September 29th issue

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Woods of Terror page 8 The A&T

RegisteR free

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SePteMBer 29, 2010





national Guard brings video gaming adrIan eZell Contributor

The National Guard in conjunction with North Carolina A&T’s Aggie Battalion, held a gaming event and tournament in the Holland Bowl from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. A&T was the 15th stop on a nationwide tour of college campuses with an ROTC program. This was the first time that the event has ever been held in Aggieland. Some students were hesitant in showing up at first because they thought they were going to be bombarded with recruitment ideas. Others came simply for the attraction of playing video games for free. The crowd was light as the event kicked off with more and more people showing up as time progressed. IGX vendor Steve Casto and

Sgt. Thomas Kelly of the National Guard set up the event to showcase a variety of today’s most popular games for Sony’s Playstation 3, Microsoft’s Xbox 360 and Nintendo’s Wii. The video game titles in the event included; Madden 11, Tekken 6, Guitar Hero: World Tour, Super Smash Brothers Brawl, NBA 2k10, Wii Sports and Naruto: Clash of the Ninja to name a few. Headlining for the tournament however, was the newly released Halo Reach and Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Each tournament had a total of 16 participants fighting it out in groups of four until there were only two competitors left. At the end of the Halo Reach tournament, Michael McLean, a junior computer engineering major, from Raleigh, NC stood victorious. “It was a memorable buttkicking experience.” McLean

said. He sported his prize, an ACU Pattern backpack giving a big aggie pride and shout-outs to his group the Stu Crew, as well as his fraternity; Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.. After slight issue with the power generator going out around 6 p.m., the event continued. “The National Guard has a nice set up, a lot more than I expected,” said Chris Lennon, a junior chemical engineering major from Whiteville, NC. Lennon participated in the Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 tournament. He was eliminated in the semi-final round. Donavon Lowe, a freshman, computer science major from Charlotte, NC, was the winner of the tournament. “I’m happy I won the tournament, I really like the book bag,” Lowe said laughing. Aside from the tournament,

the National Guard had free bags for those that came by. As well as water bottles and lanyards for those who were willing to participate in a survey. While the recruitment into the army was not the main intent of the National Guard’s gaming event, officers on duty were willing to give information on joining. “It takes a special type of person to join the army, but everybody usually has underlying reasons.” Sgt. Kelly said. “A lot of people join the National Guard because we offer tuition assistance.” It was evident that, the gaming event sparked interest in some of the students to inquire what the National Guard was about. “I’ve looked into the army before this and my dad was a member of the National Guard,” continued Lowe in regards to his interest in the National Guard.

Students from other Greensboro schools, such as Bennett and the University of North Carolina Greensboro also showed up for the event. “I came to buy tickets for A&T’s homecoming, but saw the tent and came to investigate,” said Bennett student Arielle Smith, a junior woman studies major, from Norfolk, VA. “I think it’s a great thing that the National Guard is showing interest in college students this way and raising interest and awareness about the National Guard.” At the end of the night, the National Guard was satisfied with the number of students that showed up. Sgt. Kelly ended the night thanking everyone for showing up and participating, “Hopefully we can come back next year and expand to other campuses in the area as well.”

President obama addresses student concerns Photo by Pete soUZa• OFFiCiAL WhiTE hOUsE PhOTO

PresIdent obama participates in a conference call with college and university student-journalists in the Oval Office, sept. 27, 2010.

obama held conference call for student journalists from the oval office JasmIne Johnson Editor In Chief

In a conference call Monday afternoon, President Obama took the time to talk to student journalists of the U.S., address their concerns and answer their questions. The A&T Register editorial board was one of the publications in the call from the Oval Office. Obama began the conversation by stating that the nation is trying to improve the

higher education system. Admitting that the U.S. has fallen behind, the president attested to the fact that the U.S. went from first in college graduation rates for young adults to 12th. He proposes to working toward the goal of again becoming number one by the year 2020. His administration is trying to meet that goal by making college more affordable, tripling the investment in col-

lege tax credits for middleclass families and raising the value of Pell Grants. “And if we’re serious about building a stronger economy and making sure we succeed in the 21st century, then the single most important step we can take is to make sure that every young person gets the best education possible,” said Obama. “Because countries that out-educate us today are going to out-compete us tomorrow.”

The president outlined his health care bill, the Affordable Care Act, as it relates to young adults. Under this act young adults will be able to stay on their parents’ health plans until they are 26 years old. Also he briefly discussed the DREAM Act and the need to get it signed. The Development, Relief and Education of Alien Minors Act was first introduced in 2001. The act  See obama on Page 2

obama discussed issues which affect students • • • • •

Pell grant increase DREAM Act Affordable Care Act Upcoming mid-term election Graduation Rates





taKe Our SurveyS

BiShOP LOnG’S fOLLOWerS reMain

nC- LOve it Or hate it

fOOtBaLL teaM turnS 0-4

iOta Phi theta Car ShOW

Keep up with breaking news on our Web site. Slideshows, videos and more are available online.

Despite his recent accusations from young men about sexual relationships, Bishop Eddie Long’s followers stand by him.

An out-of-state and in-state student talk about their differences of opinion about North Carolina.

The Aggies traveled to Durham to take on NCCU, and came back to Aggieland with another loss on their record.

The Zeta Chapter of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. hosted their annual car show during their Founder’s Week.

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PaGe 6

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sebastian increases awareness noma VIlane

Register Reporter

This week is A&T’s Drug and Alcohol Awareness Week. The program stems from the National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week (NCAAW). The week is normally observed during the third full week in October, but schools have the option of choosing a week that works best for the campus. The goal of the week is to get students to avoid, or be mindful of drugs. “We purposefully planned the event right before homecoming,” said Kaye Ziglar, a health educator, located in Sebastian Health Center. Due to A&T’s Zero Tolerance policy for drugs or any illegal substances, students may end up expelled from the campus if caught. The Drug and Alcohol Awareness week was to allow students to be aware of potential dangers. The theme is “Don’t Make Homecoming Your Homegoing.” The kickoff event for the week was scheduled to take place on Monday from 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. in Holland Bowl, but had to be cancelled due to the weather. Originally on Aug. 27, the University Canine Officer, Argo was going to demonstrate his ability to locate hidden drugs. The Student Health Center, University Counseling Services, Office of Housing & Residence Life and the Department of Police and Public Safety and Student Health Advisory Council (SHAC) all cosponsored the week’s events. Yesterday, there was a signing of a banner with the theme written across it in the Memorial Student Union. Later in the afternoon in Williams Dining Hall, the banner was set up at a table to be signed by those who missed it in the union. “I think the banner will cause people to think about it. Most people don’t actually plan to be unsafe, it just kind of happens,” said Shaquana Clark, a junior psychology major from Danville, Va. SHAC students set up the table and helped to get student signatures. During the first banner signing opportunity in the Union, they managed to collect 77 signatures. The SHAC members agreed that turnout was good, but they expected more people in the cafe because they felt more people enter the cafe in order to eat. According to NCAAW’s site, people with .08 to .13 Blood Alcohol Concentration levels begin to lose their impairment and  See drUGs on Page 2




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72° Low: 61° High:

thurSday: Rainy | High 75° friday: Sunny | High 70°


The A&T Register | | Wednesday, September 29, 2010

obama From page 1


Photo by mIchaela Edwards • ThE A&T Register

Jason Cameron won Mr. SUAB on Thursday Sept. 23, in Harrison Auditorium. Miss SUAB Torrie Burgess joins him on the stage for a picture.

theBLOTTER September 22

2:25 p.m. Carver Hall- Larceny Case Under Further Investigation September 23 10:15 a.m. Crosby Hall- Harassment/ Assault Case Under Further Investigation 11:25 a.m. E. Market St.- Vehicle Accident

Case Closed

Case Closed with Arrest

September 24 7:00 a.m. Smith Hall-Larceny Case Under Further Investigation

September 26 2:20 p.m. Aggie Suites PVAVehicle Accident Case Closed

9:55 a.m. Sullivan St.- Vehicle Accident Case Closed

September 27

8:50 p.m. Benbow Rd.- Vehicle Accident Case Closed September 25 3:32 p.m. Bluford St.- Domestic Dispute

10:30 a.m. Brown Hall- Counterfeiting Case Under Further Investigation 4:00 p.m. Hodgin Hall- Larceny Case Under Further Investigation

NC’s poverty rate grows 16.3 percent gary d. robertson Associated Press

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — The percentage of North Carolina residents living in poverty grew in 2009 in keeping with the national economic downturn, while the number of insured children actually increased, the U.S. Census Bureau said Tuesday in releasing state-by-state data. The bureau estimated through its American Community Survey that 16.3 percent of all North Carolina residents, or roughly 1.5 million people, had income last year below the poverty threshold. The level for a family of four was $22,050 for 2009. In 2008, the state’s poverty rate was 14.6 percent, or more than 1.3 million people. The North Carolina Justice Center, an advocacy group for the poor, argues the poverty rate will keeping rising unless Congress extends unemployment benefits and job training for the poor in the federal stimulus package. The General Assem-

bly also can help when it reconvenes in January. It can extend child-care subsidies and reform the tax system so the state can tap into revenues gained by the expanding service economy and by reducing corporate tax breaks. “The economic hardship that families are facing are most often mitigated by a public system that serves working families,” said Alexandra Forter-Sirota, a policy analyst at the N.C. Budget & Tax Center, an arm of the Justice Center. “There’s a real opportunity for state policy makers to think revenue reform.” North Carolina’s poverty rate was higher than the national level of 14.3 percent, which is not surprising given that the state unemployment was above the national rate last year at more than 10 percent. A year ago, the U.S. poverty rate was 13.3 percent. North Carolina was one of 31 states with increases in both the number and percentage of people in poverty last year, a Census Bureau release said.

Are you interested in writing, copy editing or graphic design? The A&T Register wants you! Stop by the newsroom GCB room 328 The A&T

Register Box E-25 1601 E. Market Street Greensboro, NC 27411 Newsroom: NCB 328A (336) 334­-7700

The bureau also estimated the state’s median household income at $43,674 in 2009, or a 5.6 percent decrease from 2008. Only Michigan and Florida had a sharper decline. The U.S. median income fell 2.9 percent to $50,221. A greater percentage of children in North Carolina had health insurance last year. The percentage of those under age 19 in the state classified as uninsured fell from 9.9 percent to 8.7 percent, the bureau said. North Carolina was one of 17 states that saw a decrease. More children nationwide qualified for public health insurance because the children’s poverty rate grew. The 2009 federal stimulus law and reauthorization of the federal-state health insurance program for children of low-income parents also likely raised the enrollment in public plans, the Census Bureau said.

would help individuals that meet the requirements have an opportunity to either enlist in the military or go to college. The act specifically applies those immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children. It would offer those individuals permanent residency. In order to be granted legal status the they must have been brought to the U.S. before they were 16, below the age of 35, have lived here for consecutive years, graduated from a U.S. school or obtained a GED, have good moral character with no criminal record and attend college or enlist in the military. Obama also acknowledged the higher education problems as it pertains to minority students. “More than a third of America’s college students and more than half of our minority students don’t earn a degree, even after six years,” he said. “And that’s a waste of potential, particularly if folks are racking up big debt and then they don’t even get the degree at the end.” After a brief period Obama took questions from the students on the call. Colin Daileda, an editor of the Tartan at Radford University, asked the head of state if he thinks there is some truth behind calling the young adults of today the “lost generation.” The president responded saying he thinks this generation is going to be “just fine.” “If you are getting a college degree, if you’ve got skills in math and science or good, sound communication skills, there are still jobs out there even in a tough environment,” Obama said. Obama went on to state that the single most important thing he has to do is to get the economy back on track. He also wants to let young people know who important the upcoming election is. “You can’t suddenly just check in once every 10 years or so, on an exciting presidential election, and then not pay attention during big midterm elections where we’ve got a real big choice between Democrats and Republicans,” continued Obama. He continued saying change is hard in this country, and it does not happen overnight. The head of state described the U.S. as a big, complicated democracy, that is conten-

DRUGS From page 1 also believe they are functioning better than they actually are. “I have heard plenty of people say that they drive better tipsy than they do when they are sober,” Ziglar said. For those 21 and over, alcohol is not illegal, but there are still possible consequences that are associated with it. The use of drugs and alcohol has been proven to impair the judgment, motor skills and some brain functions of people. Last year, there was a keynote speaker named Tolly Carr. Carr was a television anchor for WXII and on March 11, 2007 he hit and killed a pedestrian while driving drunk. He talked about how that split second changed his life forever.

tious and is not always fun and games. Obama gave light to the young people that helped in during his election. But he also warned that these midterm elections are important. Further telling students to take the time to find out about their particular congressional candidates and where they stand on issues. Steering away from the upcoming election, Obama then answered a question on public higher education becoming a strain on families. To answer the question, Obama stated several factors that could potentially have an effect on tuition increasing at public universities. All of which point back to the economy. Even going as far as examining the luxuries at some universities compared to others. “And part of what I think we’ve got to examine is are we designing our universities in a way that focuses on the primary thing, which is education,” said Obama. “You’re not going to a university to join a spa; you’re going there to learn so that you can have a fulfilling career. And if all the amenities of a public university start jacking up the cost of tuition significantly, that’s a problem.” To combat situations like this, his administration will begin working with university presidents and college presidents in order to gain some control of costs and refocus priorities. “You should know where your tuition is going,” Obama told student journalists. “There should be a pie chart at every university that says, our of every dollar you spend in tuition, here’s where your money is going. And you should have some good understanding of that and be able to make some better decisions as a consequence of that information.” For A&T students, a breakdown of the tuition charges for the 2010-2011 academic year are available on the website. Once in ‘current students’, then ‘treasurer’s office.’ Once there, on the left panel click on ‘tuition & fee charges’, then ‘detailed undergraduate tuition and fees 2010-2011.’ The president closed the conference call saying that it will require everyone to get involved around critical issues like education, health care, energy and our foreign policy. “And the energy that you were able to bring to our politics in 2008, that’s needed not less now, it’s needed more now.” Wednesday’s event will be “Mocktails,” or a sampling of non-alcoholic substitutes. It will be set up in the front of the union by the mural. Drinking, using drugs and having sex can often be activities that are done together and that is the reason why Sebastian and the other sponsors added sex to the topic of the awareness week. “All of those activities can go hand in hand and we just want people to think,” said Ziglar. “Tolly Carr is never going to be able to forget the moment that his decision to drive drunk cost a person their life.” Drug and Alcohol Awareness Week will end Thursday with a panel discussion in Marteena Auditorium. There will be CASE Hours awarded for those who attend Thursday.


editor in chief: Jasmine Johnson Managing editor: Kelcie McCrae news editor: Sylvia Obell opinions editor:Trumaine McCaskill sports editor: Lauren Morgan ASSISTANT Sports editor: Prince Grimes scene editor: Jonathan Veal copy desk chief: Rosa Warren photo editor: Kenneth Hawkins staff photographers: Michaela Edwards, Shanté Mathes





Drug and Alcohol Awareness Week

Memorial Student Union lobby 11 a.m.

Global Community Kickoff Multicultural Student Affairs

Barbee Hall atrium 6 p.m.

Self Enlightenment eXperience tour

Memorial Student Union Stallings Ballroom 7 p.m.



NY/NJ Singled Out GCB Auditorium

7 p.m.

Lyceum Series Presents: African Odyssey Harrison Auditorium 7 p.m.

Miss Phi Beta Sigma pageant Memorial Student Union

Stallings Ballroom 7:15 p.m.



Self Enlightenment eXperience tour

Memorial Student Union Stallings Ballroom 7 p.m.

Mr. Alpha Phi pageant

Harrison Auditorium 7:08 p.m.



Miss DST Coronation

Memorial Student Union Exhibit Hall 4 p.m.

Miss SGRho Coronation

Memorial Student Union The Memorial Room 7 p.m.



Homecoming Gospel Show

Harrison Auditorium 6 p.m.

Miss AKA Coronation

Memorial Student Union Stallings Ballroom B 4 p.m.

If you ever see anything suspicious or need assistance call Campus Police

(336) 334-7675 editorial cartoonist: Evan Summerville, Jamin Guinyard Malcolm S. Eustache, (Online Editor) senior reporter: Charles Johnson reporters: Noma Vilane, Kamilah Blackston, Sejal Chappell,Alessandra Brown, Ashley Vaughn, Nisha Streeter, Victoria Revelle, Joseph Escobar advertising& business manager: Ashley Minter business staff: Brooke Waller, Jamia Harrison faculty adviser: Emily Harris

The A&T Register is published every Wednesday during the fall and spring semesters by students at North Carolina A&T State University. One copy is available free of charge to all readers. Additional copies may be picked up at the Register’s newsroom (subject to availability). All subscription requests should be directed to the Business department. The A&T Register has a weekly circulation of 5,000 copies on-campus and in the community and is a member of The Associated Press, The Associated Collegiate Press and the Black College Wire.


The A&T Register | | Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Long still receives support ERRIN HAINES

Associated Press

LITHONIA, Ga. (AP) — Despite allegations that he lured four young men into sexual relationships, many of Bishop Eddie Long’s followers remain unwavering in their support for him as he pledges to fight the accusations like David fighting Goliath. Casting himself as the Bible’s ultimate underdog, Long went before thousands of faithful supporters at his megachurch Sunday and promised to battle claims in lawsuits filed last week that he abused his “spiritual authority.” “I feel like David against Goliath. But I got five rocks, and I haven’t thrown one yet,” Long said in his first public remarks since the lawsuits were filed. He stopped short of denying the allegations but implied he was wronged by them. “I have never in my life portrayed myself as a perfect man. But I am not the man that’s being portrayed on the television. That’s not me. That is not me,” he said. Long’s brief addresses to the congregation at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church were met with thunderous applause and an outpouring of support during services that were equal parts part rock concert and pep rally. The sanctuary was nearly filled to its 10,000-seat capacity for both the 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. services. Many lined up two hours before the doors of the

church opened. Cheryl Barnett, who has attended New Birth since Long became senior pastor more than 20 years ago, said she was “very much fulfilled with what he had to say.” “It was simple. It was direct. He’s standing in the scriptures. That’s what we would expect from our minister,” she said. Followers prayed, sang and embraced one another as they rallied around their senior pastor. Wearing a creamcolored suit as he strode into the church sanctuary hand-inhand with his wife, Vanessa, Long paused to soak in the adoration. During the second service, however, one young man in a blue shirt stood up and shouted: “We want to know the truth, man!” He was quickly escorted out and did not return. After the service, many expressed support for their leader. “We know and we love Bishop,” said Annie Cannon, a seven-year member of New Birth. “We love our place of worship. My son goes to school here. We do everything here.” Long became one of the country’s most powerful independent church leaders over the last 20 years, turning a suburban Atlanta congregation of 150 to a 25,000-member powerhouse with a $50 million cathedral and a roster of parishioners that includes athletes, entertainers and politicians. And there was almost

no sign Sunday that his flock wanted to turn him away. It is unclear whether Long faces any risk of being removed by his church’s board, but the allegations at the very least guarantee months of scrutiny as the lawsuits move forward. Long is a father of four who has been an outspoken opponent of gay marriage and whose church has counseled gay members to become straight. Two young men say he groomed them for sexual relationships when they were enrolled in the church’s LongFellows Youth Academy, a program that taught teens about sexual and financial discipline. Two other young men one of whom attended a satellite church in Charlotte, N.C. have made similar claims. The men say they were 17 or 18 when the relationships began. Federal and state authorities have declined to investigate because Georgia’s age of consent is 16. “I’ve been accused. I’m under attack. I want you to know, as I said earlier, I am not a perfect man,” Long said. “But this thing, I’m going to fight.” Long did not address the allegations directly but spoke at length about enduring painful times. He used the word “painful” nearly 20 times. The term “difficult” came up seven times. “We are all subject to face distasteful and painful situations. Bishop Long, Eddie Long — you can put your name in that blank — will

have some bad situations,” he said. “The righteous face painful situations with a determined expectancy. We are not exempt from pain, but (God) promises to deliver us out of our pain.” Long addressed the media briefly during a news conference between services, but media access to the services themselves was tightly controlled. Reporters were required to check in with church officials and were led to a separate part of the church to view the service. The media was also told not to interview church members inside the sanctuary or on church property. After Long’s remarks during the 8 a.m. service, an Associated Press reporter was escorted out of the sanctuary by church officials who said the press were not allowed in the sanctuary during worship. Members clapped and swayed in their seats as the first service began, with several people with microphones singing on stage. Later in the service, hundreds began dancing and chanting, “Jesus, Jesus.” A small group of young people held Apple iPads high over their heads, with the screens scrolling white letters against a black background reading, “It’s time to praise him.” As Long entered the cathedral, a group of people shouted, “We love you bishop!” “I love you, New Birth,” Long replied. “I’m not leaving you if you don’t leave me.”

Are you interested in writing, copy editing or graphic design? The A&T Register wants you! Stop by the newroom GCB room 328

Gunman kills himself on Texas campus Kelley Shannon and Dave Montgomery

McClatchy Newspapers

AUSTIN, TEXAS – The University of Texas-Austin campus was closed Tuesday after a man dressed in black and carrying an AK-47 fired several shots and then killed himself in the PerryCastaneda library. UT police said the gunman was dead, and EMS personnel said no one else was being treated for injuries. “The shooter is dead on the sixth floor of Perry-Castaneda Library,” Don Hale, a UT spokesman, told the Austin AmericanStatesman. “No identification. Apparently took his own life.” UT-Austin Police Chief Robert Dahlstrom said police were searching for a possible second gunman because witnesses’ descriptions varied. Authorities said the search was being done as a precaution. UT President Bill Powers said that police had secured a perimeter and that there were no other reports of injuries. Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo said SWAT teams, police and bomb-sniffing dogs were working to ensure that there were no explosives. He said the area would not be opened for several hours. Acevedo described at least one weapon as an AK-47. He would not release any further details on the shooter. Austin Mayor Lee Leffingwell said he believes that Austin residents can go about their day in safety. A UT spokeswoman said at 10:30 a.m. that “we’re still trying to resolve the issue of the second gunman.” She declined to provide further details or to say whether the danger has passed. Emergency sirens continued to go off throughout the morning. Randall Wilhite, a UT professor, told the Statesman that he saw a man in a suit firing shots into the ground as he ran along 21st Street. “He ran right in front of my car, fired two or three shots south sort of generally in my direction but not at me,” Wilhite told the newspaper. “He was about 10 feet in front of me. I was very vulnerable had


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he wanted to shoot at me.” Several students also reported coming face-to-face with the gunman. Andrew McWaters told KVUE-TV that the gunman, wearing a ski mask, “smiled at us and waved and ran right past us” when he saw the gunman as he was heading for Jester Dorm about 8:10 a.m. The area remained cordoned off about 10 a.m. after SWAT teams arrived on the scene. In a message to UT students at 9:52 a.m., Powers said that “the university is locked down. All organized classes for today, Sept. 28, are canceled. If you are off campus, stay away. If you are on campus, lock your doors and do not leave your building.” UT officials also notified students on the campus website: “The person involved in this morning’s shooting on campus has been confirmed dead on the sixth floor of the Perry-Castaneda Library from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. No other injuries have been reported.” Steve Bradley, an electrician, said in a television interview that he was in the library when he heard other people yelling “get down, get down.” Bradley said a fellow electrician told him that he had seen the gunman carrying a weapon with a banana clip. The library was quickly evacuated, he said. UT-Austin is one of the largest universities in the country, with nearly 50,000 students. A statement on the UT website, at 9:02 a.m. Tuesday, said “stay in place, lock doors.” A loudspeaker on campus was announcing there was an “emergency” on campus. Students were reporting being notified via text message to stay indoors. Police barricades were in place in an area near the library, located on the southern part of the campus. For some, gunfire on the UT campus revives memories of the Aug. 1, 1966, rampage by Charles Whitman, who climbed into the observation deck of the UT tower and shot several people before dying. When the rampage was over, 16 people were dead and 31 others were wounded.

Advocates are disappointed by NC School for Deaf probe Associated Press

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RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — An advocacy group that found allegations of abuse and neglect at the North Carolina School for the Deaf said Tuesday that it was disappointed by a state investigation into the matter.

“I don’t know how

they could investigate the system and ignore the individual claims,”

-Vicki Smith

Department of Health and Human Services officials said they did not conclude whether the claims were true and instead focused on “systemic” problems at the Morganton facility. The school’s director was fired in August because officials felt that the abuse and neglect issues were not being addressed in a timely manner. “That’s about as far as we went related to that,” said Maria Spaulding, a deputy secretary at DHHS who led the investigation. “There were no other actions taken for other staff.” The advocacy group Disability Rights North Carolina highlighted in July a handful of alleged abuse cases, including one student who reported that a teacher injured her and damaged her personal property and that she was placed in

a face-down restraint position, preventing her from using her hands to communicate through sign language. A student also reported that a teacher slapped and injured her, but that academic staff failed to investigate what happened. Disability Rights executive director Vicki Smith said she hoped investigators would closely look at the accusations. “I don’t know how they could investigate the system and ignore the individual claims,” she said. “I would have liked to see more specificity about how they’re going to change the culture at that school.” Smith said she was disturbed that the staff allegedly involved in the incidents were still working at the site. DHHS officials had previously said the investigation would look at the abuse and neglect allegations. Health and Human Services Secretary Lanier Cansler said in July that the findings were “significant enough to warrant a full investigation into the actions of the school’s top administrator and staff.” He said some staff might not have acted in the best interests of the children. The state report issued this week found a lack of fairness in the treatment of both staff and students, a lack of consistency in implementing policy and a hostile work environment. The report recommended various steps, including improved training and communication among staff.“Most of our investigation looked at systems issues,” she said.

theWORD North Carolina: We love it & hate it The A&T Register | | Wednesday, September 29, 2010

olina, Recently, the quesdoes not tion was posed by a m e a n fellow Aggie and NC we are native, “Why do people going to come to North Carolina up and for school but talk about leave, our state so much?” let alone As a student who transcame from another state, fer to this is my response to KAMILAH the asked question. BLACKSTON another school. We go out of state to But at the same time, North Carolina for school for so many reasons and when out-of-state stueveryone’s circumstances dents came to A&T, we had no idea that North are different. We did not want to Carolina was going to be see the same people for the way it is. We did not know you another four years of ourlives. We did not want to all jack everyone’s swag sit in the same classes, and style. We did not know you with the same people, that we have known for years. all could not drive to save And we definitely did not your lives. We also did not know want to be ten minutes away from home or still that NC natives had an undying loyalty to Coogi living with our parents. Like me, many people and Apple Bottoms. We were never aware believe that staying at home for school is dis- that some students look tracting. Some people like they go straight to come here because they class with club clothes want to get far away on, from the night befrom home as possible. fore. We were flabbergastSome people leave home and go here to continue ed when we saw leather a family tradition of at- knee-high boots in the summer time. tending A&T. We were saddened The cost of living in North Carolina is dramat- when we realized there ically lower than the cost was hardly anything to of living in other major do on the weekends, other than go out to the club cities. Also, many of us re- or to the movies. Speaking of the club, ceived more scholarship money at A&T than any we did not know the other university we may nightlife here is almost nonexistent and the club have applied to. The point is we do not music is played out. We did not know that come to North Carolina for the state- we come for a lot of southern music is the university and a true just a beat and somebody making words rhyme. HBCU experience. Now, all North CaroHere, we are presented with opportunities linians do not show that we have never seen symptoms of being counbefore or may not see try, unoriginal and hard elsewhere. We come for on the eye. Many are an education and A&T’s cool, well-dressed, great people. Many have posischool spirit. Because we experience tive attitudes and are exsome of the disadvantag- tremely talented. However, there are es of living in North Car-

others who just miss the mark of life completely. I can count (on one hand) some that can actually drive. We may not really care for North Carolina as a state or some of the things we see, but we enjoy being here to go to school. Put yourself in our shoes. If you attended a school out of state, that you enjoyed, but there was nothing the state itself offered you, you probably would not up and leave after taking classes and receiving credits. You would not up and leave after paying out-ofstate tuition for nothing. Your parents probably would not be excited about you moving back home with them. We know that North Carolina is not the end of the road for us, so why not ride it out for a few years? Realize that until the day we graduate and move (far, far) away from here, we will continue to talk about North Carolina. From the fashion to the driving and all in between. I am sure instate-students talk about us as well. But we do not care and you should not either. We are not looking for you to accommodate us or adjust to our lifestyles. Nor are we super excited about adjusting to yours. We did not come here for the state or the people. Once in a while, we may have something to say about North Carolinians wearing all red Dickies or driving 15 mph in a 45. We are all Aggies here for a common goal- to get an education. Remember that next time you ask why we did we move here.

NC A&T SU Enrollment:

appx. 10,710

In-State Tuition: $2,908

Out-of-State Tuition: $12,493

Room & Board: $3,359

Country grammar, school closings when it snows, greasy foods, clubs and/or restaurants closing early and etc. These are all things you can expect to encounter when living in the south. Whether you choose to embrace it is up to you, but it is not changing, so stop your complaining. The repetitive complaints from residents of different states about North Carolina have become quite annoying. I have heard everything from complaints about the way North Carolinians drive to the way we carry ourselves. Honestly, it is getting old. Every North Carolina native is not the same and they cannot all be grouped into the same category. If I were to go up north and accuse everyone of being “gang bangers,” and then venture to the DC, Maryland, and Virginia area and complain about their “go-go” music, then travel down to Atlanta and try to figure out why they sometimes forget to pronounce all the syllables in their words, I would run myself insane. In each instance, everyone would agree that it is not my place to do these things. My point is that every state has its upsides and flaws and I am certain I could find plenty in each. Oh and please spare me your excuses for being here such as cheaper college tuition and a lower cost of living. If I have to move to a state where I can go to school for less money and live relatively cheaper, I would not complain. I would be thankful for the state granting me these opportunities. Also, with all the tech-

nological advances we have, I would recommend researching the SHEQUIA state you in which COLE would like to attend college, so that you will not be surprised or disappointed upon arrival. The constant complaints about out-of-state tuition have become quite redundant. Yes, your tuition is significantly more than that of an in-state student, but common sense would tell you why. North Carolinians pay taxes which contribute to our college educations. It does not make sense for you all to pay your taxes to another state and then come to North Carolina and receive our college education. So for those of you who believe your out-ofstate tuition is somehow paying for in-state student’s tuition as well, I’d like to be the first to say thank you, I really appreciate it. However, also realize that with taxes, we will all break even eventually, so please stop the complaints about something we all feel equally. There is also this cocky attitude that seems present among some outof-state students. It is almost like out-ofstate students feel they are better than North Carolinians. Just because we may talk with a southern dialect or because our way of life is different, that does not give you the right to look down on us. Contrary to the popular misconception, a southern


dialect is not equivalent to ignorance. For if that was the case, then all Americans are ignorant. For if you do not speak proper grammar, then apparently you must be ignorant. Yes our educations systems differ a little, but believe me intelligence runs deep throughout North Carolina. Do not get me wrong; I love attending such a diverse university where people come from so many different places. Attending a university of people from different backgrounds certainly plays a role in enhancing the entire education experience. But the negativity has to go. Let’s keep in mind that North Carolina is our home state, so we should not have to adjust our way of living to out-of-state students. That would be like me going to New York and complaining about the large population and fastpace lifestyle. It’s simply unrealistic. While we appreciate some of you all being here, if you are not going to make the best out of your education experience then why even bother. So to be clear, I am in no way trying to bash outof-state students. I am, however, saying that it is rude to live in a state you are benefitting from and complain about it. Instead, try to effectively contribute to this state. Just remember if and when you graduate your degree will forever say “North Carolina” Agricultural and Technical State University, so you may as well start embracing it.

IllumiNOTi: the truth about the lies in hip-hop God forbid any black man or woman become famous in today’s society. For if they reach a certain level of superstardom, it must mean they surely had to sell their soul to the devil to make this possible. At least that’s what has been accepted as fact around this campus. Artist such as Kanye West, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Rhianna, Rick Ross and even Soulja Boy have all been accused of being in the devil-worshiping cult, the Illuminati. Quite frankly, I feel like this has gone on long enough! Am I really supposed to believe that every single one of these individuals only became rich and famous because they had to sell their soul to the devil? Does their actual talent and hard work have nothing to do with it? Yes, I will admit that the behaviors of these individuals some times force me to raise an eyebrow or two. However, so


do the actions of many people I know. That does not make me automatically accuse them of worshiping the devil or being apart of a secret society. By no means do I think it is okay for me to judge these celebrities that I have never even met. Many people are convinced of the evidence to prove that this devil-worshiping society exists in hip-hop. However, many of the believers of the Illuminati are so brain washed by your own nonsense that you believe everything you see on the Internet. Watching the news, listening to the radio and studying something for ourselves, are things my generation rarely feels the need to do. But it is okay for us to believe someone on YouTube, who possibly has no educational background, more than likely, no personal connection to these

artists? As well as this, they probably have no concrete knowledge of what Illuminati are really about. Let me TRUMAINE guess, I should MCCASKILL also use Wikipedia whenever I need a reliable source too right? I find it so interesting that Illuminati is supposed to be this secret society that has been around for an unknown amount of years, yet so many people around campus seem to know so much about it. Nonetheless from a few YouTube videos that lasted about 10 minutes. Many of you know absolutely nothing about this secret society you are fighting against so passionately. Yet, you are determined to believe that some-

one else who listens to hip-hop is being brain washed? I don’t believe 90 percent of the artists are devil worshippers, nor are they planning to take over the world. I do not see any of you hiphop haters speaking out against the devil-worshipping bands that have been making albums since the 80s. What happened to your sense of intelligence when it came to these demonic messages? Perhaps you’re just waiting for a YouTube video to come out and speak against it first before you can jump on board with hating that too. Why condemn me to hell for listening to Jay-Z? Stop pointing the finger and do your own research, outside of YouTube. Artist such as Beyonce, who was a leading actress in a gospel movie Fighting Temptations, and artist such as Kanye West, who not only had a song

entitled “Jesus Walks,” but was also nominated for best gospel album early in his career, are seen as devil-worshipping brain washers. I’m truly curious to find out who brain washed you to believe this is true? Jay-Z has openly denied these allegations, yet he is still under investigation from people who have no idea what they are talking about. I believe there are secret societies out there. However, I also know that Hollywood is a society that many of us will never understand because it is a society that many of us will never be able to reach. But does that make it okay for us to call them members of the Illuminati? Just because these men and women put in work, does not mean they worshipped the devil just to get a step ahead of the game. Has your deep and internal jealousy driven your mind

so low, that you feel it is acceptable to seriously say these people worship the devil? I find it amazing that this has been so widely accepted. Basically, with this rationale, I’m assuming that our chances of becoming well known are slim to none now. But even if we are afforded the opportunity to reach this level of stardom, others will assume we sold our soul to the devil. I say this because our society has convinced us that the only way for an African American to be accepted by blacks AND whites is for them to sell their soul. No other way makes sense apparently. Illuminati may be very real. However, to assume every famous black person, from Jay-Z to Kobe Bryant, is apart of this devil-worshipping society, just because of a few things you see on YouTube, is pretty ignorant and foolish.

By: Evan Summerville

Editor’s note:The opinions expressed on The Word are those of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the staff of The A&T Register. All house editorials are written and revised with input from the editorial board, staff, and is approved by the editor. All submissions must be sent to to be considered for submission and should be no longer than 250 words. Submissions must be received by the Sunday prior to publication at 5 p.m. to be considered. The A&T Register reserves the right to edit all submission content for clarity and grammar. Submissions become the property of The A&T Register and will not be returned.

theSCORE The A&T Register | | Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Aggies fumble in Eagle Classic





2-0 2-0 1-0 1-0 1-1 0-0 0-1 0-2 0-3

2-1 2-2 3-0 2-2 2-2 2-1 0-3 0-4 0-4



Northern Division MD-Eastern Shore Delaware State Morgan State Howard Hampton Coppin State

0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0

8-9 7-8 3-11 3-13 2-16 1-10

Sothern Division Norfolk State South Carolina State Bethune-Cookman North Carolina A&T Florida A&M

0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0

5-11 4-15 3-15 2-13 1-11

Hampton Florida A&M Bethune-Cookman Morgan State Norfolk State South Carolina State Delaware State North Carolina A&T Howard NEXT WEEK’S GAME: Saturday vs. Tennessee State Indianapolis, Ind. 4 P.M.


PHOTO BY KENNETH HAWKINS • PHOTO EDITOR KHAMARI Everrett, Aggie defensiveback fumbles the ball against NC Central University after getting hit by Ja’Quez Canty, senior defensiveback, at O’Kelly-Riddick Stadium, in Durham NC. The Aggies later lost 27-16.


The Aggies dropped the ball literally on Saturday evening in a 27-16 loss to their rivals, the North Carolina Central Eagles. Five fumbles and a total of 7 turnovers helped the Aggies (0-4) to remain winless on the season. “We definitely butchered the game,” said head coach Alonzo Lee. “Turnovers and penalties just hurt us all night long. It’s tough to win like that.” Three of those fumbles



came in the first quarter and each of them led to an Eagle touchdown. The Aggies found themselves in a 21-0 hole at O’KellyRiddick Stadium before the second quarter even started. The Aggies seemed to have cured their case of butter fingers in the second quarter as they clawed their way back. A six-play, 42-yard drive was capped off by a 32-yard field goal from Sullivan Shidler to open the quarter. The Aggies offense drove 73 yards on their next posses-

sion and scored on a 6-yard run from Mike Mayhew. Mayhew finished the game with a career-high 183 yards on 24 carries. Even though the extra point was blocked, the Aggies would score another touchdown on the following possession when sophomore wide receiver Ricky Lewis capped off a 70-yard drive with an 11-yard run. They Aggies outscored the Eagles 17-6 in the second period and went into halftime trailing just 27-16. The defenses stellar play

continued into the second half and kept the Eagles from scoring for the rest of the game. Unfortunately, more turnovers and a lot of penalties kept the Aggies from scoring as well. “You can’t win like that,” said Lee about the Aggies mistakes. “Offensively we drove the ball up and down the field… and get in the red zone, turn it over or a big penalty.” Quarterback Shelton Morgan threw two interceptions in the second half comeback attempt and finished 12-23 for

109 yards. The Aggies finished the game with 10 penalties totaling 120 yards. The Aggies will continue looking for that elusive first win on Saturday at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, IN. They will be playing Tennessee State in the Circle City Classic in which the Aggies are 3-0 all time. “We keep on searching, keep on hunting until we get some victories under our belt,” said Lee. “It’s going to be a matter of us playing some discipline and sound football.”

Vernon White, an Asheville, NC native is a returning senior physical therapy major, one of two defensive captains, and currently plays the position of Free Safety. White’s love and passion for the game grew from watching Deion Sanders play as a kid. Recently, White spoke with A&T Register contributor LaRia Land on this year’s season so far and what he thinks it will take for success to come in our way.

now, Coach Oliver, who saw potential in me and offered me a full scholarship. Plus one of my best friends Nick “Hitstick” Clement came here with me, so it made my decision a lot easier.

and off the field.

they chose to not make a play or execute a call, [then] that’s an individual effort.

LL: Is football why you choose to attend NCAT? VW: Yes. I was recruited by my position coach that I have

LL: Do you have pro football aspirations? VW: Yes I do, but that should be the goal with all football players. I’m not banking on a NFL meal ticket. I still have to continue to work hard at seeking my degree for a backup plan. My career goals are to just be stable and successful in everythwwing I attempt to do on

LL: What does it mean to be captain? VW: It’s like an extended coach on the field. We are the voice of the team. The team reflects the captains, so we have to make sure we are positive examples on how to be productive men on the field and also making good decisions in life. I’ve been captain since spring of 2009. I was chosen by the coaching staff as a young man who has earned the respect of my teammates, and the trust from the coaches as a student athlete that knows how to do the right thing and be a positive role model on and off the field. LL: In what ways do you personally use your title to positively impact the team? VW: Just making sure that I’m never part of a problem, but always building on a solution to make the team better. LL: As a captain, do you feel the success or failure of the team is a reflection of you and the other captain’s leadership? VW: No. Just like the coaches, [we] can only do but so much to put players in the position to be successful. If

LL: What is it like to play Aggie football? VW: I can say Aggie Pride is real and it’s nationwide, [and] I like the support from the community. One bad thing that comes with the job is the student body critics who don’t understand the game but always have something to say. [Nevertheless], I guess to whom much is given, much is expected!!! LL: Who or what would you say is the reason for the team’s less than stellar performance? VW: We have to learn how to play hard for 60 minutes. LL: What are your hopes for the rest of the season? VW: Beat everyone else left on the schedule. 8-3 overall and 8-2 in the conference could still maybe win the MEAC. LL: Any last words? VW: I just want to say thank you to everyone who supports or supported any kind of Aggie athletics and continue to come to the games because the fans are a part of the game. So come out and be the 12th man at the next home game, which will be homecoming October 9th.

UPCOMING GAMES: Wednesday, Sept. 29 vs. Elon Elon, N.C. 7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 1 vs. Coppin State Princess Anne, MD 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 2 vs. MD-Eastern Shore Princess Anne, MD 9:30 a.m. vs. Hampton Princess Anne, MD 12:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 4 vs. Navy Annapolis, MD 6 p.m.

AROUND SPORTS PANTHERS RELEASE DT CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — The Panthers have released defensive tackle Louis Leonard, an injury-filled year in Carolina. The 26-year-old Leonard entered camp as a favorite to win a starting job on the Panthers’ revamped defensive line, but failed to crack the rotation and had three tackles in two games. The Panthers didn’t immediately replace him Tuesday on the 53-man roster. Leonard was acquired before the start of last season from Cleveland for a sixth-round draft pick, but played in only two games before breaking his left ankle. The Panthers gave Leonard a one-year, $1.6 million tender in the offseason. But he was slowed in training camp with a sore knee and missed the Sept. 19 loss to Tampa Bay with an elbow injury. ______

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The A&T Register | | Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Beware of the woods

&Scene heard

The a&T register staff

Kid Cudi Sentenced to Community Service Kid Cudi plead guilty Friday to charges following his arrest where he was found in possession of liquid cocaine. He was sentenced to two days of community service, and has to keep clear of any trouble for the next six months. The altercation back in June between Scott Mescudi and a unidentified female led to cops searching the G.O.O.D Music artist. Plenty of talk has swirled over what exactly happened or what he was found with since the incident. Looks like Cudi doesn’t want to spend another 15 hours in the slammer.


Sweating bullets and screaming at the top of your lungs is just the beginning. This past Friday, the haunted trail, Woods of Terror reopened for its 19th season in Greensboro. Only 10 miles away from North Carolina A&T’s campus, the haunted attraction provides guests with an hour and 15 minutes of pure terror. Owner, Eddie McLaurin began in the haunting business in 1991. Starting in 2001, Woods of Terror began at its current location. Over the years it has grown in popularity with help from public relations representative, Deborah Bryant. “Eddie needed someone for marketing and promotions to get people to come out and it has grown over the years,” said Bryant. With Woods of Terror being selected as one of America’s Best Haunts in 2009, its first year ended with $2,100 and last year, it made $25,000. McLaurin hires around 100 actors, who all go through intensive training months before the attraction opens for the season. Actors range from high school students to middle aged adults. Upon first entering, guests wait in an outdoor waiting area where they can buy food, visit the gift shop and enjoy music from a DJ. After the wait, the horror begins with a parade from the actors. Guests first enter complete darkness while walking through a maze full of narrow hallways,

The A&T Register’s guide to what’s going on this week in arts and entertainment.

on screen

Photos by kenneth hawkins

Woods of Terror was nominated one of America’s Best Haunts in 2009 and has improved and revamped its haunted attraction to have guests travel through a series of horror films.

optical illusions and horror movie sets. Fighting to stay away from the back of the group is imperative to surviving the Woods of Terror experience. “I like to play off of guest’s prior knowledge and psychological fears of familiar movies,” said McLaurin. He uses original ideas such as a hayride and a 3D spinning vortex in addition to movie sets such as ‘Saw’ and ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre.’ “I saw my life flash before

my eyes but it was amazing… it was so awesome,” said Jazmyne Cosby, senior visual arts and design major from Syracuse, NY. Woods of Terror opened Oct. 24 and closes Nov 7. Prices for Sunday through Thursday are $15, Friday and Saturday are $25 and a fast pass is $35. Group rates are $13 Sunday through Thursday and $17 Friday through Saturday. All group rates must be prepaid in advance online and

no group rates will be arranged at the ticket booth. For directions to Woods of Terror, go to www. Disclaimer: Do not come with a fresh hairstyle, manipedi or clothing and apparel. Be prepared to sweat, get dirty and wear ankle braces. Guests literally run through the woods, so be prepared for the worst.

Iota Phi Theta hosts annual car show A is for awesome...kind of karmen robinson Contributor

Last Friday the Zulu Zeta Chapter of the Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. hosted their annual car show in front of Williams Dining Hall. The car show was apart of the weekly events that took place on Iota Phi Theta’s founder’s week. The men of Iota celebrated their 47th year as a fraternity last Monday. “On our Founder’s Week, we wanted to be innovative,” said Austin James, chapter president, a senior elementary education major from Hartsville, SC. The car show displayed about 30 or more cars total including many different makes, models and colors. Lined up in the strip between Williams Dining Hall and the Holland Bowl were Dodge Durangos, Lincoln Navigators, Chevy Tahoes, BMWs, Cadillacs, Jaguars and many more. Among the cars at the car show, few stood out. The two-tone blue and silver 1999 Grand Marquis with the 24-inch blue and silver rims was one of them. It included

u presS PLAY Willow Smith “Whip My Hair” The youngest of the Smith family, Willow has made her own mark in the music industry with her own single. Catchy and now in the club music rotation, Willow Smith is well on her way as a new artist.

- J.V.



a 20-inch television monitor in the back seat, a doubled in 7-inch touch screen radio, and had leather seats with a blue and silver interior. “I’m just glad to be here to help with the show, “ said Billy Moore, owner of the blue and silver beauty, who also participates in car shows for nursing homes and fundraisers. Other eye-catching automobiles included a green fourdoor Cadillac with monitors in the headrest, leather green and white seats, speakers in the trunk, green headlights, and green and white inserts in the rims. Don Jones, a frequent participant in car shows, owns the Cadillac. There was also a two-door magenta colored Cadillac with alligator skin covered seats, which had tires and rims that stood higher than the rest of the cars. Other car owners had Trix, Blowpops and Gatorade logos painted on them that made them stand out. Some even had custom built in engines that matched the color of the car. Many students coming from

u presS PLAY Gucci Mane ft Nicki Minaj and Pharrell “Haterade” With the new album out, Gucci Mane has teamed up with one of the best producers and raptress in the industry for this single.

- J.V.

Sept. 22 to 28th

the dining hall and other places stopped to look at the car show. “It was good and successful but crowded; it caught my attention though because I was suppose to be going the other way,” said Sherman Sumpter, a freshman from Red Springs, NC, majoring in mechanical engineering and physical education. Other sororities and fraternities of the National Pan-Hellenic Council also came out to support the Zeta chapter. Throughout the duration of the car show engines roared, sound systems bumped and rims stood tall as the audience watched. Spectators and members of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. also danced to the music and entertainment provided by Roger “DJ Weatherman” Weathers during the car show. As the car show came to an end, everyone got quiet to watch the members of Zeta chapter as they put on a brief step show for the audience. The car show ended around 7:30 p.m. but some students and car owners stayed for a while to mingle.

Necole jackson Contributor

Most moviegoers know Emma Stone from the movie, ‘Super Bad.’ Now she debuts her starring role as Olive Penderghast in the movie ‘Easy A.’ The movie tells the story of the consequences Olive faces when telling a lie about sleeping with a boy in college. The movie also stars Oscar-nominees Patricia Clarkson and Thomas Haden Church, Lisa Kudrow, Amanda Bynes, Penn Badgley and Alyson Michalka. The film starts off with Olive (Stone) telling her best friend Rhiannon (Michalka) a lie about going on a date and losing her virginity. Soon after, she discovers that Marianne Bryant (Bynes) overhears her conversation and begins to spread rumors around the school. Instead of defending herself being called a whore, she embraces her new identity by becoming the modern day Hester Prynne, from Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Scarlet Letter, and sows a red A on her clothes. She offers to have fake sex with nerds,

so that they won’t get bullied and can get girlfriends. Throughout the movie, her identity is spirals downhill. Only her love interest (Badgley) offers to help her get her life back together. ‘Easy A’ has sarcasm and comedy that grabs you in the first five minutes. The characters are funny; even Olive’s parents in the film. The movie will also remind its viewers of being in high school and allow them to relate and even show sympathy for the character Olive. If you want to see a teen comedy, satirical actors and a typical happy ending, this is the movie.




The social network in 2003, Harvard undergrad and computer programming genius Mark Zuckerberg sits down at his computer and heatedly begins working on a new idea. In a fury of blogging and programming, what begins in his dorm room soon becomes a global social network and a revolution in communication, better known as Facebook. - S.C.

on shelves Robin Hood starring Russell Crowe is out on DVD. In the face of injustice, he assembles a gang of mercenaries and leads an uprising against the crown that will forever alter the balance of world power. And whether thief or hero, one man from humble beginnings will become an eternal symbol of freedom for his people. -S.C.

on stage Boundless presented by Reasons 2 Rhyme takes place at the Sloan Theatre in the Greensboro Day School Saturday starting at 8 p.m. A&T alumnus Josephus Thompson III will be hosting the event as well as performing since this is his one man show. - S.C

u presS Pause Usher “There Goes My Baby” Usher has yet again made another love song that sounds just like his previous songs. This song has been totally played out. I really feel Usher needs a little excitement in his life, his music is so sad.

BE Scene

Contributor’s Meetings every Wednesday at 5 p.m. on GCB 328A


1. So have you heard about Bishop Eddie Long? 2. Do you know what he is accused of? 3. Did you know it was a problem to be an anti-gay preacher and coerce young men into having sex? 4. Did you see the pictures he was sending of himself? 5. So, uh, is he gay? 6. Why are so many dudes accusing him of committing sex crimes? 7. Are they victims or just gold diggers? 8. Could we expect Eddie Long to NOT fumble balls? 9. Did you see the wardrobe malfunction at the Kappa pageant? 10. Do you find it ironic that she came out to Janet Jackson AND you saw her boobs? 11. When you went, were you expecting a KFC chicken box-- breast, thigh, wings and a biscuit? 12. Speaking of flops, did you go to the game Saturday? 13. Did you see the score at the end of the first quarter? 14. Did you know NCCU 21-skunked us in the 1st quarter? 15. Do you think we are ever going to win a game this season? 16. Do you think we’ll ever win in any of our fall sports? 17. Does A&T football = a man with no arms trying to play golf? 18. Why do the football players still have big heads on the yard? 19. Should the football team be considered “under achieving?” 20. Do you think the football team reads the 20 Questions every week, or can they?

on campus Miss Phi Beta Sigma Pageant presented by the Eta Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated takes place Thursday at 7:14 p.m. in Stallings Ballroom. This is a come as you are event. No need to go to the ticket office, this event is free.


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