RINALDO HOPF 26.05 - 23.06 THE BALLERY 2017
The Berlin artist, publisher (Mein schwules Auge) and curator Earlier in the year, Rinaldo Hopf was Artist in Residence at the Tom of Finland Foundation in Los Angeles. There he had the opportunity to study the works of Tom of Finland in detail: from Tom's material collections and scrapbooks, through numerous preliminary studies to the perfect masterpieces. Inspired by Tom's works, the house with its subtropical garden and extraordinary inhabitants, as well as the immediate neighborhood of Hollywood, he created an orgy panorama in cinemascope format. Here blacks, whites, cowboys and hippies hover between palm trees and orange trees in orgiastic lust. The exhibition is rounded off by numerous detailed and natural studies of the colorful Los Angeles Universe in postcard size, golden portraits of Hollywood stars like Greta Garbo and James Franco and a large scale banner with the portrait of a 'Tom's' Man
City of Angels, 55x75 cm, 2017 SOLD
City of Angels 2, 55x75 cm, 2017 Price: 1,200€
S t u d y a f t e r To m o f F i n l a n d , 2 0 x 3 0 c m , 2 0 1 7 Price: 400€
Sly, 20x30 cm, 2017 Price: 400€
Blue car 1, 50x70 cm Price: 1,200€
Blue car 2, 30x42 cm, 2017 SOLD
Blue car 3, 30x42 cm, 2017 SOLD
Polka Dots 1, 55x75 cm, 2017 SOLD
Polka Dots on Acid, 55x75 cm, 2017 Price: 1,250€
P o l k a D o t s 3 Tu n n e l o f L u s t , 5 5 x 7 5 c m , 2 0 1 7 Price: 1,250€
Polka Dots 4, 55x75 cm, 2017 Price: 1,250€
Pleasure Park, 3x6.30 meters Price on request
Pleasure Park, 3x6.30 meters Details
David of the Oranges 2, 55x75 cm, 2017 Price: 1,200€
Black Cowboy - catch me in the Rye, 55x75 cm, 2017 Price: 1,250€
U n d e r t h e Yo s h u a Tr e e , 5 5 x 7 5 c m , 2 0 1 7 SOLD
Hollywood Hills Cruising, 55x75 cm, 2017 Price: 1,250€
Postcard 1, 15x20 cm, 2017 Price: 250€
Postcard 2, 15x20 cm, 2017 Price: 250€
Postcard 3, 15x20 cm, 2017 Price: 250€
Postcard 5, 15x20 cm, 2017 SOLD
Postcard 4, 15x20 cm, 2017 Price: 250€
Postcard 5, 15x20 cm, 2017 Price: 250€
Golden queers 50x40 cm, goldleaf & oil on silkscreened canvas, 1998-2013
Price: 1,250€
Jody Foster
J o h n Tr a v o l t a
Clark Gable
Jean Marais
J o h n Wa t e r s
Christopher Isherwood
David Hockney
Little Richard
Pierre et Gilles
Joe Dellasandro - SOLD
Greta Garbo
Elton John
James Franco - SOLD
To m o f F i n l a n d
Rinaldo Hopf
To m ' s M a n - G o l d e n N u d e s , 2 0 0 x 1 0 0 c m , 2 0 0 3 SOLD
26.06 - 31.07 Bettina Gawronsky solo exhibition
THE BALLERY NollendorfstraĂ&#x;e 11-12, 1077 Berlin tel: 030 2100 3124 email: theballery@gmail.com General opening times Tu e s d a y : 1 8 - 2 2 h r Wed - Fri: 15-19hr Saturday: 12-18hr Sun & Mon by appointment