KTK - The City of the Buried Treasure

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Maria tries to get sleepy Moses to tell his dream.




but he was so

sleepy he didn't want to tell it to Mari Q. But she kept insisting so he finally did. 1

By r.ther

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Doe. 1974)


1975 by True Kaah.

pt. 241. 8021 Zurich.




Moses leads the Children of God through Gloomy Valley toward the Light.

2. IN THE ~EAM, HE WAS LEADING A BUNCH OF PEOPLE through Q dark gloomy valley in thf. mountains toward the light shining throu9h sorree holes in a big rocky cliff high cbove. The holes were shoped like a prospector, a rrlan who digs for gold. Through the holes you oould 9lJl a be.autifu I bri9ht SJnny valley on the other side of the cliff. 3

They discover Sunny Valley and the Moses City.

3. ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE SUNNY VALLEY THERE WAS A VER'( OLD CITY of buildin9s carved out of the mountain like cavt,s in a cliff and shaped like the Ten Corrvrnrximents, the t~ iables of stone on which God wrote the lo\VS for Moses rrtany many 100rs ago. Mo heard a \Oice saying "It was built in Moses'day.!" 4



They explore the city's caves and discover gold!

4. THEY CROSSED THE SUNNY VALLEY AND EXPLCRED THE CAVES of the, old city and found a rOOPl ful I of gold pieas!



MO passes the gold to Maria to give to the people outside.

5. MO SQUEEZED THROlX3H A SMALL HOLE INTO THE ROOM AND BEGAN HANDING THE GOLD TO MARIA through the little. hole to pass on to the other people. outside.


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6. BUT SOON HE GREW SO 616 AND SO TIRED he couldn't crawl back through the hole so his body WOlt to sleep ord his spirit went to be with Jesus in Heaven. I


MO'S DREAM MEANS THAT HE HAS LED US out of the dark gloomy valley of our past lives of selfishness through the light of the Holy Spirit ...

. . . into the happy sunny valley of life with God's Son, Jesus and ...

. • • he has helped us explore the mysteries of the Bible and discover God's golden words to enrich our lives today.



,..------....---IT'S COSTING HIM HIS LIFE to do it, and we must carry on helping to pass on God's wonderful golden words to help people all over the world to live rich happy lives in the beautiful sunny valley of life in God's love with Jesus until we can all go to Heaven some day to live happily ever after altogether with Moses and Jesus.

WOULD YOU LIKE TO HELP MOSES DIG OUT GOD'S GOLDEN WORDS and give them to all the poor people of the world who need them? You are doing it every day you litness by passing MO Letters on to others to make them happy forever after and so you'll see them again some day in Heaven with Moses and Jesus and be happy together forever!

If you would like more of these True Komix, write us today! Please enclose a gift to help cover costs! Thanks! - True Komix, PF 241,8021 Zurich, Switzerland.

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