3 minute read
Christopher Mikhail P. Acyatan @haihaihairu_
“How I wish I had wings to fly,” a boy whispered to himself.
He sat on a bench by the bay, watching the birds fly by over the ocean’s calm waters. The wind blows ever so slightly, just enough to sway the branches of the tree overhead. A man passing by heard his soft whisper. He was curious about what the boy had to say.
“What would you do then, if you had wings?” The man gently asked. He proceeded to sit beside the child. The man gave a nonthreatening smile that made the boy at ease with him.
“I want to see what the birds see up there. Down here everyone made me feel so little.”
“Eager to prove yourself to the world, are you? Say, what’s your name, boy?”
“Icari,” the boy said in hesitation. The man gasped a little, then laughed at the irony of the situation.
“How high do you wish to fly, Icari? To the sun?” He joked.
“If that’s what it takes to be seen, then so be it.” Icari felt anger and sadness at the same time. Little tears start to form under his eyes. His voice was shaken.
“Icari,” the man patted his shoulder. “Let me tell you a story of a man, who was given wings made from wax and feathers. His father told him not to fly too low, lest the waves beneath will clog his wings; nor too high, or the wax that binds his wings may fall apart. He used them to escape a gigantic tower, but as he flew, he grew arrogant. Seeing the world below being so little excited him, and so he flies higher. Just like his father told him, his wings started to fall apart, and the man plunged into the rough sea below.”
A long silence followed his story. The boy could not fathom the lesson behind it, no matter how hard he tried. Not long after, the man continued.
“You see, he was given a power for him to be free, to be seen by other people. Yet, he let his pride take over and dreamed too high, not knowing that the power he gained could not handle it. Now, Icari, each one of us already has our own wings. Or at least, the materials to make it. We build our wings through our talents and skills, and if you use them well, in time, people will begin to see you. But as you start your flight, remind yourself of this story. Never be too humble, and know the worth of your wings, or the waves will gobble you up. But you need to know their limits as well, lest flying too high will cause your wings to break, and suffer the same fate as the man. If you keep flying within your capacity, it will not take long for others to see you overhead.”
The boy was refreshed, and finally gave a smile. “Thank you, kind sir. I wish I could ask you more things, but it seems the sun is setting, and I need to be home by now.”
The man smiled as well and bid him farewell. Icari got up and ran home. But before he went away completely, he shouted a question that was running in his mind.
“Say, mister! Does the man in the story have a name?”
“His name’s Icarus! Sounds just like your name, doesn’t it?” He shouted back.
Jomardel J. Constantino @thejomable

In this walk of life, I’ve never been at ease — even once. There are days when I feel like my world is tearing apart within my chest. People call me witch just because I’m too powerful in this world; too perfect to exist in this dimension. They are afraid of my influences and potential to change this fragile system. They fear powerful women like me. They call me names that scar my own identity. Today, is my last day, and will be the last day I will see the familiar faces who wronged me. The flames will swallow me and so will my eternal devotion. I’ll just smile knowing that it’s just the beginning of what’s coming.
flash fiction
Christopher Mikhail P. Acyatan @haihaihairu_
Water, ever fluid, shapes itself to what container it’s in. It tries to fit in, and tries to adapt to every situation it finds itself. Yet when it flows, it becomes an indestructible force. Full of determination to arrive at the ocean of opportunities. No twig, no rock, nothing can stop it from flowing. Even if the waves seem to halt, slowly, it builds up the courage to break through. Water is clever enough to find multiple ways to reach its destination. No matter what, water will make a path.
It’s me. I am water.