Hutcheson
Lard Trust Rose Family Foundation Telemundo 39 | KXTX T.J. Brown

Sewell is proud to support Performing Arts Fort Worth and Bass Hall.

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WilliamsTrew.com | 817. 732. 8400 LIFE’S IN THE LITTLE THINGS. Inspiration from the stage can open new worlds at home. You won’t believe what’s possible with Realtors ® like ours. Williams Trew is proud to support performances at Bass Hall.

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