Annick Nouatin was born in Benin in West Africa. She was raised in a suburb of Paris for twenty-nine years, but she has lived in Chicago since 1998. Her parents were born and raised in West Africa. Her father was an architect, and her mother took care of the children. She was the only girl and had five brothers. When Nouatin was a child, she didn’t receive the attention that a normal child should. This made her very shy, lonely, misunderstood, and not appreciated for who she was. She grew up with insecurity, drug and alcohol abuse, and sexual abuse from her father.
When she came to Chicago, she went through more difficult situations that made her discover that she was a spiritual being. Chicago enabled her to express herself. She is a published author, her first book is “Feelings of an Indigo’s Heart” She also has two sons whom she loves dearly.
Due to her dysfunctional background, she missed some good opportunities in life. Many times, she wanted to be someone that she couldn’t be, because of her low self-esteem. She called God in her prayers, because he was the only one who could give her courage and strength. Up to this day, God is in her life.