The American Legion believes there is no better way to assure the survival of our republic than to train our young people in the ideals and objectives of American government. By teaching youth to understand and appreciate the basic principles involved in the successful management of a democratic society, America can remain strong and ensure our freedom for future generations.
The American Legion, through its youth activities programs, plays a leading role in the development of tomorrow’s informed, responsible citizens. Programs such as American Legion Boys State and Boys Nation are our finest examples of citizenship instruction for youth.
American Legion Boys
State is a unique summertime educational program that does not emphasize classroom lecture and textbook learning. Instead, it focuses on participation and personal experience in a model state, complete with governing bodies and elected public officials. It is designed to mirror the structure and operation of its respective state government.
Boys States select two of their most outstanding participants to represent them each year at American Legion Boys Nation. Conducted in Washington, D.C., it is here that the boys are introduced to the structure and function of the federal government.
Actual participation in the political process is highlighted
through the week’s activities to include the organization of party conventions, platforms, the Boys Nation Senate and the nomination and election of a Boys Nation President and Vice President.
The first American Legion Boys Nation (then called Boys Forum of National Government) was held on the campus of American University, Washington, D.C., in August 1946. The 1946 National Convention of The American Legion in San Francisco, Calif., officially adopted it as a major youth activity of The American Legion. In 1949, the name of the program was changed to “American Legion Boys Nation.”
Four universities have hosted Boys Nation since its
inception. From 1946 through 1951, and from 1969 to 1985, the program was conducted at American University. From 1952 through 1967, it was held at the University of Maryland. The site of the 1968 program was Georgetown University. In 1986, the program was moved to its present site at Marymount University in Arlington, Va.
Speakers and presenters at Boys Nation include individuals holding national elected and appointed positions within the federal government, organization and lay leaders of national notoriety and, at times, youth leaders who had previously experienced Boys Nation.
During a visit to Capitol Hill, Boys Nation Senators meet with U.S. Senators and Representatives from their home states. They also participate in
a solemn and dignified wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery.
Boys Nation has been received by several Presidents of the United States. President Harry S. Truman, a life member of American Legion Post 21 in Independence, Mo., met with senators from 1947 through 1951. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, a life member of James R. Cutler Post 39, Abilene, Kan., met the delegates in 1956 and 1957. President John F. Kennedy, a member of Crosscup-Pishon Post 281, Boston, Mass., met the Senators in the Rose Garden in 1962 and 1963. President Lyndon B. Johnson, a life member of Memorial Highway Post 352, Blanco, Texas, spoke with the Senators in 1967. In 1970 and 1971, the Boys Nation Senators
were addressed by President
Richard M. Nixon, a member of Whittier Post 51, Whittier, Calif. President Gerald R. Ford, a life member of Furniture City Post 258 in Grand Rapids, Mich., spoke to Boys Nation in 1975 and again during the special Bicentennial Boys/Girls Nation program in 1976. In 1980, President Jimmy Carter, a life member of Americus Post 2, Americus, Ga., greeted delegates. In 1984 and also 1986 through 1988, President Ronald Reagan, a life member of Pacific Palisades Post 283, Pacific Palisades, Calif., met with the Boys Nation Senators in the White House. Boys Nation was received by George Bush during his presidency in 1992 and President Bill Clinton, the first graduate of Boys Nation to be elected to the U.S. Presidency, met with the senators each year
of his administration. President George W. Bush met with Boys Nation Senators seven times.
President Barack Obama met with the Boys Nation Senators six times. In 2017 President Donald Trump met with the Boys Nation Senators in the White House Rose Garden.
American Legion Boys Nation is a program conducted by the Americanism Commission of The American Legion.
Correspondence may be directed to the program by writing: American Legion Boys Nation, P.O. Box 1055, Indianapolis, Indiana 46206 or by email to boysstate-nation@legion.org
Day 1 Friday, July 21
• Delegate arrival at Marymount University
• Section meetings
• Political party receptions and ice cream social
Day 2 Saturday, July 22
• Welcome assembly and general orientation
• Oath of office
• Legislative assembly and orientation
• Party conventions
• Senate committees
• First Boys Nation Senate
Day 3 Sunday, July 23
• Boys Nation memorial service
• Boys Nation Senate session
• Senate committees
• “Legion Night” dinner and program at Greenbelt Legion Post 136
• Tour of National Mall
• Section meetings
Day 4 Monday, July 24
• Arlington National Cemetery visit and wreath presentation at the Tomb of the Unknowns
• Visit Iwo Jima Memorial
• Party conventions
• Section meetings
Day 5 Tuesday, July 25
• Party conventions
• Boys Nation Senate sessions
• Presidential and vice presidential candidate debates
• Boys Nation elections
Day 6 Wednesday, July 26
• Inauguration of Boys Nation President and Vice President
• Boys Nation Senate sessions
• Twilight Tattoo
Day 7 Thursday, July 27
• Hill Day visits with U.S. Senators
• Boys Nation Senate sessions
Day 8 Friday, July 28
• Final Boys Nation Senate session
• Banquet dinner
• Graduation and farewell assembly
Day 9 Saturday, July 29
• Depart for home
expecting a pretty tough week; I’ve heard it’s a pretty challenging week, sleepwise especially. But I’m really looking forward to meeting the guys from the other states and just being able to learn about their culture, where they’re from and how they live their lives.”
Weaver, Illinois
The 77th session of American Legion Boys Nation began as 100 rising seniors, representing 49 states and the District of Columbia, arrived at Marymount University in Arlington, Va., to begin the week that will shape their lifetime. While many of the new senators had gotten to know each other virtually through chats before heading to Boys Nation, they finally had the opportunity on Friday to meet in person.
DAY 1 Friday, July 21
DAY 1 Friday, July 21
American Legion 2023 Boys Nation Yearbook
DAY 1 Friday, July 21
DAY 2 Saturday, July 22
“We both said any candidate would have been great for this position. Am I grateful that it was me? Of course. But me and Senator Coombs, I can tell we’re going to have a great friendship.”
Braylin Broussard, Louisiana, after edging Tucker Coombs of North Carolina to win the election for president pro tempore
The first full day at Boys Nation is always a busy one. The senators are sworn into office, elect a president pro tempore and secretary of the senate, and start introducing and considering legislation. Braylin Broussard (Louisiana) won the election for president pro tempore while Hoyoon Song (Idaho) was elected secretary.
Dr. David Bobb, president of the Bill of Rights Institute, administered the oath of office to the senators and discussed James Madison’s role as “father of the Constitution.”
DAY 2 Saturday, July 22
DAY 2 Saturday, July 22
“To see someone who knew people that I was related to … it’s kind of hard to process, but it also kind of puts a name and face to the war.”
Henry Pahlow, Wisconsin, after finding his father’s second cousin on the Vietnam Memorial Wall
While part of Sunday is spent in legislative session, the day is bookended by events that can create an emotional impact on the Boys Nation senators – a memorial service in the morning and a visit to the memorials on the National Mall in the evening.
The trip off campus also includes dinner and social time with Legion Family and National Commander Vincent J. “Jim” Troiola at Post 136 in Greenbelt, Md.
DAY 3 Sunday, July 23
The American Legion 2023 Boys Nation Yearbook
DAY 3 Sunday, July 23
DAY 4 Monday, July 24
“Be true to yourself and your north star. Maintain your integrity. Never, ever turn your back on it.”
General Mark Milley, 20th Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
On Monday morning, Boys Nation senators and staff head to Arlington National Cemetery and visit the Iwo Jima Memorial. At Arlington, New York senators Cole Bjornson and Ian Chung join National Commander Troiola and National Chaplain Mark Antal in laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Back on campus, it’s time for an unprecedented visitor.
GEN. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, visits Marymount University to talk to the Boys Nation senators. He even sticks around afterwards to take photos with each of the senators and numerous staff members.
DAY 4 Monday, July 24
DAY 4 Monday, July 24
DAY 5 Tuesday, July 25
“I have so much love for my state, and the only thing that makes me happier than being Boys Nation president is the fact that I was able to … do something special in the name of my state.”
David Daniel II, Kentucky’s first Boys Nation president
The 77th session of Boys Nation saw a first, as Kentucky’s David Daniel II became the first senator from that state to be elected Boys Nation president.
And the vice presidential election saw Josh Blake join his fellow Louisiana senator, Braylin Broussard, in elected office. It was the first time since 2010 that two senators from one state won elections at Boys Nation; Broussard was elected president pro tempore on Saturday.
DAY 5 Tuesday, July 25
DAY 6 Wednesday, July 26
created a bill that allows students to get a mental break and have direct access to a therapist or someone like that at the school, because a lot of kids are scared to go talk to the counselors for different personal problems.”
Jimmil Taylor, Mississippi
Wednesday began with the inauguration ceremony for President David Daniel II and Vice President Josh Blake. The Boys Nation senate then got back to work on legislation. Each senator was required to bring at least one bill or resolution with them to D.C. For many, their legislation — be it a bill or a simple resolution — is personal.
In the evening, they joined Girls Nation at Joint Base MyerHenderson Hall to watch Twilight Tattoo, featuring soldiers reenacting the history of the U.S. Army.
DAY 6 Wednesday, July 26
DAY 6 Wednesday, July 26
7 Thursday, July 27
“Politics is people at the end of the day; it’s people making decisions about what they think is best for the country.”
Sam Dodson, West Virginia
The senators of Boys Nation joined their counterparts from American Legion Auxiliary Girls Nation to visit senators and their staffs on Capitol Hill on Thursday.
The day also included a tour of the House side of the capitol by Rep. Dusty Johnson of South Dakota, with the Boys Nation senators getting the chance to sit on the floor of the House.
American Legion 2023 Boys Nation Yearbook
DAY 7 Thursday, July 27
DAY 7 Thursday, July 27
Braylin Broussard (LA)
President Pro Tempore
Hoyoon Song (ID)
Secretary of the Senate
Hiram Eastland IV (MS)
Asst. Secretary of the Senate
James Murano (CT) Asst.
Secretary of the Senate
Sangwoo Park (MD)
Chief Clerk of the Senate
Morgan Stutrud (OR)
Assistant Clerk of the Senate
Clint Ellison (VA)
Senate Sergeant-At-Arms
Austin Jenkins (SD)
Senate Sergeant-At-Arms
Porter Nelson (NE)
Senate Chaplain
Adiel Garcia II (KS)
Senate Parliamentarian
Agriculture, Appropriations, Armed Services, Banking
Chair: Daniel Zhao (CA)
Secretary: Austin Jenkins (SD)
Junior Counselor: Joseph Pitts
Environment, Public Works, Finance, Foreign Relations, Government Affairs, Indian Affairs, Intelligence
Chair: Rowen Hamilton (TX)
Secretary: Ethan Young (OH)
Junior Counselor: Caleb Weiland
Assignment and Calendar Committee
Hoyoon Song (ID), Adams
John McCormick (ME), Jefferson
Tucker Coombs (NC), Madison
Landon Bull (TN), Washington
Tanner Holden (AR), Adams
Andrew Puthumana (MO), Jefferson
Christopher Gorman (NJ), Madison
Henry Pahlow (WI), Washington
Budget, Commerce, Transportation, Energy, Natural Resources
Chair: Dillon Dukes (NJ)
Secretary: Guillermo Cabrera (DE)
Junior Counselor: Thomas Davies
Judiciary, Rules, Veteran Affairs, Health, Education, Labor, Small Business, Ethics, Aging
Chair: Joshua Blake (LA)
Secretary: Ethan Nguyen (NV)
Junior Counselor: Jordan Willey
State Name Party
Alabama Thomas Fleming Federalist Adams
Alabama Landon Bruski Nationalist Adams
Alaska Grady Eule Federalist Adams
Alaska Patrick Omey Nationalist Adams
Arizona Ghais Redmon Jr. Federalist Adams
Arizona Chase Hoel Nationalist Adams
Arkansas Harrison Henry Federalist Adams
Arkansas Tanner Holden Nationalist Adams
California Daniel Zhao Federalist Adams
California Hugo Chiasson Nationalist Adams
Colorado Richard Bosch Federalist Adams
Colorado Siddharth Nareddy Nationalist Adams
Connecticut James Murano Federalist Adams
Connecticut Daniel Pichardo Nationalist Adams
Delaware Guillermo Cabrera Federalist Adams
Delaware Alexander Budd Nationalist Adams
D.C. Mustafa Baryal Federalist Adams
D.C. Jackson Wilson Nationalist Adams
Florida Benjamin Black Federalist Adams
Florida Siddarth Rama Nationalist Adams
Georgia Hillis Kopecky Federalist Adams
Georgia Anant Gautam Nationalist Adams
Idaho Hoyoon Song Federalist Adams
Idaho Luke Gilliam Nationalist Adams
Illinois Patrick Weaver Federalist Adams
State Name Party
Illinois Donovan Scott Nationalist Adams
Indiana Jayden Seaton Federalist Jefferson
Indiana Bahar Djour Nationalist Jefferson
Iowa Andrew Dong Federalist Jefferson
Iowa Param Sampat Nationalist Jefferson
Kansas Adiel Garcia II Federalist Jefferson
Kansas Creytin Sanner Nationalist Jefferson
Kentucky David Daniel II Federalist Jefferson
Kentucky Caiden Thompson Nationalist Jefferson
Louisiana Braylin Broussard Federalist Jefferson
Louisiana Joshua Blake Nationalist Jefferson
Maine John Mccormick Federalist Jefferson
Maine Matthew Ewy Nationalist Jefferson
Maryland Jonah Woo Federalist Jefferson
Maryland Sangwoo Park Nationalist Jefferson
Massachusetts Edward Mukalazi Federalist Jefferson
Massachusetts Renby Fernald II Nationalist Jefferson
Michigan Lachlan Imfeld Federalist Jefferson
Michigan Michael Bryant Nationalist Jefferson
Minnesota Davarius Wade Federalist Jefferson
Minnesota Jacob Bigalk Nationalist Jefferson
Mississippi Hiram Eastland IV Federalist Jefferson
Mississippi Jimmil Taylor Nationalist Jefferson
Missouri Aidan Heaney Federalist Jefferson
Missouri Andrew Puthumana Nationalist Jefferson
State Name Party
Montana Scott Voigt Federalist Jefferson
Montana Rhenee Bandola Nationalist Jefferson
Nebraska Porter Nelson Federalist Madison
Nebraska Nayan Vel Nationalist Madison
Nevada Matthew Martinez Valcher Federalist Madison
Nevada Ethan Nguyen Nationalist Madison
New Hampshire James Thibault Federalist Madison
New Hampshire Akshay Manchanda Nationalist Madison
New Jersey Christopher Gorman Federalist Madison
New Jersey Dillon Dukes Nationalist Madison
New Mexico Eric Rodriguez Federalist Madison
New Mexico Francisco Villa-Lopez Nationalist Madison
New York Ian Chung Federalist Madison
New York Cole Bjornson Nationalist Madison
North Carolina Tucker Coombs Federalist Madison
North Carolina Jacob Evans Nationalist Madison
North Dakota Alexander Ternes Federalist Madison
North Dakota Patrick Shen Nationalist Madison
Ohio Ethan Young Federalist Madison
Ohio Ronald Spears Ii Nationalist Madison
Oklahoma Smith Langum Federalist Madison
Oklahoma Asher Patel Nationalist Madison
Oregon Langston Kaptur Federalist Madison
Oregon Morgan Stutrud Nationalist Madison
Pennsylvania Arjun Ray Federalist Madison
State Name Party
Pennsylvania Alex Chen Nationalist Madison
Rhode Island Matthew Donahue Federalist Washington
Rhode Island Aidan Simao Nationalist Washington
South Carolina Aidan Dong Federalist Washington
South Carolina Braden Freeman Nationalist Washington
South Dakota Austin Jenkins Federalist Washington
South Dakota Max Altena Nationalist Washington
Tennessee Mohib Ahmed Federalist Washington
Tennessee Landon Bull Nationalist Washington
Texas Rowen Hamilton Federalist Washington
Texas Venkata Yenuganti Nationalist Washington
Utah Carsen Cooper Federalist Washington
Utah Colby Stone Nationalist Washington
Vermont Kallen Zborovsky-Fenster Federalist Washington
Vermont Edward Van Fallis Nationalist Washington
Virginia Clint Ellison Federalist Washington
Virginia Palmer Van Zandt Nationalist Washington
Washington John Culligan Federalist Washington
Washington Nadir El Yaddasse Nationalist Washington
West Virginia Samuel Dodson Federalist Washington
West Virginia Christian Arnold Nationalist Washington
Wisconsin Henry Pahlow Federalist Washington
Wisconsin Ruben Mendes Nationalist Washington
Wyoming Caleb Greenlee Federalist Washington
Wyoming Jhett West Nationalist Washington
The President of Boys Nation may nominate any senator to a position that is appointed by the President of the United States and confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Presidential appointments will be confirmed by a majority vote of the Boys Nation Senate during the final senate session. This list is not exhaustive but meant as a helpful guide.
Secretary of State Kallen ZborovksyFenster VT
Deputy Secretary of State Nadir El Yaddasse WA
Permanent Representative and Chief of Mission to the United Nations Christopher Gorman NJ
Deputy Permanent Representative-United Nations Cole Taylor MT
Ambassador to Vatican City James Thibault NH
Secretary of Defense Tucker Coombs NC
Deputy Secretary of Defense Hiram Eastland IV MS
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Caiden Thompson KY
Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Cole Bjornson NY
Chief of Staff of the Army Daniel Park MD
Chief of Naval Operations Renby Fernald II MA
Commandant of the Marine Corps Thomas Fleming AL
President David Daniel II KY
Vice-President Joshua Blake LA
Department of Treasury
Secretary of the Treasury Aidan Heaney MO
Deputy Secretary of the Treasury James Murano CT
Treasurer of the United States Akshay Manchanda NH
Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service Venkata Yenuganti TX
Chief of Staff of the Air Force Jayden Seaton IN
Secretary of the Army Tanner Holden AR
Under Secretary of the Army Palmer Van Zandt VA
Secretary of the Navy Siddarth Rama FL
Under Secretary of the Navy Aidan Dong SC
Secretary of the Air Force Jimmil Taylor MS
Department of Justice
Attorney General Alex Chen PA
Deputy Attorney General Ronald Spears II OH
Solicitor General Arjun Ray PA
Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Landon Bruski AL
Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Daniel Pichardo CT
Department of the Interior
Secretary of the Interior Scott Voight MT
Deputy Secretary of the Interior Patrick Omey AR
Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Hillis Kopecky GA
The American Legion 2023 Boys Nation Yearbook
Department of Agriculture
Secretary of Agriculture Rhenee Bandola MT
Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Max Altena SD
Chief of the U.S. Forest Service Nayan Vel NE
Department of Commerce
Secretary of Commerce Andrew Puthumana MO
Deputy Secretary of Commerce Ethan Nguyen NV
Department of Labor
Secretary of Labor Henry Pahlow WI
Deputy Secretary of Labor Samuel Dodson WV
Department of Health and Human Services
Secretary of Health and Human Services Param Sampat IA
Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services Braden Freeman SC
Surgeon General Jacob Bigalk MN
Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration Anant Gautam GA
Director of the National Institutes of Health Patrick Weaver IL
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Deputy Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Department of Transportation
Edward Mukalazi MA
Mustafa Baryal DC
Department of Veterans Affairs
Secretary of Veterans Affairs Adiel Garcia KS
Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs Donovan Scott IL
Secretary of Transportation Gillermo Cabrera DE
Deputy Secretary of Transportation Hoyoon Song ID
Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration Clint Ellison VA
Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration Eric Rodriguez NM
Department of Energy
Secretary of Energy Jack McCormick ME
Deputy Secretary of Energy Matthew Ewy ME
Department of Homeland Security
Secretary of Homeland Security Rowen Hamilton TX
Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Porter Nelson NE
Commandant of the Coast Guard Jacob Evans NC
Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Chase Hoel AZ
Commissioner of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Matthew Martinez NV
Director of National Intelligence Dillion Dukes NJ
Director of the Office of Management and Budget Aidan Simao RI
Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Carsen Cooper UT
Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency Grady Eule AK
Administrator of the Small Business Administration Edward Fallis VT
Director of the Secret Service Austin Jenkins SD
Supreme Court
Chief Justice of the United States Andrew Dong IA
Associate Justice Bahar Djour IN
Associate Justice Reed Bull TN
Associate Justice Smith Langum OK
Associate Justice Ghais Redmon AZ
Associate Justice Daniel Zhao CA
Associate Justice Creytin Sanner KS
Associate Justice Ruben Mendes WI
Associate Justice Lachlan Imfeld MI
United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces
Chief Judge Jonah Woo MD
Judge Asher Patel OK
Judge Benjamin Black FL
Independent Agencies
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Matthew Donahue RI
Consumer Product Safety Commmission Luke Gilliam ID
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Hugo Chiasson CA
Export-Import Bank of the United States Caleb Greenlee WY
Farm Credit Administration Jhett West WY
Federal Communications Commission
Alexander Terns ND
Federal Elections Commission Ian Chung NY
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Richard Bosch CO
National Endowment for the Arts Colby Stone UT
National Science Foundation Langston Kaptur OR
Office of Government Ethics Patrick Shen ND
Peace Corps Harrison Henry AK
Securities and Exchange Commission
Christian Arnold WV
U.S. Agency for International Development Ethan Young OH
U.S. International Trade Commission
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Additional Executive Appointments
Council of Economic Advisors Mohib Ahmed TN
Council of Environmental Quality Morgan Stutrud OR
Office of Drug Control Policy Francisco Villa-Lopez NM
Office of Science Technology Jackson Wilson DC
Department of Education
Secretary of Education Davarius Wade MN
Deputy Secretary of Education Alexander Budd DE
Michael Bryant MI
John Culligan WA
Convention Chairman Kallen ZborovskyPenster VT
Convention Secretary Aiden Heaney MO
Convention Clerk James Murano CT
Convention Parliamentarian Porter Nelson NE
Assistant Parliamentarian Scott Voigt MT
Sergeant-At-Arms Austin Jenkins SD
Assistant Sergeant-At-Arms Christopher Gorman NJ
Timer Caleb Greenlee WY
Timer Matthew MartinezVoucher NV
Platform Committee Chairman Jayden Seaton IN
Platform Committee Secretary Aidan Dong SC
Platform Committee Member Henry Pahlow WI
Platform Committee Member Smith Langum OK
Platform Committee Member Jack McCormick ME
Rules Committee Chairman Tucker Coombs NC
Rules Committee Secretary Mohib Ahmed TN
Rules Committee Member David Daniel II II KY
Rules Committee Member Hillis Kopecky GA
Rules Committee Member Ghais Redmon Jr. AZ
Presidential Candidate David Daniel II KY
Vice Presidential Candidate Edward Mukalazi MA
Party Chairman Kallen ZborovskyPenster VT
Party Keynoter Rowen Hamilton TX
Campaign Manager Aiden Heaney MO
Party Whip Tucker Coombs NC
Chaplain Clint Ellison VA
• Expanding pell grant eligibility
• Increased access and support to vocational and technical education with high school(funding)
• Protecting free speech for students and faculty at colleges
• Providing more funding for research institutions
• Education focused on k-12 and raising teacher salaries
• Focus on making public education better and increase access to college course in high school for low income communities
• Update curriculum on loan forgiveness & student loans
• Financial literacy prioritized
• Focus federal funding for individuals to get proper education
• Clarify student loan forgiveness current policies
• Training teachers to work with AI
• AI should be able to be regulated by the federal government
• Ban the use of AI in surveillance systems & biometric scanning against U.S. Citizens
• Fed Gov encourages AI proliferation to stay ahead of adversaries
• Support Military A.I. Research & Development
Energy Independence
• renewable/nuclear energy
• Benefits for children of veterans
• Increasing programs for veterans to be able to use the tools that they learned in the military in civilian life
Mental Health
• Allocating more funding to veteran mental health resources
• Focus on general funding for mental health programs
Foreign Policy
• Increase Global cooperation
• Strengthen support to Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea
• Increase immigration courts
• Expand Amnesty Standards
• Protect the rights of Workers
Criminal Justice
• Increase focus on human rights
• Rehabilitation, not retribution
Convention Chairman Bahar Djour IN
Convention Secretary Param Sampat IA
Convention Clerk Jacob Bigalk MN
Convention Parliamentarian Jhett West WY
Assistant Parliamentarian Siddarth Nareddy CO
Sergeant-At-Arms Donovan Scott IL
Assistant Sergeant-At-Arms Colby Stone UT
Timer Max Altera SD
Timer Braden Freeman SC
Platform Committee Member Hugo Chiasson CA
Platform Committee Member Creytin Sanner KS
Platform Committee Member Akshay Manchanda NH
Platform Committee Member Venkata Yenuganti TX
Platform Committee Member Dillon Dukes NJ
Rules Committee Member Edward Fallis VT
Rules Committee Member Ronald Spears OH
Rules Committee Member Daniel Pichardo CT
Rules Committee Member Palmer Van Zandt VA
Rules Committee Member Caiden Thompson KY
Presidential Candidate Alexander Chen PA
Vice Presidential Candidate Joshua Blake LA
Party Chairman Bahar Djour IN
Party Keynoter Venkata Yenuganti TX
Campaign Manager Hugo Chaisson CA
Party Whip Landon Bruski AL
Chaplain Morgan Stutrud OR
• America should not intervene in foreign nations unless it affects our citizens or allies or deprives people of their civil liberties.
• Continued support of the UN
• Universal NATO Accountability; pressuring our fellow NATO members diplomatically to develop military independence and increase their peacetime fiscal contributions
• An America first policy, focused on promotion of domestic policy ahead of foreign engagement, but not taking an isolationist stance
• Tariffs to keep American jobs and businesses
• We support stronger protection of our borders and support our border patrol agencies to ensure humane practices.
• We support people and families in the LEGAL process of seeking asylum.
• We support a speedy path to citizenship for those who wish to come here legally and peacefully.
• Simplifying the process for achieving refugee status in the United States, especially when fleeing war, and promotion of programs thereof
• Support for refugees who have already made their way to the United States
• We believe healthcare should stay in the private sector for those who can afford it.
• Protection of private healthcare options, but allowing for a public option for those who need it.
• Universal electronic health records
• Enables the United States to expand negotiations of drug prices from most expensive Medicare prices
• We believe privatized healthcare increases the quality of care offered to Americans through means of market competition.
• Reduction of pharmaceutical subsidies
• Putting the security and protection of students first by implementing an anonymous reporting system regarding school threats
• We are against canceling student loan debt as tax dollars should not be spent to cancel loans that people took out willingly.
• We support states rights to determining the approach to school choice to increase access to high quality education
• Incentivizing literacy programs at the state level
• Reforming our standardized testing policies to better reflect quality of education, rather than content absorption
• Tuition incentives for certain vocational education programs (engineering, medicine, etc.)
• Support for civic education and financial literacy courses in
public schools
• Support pay increases for teachers in Title I schools (federally funded)
• Progressive tax rate
• Priority of domestic industries and international trade (make products in America)
• We support a cut in government programs to lessen the burden on the American taxpayer.
• Welfare should be available for those who are showing a drive to climb out of poverty through completion of job applications and follow through to ensure they attended an interview, cut welfare that does not.
• We support tax incentivization for companies to remain in America and support American jobs.
• Closing tax loopholes
• We support our blue and white-collar workers
• We support the promotion of clean, efficient, and renewable energy by using tax incentives.
• Pro nuclear energy and facilitate storage of nuclear waste
• Protect and expand our national parks
Political Reform
• We believe in congressional term limits
• We believe that presidential candidates should be mentally competent by means of independent review.
• All people are born with natural and civil rights (this includes ethnic and gender minorities).
• Prohibit discrimination on the basis of the protected classes (race, sex, etc.) and is considered unlawful under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
• Equal rights amendment push to symbolically show gender equality in constitution
• Destigmatize neurodivergence
• Establish freedom of speech for any party: you can speak up for/against anything
• We support a form of punishment that believes that the convict can change and rehabilitate to a certain extent.
• Capital punishment is a state’s rights issue.
• Establish mental health screenings in order to acquire a firearm
• Raise punishment for individuals who possess illegal firearms
• We support abolishing mandatory minimum sentences for drug-related offenders.
• Cracking down on private prison industry
• Increasing access to physicians to streamline the process of getting care
• Either through expanding the kind of care VA can help veterans access or by increasing physicians/medical professionals on staff at the VA
• Increasing programs for homeless veterans to receive temporary housing and support in whatever areas necessary (addiction, mental health, job preparation, etc.)
• Promoting the development of programs aimed at increasing cybersecurity capacities of the United States
• Promoting the development of AI technologies in conjunction with a committee delegated to understanding the implications and possible regulations thereof
• Regulation of “deepfake” technologies in conjunction with analysis of potential benefits
• Regulation of facial recognition technology to avoid federal use in public for a policing state
• Regulating app tracking
• High speed internet
• Subsidies for states investing in public transportation, or for the creation of programs for the promotion thereof
• Ensuring the proper maintenance of interstate highways
Caleb Weiland, and staff members of the US House of Representatives
Braden Freeman SC Bill Pharmaceutical Industry Tort Reform and Consumer Cost Control Act
Senator State Bill/Res Bill/Res-Subject No. Braden Freeman SC Res
Russia and its Detainment of Evan