at The Hullabaloo! SUM M ER FUN Box o ffice: 01325 405 405 The h ullabaloo b orough r oad d arling T on dl 1 1S g
FAMILY FESTIVAL South Park, Darlington July 26-30 2023
Tickets on sale now!
free activities every day! Lots of fun!
over 60 fantastic events!
An outdoor extravaganza of live performances, storytelling, making, adventuring, dancing, playing and much more! for families with children aged 10 or under. Ticketed performances, free drop-in activities and lots of things to see and do!
Discover the full line-up here!
CREaTivE Play
Until Sat 9 September
0-10 years and their grown-ups • Free Let your imagination run free in our Fairytale Forest. Cook up your own spells and potions, dress up as your favourite character or simply enjoy a fairytale story.
FaiRyTalE TRail
Fri 21 July - Sat 2 September
0-10 years and their grown-ups • Free Mirror, mirror on the wall...which fairytales are Theatre Hullabaloo hiding; can you find them all?
We love magical fairytales at The Hullabaloo and we know that children love to discover things! Pick up an activity sheet from the café area and explore our trail around The Hullabaloo. Pause and play at each discovery; take yourselves to a faraway place!
Wed 9 August 10am: 0-1 years and their grown-ups 11am: 1-4 years and their grown-ups
(accompanying babes in arms welcome)
Duration: 30 mins with an informal ‘free reading time’ straight after free
Join Emily and Lucy from Darlington Library, for a fun fairytale themed Rhyme Time session at The Hullabaloo. Rhymes, reading and much more!
FUlly BookEd!
dRUMMiNg wiTH Joolz
Wed 16 August 10.30am & 1pm 6-11 years
Duration: 90 minutes (including a short 5 min performance)
£5 per child
Find your beat with Joolz in this hands-on Djembe drumming workshop. No experience needed, just enthusiasm and energy. It will get loud so be prepared!
CREaTE a HUllaBaloo!
Mon 21 August - Fri 25 August 10am-3pm • Creative workshops • 7-11 years
£20 per child per day/ £18 additional sibling
Additional Hullabaloo chill-out club: 9am-10am & 3pm-4pm • £5 per child per day
Join us for our fun-filled creative journey exploring drama, dance, music, mask-making and play writing. Attend the whole week or choose just your preferred days.
Children will begin the day with drama games and skills with Zoe before moving on to the main creative activity. At the end of each day, grown-ups will be invited to see what our young creatives have been up to.
A fantastic week of creativity and fun!
Monday Drama with Zoe and Kieran
Tuesday Dance with Debbie (DProject)
Wednesday Mask making with Morwenna
Thursday Music with Bridie
friday Drama with Zoe and Kieran
9am-4pm £5 per child per day for all DL1 postcodes!
The h ullabaloo b orough r oad d arling T on dl 1 1S g